Chapter 87: Randall's Confidential Guilt
One early morning, in the apartment room, Randall is sleeping in his bed. However, he is tossing and turning as he is starting to sweat and pant in fear. Suddenly, Randall wakes up in a cold sweat as he quickly sits up in shock. He breathes heavily as tears begin to fall from his face.
Randall wipes the tears from his face, "Fuck, why... I haven't had that nightmare in years." He keeps his hand over his eyes as he mutters, "F-F-Fizz, I... I'm so sorry..." and tears fall from his face.
One day, at the I.M.P Office, everyone is going around with their everyday business. They continue to do their work, and everything seems quiet. However, some of them are beginning to notice an unsettling atmosphere. The rest of the gang notice that Randall has been silent as he sits at the corner, cleaning up her weapons and blades. He looks tired and has bags under his eyes.
"Is Randall okay?" Drew asks.
"Yeah. He's not looking like himself lately," Berry says.
Moxxie agrees, "You're right. He hasn't said a word all day. More like the past few days."
Millie turns to Razor, "Hey Razor, you have any idea why Randall is being so down?"
"No," Razor answers, shaking his head, "He's been quiet recently. In fact, I'm starting to think something is up with him."
"Have you tried asking him?" Millie asks.
"I did, but I can't get a word out of him. He's been quiet, and hasn't eaten much, so I'm starting to worry about it," Razor says.
Barbie sighs and says to Randall, "Come on Randy, stop sitting there like a stump and say something."
However, Randall doesn't say a single word.
Blitz kneels at Randall and asks, "Randall, are you feeling okay?"
Randall turns to see Blitz, but then turns away and continues to clean up his gear.
Blitz turns to the others, "I'm guessing Randall is not doing okay."
"No shit, Blitz," Barbie says.
Barbie then grabs Randall by his shirt, making him drop his stuff.
She then shakes Randall and says, "Hello! Hell to Randall! Wake the fuck up! Everyone is worrying the shit about you! Wake up!"
Randall quickly stands up and glares at Barbie, "What the fuck, Barbie?"
"About time you woke up! You acted like a zombie!" Barbie says.
"It's not like I want you to shake me to death, you bitch," Randall angrily says.
"You're the one that's totally out of it. You've been like this for four days," Barbie says.
"So what? I don't need to hear anything from you," Randall says, angrily.
Blitz then says, "Come on guys, there's no need for you two to get into another fight."
"Well blame your stupid sister for shaking me like a ragdoll," Randall angrily says
"Well blame him, for acting like a fuckin space case," Barbie angrily says.
"Listen, just because you're working with us and being Blitz's sister, doesn't mean that you get to fuckin boss me around," Randall angrily says.
"I'm not bossing you around you shitty lizard," Barbie angrily says. "I'm also surprised that you can hold out a job as long as you did."
"At least, I wasn't involved with drugs and strip clubs, and other shady jobs!" Randall angrily says.
"I didn't have much of a choice during that time! I was doing the best that I could since my dad died and my best friend was badly hurt," Barbie angrily says. She approches Randall and says, "In fact, where the fuck were you when Fizz need you! You didn't even bother coming after what happened. Oh right, You don't fuckin'..."
But before Barbie can finish, Randall punches Barbie in the stomach, shocking everyone in the room.
Barbie clenches her stomach in pain, but then growls angrily towards Randall, "Oh, so you want to go at it!"
"You started it, you bitch!" Randall angrily says.
And with that, Randall pounces at Barbie and the two begin fighting hard this time. Blitz and the others are forced to watch to see Barbie and Randall going at it. What shocked them is that Randall is being more violent that he's having the upper hand with her. Soon, the two step back as they heavily breath, covered with bruises and scratches. Barbie clenches her arm and is not sure if she's able to fight.
"You think... you think you know about me... Randall says, angrily and sounding deeply bitter.
"Well, I'll tell you something, Barbs..." Randall angrily says. He then charges towards Barbie and about to punch her, "YOU FUCKIN DON'T KNOW A THNG ABOUT ME!"and swings his fists towards Barbie's face.
When Randall opens his eyes, his eyes wide in shock and dismay to see his fist has hit Blitz's right eye, instead of Barbie's face. Even Barbie is shocked to see Blitz taking the punch for her. Randally quickly takes his fist back in shock as Blitz stumbles back and lands on his bottom as he places his hand over his right eye.
