Halloween Special Part 5: Fully Lost in a Goetia's Eyes

Back in Ozzie's office, Sarge and the others explain what they've found about Stolas' behavior, the jewels, and something else that they decide to keep a secret from Blitz.

"A Vampire Marriage Ritual?" Barbie questions in shock.

"Blood baptism? What the fuck?" Fizzarolli questions.

"It's true. Alan told us about it and it even said so in the book," Millie says, holding the book.

"According to the owners of the jewelry store, the jewels that were stolen once belonged to the original owner of the estate where the Halloween Party was held. The jewels were supposed to be used for a Vampire Wedding Ritual. After the ceremony ritual, then the vampire would perform the blood baptism, or some call it, a bloody kiss to their mate," Sarge says.

"Bloody kiss?" Fizzarolli replies, feeling sick to his stomach. "That sounds really gross."

"Yes. It's when a vampire links his own soul to the potential mate," Berry says.

"Sure, Stolas has bitten many humans and demons, possibly turning them into vampires, but the ritual is different," Drew says.

"Why's that?" Randall asks.

"Well, the ritual seems similar to a normal wedding, but it is also blood related as well because of the blood baptism," Drew says.

Millie reads the book and says, "According to the book and what Alan told us, the ceremony must take place on the seventh night after finding their potential mate."

"That would explain why Stolas has been abducting demons and humans," Barbie suspects.

"Exactly. The book said that Anastasius Griff did. He kidnaps humans to not only help with the wedding to also build his vampire army," Millie says.

"And Stolas practically accomplished it," Fizzarolli says, "He kidnapped multiple humans and demons for his insane army and wedding planners. And stole jewels for the ceremony."

"He must have done the same to Avery and Peach to help with the wedding," Berry says.

"What's more, there are a few things that he needs to do before the ceremony. The vampire has claims to their mate by biting them, leaving a mark and taking a small part of their blood. Then uses his powers to claim his mind and a way to claim his heart. Lastly, with the wedding ritual, the vampire would link his soul to his own by passionately kissing the mate and having them drink a bit of the vampire's blood, transforming them into a vampire. What's more, the vampire who performed the baptism would have unlimited powers," Drew explains.

"Oh shit," Randall says, shocked.

"Yeah. That sounds really bad," Razor says.

"With so many humans and demons he has taken, stealing the jewels, and with the amount of time he has, he must have gotten everything he needs to perform the ritual, including a location where to have the ceremony," Moxxie says.

"Except Blitz..." Berry says.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Fizzarolli asks, starting to grow concerned.

"Stolas has gained an army of vampires, the jewels, and possibly a place and everything he needs for the ceremony. But there is one more thing he needs for the ritual and the baptism... a mate," Berry says.

"Oh shit, you're right," Millie says, shocked by the realization.

"Yeah. That sounds really bad," Razor says.

"No kidding!" Barbie shouts clearly upset, "And we know that since Stolas is the vampire and have been preparing this marriage for the past few days, it means that he knows that Blitz is his potential mate, and wants to marry him! I know Blitz and Stolas love each other and it would be very sweet if they actually got married. but this kind of marriage isn't right at all!" Barbie says, clearly upset about the ordeal.

"Yeah. That's bad, like really really bad," Randall says.

"We gotta do something," Drew says.

"And we need to do it fast. From what we've understood, it all must have started after the party, so the ceremony is tomorrow night," Berry says.

"So we need to act fast," Loona says.

"At least we know how to get the spirit out of Stolas, but how are we going to get rid of it? Even though you get the vampire's soul out of Stolas, it might find a new host and repeat the same thing with someone else," Fizzarolli says.

"That's true, according to myths, sometimes to turn people back to normal is to destroy the main vampire. Stolas is technically holding the main vampire in his body. We can perform the method to extract the vampire out of his body. We just need to find a way to destroy the vampire's spirit," Moxxie says.

"Hmm, I might have an idea on how to deal with that spirit," Asmodeus says, and begins to take his leave.

"Where are you going?" Barbie asks.

"To get some special salt and water," Asmodeus says.

"Salt and water? Really?" Fizzarolli questions, dumbfounded.

"That sounds really stupid," Randall says, annoyed.

"I know it sounds silly, but it's actually known that purification rock salt and holy water are actually powerful enough to affect us demons and spirits. This should take care of your ghost problem, especially having them mixed together. And for extra precaution, I'm going to look for something else you can use on your ghost hunt." Asmdoeus says, and leaves the room.

