Chapter 89: Race Against the Witching Time
Sometime later, Barbie and Randall reach the Greed Ring from the elevator. They soon look around the streets of the Greed Ring, and they need to come up with a plan.
"Alright, we need a plan," Barbie says.
"I know we need a plan. We need to find out where Crimson and Striker could have taken them," Randall says. "Knowing Crimson, he and his goons must have taken them somewhere in the Greed Ring."
"But where...?" Barbie asks, worried.
Randall then brings out his phone, "I'm going to call Moxxie. He might have an idea where his dad could have taken them."
On the phone, Moxxie answers, "Hello Randall."
"Hey Mox, sorry about interrupting you on your trip to your in-laws with Mills, but listen, we have a serious problem," Randall says.
"What is it?" Moxxie asks, over the phone.
"Your dad and Striker kidnapped Blitz and Fizzarolli and are holding them both ransom," Randall says.
And Moxxie screams over the phone, "WHAAAAAAT?!" and he's not happy about it.
Randall moves his phone away from him to hear Moxxie scream over the phone.
Randall says, "Calm down Moxxie, Barbie and I have reached the Greed Ring, but we have no idea where we could find them. Do you have any idea where your dad could have taken them?"
"Well, it's going to be hard to figure out. My father had secret warehouses and hideouts in different areas of the Greed Ring, even a few outside of Greed for his business. It's going to be difficult to pinpoint his exact location," Moxxie says.
"Well, I doubt they'll go to the Lust Ring, knowing how furious he made two Demon Royals," Barbie says
"Is there a way for you to narrow down any places where he likes to hold his hostages?" Randall asks.
Then Barbie comes in, "Come on Mox, you must know something."
"Olay okay, no need to get upset. I'm not happy about this either, but we need to think rationally, this is my father we're talking about.
"I know. Your dad is just as bad as mine in different ways," Randall says.
"I can agree. Let me think," Moxxie says over the phone.
"Well, you need to at least give us a few locations. We don't have much time. We have until the witching hour before Stolas and Asmodeus will write the contract of his demands. More like around 3 am, but still," Randall says.
"And to make matters worse, Crimson knows about Blitz's powers," Barbie adds.
"He did, bu-but how...?" Moxxie asks, shocked over the phone.
"We're not sure. I bet Striker must have told him a few things about Blitz since your dad probably hired him," Randall says.
"And I bet Blitz had no other choice but to use his magic to try to escape," Barbie adds.
"I wouldn't be surprised if he also knows how dangerous my dad and his group are. Anyway, there are a few places where he hides from high class demons and rivals. However, since they're threatening two royals, I think the very very old warehouse in the junkyard is where he and his goons are most likely to be. They can carry out their business without being disturbed and there are items there where they can keep their hostages retrainted and looked after," Moxxie says.
"Sounds good to me," Randall says.
"Can you send us the exact spot?" Barbie asks.
"Of course. I'll send them to you right away, but be careful. Knowing my father, he's going to have a lot of goons at his hideout. And with Striker, they're sure to be a bad combination," Moxxie says.
"No kidding. A Mafia Boss and a well skilled Assassin make a terrifying combination," Randall.
"I don't care. Those two are dead when I get my hands on them," Barbie says.
Moxxie then says over the phone, "There. I've sent you a few possible ideas to where he could be at. But go to the warehouse in the junkyard first, that's where they usually keep their hostages at. It's far from any city, and the place has been abandoned for a long time. Well, maybe not so abandoned since my father uses it."
"Sounds good to me. Thanks Mox," Randall says.
Then Randall hangs up the phone and looks at the map picture of the location.
"And he's sure that's where Blitz and Fizzarolli are most likely to be?" Barbie asks.
"We'll just have to trust Moxxie on this one. Besides, it's the best chance we got," Randall says.
Barbie sighs, "You're right."
"Then let's go," Randall says. "To be honest, I'm worried about Blitz, now that Crimson knows about his powers, and what he'll do with that detail."
And with that, Randall and Barbie hurry off to the junkyard, and hope that's where Crimson is holding Blitz and Fizzarolli hostage.
