Chapters 88: Famous Imps Captured
One rainy morning, in the Lust Ring at Asmodeus' palace, the King of Lust and Fizzaroll are sleeping together in the same bed.
Just then the alarm goes off, prompting Fizzarolli to wake up under the covers and punch the alarm. Then stretches his cybernetic arms out of the room, which the maid dodges. He pours himself a coffee and brings the kettle back to the room, making the maid spin around. He places the kettle on the desk, grabs one of his jester hats and puts it on. He stretches his arm and drinks some of the coffee from the kettle. He then jumps up as he grabs the fabric from the canopy with excitement.
He then says with a big smile, "Rise and shine, Ozzie!"
He brings out a blow horn, shakes it a bit, and blows on it, causing Ozzie to wake up from his sleep.
And Fizz laughs and responds, "Huehahahahaha!"
Still tired, Asmdoeus lies back on to bed, "Ugh, again with the horn?" and turns in bed as he covers his head with the pillow.
Fizzarolli returns to the bed wearing glasses and holding a list, "Don't blame me, blame how fuckin' fun they are!" and blows the horn again.
Fizzarolli sits up and says, "Mmkay, so; Today you have a meeting with the distributor about the new shipment of vvvibrators, then you gotta host a safety meeting because of what happened with the old shipment of vvvvvvibrators~. And then you have a nooner with Prince Stolas."
As Fizzarolli reads the list, Asmodeus gets out of bed, grabs his robe and begins to put it on.
Asmodeus lets out a yawn and says, "Ahh, you scheduled me during lunch?"
"Welll, you're pretty good at squeezing things in." Fizzarolli says, and helps Ozzie tie the rope on his robe, tightly.
Then jumps on to Ozzie's shoulder, "But I left time for a big ol' breakfast!"
"Let me guess; I'm handling that too?" Asmodeus questions.
"I mean..." Fizz says and lands in front of the Sin of Lust, "Unless you want me to take a crack at cooking again."
"Hahahahahaha!" Ozzie laughs, but then bluntly says, "No. Never again."
"Whaaaat? Maybe I could burn the milk this time!" Fizzarolli says.
"Stooopp...!" Ozzie says in a teasing tone.
Then Fizz climbs back on Ozzie's shoulder and says, "OH! You know what I'm craving? Burgers!"
"No! It's too early for burgers, you maniac!" Asmodeus denies.
But Fizzarolli says, "Burger time! Burger time! Burger time!"
The two soon start laughing as they leave the room.
Later in the kitchen, Ozzie is humming as he cooks breakfast. Fizzarolli grabs the newspaper and opens to see an article that reads, 'King of Ozz- a HYPOCRITE?!' and has a picture of both him and Asmodeus.
Not wanting his man to see it, Fizzarolli crumbles the newspaper and stuffs the paper into a trash can. He tries to sneak the entire can out of the room, but he trips, and tosses the trash can. Asmodeus turns to see Fizz, as the jester changes his posture. The can falls out of the building and crashes to the ground. Asmodeus opens the door to the refrigerator, which lacks something.
Fizzarolli comes over and says, "Yeah yeah, I know, I can pick up some more while I'm out today." and eats a piece of toast.
"About that," Ozzie says, sounding concerned and closes the fridge.
He then passes Fizz a plate of breakfast, "You're still going to that contest rehearsal... without me?"
"Welll... y- you have a packed day today... and I know you arent big on the whole Mammon thing, soo..." Fizzarolli says.
But Asmodeus says, "It's the Greed ring. One of the cities is literally called Ransom."
"Ah, you worry too much, You know I ain't afraid of ropes. 'Sides, I'm slippery," Fizz says, and slips to the other side.
"I mean... only after I..." Ozzie says as Fizz scarfs down his food.
Fizz turns to Ozzie, "What?"
What?" Asmodues replies.
Soon, there's an awkward silence, "Come onnnn, Ozz. I can be on my own one day!"
"But you haven't been to the Greed ring alone since becoming Mam's big brand figure," Asmodeus says, showing concern.
But Fizzarolli says, "Yeah, I guess, but it's not like I'm gonna stick around!"
"I can get you an escort," Ozzie says.
But Fizz refuses, "Ah! I can handle it!"
"Come on, Big Daddy," Fizz then stretches up and begs "Pweeeaasee? " And pulls the puppy's eyes on Asmodeus.
