Chapter Three
He bit me. That fucking asshole actually bit me. Screaming I pulled my arm away from him and clutched it to my chest.
"WHAT THE HELL KLAUS!" I frantically yelled.
"Sorry 'bout that love but it had to be done."
"Because I know you Emily, you would of ended up trying to follow me and I cant have that. The hallucinations will start in a day or less not to mention it hurts like a bitch, which is good punishment for you leaving me."
"I thought you weren't angry about that."
"I'm not, but that doesn't mean I'm not hurt by it. After all love, you did break my heart." turning around he walked off the porch only to stop and face me again " I do hope you will forgive me for biting you by the time I come back, I have big planes for us love. Also maybe if you beg Damon he might give you something to cure that, if he has any left that is." with that he walked away using his vamp speed to go where ever.
Wiping the tears from my face I headed back inside with my bitten hand still at my chest, I know this wouldn't kill me for I'm an original nothing can kill an original. I slammed the door shut and leaned against it, closing my eyes I tilted my head back and sniffled. I've seen other vampire goes through this back in the old days when werewolves were everywhere and it wasn't a pretty thing to watch. The venom made you go crazy, seeing things that weren't there some even went on a blood rampage killing everything anything because the venom made it seem like they were starving.
Groaning I started banging my head on the door, what the hell did Damon have anything to do with a cure and what would he nee- oh my god "Besides the fact that Damon got bit by Tyler Lockwood" Tyler Lockwood bit Damon. That's why Stefan needed Klaus's help for his brother, Klaus bit me knowing that his blood could get ride of the bit and poison in me and left knowing that I would have to suffer though the pain because lets face it the Salvatore brothers aren't going to help me. But being the idiot I am I needed to try, unlike Nik and the rest of his sibling I don't take pleasure in hurting or killing innocent humans, though on occasion its happened a few times but I always felt bad afterwards. Before leaving I jump into the shower to clean up the blood that was running down my hand and bandage it up, putting on a yellow tank top, black denim fringe shorts and my black n white vans, using my vamp speed I took off to the Salvatore house.
I'm a complete idiot more so then I thought, I mean what was I thinking going over to the Salvatore house and asking for help. They're never going to help me. Throwing my hands up in the air I stood in front of their door staring at it, I don't know how long I've been at it when the door finally opened.
"Are you going to stare at my door all day or do you plane on knocking anytime soon?"Damon asked leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.
"I was thinking about it, but I haven't decided yet." pressing my lips I looked passed him and into the house "is anyone else here?" I added
"Loads of people actually and not that I'm not enjoying this conversation with a pretty girl but who are you and why are you on my property?"
" My names Emily Green and I was hoping for your help."
"For what?" he cocked his eyebrow.
Taking my bandage arm I waved it around a little bit to show him "I got bit, which is why I'm here. Tyler Lockwood bit you and I heard for around that Klaus gave you his blood to cure you."
"And you're hoping I have some left?"
"yes." I whispered.
"Who bit you?" he asked grabbing my arm to get a closer look.
"I don't know it was dark and in wolf form." yeah right like I was going to tell him it was Klaus that bit me who knows what he would of done and I'm sure as hell not going to tell him abut my connection with him.
"Who told you about the cure?" letting go of my arm I smoothed the bandage back over it
"Kathrine did, look not to be rude but do you have any left or not?"
"Damon who's at the door?" came a voice who's I recognize as Elena's from inside the house
Shaking his head he grabbed a hold of the door "There was only enough for one person, so good luck with that but I have to get going."
Stepping back he started closing the door "Damon please," I willed my self to cry "I don't want to die, please if you have anymore." I knew I wasn't going to die but he needed to think I was. He started at me as something flashed in his eyes, sighing he opened the door and waved me in.
"There isn't any more blood but maybe we can find a way to get more." I knew they wouldn't be able to especially if Klaus has left town by now, but none the less I nodded and step through the door.
"Damon what took so long, we have to talk about Stefan" the person who was taking stopped as we came into view "What is she doing here?" Bonnie -the witch- asked as she quickly stood up.