Back in Asmodeus' palace, once Asmodeus calms down, Stolas is able to explain the rest of the details about Blitz's abilities, and how he trained Blitz to control his magic. And the reason why he, along with everyone from I.M.P decided to keep all this a secret.
"Well now I get why you need to hide this, but this is not something to keep hush about, especially since us Sin has been hunting Toxbane and anyone involved for years," Asmodeus says.
Stolas sighs, "Yes. However, we agreed to only know a small number of demons about Blitz's abilities. Sadly however, it becomes harder for us to keep Blitz's upbringing and his abilities in check. Mainly because they're been situations that lead to it. The assassin you saw earlier was the one who first revealed Blitz's immunity by assassination attempt on both mine and Blitz's lives."
"I see," Asmodeus says, taking an interest.
"And then, after getting sick with the Brimstone Flu, Blitz began to demonstrate his powers," Stolas says.
He lets out a sigh, "And of course, I figure things will be harder once Blitz's identity has been exposed. And while at the hospital is when we learned the truth of what Toxbane has done to Blitz before the Early Extermination all those years ago. Again, I apologize for not bringing this to your attention to you or the other sins sooner. We were really worried about what could happen if you know, we meant to protect him."
"Stolas, I understand that you had good intentions to keep this. However, if the other Sins, mainly Lucifer, find any of that out. What do you think they'll do without you coming forward about this information," Asmodeus says.
"I suppose you're right. Part of me wanted to wait a little longer until we knew more about Toxbane and his whereabouts. However, Sarge was barely able to get a little information about Toxbane's whereabouts and what he's up to. And after the incident from the hospital, it's clear that he's after Blitz to continue his experiment to stabilize his serum," Stolas explains.
"Indeed. I think you made the right decision in telling me now," Asmodues says, "For now, it's best we focus on the lawyer that will be coming in regards to Blitz and Fizzarolli. Once all this is over, we need to discuss the situation."
"Of course, it would be better to talk about it once they're both out of danger," Stolas replies.
Meanwhile, in the abandoned warehouse in Greed, Crimson's mafia member gives him a lighter to smoke a cigar. He walks off, while the mafia member sets Blitzo & Fizzarolli in a cage, which Striker is on top of. Fizzarolli has his arms, legs, and even his hand restrained with strong duct tape. As for Blitz, he has also been restrained by rope around his arms, tail and legs, his hands are heavily bound with duct tape as well, and his blindfolded. Fizzarolli stammers in fear after being thrown into the cage. The cage lifts up with the two trapped inside by a crane.
Despite not seeing, Blitz can hear Fizzarolli panicking.
Blitz says, "Calm down Fizz, I'm sure everything will be alright. We'll get out of this somehow."
"Easy for you to say! We're being held hostage by a bunch of psychos!" Fizzarolli says, grunting as he tries to break his restraints and falls over, "And a piece of shit!"
"If you're talking about Striker and Crimson, which is the psycho or the piece of shit?" Blitz questions.
"Both!" Fizzarolli points out.
"Yeah, that checks," Blitz replies.
Fizzarolli cries out, "How is this happening?! I was just supposed to grab some gas station milk and rehearse some juggling...!"
"I know things are bad now, but I'm sure Stolas and Asmodeus ain't gonna let anything bad happen to us. Plus, Barbie and Randall probably saw the video with them, so I'm sure they'll find us. I'm sure of it," Blitz says.
"One one: Barbie is going to fuckin kill your friend's old man and the cowboy watching us when she get her hands on them," Fizzarolli says. He then sits up and asks, "And two: How can you be calm about this?"
"Probably because this wasn't the first time I was tied up like this and having to face this kind of danger. I just got a bit used to it. Plus, I know my friends will help me. We do our best to help each other," Blitz says.
"True, because of the work you were in, and about how you got caught a few times," Fizzarolli says.
"No kidding," Blitz says. He sighs and says, "We might as well wait here for a while."
"Yeah," Fizzarolli says.
Then turns to Blitz, "So then, about your relationship with Stolas. I can see that you got quite a... regal taste, huh. Heheh..."