Asmodues laughs, "Mmhahahaha!" and leans to Fizz, "Well, you know I can't say no to a face that cute."
"Mhm. That's why I use it," Fizzarolli says, and taps Ozzie on the beak.
Then Ozzie places his finger under Fizzarolli's chin and circles his finger around the Imp's tail, "Just try to stay out of trouble, Fizzy-frog."
"Ah, stop it!" Fizz says she pushes Ozzie away.
But Asmoduse picks up Fizz, "Noooo!" And pulls him into a tight squeezing hug.
The two start laughing, but unaware that someone opens the door.
A small succubus walks into the room holding a stack of boxes as she says, "Ozz, I have the new shipment of-" but soon stops as she sees the two.
Asmodeus and Fizzarolli stare at the worker wide-eyed, realizing someone is seeing them.
"Ya mind?! Tryna have an unemotional bang sesh here!" Fizzarolli says.
Then Asmodeus says, "Yeah! Cuz we're so not in love!"
"Yea! Love is stupid!" Fizzarolli adds.
The succubus sets the boxes down and walks out of the room, staring oddly at the two.
Fizzarolli sighs in relief, "Whew! That was close, huh?" and slid out of Ozzie's grip.
Asmodeus sighs and says, "Just come right back when it's over. And keep your phone on ya, okay?"
"Got it riiight here! Be riiight back after," Fizzarolli says, holding out his phone. "Don't worry, Ozz! I'll be super lowkey. Nobody will notice me," And begins to sip his cup of coffee.
However, Asmodeus facepalms in doubt.
And of course, in the Greed Ring, Fizzarolli is doing the exact opposite of low key. Fizzarolli arrives in a glamorous limo He steps out on the red carpet, while speakers and confetti blasters, seemingly shaped like dildos, push out of the car. The confetti sprays over everyone, while one demon brushes it off, and another demon chokes to death on one of them. Fizzarolli walks off and his devil dogs come out of the car and start to feast on the dead corpse. Fizzarolli whistles to get the dogs' attention to start going. They arrive and spiral around Fizz, spinning him as he chuckles. Roller skates come out of his shoes as he blasts off.
Fizzarolli laughs, "Whoa, girls, girls, girls! Heheheheh!"
Fizz rolls around the block, with his dogs, running at top speed, and running into anything in his path, without batting an eye. His glasses' built-in window wipers wipe all the mud off of his glasses.
"Man, it's great not being in the spotlight for once," Fizzarolli says.
However, all of the demons immediately spot Fizzarolli as he skates by.
Down the sidewalk Fizzaorlli is one, Blitz walks out of the coffee shop with a cup of coffee and a paper bag that has a pastry inside.
Blitz says to himself, "Okay then, now that I've gotten the errands I needed done, I have a lot of time before I need to head to the Lust Ring to meet the others. I wonder what I can do around here, hmm..."
Unknown to Blitz, Fizzarolli is rolling right towards him. Seeing Blitz, Fizzarolli becomes shocked, and hits the brakes on his skates. Blitz turns to see the screeching halt, and quickly moves out of the way until the screeching comes to a complete stop.
Just then, Fizzarolli speaks up, "Oh, wow. Lookee who it is."
Blitz turns to see, "Oh, hi Fizzarolli, I didn't expect to see you here today."
"I can say the same about you," Fizzarolli says, lifting up his glasses.
He looks around and notices, "Are you ok on your own today?"
"Yeah. I was just doing a few things, and I get to be on my own for a little while," Blitz says.
"Really?" Fizzarolli says, confused, "You're basically around your friends twenty four seven. Was Barbie and Stolas okay with that?"
"Yeah, but it did take some convincing," Blitz says, sheepishly.
"What do you mean?" Fizzarolli asks.
"Well, it kind of happened this morning..." Blitz says.
Flashback: Earlier this Morning
In the dining room at Stolas mansion, Blitz along with Stolas, Octavia, Mimmy, and Barbie are having breakfast.
Barbie asks in concern, "Blitz, are you sure about this?"
"I know it might not be the safest idea, but Sarge and the others aren't able to deliver the stuff to the Greed Ring. You and Randall will be accompanying Stolas today. And Everyone else will be busy with the company of both from Hell and the Living World. Berry and Millie are hanging out with the girls today. And Stolas has his royal duties to do as well," Blitz explains, "I think it will also give me a chance to travel to another Ring of Hell on my own."
