Halloween Special Part 4: How to Stop a Goetia Vampire?

Sixth Day After Halloween...

Early the next day, since everyone hasn't gotten any sleep that night, everyone returns to the Goetia Palace. Blitz is now sleeping in the main chambers. After the events of last night, Blitz's neck has been mended with a bandage wrapped around it and is tucked in the room.

In the dining room, Sarge and the others discuss what they've witnessed and what happened to Stolas. And the worrying part is explaining this to Octavia.

Of course, Octavia isn't taken it well after she's been told, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN MY DAD'S A VAMPIRE?!" more like devastated about it.

"It's like we said, your dad is now a fuckin blood sucker, and is probably draining someone else's blood right now," Randall says, and lets out a yawn of exhaustion.

"I... I don't understand, how could this have happened?" Octavia asks, still in shock.

"That's what we wanna know. I mean. How could Stolas become a vampire and still be in his human form," Loona says, and yawns as well.

Moxie yawns as well and says, "Actually, his human form seems to have become his vampire form."

"Like that matters!" Loona says, annoyed and too tired to argue back.

Moxxie places his hands up in defense, "I know, I'm just clarifying it."

"But if Stolas was a vampire, it would mean that he's the one who's been sucking the blood of both demon and human and been sending them to the hospital," Drew says.

"And he might be responsible for some of their disappearance," Berry says, worried, and rubs her eyes, "Including Avery and Peach..."

"It seems like it. It also means that Stolas also stole the blood units from the hospital as well," Razor says.

Then Millie asks, "Does that mean he's also responsible for that jewel robbery as well?"

"Maybe, it might be a coincidence as well," Sarge says. Then says, "However, it doesn't change that this is a serious situation. Stolas has somehow transformed into a blood sucking vampire, feeding on demons and humans, and causing their disappearance, along with stealing the blood bags, and possibly the jewels from the living world as well."

"It would also explain why he's not acting like himself. Vampires can't stand sunlight, according to myth. He's become more active at night than during the day. He also doesn't seem to be keen on garlic or any food containing them either. At least that's what Blitz told us," Moxxie says.

"But still, how in hell did this happen? I mean, he was fine when we're at the party and now he's a creature of the night," Millie asks.

"Unfortunately, that's the one answer we don't have," Moxxie says.

"Yeah. Stolas also flew off so we have no clue where he is," Randall says.

"Or what he's up to," Razor says.

"And how to change him back? Berry adds.

"That's something we need to figure out and fast. We need to find out where Stolas is and where the humans and demons he has taken. What's more, we also need to find a way to change him back to his original form. And we need to figure out why he wanted those jewels," Sarge says.

"How do we do that, dad?" Loona asks.

"This will be very difficult, but we need to find out how Stolas became a vampire to begin with. We know that it happened during the Halloween Party when the Vampire Themed Actors perform their little ritual. It also would be a good idea to question them. Since they're dedicated as Blitz and Candy said, they might know more about the vampire legends. We might also get a clue on how to change him back."

"We also need to learn more about the jewels that Stolas have stolen from the jewelry store. If we learn more about the jewels and their values, we might know the reason why he took them," Razor says.

Then Berry says, "We also need to know where Stolas could have taken all those who disappeared and where he's at."

"And we need to keep Blitz safe from him," Barbie says.

Everyone turns to Barbie who is showing concern.

"What do you mean, Barbs?" Randall asks.

"You heard what was said about Stolas being a bit more advanced and acting kind of clingy as of late. And after seeing what he did to Blitz, I can see that his desire for him seems kind of strong, lustful, something that seems rather forced," Barbie says.

"You're right. Plus, Stolas bitten him and sucked his blood," Millie says.

"I know, "Barbie says worried, "We gotta keep Blitz away from him. Until Stolas is found, there's no way Blitz can stay at the palace. Stolas would find him for sure."

"You're right. It would be too dangerous for him to stay here. Stolas has bitten Blitz once already. We can't risk it again," Moxie says.

"And we need to figure out where Stolas could be and how to change him back," Berry says.

Then Drew says, "I think we're really going to need help with this one."

"I have to agree. This seems very difficult on our own. We're going to need some assistance on this one," Sarge says.

Everyone thinks and tries to come up with an idea on how to solve their dilemma.