"Oh crumbs..." Moxie says, shocked, and kneels to Blitz, "Are you okay?"
"I'm... okay..." Blitz says, and yelps, "Ow. That really hurts," Blitz says.
Barbie quickly down to Blitz in shock and concern, "Blitz, what the fuck were you even..."
"I didn't want you to get hurt. And wanted you both to stop fighting," Blitz answers.
"But taking on Randall's punch is a bit extreme," Drew says.
"No kidding," Berry says.
"How are you feeling?" Millie asks.
"Just in pain right now," Blitz says, he then removes his eye to reveal himself having a black eye.
Randall gasps in shock and on the verge of tears to see what he has done. Suddenly, his mind flashes and sees a young lizard demon with the same black eye. That child lizard is himself as a kid, having been given a black eye himself.
Randall steps back and mutters in shock, "No... no... no..."
With tears falling down his face, Randall runs out of the office without another word and slams the door shut. The loud slam catches everyone's attention.
"That's weird," Loona says.
"Um yeah. Randall is acting weirder than usual," Drew says.
"That, or Randall is still stunned about accidentally punching Blitz in the eye," Berry says.
Barbie asks in concern, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I think I'll be alright, but that really hurts," Blitz says.
Barbie sighs, "Come on Blitz, let's get you home."
"I'll go with you, Barbs," Razor says.
Barbie helps Blitz on his feet, "You sure you'll be okay?"
"I'll be fine," Blitz says.
"Just in case, we're going to get you home and into bed," Razor says.
Blitz asks, "Do you think Randall will be okay?"
"Honestly, I'm not sure this time around," Razor says, showing concern.
Meanwhile, Randall has run all the way back to the apartment he and Razor are staying in. He slams the door shut and locks the door to his bedroom. He then plops himself on his bed as he cries and hugs the pillow in sadness.
Randall mutters, "Wha... what have I done..."
And continues to cry and sobs in his pillow.
Sometime later, Blitz is lying in Stolas' bed to relax after the little encounter with Randall's fist.
Stolas walks over with an ice pack wrapped in a thick cloth, "Here you go, this should help with the swelling."
"Thanks Stolas," Blitz says.
He then takes the ice pack and places it over his black eye.
Blitz reacts, "Brrrrr, it's cold."
"Yes, but it should help with your black eye," Stolas says.
"You're right," Blitz says.
Stolas then turns to Barbie and Razor, "So remind me how exactly, did this happen?"
Barbie sighs, "It's my fault. I got Randall mad and we got into a vicious fight. Honestly, Randall was planning to give me the black eye, not Blitz."
"It's true. I tried to get Barbie and Randall stop fighting and not let Randall hurt Barbie. And so, I kind of took the punch for her," Blitz says.
Stolas sighs and shakes his head, "Oh Blitz, you can be rather reckless at times. And yet, you're still very kind hearted."
Blitz chuckles, "Yeah." Then showed concern, "I hope Randall will be alright. He hasn't been acting like himself."
"Yeah. He's acted like a zombie at the office, and he hasn't pulled one of his pranks on anyone for days," Barbie says.
"And judging by his outburst, something is very wrong. I bet Randall feels very bad about punching Blitz and decides to run out before we can say anything," Razor says.
"Do you think we should go check on him?" Blitz asks. He then sits up with the ice pack in his eye, "I should let him know that I'm okay, and that I'm not mad about what happened."
"I'm surprised you're not upset with him," Barbie says, rolling his eyes.
"Well, it was an accident. He didn't do it to me on purpose," Blitz says, and turns to Barbie, "And you also owe Randall an apology as well."
Barbie crosses his arms with a sigh, "Fine. But don't expect me to be fully nice to him."
"Fair enough," Blitz replies.
Stolas then tucks into bed, "For now, you just relax and you can visit Randall tomorrow."
"I just hope Randall will be okay by then," Razor says to himself.
Then says, "Anyway, Barbie and I will get going, so try to relax," Razor says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
"See you tomorrow," Barbie says.
"Bye," Blitz says.
And with that, Razor and Barbie take their leave and close the door behind them.
"Are you sure you'll be okay, Blitz?" Stolas asks.
"I'll be fine," Blitz says, "But I'm more worried about Randall. And I have to wonder what Barbie meant in what she said earlier, and where does Fizzarolli fit into it?"
