IA Dream Pt. 2
Emma and Cade the Cock snuggled nude in bed, content with body warmth. Suddenly, the roof shakes and comes off as a giant red dragon rips it off and grabs Emma in the sheet, leaving Cade the Cock stark naked on the bed, shocked and shivering from the outside breeze. When he recovered, he jumped up and dressed in his usual sexy black leather jacket and got out his phone and dialed. He knew who he needed to hunt this thing down as the line picked up. "Hey Doc the Dick, I got a big problem."
After explaining the situation to Doc the Dick, Cade the Cock, opening the window, runs and jumps out summoning and unfurling his wings, beating himself higher into the night sky. As he flies, a dark figure glides up next to him. "Hello, Tevin. You know already?" "Of course, now let's go. No time to lose." Cade the Cock's soul-bound brother glides faster, Cade doing the same.
-In a place near them...- Chane and Lucas are sitting on a bench in a dark corner, making out, when Tevin lands in front of them. "Chane, we need you." Chane un-suctions her face from Lucas's and looks at Tevin, irritated. "Do we have to? I'm busy." "Someone's life is on the line, so yes." Sighing, Chane pulls out a dagger, shanking Lucas in the chest and standing up as Lucas flops to the ground, flailing a bit as he bleeds out on the ground. Tevin hands her a cloth to wipe off the blood as they both take off, Tevin leading her to the others.
After Tevin explained the situation, Chane went into a nearby town and "negotiated" for information, finding out that the dragon's lair was a few miles north of there. As they get near, the earth itself starts to shake, boulders rolling as a mound of earth rises in front of them, forming into a Giant, one of the most feared creatures on the planet. As it fully forms, it lifts its head, opening its icy blue eyes and staring at them with malice. "My name... is Azure."
Doc checks his pocket watch, then his anger mounts as he sees how long it's been since she was taken. "Let us pass, or-" "Or what? You'll attack?" laughs the Giant as a large sword rises from the ground to his hand. "Try me!" Azure swings a wide arc making the group split, taking to cover or to the air. Chane unleashes flames as Doc grows into his Daemonic form, summoning his own giant sword as Tevin rips off his hood, revealing his beaked Eagle face and takes to the air with a "CAW". The battle has begun.
Azure shoots lightning at Tevin, blasting him from the sky as Chane blasts fire at his arm, making him roar in annoyance and swing his sword at her. Just able to block it but not strong enough, she manages not to get sliced in half but gets blasted back from the strength of the blow into a boulder. As Doc comes at him swinging, Azure parried and swung his fist, punching Doc and making him fly back and change into his human form. Cade caught him so he wouldn't break something from the landing and summoned his last dregs of strength to fire ice shards at Azure, which was his mistake. Azure ate them, biting through them and chewing them up. Last of his energy used up, Cade falls to his knees, darkness at the edges of his vision. "No.. I can't fail now!" The others woke up enough to hear him and agree, each remembering why they fight: Doc thought of his girlfriend Ashley, Cade thought of Emma, taken by a dragon, Tevin thought of Leanna, the girl he still hasn't asked out yet, and Chane thought of Benny. Thoughts of the ones they love gave them the strength they'd never felt before. They slow-motion stand, rising up as Azure waits impatiently for them to finally get up. "It's not over yet!" They four of them charge with renewed strength into the battle.
Azure casually prepped for their attack, which was his mortal mistake. Chane heated her sword and clove Azure's left arm straight off, making him roar in agony while Cade embeds ice shards in the backs of his knees,making him fall. Tevin lands at the small of Azure's back and stabs it, paralyzing him as Doc grows and swings his sword, slicing through Azure's neck with a crunch and splatter of blood, the head rolling away. Everyone stops, and collapses again, strength used up.
When they awoke, they found they were in a neat row of beds. Each taking their time getting up, a woman walks in. "Here's your stuff," says Sarah, putting down a bin. As Doc looks up, his heart skips a beat when he sees her, but no one else notices his glance. As they gather around and strap on their weapons again, Sarah walks out, the door closing with a click. As Doc goes after her, he opens the door and steps out into... "Snow?" Doc steps back inside. "But how?" He goes to the window and looks out, seeing a light meadow and trees with a light breeze. He opens the window and, feeling the wind on his face, climbs out the window and lands on the grass. "I don't get this magic..." He hops back in and goes out the door and this time it opens to the meadow. "Wai... Wh... What? I don't know, let's just get on with it." They venture out after getting their gear back and head out, trying to figure out where they are.
As they forage on through the dense trees, they stumble out into a hilly clearing. Just over the peak , the dragon's cave mouth yawned open, a dark hole on the mountainside. "Sweet, let's go!" said Cade the Cock, and took a couple steps before Chane yanked him back. "We need a plan! We can't just go strutting in the front entrance of a dragon's lair! We'll explore around the cave entrance, NOT going in" she pointedly looks at Cade, "and we'll see if we can enter another way." So the rest grudgingly followed Chane up the mountain to the cave entrance and started exploring. "Guys, I think I found something!" called Doc, and the others hurried over. "This hole leads somewhere," he said, pointing. "If you can't tell, Doc," said Cade sarcastically, "this hole is like a FOOT TALL." "Yeah, there may be a thing I never showed you guys..." Doc the Dick says as he shrinks down to around 8 inches tall, the others staring at him. "It's kinda embarrassing... I'll go in and find a way to open this up." The rest sit down for a break as Doc heads in.
Right after he goes in, he feels wind being blown at his back into the hole. "What's going on?" he wonders as he ventures on farther down the hole. Right as the hole expands into a room, he felt the wind pick him up, carrying him into the room as a man snores on the ground. So that's what is causing this wind, thinks Doc. He gets sucked into the man's mouth as he wakes up, choking on Doc. As Doc the Dick slows his descent into the man's gullet, the man starts freaking out, not breathing from Doc the Dick being stuck in him. The shaking slowly stops, as well as the muscles holding Doc down in the throat. As Doc climbs out, he sees a name tag on the man's jacket. "Kesh" read Doc. "Sorry about killin' ya." He heads back out the tunnel, leaving the dead man there. As he exits, he starts explaining how they can get in by melting or exploding the rock. After they get in the small area, Chane starts ahead and is about to enter the big room when suddenly her clothes disappear.
"Eeee!" She ducks around the corner, hiding from the gawking males behind her. "Wow. Well then..." drawls Tevin. "Why'd you do that?" he says as he goes forward. "I didn't do that! Stay back there!" As Tevin takes another step, all his clothes disappear too, making Doc the Dick and Cade the Cock look away instantly. "Oh, right, so seeing him is bad but I am good?" Doc and Cade nod simultaneously as Chane scoffs and ducks back around the corner. Cade and Doc look at each other, shrug, and walk forward, disappearing their clothes as well. "Don't look at me!" blushed Chane as she tried (in vain) to cover herself. "Let's go, don't forget our goal here. We gotta save Emma." Cade and Doc lead, Tevin following and Chane trailing behind. As they walk forward, they see a human-sized door. "Why would they have a door this size in a dragon's lair? Also, where is the dragon?" He shrugged and opened the door to find...
"Emma? Wh..." A human-sized, large-breasted dragon sit up with a naked Emma and they separate. "I, uhh..." She sits up, covering her own large breasts as the guys gawk once again. Suddenly Emma gets an idea. "Come here, guys," she says, crooking her finger. They four go over and they fCENSORED CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED, then they CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED until they all fall over exhausted except for Cade and Emma who CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED 'til they, too, got tired and fell asleep in a giant pile.
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