"Come down Bon Bon this here is Emily, she's got herself a nasty little wolf bit."
"I don't care what her name is, she was there that night when we were going to kill Klaus. she was begging Elijah not to kill him."
Narrowing my eyes I glared at her stupid witch needs to learn to keep her mouth shut. Beside the witch there was Elena Caroline, Jeremy, and Alaric standing around in the room. Elena had her phone gripped tightly looking distraught.
Taking a hold of my fore arm he practically dragged me to the couch and pushed me down "Is that so?" Damon questioned.
Deeply inhaling I nodded "Yes. I'm Klaus's.." Pausing I tried thinking of a word that would work since I don't really know where I relationship was at "girlfriend I guess you could say."
"You guess?" he cocked his eyebrow.
"Our relationship is a little rocky right now." Taking my bandage arm I waved it around a little "He's the one who bit me, which is why I'm here, and like I said Tyler Lockwood bit you and Klaus gave you his blood to cure you."
"And what, you where hoping that if you didn't tell use who you where we would be willing to help you?" Elena asked.
"well would you have helped me if I said 'Hey I'm Emily, Klaus's somewhat girlfriend could you help me with this bit he gave me'?" There was silents as everyone looked around at each other "That's what I though, unlike a couple minutes ago when you were going to help me now all you want to do is try to kill me or hold me as hostage thinking it will get Stefan back."
"You Know where Stefan is?"
"I have an idea" I shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.
"Well tell us." Damon Demanded.
scuffing I lend back and folded my arms and look him in the eye, if they wanted to know what happened to Stefan they better believe they're going to help me first "So you expect me to tell you what happened to him to help you find him but you wont return the favor by helping me, No. If you want to know what happened than I'm first, the blood do you have any left or not and don't think about lying to me remember Stefan's life might be on the line."
"I have a better idea, you tell us what you know and we might spear your life." Damon growled out. In the corner of my eye I saw Alric pull a wooden stake out of his hind pocket.
Laughing I shook my head "God you have no idea who you're messing with, you want to try to kill me fine go ahead but if you succeed you might not ever know where your poor little brother is until Klaus wants you to, but from what I've hear that would be great for you Damon. I mean after all aren't you in love with Elena. It's just like old times isn't it, I wounder how Katherine feels about all this. After all you both loved her too." Smirking I looked over at Elena, who was staring at Damon.
"If I was you I would watch how I speak about Elena." Bonnie threatened taking a steep towards me. Putting my hands up I mocked being scared.
"I'm getting bored, now if you want information give me some. The blood do you have it or not?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No there was only enough for Damon, now what do you know about Stefan." Elena spoke up.
Looking at her face I knew she was telling the truth, she loves Stefan and would do anything to get him back "Klaus has him and there leaving town I don't know where though he didn't tell me. My guess is that they left already."
"Why did he want Stefan?" she asked.
"It was the deal they made. Klaus would save Damon's life in exchange for Stefan. So if you think about it, it's kinda all your fault that he's missing Damon"
"What does he want Stefan for?" Alric asked.
"Who knows but if I had to guess, its not Stefan he wants but the ripper."
"You mean?"
"Yeah, if I had to guess he's already made Stefan drink human blood the moment I left them at Alric's place. The Stefan you know and love is probably already gone," grinning I looked between Damon and Elena "At least you still have Damon."
"I think that's enough, we have the info so why is she still alive." Jeremy asked.
"He's right she connected to Klaus we can't let her live." Bonnie agreed with Jeremy, but of course she would.
Standing up I looked at everyone "Look I'm no threat to you, unless you try to attack me. OK, so as long as you leave me alone I'll leave you alone. Deal."
"What you expect us to just trust you." Bonnie asked shaking while shaking her head.
"Yeah, pretty much. Look your beef is with Klaus not me."
"Yeah but you know what they say if you want to get back at your enemy go after the things they love."
Before Damon could move towards me I flashed over behind to Jeremy pulling one of his arms behind his back and wrapped my hand around his neck exposing it " I don't fancy hurting innocent people but if you move one step towards me I kill him."
"Go ahead, I have a ring that'll bring me back." Jeremy gloated.