"I suppose, I mean, sure Stolas is a royal prince, but he's like any other demon. He's very nice to me, and he doesn't really think too much of the royal stuff all the time. And we like each other for who we are, not what we have, status, and all that," Blitz says.
"Well, I could tell the way you and princey cozying up at Ozzie's," Fizzarolli says as he wraps his tail around himself with sparkles in his eyes.
Blitz's cheeks blush, "Yeah. We really get along, despite what people in Hell say about royals down here, and well, guess some think the same up there. People think that royals don't really care about demons like us. I mean, some do like Stella, but Stolas is different, he doesn't care about it. I mean, Stolas and I got along when we first met, we dated, and even became an official couple. I don't care that Stolas is a prince, he's more than that."
Fizzarolli blushes a bit and says, "Yeah. You're right about that... That's not- ...always true..." He then continues, "But I guess you're right. They can't all be the same if some have taste, and some wanna fuck with some rando peasent."
Blitz chuckles, "I'm not sure royals actually do that."
"True that," Fizzarolli replies.
Then Fizzarolli smirks, "By the way, I heard from Ozzie about your little modeling show not long ago."
Blitz blushes to hear it, "He told you about me dressing up as..."
"Dressing up as a kimono girl. Oh yeah. He even showed me pictures. Gotta admit, you look very pretty as a girl. You look a lot like Barbie with your horns painted as hers. It's how Ozzie is able to know it's you in seconds," Fizzarolli says.
"Can we not talk about that now?" Blitz asks, embarrassed.
Just then, Striker bags on the top of the cage, "WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY?! Talkin' like a couple of teen SKANKS."
Fizzarolli mutters to Blitz, "Sheesh, what's up with him?"
"I have no idea," Blitz replies.
Striker steps down onto the boxes, while leaning towards their cage, and grabs the bars, "As far as I'm concerned, you two are BOTH embarrassments to our kind for meddlin' with blue-bloods in the first place." He lets out a sigh and says, "I don't know which is more embarrassing. An Imp Jester being a rich bitch's little purse dog, or an Imp with human morals being a trophy boyfriend."
Fizzarolli says in remark towards Striker, "Well, a filth-bag like you don't know what you're even talkin' about. If you think you're superior to ANYONE, then you're no better than any royal-" making Striker grow agitated.
Before Fizzarolli can finish, Striker stops him and grabs him, "DON'T. YOU. DARE... FINISH THAT SENTENCE, CLOWN."
Blitz soon growls in anger to hear what Striker says and struggles to break his restraints. Thanks to his acrobatic skills, and his hearing, Blitz is able to gain his footing and launch himself at the cage bars near the two Imps, knocking the surprised Striker and Fizzarolli apart from each other. Blitz and Fizzarolli crash to the ground, while Striker is able to quickly recover. He angrily hisses towards Blitz for his little stunt as a snake and rattles his tail.
Before Blitz can react, Striker's tail coils around Blitz around him a few times around his upper body. And then Striker grabs Blitz by the collar of his shirt.
"You sure have a lot of nerve doing that in your position," Striker says, viciously.
He then evilly smirks, "Kind of impressed that despite your restraint, you decided to attack me."
Blitz struggles as Striker's tail constricts around his body.
Feeling crushed, Blitz says, "Why do you care about me and Fizzarolli being with demon royals like Stolas and Asmodeus, anyway? It's not of your concern anyway. Also, funny how you seem to have issues with royals, when you yourself were employed by one."
That makes Striker grits his teeth in anger and uses his tail to coil around Blitz's neck and begins to choke him with some pressure.
He stops putting the pressure and says, "You really have no clue do you. I may have done it for my job, but you have no idea what it's like living down in Hell."
He then turns Blitz around and pulls him close to him with his back pressed against the bars. He then wraps one arm around Blitz's waist and another under his chin.
He then says, sounding bitter, "You have lived on Earth for so long, you can barely grasp on what us low class demons had to go through, especially with fuckers like your boyfriend. But you'll grasp reality when he and your annoying friends aren't going to save you..." and Striker constricts his tail further, causing Blitz to struggle, but feel like his body is becoming paralyzed.
