Chapter 85: Mimmy's First Errand
One afternoon in the I.M.P Office, everyone in the company is hard at work. Mainly, for a serious cleaning. Let's just say the past few jobs they have have left a really big mess, not to mention some of the humans are crazy enough to chase after them and attack them. Some of the clients also barge into the office when a job has gone bad, nearly destroying the office. As of now, everyone looks around the now badly damaged office.
"Shit, what a mess," Randall says.
"Yeah. They even broke the furniture here," Loona says.
Mimmy looks to notice, "Why is there a tree in the office?" staring at the big tree.
Moxxie sighs, "Don't worry about it."
"Sheesh, we really let this place get messed up and damaged," Sarge says.
"It will take hours for us to clean up," Blitz says.
"And to clean up our gears," Millie says.
Razor also brings out a gun and checks the compartment on it to see that it's empty, "And it looks like we'll have to go get some new bullets and gears."
"This will take forever," Berry says.
"Well, it's best that we get to work," Sarge says.
And then instructs everyone, "Razor, Randall, you both go to Pentagram City to get some new supplies, bullets, guns, and other weapons we might need."
"Yes sir," Razor and Randall answer, and take their leave.
"Everyone else, we better get started cleaning up," Sarge says.
"You got it, sir," Moxxie says.
Barbie looks to see the tree, "How the fuck are we supposed to get that tree out of here?"
"Well, I think the best we can do is to cut it down into pieces and send it into the living world," Blitz says.
"Good point," Millie says, and brings out the chainsaw, "Well then, let's go cut it down."
She then turns on the chainsaw and begins laughing at the tree and ready to chop it down.
Loona says, "We should hurry into the meeting room."
Everyone agrees, and hurries into the meeting room. Sarge quickly closes the door as tree branches, leaves, and such are now flying all over the place. A few minutes, the chainsaw noise has come to a stop, and no more debris of the leaves and branches fly out. The meeting room door opens and everyone peeks out to see the leaves and branches scattered on the floor. The trunk of the tree has been chopped down into firewood.
Drew whistles, "That's actually very impressive."
Barbie rolls her eyes, "And now we've got a bigger mess to clean."
"Don't worry, we'll have this mess cleaned up. At least it's a lot easier to clean up," Millie says.
"If you say so," Blitz says.
"We best get started," Moxxie says.
Moments later, they are cleaning up the leaves by putting them in the tree branches and leaves in large black trash bags.
Sarge sighs and says, "Looks like this is going to take a while to clean up this mess."
"Hey dad, didn't you say that we need to deliver something to one of our clients?" Loona questions.
"Yes... but with how much a mess the office is, and all the damages that happened to the office, the client will have to wait for it," Sarge says.
Just then, Mimmy says, "Maybe I can deliver the package to the client?"
Everyone turns to Mimmy.
"Uh Mimmy, sweetie... are you serious about it?" Millie asks.
"Yes. You all seem busy, and I wanna help," Mimmy says.
But then, Berry says, "But Mimmy, it's too dangerous for you to go there alone."
"I have to agree. Perhaps one of us could go with you," Moxxie says.
"I'll be okay," Mimmy says.
Blitz kneels to Mimmy and asks, "Sweetie, are you really sure you want to do this? I don't know who the client is, but traveling through the city could be dangerous on your own. Plus, the client who is expecting the package might not be friendly."
"I think I can handle it," Mimmy says.
And then begs, "Please, I promise to get the package to the client with no problem. Pretty please with the cherry on top."
Sarge and Blitz look at each other and turn to each other as they both see the Hell kitten's big sparkling eyes.
Sarge sighs, and kneels to Mimmy, "Alright Mimmy, you win, but you need to understand that this was a big responsibility."
"I understand Mr. Sarge. I saw you all and daddy working all the time. You all are also busy with the big mess," Mimmy says.
"Well, I suppose we can trust you with this errand, but you need to be careful," Blitz says.
"I promise daddy," Mimmy says.
"Alright then, I'll go get the package. It shouldn't be too much trouble, and we'll be stuck in the office cleaning up the mess for a while, and the place shouldn't be too far from here," Sarge then walks inside the office to get the package.
Blitz then turns to Mimmy as he brings out his phone, "Okay Mimmy, I'll take your word for it, but you better take my phone. It has a map that can help find the address."
"Okay daddy," Mimmy says, and takes her dad's phone.
Mimmy then puts the phone in her side pocket of her dress.
Soon, Sarge walks out with a medium sized box and walks over to hand it to Mimmy. He also has an ID Card Holder with the address written in it.
"Alright Mimmy, I've got the address written here, and I see you have Blitz's phone so we can use the map app to write the address on the map so it can guide you. Of course, if you get lost or not entirely sure, don't hesitate to ask for help. Okay?" Sarge says
"Okay," Mimmy says with a nod.