Then Barbie snaps her fingers with an idea in mind, "I think I know who can help us. He's been alive longer than anyone else in Hell, and with how powerful he is, he'll know what we can do. Plus, Blitz will be perfectly safe there."

"And where's that?" Millie asks.

"Asmodeus' place," Barbie says.

"Asmodeus?!" Randall asks, shocked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. He's a Sin. He may have some idea on how to cure Stolas, and if we're going to hide Blitz, I like it if Blitz is with someone he's familiar with," Barbie says.

"Hate to say it, but she has a point," Loona says, "I mean, Ozzie is a Sin, so he might know something. Also, with Fizzarolli, they're both acquainted with Blitz, so I'm sure they won't mind housing him."

"Exactly, if anyone can help us with this, it's him," Barbie says.

"Well, if that's the case, I think it's best we head over there, right now," Sarge says.

Then turns to Octavia, "And I think it's best that you and Mimmy stay there with Blitz as well, just to be safe. Besides, I feel that Blitz could use some comfort."

"Okay..." Octavia says, reluctantly.

"Look Via, I can tell you don't like this, but we need to keep you and Mimms safe from this," Loona says.

"I know..." Octavia says, "But... Now I'm worried about Blitz, especially when he wakes up to remember what happened. And what my dad did. I'm worried this will affect him."

"We'll think of something," Drew says.

Soon, Barbie gets up, "Well, now that we have a plan. It's best we start heading there right away. I'm going to get Blitz." and leaves the dining room.

Sarge and the others can tell that Barbie is worried about Blitz, especially after what happened.

Sarge turns to the others, "Come on everyone, let's get everything ready. The sooner the better."

Everyone agrees and leaves the dining room to get everything ready to leave to the Lust Ring.

Back in the room, Blitz is still asleep in bed, but soon slowly begins to open his eyes. The Imp lets out a groan and feels his head pounding as he struggles to sit up.

"Ugh..." Blitz grunts, "Have I got a serious headache."

Blitz then rubs his eyes and his vision clears to find himself in the royal chambers of Stolas' home.

"How... How did I get here...?" Blitz asks herself. "The last thing I remember was..." and soon touches his neck.

He soon feels the bandage wrapped around his neck. Then the realization hits him hard like bricks, and remembers what has happened. Stolas has become a blood thirsty vampire, sucking blood from a demon, attacking Barbie. To add to the shock, his own boyfriend has advanced towards him, sucking his blood, and says things to him. The realization is a real shock to Blitz, and soon enough, sadness appears on his face as tears verge in his eyes. Seeing Stolas sucking the blood off of someone, and seeing his human face with fangs, along with glowing red eyes with white pupils. Along hearing Stolas' soothing and hypnotic voice that he feels drawn to it. And yet, it makes him feel... frightened. Blitz wipes the tears in his eyes and turns to see that it's dark outside.

Blitz turns his head to hear the sound of the door opening, and entering the room is Barbie with concern on her face.

Seeing her brother awake, Barbie says, "Oh, hey Blitz."

"Hey Barbie, are you feeling okay?" Blitz asks, wiping the tears from his face.

"I'm fine. Luckily my arm isn't broken," Barbie says. But then says, "But I'm more worried about you? Are you okay?"

Blitz wipes the ears and says, "To be honest, not really. I'm still... overwhelmed by what happened back there. About what happened to Stolas, what he did, and what he was trying to do."

Blitz tries his best not to cry, but remember what happened to Stolas and what he has done to him is a lot for him to bear. Tears fall down his face even more.

Barbie hugs Blitz and says, "It's okay, Blitz. It's okay."

Blitz wipes the tears, "I don't understand? Wha-what happened to him? He... he seems different now. It's like he became a different person. He bit me, sucked my blood, and he wanted to... do things to me. I know it's Stolas, but for some reason... I don't like this..."

"It's okay Blitz. We're going to help him, somehow," Barbie says.

"How?" Blitz asks.

"I'm not sure, but we'll find a way to fix this. However, we need to keep you away from him, especially after what he did. While the rest of us try to find Stolas and figure out what's going on, you, Via, and Mimms are going to be at Ozzie's place, where you'll be safe," Barbie says.

"Okay," Blitz says.

"Good. You better get some of your things. Not sure how long you need to stay there," Barbie says.