Then Moxxie says, "Actually, he has a point. There are some details that using rock salt and even holy water can repel or destroy evil spirits."

"That seems like a secure plan," Sarge says. "However, the key to pulling off this plan will be in the timing. We need to have Stolas still long enough to have the spirit repel from his body. Then we need to get Stolas out of the way so we can use the water and salt on the spirit so we can destroy it."

"Works for me," Randall says.

Then turns to Fizzarolli, "By the way, does Ozzie even have that kind of stuff?"

"Well, he's a sin and he told me that he used to be an angel before he fell, so he probably had some angelic items stored away somewhere. Of course, he said it's only for his eyes specifically. Not even I know about the location of his stash," Fizzarolli says.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that he's been alive longer than anyone else in Hell, along with Lucifer and the other Sins," Randall says. He then shows a slight devilish grin, "With how their appearance again, I sometimes forget out fuckin old they really are..." But ends up getting smacked on the head by a mallet, hard, and is practically knocked out on the ground.

Holding the mallet, is Barbie as she angrily says, "I suggest you keep your mouth shut before you say something really fuckin' stupid."

"Yeah Randall. Besides, Ozzie hates being called that. And I'm sure the other Sins and King Lucifer and Lilith would have that very offensive," Fizzarolli says with his arms crossed.

Randall mutters, "Should have kept my mouth shut about that."

"You know, there's an old saying that silence is a virtue," Sarge calmly says.

"Wish I knew that sooner," Randall mutters.

Barbie sighs and says, "So how are we going to find Stolas?"

"Well, we need to figure out where he could be. With a wedding ceremony and how many people have been abducted, he'll need a place big enough to fit the ceremony and where so many people could be hidden," Sarge says, trying to think of a location.

Randall sits up and rubs his head, "You know, something does seem odd about all this. If Stolas is possessed by the ghost of that Griff guy, then why would he be going after Blitz. I mean, wouldn't make sense to go after that Angelina girl."

"You have a point, but it might be possible that the spirit could only do much to Stolas since he's a demon," Sarge says.

"Why's that?" Millie asks.

"It's only in theory, but maybe the vampirism Grff possessed must have been fused with Stolas' ambition and personality, twisting it into a corrupted version of Stolas. The ghost's ambition corresponded with Stolas' want and desires. In other words, the vampire's ambition is to marry and become a very powerful vampire according to the legend in the book. However, combining by Stolas' desire, it caused his mind to be corrupted into well... this," Sarge explains. "Of course, it's mainly in theory."

"Sheesh, I guess Stolas was a bit much for the spirit to handle to turn into a vampire version of Stolas with his own desires," Fizzarolli says.

Barbie then begins to leave the room, "I'm going to check on Blitz. I'm still worried about what happened."

"Yeah. Me too. From what you told me, Blitz took what happened the hardest," Fizzarolli says, and follows Barbie.

"I'll go too. Wouldn't hurt to check on the girls as well," Moxxie says.

"Alright, the rest will stay here and try to come up with a plan," Sarge says.

Soon, the three demons leave the room to check on the others.

In the guest room, Blitz is sitting on the bed with his arms wrapped around his knees as he covers his face on his knees as well. He is still overwhelmed and saddened over what's been happening, and is very worried about Stolas. He gently places his hand on his neck, no longer wearing the bandages and lets out a sad sigh in reply.

Blitz says to himself in thought, "Stolas, where are you? I wish you were here. I want you back, back to your normal self." and tears verge on his face.

And soon, tears begin to fall down his face.

Suddenly, Blitz hears the sound of something opening. Blitz looks up to notice the window to the room is open. He then wipes the tears from his face, climbs out of the bed, and walks to the window. He sees the window open with the rain coming down in the Lust Ring. Blitz wipes the tears from his face once more and slowly closes the window. Blitz begins to walk back towards the bed, unaware that a shadowy figure with red eyes appears next to the curtains. Blitz sadly sighs as he gently crosses his arms, unaware that someone is approaching them.

Suddenly, someone wraps one arm around Blitz, pinning his arms to the side, and covers his eyes with another. Blitz gasps in shock and uncertainty.

Just then, he hears a familiar voice, "Hi Blitzy..."

Blitz is shocked to hear the voice, which also means the one who has him is, "...Stolas."

The hand removes from his face as Blitz looks up to see Stolas with his glowing red eyes with white glowing pupils, and shows a gentle and yet unsettling smile.