"Alright then, remember to go straight there and back, okay," Sarge says.
"Yes sir," Mimmy happily says.
Then turns to Blitz, "Bye daddy, see you later."
"Bye sweetie," Blitz says.
And with that, Mimmy walks out of the office and begins her errand. She walks to the elevator and presses the down button. Then the elevator opens, Mimmy walks in, presses the button to the first floor, and the elevator closes, taking her down. Soon able to walk out of the building. She takes out Blitz's phone, types in the address on the map, and is shown which way to go. She then walks down the direction she's supposed to go.
Back in the office, Blitz and the others soon begin their cleaning. Blitz however, is very worried about Mimmy, especially being out on her own.
Blitz sighs, "Maybe I should go with her. It just doesn't feel right for her to walk around the city on her own."
"I think she'll be fine. It's not like Pentagram City," Millie says.
And then Barbie says, "But still, it wouldn't hurt for us to keep an eye on her, just in case."
"What do you mean?" Blitz asks.
"Easy, you and I will watch Mimmy, but in secret. You know, making sure she made it to the location alright. We'll come back any bad stuff that comes in her direction," Barbie says.
"I suppose that would make things easier for me. I do trust Mimmy to take care of the errand, but as her father, I can't help but worry about her," Blitz says.
"That's the ticket, let's go follow her and make sure she gets that package delivered," Barbie says.
Blitz nods his head, "Right."
And with that, Barbie and Blitz leave the lounge and decide to follow Mimmy to make sure she gets to the location okay.
Sometime later, in Imp City, Mimmy is holding the package in her hands as she walks down the sidewalk. As she walks down the sidewalk with determination and with a one track mind, demons are starting to take notice and share towards her.
"Hey, who is this little kid?" One demon asks.
"I wonder who she belongs to?" A Succubus Demon asks.
Three Imp teens say, "She's so cute."
"Think we should do something," Another demon asks.
"I don't think that's needed," A Shark Demon says.
Another Shark Demon asks, "Why..."
The first Shark demon says, "Look how she's holding the package with such care and has a determination and focus in her eyes."
The three Imp teen girls realize, "Could this be... Her first errand?!"
Mimmy continues to walk down the sidewalk and soon stops at the street light, waiting for it to turn red.
Some of the demons gasp in shock to see this.
An Incubus walks over and says, "Hey kid, maybe it will be better if I hold on to the package and come with you. What do you say, little cutie?"
"I have to agree. I know it's hell, but even a kid shouldn't go off on her own," a female Imp says.
However, Mimmy clenches the package as she shakes her head, making the demons confused.
Mimmy says, "No thank you. I want to deliver it myself."
The demons are shocked to hear it, and yet, surprised by it.
"She really wants to do it herself," A female Imp says.
"Really has balls to do an errand on her in this place," A long haired male Imp says.
"Sorry for bugging you kid," The Incubus says.
Then everyone decides to leave Mimmy alone.
"Good luck, little errand girl!" The demon says.
"We're rooting for you," A female Imp says.
And with that, the demons simply leave Mimmy alone. Even though some demons are still looking at her with curious expressions. Unknown to Mimmy, a short distance away, Blitz and Barbie secretly peek out from the corner of the building to see Mimmy walking down the street.
"Well, it looks like Mimmy is doing alright," Barbie says.
Blitz sighs in relief, "Yeah. I'm glad Mimmy is doing alright."
He then asks, "So how long is this place, anyway?"
Barbie looks at her phone and says, "Well, according to the app map, it said it's only a few blocks away. Mimmy will have to cross the street straight, five times. And then turn to the left and cross the street to the other side, and soon reach the apartment building on the left. It will take around twenty minutes for her to get there, especially on her little paws."
Blitz watches Mimmy, seeing her take the phone out of her pocket and looks at the directions. Continuing forward, Mimmy arrives at the first street of the block.
"Uh oh, looks like Mimmy has to cross the street from this part," Blitz says.
The two Imps watch as they see Mimmy waiting at the crosswalk. Mimmy looks at the left, the right, left again, and right again. So far, the road seems quiet, and no car in sight. Mimmy soon begins to walk across the street, holding the box tight and making sure there aren't any cars driving by. Just in case, Mimmy speeds walk to the other side of the street. Once on the other side, Mimmy continues.
Blitz and Barbie sigh in relief.
"That was close," Barbie says in relief.
"I'm glad she was able to cross the street safely," Blitz says, "But she still has ways to go before she reaches her destination."
"Well, we better continue following the trail," Barbie says.
Blitz and Barbie continue to follow the little Hell Kitten with the package. She soon walks past a truck that is loading pipes onto a truck.