"Hmm, I'm not sure. But didn't Randall tell you that they both used to be friends with each other," Stolas says.
"Yes. Even Razor told me that he and Randall used to be friends with Fizzarolli, but he didn't mention the reason why they're not friends now," Blitz says.
"Hmm, something must have happened," Stolas says, tapping the tip of his beak. "And whatever happened caused them and Fizzarolli to be on unpleasant terms."
"I'm thinking the same thing. I'm still planning on seeing Randall tomorrow, to check if he's okay," Blitz says.
"That's very nice of you, Blitz. I'm sure Randall will appreciate it," Stolas says.
"Yeah. I might bring something for him, hopefully to cheer him up," Blitz says.
"That would help cheer him up," Stolas says.
The next day, Blitz gets Randall a few things, like his favorite coffee, and favorite food to have with them. He also gets himself and Razor a coffee and food as well. Of course, Barbie is the one who drops Blitz off while she heads off to work.
He soon reaches the apartment door and knocks on it.
Soon Razor opens the door, "Morning Razor."
"Morning Blitz, I didn't expect you to come today," Razor says.
"Well, I thought I'd drop by and check to see how Randall is doing," blitz says.
He then also brings out some bags of food and holds the coffee cups, "I also got you and Razor some breakfast."
He then holds out a coffee and bag, "Here you go, I got you a caramel chocolate latte, and pumpernickel bagels."
"Thanks Blitz," Razor says, and takes his breakfast.
"Yeah. I also got Randall breakfast as well," Blitz says. Then asks, "How is he doing?"
Razor sighs, "Not doing so well. He hasn't come out of his room since what happened yesterday."
"I see. I was hoping to see if he's okay, and let him know I'm not mad about the black eye incident," Blitz says.
"Glad to hear it. I'm sure Randall knows you're not upset with him," Razor says.
He then walks out, "Anyway, I'm going to head to work, so you can stay as long as you like, but if Randall doesn't come out, you can leave your breakfast here and meet us at work."
"Okay, I'll see you later," Blitz says.
Soon, Razor walks out with his breakfast and closes the door.
Blitz walks to Randall's door and knocks on the door.
Blitz calls out, "Hey Randall, are you doing okay?"
However, Blitz isn't hearing Randall's voice.
Blitz knocks on the door again, "Randall, it's me Blitz. Are you feeling alright?" and place his head against the door.
"Leave me alone, Blitz," Randall groans, sounding upset.
"Come on Randall, I know the punch was an accident. I'm not mad," Blitz says.
And then holds out the food, "Also, I got you some breakfast. You like the cold vanilla, cinnamon espresso, breakfast burrito, extra bacon, and a cinnamon coffee cake."
Suddenly, Blitz hears a click and slowly opens the door. He soon sees Randall in his pajamas with bags under his eyes, and looks sluggish.
"Are you sure you're not mad?" Randall asks.
Blitz nods his head, "I'm sure of it. How about you let me in, and we can talk about this over breakfast."
Randall sighs, "Okay."
Soon enough, Blitz walks into Randall's room.
Meanwhile, in the I.M.P lounge, Razor and Baribe walk in together, and notice everyone is looking at them.
"What?" Razor asks.
"Um so, how is Randall?" Drew asks.
Razor sighs, "Not so good. He hasn't come out of his room since yesterday."
"And where's Blitz?" Berry asks.
"He should still be at Razor's apartment building. He wanted to check to see if Randall is alright," Barbie says. She rolls her eyes, "I swear, Blitz is too nice and considerate."
"Yeah, but that's what we like about him," Loona says.
"That's true," Barbie says.
Sarge says, "But still, what you and Randall did was rather unacceptable, especially on Randall's part, even if it was an accident. Honestly, I'm worried about him."
"I think we all are," Moxxie says.
Then Drew says, "And I think you both know why."
"And with Barbie mentioning Fizzarolli, and Randall getting upset after punching Blitz, we know something up," Loona says.
Razor sighs and turns to Barbie, "Hey Barbs, I think it'll tell me more about Randall." He then places his hand on her shoulder, "I'm uh, sorry if this will be painful for you."
Barbie sighs, "It is time they knew the truth. I'm also worried about how I'm going to explain it to Blitzo. But it's not going to be easy."
Back in the apartment room, Blitz and Randall are having breakfast together. Randall feels very satisfied.