Time has passed...

The I.M.P Van drives through the tunnel into the Lust Ring. The rest of the gang are inside while Blitz, Octavia, and Mimmy have a few of their belongings, probably enough to stay for a few days.

"So Sarge, what's the plan?" Millie asks.

"Well, some of us need to go to the living world and talk to those actors, and find out some clues involving the jewelry theft. Some of us will also need to stay here to see if they can find any clues to change Stolas back, and to guard Blitz, and the girls," Sarge says.

"Well, I'm going to stay with Blitz, and the girls. I figure he can use some company," Barbie says.

"You let Fizzarolli know, right?" Sarge asks.

"Yes. He agreed to let us stay at Ozzie's place for a little while, until we get this problem resolved," Barbie says.

"And he's going to talk to him to see if he can help us on his end," Randall says.

"Good to hear," Sarge says.

"Drew and I can go to the living world and talk to the actors to see what they know," Berry says.

Sarge says, "I'll be heading to the jewelry store to ask them about the jewels that were stolen. Just to be on the safe side."

"I'll go with you dad," Loona says.

"Razor and I will stay with Barbs. Thought it wouldn't hurt to catch up with Fizz and also help out with guard duty," Randall says.

"I'll go with Sarge and Loona," Moxxie says.

Then Millie says, ""I'll go with Drew and Berry to talk to the actors."

"I just hope we'll find something and how to fix Stolas before things get too crazy for us to handle," Berry says.

"I'm sure you'll find something," Randall says.

"Okay here we are," Sarge says.

The gang looks to see if the van arrives at Asmdoeus' home. Sarge parks the car, allowing Barbie, Randall, Razor, and Octavia to climb out of the car. Barbie picks up Mimmy who is now awake and holds her in her arms.

"Bye guys, we'll see you later," Randall says.

"Good luck," Barbie says.

"Be careful," Blitz says.

Soon, Sarge drives the van away while the rest of the group say their goodbyes.

Barbie then begins texting Fizzarolli:

Text Messages:

Barbie: Hey Fizz, we just arrived at the mansion and are at the front right now.

Fizzarolli: Okay, I've already talked to Ozzie and agreed to help us. Still, it's difficult to process what's going on.

Barbie: Yeah. Anyway, we're here now, and are at the front.

Fizzarolli: Already here.

Text Messages End:

The group turn to the door as the door opens to reveal Fizzarolli.

"Hey Fizz," Barbie says.

"Hey Barbie, Blitz, and company. Come on in," Fizzarolli says.

Everyone walks inside the building. Fizzarolli looks outside to find signs of trouble. When nothing amiss, Fizzarolli closes and locks the door soon after.

"Thanks for letting us stay here," Barbie says.

"It's no problem, When you explain about the situation, Ozzie and I are more than happy to help," Fizzarolli says.

"Thanks for helping us," Blitz says, and sighs, "The truth is, we could really use the help we could get."

"Yes. From what Barbie explained to Fizzarolli and what he explained to me..." The group turns to see Asmodeus walking towards them, "It seems that you all have quite the problem on your shoulder."

"A problem is an understatement, man," Randall says.

"Yeah. Stolas has turned into a vampire, been sicking both blood from human and demons, taking extra blood from the hospital, practically stole jewelry, and probably caused a lot of disappearance, family members of some of us," Razor says.

"Fuck, that sounds really bad," Fizzarolli says, still shocked.

"And to make matters worse, Stolas is really out for Blitz at this point. And not just being his romantic self, it's kind of more like trying to force Blitz into doing stuff. He bit his blood, hypnotized him, and wanted to do things to..." Randall says.

But Barbie covers Randall's mouth with a glare, "Not helping..."

Fizzarolli and Asmodeus blink with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

"Yeah... that's bad, like very bad," Fizzarolli says.

"Very bad," Ozzie says, bluntly

"Which is why we came to you," Barbie says, "We thought you might be able to help us. Plus, Stolas is after Blitz, and not just in romance. We also thought this would be a good spot for Blitz and the girls to hide out."

"And it's a good thing you all did," Fizzarolli says, "We'll do what we can to help cure Stolas, and also keep Blitz and the girls protected."

