Christmas Special: An Abercrombie Christmas
On Christmas Eve, in the Goetia Mansion of Hell, Blitz, Mimmy, Barbie, Stolas, and Octavia are dressed up for a winter holiday. In the royal chambers, the families put the finishing touches on putting on their winter clothes.
Blitz adjusts the small hat for Mimmy, "There you go."
"Thanks daddy," Mimmy happily says.
Octavia looks at the mirror as she adjusts her beanie, "I can't wait to see Candy and the others at the cabin."
"I'm excited too. This is going to be the first time I'm visiting the family cabin, Blitz," Barbie says, placing the earmuffs on her head.
"I'm glad you think so. I'm rather surprised you're all okay with staying over for Christmas Eve night to Christmas day," Blitz says.
"It's no trouble at all. The rest of us don't have too much planned, but I'm excited to see how you celebrate the holiday," Stolas says, putting on his coat.
He then asks, "There. Is everyone ready to go?"
"We're ready," Octavia says, and has her small suitcase.
Barbie picks up her bag, "Ready."
"Ready," Mimmy happily says.
Blitz then picks up the suitcase he and Stolas are sharing, "I think we have everything."
"You all remember to bring some blankets. It can get pretty cold in the Aurora Woodlands this time of year," Blitz says.
"They're on the bed," Octavia says, pointing to the stacks of blankets on the bed.
"Yep. I say we're all ready for the holiday and the snow," Blitz says.
"Splendid. Then let's be on our way. Your relatives should be at the cabin by now," Stolas says.
He then uses his magic with the grimoire to open the portal to the living world. Blitz and the others begin to walk through the portal with their belongings. Then Stolas uses his magic to close the portal.
Mimmy says in amazement, "Wow!"
What the group sees is the forest that has less leaves and more snow and icicles. The woods have been covered in a blanket of snow. Even the cabin has snow on the roof, the porch and other places.
"The place looks beautiful," Octavia says.
"I've been to the living world from time to time, but never during the winter," Barbie says.
"It sure looks very lovely. All white though," Stolas says.
"Yeah. Kind of reminds me of Uncle Andrealphus' home," Octavia says.
"What's it like? Mimmy asks, curious.
"Well, his palace looks like it's made of ice, and the area is surrounded by snow. I sometimes played in the snow with my uncle when I was little, around your age," Octavia says.
"Really?" Mimmy asks, taking an interest.
"Yes. But you're better off not going near there, especially since he's my mom's brother, so I wouldn't be surprised if you don't want to be near him," Octavia says.
"Fuck no. I'm not letting her near that overgrown ice peacock," Barbie says with a deep frown on her face.
"Neither do I," Stolas agrees.
Then Blitz says, "Let's all head inside and warm up a little before the other shows up. Then we can get started."
"Started with what?" Octavia asks.
"Decorating the cabin for Christmas, and the Christmas Tree Tim and the others are bringing." Blitz says.
Blitz then walks to the cabin, unlocks it with his key, and opens the door. Stolas and the others soon walk inside. Blitz is the last to walk in before closing the door.
"Brr, I wasn't outside for long and it's really cold," Octavia says, having her arms wrapped around herself.
"I know," Barbie says.
"You guys stay here and I'll get the power on," Blitz says and heads to the back.
Barbie soon follows, "I'll give you a hand."
Blitz and Barbie then head to the back room. Just then, Mimmy and the two owls' royals turn to hear the door knocking.
"Who could that be?" Stolas asks.
Stolas walks over and opens the door. He expects to see a person, but all he sees is a pine tree.
Followed by Tim's voice, "Hey Blitz, we're here."
"Tim? Is that you?" Stolas questions.
Soon, Tim moves his head to see Stolas and not Blitz.
"Oh hi Stolas. Sorry, thought you were Blitz for a minute there," Tim says.
"No. Blitz and Barbie went to the back to get the power on," Stolas says, "Do you need some help?"
"Help keeping the door open will be good," Tim says.
Stolas moves out of the way, allowing Tim to walk holding one end of the tree and Andy holding the other. Following from behind are Matt, Lily, Candy, Claud, and his dogs. They all greet Stolas as they enter the room.
"Hi everyone," Octavia says.
"Hi," Mimmy says.