"How did you..." Blitz begins to ask.

But Stolas says, "Find out that you were here?"

"Uh huh," Blitz softly replies.

"It wasn't too hard to figure out. After all, where else to turn to while your little friends are away and you need protection," Stolas says, and gently rubs his hand down from the Imp's face and to his neck, "Besides, I'm sure looking for a friendly ally is important when you know who to trust. And I was told by one of my... servants who were picking up our daughters."

"Wait, what...?" Blitz questions shocked, "Wha... What did you do to our daughters? Where did you take them?"

"Do not worry, I simply have my servants take them to their new home. You know that I would never cause harm to our daughters," Stolas says

"I suppose you're right," Blitz says, feeling uncertain.

He then says, "Listen Stolas, we uh, we found a way to help you. We can help you get back to your normal self again."

"Oh, and why would I want that?" Stolas questions with his eyes glowing red.

"What...?" Blitz softly asks in disbelief.

Stolas lets Blitz go and says as he circles around Blitz, "You see, my darling little Imp, I've felt very powerful, it's like I have no worries, no fears, no doubts any longer. I feel that I can do whatever I want without being held back anymore... I felt that I've finally been set free." Then turns to Blitz, "Of course, a lot of that is thanks to you, my beloved Imp."

"Yeah. I remember you telling me that before," Blitz says.

"Indeed," Stolas says, and kneels down to Blitz.

He then gently grabs Blitz's wrist and pulls him towards him, "Let me have a good look at your lovely eyes." and looks at the Imp with his eyes.

Blitz is stunned and remembers the last time he looks into those eyes, but starts to become captivated by them.

Meanwhile, the three Imps reach the area where Blitz and the girls are. Moxxie approaches the girls room while Barbie and Fizzarolli approach the Blitz room.

Moxxie slowly opens the door, but notices the girls aren't in the bed.

"Octavia? Mimmy?" Moxxie questions in concern.

Hearing the concern, Barbie and Fizzarolli walk in and see what's wrong.

To their shock, they see that Octavia and Mimmy are not in their rooms.

"Uh, where did they go?" Fizzarolli asks.

Barbie rushes inside the room and searches around in concern and desperation. Sadly, she is unable to find the girls anywhere.

Barbie rushes out and says, "They're gone."

"I'm going to check on Blitz, and..." Fizzarolli says, about to turn the knob.

However, he can't seem to turn it. Fizzarolli tries to turn the knob with both hands, but can't seem to open it.

"The door's locked," Fizzarolli says.

Barbie rushes over and tries to turn the knob, but the door won't open.

She then tries opening and calls out, "Blitz! Blitz, open the door! Blitz!"

Barbie then leans against the door to see if she can hear Blitz's voice.

In the room, Stolas hears knocking and turns to hear someone is at the door. Hearing Barbie's voice is enough for Blitz to snap out of the trance. He quickly breaks his grip from Stolas and quickly covers his eyes with his head as he turns his back on him. Seeing Blitz turning away from him, causes Stolas to sadden a bit.

"What's the matter, Blitzy? Don't you want to look at me?" Stolas questions.

"I... uh... I do, but, I'm not sure of looking at those eyes," Blitz says, as he removes his hands from over his eyes, "But still..." but makes her his hands are beside his face, so he won't look.

"Oh, my eyes aren't so bad, darling," Stolas says. "However, if you're nervous about me looking at you, then perhaps..." Suddenly, Blitz ends up seeing Stolas, upside down with those glowing red eyes, "You like to look at me."

Blitz yelps in surprise and falls back. His back ends up hitting something as he slides down on his bottom. He turns back to see that he has bumped into Stolas' legs.

"No... no thank you. I... I don't want to look into them again, or let you suck my blood again for that matter," Blitz says, worriedly.

"Oh, was I being a little too forward with you?" Stolas questions, pouting, "I do apologize, but I love you so much. I wanted to be able to taste a little bit of your blood. Of course, only a little." He then smiles, "I want to save a little more before our big night."

"Big night?" Blitz asks.

Before Blitz can react, Stolas quickly kneels down in front of Blitz and helps him up on his feet.

"Perhaps, it will be a good idea to show you," Stolas says.

"Uh, what do you..." Blitz asks, confused.

But before he can finish, Stolas raises his hand and casts his magic to create a portal in front of them.

On the other side of the door, Barbie hears the conversation and is shocked.

Barbie turns to the others, "Guys, it's Stolas! He's in the room!"

