
LOKI COULDN'T TEAR his eyes away from her. After all this time she's been hiding in Midgard. His 'mother' told him that she left under circumstances that he knows not of. She's been gone for a few years now. Everyone thought she has passed on into the afterlife but they are wrong. There she stood with her long golden hair and vibrant violet eyes.

"You're alive" he uttered as she finally stood before him. Steve and Tony looked at one another feeling confused.

"I never died" she whispered. Loki brought his hands to touch Nanna's cheek. But before his hand came in contact with skin, Nanna clamped the restrains on his hands.

"Nanna..." he trailed off. Nanna tore her eyes away from him feeling torn inside. She grabbed his arm and pulled him up. She quietly led him into the quinjet. She sat him down in a seat where she could see him from the cockpit. Nanna strapped him up and made sure that it was tight. All while it happened, Loki stared at his beloved sister. Her once youthful appearance changed. Her face became more sculpted, High cheekbones. Her once long hair was cut short. Her eyes grew into a darker shade of violet. The girl he once knew was no longer a girl but a woman. The same woman that holds a lock onto his heart. Nanna couldn't bare to look at him. She is so distraught by his actions. She felt repulsed and disgusted by her own brother but she still loved him. And she knows that there is still good in him.
Tony could feel the tension in the air becoming thick. The two kept glancing at one another. Loki more so than her.

"Am I missing something?" He called out. Nanna walked away from Loki and stare at Tony with a look of confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked. Tony gestured from her to the god sitting behind her. Steve grew curious too. Nanna could feel all eyes on her, even the piercing green eyes of Loki. Everyone waited for her response, except for Natasha who already knows of her relation with the god. Nanna sighed as she knew they would begin to ask.

"He is my brother" she uttered stealing a glance to Loki. Steve and Tony's face read shock.

"You're kidding right? The guys a demented psychopath" Tony exclaimed. Nanna glared at Tony and unconsciously stepped closer to Loki.

"Have care of your words. He is still my brother and I care for him" A small smile grew on his face. Even after everything she still protects him.
Tony's words angered Nanna. He had no right to speak ill of him even if what he said is true. Nanna was always there to defend Loki when they were young. The other children would tease and make fun of how he would rather read books than fight with a sword like his brother and sister. And Nanna was always there to fight back.
Steve couldn't help but let a small smile escape his lips. Nanna reminded him of how his best friend would always defend him against bullies before he got the serum. Bucky. The friend that he lost so long ago.
A loud crack of thunder erupted. Lightning broke through the once calm skies.

"Where is this coming from?" Nanna knew exactly where it's coming from. And she's afraid that his presence would damage the situation even further.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve mocked. Loki looked scared, and he did have a right to be scared. A loud thud was heard from above the jet. Stark immediately puts his helmet back on and walks over to the control panel by the side of the ramp and open it.

"What are you doing?" Tony ignores Steve. Just as he was about to fly to the roof, a figure landed on the ramp. A large muscular man with golden hair in asgardian clothing, Thor. Just as Tony was about to attack, Thor pushed his hammer on Tony's chest causing him to fly back into Steve and Nanna.

"Thor" Nanna called out but her voice was lost through the heaven winds. Thor yanks Loki up and grabs him by the neck. Nanna pushed both men off her easily and jumped out after her brothers.

"Ma'am" Steve shouted. Natasha turned her head to see that Nanna is no longer in the aircraft with them. She notices the concern on Steve's face

"Don't worry Cap, she'll be fine" Natasha assured him.

"You think he's friendly?" Steve asked.
"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the tesseract's lost" Tony replies as he walks toward the ramp. He jumps out without hesitation following where Thor flew off. Steve grew frustrated and yanks a parachute from beside him. Natasha notices what he's trying to do

"I'd sit this one out Cap" she told him as she continued to try and stabilize the quinjet.

"I don't see how I can" he replied as he straps himself in the parachute.

"These guys come from legends. They're basically gods" she tried to persuade him but Steve would not listen as he begins to walk towards the ramp.

"There's only one god ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Steve jumped out of the quinjet following Tony and Nanna.
Nanna landed gracefully with a loud thud and a small crack appearing underneath her feet. She looked around and didn't seem to see anyone but she could hear some talking close by. Nanna walked towards the voices and the closer she came, the more familiar the voices began to sound. One of them was no doubt Tony with his sarcasm but the other was much more deeper and louder, Thor. Nanna noticed that Loki was no where in sight until she lifted her head and see him starring at the scene from a large cliff, smiling. She immediately changed direction and began to climb the rocky cliff. As she neared the top she could hear the sounds of footsteps. She looks up and see Loki peering down at her, all amusement erased from his face. Loki offered Nanna his hand but Nanna was reluctant to take it. But she eventually placed her small hand in Loki's hand and was pulled up. She suddenly felt arms wrapped around her small body. Nanna couldn't help but shed a few tears as she wrapped her arms around Loki. He pulled back and stared into her eyes. He leans his head and places a kiss on her forehead.

"Why?" She whispered. Loki finally notices the tears rolling down her fair skin. He reached his hand to wipe it away but Nanna grabs his hand and pushes it away.

"I don't understand" he told her. He didn't understand the reason behind the tears. But whatever reason it was he wanted it to stop. He didn't like seeing her in pain. But he didn't know was that he was causing her pain, so much pain.

"Why are you trying to take the land I love so dearly" she uttered. Loki was shocked. But his facade quickly changed. His caring demeanor hardened as he turns his back away from her.

"The land you love? Is this where you've been all this time? Hiding on this pathetic realm with filthy mortals" He sneered. Nanna choked on her tears. This was not the man that Nanna loved, this man was a monster.

"Yes I have been here. I have been protecting the mortal men of Midgard" her voice wavered. Loki scoffed

"These men do not deserve you. They are cruel and vile creatures that need to be properly ruled by a superior" he sneered as he held his head up high. Nanna shook her head

"Men is vile but they are so much more than that" she fought back. Just as Loki was to speak once more, the ground beneath them shook and a loud bang echoed through the forest. Nanna saw that all the tree's had been knocked down and in the middle was Tony, Steve and her brother, Thor. Nanna could here the smug laugh from Loki.

"Pity, I missed a rather entertaining fight"


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