"Thanks Fizz, I know that we can count on you guys. We also figure that a Sin like Asmodues would help us as well," Barbie says.

Asmodues begins to think," Hmmm..." Then says, "Well, I'm not sure how to help you, but we'll think of something. Although, I've never heard of a case like this before."

"Neither have we," Randall says. "Sarge and the others are going to the living world to find any clues about what happened at the Halloween Party. They plan to talk to the actors and the actors about the situation."

"Seems like the best you can do for the time being," Fizzarolli says.

"Yeah," Octavia replies, and lets out a yawn, "I hope we find a way to get my dad back to normal."

"And we will," Barbie says, and lets out a yawn.

Fizzarolli arches his eyebrow, "Looks like you guys didn't get much sleep last night."

Randall yawns, "We woke up pretty late and searched for Stolas all night until Barbie and Blitz found him."

"So yeah, we're all very tired," Razor says.

"Looks like it," Fizzarolli says.

"Maybe you all should get some rest. Mimmy and I feel fine, but the rest could use some sleep," Blitz says.

"Sorry Blitz, but we can't rest," Barbie says, and lets out a yawn, "not with this going on.

"Good idea. We got rooms fixed up for you guys," Fizzarolli says.

Blitz yawns, "Yeah. I could really use some sleep."

Sometime later, after Blitz, Octavia, and Mimmy are able to go to the rooms and get some sleep, the rest of the group are in Asmodeus' office to discuss the situation.

"Now that Blitz and the girls are asleep, we can talk about the situation," Barbie says.

Then turns to Asmodeus, "Still, do you have an idea on how to change Stolas back to normal, or at least know where to find him."

"Hmm, it's a difficult case. I've never heard of a situation like this before," Asmodues says. "However, I figured the incident might be connected to what happened at the Party."

"That's true," Fizzarolli says.

Asmdoeus turns to Blitz, "Blitz, when did Stolas start acting weird? And what happened during that time?"

"Well, it happened the morning after the Halloween party," Blitz answers, "He woke up during the afternoon and his eyes were sensitive to sunlight."

"Not to mention you telling us that he was getting all hot and heavy, biting your neck the way he did," Randall says.

Razor glares at Randall, "Not now, Randall."

"And for the past few days, Stolas seems to have become very sensitive to Sunlight, he doesn't seem to want food containing garlic, or salt to be honest," Blitz says.

"Anything else?" Fizzarolli asks.

"Well, he seems to be more active at night. He also seems to walk away when water is running. Like it's bothering him," Blitz says. "And now that this whole problem with the vampire is brought up, a lot of the signs he shows are what happens to vampires."

"Hmmm..." Asmodus replies, thinking, "From what you explained, I have to suspect that what happened at the party seems to be connected. During the little performance, I've sensed something off about the spell, especially what that silver box they have."

"What do you mean?" Fizzarolli asks.

"I'm not sure. Some strong demonic aura came up from the box. And the spell they casted has a strong demonic energy. I'm sure Stolas would also notice it as well," Asmodeus says.

"That doesn't sound good," Fizzarolli says.

"It's not, that's why we need your help," Razor says.

Blitz grows concerned and says, "Could the legend of the vampire be real?"

Everyone turns to Blitz with confused and concerned looks.

"You mean the vampire story you told us about?" Octavia says.

Fizzarolli then asks, "A vampire story? What story?"

"I heard legends about the Griff Estate, that legend has it, the soul of Anastasius Griff, the owner of the estate, and an actual vampire was sealed within the mansion. Legend has it, the soul of the vampire was sealed in a silver box," Blitz explains.

He then says, "Which got me thinking, what if the box the performers were using was the actual box Anastasius Griff's soul was sealed in. If that's the case, it would mean that they've unintentionally released his spirit and taken possession of Stolas."

This has everyone in shock.

"You mean the legend of the vampire is actually for real?!" Randall exclaims in shock and fright.

Meanwhile, in the living world, Sarge, Loona, and Moxxie are at the jewelry store and talk to the owner about the jewels that have been stolen. The manager of the store is a woman, and is accompanied by an elderly man who is the woman's father and owner of the store.

The manager asks, "You wish to know about the items that were stolen?"

"Yes," Sarge asks, "Do you have any idea why they were taken, and to learn more about the jewels that were stolen."