"Hi Octavia. Hi Mimmy," Candy says, "Did you just just got here?"
"We did," Octavia says.
"Where's Blitz?" Andy asks.
"He's in the back with Barbie to get the power on," Stolas says.
And right on cue, the lights turn on in the living room. Soon, Blitz and Barbie enter the room.
"There we go. The power is on," Blitz says.
Then notices his cousins, Aunt, and Uncle, and Claude.
"Hi guys," Blitz says.
"Hey Blitz, just in time. We need help with this tree," Andy says.
Before Blitz can help, Stolas says, "Allow me."
Then uses his magic to levitate the tree up, letting Tim and Andy have a bit of rest.
"Thanks Stolas," Andy says.
"It's no trouble," Stolas says.
"I'll get the stand so we can have the tree up," Andy says and does just that.
Lily turns to the girls, "Would you like to help us get the Christmas boxes inside."
"Sure," Barbie says.
"Okay," Octavia says.
Mimmy happily says, "I wanna help too."
Soon, the girls head outside to get the boxes of Christmas decorations for the tree and the house.
Shortly after. Blitz and Andy hold the stand in place as Stolas places the trunk of the tree in the stand. Then Blitz and Andy screw the screws into the tree so it will stay in place. At the same, the boxes have been brought inside.
"There, the tree is in place," Andy says.
Candy walks over with a red tree skirt, "But just need one more thing."
Then Candy places the Christmas Tree skirt under the tree and over the stand.
"There, we got a good start on decorating the house," Candy says.
"And with the cleaning," Lily says.
"Yeah. We still have some work to do. At least the place isn't that much of a mess. We just need to clean out the dust and webs that are around," Matt says.
"And to get our things to the rooms," Octavia says.
"Well with all of us here, I think we should have the place cleaned in no time," Candy says.
"Well then, let's get cleaning and decorating. The sooner we're done, the sooner we can have fun in the snow," Blitz says.
"Yay!" Mimmy cheers.
"Then let's get started," Matt says.
Soon, everyone in the cabin begins to tidy up the house. They dust, vacuum, and rinse the dishes, clean the counter, and other essentials. Blitz, Octavia, and Barbie take the personal belongings to the rooms up stairs and clean up the rooms for themselves and the others.
After finishing with the cleaning, everyone begins to decorate the house, the tree, and other places in the house. They put small figures of snowmen, reindeers, Santa, and other essentials. They hang some of the furniture with tinsels, bells, and place the table cloth on the table. Once they finish decorating the house, they decorate the tree with the ornaments, the lights, tinsels, bells, and other decorations. And lastly with some help from Matt, Mimmy places the star on the tree and Andy plugs it with the lights.
And now, the house is fully decorated for the holidays, and the presents have been placed under the tree.
"There we go. Everyone is all set," Lily says.
"Well, everything is ready for the holiday," Blitz says.
"We definitely got everything done fast," Tim says.
"Daddy, can we go play in the snow?" Mimmy asks.
"Well, since we're done with the cleaning and decorating, it's time to go play in the snow," Blitz says.
"Yay!" Mimmy cheers.
"Alright!" Octavia says, excited.
Sometime later, after getting dressed, the families, including Blitz's cousins are out and walking down the path to the lake. When they arrive, they see that the entire lake has been frozen and the area of the lake has been covered in snow.
"Oh my. It looks beautiful out here," Stolas says.
"Can we go on the ice, daddy?" Mimmy asks.
"Sure we can, but first, we need to see how deep the ice is. The last thing we want is to go on thin ice," Blitz says.
Andy then uses his portable ice chisel to make a hole into the ice. Then brings out a tape measure and sticks it into the hole. After measuring the ice, Andy takes it out of the water and checks the measurement. He reads the measurement to see that it's a foot thick.
"Yep. The ice is safe," Andy says.
"How can you be sure?" Octavia asks.
"Well, the normal thickness that can hold a ground person is around four inches. Since the ice is 12 inches deep, it should be pretty strong. It gets pretty cold here and it's even more cold this year," Andy explains.
"Well then, let's go ice skating," Candy says.
Blitz turns to Stolas, "Will you and Via be able to ice skate?"
"Of course we can. As for me, I'm able to skate with my talon," Stolas says.
"But won't your feet get cold?" Barbie asks.
