Chapter 15: Grand Finale
Midoriya and the others watched in awe from your sudden transformation, you began to grunt in pain as you held the Nomu back.
You stared down the Nomu as it began to let out a terrifying screech that echoed through the whole facility, you kicked it away and rushed towards it while feeling your arm back.
The Nomu stumbled back a little bit before you kneed it in the face making it stumble even more.
Midoriya: Woah! What is this sudden boost in power?!
Mineta: That's it L/N! Kick his butt!
Y/N: Shut Up!!
You then delivered a heavy uppercut to the Nomu's chin launching it into the air a little but, you jumped towards it before it could make a move and grabbed it by its beak before throwing it down at the ground with all of your strength sending it underground.
Midoriya: Where'd he go?!
Midoriya: We can't just leave you here!!
Your sudden increase in volume scared the crap out of Mineta and Midoriya and even struck fear into Tsuyu, even though it was hard to tell due to her facial expression, the three of them took Aizawa and headed for the exit.
Y/N: Good, Now there's nothing to hold me back from destroying you!!
You suddenly dove into the hole that Nomu was sent into and the two of you began to engage in an underground battle. The two of you began to exchange blows one after another, you noticed that your attacks weren't doing at much damage as before.
Y/N: Just as I thought, this power won't last long...
Suddenly you received a heavy punch to the face by Nomu, then another punch to the gut, then a clean uppercut to your chin sending you flying up, you stopped yourself before reaching the surface and went back down deep underground to throw down with the Nomu.
Meanwhile everyone else was fighting off the Villains scattered across the facility as the ground suddenly began to shake. Jirou and Momo were trying to help Kaminari who was taken hostage by a villain with an electric quirk like him when suddenly you and Nomu bursted through the wall behind them making debris go everywhere.
Jirou: Y/N?!
You kicked the Nomu into the air before starting to fire a volley of crimson red blasts towards Nomu who took all of the Blasts and the damage to go with them.
Shigaraki: My Nomu is being pushed back...NOMU! GET BACK HERE!!
The beaked behemoth got ready to obey its master's commands and turned away to head towards shigaraki, you began jumping off of the debris in the air, eventually reaching Nomu and ramming it at full force.
Y/N: We're not done yet!!
You then sledgehammered Nomu back to the ground making him bolt down to the ground. When it collided with the ground a large web of cracks formed around Nomu as you flew straight down and reeled your arm back as your fist was coated with a dark energy that looked like your aura.
Y/N: DIE!!!
You whacked the Nomu with your fist right in it's face making even more debris fly everywhere, everyone, both heroes and villains watched in awe and horror at your tremendous power.
Thirteen: W-Wow...He's...I-Incredible...
Uraraka: It looks like he's having trouble finishing the job!
Sero: It must be the toll of that new power of his...
Suddenly an explosion could be heard and seen by the door, everyone looked towards the entrance to see All Might standing there, and he wasn't smiling.
Y/N: Oh great...look who's come to take away my fight...
After speaking for one second you received 6 individual blows from Nomu and each one of them were stronger then the last, you were then thrown into the landslide zone where Todoroki and Hagakure were. They noticed you crash on down onto the ground.
Todoroki: L/N?
You instantly got back up before jumping at Nomu once again, everyone watched you continue to fight this beast until they noticed your hair flash back to it's normal colour for about a second.
You began to send an incredibly fast volley of lightning fast punches the Nomu's way as it began to swing as well, now the two of you were rapidly clashing fists.
All Might: Everything is Fine now. Why? Because I AM-
Yelling at All Might caused you to lose focus for a short moment, but even that was enough for the Nomu to get the upper hand. You began to receive heavy punches to every part of your body, your arms, legs, torso, face, it felt like your body was breaking down and your bones were shattering.
Midoriya: L/N!!!
Nomu grabbed you by your foot and slammed you into the ground at full strength causing a web of cracks to form around you, he slammed you into the ground again but this time harder making a bunch of debris fly. Nomu then threw you into the air.
Shigaraki: You were a fool to think you could beat my Nomu.
All Might: What's going on? He bested me during our first encounter, yet he's losing to this thing? That sudden power up must've eaten up his stamina and caused him to get tired...
You began to fall towards the ground with the debris as everyone noticed you were unconscious and your hair had turned back to normal.
Time had seemed to slow down as all you could see was darkness, complete and utter darkness, you couldn't move, hear or see.
Y/N: What's going on? I feel...drained...I can't move an inch...
You began to hear the cries of your classmates and teachers calling your name, everyone cheering you on.
???: So you're finally here, Huh?
Y/N: What?! Who's there?! Show yourself!!
???: Fine Fine...
You looked over to see someone you hadn't seen in six years, your father.
Y/N: D-Dad?!
Father: Well, look how much you've changed, I can hardly recognize you.
Y/N: What's that supposed to mean?!
Father: Oh settle down, I'm here to help you out...
Y/N: And how could you possibly help me out?!
Your father then put his finger out and gave you a serious look.
Father: You gotta fight!
Y/N: What?
Father: Listen to me...if you don't do're gonna die...and you're better than that! You're better than that thing! You're better than me! You are more than just my son! You are Y/N L/N! Now Clench your feet, grit your teeth! And EAT. THAT. HORSE!
Everyone: Y/N!!!!!
You woke up from unconscious as you gained an aura that began to spark from deep within, your eyes went turquoise once more and your hair went golden before you let out a war cry that emerged from deep within your heart and soul blowing away all of the debris around you.
Shigaraki: What's this? Back for more?
Y/N: DIE!!!!!
A small orb of crimson Ki began to surge from your hand until you launched it towards the Nomu at full force.
The Nomu grabbed the attack and began to hold it back without it exploding, everyone went wide eyed from your sudden awakening.
You put more force into the attack as it slowly overwhelmed the Nomu, but it just wasn't enough to finish the job. Nomu then began to push the attack back.
Y/N: Dammit! I can't die here! After six long years of that stupid asylum I can't die!!!
???: SMAAAASH!!!!
Suddenly a powerful punch hit Nomu by the back making it slightly lose his balance, you looked to see Midoriya.
All Might: Young Midoriya!!
Uraraka: Deku!!
You put all of what was left into your attack and pushed it back beyond your limits with a battle cry that echoed across the facility, the Nomu was then overwhelmed by the attack, Soon engulfing it followed by a large explosion.
Nomu was caught in the explosion, completely vaporizing it, the light from the explosion faded as you slowly descended from the sky
Uraraka: H-He...He did it!
Ashido: WERE SAVED!!
Ashido and Uraraka were on the verge of tears of joy as you panted in exhaustion and landed on the ground
Y/N: Horse...*Pant*...Eaten!
You then blacked out and fell forward as your hair went back to its normal colour and stayed that way.
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