Chapter 97: Octavia's Family Bonding Quest Part 2

Sometime later...

Blitz lets out a grunt and groans in pain as she slowly regains consciousness.

"My head..." Blitz mutters to himself.

He quickly opens his eyes and sits up in shock.

He looks around, "What happened? Where are we...?"

Blitz looks around to find himself in a large room. There doesn't seem to be any windows, but a large door. There is little furniture with a desk and lamp.

"What happened? Where are the girls?" Blitz asks, searching around.

He turns to see

To Blitz's relief, he sees Octavia and Mimmy sleeping on the bed next to him.

"Thank goodness, the girls are safe," Blitz says to himself.

He then tries to collect his memories of what happened. He remembers his trip to the mall with the girls, the strange black balls caused smoke explosions all over the food court, and a grenade let out some strange gas. At the moment later, they end up losing consciousness. Which has him wondering, how did they end up.

Blitz mutters to himself, "I don't know how we got here, but I need to find a way to escape. I need to get the girls out of this place, and maybe find out more about the guys who abducted us.

Suddenly, he hears a mumbling voice, "Da da..."

Blitz turns to see Mimmy and Octavia waking up as they feel a bit dizzy.

"Octavia. Mimmy. Are you both okay?" Blitz asks, relieved and worried.

Octavia lifts her head up and answers, a bit tired, "I think so. My head feels like it's spinning."

"Daddy," Mimmy replies and lets out a yawn.

"It's okay, Mimmy," Blitz says, "How are you feeling?"

"A little sleepy," Mimmy answers, rubbing her eyes and still feeling sleepy.

Blitz sits down and places Mimmy on his lap, "It's okay sweetie. It's okay."

Octavia looks around, "Blitz, where are we?"

"I don't know," Blitz says.

Blitz then climbs off of bed with Mimmy in his arms and tries to open the door. However, the door isn't opening.

"The door's locked," Blitz says.

Mimmy asks, a little uneasy, "Daddy, how do we get out?"

"I'm not sure," Blitz says.

"My memory is very vague, but I think we were abducted," Octavia says.

Suddenly, Octavia remembers to see the two figures approaching them before losing consciousness.

"And we were," Octavia says, shocked.

"Seems so, the door is locked, there's no window," Blitz says.

Octaiva notices that her bag is gone and her phone, "And I think they took our phones so we can't call for help."

"Daddy..." Mimmy says, starting to get scared.

"It's okay, Mimmy," Blitz says, trying to comfort her.

Octavia walks over and tries to help, "Don't worry Mimmy, we'll find a way out of this place." Then mutters to herself, "I hope..."

Meanwhile, the two Imps from earlier are in a different room. The one with the long white hair picks up his phone and makes a phone call.

He answers, "Hello Toxbane... yes, we captured the Imp that survived the serum. We also managed to capture the Goetia Princess and the Hell Kitten... Yes... Of course, we'll wait for further instructions..." and then hang up the phone.

The white haired Imp turns to the broken horned Imp, "Well Harah, the boss wants us to stay here until further instructions. Until then, we need to make sure those three don't try to escape."

The Imp, Harah says, "I have to agree, Mist. We need to keep them here. Of course, we need to make sure that Goetia Prince and that Imp's annoying friends get in our way."

"You're right," Mist says, "It's bad enough that the CEO, Sarge, is investigating us and already had a delay thanks to him."

"And not to mention that they already caught some of our men, including what happened at the hospital," Harah says.

"It's best we wait for further instruction. Even if they managed to get out of that room, they wouldn't get far," Mist says.

Back in the room, Blitz and Octavia search around to find their way to escape from the room. They search the ceiling, the walls and the floor, somehow, there doesn't seem to be an air vent or other ways out.

Octavia grumbles, "Fuck, there no other way for us to escape, not even an air vent."

"Does this mean we're not getting out?" Mmmy asks, worried.

"I'm afraid not," Octavia says.

Blitz thinks about it and says, "Hold on, I might have an idea how to get out of here."

"What is it?" Octavia asks.

Blitz approaches the door, "I'm not sure if it will work, but it's worth a try.