"Not really," Stolas answers.
Soon enough, the group begins to have fun on the ice. Candy and Claude are skating together, hand in hand. Stolas is trying to help Octavia skate, but she's having a bit of trouble. Blitz is also teaching Mimmy how to skate as well. Mimmy is holding a chair to help keep her balance. Andy, Tim, and Barbie are playing a little ice hockey. Well, more like Andy and Tim are teaching Barbie to play the game.
Blitz says to Mimmy, "How are you doing, Mimmy?"
"Um, okay. Mimmy says, nervously and is clenching on the chair, "But I'm scared. What if I fall?"
"Don't worry, sweetie. Daddy's got you, and I'll be by your side," Blitz says.
Mimmy cheers up and nods her head in response.
Octavia soon skates over, trying to keep her balance, "Woah... okay... okay." And Octavia continues to try her best to keep her balance.
Unable to keep her balance, Octavia slips and falls, but Stolas is able to catch her in his arms.
"Are you alright, Via?" Stolas asks.
"I'm okay. I haven't skated in a long time," Octavia says.
"When was the last time you skated?" Blitz asks.
"I think I was around twelve," Octavia answers.
Stolas helps her back up and says, "Don't worry, Via. You just need to have a little more practice."
"I know. Same with my magic," Octavia says, frustrated.
"You'll get the hang of it. Blitz has been practicing his magic as well," Stolas says.
Candy and Claude skate over.
"How are you all doing?" Claude asks.
"We're doing fine, just a little struggle in skating," Stolas says.
Octavia sighs, "A lot of struggling."
"I'm a little scared too," Mimmy says, still nervous.
Blitz then asks, "If you guys want, we can do something else."
"Yeah. I rather do something else," Octavia says.
Then Mimmy asks, "Can we make a snowman?And make a snow angel?"
"Sure Mimmy," Blitz says.
"You wanna accompany them Via?" Stolas asks.
"Sure dad. I'm getting tired of ice skating," Octavia says.
Soon after, Blitz, Mimmy, Stolas, and Octavia are now on the snow. Blitz and Stolas are sitting on a log as they watch the girls roll up different size snowballs to make a snowman.
Octavia says, "I think the snowballs are big enough."
Octavia then uses her magic to levitate the smaller snowball and places it on the larger snowball. Then Octavia and Mimmy decorate the snowmans with stones as the eyes and mouth, a pinecone for the nose, sticks for the arms. Octavia also has the stones on the front of the large snowballs, acting as the buttons. Then the girls put on an old top hat, a scarf, and gloves on the snowman.
The girls admire their work with smiles on their faces.
"There, the snowman is done," Octavia says.
"Hi Mr. Snowman," Mimmy happily waves.
The girls begin giggling with smiles on their faces.
Stolas sighs, "It's very nice outside, even though it's cold out here."
"I agree, but I love coming here. Playing in the snow, having fun with my cousins, and being able to have a good get together with family. And now I'm able to share this with you, Via, and Barbie, and Mimmy of course," Blitz says.
"Indeed, especially being able to spend the holiday with family and friends, having some peace and quiet," Stolas says.
Blitz leans to Stolas, "Yep. Just a nice quiet holiday with family and..."
"WHAT'S UP BITCHES?!" Someone shouts all of the sudden.
Blitz and Stolas become confused to hear the noise. Octavia and Mimmy look around.
Candy and the others on the ice come to a stop to hear the loud voice.
"I'M COMING IN HOT!" Someone shouts.
Everyone turns their heads to the source to see something, or rather someone is riding down on a snowboard. The figure is wearing a familiar jester hat with bells at the bottom, and wears a red and green colored jacket with a black scarf and black pants. He is also wearing goggles on his face with a big grin on his head.
Candy turns to Barbie in shock, "Is that who I think it is?"
"Yes, but I don't believe it," Barbie says, still shocked in disbelief.
Soon, the snowboarder flies on a ramp and into the air. Then the snowboarder flies off the snowboard as he spreads his arms and legs. Then he turns his body and stretches his long legs. He presses his legs together and skates on the bottom of the robotic feet. He then stretches the legs onto the ice and begins skating on it like he's stilt skates. Then the legs go down to the normal level and skate around. The figure continues laughing as he skates around with glee and begins to spin, twirl, and jump in the air. He skates past Barbie and the others who are still skating and soon comes to a stop at the area where Blitz and the others are.