One of the demons says, "Alright, be careful. We got a lot of shit to bring to the new building."
"I know I know," The second worker says.
"We sure have a ton of pipes on it," The Imo says.
Just then, the pips begin to topple.
"Careful, we're going to drop them," The demon says.
The shark demon panics as the rope holding the pipes snaps and begins to fall towards Mimmy.
Barbie becomes shocked to see it, "Mimmy..."
Blitz secretly uses his magic to hold the pipes before they fall on Mimmy, before placing them back on the truck. Soon enough, Mimmy is able to walk past the truck safely. At the same time, the demons loading the pipes are dumbfounded.
"What the..." The demon says.
"That's weird," The shark demon says.
The Imp says, "Hey, get the ropes and strap down the pipes before they fall over again."
"Right," The two demons say.
And with that, the demons grab the extra ropes and are able to strap down the pipes. Seeing the pipes are more secured, Blitz lets go of his magical ability and sighs in relief.
Blitz sighs in relief, "That was close."
"A little too close," Barbie says.
Then turns to Blitz, "You okay, Blitz?"
"I'm fine," Blitz says.
"That was a quick save, Blitz," Barbie says.
Blitz sighs, "Yeah. At least Mimmy got out safe, and managed to help those guys."
"Yeah, but you have to be careful. Last I remember, you can't use them in public unless it's needed," Barbie says.
"Saving my daughter is an emergency," Blitz says.
Then sighs, "But you're right. I need to be careful. One, it would be dangerous if someone caught me using these abilities. And second, because I'm still new to it, it can be tiring to use my magical abilities."
"Just remember to keep your magic in check. As of now, we need to follow Mimmy," Barbie says.
"Right," Blitz says.
And with that, Blitz and Barbie continue to follow the little Hell kitten to reach the client's destination. Mimmy is able to safely walk across the second street, and then walk past the third street to reach the next block. Blitz and Barbie continue to secretly follow the little Hell kitten without her identifying or noticing them.
Up ahead in a bar on the same block, there are a few familiar faces ahead, Verosika Mayday along with her Hellhound Bodyguard Vortex, and her crew members, having drinks and having a chat and having their laughs.
"Hey Vee, take a look at that little cutie," Coco says, pointing out the window.
Verosika turns her head and removes her sunglasses to see Mimmy walking on the sidewalk across the window.
"Aww, what a little cutie," Verosika says.
She then notices something, "Hmm, you know, that little kitten looks very familiar."
"You're right she does," Milky says.
"Yeah. She's kind of cuddly like a little stuffed toy," Ace says.
Verosika says, "I think I'm going to check it out." and walks towards the door.
Verosika walks outside and stands in front of where Mimmy is. As Mimmy walks holding the package, she ends up bumping into Verosika by her legs. Mimmy looks up to see the Succubus Popstar.
"Hello little cutie," Veorsika says.
"Oh, um, hello," Mimmy says, shyly.
"What brings a sweet little kitten all the way out here?" Veorsika asks.
"I'm um, delivering a package to a client of Mr. Sarge," Mmmy says.
"Mr. Sarge...?" Verosika questions. But soon realizes, "Oh, you mean the CEO of I.M.P, correct?"
"Uh huh. I've been given an errand so I'm delivering the package," Mimmy says.
"Well, aren't you being a big girl," Verosika says, and pats Mimmy on the head. "Walking down the streets of Imp City all alone with an important job."
"Yes ma'am," Mimmy says.
She then says, "I need to get going. I don't want to be late. I need to get the package delivered and head back to daddy at the office."
"Daddy?" Verosika questions, "Hmm, I don't remember that Razor character having a daughter."
Mimmy shakes her head, "No, Blitz is my daddy."
"He is..." Verosika says, confused, "I don't remember seeing him having a daughter, and a Hell kitten at that. I remember him having a pet cat and..."
And then something clicks in her mind. Looking at Mimmy, Verosika notices something or rather, someone very familiar about the cat.
"What's your name sweetie?" Verosika asks.
"Mimmy. My name is Mimmy," Mimmy happily says.
"Mimmy, huh?" Verosika replies, proven her theory to be correct, "I don't suppose you're the little Earthy kitten Blitz has, are you?"
"Yep. I used to be an Earth kitty before I got some aloc ahco... some strange drink spilled on me and turned into a Hell kitty. Now I'm my daddy's daughter," Mimmy happily says.
Verosika arches her eyebrow and looks at her beelze juice bottle, "Huh, I didn't think alcohol from Hell can do that?"
Then turns to Mimmy, "But still, you are a really cute little kitty cat, and brave to carry out this important errand," and gently taps Mimmy on her nose.
The little Hell Kitten giggles in reply.
Just then, Verosika says, "How about I take you the rest of the way."
"Really?" Mimmy asks, excited.