"Of course, those jewels once belonged to Anastasius Griff, the former owner of the Griff Estate," The owner says.

"You mean the man that was supposed to be some vampire?" Loona asks.

"While I don't believe in the legend about him being a vampire, these jewels are very priceless. Although, he does show strong signs of the vampire lifestyle, especially the purpose of the jewels that were stolen," The owner says.

"What do you mean?" Moxxie asks, curious and taking notes.

"The jewels were made for a vampire wedding ritual, when Anastasius plans to marry Angelina," The female manager says.

Then shows them a picture of the stolen jewels, "Even so, the jewels are very old, but they're extremely valuable. The jewels are pure rubies and black diamonds, and the crown and ring are made of gold. We think the reason why they were stolen is because they are very valuable and cost millions."

Sarge takes the paper and looks at the photo of the jewels.

The picture of the Vampire Jewel set is a group of separate jewelry: a black choker with a black chain, and black laces for decor. At the center is a ruby and underneath it is a golden ankh, along with a gold. Along with a golden tiara like crown, with black diamond and red rubies. At the center there is a gold ankh with a red ruby in the center and the rest with black gemstones. And lastly a ring. A gold ring with some black diamonds around the band. In the center, there will be a black gold rose with a rubyinside.

"You're right, they do look pretty expensive," Loona says.

"It must cost a fortune, even more if sold to the right bidder," Moxxie says, taking notes.

"We believe that is the main motive to why someone wants the jewels, to sell them," The owner says.

"Are you sure there aren't any other motives?" Sarge asks.

"Hmm, not that we can think of," The owner says.

"The only other reason we could think of is to be used for the Vampire Wedding Ritual," The manger says. "However, that party is very unlikely, since it can only be used by a vampire being married to their potential mate."

Finishing writing in his notebook, Sarge says, "Thank you for you and your father's time, ma'am. That will be all."

"You're welcome. Though, I do question why you're asking," The manager asks.

"Let's just say that we were hired to investigate a few matters," Sarge says.

Then Moxxie asks, "You mind if we keep the copy of the photo?"

"Oh course, we do apologize that we couldn't provide more information," The owner says.

"It's no trouble. Again, thank you for your time," Sarge says.

"Yeah. See ya," Loona says.

"Thank you for your time," Moxxie says.

With that, Sarge, Moxxie, and Loona leave the jewelry store and walk down the streets of the town.

"So the jewels were the part of a Vampire Wedding Ritual, and they used to belong to the vampire that Blitz told us about," Loona says.

"It appears so," Sarge says.

Loona asks, "Do you really think Stolas is responsible for the theft?"

"It's possible, but it's strange that the vampire's name was brought up here," Moxxie says

"If he did steal those jewels, I doubt it's about money," Sarge says.

"Yeah. The dude is already rich, so it can't be that," Loona says. "But the second idea they told us, that's possible considering what happened."

"I believe this ritual might be the reason," Sage says, "And it might have involved the people that went missing. However, it's still unclear what's really going on."

"You're right. But it sounds a bit crazy, don't you think," Loona says.

"Maybe so, but we can only hope that Stolas has a different idea in mind then the former or the latter, especially the latter," Sarge says.

"It's probably best if we meet up with Millie and the others and see if they've found anything from the actors. I hope they can give them some answers," Moxxie says.

The three continue to walk down the sidewalk to their meeting spot.

Meanwhile, Drew, Berry, and Mimmy are able to find the Vampire Themed performers, as it turns out, they've been staying at the hotel a few days, even after the party.

The leader, Alan asks, "You want to know more about the performance we gave?"

"Yeah. We like to know everything about this Anastasius Griff, and about his little terror from all those years ago," Millie says.

"Why do you wanna know?" Alan asks, curious.

"Just curious about the legend about the town, and the vampire," Drew says.

"Plus, we're pretty curious about vampires and how they live, and what his connection is," Berry adds.

"Okay then," Alan says, shrugging his shoulders. "Anything specific you wanna know?"

"Well, about the legend of the town and Anastasius Griff. We heard the legend from a friend of ours, but we would like to know if you know more about it," Berry says.

"Ah, Anastasius Griff, I know that legend very well," Alan says, "I actually used to live in the same town where the Griff Estate is, so I know all about the legend. So I suspect you all know about him being a vampire and trying to marry Angelina."