The being removes the goggles and says with a big grin, "Hey everyone!"
"Fizzarolli?!" Blitz replies, surprised.
"Hey Blitz. And I see, Stolas, Octavia, and Little Mimmy is with you too," Fizzarolli says with a smile.
"Hi Fizz," Mimmy happily waves.
"Hi Mimms," Fizzarolli happily waves back.
Barbie, Blitz's cousins, and Claude soon skate over.
"Fizarolli, what are you doing here?" Barbie asks, shocked.
Fizzarolli turns to the group, "Well, a little birdie told me that you, Blitz, and the others are heading to the Aurora Woodlands for the holidays. Of course, we couldn't pass up seeing you guys and have some fun in the snow."
"We?" Tim questions.
"And who's this little birdie you told you about?" Andy asks.
"He means Randall," Another familiar voice answers.
The gang turns to see Asmodeus in his low key form alks over, and it's too a winter outfit.
"Oh Asdmoeus, I didn't expect to see you here as well," Stolas says, a little surprised.
"Yes. We heard from Randall that you'll be going to the living world to spend the holidays with Blitz's relatives. And Fizz and I like to see how you're doing and visit you guys," Asmodueus says.
"Yeah. We want to see you guys and have some fun around here. I've never been in the snow before, and I remember you telling me that there's a lot of fun to do here," Fizzarolli says.
"I guess that's understandable," Tim says.
Then Andy asks, "But what's with the stunt you've performed?"
"I was a performer. Doing stunts like this. Comes with the territory," Fizzarolli says.
"Make sense," Candy says, shrugging her shoulders.
"So what are you all doing?" Asmodeus asks.
"Well, we finished decorating the house for the holidays and now we're having fun in the snow," Blitz says.
Mimmy turns to the snowman, "Look, Via and I are making a snowman."
"Looks cool," Fizz says.
"When did you guys arrive?" Claude asks.
"Around a half hour a go. I've been practicing a bit before giving you guys my grand entrance," Fizzarolli says.
Asmodeus chuckles, "Oh Fizz, you sure know how to make an entrance."
"You know it, Oz," Fizz says with a grin on his face.
And then the two start laughing.
Barbie smiles and rolls her eyes, "Oh you two. I swear, you two are a perfect match."
"I have to agree on that," Octavia replies, rolling her eyes as well.
Then turns to Blitz and her father, "But I know another couple who ended up being a perfect match."
Just then, the snow started to come down. And then a harsh snowy wind begins to blow. It ends up knocking Mimmy down her feet.
"The wind is starting to pick up," Stolas says.
"Yeah. We should get back to the cabin," Blitz says, and picks up Mimmy.
Sometime later, as the snow is starting to pick up more, everyone is able to get to the cabin okay without any incident.
"Brri, it's gotten very cold outside all of the sudden," Candy says.
Tim looks outside, "Yeah. From the looks of it, it's probably a storm coming tonight."
"We can't go play outside?" Mimmy asks, feeling sad.
"No, but we can still have some fun here," Blitz says.
Mimmy smiles, "Okay."
"Hey where did Fizz go?" Candy wonders and looks around.
Lily looks around, "Strange, he was here a minute ago."
"Under here," Fizzarolli's voice says.
The group notices Blitz's sleeping bag is moving and Fizzarolli sticks his head out.
"Fizz, what are you doing?" Asmodeus questions.
"I'm just snuggling in here because it's so cold. I'm going to stay here," Fizzarolli says.
"You can't stay in there all day," Barbie says.
"I have my ways," Fizzarolli says.
And soon, Fizzarolli begins to move around in the sleeping bag like a caterpillar, and soon plops himself onto the couch.
Mimmy giggles, "You're funny, Fizz."
"And I'm glad to make you laugh," Fizzarolli says with a smile.
"Well, she's right. You're pretty hilarious," Andy says.
Candy then stands up, "I should start making dinner."
"I'll help," Claude says.
"Thanks dear," Candy says.
And with that, the pair head off to the dinner to make some dinner.
"So Fizz, Blitz told us that you were pretty famous for a long time," Andy says.