Blitz concentrates his magic as his hand glows in a red aura. He then reaches his hand towards the door and places it on the knob and lock. Blitz concentrates with his magic on what he wants it to do, and finally, they hear a click. Once he hears the click, Blitz reaches the knob, turns it, and opens the door.

"There," Blitz says.

"Yay! Daddy opened the door!" Mimmy happily says.

Octavia asks, surprised and amazed, "Did you use your magic to make the door unlock itself?"

"Yes. Yes I did," Blitz says, and soon walks out, "Like I said, it's kind of a gamble because I never used my magic for this before, but I'm glad it worked."

Blitz looks at the left hall and then the right hall.

"Okay, the coast is clear," Blitz says.

Mimmy looks out and is looking kind of scared.

Octavia then picks up Mimmy and comforts her, "It's okay, Mimmy. Everything will be okay."

Blitz holds his hand out to Octavia and says, "Stay close, we don't want to get lost."

Octavia nods her head, takes Blitz hand, and the pair begin to walk down the hall together.


Barbie is looking outside through the windows and looks at her phone as she tries to call Blitz. Barbie has called multiple times, but every call goes straight to voicemail. Same with Octavia's phone.

"Where are they?" Barbie asks herself in thought, and with a concerned expression on her face.

And tries to call Blitz and Octavia's phone again, but the calls are not even coming through, not even the messages. Everyone else is either out town, hanging out with one another, or even busy with important work. Barbie then sighs and decides to call the only person who can help her.

Barbie calls a number and it goes through.

She then says, "Hey Stolas, are you done with your meetings... Good, that's a huge relief... Listen, I really need your help... I think something happened to Blitz and the girls..."

Back in the unknown location, Blitz and the girls are speed walking down the hall. Blitz has used his magic to emit some light with his ball of light. Mimmy is scared, but is clenching to Octavia like a teddy bear. Octavia is nervous as well, but is relieved that Blitz is there to help them out.

"I wonder where we are," Octavia replies.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that us being brought here was no accident," Blitz says.

"Yeah. They could be part of Toxbane's goons or people like that mafia who kidnapped you and Fizzarolli not long ago," Octavia suspects.

"It's possible. We need to be very careful," Blitz says.

Suddenly, someone shouts, "Hey!"

The three soon turn to see a Shark Demon and a Hellhound.

"What are three doing out?!" The Hellhound demands.

Blitz cries out, "Run!"

And with that, Blitz and Octavia begin running down the hall. The Hellhound and Shark Demon begin to give chase.

"The Imp is the one Toxbane wants!" The Hellhound says.

"We can't let him escape!" The Shark demon says.

The shark demon begins shooting at them. Blitz quickly uses his magic to create a protective shield to block the bullets. Then the Hellhound launches a net launcher towards them.

Blitz turns around, uses his telekinesis to stop the net and launches it back, capturing the Shark demon and Hellhound.

"Nice shot, Blitz," Octavia says.

"Thanks," Blitz says, "Now let's hurry. We need to find a way out of here."

"Right," Octavia says.

With that, the pair begin running away as Octavia holds Mimmy in her arms. Well, Mimmy is also clenching Octavia out of fear. Still behind, the two demons are struggling to get out of the net, and finally able to break free.

"That Imp must have already started learning to control those powers, "The Hellhound says.

"With him living with an Ars Goeita, that Imp probably was given lessons on how to control it," The Shark robot says.

"Come on we gotta go after them," The Hellhound says.

The two demons then begin to chase after them.

Meanwhile, in the other room, the two Imps Harah and Mist are about to leave when they hear his phone ringing.

"What is it?" Mist asks.

The shark demon shouts, "Hey, we could use some backup!"

"What's going on?" Mist asks.

"That Imp and those two brats got out of the room!" The shark demon shouts over the phone.

Mist grits his teeth angrily, "Well make sure not to let that Imp and those kids leave the building. We can't let them escape," and hangs up the phone.

Harah then grabs the gun, "Well, it looks like we're going hunting."

"Yeah. And this Imp has proven to be more difficult than I thought," Misty says, and brings out his gun.

He then smirks, "Let's go."

Down the hall, Blitz and the girls continue to run down the hall.

"I sure wish I had some of my weapons," Blitz says.

"Yeah. I suspect they must have taken them when you were knocked out," Octavia says.