"That's right," Drew says. "And about how Angelina's fiance and brother were able to rescue him, destroy the vampire's body, and seal his soul in a silver box."

"Indeed," Alan says, "Of course, that's only part of the story."

"What do you mean?" Millie asks, curious.

"According to legends and rumors, when the fiance and brother tried to rescue Angelina, Anastasius wouldn't give up, and tried to destroy the two men. They managed to get him outside, and the sun began to burn him, but he refused to give up. When his body was destroyed, the spirit tried to possess the fiance. The brother knew that he needed to do something. The fiance was fighting the vampire's soul within his body. So the brother and the villagers were able to find mirrors with silver frames to block the fiance, fighting for control. The glass and silver reflect and blind the fiance, and the spirit is forced to flee from the body. With that, the fiance and the brother are able to trap the soul in the box," Alan explains.

"Yikes. So the vampire's soul tried to take over the fiance's body," Drew says.

"Yes. But luckily, they're able to stop the soul and imprison them," Alan says.

"But what happened to the performance? You know, at the Halloween Party?" Berry asks.

"Well, the performance we did was supposed to be a rival ritual. Originally, one of my friends was supposed to act as Anastasius for the show. However, that didn't go as planned," Alan explains.

This draws concern to the three.

"Wait, are you telling us that what happened with that ritual wasn't supposed to happen like that?" Berry asks.

"No. Which has me worried. Worried if we actually let Anastasius out of that silver box we found in the old mansion. We soon come to realize that the silver box must be the one he was sealed in, and the ritual from the ancient book I have might have really helped him break out of his prison," Alan says.

"I see," Drew says.

"Where did you find that box?" Millie asks, curious.

"Well, during the renovation of the mansion, they were clearing some items from the basement. My crew and myself found the box and thought it would be good to use for the performance," Alan says.

Then Drew says, "Well, if you don't mind me asking, hypothetically speaking, if that vampire's soul is out, what would he actually do if it happens?"

"Hmm, I'm not entirely sure, but he might try to do the same and possess someone and might try to perform the Vampire Wedding Ritual along with the Blood Baptism," Alan says.

"Wedding Ritual?" Berry questions, confused.

Millie grows concerned, "Blood Baptism?

"Yes," Alan says.

He then asks, "Have you heard about some priceless jewels that have been stolen?"

"Yes, we have," Berry says.

"Those jewels once belonged to Anastasius that he planned to use for the Vampire Wedding Ritual when he tried to marry Angelina," Alan says.

"Uh, what was supposed to happen in this ritual and baptism?" Drew asks.

"The wedding ritual is when a vampire marries their potential mate," Alan answers.

He then explains, "For some vampires, the ritual is supposed to take place on the seventh night after they have found their potential mate. Anastasius Griff did the same thing to Angelina."

"What happens in the ritual?" Drew asks.

"The vampire would marry their mate, almost similar to a normal wedding. After reciting their vows, if the mate is mortal, they'll perform the blood baptism," Alan says.

"And what happens during that?" Berry asks.

"The blood baptism starts when the vampire sucks his newly bride's blood on the neck. After that, he cut himself, most likely around or inside the mouth. The vampire then kisses the potential mate, allowing the blood to flow into the mouth of their mate. With the baptism, not only the mate will transform into a vampire, but their souls would forever be linked. What's more, the vampire will obtain unlimited power. Anastasius would have been able to marry Angeleina, and he'll have the power to rule the town," Alan says.

The three grow very concerned about it.

"Uh, just curious, how did you learn about the spell anyway," Berry asks.

"Oh, I've found this old book from the library that has a lot of information about vampire life. It also has a few spells on how to conjure a vampire. And it also tells how to stop one. It even has the legend of Anastasius Griff and other vampire legends," Alan says, and holds an old book.

"Do you mind if we borrow it?" Millie asks.

"You can have it. There's actually two books, so I bought both. You can have this copy," Alan says, giving Millie the book.

"Thank you," Millie says.

Then Berry asks, "Do you think that's why jewels are possible?"

"It's a possibility. However, it's hard to determine," Alan says.

"Thanks for all the information," Berry says.

"Yeah. That's a really huge help," Drew says.

"No trouble," Alan says.