"That's right. I've been quite the brand figure in Hell," Fizzarolli says.
Then Barbie says in frustration, "Too bad the one who's doing the brand figuring is one of the biggest pieces of shit in Hell."
"How come?" Matt questions.
"Because the Mammon guy was mean," Mimmy says.
Blitz sighs, "Well, she's right about that. He's awful."
"Not to mention a greedy, selfish, manipulative piece of shit," Ozzie mutters bitterly and lets out his demonic voice.
"Mammon?" Lily questions.
"Yes. Mammon is known as the King and Sin of Greed, and well, it's kind of eccentric," Stolas says.
"I'm guessing working for him isn't a walk in the park," Tim says.
"Nope. And finally I've decided to put my foot down and quit working for that bastard," Fizzarolli says.
"Good for you," Candy says, working in the kitchen.
"Of course, Mammon didn't like it at all," Blitz says.
Barbie then turns to Blitz, "Well, you didn't take while Mammon did to Fizzarolli very well. You actually almost used your powers on him just to defend Fizzarolli and protect Mimmy."
"Yeah. That wasn't my best moment, but I was worried he was going to hurt Mimmy, and I don't want him to hurt Fizz either," Blitz says, embarrassed.
"Oz and I appreciate what you were going to do for me, especially when you tried to defend me from Mammon, but what you did was really dangerous. Mammon is not the type to back down, and honestly, I was worried he was going to do something to you when he first saw you," Fizzarolli explains.
"Like what?" Octavia questions.
"Well I was worried he might try to exploit you if you get involved with him. And if he finds out about Blitz's magic, I don't know what he'll do. I'm just glad we're able to stop it before the situation ends up getting worse," Fizzarolli says.
"So have I," Barbie says.
"Honestly, I was relieved nothing too bad happened, except for Mammon turning into some giant spider out of pure rage," Fizzaorlli says.
Barbie smirks, "Ture, but Stolas and Ozzie really showed Mammon who's boss to protect their boyfriend."
"Yeah. And they kind of confessed their feelings for us, and wouldn't be surprised if that got spread throughout Hell," Blitz says, embarrassed.
"Yeah. It was kind of embarrassing, but I'm glad Ozzie stood up for us," Fizzarolli says and turns to Ozzie.
"And I'm glad I did," Ozzie says.
"Yeah, but what Mammon said really worried me. Saying that we're going to regret revealing it," Stolas says.
"I'm sure we'll do something about it when it comes to it," Asmodeus says.
"I hope so," Stolas replies.
Everyone continues chatting among each other and Fizzarolli is bored in the sleeping bag. He soon notices something on the small furniture nearby and makes a smirk on his face. Fizzarolli then stretches him out and picks the plant up.
Stolas turns to Blitz, "Still, I wouldn't be surprised if all of Hell became aware of my relationship with Blitz by now, especially since they've become aware of Blitz being the Earthling Imp everyone's been talking about."
"I remember Blitz telling us about it. It was quite the hassle," Matt says.
"It was, but I'm sure we'll figure something out," Blitz says.
"I hope," Barbie says.
Mimmy soon notices, "Daddy, what's that strange plant over you and Stolas?"
"Plant? What plant?" Blitz asks.
"The one above your heads," Mimmy says, pointing up.
Blitz and Stolas soon look up to see a mistletoe with a red ribbon tied on it. And it's being hung above them by Fizzarolli's robotic arm.
"What are you up to, Fizz?" Barbie asks, confused.
"Nothing much, just thought I have a bit of fun for them," Fizzarolli says.
He then pops out of the sleeping bag and lies himself on Asmodeus' lap. Then he holds another mistletoe over Ozzie and himself.
"And hopefully Ozzie and I can have a little fun too," Fizz adds and gives Ozzie a kiss on the cheek.
Ozzie chuckles, "Oh Fizz."
Barbie smirks, "Well, it looks like you and Stolas don't have much of a choice, huh Blitz."
"I suppose you're right," Blitz says.
"How come?" Mimmy asks.
"Well Mimmy, it's actually been a tradition that if two people stand under the mistletoe, they need to give a kiss," Stolas says.
Blitz nods with a smile, "Yeah. And I don't think we'll let this go until we carry out the tradition."
"I have to agree, Blitzy," Stolas says.