Suddenly, the three skid to a stop to see three Imps, two more Hellhounds, five shark demons, and others with weapons and ready to attack.

Blitz then lets go of Octavia and says, "Octavia, you and Mimmy stay here. When I give a single, you make a run for it."

"Right," Octavia says.

Soon, the demons bring out their ropes, guns, and other weapons and charge to attack. Blitz then runs towards them while Octavia steps back with Mimmy in her arms. Blitz then begins to attack them using his magic and his physical strength. He uses his telekinesis to lift a larger Ip up and throws them at the other goons.

Blitz then shouts, "Octavia, run now! Hurry!"

"Right!" Octavia says, and runs down the hall with Mimmy in her arms.

Blitz continues to cast his magic and attack the gons until they have a struggle getting up. Blitz soon quickly dash off and is able to catch up with the girls. Blitz turns to see more demons chasing after them. Blitz continues to use his magic, the weapons he gathers, and his physical skills at the demons who try to capture or shoot continue to run down stairs to different floors of the mysterious buildings. While Blitz attacks the demons who try to capture or attack them, Octavia continues to run down the halls and down the stairs with Mimmy in her arms. The three demons soon find themselves in a large room that looks like a awarehouse.

"What is this place?" Octavia asks.

"I don't know," Blitz says. Then turns to the large door, "But I think I see the way out."

Blitz then uses his magic to levitate himself and the girls up and glide themselves down to ground floor. Blitz and Octavia look around to see no one is around.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone here," Octavia says.

"You're right," Blitz says, "But we need to be careful. We don't know if any of these creeps could be around."

"Okay," Octavia says.

Then Blitz whispers to Mimmy, "Alright Mimmy, we need to be very quiet."

Mimmy lifts her head to see her daddy and nods her head in reply.

And with that, the two begin to walk towards the door as they keep an eye out for any more goons who try to capture them. Unknown to them, Mist and Harah arrive from a different hall to see the three demons trying to escape. Mist brings out the gun and aims at his target.

"Just remember to graze that Imp so he can't escape," Harah says.

"I know. Luckily the holy bullet won't kill or severely injure Blitzo, but it will at least hurt him long enough to capture him," Mist says.

He then aims the gun at the spot that will stop Blitz in his tracks as he approaches the door. Suddenly Octavia senses something as Blitz begins to adjust his magic to unlock the door. Her eyes turn to behind to see Misty aiming towards Blitz.

Octavia quickly cries out, "Get down!" and pushes Blitz out of the way as Mist fires.

And then Mist fires his gun... As Octavia pushes Blitz out of the way, the bullet ends up grazing Octavia's right shoulder. Then falls to her knees on the ground. Blitz ends up landing on the ground with a thud.

Blitz quickly turns around, "Octavia!"

"VIA!" Mimmy cries out.

Blitz quickly sits up and rushes to Octavia.

"Are you okay?" Blitz asks, worried.

"I'm fine," Octavia says, gritting his teeth, "The bullet grazed my arm... ugh, it burns."

Blitz looks at the injury and says in shock, "Oh shit, you must have been shot by a holy bullet."

"Fuck, it really burns..." Octavia says, feeling pain.

Soon, Blitz hears footsteps and looks to see Mist, Harah, and some demons who are alive and conscious begin to approach them.

Mist says with an evil smirk, "Well, not the way I was going for, but it will slow you down."

"Now, we suggest you all stay put and remain right where you are," Harah says.

Mimmy asks, worried, "Daddy..."

Octavia continues to grit her teeth in pain as tears begin to fall down her face.

"Wha-what are... what are we going to do...?" Octavia asks, still in pain.

Blitz stands up to protect them, "Don't worry, let me handle this. I promise, I'm going to protect you both, even if I end up getting killed over this."

Blitz's anger begins to boil as his eyes begin to turn red and his hands begin to glow a demonic red aura.

Just then, Mist says, "Well then, it looks like we'll have to do this with force."

"I think it will be a good opportunity to see what kind of powers he has from this fight," Harah says.

Before the two Imps and the other demon can attack and capture them, they all stop to notice something off. Unknown to Blitz and the girls, their shadows begin forming into a frightening silhouette. Just then, the building begins to shake, causing some of the crates and boxes to fall off. Then one of the support beams begins falling down and crashes to the ground. Blitz acts fast and shields the girls with his own body.

