49-1. I'm skipping a marathon of Akuma no Riddle for this


          "Welcome to my household."

          Hayashi Taisuke who'd worn a good-willed smile stood by the entrance of the large manor, an equally well-dressed Wannabe beside him. All of us returned smiles of our own, uttering warm welcomes as we entered the classy household.

          After Taisuke-san and a friendly Kouichi took the lead, Yuji and Saki went on after them, the rest of us following closely behind. My eyes glazed over the ivory walls then towards the fancy attires Hiro, Hibiki and Hinata were wearing. I then spared a glance down at my simple flannel and jeans and inwardly winced at myself for not coming dressed up enough. Why did I keep forgetting these guys came from rich households?

          "Sorry for calling you guys out this weekend," Wannabe said, gathering my attention. "Hopefully you didn't have anything important to do."

          "I'm skipping a marathon of Akuma no Riddle for this," I clarified.

          Hibiki shrugged. "I had to cancel the last performance with my band."

          "I was just finishing up a piece for an upcoming art contest I'm entering into," Hinata said. "The due date's tonight at 11:59 PM."

          Wannabe's face morphed from guilt but with a reprimanding look from Hiro, the three of us dodged eyes.

          "Sparing one evening is fine," Hiro insisted. His fingers fiddled with his crooked tie, frustration seeping into his features. He seemed ready to throw in the towel at any moment. Aiming his eyes straight ahead where Taisuke-san was explaining the passing paintings to Kouichi, Yuji and Saki, he once again opened his mouth, "So?" he said. "What's the big deal?"

          Wannabe wiped off his previous expression and carefully rose his gaze the same. "Honestly, I'm still unsure. He said it'll be somewhat like a farewell party since graduation is next week, but..."

          The mention of graduation left behind a momentary silence, but when my eyes landed on just how much Hiro was fiddling with his tie I made a face.

          "Just let me do it," I said.

          I reached for his arm, forcing the both of us to a stop. Hiro elevated his gaze with newfound surprise appearing in replace of his previous frown. He allowed his hands to fall to his sides as I skillfully took the lead, untangling the mess it had somehow become. I did the best I could ignoring the rest of their boring stares—but it was primarily Hiro's from above me that was sending sheepishness searing like a fire throughout me. Crap. I clearly didn't think this one through...

          I finished as quickly as I could, dropping my fingers and gaze at once.

          Hiro's glided over the now prim black tie, and though I couldn't see it, I could pin he was most likely smiling—a genuinely contented one with the right touch of shyness. "Thanks, Hoshino."

          I could barely surface a proper 'it's fine' without my voice sticking in the throat. I nudged aside the warmth flooding my cheeks. Why was I always on edge around him now? Did I really like Hiro that much?

          Hibiki clicked his tongue. "Agh, I should've played that card." He turned around, meeting the eyes of the redhead beside him. "Hinata, my tie is a little loose."

          I took the initiative to start walking forward. Taisuke-san and the rest of them had gone on a good distance ahead. "You're not even wearing a tie," I chided. "I haven't seen you in one for years."

          "Hey," Hibiki called out, "I'll have you know ties are extremely uncomfortable!"

          Hinata chuckled. "Maybe not your tie but your first button is undone."

          Now it was their turn to stop. Hinata went to do the button for him and Hibiki, though pouting, didn't argue.

          "I don't enjoy how constricting it is."

          "But it looks better done up."

          Hibiki's gaze softened as they locked eyes, and the corner of his mouth quirked upwards. "So you're basically saying with it properly buttoned, I'm even more handsome?"

          Hinata merely produced a bashful grin as he retreated. Then, at that, he walked off to join the group ahead. Hibiki, on the other hand, remained where he was, as if frozen in place. He quickly went to hide it behind a cough, but it was a reaction that hadn't slipped past me at all. Hibiki, though barely, was blushing. He'd been left utterly speechless.

"Does Hinata..." Hiro said.