"But the Greed Ring?" Octavia questions, "Didn't we already have enough trouble with that Ring as it is? Remember what happened at Loo Loo Land?"
"And what you and the others told me when you guys went to Notamafia Town," Barbie adds. Then rolls her eyes, "I mean that place is Mafia central."
"And one of the cities over there is literally named 'Ransom,'" Stolas points out.
Blitz questions, "Why would someone name a city that?"
"That seems like the Greed Ring to me. Besides, the Greed Ring is the pits," Barbie says.
"I know, but everyone is very busy. Besides, Sarge did say that it's about time I try to go do some work without you guys watching over me," Blitz says.
Stolas sighs, "I suppose Sarge is right, as much as I was against the idea. We're not always going to be there to help you. Honestly, I'm still worried ever since you decided to go after Striker with your recklessness."
"I know, but I promise, I'm just going to deliver a few things in Greed and that's it. I also thought it wouldn't hurt for me to hang out there for a little while. Besides, I think this could be a good way for me to start doing things on my own two feet, and what I learn may come in handy," Blitz says.
Stolas simply smiles and nods, "I suppose you're right. Sarge and the others do think that it will be for the best. Although, we all were still worried about it. But yes, you need to stand to be able to travel around Hell on your own, and will need to stand up from the danger here. I can't isolate you from the outside forever."
"Yeah. I mean, Fizzarolli and I had each other after all these years, and I also had to do things on my own as well, so yeah," Barbie says.
"Thanks guys. I promise not to be gone for too long, and if anything were to happen, I'll do what I can to prevent any trouble," Blitz says.
"Alright. Remember to mainly focus on your weapons and combat, and only use your magic when it's an emergency. Also, remember to keep your phone on you and text me when you're done. And make sure you go straight to the Lust Ring. By the time you're done, I'll be attending a meeting with Asmodeus by the time you're done," Stolas says.
"And let us know when you're going to be there. Randall and I will pick you up when you arrive," Barbie says.
"Okay, I promise," Blitz says with a nod.
Flashback Ends:
"And that's what happened. Now that I've finished with my errands, I plan to go to the Lust Ring to meet Stolas, Barbie, and Randall at Asmdoeus' place," Blitz says.
"I see," Fizzarolli says, "But since you're here and all done with your errands, I'm guessing you'll be heading to the Lust Ring, huh."
"Yeah. Still, I understand how worried Stolas is, and it's sweet that he just wants me to be safe and make sure I have everything me and Mimmy needs, but I feel that he can be a bit much sometimes. Of course, I'm also glad Stolas trusts me to be on my own, you know," Blitz says.
"Yeah. I guess," Fizzarolli says and blushes a bit.
But then, the little Devil dog climbs up the other dog and hands Fizz a bone. Fizzarolli looks to see the happy expression on the white dog's face, and sees the bone in his hand. Fizzarolli moves the bone to show the leash, with gold lettering saying "From Ozzie with ?."
"Yeah, well... Guess that's what resilience and talent gets ya. We both have gone through quite a lot to get where we are now," Fizzarolli says.
"I suppose so," Blitz replies.
He then asks, "So what are you up to today?"
"Well, I'm just here to pick up some milk and head to a contest Rehearsal around here. And then I plan to come right back to Ozzie's place," Fizzarolli says.
Then he has an idea, "Hey, why not we both go together."
"Are you sure?" Blitz asks.
"Yeah. I've only got a few things to do, and will be heading back after words. And since you're heading to Ozzi's place to meet with your pals, you and I can head back there together. It will keep our man from worrying," Fizzarolli says.
Blitz thinks a bit and says, "I don't see why not. I'll just let Stolas and the others know that I'll be with you for a short while, and will be heading there with you."
"Sounds good to me," Fizzarolli says.
Suddenly, someone lets out a scream, "Look everyone, it's Fizzarolli, and the Earthling Imp is with him!"
Soon, many demons begin to take notice.
"Uh no," Blitz and Fizzarolli reply, realizing the danger.
Before they have time to react, the demons gather around, taking pictures, videos, selfies, and asking for their autograph and other stuff. Blitz and Fizz can't seem to escape the crowd from the fandom they're receiving.
While the scuffle is happening, upward to a skyscraper-like building, there is an office that actually has Crimson, Moxxie's father, and some of his goons who are playing pool inside an office. And Crimson is having a meeting with Striker.