Mimmy becomes frightened and hugs Blitz, "Daddy, what's happening?"

"I don't know," Blitz says.

Suddenly, Octavia senses something and makes her come to the realization.

"What is it, Via?" Blitz asks.

"I think we're about to get some help out of this mess, and going to see my dad's rage," Octavia says.

Soon, something crashes through the skylight and lands in front of Blitz and the girls. And soon, it is revealed to be Stolas in his demonic form. Then Stolas flies to Blitz and the girls and covers them, like he's protecting them. Stolas looks down in relief and concern to see Blitz and the girls.

He then glares at the demons who have abducted and cause harm to his own daughter, his boyfriend and his daughter.

In a demonic voice, Stolas says, "It appears that Toxbane's little minions have decided to stoop to a new low. You dare try to cause harm to those who are precious to me."

This causes the demon abductors to flinch with frightened expressions on their faces. Before they have a chance to attack, Stolas uses his demon powers to send strong demonic wind and black sharp feathers at the Toxbane's minions. They try to escape, but the wind is too strong and the sharp feathers are scratching them, giving them deep cuts and piercing their skin. Some of them mananges to pierce their heads and hearts, causing them to drop dead. The two Imps in charge of the kidnapping try to escape from this, but Stolas mananges to raise his big talons and slams.

The demonic Stolas says, "You two sums will remain here, and I'll be sure to pay for treating my boyfriend and daughters so shamelessly."

Soon, the talon lifts the pair up as Stolas uses his magic to trap the pair into a bubble. Then with his magic, the bubble trapping the pair disappeared. Once the minions are dead and the two Imps have disappeared in the bubble, Stolas reverts back from his transformation from his demonic form back to his original form. Blitz and the girls soon look to see Stolas on the scene, and see him walking towards them.

"Dad!" Octavia cries out and runs to her dad.

Octavia then hugs Stolas. Stolas quickly hugs Octavia back. Blitz soon stands up with Mimmy in his arms and walks towards.

"Stolas, how were you able to find us?" Blitz asks, relieved and also confused.

"Barbie called me and told me you all haven't taken her calls and returned home. She suspects something must have happened to you. I might have been able to track you all here after time of searching." Stolas says, and then pulls Blitz and Mimmy into a hug.

Stolas sighs in relief, "I'm so glad you all are okay. Are you all alright?"

"We're okay," Blitz says.

"Yes. We're alright," Octavia says.

"Oh that's good," Stolas says, relieved.

Mimmy asks, "Stolas, what do you do to the mean Imps?"

"Do not worry, I used my magic to send them to a prison. After all, when I've learned that Toxbane is involved, I've decided to send them somewhere to get interrogated to learn more about that Chemist Overlord," Stolas says.

"That's good. At least we don't need to worry about those guys," Octavia says, and turns her head, "And I can see what they did with the rest."

"Yeah. You don't mess around, huh," Blitz says.

"Of course. Anyone who hurt my boyfriend and my Starfire, and of course, this cute little kitten, doesn't give mercy towards me," Stolas says.

"Believe me. I remember what dad and Sarge told me about what they did with that guy Skeeter when I was a kid," Octavia says.

"Is he the bad man that kidnapped you all those years ago?" Mimmy asks.

"That's right," Octavia says, and sighs of exhaustion, "Well, I had my share of fun and chaos, I say we head home and..." but when she moves her right arm, she feels a sharp pain on her shoulder.

"Are you okay, Via?" Stolas asks, worried.

"I'm okay, my shoulder just hurts... a bit..." Octavia says.

"Oh right, we need to check your shoulder," Blitz says.

"No. I'm okay, it's not that bad," Octavia says.

"But Octavia, that was a holy bullet, let me see," Blitz says.

Octavia sighs, "Alright, you win."

Octavia then remembers her jacket to reveal her right shoulder. To Blitz and Stolas' shock, Octavia's dress has been torn in a straight light with her blood seeping out.

"It's not bad, it just really stings if anything," Octavia says.

"Well, I suppose, it looks like a graze, but it seems to be pretty bad. It must have happened when you pushed me out of the way from that holy bullet," Blitz says, deeply concerned.