"Does Hibiki..." I continued.

As our voices trailed off, my eyebrows picked up higher on my forehead. He'd concealed it so well, but I'd been around him long enough to know Hibiki never blushed when it came to any girl—ever. Because he'd always been joking. Because he'd never been serious.

But maybe, this time, Hibiki wasn't teasing him after all.

I discreetly bobbed my head like a madwoman, whispering, "I ship it, man. I. Ship. It."

Hiro cracked an amused smile, shifting his gaze onto me as we continued to saunter forward. "Of course you do, Hoshino."

Biting on my lower lip, I attempted to stifle a giggle but to no avail. "It's the fujoshi in me, I swear."

"Come on, guys." Wannabe gathered all our focus as he took the lead, beckoning for us to pick up our speed. "I hate to rush you, but my father really doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Leaving behind the mood swelling around us, we followed Wannabe down this large hall until we arrived at the even bigger dining hall. An assortment of foods of all kinds were splayed out around the table, more than I could ever wish to imagine. Despite being a crowd of only nine including Wannabe's dad, it was as if this was a feast for a good twenty people.

Yuji was all sparkly-eyed when we entered the room, Saki softly reprimanding him for his gluttonous behaviour. The four of them weren't seated yet and were instead on the far end of this long table, Taisuke-san wearily smiling from ear to ear.


I followed the voice to a maid standing by the entrance. There were two of them, one on each side as they extended out baskets filled to the brim with colourful sweets—enough to be cavity worthy.

"Take as much as you'd like," Taisuke-san called out.

"Wannabe, what's with your dad's unhealthy obsession with candy?" I hissed, discreetly joining his side.

He cracked an uneasy smile. "He started it to get his mind off smoking, but it hasn't exactly done much because he always ends up caving before long. It's practically a relentless cycle, if anything."

To help with his withdrawal of quitting? Sweet things helped? Brushing aside the thought, I watched as everyone each kindly took one out of being polite. I scooped out a good handful myself. Then, we approached the table and the sheathed plates of foods and utensils wrapped in napkins at each individual seat. There were a total of ten chairs, red cushions the same shade as the rolled out carpet beneath us, and spread a good with apart from the other. Four along the sides then one on each end of the opposite ends.

I purposely took a seat between Hibiki and Saki, Yuji on the furthest end. I felt bad for letting Hinata have to rotate around to the other end, but when I saw Hibiki relax in his seat I was pretty sure I did the both of us a favour. Hiro took the spot adjacent to the chair Tatsuya probably would have sat in if he was here, Hinata and Wannabe beside him. Taisuke-san took the seat at the far end of the table.

The amount of classiness of this entire situation threw me off a lot but who was I to argue.

Taisuke-san cleared his throat. "Our guest of honour still needs to make her appearance, but I guess we can start regardless."

My brow quirked a bit. Guest of honour? More people were coming?

"I know it may be very confusing to why I've decided to invite you all here, but as I'm sure you'd all already aware, Kazuya is leaving for England a week from today. I think I can speak for the most of us when I say that I am very proud of my son. Not only had he decided to take the leadership role of collecting members to pursue a goal of his, but he's made very promising friends as well."

Wannabe sheepishly looked his way. Clearly he wasn't lying about not knowing what his old man had in mind. "Father..."

"Now, now, don't be awkward, son." He took a pause to bring his glass of water to his mouth for a sip. Once he set it back down, he went on, "'The Humanity Club,' though a bit rocky, was interesting. Despite its unfavourable end, I hope you all still continue to treasure the bonds of friendship with each other."

He was talking about the Humanity Club like it was some pity case. But knowing Taisuke-san, I understood deep down he meant well. He really was a strange man.

"Now then," he said. "We can talk more later. We wouldn't want all this food to go cold. Eat to your heart's content!"

As the maids from earlier returned with glasses for everyone, they unsheathed the lids and left the delicious heaps of Asian cuisine in its place. Though timidly, we each dug into our separate servings, casual conversations sprouting around to fill the deafening silence in its wake.

