Chapter 99: Fright At An Animal Amusement Park Part 2
Back at the Tunnel of Love, Drew and Velma walk out and look to see no one is around so they walk out to see if they can find the others.
"This park is so big, I wonder how we're going to find the others," Drew says.
"Especially since we have to suspect that someone else is in the park besides," Velma says as she looks around, "Still, the park is so big, they could be anywhere by now."
Suddenly, they hear rustling coming from the bushes close by causing the two to gasp.
"Not more of those robots," Velma says, shocked.
Drew brings out his gun, "I thought we got rid of them."
But before they can do anything, the ones to exit the bushes are Moxxie and Millie. That makes the two sigh in relief.
"Drew. Velma. We finally found you," Millie happily says.
"Are you both okay?" Moxxie asks.
"We're fine," Velma answers, relieved.
"We thought you were those robots for a minute there," Drew says.
"Nope," Millie says, shaking her head.
Then Moxxie asks, "Where's Blitz?"
"We think he ran off in a different direction, and we need to find him," Drew says.
But Velma notices, "Hold on, where's Randall?"
"We asked him to investigate and see if he could find anything. I suspect someone sent those robots to attack us," Moxxie says.
Suddenly, Moxxie feels his phone vibrating, "That must be Randall now."
"I'll call Blitz to see where he is," Drew says and brings out his phone.
Drew begins to call Blitz as Moxxie looks at the message on his phone.
Seeing the message, Moxxe says in concern, "Oh crumbs."
"What's wrong, hon?" Millie asks.
"Randall found the target, but the target is a demon, a possessor no less," Moxxie says.
"A demon is behind this?" Velma asks, worried.
"Yes. He was able to hear what he said, the target is using human body parts to sell in Hell's black market," Moxxie says.
"Well, this is bad," Millie says.
"Yeah. It is. It's disgusting," Velma says.
Then Mille asks, "Where is Randall right now?"
"He said that the target is actually in the biology lab, but on an upper floor. We should go find Randall and help him deal with this," Moxxie says.
"What about Blitz?" Millie asks, concerned.
Drew says, "Only one problem, Blitz is not answering his phone."
"What?" Moxxie asks, worried.
"I tried calling Blitz three times and it went straight to voicemail, and none of my messages are getting through either," Drew says.
"You don't think something happened to him?" Velma asks, growing concern.
"I don't know, but we need to find him," Drew says.
"Okay, new plan. Drew, you and Velma go and to find Blitz. Millie and I are going to the biology lab to help Randall take care of the target. We'll meet back at the entrance," Moxxie says.
Everyone else nods their heads in response and splits up. Moxxie and Millie head to the biology lab to help Randall take care of the target while Drew and Velma begin their search for Blitz.
Blitz is lying down unconscious, unaware of the trouble he's in. Letting out soft grunt and groan, Blitz slowly regains consciousness. He moves his body a bit and slowly opens his eyes.
"Wha-what happened..." Blitz softly says to himself.
He slowly sits up in exhaustion and feels a bit dizzy. Blitz soon opens his eyes and looks around to find himself in an unfamiliar place. The entire area is practically covered in thick branches full of leaves, and something long and scaly around the area.
"What is this place? Where am I?" Blitz asks himself.
Blitz then begins to get his ground and stand up, but touches something rather scaly. He looks down to see a familiar black snake tail with red rings patterns on it. Blitz looks closely at the tail and the realization hits him harder than a ton of bricks. Blitz quickly stands up and moves away from the tail and mananges to stand on a big round, thick branch.
"I knew it," Blitz says, stunned, "This, this is his tail. Which means, he is here, but... but how?"
"It'sssss a pleasssssure to see you again, Blitz," A familiar voice says.
Blitz quickly turns around to see the familiar naga demon, Nag slithers down from the branches above with a calm smile on his face.
"I certainly didn't expect to ssssee you in a place like this," Nag says.
"Nag," Blitz says, shocked, "So it was you after all? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I was just enjoying having the hearts of humans. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy having the hearts of demons to meal on, but humans have quite a unique taste," Nag says.
He then slither towards Blitz, "Of course, I didn't expect to find the Earthling Imp with a strong pure heart in this place."
"Well um, I was here because my friends have an assignment here. I went to the park a few times when I was younger so I kind of know a bit about the place," Blitz answers, trying to remain calm, but also cautious, "Of course, it's a bit surprising to learn that the place has closed down. Of course, part of it was due to the disappearance for the past few years, and I'm guessing part of the reason involves you."