"What?!" Stolas exclaims in shock and worry.

"One of those mean Imps tried to hurt daddy, but they ended up hurting Via," Mimmy says.

Blitz then brings a knife, "I think I can fix it."

"What do you mean?" Octavia asks.

To Octavia's shock, she sees Blitz stabbing the palm of his hand with a knife, allowing his blood to seep out.

"What are you doing?!" Octavia asks, worried.

"Going to heal you. Now, let me see your shoulder," Blitz says.

"Um okay," Octavia says, and turns her injured shoulder towards Blitz.

Blitz places the palm of his hand with his own blood on Octavia's shoulder where her injury is. Blitz concentrates hard to focus his magic. Soon, a glow appears on Octavia's shoulder, much to her surprise. Blitz removes her hand for Octavia to see the injury on her shoulder is disappearing as it glows. In the matter of seconds, the glow has disappeared and Octavia's shoulder is healed.

"Wow. The graze is gone," Octavia says.

"Yeah. I kind of used my healing, but it does require my own blood for it," Blitz says, looking at the injury he created himself.

Stolas sighs, "I think we had enough chaos for one day. I say we will head back home."

And with that, Stolas opens a portal, leading to the courtyard of the Goetia Palace.

"I agree," Octavia says and yawns, "I had enough excitement for one day."

Mimmy asks, "Daddy, can Via hold me?"

"I don't mind, but you should ask Octavia," Blitz says.

Octavia giggles and says, "I don't mind at all."

She then takes Mimmy in her arms and walks through the portal.

"I think after the misadventure we had we can go grab a snack," Octavia says.

"Yay!" Mimmy happily says.

Blitz walks through the portal as well with Stolas behind him. Just then, Stolas picks Blitz up and holds him in his arms.

"While the girls have some sisterly bonding, I'll get to work on mending your hand," Stolas says.

"Okay," Blitz says, blushing a bit.

And before long, Stolas and Blitz kiss each other on the lips as the portal closes. Octavia and Mimmy soon notice, causing Via to cover Mimmy's eyes as she blushes.

Mimmy giggles, "Daddy and Stolas are kissing."

"Yes, they are," Octavia says with a sigh, "They both need to get a room."

But she can't help but smile and says in her thoughts, "But I'm glad Blitz ended up meeting dad when he did, especially now that I've got to know him. Blitz is really kind and generous, and is very unique. Blitz is truly one of a kind."

Meanwhile, in the lab, full glass vials, bottles, tubes, and machines, there is a demon that seems to be a mixture of poisonous animals. His upper body is that of a Black Bellied Newt, and his lower half is that of a Arizona bark scorpion. He also has fangs similar to that of a King Cobra. His body is black and red. He also has long sharp nails, the scorpion tail is also black with small red stripes. That demon is Toxbane, the one that is responsible for the experiment.

The Chemist Overlord is working on some serums and potions when he hears a strange ringing sound.

Toxbane picks up the phone and says, "Yes, what is it...?" And when he hears what happened, he is shocked and furious, "What?! That Goetia Prince killed and captured some of my men...."

Then Toxbane says, "No, just stand by and wait for further instruction... Yes, you may send the security footage."

And then hangs up the phone.

Toxbane grows irritated and says to himself, "We were so close in obtaining that Imp."

He soon hears a notification on his phone and looks at the videos of Blitz using his magic to protect the girls, him displaying fire magic, telekinesis, and other kinds of magic, even the balls of light to shine around the room and building. Even about the parts when Blitz fights and his eyes turn red with anger.

Toxbane smirks, "However, this little failure ended up proven to be quite useful. I'm able to see that the serum is working excellently. Soon, I'll have that little Imp and be able to perfect my research."

And shows an evil grin as his eyes glow, showing strong desire to continue his research. He continues to watch Blitz display his magical abilities along with his strength.

He then says, "Blitzo Abercrombie, you gave me the desire to continue with my research. I was on the verge of giving up when I heard about you. And now, I can finish my research and prove that us Sinners and Hellborns can survive the Extermination, and surpass those Upper class demons. And I'll do anything to accomplish it, and you will be the key to perfect my research."

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