Soon, Drew, Berry, and Millie hurry out of the room and out of the hotel to find Sarge and the others.

"We gotta find Sarge and the others," Berry says.

"Yeah. The situation has just gotten serious. If what Alan said it's true, then Stolas is planning to perform that Ritual," Drew says.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Drew! Berry! Millie!"

The two turn to see Sarge, Moxxie, and Loona rushing over to them.

"Sarge! Loona! Moxxie! Thank goodness we found you," Drew says.

"We found out more about the vampire legend," Millie says, and presents the book, "We were given an old book about vampires."

"And we might have an idea of what's going on and how to help Stolas," Berry says.

"Excellent work. We know more about the jewels that were stolen," Sarge says, "We better head back and tell the others what we found, and make sure Blitz is safe."

And with that, the gang begins to make their way back to Ozzie's palace to tell everyone the news.

Later in the evening...

Sarge and the others have returned to Ozzie's palace with new information about Anastasius Griff, and how to help Stolas. Of course, the others explain about Blitz's theory, and about Stolas' behavior.

"It seems that our theory was correct, Stolas was being possessed by the vampire's soul that was sealed within the house," Sarge says.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Fizzarolli questions, dumbfounded.

"It's true," Berry says, "We talked to Alan who is the leader of the Vampire Themed Performers. As it turns out, there's more to what happened with the vampire story."

Having the book open, Millie says, "According to the vampire's legend, when the two men got the vampire outside, they used eight silver framed mirrors to surround him and paralyzed him."

Then Drew says, "After destroying the vampire's body, the vampire's soul tried to possess Angelina's fiance. Luckily, her brother was able to use the same method to get the spirit out before trapping him in the silver box."

"And apparently, the spell book the actors used has apparently released the soul from his prison. The soul must have been released during that time, and possessed, Stolas," Moxxie says.

"But how?" Razor asks, "Stolas is a Goetia Demon, and is very powerful. How can a demon like Stolas be possessed by a spirit?"

"Well, Stolas was in his human form when the spirit was released," Asmodues says, " For some demons, they are a bit more limited with their magical abilities and protection. It must have been enough for the Vampire's spirit to take possession of Stolas' body. Up to the point that Stolas refuses to change back to his original stage and remain in his human, now vampire form."

"So then, there really is a way to help Stolas?" Barbie asks.

"Yeah. It seems that using the eight silver mirrors in the daylight seems to do the trick. However, it's going to be painful for Stolas when we use it on him," Sarge says.

"Still, we need to find Stolas and use that trick to get the spirit out of him," Barbie says.

"But even if you guys manage to do that, how are we going to keep that Vampire soul from doing the same thing?" Fizzarolli asks.

Concern, Blitz says, "I'm worried. Even though it's going to hurt him, I know that it's the only way to help him."

"Exactly," Sarge says.

"But how are we going to find him?" Millie asks.

"Hmm, that's something we need to figure out," Sarge says, "We know that during the night, Stolas will be trying to suck the blood out of both humans and demons, and steal the blood units from the hospital. It would be difficult to find him and figure out his movement."

"But where could Stolas be? He could be anywhere," Loona questions.

"That's right. And because he managed to handle all this so swiftly, we haven't been able to pick up his trail," Moxxie says.

Blitz then suggests, "Maybe I should go with you guys? I'm getting very worried about Stolas."

"Sorry Blitz, but with Stolas acting the way he is, it would be too dangerous if you get too close to him," Sarge says.

Blitz sighs, "I figured as much."

"I'm guessing Mimmy and I can't help either," Octaiva says.

"Aww," Mimmy says, disappointed.

"Well, sounds like you guys have a plan. Ozzie and I can stay and either help out," Fizzarolli says and lets out a yawn, "Or maybe get some sleep."

"Probably for the best," Sarge says.

He then turns to Blitz, "Blitz, can you take the girls to the room? There's something we also want to discuss, including with Asmodeus and Fizzarolli."

"Okay," Blitz says.

Then turns to the girls, "Come on, girls. Let's get some rest."

Soon, Blitz and the girls leave the office and head to their rooms.

"So Sarge, what is it you wanna tell us? This should be important," Fizzarolli says.

"Yes, there is," Sarge says.

There is a moment of silence, and Sarge begins to explain what else they discover.