"Well, it's not my fault that the hearts of the humans taste good," Nag says with a grin on his face.
Blitz feels sick to his stomach of hearing Nag talking about having human hearts for meals like they're nothing.
"But enough about that," Nag says, and the end of his tail wrapped around Blitz's shoulders as he wraps his right arm around his waist.
He then places his left hand on his cheek, "I'm really glad that I get to see you again. You and that lovely kind human heart of yours," then leans to Blitz's face.
Blitz tries to turn away, but Nag is not making it easy for him.
"You sure are a very unique Imp when I learn you were actually raised by humans," Nag says.
"I... I guess..." Blitz says, sounding uneasy.
Nag snickers and says, "Aww, you don't need to be shy. It kind of reminds me of the first time we met. You were a little shy and nervous as well, but know that I don't plan on hurting you or eating you this time around," and snicker in response as Blitz struggles.
"Oh, stop struggling. I won't bite. Well, not much anyway," Nag says with a playful grin.
Blitz mananges to push Nag away, "Just leave me alone. I have more important things to worry about. I need to find my friends," and try to find a way down from the tree, "Wherever they are."
"Your friends, huh," Nag says," Sadly, they'll have to wait, it's been a while since I had fun with you."
He then uses his tail to pull Blitz into his coils and wraps around his body tightly, enough so Blitz can't break free. Nag mananges to wrap his coils around Blitz up to his shoulders.
"And I really want to have some fun with you, my sweet little pet," Nag says.
At the outside of the biology labs...
Moxxie and Millie soon rush over to meet up with Randall.
"Where is Randall?" Millie asks.
"He gotta be here, but it's not easy to see him with his invisibility powers," Moxxie says.
"That's true," Randall's voice says, and the Chameleon demon appears behind them.
The Imp couple turn to see Randall.
"And glad my powers always come in handy for these assignments," Randall says.
"Of course," Moxxie says. He then asks, "Where is the target now?"
"He's still in the building. It looks like he's about ready to load up the body parts to Hell," Randall says.
"It's shocking to learn that our target is a demon, and one that seems to control the body," Moxxie says.
"Who cares, I say it's time to kill this bastard," Millie says, and brings out her axe.
Moxxie brings out his gun, "Of course."
"But we need to be careful. I can tell that this guy seems to be some kind of possessor, and he seems that he can control electricity," Randall says.
"That explains the robots that chased us," Millie says.
"Let's go," Moxxie says, bringing out his gun.
And with that, the three demons rush to the entrance of the building. Millie uses her knife and moves the lock to unlock the door so they can get in. They soon rush down the hall with Randall taking the lead. Luckily, he remembers which floor and which room the mysterious demon is in. They are able to reach the door to the room.
Randall takes a peek to see the demon in there, "We're in luck. He's still here."
"Then lets kill this fucker," Millie says.
And with that, Millie kicks the door open and Moxxie and Randall point their guns.
"Alright fucker, you best not move, and we'll make your death painless," Randall says.
"So sorry, but you are not who I have scheduled for this appointment," The demonic eel says, "But I'm sure I can find a use for the remaining parts you may have," And fires his electricity powers at the group.
"Get down!" Moxxie cries out.
The three duck from the attack.
"Get 'em!" Randall shouts.
Randall and Moxxie begin firing their weapons, but the target fires the electricity as they dodge the attacks. Then begins slipping around like a real eel and mananges to punch Randall, forcing him back towards the window, causing it to crack. Moxie tries to shoot at the demon, but the target uses an electric blast at him, sending Moxxie crashing to one of the tables. This makes Millie really mad. She then charges, but the target mananges to grab a steel metal pipe and uses it to block. He then mananges to kick Millie in the stomach, forcing her to let go. Then he throws the axe through the window, shattering the glass.
Millie then brings out her dagger and fights back once more. The two demons continue battling it out. Moxie slowly regains himself to see Millie battling out against the demon alone. He then notices Randall's gun. He mananges to slowly reach it and picks up the gun. Millie continues fighting the target, but it uses his eel-like tail to coil Millie up and begins squeezing her. Before the target can strike at Millie, a gun has been fired, killing him. That causes him to drop the pipe and Millie before falling over to his death.