"Bu-but how?!" Moxxie exclaims.

"Forget that, we'll have to break the door down and get Blitz away from him," Fizzarolli says.

Soon, Barbie and Fizzarolli begin ramming their bodies against the door.

Moxxie quickly brings out his phone and texts the other about the situation.

Back in the room, Blitz is shocked to see the portal has opened in front of them. Suddenly, Stolas picks him up in a bridal style.

"Come now my love, there is something special I want to show you," Stolas says, and gives Blitz a gentle kiss on the forehead.

The Goetia Vampire Prince then levitates himself through the portal with Blitz in his arms. Blitz is shocked to find himself being carried through the portal and finds himself in front of a familiar building with a familiar courtyard.

Back outside the room, Millie, Razor, and the others arrive. Then Razor, Millie, and Sarge help ram their bodies against the door, and are able to break the door down to get in. But by the time they get in, they see Stolas on the other side of the portal with Blitz in his arms.

Barbie cries out, "No stop!" and runs towards the portal.

Blitz turns to hear Barbie's voice and turns to see her, "Barbie?!"

Stolas turns his head and gives them a vicious glare. He then casts his magic as Barbie and the others run into the room and towards the portal. Stolas' magic sends a powerful wind to push everyone back. Some are thrown out of the room while others slam into the wall. Soon, the wind stops and the portal begins to close, some end up getting knocked out by the sudden impact.

Barbie quickly gets up and dives towards the portal, but it closes before she chas a chance to go through. Then she crashes into the ground.

Sarge and Fizzarolli rush to Barbie.

"Barbie, are you okay?" Fizzarolli asks, worried.

Barbie sits up and clenches her fists, clearly upset, "It... It's too late... I couldn't... I couldn't save him." and then slams her fist to the ground.

On the other side, from where the portal closes, Stolas still has Blitz in his arms.

Stolas chuckles, "Do not worry darling, your friends aren't harmed, just a bit bruised.

"I uh, I guess..." Blitz says, growing wary about it.

Blitz then turns his head forward and finds himself in the courtyard of a familiar scenery.

"This is the Griff's Estate?" Blitz questions, and turns to Stolas, "Why are we here?"

"This is where we'll soon begin our life together," Stolas says.

"What?" Blitz asks, shocked.

Blitz blushes like crazy and quickly scrambles off of Stolas' arms and lands on his feet on the ground.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Blitz asks, shocked and flustered.

"Oh darling, tomorrow night is going to be our wedding," Stolas says.

Blitz is stunned and confused, "We-wedding?!" He then begins to stammer, "I-I-I mean, I do love you, St-Stolas, and well uh... I mean, uh, this... this is a really b-big st-step. And also, I'm sure my friends and family would be well, surprised about it. Also, a wedding would take a while to prepare so..."

"Do not worry, I've already got our daughters, sleeping peacefully in the estate. And I've made plans to have your relatives brought here as well. And do not worry about anything, I've been having this wedding set up for the past few days. Everything is just about ready," Stolas explains.

He then takes Blitz's hand and says, "And all we need left is the bride of the ceremony." then pulls Blitz to him, "And he's already here."

Blitz blushes in response, but quickly says, "Stolas, I really think you should stop this. I love you, but I think you're taking this a little too far."

"Hmmm..." Stolas replies.

He continues to pull Blitz forward as he wraps his arm around Blitz waist once more.

"Now now Bltizy, there's no need to be so nervous. You and I are going to have our very special day. I promise to make you very happy. You trust me, don't you...?" Stolas replies as he stares at Blitz with his glowing blood red eyes.

Blitz stares at the blood glowing eyes. And just a slight second, Blitz's eyes flicker glowing bright red glow with white pupils.

A bit dazed, Blitz answers, "I... I do trust you, Stolas."

"Very good, my love," Stolas says, letting go of Blitz's hand and gently rubbing his cheek, "I promise, you and I will have a wonderful future together. No one will dare cause harm to us and those around you. With my powers, nothing will stand in our way. You will be able to live in blissful peace and freedom, while I'm at your side. There's only one little harmless favor I would ask of you."

"Wh-what's that...?" Blitz softly asks, looking at Stolas in his eyes.

But Stolas' eyes glows blood red once more as his pupils glow a white color.

In a soothing and hypnotic voice with his entrancing eyes, Stolas says, "Relinquish... yourself... to me. Along you fall under before me. Nothing else exists, but my face. Allow yourself to become mine."