Crismon asks, "So, you say you're good? Cuz' we really need a big score right now."
"The best," Striker answers, "Had a royal on the ropes a few weeks ago!"
One of Crimson's mafia members pours him a glass of wine.
"Sure, but not dead?" Crimson replies.
"It was..." Striker says, having a sip, "Called off. But I have a body count in the hundreds! I ain't afraid to go after anyone. Women, kids-" as a small stray devil dog flying pass, "And cute little-faced puppy looking things. Don't matter!"
But soon, Striker catches on to the fact that some kind of riot is going on outside.
As Striker walks towards the window, Crimson says, "Hm. I'll tell you what; If you can deliver something of value... I'll consider it."
Striker looks out the window to see the crowd circling around, taking pictures, videos, cheering and chanting and seem excited. He soon has his answer to see Blitz and Fizzarolli in the center of the crowd, being showered by the demons below. He sees an opportunity right there, not just one, but two things that have strong value.
"One moment..." Striker says.
He then pulls out his long lasso, and throws it to both Blitz and Fizzarolli and pulls him up in a matter of seconds. Blitz and Fizzarolli are soon pulled into the room and are slammed against the wall in the matter of seconds.
Seeing what Striker has brought, Crimson says, "Hired!"
Before Blitz and Fizzarolli can react, they find themselves surrounded by the mafia goons pointing their guns at them as Striker and Crimson approach them.
"Funny to run into ya' again, Blitzy!" Striker says, and Striker pulls out his knife as he notices Fizzarolli, "And with a famous friend..."
Blitz is shocked to see them, "Not you two again!"
"You know these creeps?!" Fizz questions.
Blitz says, "Well uh, remember the guy I told you about that I recklessly fought to rescue Stolas, and also tried to kill us."
"Yeah...?" Fizz replies.
Blitz gently points to Striker, "That's him."
"Oh shit, it looks like this guy is going to be in humango trouble when Barbs hears about this," Fizzarolli says in remark.
Then questions, "And who is this guy?" and gestures to Crimson, "He looks like that goofball guitar playing Imp who tried to sing a love song to his wife at Ozzie's."
"Okay One: His name is Moxxie. Second: He's not a goofball. And third: that's his dad. We met him when he wanted us to go to his place a while back," Blitz says.
"Really? This guy? What's he gonna do, sing us to death?" Fizz says, in remark and laughs.
Crimson narrows his eyes, "You really don't want to say that to me of all people."
"Fizzarolli, I know these guys. They're very dangerous. Striker is a dangerous assassin and Crimson is a Mafia Boss. And yes, it's hard to believe given Moxxie's lifestyle," Blitz says as he places his hands behind his back.
"Oh," Fizzarolli says, turning to the guys with guns and knives,
He nervously gulps and says, "Yeah. We're in deep trouble."
"In more trouble than you think," Blitz says.
Unknown to Fizzarolli, Blitz looks to notice the pool table and with his hands behind his back, Blitz focuses his magic as the aura surrounds his hands. And slowly makes the pool table levitate.
Crimson smirks, "Well, you certainly did bring us something valuable, but why bring this Imp here," and turns to Blitz, "He's just one of my 'son's' little friends."
"Oh little Blitzy has his own values. You all heard about the demon that is revealed to be raised in the living world. Well, he's it, and is in a relationship with a Goetia Prince. Believe me, that Blue Blood has a thing for this little Imp," Striker says.
"Really now...?" Crimson questions with a grin on his face.
"And let's just say he has some special magical tricks up his sleeves," Striker says with an evil grin on his face.
"Tricks? What's he talking about?" Fizzarolli says, confused.
"Well Fizz, the thing is, well..." Blitz says, sounding a bit unsure about telling him.
He sighs and says, "Let's just say that I'm kind of..." And lifts his hand up, "Different from other Imps."
And with that, Blitz makes the aura around his hands disappear, and allows the pool table to hall on Crimson, Striker, and the goons, but not enough to kill them, but enough to crush them to the ground.
"The fuck!" Fizzarolli exclaims in shock.
Blitz grabs Fizz and runs to the door, "Let's go."
Blitz opens the door and drags Fizzarolli out of the door.
Seeing them running, Striker angrily pushes the table off of him and is already chasing after them.
Crimson shouts, "THE FUCK! GET THEM!"