Striker then sighs, "Still, it's a shame, you and I could have become a good team. I could have taught you everything I know, if you weren't so attached to your morals and your little birdie..."
He then gently blows a bit of air at Blitz's neck, causing him to shudder,
"But, you have a chance to change that. With your powers and immunity, you would have become one of the most powerful and dangerous demons in Hell, Blitz," Striker says.
Before Blitz can speak out, Crimson calls out to Striker, "HEY, hick-for-hire! I said watch em', not fuck em'. Keep ya' hands off the merchandise!"
Striker looks at Blitz for a second. He soon uncoils his tail around Blitz and allows him to drop to the ground of the cage.
Furious by this, Fizzarolli shouts through the barks of the cage, "EVER HEARD OF MOUTHWASH?! FUCK-FAAACE!" and flops his head.
Fizzarolli decides to forget it seeing that they're gone now. He turns to Blitz who is barely able to sit up after being tightly squeezed by Striker.
"Are you okay, Blitz?" Fizzarolli asks, worried.
"I'm okay," Blitz says.
"What you did was very brave and very stupid. He could have killed you," Fizzarolli says.
"Yeah, but I couldn't just sit here," Blitz says. He then has a shiver down his spine, "But what he just said and did to me is really uncomfortable. It feels like I have chills down my spine."
"Yeah. Some demons would feel hard over this," Fizzarolli says.
"No way I'll feel hard after being threatened by that creepy viper. We can't just sit here. We need to find a way to get out of here." Blitz then begins to struggle from his restraints, but can't seem to break free. "If only my hands weren't tired, I could easily snap my fingers to use my fire magic."
"Yeah, speaking of magic. Back there..." Fizzarolli questions. And then shouts, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT?!"
Blitz stops and turns to Fizzarolli, despite being blindfolded, "Oh yeah. You kind of saw my magical abilities, huh."
"Duh," Fizzarolli says, "How could you never mention these powers before? I mean... you can use telekinesis, you made fire come out of your hands and all this shit! How come you never told me?"
Blitz sighs and says, "Because we're trying our best to not let too many demons know about it. It's bad enough that every demon in Hell knows about my upbringing, but if anyone finds out I have these magical powers, they'll... they might do something to me... the wrong people might try to capture me and keep me like their own personal property. I mean, if Stolas can't sign it by the witching hour, Crimson might sell me or use me to be part of his gang for his mafia. I'll be something worth millions or be some weapon or soldier to them."
"So in other words, you'll basically have a big target, even worse," Fizzarolli says.
Then asks, "But why not tell me, or even Ozzie?"
"I didn't want you to worry," Blitz answers. "And it's also worrisome to tell anyone, especially Asmodues. I mean, I don't even know what he'll do if he learns that Toxbane's crazy serum experiment actually worked on someone."
"Toxbane?!" Fizzarolli asks, eyes wide shocked, "You mean... the Alchemist Overlord?!"
"Yes. Turns out, the day before that early Extermination, he had the serum injected into me when I was a baby, but I didn't die, mutate, or anything. In fact, I ended up becoming what Toxbane hoped for. He was able to give a demon like me immunity to angelic weapons and magical abilities, and who knows what else," Blitz explains.
"Oh shit," Fizzarolli says, shocked.
He sighs and says, "Now I know why you worry about anyone knowing, especially if Toxbane is involved. This... this is big... and I mean really big... Like fuckin huge..."
"Yeah," Blitz says, "And since then, we've been trying to figure out what to do. Toxbane knows about this and was trying to have me kidnapped while I was in the hospital so he can continue with this insane experiment. I hate to think of what might happen if he managed to get his hands on me and understand how to stabilize his project."
"You're right. He can use it for something insane, and you... he might... do something to do once he's done with you," Fizzarolli says.
"Exactly. Which is why we're trying our best to find him and stop whatever plan he has," Blitz says.
"I hope you do, but... you really need help. I can explain all this to Ozzie myself, I'm sure nothing bad will happen to you if he knows, but he knows that what Toxbane did is beyond Hell's standard, like really fuckin illegal. I'm sure he'll understand," Fizzarolli says.