Shortly after, Blitz and the girls reach their separate rooms.

Octavia turns to Blitz, "Hey Blitz, you think the others are keeping something from us?"

"Maybe, but I'm sure they know what they're doing," Blitz says, and lets out a sad sigh, "But still, I wish there's a way to help Stolas."

"I know. I wish I could as well," Octavia says, rocking Mimmy who is fast asleep. "But, they're right. There isn't much we can do at this point. It's best we leave it to Sarge and the others."

"You're right. I'm just very worried about him. Wondering where he is. What could he be up to? And even wonder if he's alright," Blitz says, worriedly.

"I'm sure he will. Sarge and the others will find him and help get him back to normal," Octavia says.

Blitz shows a soft smile and nods his head in reply.

"Yeah. Goodnight, Octavia," Blitz says.

"Night Blitz," Octavia says.

Then the girls walk into one room while Blitz walks in the other room.

In the room the girls are in. Octavia places Mimmy in bed and tucks her in. She then lies down and decides to sleep. But they aren't aware that two separate pairs of eyes are staring at them from the darkness. Side by side, and decide to make their move on the girls.

Meanwhile, at an unknown location, Stolas, still in his human form, is in a kind of ballroom. He watches as the many different humans and demons who have disappeared and appear to be working on something. Among them are Verosika, Vaggie, Vortex, Sallie, May and Millie's father, Joe. They all seem to have red eyes and have fangs, well, some of the fangs are even sharper. The ballroom is set up to be mostly red, but with some black and white. There are red roses, black table clothes on the tables with chairs, long tables at one side of the room, and other essentials.

At the large space of the ballroom, there are also rows of chairs at the back with a long black carpet at the center, which goes down to the stage. The stage is also decorated with black, red, and burgundy curtains, and the lights are dimmed so there's no sunlight.

He looks around as he smirks and says, "Perfect, everything seems to be coming along quite nicely. And by tomorrow night, it will all be worth it."

Soon, one of the humans says, "Sir, we've just got word that your mate and girls have been located. We've already collected the girls and brought here."

"Good. Good. And what about my mate's family?" Stolas questions.

"They're already bring brought over as we speak," The human man says.

He then asks, "Do you wish for us to bring your bride?"

"No. I shall attend to it after checking on the preparations," Stolas says.

Then he leaves the ballroom and walks into another room. When he walks in, he sees Avery and Peach working on a dress, and the royal jewels are on a mannequin. Judging by the size and appearance, it's probably the size of an Imp, specifically around Blitz's size.

The jewels that have been stolen are on the mannequin. There is also something else on the mannequin, which appears to be a kind of dress. The dress looks like a Victorian off-shoulder gown, a wedding gown to be exact. The dress is black with dark red chiffon and ribbon. There's also a hoop skirt underneath it. Around the body is a chantilly black lace. There is also a red gemstone at the chest area. Next to the dress is black heels with a red rose shaped gemstone on it.

Avery notices Stolas and bows to him, "My lord, I assume that you've come to check on the dress."

"Indeed, and I see it's coming along very nicely," Stolas says.

"Of course, master. We wanted to make sure it's perfect for the ceremony. We'll be done with the dress by tonight. All we need is to have the bride for the final fitting," Peach says.

"Yes, I plan to collect my mate tonight, and then tomorrow we'll have the ceremony," Stolas says. "The sun will be setting soon so I'll be heading off to collect my mate."

"Yes my lord, "Avery and Peach say with a bow.

Stolas takes his leave as the pair continue to work on the dress.

Stolas walks down the halls and walks inside to reveal the old master's room. It was also cleaned and renovated to fit the couple. The blankets and sheets are black and the pillows are red. The bed is a large queen bed with a canopy that is burgundy colored with black. There is some furniture, there are tall candle holders with candles lighting up. There is also furniture with a large mirror. There is a double glass door that leads to the balcony. Stolas walks over and looks through the curtains to see that it is almost fully set, and it will be night soon.

"Very soon, I shall be able to gain unlimited power, but most importantly, be able to be the one I've loved the most," Stolas says to himself. "I'll need to pick up my beloved bride..."

He then shows off a lustful smile, "My darling little, Blitzy. Soon, you and I will be together, forever. You will finally be mine."

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