And the goons run out of the room to chase after the two Imps.
Blitz and Fizzarolli run down the hall and soon the goons begin firing their guns at them. Blitz quickly lifts his hand and creates a protective shield made of magic so they won't get shot as he and Fizz run down the hall. Just then, a few more goons come out and fire a net launcher at them. Blitz acts fast and uses his telekinesis to stop the net and launches it back at the two goons, catching them.
"Hurry, this way!" Blitz calls out.
Fizzarolli follows, but is still shocked to see how Blitz is able to deflect the attacks with magical abilities.
"Blitz, how are you fucking doing that? I mean, Imps shouldn't be able to use telekinesis. And I know that's not a magic act," Fizzarolli asks, still running.
"It's a long story. I'm not even sure where to start," Blitz says.
Blitz then snaps his finger and creates a ball of fire, and creates a ball of light in his other hand. He merges them both his hands and throws it behind them. That causes some of the goons to move back and it explodes like fireworks. Blitz and Fizzarolli continue running down the stairs and reaching the next floor, but see more goons coming up the stairs.
"This way!" Fizzarolli says.
The two then run down the hall and see another set of stairs down the hall, but find more goons blocking their way, causing them to come to a halt. And soon, the goons have their guns and other weapons pointed at the two Imps, there is no hope for escape. Blitz clenches his fists as fire begins emitting from his hands as he grows anger. Suddenly, he hears Fizzarolli yelp, and quickly turns to see Fizzarolli has been caught by the two goons and one of them has a gun at Fizz's head.
"Get your hands off him!" Blitz angrily says, and raises his fiery hand towards them.
"Sorry Blitz, but you won't be going anywhere," Crimson says. Then has his eyes on Fizzarolli, "And I'm sure you wouldn't want to risk anything happening to the clown here. So I suggest you put out that fire, lower your hands, and surrender quietly."
Blitz still has his fire on, but seeing the frightened look on Fizz's face and the gun pointing at him, Blitz doesn't want any harm to come to him. Blitz lets out a sigh and puts out the fire from his hands.
Crimson smirks, "Good." then turns his head, "Guess you're right about him, especially protecting those he became close to."
Striker steps forward, "Yeah. A best way to get this little Imp to behave himself." and walks towards Blitz.
He then grabs Blitz's wrists, "As much as I like to break him, but you're going to need him in one piece."
"Yeah. We'll be needing them both in one piece, for now," Crimson says.
He then commands, "Bring them to the office and tie them up."
The two goons begin to drag Fizzarolli away.
Striker smirks as he looks at Blitz, "Come on Blitz, let's go."
"Okay," Blitz says with a sigh.
Striker then pulls Blitz by the wrist, and Blitz is forced to follow. Blitz lowers his head and frowns, feeling like he let the others down about the danger he's in now.
Meanwhile, in Asmodeus' factory back in his palace, where they manufacture things for Ozzie's, and for general Lust ring products. Currently, they are creating a new toy to test for the new vibrator shipment. An imp flies away with a box containing the test vibrator, while we pass some painter imps working on dildos. A transition can show two more imps fighting with dildos on the job, while we now pass to a different imp carrying the same test vibrator.
Asmodeus talks to some of the employees, "Larger. You can never be too large, mmhahaha, you can never be too large."
There is a conveyor belt passing the test vibrator onto a hazmat-suited imp, who flies away to return the final product to Asmodeus.
Ozzie continues, "Hm... smaller, smaller. Hit the spot right there, oh, that's good. I like-oh, I like that, that's good, mhm!"
Asmodeus now has the test vibrator in hand, only to hand it back to the hazmat-suited imp to then carry a blueprint to see if there's anything else needed to be modified. Two imps then put the vibrator into the test chamber to see if they get results. They turn on the machine, after everybody gets safety goggles on and turn on the vibrator. Turns out, it explodes, and the project is a failure.
Later in his office, Asmodeus sits at his desk as he lets out a sigh. He is also missing Fizzarolli when he looks at a painting of them together. Lightning strikes, as Fizzarolli's eyes strangely glow blue. Asmodeus is startled, both to the lightning, and his watch, signaling an alarm for his lunch meeting with Stolas.
Meanwhile, in the waiting room is Stolas sitting on a couch waiting for the meeting to take place. He clenches the rim of his top hat and feels uneasy about it. Barbie and Randalll, who are with him, understand that it's always easy to be talking to a Sin.