Hear me

Listen now

As you're

Falling down

Before Blitz has a chance to react, his eyes begin emitting the same glow as Stolas as his mind is starting to get hazy and light opens his mouth.


Let me

Shape your mind;

Stolas gently rubs Blitz's cheek with his hand as his eyes glow brighter.


Make it

my design

Blitz ends up leaning his head towards Stolas' hand as he slowly begins to show a small smile.

Soon Stolas stands up, removing himself from Blitz.


In the dark

there's still light

to see

He begins walking back as he slowly moves his hand towards Blitz, gesturing to Blitz to walk forward.


Ask your-self

Why would you

re-sist me?

Blitz slowly begins to move one foot after another, following Stolas as the Goetia Prince makes his way to the mansion.


Don't you see?

Does it

need reprise?

Blitz continues to follow Stolas as his mind grows further into his hypnotic eyes. Almost like nothing exists but Stolas' voice.


You'll be mine

if you look in-to my eyes.

Blitz slowly reaches his head out and gently grabs hold of Stolas' hand.



Giv-ing in


-ous as sin

Then Stolas begins to guide Blitz through the hall of the mansion.



Deep-er down

Where your

Heart is found

And soon enough, Stolas guides Blitz through the halls of the mansion and into the dark ballroom. More like in the center where the wedding hall is set.


Your true self

b-uried and


Blitz soon shows a dazed smile as Stolas continues to perform his hypnotic spell, causing Blitz to go deeper into his power.


Give con-trol

to your dark-

est yearn-ing

Stolas then gently takes Blitz's, twirls him around a bit before wrapping his arm around his waist, pinning his arms. He then gently cuffs Blitz's chin as he raises his head to reveal his neck.


Don't you see?

Does it

need reprise?

Stolas then gently slides his hand down until he is rubbing Blitz's neck to his clavicle.


You'll be mine

when you look in-to my eyes

Stolas then leans his head to the side of Blitz's head and begins to softly whisper.


Hear my voice

you know

it well

Stolas removes his hand from Blitz's neck and begins to slowly have it travel around Blitz's body. Blitz soon lets out a soft sigh and moans in response.


Long be-fore

you fell un-der

my spell

He then takes Blitz's hand as he removes his arm around his waist, and gently gives Blitz's another twirl. Before having Blitz facing him once more.


Hear my voice

too long


Stolas then leans himself towards Blitz until his forehead is connected to his own, causing the trance to engulf the Imp's mind even further.


Now it's time

to em-brace the truth inside

Stolas then stands up as he holds Blitz's hand and places his other hand on his waist. And soon, Stolas and Blitz begin to dance, with Stolas of course, taking the lead.


As I take

a-nd as

you give

Stolas and Blitz continue to waltz as they begin to head towards the large glass door.


Your old self

a dream you

can't re-live

Stolas then opens the door and leads Blitz outside, dancing under the moonlight.


Don't you see?

Does it

need reprise?

And Stolas have Blitz dipped down so his blood red eyes could stare into Blitz's dazed red eyes.


You'll be mine

as you look in-to my eyes

Just then, Stolas lifts Blitz back up and soon picks him up in a bridal style.


Don't hold back!

Trust in me!

Stolas begins to take flight as he has Blitz in his arms, and heads towards the balcony.


One more step

And you'll be free!

Stolas lands on the balcony and uses his magic to open the door which leads to the bed chambers. Then walks inside with Blitz in his arms.


Lost in trance

Throw your

fears a-side!

As Stolas walks inside and towards the bed, Blitz relaxes as his head is placed against Stoas' feathery chest. The hypnotic power is so overpowering along with Stolas' voice that it's soothing, relaxing, and hypnotic, that Blitz is unable to keep his eyes open for any longer.


Now you're mine

Stolas then gently lies Blitz down on the bed, with the Imp's head resting gently on the red pillow.


You just fell in-to my eyes

Lastly, Stolas gently places his hand on Blitz's cheek as he comforts him. Unable to resist any longer, Blitz allows himself to sink to Stolas' hand as he lets out a sigh and closes his eyes and falls into a deep sleep. And soon begins to show a relaxed smile on his sleeping face.

Stolas gives the sleeping Imp a gentle smile and says, "At least, I have you with me, my dear little Imp. Tomorrow, you and I will be married, and our souls will be forever linked. I shall become the most powerful being in this world, and with you as my beloved vampire mate by my side."