Ignoring the cheerful jumble of words as they all went on to talk, sharing gasps of delight at the cuisine or frivolous chatter about school related topics, I shifted my attention onto my silent best friend currently stuffing his face.

"Good, huh?" I asked.

He muffled through his stuffed cheeks. "Mhm-hmm."

"Say, Hibiki," I said, coolly peeling off the plastic encasing my pair of chopsticks, "are you and Hinata together?"

Hibiki's nearly choked on the beef he had just placed on his tongue, having to grapple for his glass of water and downing its contents immediately. I watched as he comically peered around to make sure nobody had heard. I wanted to tell him they were too occupied but he'd already swivelled to face me, countenance breached with disbelief.

"As in dating?" he hissed. He shoveled another pile of sushi into his mouth, vigorously shaking his head. "No."

I couldn't deny the fact that his words had caused me to deflate like a balloon, even as he continued to stuff his face with more food. I figured since the feelings might've been mutual that'd be the case, but... So I was wrong after all? And I was so sure.

Maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me earlier. My lips curved downwards. My love detective skills absolutely sucked. Then again, I was the girl clueless to Hiro's and Yuji's feelings until they actually had to say something.

I picked up my chopsticks to delve into the sushi but right when I seized the first piece, from the corner of my eye I caught Hibiki set his own down.

"Why?" Startled, I craned my neck his way. Hibiki's eyes were on Hinata a great distance away, and I saw his expression flicker as he quietly leaned back in his seat. As if demurely, he met my eyes, his voice barely surpassing a whisper, "Has... Hinata said anything about me?"

My jaw collapsed, a swell of excitement bubbling within me. "So you do like him!"

Hibiki's newfound blush was not hard to ignore. He slapped his hand over my mouth, hissing, "Be quiet! How about if he hears you?"

Fortunately, nobody turned in our direction. Once he slipped his hand away, I stared down at my plate, unable to dissipate the smile stretching back my lips. "Oh gosh. Oh my goodness."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Hibiki sourly went for some fish this time. It wasn't long before he paused, strain twisting his mouth downwards. "Crap, do I make it that obvious?"

"On the contrary," I said, trying to keep my voice as low as possible. But it was so damn hard. "You act so disinterested," I pressed. "If you like him so much why do you keep flirting with other girls?"

"To act disinterested," he responded, as if relieved to hear it worked. "Hinata's a guy too, you know. It's not exactly easy to outright flirt with him."

I shook my head, excitedly meeting his eyes. "Since when?"

Hibiki reddened further, shooing me off. "Can you stop with all the questions?" I piped down with a pout but Hibiki wasn't finished yet. "Jeez, this is why I gave up trying to charm you. Shouldn't you be more concerned about Hiro?"

The mention of his name made my heart nearly lurch out of my chest. I quickly tried to play it off by stuffing my face on my own. "Wh-what about him?"

I guess it wasn't that easy.

"Playing dumb?" Hibiki tsked. "Everyone already knows he confessed to you."

It was my turn to recoil in my seat. "What, you all do?"

"Yuji spread it around months back."

I could already feel heat envelope my cheeks. Suddenly sheepish, I darted my eyes. No way! They all knew? I should've known he'd... That devil!

"The question is," Hibiki went on, as if glad to be on the other side of this whole teasing business, "do you like him back?"

I stilled. Not because it was a question I wasn't expecting—in fact, after so long I anticipated it. Though, it was more due to my voice which decided at that particular moment to stick in my throat—a voice ready to portray the resolve I'd reached a little while ago.

I knew Hibiki was teasing me and therefore wasn't expecting a serious answer, but deep down, I at least knew I could no longer brush it aside. So, pushing past all the restraining embarrassment that came with it, I finally opened my mouth.

"I do."

Hibiki's eyebrows picked up, mouth parting in slow motion. "What?" He had to stop to digest it. He leaned in, closer this time. "Really?"