He suddenly hears his phone ringing and looks to see a message from Blitz.
He looks at the message that reads, "Hey Stolas, how are you doing? Are you at your meeting with Asmodeus yet?"
Stolas texts back, "Hello Blitz, I'm doing okay. I'll be meeting with him in a minute. The meeting shouldn't take too long."
Then Blitz texts back, "Cool, I'm actually hanging out with Fizzarolli right now. So I'll see you later."
"Of course, remember to stay safe," Stolas texts back.
"Was that Blitz?" Barbie asks.
"Yes. He's actually with Fizzarolli right now, but he'll meet us with him later," Stolas says.
"Well that's good. I guess," Randall replies.
Just then, Asmodeus opens the door, and says, "Stolas! Hey there, birdie babe."
Stolas then puts his phone away and puts his hat on before walking over. Barbie and Randall follow from behind.
"Haven't seen you since our last meeting, how ya' been?" Asmodeus replies and closes the door after Stolas and the others enter the room, "Hmhmhm, still gettin' along with that little Imp of yours?" and walks past them.
Barbie and Randall remain near the door as Stolas and Asmodeus walk toward the table across the room.
"Well yes, Blitz is amazing. And well, it's kind of a long story, but overtime I've developed feelings for him. Of course, it's not a mutual thing," Stolas says. He then takes a seat.
Asmodues then takes a seat across from him and looks at him with curiosity.
"And of course, a lot has happened. I ended up divorcing my former wife, and Blitz and I started dating. He and his daughter moved in with me and really, um, helped turn my life around. And so, I want to do something for him. You know, I wish to return the favor."
"And how do you want to do that?" Asmodeus asks and decides to devour his whole bowl of various sex-shaped treats.
"Well you see, as you remember Blitz was raised in the mortal world and still has relatives and rather a life up there his whole life. Also, he is also part of a business, and they need access to the mortal realm to carry out their work. I know your demons are some of the early ones who can traverse freely and legally. I was wondering if you could assist me in..." and place a book on the table, "Finding a way they could too?"
Soon, Asmodeus understands what Stolas is asking, "Oh, I see where you are getting at. Hoping to obtain one of my crystals for your little boyfriend and his friends."
"Um yes. I know it's a bit silly to ask, but yes. I've been thinking about it for sometime. I thought it would help him be able to see his relatives more and help his friends with their work," Stolas says.
"I understand. It will be easy to obtain one. We just need to discuss more about how you like those crystals done, especially for your little boyfriend," Asmodeus says.
Watching the conversation, Randall whispers, "So we're going to get our own crystal?"
"Seems so. Of course, I have my own," Barbie says and shows off her bracelet.
"Good point," Randall says. And then grins, "Still, talk about going all out with the present."
"Oh shush, be nice," Barbie says, nudging Randall's shoulder.
He suddenly hears a frog croaking sounds and looks to see a newly delivered message from Fizzarolli on his phone. He then stands up and walks away for a minute. He smiles in relief and opens the notification, causing the phone to fly across the room in a grand display and grow larger to show a widescreen version of the message.
However, instead of Fizzarolli, Crimson appears on the recording.
"Hello, Asmodeus. Stolas... And yes, we know you're with him now," Crimson says.
Asmodeus, Stolas, and even Barbie grow concerned and confused at the appearance of Crimson, and not Fizzarolli. Randall however is shocked to see Crimson.
"You don't know me, but you don't need to," Crimson says. "All you both need to know is I have your little jester and earthling imp here with me."
And soon on the recording, Striker brings both Fizzarolli and Blitz, tied up with tape over their mouths. Barbie, Randall, and Stolas become shocked in worry while Asmodeus grows enraged at the sight of this and tries to strangely grab the hologram out of anger. And of course, none of them are happy to see Blitz and Fizzarolli abducted and captured.
"If you want them back alive, you will give me exactly what I want," Crimson says.
This has Asmodues in pure rage, "Do you have any idea who you are FUCKING WITH?!" as he glows to turn a vivid neon version of his natural colors, while his head turns red in rage.
Randall mutters, "He knows that it's a recording, right?"
"Like that fuckin matters at this point," Barbie angrily says.
Crimson's recording continues, "You probably just asked if I know who I'm dealing with. And, oh yes, I know. The weakest and most non-threatening of the Sins. The king who will do whatever it takes to save the worst kept secret in all of Hell."