Moxxie, who has made the shot, sighs in relief, "Phew, that was too close."
"Thanks Moxxie," Millie says.
"Yeah. We almost got fried from that freak," Randall says.
"Of course, are you both okay?" Moxxie asks.
"I was going to ask the same. That guy was lighting you up like a lightbulb," Randall says.
"I'm alright, I'm just glad I didn't get numb from this," Moxxie says.
"Now that's out of the way, we better go check on Drew and Velma to see if they find Blitz," Millie says.
"Yeah, and we also need to figure out if there's another monster here," Randall says.
"Hmm, I think the possibility of there being another person involved is possible. Look at the bodies, and the hearts in some of the jars, they're all carefully removed and sewn back together. The client said their hearts were removed and their body parts were attached," Moxxie says.
"Then we better find the others and fast," Randall says.
Soon, the group make their leave from the building to find Drew and Velma, and see if they can find Blitz.
Blitz has been tightly restrained by Nag's coils from his shoulders to his ankles. He struggles to break free, but Nag has a strong grip around him.
Nag laughs, "It's funny to see you struggle. You're like a caterpillar trying to get out of a cocoon, but this cocoon has no intention of letting you out," putting a tight squeeze on Blitz.
Blitz angrily shouts, "Let go of me! How did you even get to Earth anyway? Unless you have an Asmodean Crystal or have assistance from a powerful demon, you shouldn't even be here!"
"Well, you are right. I don't use the grimoire like your friends do. But since you heard of Asmodean Crystal..." Nag says.
He then brings out a golden plated pendant with a golden chain. Inside the pendant plate, there is a gemstone that looks like a garnet. Seeing the gemstone on the pendant, Blitz eyes wide in shock to realize what it is.
"No..." Blitz responds, stunned, "How... how did you... Is that really an..."
"Asmodean Crystal?" Nag responds, "Yes. A recent demon, who's heart I devoured, has one in her possession. I heard what these lovely gems can do, and simply use it to get to Earth. Simple as that. And during my time traveling to Earth and Hell, I've learned a lot about you being quite the star on Earth."
"Yeah, so what?" Blitz says, wanting to ignore the snake demon.
"Well, I don't know how you ended up on Earth to begin with, but we have a lot of time," Nag says and leans towards Blitz with a lustful smile, "Especially since how rare you are, so I like to keep you for a little while longer. A lot longer to be exact."
"What?" Blitz asks, stunned.
"So, be a good boy and look into my eyes," Nag says and performs his hypnotic powers towards Blitz.
Realizing what Nag is doing, Blitz closes his eyes and turns his head away.
"Oh don't be so scared," Nag says, and uses his tail to turn Blitz's head towards him, "You know you want to. You want to look into my lovely eyes."
"I... I don't..." Blitz says, sounding uneasy.
Nag then curtsey Blitz's cheek, "There there, no need to be afraid. I promise, it will be like last time, looking into my eyes, allowing you to fall into dreamland, with my coils wrapped around your body like a sleeping bag," Then has Blitz's face turn in order to face his own, "Of course, I don't plan to eat your heart or devour you. I don't mean any harm to you at all. I have other ideas for you."
"What are you..." But before Blitz can ask, Nag ends up kissing Blitz on the lips, causing him to open his eyes in shock.
Before he has time to process it, Blitz starts falling into Nag's gaze. Nag soon parts his lips from Blitz to see his target has fallen into his spell in one fell swoop.
Nag chuckles with a grin, "Oops, looks like I've tricked you. So sorry, but it helped you open your eyes for me," Then wraps his arms around Blitz and rubs his head, "And now, I have you, my precious little Imp."
Blitz begins to fall deeper into Nag's spell.
Nag then looks at Blitz's dazed eyes and still has his arms wrapped around him. He then places one hand on Blitz's cheek and gently rubs it.
"Aww, you look so cute all dazed like that. Do not worry, I promise to take good care of you," Nag says, "Now, fall into a deep sleepy my little pet. Sleep. Sleep."
Soon enough, Blitz ends up closing his eyes, falling into a deeper trance.
Nag pulls Blitz to him and hugs him once more, "That's a good boy."
At another part of the park...
Drew and Velma are searching for Blitz. So far, they aren't having luck with it.
"Blitz!" Velma calls out.
"Blitz, where are you?!" Drew calls out, "Blitz!"