Pushing another bite of food into my mouth, I looked his way only to purse my lips. "Don't make me repeat it, idiot."

Silence ensued, one my erratically beating heart was grateful for.

"But Hiro's not an anime character."

"I know."

"He's not 2D," Hibiki pressed on. "At all."

"I know," I asserted.

"If you get together you'll be doing real life girlfriend and boyfriend things."

"I know that!" I didn't realize how loudly my voice echoed until it swept over in newfound mortification. Not until I had grabbed a nearby rice ball and shoved it into his face. "Stuff it already!"

"Everything alright over there?"

I traced the voice back to Taisuke-san, who'd stopped his conversation as well as everyone else to glance our way. I avoided looking at Hiro as I feigned a smile.

"Yes," I shouted, as this table was just that large.

Hibiki muffled out a similar thing with the rice ball smooshed all over his mouth then flashed a thumbs-up.

Soon enough, everyone went back to their previous conversations—Saki sending me a mischievous grin before she went to face Yuji once more. I blushed, hard. Don't tell me she overheard everything?

"Is it because he kissed you?"

Hibiki's inquiry made me jolt anew all over again.

"Who the frick—" My balled fists fell to my sides, Hibiki's rice-stained mouth ajar with his arms held in defence. I didn't even have to finish my sentence before cursing under my breath. "Yuji."

Hibiki laughed as I sent a glare his way into the distance. "Wow, I so don't know whether to be proud that you've grown out of your shell, or sad."

I huffed after swallowing down another bite. All this grub was really tasty, so regardless of my frustrations it was tough to stay angry.

Hibiki's unwarranted questions thwarted that out the window. "So are you going to confess?"

"Mind your own business."

"Just say the words and he's yours." He laughed regardless of my dirty look. "Don't tell me you're scared."

"How about you confess to Hinata and come back to tell me how easy it is?"

He paused. "Point taken." He shifted in his seat, extending out a finger for emphasis. "But your situation is different. He's already told you he likes you. It's not that complicated."

"It's still embarrassing." I hung my head, ignoring the embarrassment weighing down my shoulders. Deep down, I knew he was right. "I'm just not good at this kind of stuff."

He snickered, "You used to act like such a romance expert."

But that was before it became apparent to me just how different anime was from reality. I mean, this entire predicament of mine could amount to an actual romance plot titled 'The Humanity Club' but it still wouldn't erase how difficult it was. Confessing in itself, wasn't easy.

How in the world did Hiro proclaim it with so much confidence? Sure, I knew I had no reason to feel awkward—in fact, like Hibiki said I should be overjoyed because I already knew his answer—but it was still tough to stifle down. It had been nearly three months since he last confessed. How about if he gave up already?

"You should tell him."

Hibiki blinked, rotating my way.

"Hinata," I said, picking myself back upright, composed once again. "Before you leave next week, you should tell him."

Hibiki was quiet at first. When he went back to dig in, he smiled. "Let's both do our best."

It was quiet after that. At least, until the clacking of audacious heels fill the hall. I blinked, my chopsticks hanging at my mouth as Taisuke-san rose to his feet, old yet youthful features brightening at their entrance.

"Ueda-san! You've finally arrived!"

Eyes darted in the direction of the source as a sweet titter left the individual's mouth. "Excuse me for being tardy, Hayashi-san. We took a wrong turn on the way over and ended up on the opposite end of the city."

When I finally faced the classy-looking female, a butler at her side as he received her flashy coat, all my senses had shut off. The gorgeous teenager propped her hand at her hip, and though her long hair had grown past her once petite shoulders, her striking features were still identical to the face of my past.

My chopsticks fell from my mouth and crashed into my plate. Hibiki, who'd recognized her as well, had also gone-jaw-dropped.

No way.

The gears of my mind were spinning. Was this the guest of honour Taisuke-san brought up? What was she doing—here of all places?


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