"Thanks for bringing me breakfast, Blitz. Honestly, I'm starving," Randall says.
"Glad I can help," Blitz says with a smile.
"And Blitz, I'm sorry about giving you that black eye back there. I didn't mean to," Randall apologizes, and takes a bite of his burrito.
"Hey, a black eye will go away in a while. Besides, I know it was an accident. I'm more worried about you though, especially you leaving before I can talk to you," Blitz says.
"Well, you should probably head off to work. I don't think I'm going to be going back to work. All I do is fucked everything up," Randall says, depressed.
"Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I was hoping to talk to you, so we can clear some tension between us," Blitz says.
Randall lets out a sid sigh and drinks some of his coffee,
Blitz then says, "Besides, we're friends. It's going to take a lot more than an accident for me to get upside with you.
Randall sadly sighs, "I really don't deserve a friend like you, or anyone for that matter."
"Why do you say that?" Blitz asks.
Randall turns away with a depressed expression.
"You've been acting strange lately. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Blitz asks, worried.
However, Randall refuses to even look at Blitz.
Blitz places his hand on Randall's shoulder, "Randall, I can tell this must be very hard, but sometimes, it's good to talk about your problem. That way, those who are close to you can help fix it."
Randall slowly turns to see Blitz, giving off his kind, gentle smile.
Randall turns to Blitz and sighs, "Alright, I'll tell you. To be honest, my entirely life has been fucked up, one problem after another. When I told you, I had daddy issues with my dad, I mean real issues. The truth is, my dad abused me constantly. He always beat me, burned me, and even locked me in the basement. One day, I had enough and decided to run away from home."
"That's awful," Blitz says, sadly.
"It was. Back then, Razor was my only friend. Sometimes, I used to sneak out and hang out, but my dad never liked Razor, or me sometimes. When I ran away from home, I thought it was best to not be in much contact with Razor," Randall says.
"How did you meet Fizzarolli? And my sister for that matter?" Blitz asks.
"Oh that," Randall says, and chuckles, "I met him one day while exploring around with my gang. And also meet Barbie and her dad, Cash. He hired us to be his security. Fizzarolli used to hang out together all the time. We ended up becoming good friends. We love jokes, pranks, and have great laughs. I sometimes sneak to watch his shows. He was fuckin amazing, and I have a feeling that someday he'll make it big."
"Sounds like you two were very close," Blitz says.
"Yeah," Randall says, and soon blushes, "Very close. And to be honest, when I became a teenager, I ended up developing a crush on him."
"Really? You had a crush on him?" Blitz asks, surprised.
"Yeah. I was head over heels for him. And when I reconnected with Razor, he became friends with Fizzarolli as well. We all had a great time together, had a lot of fun, a lot of laughs, and of course we also got in trouble by your dad," Randall explains.
"Why?" Blitz asks.
Randall blushes and rubs the back of his head, "I convinced Fizzarolli to distract your dad while I steal his booze. He was super pissed when he found out what we've been doing." and soon rubs his head, "Barbie banged me on the head with her toy mallet as well."
"Yeah. I figure you two don't seem to get along," Blitz says.
"No fuckin kidding. Because she hates it when I prank her. Some of my pranks got a bit dangerous and I almost got a few people killed. But that's only because I keep using fireworks," Randall explains.
"Isn't that dangerous?" Blitz asks.
"Yeah," Randall says.
Blitz smiles, "But still, it sounds like you, Fizzarolli, and Razor used to be very good friends, and had a lot of fun together."
"Yeah," Randall says and lets out a sigh, "Those were good times."
"But what happened to you and Fizzarolli?" Blitz asks, "You three used to be close. What happened?"
Randall lowers his head in sadness, "It's... this is going to be difficult to explain, but well, it happened fifteen years ago... and well, something happened..."
"What do you mean?" Blitz asks.
"There was a fire at the circus," Randall says, depressed.
Blitz becomes shocked, "A fire...?"
"Yes. You see, it happened during Fizzarolli's birthday fifteen years ago," Randall says.
"During his birthday?" Blitz asks.
Randall sadly nods his head, "Yes. Everyone is having a wonderful time, even myself. Of course, during that time, I was planning to confess my feelings to Fizzarolli. However, I chickened out. I walked out of the circus and was thinking of what to do about it. I felt so embarrassed and was afraid of being rejected. But then... the fire happened.