"No luck," Velma says, and looks around, "Where is he?"
"I don't see him anywhere," Drew says, and begins looking around some more.
Velma brings out her copy of the park's map and looks at it, "Hmm, according to the map, we should be close to where the wildlife preserve is, and this is probably where Blitz went in this direction."
Drew soon notices, "And I think we're on the right trail," he shines his phone's light to see Blitz's phone on the ground. He rushes over and picks up the phone.
"That's Blitz's phone," Velma says, worried.
"This doesn't look good," Drew says.
Velma soon notices, "Drew, look over there," and moves the bushes to find the dead body that Blitz has found a little while ago.
"It's a dead body," Drew says.
"Yeah, and it's possible that Blitz has found the body first, but something or someone must have grabbed him as well. Probably the same one who was responsible for the body here," Velma says.
Suddenly, they hear something, "That's it, you're doing well... such a good little Imp."
"Huh?" Drew questions.
They continue hearing the voice, "Allow yourself to fall into slumber."
"Who's that?" Velma whispers.
Drew points up, "It came from up there," He then begins to take flight, "I'll check it out."
Drew flies up into the thick tree branches, but makes sure he's discrete on it. He lands on the branches in the trees and looks in shock to see Nag having Blitz wrapped his coils. He also has his arms around Blitz and rubs his head. Seeing the demon, Drew realizes something.
"This... this is the naga demon that Stolas and Blitz told us about," Drew says in thoughts of shock, "The same one that tried to devour Blitz at the spa in the Sloth Ring."
Drew brings out his gun, "I gotta help Blitz."
Nag continues to comfort Blitz, "That's a good boy. Good sweet boy," and then has the dazed Blitz facing him. He then gives Blitz a gentle kiss on the forehead, "You are very sweet. You would make a sweet little pet. My precious little impish toy," And then tries to kiss him on the lips again.
But before he can do that, he feels a pain in his left arm. Nag turns to see a bad graze in his arm, and begins clenching it. That causes Nag to lose grip of his tail, and Blitz ends up falling off the coils and branch.
"Blitz!" Drew cries out and flies down to catch him just in time.
Drew then flies back down to Velma.
"Blitz?!" Velma says, shocked.
Then asks, "Drew, what happened?"
"It's Nag!" Drew says.
"Who?" Velma asks.
Suddenly, Nag slithers down with his entire tail behind him. He clenches his arm and glares at them.
"You fools, you really have bad manners!" Nag angrily says.
"Says the creep who tried to hurt my friend," Drew says, and fires his guns.
Nag dodges the attack, and then swats his tail at the group. Drew holds on to Blitz as he and Velma fall to the ground, allowing him to escape. By the time the two sit up, Nag has already slithered off and is nowhere in sight.
Velma sighs, "That was scary."
"At least we got Blitz away from him," Drew says.
Velma reaches for Blitz in Drew's arms, "Come on Blitz, wake up."
Then pats her hand on Blitz's cheek, causing him to wake up and the hypnotic gaze has disappeared.
He soon sees his friends, "Drew... Velma... when did you... where's..."
"Nag is gone," Drew says. Then sighs, "I guess we know who's responsible for the hearts being eaten around here.
"Drew... Nag, he got one of those crystals..." Blitz says and is able to sit up.
"What?" Drew and Velma say, shocked.
"But how?" Velma asks, shocked.
"Hey guys!" Randall's voice calls out.
They soon turn to see Randall, Moxxie, and Millie running over.
"Thank goodness we found you," Millie says.
"And we managed to kill the target," Moxxie says.
"And turns out the target is a demon possessor with electricity powers," Randall says.
Then Velma says, "And we found out who was responsible for the recent killings, but he got away."
"Well that's not good," Moxie says.
"And what happened to Blitz? He looks tired," Randall asks.
"That's because the other killer was a demon, and it's Nag," Drew says.
This shocked Randall and the Imp couple.
"Nag?!" Millie says, shocked.
"You mean that Naga demon?" Randall asks.
"Yeah. And he got an Asmodean Crystal somehow and has been using it to come to earth to devour human hearts," Drew explains.
"Gross," Randall says, disgusted.
Blitz begins to stand up on his feet, and feels his leg wobbling a bit. Randall and Moxxie help keep Blitz on his feet.
"You okay, man?" Randall asks.