"You mean this ring?" I wiggled my pointer finger on the hand around his neck " It be a shame if someone was able to take it off."
"JEREMY!" Elena yelled.
"Let him go, now." Bonnie demanded.
"Or what, what are you going to do to me? Hmm." Tightening my hold on Jeremy's neck. Tilting her head up slightly and spread her fingers apart Bonnie started at me, in the back of my head I felt a painful tingle. Closing my eyes I gritted my teeth and clamped my hands causing them to tighten my hold on not only Jeremy's neck but also his arm. Snapping my eyes open I let my fangs come out and the veins around my eyes show up "ENOUGH!" swaying a little I caught my breath 'I think the venom is starting to spread' swallowing I chuckled playing off the sway and hoping they didn't see it "That little trick wont work on me, I'm a lot older than you and been through a lot more than that little witch. Now I'm going to head to the door and little Jeremy here is coming with me and I fucking swear if you as so much as sneeze my way I'll kill him."
I moved back slowly pulling Jeremy along with me but it seemed fate wasn't on my side to day, stumbling I tripped over my feet and feel to the ground -I'm going to kill Klaus when I see him again. Jeremy quickly scrambled to his feet to get away, I felt a gust of wind and before I knew it Damon had me pinned to the wall with his hand around my neck and my feet a couple inches off the ground. Elena had her arms wrapped around Jeremy hugging him close to her as Alaric had a hand on each of there shoulders.
"Dumb move." Damon tightened his hold squeezing tighter.
I coughed prying at his hand "What, are you going to kill me by strangling me?" I laughed as best as I could, Obviously you can't kill a vampire just by cutting off their air supple and you certainly cant kill me that way.
"Funny but no, the old fashion stack will do all the killing. Caroline stack."
"If you kill me Damon, Klaus will be more hell bent on killing Elena then ever and you might not even see your brother again after that." Putting on my best scared face I looked him in the eye "Just let me go and you'll never see me again, swear. It doesn't have to be this way."
"You should of though about that when you threaten to kill Jeremy!" Bonnie yelled out " Your as dead anyway with that bit. Kill her Damon or I will."
By this time Caroline had already given Damon a stack which he had pointed "If you kill me Damon I swear to what god or who ever that everyone you ever cared about will die." I slid me eye to Elena and started at her " It be a shame if the next funeral you're at is hers."
"Oh, well in that case." I felt it before I saw his arm move forward. He let go of my throat as I gasped out -one things for sure it hurt like hell getting stacked even if I can't die- bending down I grasped the stack and pulled it out with a grunt.
"Well that wasn't nice." straightening up I looked at all there shocked faces "What, you actually though Klaus would bit me if I wouldn't be able to survive it? Please, give him some credit he'd never kill the people he loves just.. punish and this is mine."
"Oh My God," Elena whispered "You're an original aren't you?" She asked.
"Bingo. Look at you smart and pretty." I smirked at her.
"Wait a minuet, if your an original does that make you a Mikaelson?" Alaric asked.
"No, I've known the Mikaelson's since I was ten. Its kind of a long but short story really."
"Why does everyone only think there is five originals why don't we know about you?"
"Because after a while I left Klaus and his siblings and went on my own." with the stake in my hand I stated twirling it. "Now I think its only fair that since you staked me one of you gets to be next." pointing it at each person I played 'eeny meeny miny moe' in my head until I got to the last word. Tilting my head I looked at my victim "Pitty." Rushing forward I stabled the person right through his gut -I wanted to hurt him not kill him
"RIC!" Jeremy yelled as blood started pouring from his mouth.
"Now we're even." stepping back I watched the humans -and Caroline- rush to his side.
"Quick Caroline give him your blood."
As much as I wanted to sit back and enjoy this moment Klaus's venom was spreading faster than it should making me feel weak and dizzy. Steadying my good hand on the wall I clutched my other one to my chest and slid down the wall. The last thing I remember was Damon staring down at me before passing out.
A/N- Sorry for the long wait but I hope you like it. Being as though this is a fanfic I will be adding/removing/changing things.
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