Asmodeus grows embarrassed and turns his head away from the video with a scowl look, with Stolas becoming worried for him and trying to console him.
And Crimson adds, "And the Great Goetia Prince, who ends up having a relationship with an Imp. An Imp that's proven to have lived his entire life on Earth, and I was recently told and have seen his unique magical qualities that makes him more special than other Imps."
Stolas Barbie and Randall eyes wide in shock.
Stolas says in thought, "Oh no... not that..."
Soon, Stolas clenches his fists in anger as the red aura appears around them.
"We all know you won't risk anything happening to the clown and the Imp. So be a couple of good little royal bitches and do the thing. My lawyers will be over shortly with the contract of demands. You both have until the witching hour to sign it," Crimson continues, "Hueheheheheheheh! Now, cut."
But the video doesn't end.
Crimson angrily demands, "I SAID CUT IT, YA FUCKIN' MORON!" and the video is cut off, and the phone falls back on the table.
Soon the room started shaking rapidly. Asmodeus and Stolas are very upset by what they've seen. Asmodeus' body begins to emit fire while Stolas body begins to show a dark red aura. Asmodeus then lets a roar of pure rage, making the whole room glow with a beam of energy. At the same time, Stolas changes to his full demon form as he screeches with rage. If there's something more worrisome than one furious demon royal, it is two of them. Barbie and Randall cover their ears from the loud roar and screech.
"I've never seen Stolas this furious before," Randall says.
"I remember seeing Ozzie get furious one time, and it was one time," Barbie says.
Soon enough, Stolas and Asmdoeus managed to stop their bellowing voices and heavy breaths to calm themselves down.
"Shit, this is really bad," Barbie says.
"No kidding. I never thought they both would pull something like this," Randall angrily says. "They're not going to get aways with this."
"No shit, who are those creeps!" Barbie asks.
"You remember that dickhead, Striker. The one who hurt Blitz and Stolas enough for them to be put in the hospital," Randall says. The cowboy is Striker. He's the one who tried to kill them."
"What?!" Barbie exclaims in anger and clenches her fists. "And who is that other guy, he looks like Moxxie?
"That's his dad, the Mafia Boss who tried to force him into marrying his trash of an ex," Randall says.
"Oh, so that's the guy Blitz told me about," Barbie replies, "Yeah. I could totally see the resemblance."
But shakes her head, "Forget that, those two are officially dead when I get my hands on them! They kidnapped my brother and my best friend!"
"They're dead alright," Randall says.
Then turns to the two royals, "Have you both calmed down?"
Stolas is the first to answer, "Just barely, but I'm not sure who calm I can be. Blitz is in danger, and one of the abductors is the cowboy that tried to kill him and myself."
"Not to mention a Mafia Boss, with a group of mobs with him," Randall adds.
"You're right," Stolas says.
Then asks, "But what do we do?"
"What else, Barbie and I are going to find them and get them back," Randall says.
"Exactly. I'm going to tear those fuckers apart," Barbie says, and with that, she runs out.
Randall turns to Stoals, "Don't worry, we'll get them back."
And soon Randall follows Barbie.
"Please hurry," Stolas says, worried.
Stolas turns to see Asmodeus breathing heavily and trying to calm himself from his rage.
"Are you okay?" Stolas asks.
"No... not really..." Asmodeus answers, calming himself further.
"Don't worry, Barbie and Randall will find a way to rescue them. I was told about this Imp before so they're probably still in the Greed Ring. The best we can do is to remain here and work out the details," Stolas says.
"Maybe, but I'm not going to enjoy one bit of it," Asmodues says, frustrated.
He then thought of something and asks, "By the way, what all that special Imp stuff that imp was blabbering about, and what was it about Magical qualities?"
"Uh... I'm guessing you're not willing to let this go, are you?" Stolas asks, sounding nervous.
"Nope," Asmodeus answers.
"Well... the thing is..." Stolas says.
And with that, Stolas has to confess about Blitz's magical abilities, his immunity to angelic weapons, and what happens when Blitz gets angry. Also explains how Stolas, Sarge, and the others train him physically and weaponry, but also controlling his new magic. Of course, Stolas also explains that Toxbane's experiment was the reason behind it, and well....
"WHAT?!" Asmodeus is not happy about it. At all.
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