Randall, who has been out of the circus grounds, walks back to see Fizzarolli at his party. However, he soon finds the circus is on fire as plenty of people are screaming and panicking, and trying to run away from the scene. Randall drops the love letter and bouquet of flowers to the ground and runs back to the grounds as a huge explosion of fireworks occurs and causes the fire to spread.
Randall searches around, and soon sees an Imp who has been badly hurt and badly burned, and has lost both horns on the head. To Randall's shock and dismay, the Imp is really Fizzarolli. With a burning hand and tears in his eyes, the injured Imp tries to reach for Randall. Randall acts quick and tries to reach for Fizzarolli, but the flames cause him to have a relapse of his father burning him over and over. Randall falls to the ground and scurries back as he heavily breaths, his heart racing, and is in a cold sweat. He suddenly hears something and turns to see some shadowy figure running nearby, and it's not someone he recognizes. Randall wants to run away, but he sees how scared Fizzarolli is, and in a worse position.
Randall then reaches his hand out once more, and grabs the Imp's burning hand, and then reaches out to wrap his arms around the Imp's waist, and gets him to safety. Sadly, the damage has already been done.
Flashback Ends:
Randall is now on the verge of tears. Blitz is shocked to hear what has happened.
"Randall, I... I'm so sorry to hear that... it must have been so hard for you... Blitz says.
"It was..." Randall says as tears fall from his face, "But still, even though I wasn't there when the fire started, I felt like I'd let Fizzarolli down... He was my friend. He was my first love. And I wasn't there when the incident happened. I was petrified to save him at first. And even when I did, Fizzarolli was badly hurt. He lost his horns, he lost his limbs, Barbie lost her dad because of the injuries he had from the fire and other injuries, the circus was destroyed, and my life fell apart.
Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone
But there's nothing I can say to change the things I've done
I'd do anything within my power
I'd give everything I've got
But the path I seek is hidden from me now
After the fire, Randall has his hands burned, along with his stomach that he has to wear bandages. He turns to see Fizzarolli is unconscious, bandages wrapped around him, and his arms and legs removed, and his horns are badly broken off.
My dearest friend, I let you down
You trusted me, believed in me and I let you down
Seeing Fizzarolli this badly hurt, has been tearing Randall apart on the inside, and feels guilty that he has let him down.
And I pray someone, something will come, to take away the pain
Randall remembers the good memories he has, but is repulsed by the moment when he can't rescue Fizz because of his fear.
Of all the things I hid from you
I cannot hide the shame
And I pray someone, something will come
to take away the pain
Sometime later, after being released, Randall has tried multiple times to see Fizzarolli, but was told that he doesn't want to see him. Even though he tries to give him a bouquet and a love letter. Sadly, he is forced to leave the hospital. Razor, who is there for the last visit, remains behind with a sad expression on his face.
There's no way out of this dark place
Once Randall exits the hospital he puts the bouquet and the letter in the trashcan before running off with tears falling down his face.
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day
Randall continues running as the memories of the fire and his past fun with Fizzarolli plagues his mind, full of regret and sadness.
Flashback Ends:
Randall lets out a sad sigh, "After not being able to see Fizzarolli, I've decided that it's best for both of us to walk out of his life for good. However, it's just not easy, especially now seeing that Fizzarolli hates my guts now. Maybe it was for the best. After all, I felt like a total coward and had trouble trying to face him."
"So that's what happened," Blitz says. "But Randall, what happened wasn't your fault. You tried to save Fizzarolli, and you ended up having a relapse of your dad. I mean, Moxxie would understand completely how you felt if he learned about what happened with your dad."
"Maybe, but I still felt like I let him down. I had trouble facing him, and not even sure if I had the courage, and when I finally did, he didn't want to see me. I guess me hating Fizzarolli is just a fuckin excuse to hide that fact that even now, I still kind of have feelings for him," Randall explains.
He then sadly smiles, "But I'm kind of happy he was able to turn his life around, even though I'm not in it anymore. So now you understand why I've been acting off lately. After all these years, I still had trouble being brought up about my past." Then says, "And why I got so upset when Barbie brought up the incident..." He also lets out a sigh, "But I also guess it's my fault for over reacting."