He then leans towards Blitz, "Sleep well, my bride to be," and gives him a gentle kiss on the forehead before tucking him in.

Then Stolas leaves the room without another word, leaving Blitz to sleep in a blissful dream. A dream he could never wake up from, and is full under Stolas' spell.

Seventh Day After Halloween...

Back in Ozzie's mansion, late the next morning, Sarge and the others rest after the whirlwind Stolas has given to him. Barbie is in deep despair because Blitz has been abducted by the prince he loves, and is probably put under his spell right now.

Randall groans, "This fuckin sucks."

"You can say that again," Berry says, frustrated. And yelps. "Ow, my back hurts."

"And my head. Stolas really had us blown hard," Millie says.

"No kidding, and now Blitz is in Stolas' hands now," Fizzarolli says, frustrated, "Some of us were knocked out for hours."

"Like that matters," Barbie says, still upset.

"Poor Barbie sure does seem broken up," Millie says, worried.

"Yeah. Stolas was kidnapped right from under our noses," Randall says.

"And we can suspect he took Octavia and Mimmy as well," Razor adds.

"And this crazy wedding is happening tonight and we still don't exactly have a plan," Millie says.

"Hmm," Sarge says, thinking a bit.

"What is it, dad?" Loona asks.

"Well, I might have an idea, but it's a really big risk," Sarge answers.

"Why's that?" Millie asks.

"Well, if we want the plan to work, then we'll have to do it during the ceremony," Sarge says.

Everyone looks at Sarge in shock.

"That seems way too dangerous," Berry says.

"I know, but it might be the best time for us to formulate our plan. While Stolas and the others he has captured are distracted, we can set up the plan to get the spirit out of Stolas and destroy it," Sarge says.

"That seems risky, but I think it will work if we plan this right," Razor says.

Randall turns to Fizzarolli, "Where's Asmodeus anyway. He's been gone for a while?"

"He said he needed to get a few more things for you guys, but he should be back right about..." Fizzarolli says.

Just then, the door opens and Asmodues walks inside with a medium large box in his hands.

"...Now," Fizz adds with a grin.

Ozzie walks to the others as he places the box down, "Sorry, it took me rather long, but I had to get a few extra supplies for you guys."

He then opens the box and everyone looks inside to see many two jars of rock salt, three large 10 gallon of water, blessed rope, blessed darts, and blessed guns.

"So this is all we're going to need to stop Stolas?" Fizzarolli asks.

"Pretty much. The darts and blessed ropes would make sure he isn't able to use his powers and break free. The jars contained the salt and the gallons contained the water," Asmdoues explains.

He then takes out a silver medallion, "You'll also need this. This medallion is a binding medallion. If you place it on one of the silver mirrors, and connect it with the others, it should be able to help create a barrier to prevent Stolas from escaping. Remember and it will disable the barrier long enough for you to get Stolas out, and make sure to keep the soul in."

"But what about all the people and demons he captured?" Millie asks.

"Well, that's the tricky part," Sarge says. "We need to get Stolas outside when the sun rises, and then that's where we set the trap. The wedding will most likely take place during the night, and some of us were knocked out for a little while, we'll need to act fast."

"Which means, it's now or never if we're going to have a chance to save Stolas, Blitz, Octavia, and Mimmy. Not to mention, everyone who has been turned into vampires," Loona says.

"However, we still don't know where Stolas could have told everyone, or where this ceremony is taking place," Drew says.

"Actually, Ozzie and I might have an idea where he could be," Sarge says.

"I actually have an idea about it as well," Moxxie says.

"Really? Whatcha got?" Razor asks.

"Well, since it's the vampire's soul that took over Stolas is the owner of the estate, it's possible that the Griff Estate is the best possible place," Moxxie says.

"I was thinking the same thing," Sarge says.

"I agree. In fact, this is where the whole trouble started. Since it's daytime at the estate, it's possible that Stolas is asleep at this point, until sunset," Asmodues says.

"The sooner we get to that mansion, the sooner we can save everyone," Sarge says.

"Then let's go," Millie says, excited.

Barbie however, has been remaining silent.

Fizzarolli walks over, "Barbie, I know what happened upset you, but we need you for this. I mean, you don't want to lose Blitz again, right?"

Barbie wipes her tears, "You... you're right."

"Then enough with the tears and show me that serious face, and let's go save your brother," Fizzarolli says.

Barbie then shows a determined face and nods, "Right."

Song: You'll be Mine - The Sun's Tear.

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