And with that, the pair give each other a passionate kiss on the lips. Mimmy giggles, but Octavia covers her eyes as she rolls her own. Shortly after, the two part lips and they give each other a hug. Ozzie and Fizzarolli do the same. They hug and kiss each other on the lips. Fizz drops both the plants in response to the events.
Tim and Andy try to stifle their laughter. Claude and Candy think it's very sweet and have love in their eyes themselves, and towards each other. Matt and Lily simply lean together being lovey dovey themselves.
Octavia picks up Mimmy, "Alright Mim my, let's go somewhere else. Seems that the four couples would like some bonding."
"Okay," Mimmy says.
Then Octavia carries Mimmy and goes up the stairs.
Mimmy asks, "Via, do you have a special someone?"
Octavia blushes and feels embarrassed, "Uh no. I don't have a special someone."
Mimmy giggles, "Your face is red."
"Okay, let's not talk about that anymore. Let's go play a game and not talk about romantic relationships," Octavia says.
"Okay," Mimmy happily says.
Time has passed, everyone has a good dinner, they play games, sing carols, and do other Christmas activities. And as time goes by the storm has stopped and now it's slowly snowing outside and continues to cover the forest in white sheets of it. Fizzarolli and Asmodues also went back to their home in the Lust Ring, but also had a great time with the family.
Later in the night, everyone is fast asleep in their rooms. Well almost everyone, Blitz is outside on the porch as he watches the stars twinkling in the sky with the moon glowing and the snow falling from the sky. Blitz has his jacket and boots on and has his blanket wrapped around him. Blitz lets out a sad sigh as he looks out into the forest of the Aurora Woodlands.
"Bltizy," A voice speaks up.
Blitz turns to see Stolas walking out who has his coat on.
"Oh, hey Stolas," Blitz says.
"What are you doing up? It's rather cold outside," Stolas asks.
"Yeah. I sometimes like to come out during the winter night," Blitz says.
"How come?" Stolas asks.
"I don't know. I sometimes like to come out because it reminds me of the day my mother found me all those years ago," Blitz says.
"Yes. I remember you mentioning it to me about how your mother ended up finding you," Stolas says.
"Yeah. It's still hard to believe how much my life has changed. From being raised by humans since I was a baby, and now I've had so many different adventures and, well, dangers in Hell," Blitz says.
"Yes. We certainly have our form of dangers and unexpected crises, but I'm glad that things ended up working out. Despite the trial and errors," Stolas says.
"Yeah. And all the butt kicking we ended up getting involved with," Blitz says.
Then the two begin giggling.
Then Stolas remembers, "Before I forget, I have something to give you." Then Stolas takes out a small box, "I know it's a little early, but I thought of giving it to you now."
"You're not the only one," Blitz says, and takes out a small box as well. "I wanted to give you something as well."
"Oh Blitzy, that's so sweet," Stolas says.
Then presents Blitz the box, "And of course, I like to give you it as well."
"Thank you Stolas. And here's your present," Blitz says and presents the box to Stolas.
They both take the present box from the other and soon open it.
Stolas opens his present to reveal a brooch. The brooch is in the shape of a crescent moon with a five pointed star attached to the inside of the crescent. In the center is a red gemstone, most likely a ruby.
"Oh Blitz, it's so beautiful," Stolas says.
"I knew you liked it," Blitz says.
He then opens his box to reveal a vintage choker. The choker is black and it has a charm attached to it. It has a red gemstone attached to an upside down cross.
"Wow. It's really beautiful," Blitz says.
Stolas smiles and says, "I'm glad you like it."
The pair then lean together with love in their eyes.
Blitz then says, "Merry Christmas Stolas."
"Merry Christmas Blitz," Stolas says.
And with that, the two lovers give each other a kiss as the snow comes down from the sky.
The next day...
It's Christmas Day and everyone gives each other presents and has a fun morning.
Blitz helps Mimmy open her present from him to reveal a really nice sundress with a ribbon for her hair. Stolas gives Octavia a new beanie hat, and it looks pretty cool with the skull symbol on it with music notes. Blitz also gives presents to his cousins, aunt, and uncle. Blitz and Barbie also give each other a present as well, even though they're clothes. Everyone cheers Merry Christmas to each other and have a grand time.
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