"I'm okay," Blitz says. He groans and rubs his head, "I can't believe Nag was here, and he managed to grab a hold of me with his hypnotic powers," And begins rubbing his lips.
"You okay Blitz, you look kind of terrible?" Millie asks.
"I'm alright. I just feel out of it and well, shocked to learn Nag is here and was able to grab me when I wasn't looking, especially on what he did to get me under his spell," Blitz answers and is still rubbing his lips.
"What exactly did he do?" Drew asks.
"He kissed me," Blitz says, and feels disgusted.
"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaims in shock.
"He kissed you?!" Drew asks, shocked.
"He did, and he keeps acting weird towards me. He said he doesn't plan on eating me, but wants me to be with him, and he called me his sweet little pet," Blitz says and feels shivers up his spine.
"Ugh, that is so gross," Randall says, disgusted
"Yeah. Sounds like Nag is into you, and not exactly in the good way," Millie says.
"Still, we need to let Sarge and Stolas know about Nag having his hands on an Asmodean Crystal and gain access to the living world," Moxxie says.
Blitz sighs, "I don't want him to know about what Nag did, but he has the right to know."
"I can imagine how Stolas is going to react when we tell him what Nag did and his intentions towards you," Randall says, rolling his eyes.
Sometime later at the Goetia Mansion...
The I.M.P gang, including Blitz arrive at the palace and explain to Stolas about what has occurred during the last assignment. However...
Loud screeching and screaming
Blitz, Sarge, and everyone watch in shock, fright, and terror to see Stolas so furious at the incident.
"Fuck, your dad really didn't took it very well," Loona says.
"No he didn't," Octavia says.
Mimmy hugs Loona in fear, "He's really scary right now."
"Damn, I've never seen Stolas this mad before," Drew says.
Sarge then says, "Oh, I have."
"I've seen Stolas get upset too, but never like this," Blitz says.
Blitz then approaches Stolas.
"Easy Blitz, Stolas looks pretty upset right now," Barbie says.
"Don't worry, I can handle it," Blitz says, and approaches Stolas.
Once blitz reaches Stolas, Blitz says, "Hey Stolas, it's okay," and gently places his hand on Stolas, "It's okay, Stolas. I'm okay. It's all over, Nag is gone for the time being and I'm okay."
Stolas sharply turns to Blitz, causing the imp to take a step back a bit. Seeing Blitz's face and reassuring smile, Stolas begins to calm down and reverts back to his normal state. However, Stolas is still dark around his body and there are redness coming around his body, and his eyes are glowing red.
"I'm sorry about that Blitz, but I'm just so furious at that snake right now," Stolas says, still upset, "I can't believe he tried to lay his hand on you again. He even has the nerve to ki-ki-ki..."
Then Barbie bluntly says, "He kissed him."
"Ugh, I just want to send this slithering serpent to the farthest corner of the cosmos if possible," Stolas says.
Blitz comforts and reassures, "It's okay, Stolas. I'm not very happy about what happened either. I just can't believe Nag has such an interest towards me."
"He said he wants to make you his pet," Drew points out.
"Yeah. And I'm not going to let him do that," Blitz says, "I mean, I can't let him do that to me again. I've already got hypnotized by him, twice. And no way I'm going to go through that again."
"Yeah. no way I'm going to allow him to make you his little pet," Barbie says, refusing to let her brother become a toy for someone else.
"Yes. I refuse to let him do that. I'll need to contact Asmodeus to let him know about the situation, especially since Nag managed to snag one of the crystals. That demon could be one of his workers," Stolas says.
"You're right. And with Nag roaming around Earth somewhere, this could be bad," Sarge says.
"It is bad, especially since Nag is devouring the hearts of Humans," Stolas says.
"I mean, it's no different for us killing humans, but Nag is dangerous to be around in both Earth and Hell," Randall says.
"Still, the situation is very serious. Nag could cause real trouble if he roams around Earth," Moxxie says.
Stolas nods and kneels to Blitz, "Are you sure you're okay, Blitz?"
"I'm alright Stolas. I must admit, it was shocking, and now I'm now the target of the snake demon, but we'll find a way to stop him and find him," Blitz says.
"I can only hope so," Stolas says and hugs Blitz, "I'm just relieved you're okay."
"Thanks Stolas," Blitz says, "I'm glad to see you've calmed down and you're okay now.
Then the two hug each other before giving each other a kiss of love and passion.
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