"It's okay Randall, both you and Barbie made a mistake. I mean, it was hard to learn what happened to you guys, including what happened to my dad, but it seems even after all that, you still had Razor backing you up," Blitz says.
"Yeah. He's actually the first friend and now the only friend I have. After what happened, he was the only friend I had. But still, I'm sorry I hurt you man. I didn't mean it," Randall says.
"I know," Blitz replies. "I forgive you, especially knowing it was an accident."
"Thanks Blitz, I really don't deserve a friend like you," Randall says.
And with that, the two friends hug each other with a smile.
Then Blitz says, "After having breakfast, we should get to work."
"Yeah. After how dazed and out of it I've been, I could really do some killing," Randall says.
Blitz laughs a bit.
Meanwhile, still searching for Blitz and Randall, Razor and Barbie explains to Sarge and the others what has occurred all those years ago. Each of them explains what happened, and it comes as a shock.
"Fuck, I did not see that coming," Drew says.
"Yeah. Never knew Randall actually went through all that," Loona says.
"Yeah. It was very hard. I mean, after what happened, I was practically the only friend willing to stick by his side," Razor says.
Then Barbie says, "But still, I had no idea Randall's dad was a complete shit head."
"Yeah. He was awful," Razor says.
"It's no wonder why Randall got so upset after punching Blitz. His dad did the same thing to him," Millie says.
"I can't believe Randall never told us this. Then again, that's the reason why we found Randall unconscious, next to Fizzarolli after the fire. Seeing Fizzarolli burned made him remember what his dad did," Barbie says.
Moxxie sighs, "Sure knows what it's like to have a rotten father."
"At least your dad didn't use you like a punching bag," Berry says.
He then turns to Barbie and sadly says, "I'm sorry about what happened to your dad."
"It's okay. I just still can't believe it happened. My dad got badly hurt and someone really hurt him. After searching around, we soon realized that the circus was set on fire on purpose. We don't know who could have done it," Barbie says.
"I remember Randall mentioned it. He actually told me that he saw someone running from the fire, but didn't get a good look at him. He was too focused on getting Fizzarolli out of the fire's way and was mentally going unstable until he passed out," Randall says.
"But still, why didn't Randall come to see Fizzarolli. Even once would have been fine," Barbie says.
"Randall tried. He's been worried and was one of the only friends he had left. But they said that he didn't want to see him," Razor says.
"What?! He never told them that," Barbie says, confused.
"Wait, he didn't?" Razor says, confused.
"No. And no one even told us, Randall came, multiple times," Barbie says.
And then the two soon realize, "Oh..."
"So all this was a big misunderstanding," Razor says.
"Maybe," Barbie says.
"It seems so. And the two aren't aware of it," Moxxie says.
"But what can we do?" Berry asks.
Drew thinks a bit and says, "Well, the best way to solve this is for Randall and Fizzarolli to meet up with one another so they can talk."
"How do we do that?" Loona asks.
Sarge snaps his fingers and says, "Didn't Stolas say that he's having a meeting with Asmodeus in a few days. We can have them meet then." Then turns to Barbie, "And to make sure he does, you and Randall will be tagging along with him on guard duty."
"Sounds fair to me," Barbie says.
Just then, the door opens and Blitz and Randall walk in.
"Hey guys, how are things going?" Millie happily asks.
"Doing fine, Randall feels a lot better now," Blitz says.
Randall grins, "All thanks to Blitz. He and I talked well and I feel good as new."
Barbie walks over and says, "Hey Randall, sorry about what I said yesterday."
"It's alright, I'm sorry I attacked you," Randall says. And then apologize, "And I do apologize, but I also had to tell Blitz about our past. You know, what happened to Fizz and your dad."
"Really?" Barbie asks, "I actually had to tell the same thing to the others."
"I see," Randall says.
He then says, "I suppose it's for the best. I mean, Blitz has the right to know eventually."
Blitz smiles and says, "I'm glad you both were able to settle this, despite you both having some trouble in your lifes."
"I suppose. For now..." Randall says and brings out his gun and axe, "How about we get started with work and chop off some heads."
Barbie laughs and says, "He's back to normal."
"Yeah. So we better get to work so Randall can start his little killing spree. After days of being out of it, he could use some target practice," Razor says.
"Hey, I'm an assassin, not a psycho," Randall says.
And with that, the group begins laughing with grins on his face.
Song: No Way Out from Brother Bear
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