"I hope so," Blitz says, feeling distressed. Then sighs, "Feels like I'm a target no matter what I do."
Fizzarolli looks to see Blitz looking distressed despite not being able to see it.
"It's okay Blitz, we'll figure something out. I'm sure Ozzie can find a way to help you," Fizzarolli says.
He then asks, "Did you have any other information about him?"
"Not much. Sarge tried to investigate the matter, but he didn't have too much information. All we know is that he was on Earth somewhere," Blitz says.
"How did he pull that off?" Fizzarolli questions, "I thought Sinners are strictly forbidden to go back to the living world once they passed."
"We're not entirely sure where he is on Earth, or know how, but from what Sarge dug up, Toxbane was able to get his hold on Asmodean Crystals to get them to Earth. And they do it secretly to make sure they don't get caught," Blitz says, and lets out a sigh, "Sadly, that's all we know."
"Sounds frustrating. But I'm sure Ozzie and I can help track him down. I mean, Ozzie told me that the Sins are still keeping their eyes out on anyone who has any link to him. They've been searching for him for years," Fizzarolli says.
"Yeah. I guess we could really use some help with it," Blitz says.
"Exactly," Fizzarolli says. "Ozzie and I can do what we can on our end, and you guys can do what you can do on your end."
"Thanks Fizz, sorry I couldn't tell you sooner," Blitz says.
"It's cool," Fizzarolli says.
He then grins and says, "Now that all that is out of the way. Time to talk about a different subject."
"What's that?" Blitz asks.
Fizzarolli leans to Blitz and asks, "Ao, when you think you and Stolas will get to have some real fun?"
"Uh excuse me?" Blitz questions.
"About when you're going to take your and Stolas' relationship up another notch. You know, earn each other's trust, make love with one another. You know, the usual Lustful taste of Pleasure. Finally giving up your virginity to him," Fizzarolli says.
Blitz begins to blush and says, "Well I uh, you see, I'm not sure. I mean, I'm not sure if or when I'll be ready for that. I mean, both Stolas and I had a good relationship without that."
"That's true, but just curious on when you're ready to lose that V-Card and get into the next phase of your relationship," Fizzarolli says.
Blitz says, "You're starting to sound like Randall. He asked when I'm going to let Stolas claim me. But I'm not sure. I mean, I really love Stolas, but I'm nervous about taking my relationship to that level. Like I said, I never date anyone until him."
"Eh, it's cool. I mean, it's your heart and body, it's your decision. I'm just curious about it. I mean, Ozzie gave you the brief down about what Lust is," Fizzarolli says.
"I guess," Blitz says.
He shakes it off and says, "We should focus on trying to get out of here."
"You have a point. I'm not sure how long Stolas and Asmodeus are going to last. I'll imagine one or even both of them might explode," Fizzarolli says.
Meanwhile, in the Lust Ring, Asmodeus is frustrated and slightly tired as he holds the contract for Crimson's ransom.
Asmodeus groans, "Can I just sign it already, like, can we move this along?"
Crimson's lawyer shrugs it off, and gives him the contract.
Sensing something off, Stilas says, "Sire, you need to know the contents of this contract, you can't just sign it! A deal made with a sin like yourself would be everlastingly binding... Perhaps I can look it over, I'm a fast reader. I'll even read faster with Blitz being evolved."
Stolas takes the contract and mumbles through the contract, "Oh! Hmmm..." And suddenly, Stolas' eyes begin to glow and show signs of anger, " This is a contract giving Crimson all of Ozzie's factory assets. And, giving him permission to use Fizzarolli's head for a wall decoration, and to... have permission to use Blitz for future heists and disposal of targets... WHAT?!"
"WAIT, WHAT?!" Ozzie exclaims and takes the contract.
"Juuust making sure you're paying attention!" The lawyer says with a nervous chuckle.
He then brings out the stack of contracts and places them on the desks, "Here's the real contract."
Stolas takes another contract from the top and says, "Normally, I would find this to be enjoyable, because I love words. However, I'm not finding this enjoyable at all."
Feeling the same, Asmodeus becomes angry, and disintegrates the fake contract.
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