"That's right, but you don't mind if you hang out with me and my friends after words," Verosika says.
"Um okay, but not too long," Mimmy says.
"Don't worry, it will be a short while, but you'll enjoy our company," Verosika says.
"Okay," Mimmy replies with a nod and a smile.
Meanwhile, Blitz and Barbie end up falling behind, due to a little incident. Mainly there's been a car wreck, and it's blocking Blitz and Barbie's way.
"Goddamnit, how are we supposed to get through?" Barbie asks.
"We'll have to go around," Blitz says.
Barbie groans in frustration, "Great, we'll be behind Mimmy at this rate."
"I know, let's just go the long way and get to the address there," Barbie says.
And with that, the two Imps head back to go around the block to dodge the traffic, since the streets are officially blocked.
Back to Mimmy, Verosika drives Mimmy in her car to the destination.
"Is this the place?" Verosika asks.
Mimmy looks at Blitz's phone and answers, "Yep. That's the place."
Verosika then parks her car at the front of the apartment building.
"I'll wait out here," Verosika says.
"Okay," Mimmy happily says.
She hops out of the car and into the apartment building. She walks up the stairs to the second floor and walks down the hall to the apartment door that has 210 on the top. Mimmy then knocks on the door, and someone answers.
The one to answer the door is a female Sinner Demon. The sinner looks like a female hedgehog with long purple hair that are her quills, triangle ears, peach muzzle, and glowing yellow eyes. She is also wearing a black t-shirt with blue shorts, and combat boots.
The sinner looks down to see the little Hell kitten, "Hello, what can I do for you?"
"I got a deliver for you from Mr. Sarge Ryder of I.M.P," Mimmy says.
"Oh right. I was expecting a 'special' package from him," The sinner says.
She takes the package and says, "Thank you. I've already paid your boss, but I'll give you a little treat."
The sinner walks into her home, and soon returns with a cookie, "It's a good thing I've just made these chocolate chip cookies." then passes it to Mimmy, "Here you go."
"Thank you," Mimmy says with glee and takes the cookie.
"Have a good day," The sinner demon says.
"Bye bye," Mimmy says and walks away.
The Sinner then closes the door with a smile.
Mimmy soon comes out of the apartment building and to Verosika's car.
"How did it go?" Verosika asks.
"It went good," Mimmy says, and shows the cookie, "The client gave me a cookie."
"Is that right?" Verosika says.
She then uses her tail to pick Mimmy up and places her in the passenger side of the car.
"Now then, let's head back to the bar. I'm sure the others would love to see a cute little kitty like yourself," Verosika says.
And with that, Verosika circles around and drives back to the bar.
Meanwhile, Blitz and Barbire run down the street from the other block and reach the direction they need to go.
"Geeze Blitz, I know you're worried about Mimmy, but you're acting like the whole world is coming to an end," Barbie says.
"Sorry about that, but I'm just worried about Mimmy. And don't see her," Blitz says, looking around in concern.
"I know. Hell is not exactly a great place, but even it has some good points," Barbie says.
She thinks a bit and says, "Maybe."
"But still, we need to catch up with Mimmy and make sure she reaches the client okay," Blitz says.
"That's true. I mean, Mimmy was doing fine, so I'm sure she'll get to the client alright. But we'll be double sure she got there safe," Barbie says.
"Yeah," Blitz says.
With that, the two Imps continue to make their way to the client's address and hope Mimmy is able to reach her destination okay.
Shortly later, at the bar, Verosika is in the bar with Mimmy in her arms.
Verosika says, "Hey guys, look who I've decided to bring."
"Awww!" The girls are practically gushing over Mimmy.
"She is so adorable," Apple says.
"I know. She's like a little dolly," Coco says.
The Incubus also like the little Hell Kitten. Mimmy blushes and looks rather shy and nervous to be surrounded by so many people at once.
Milky tickles the little Hell kitten on her tummy, "She is such a little button.
Mimmy begins to let out a giggle.
"Aww, looks like someone is ticklish," Kiki says.
"I think she is," Verosika says.
She then smiles, "How about we have a little fun with the little cutie? I'm sure her papa won't mind if we shower her with a lot of affection."
"I so agree," Coco says.
Vortex, who is standing on the sidelines, looks to see the affection Mimmy is getting.
He sighs, "I sure hope this doesn't backfire on us."
And soon enough, Verosika says, "Alright everyone, let's give her all the attention she could get."
And with that, Verosika and her crew give Mimmy a lot of kisses, hugs, tickles, and other kinds of fun with her that's appropriate for a little child. Mimmy laughs uncontrollably and can't seem to get a word out.
Back to Blitz and Barbie, they are now with the client and she explains the details.
"Really? So she was able to get the package delivered alright?" Blitz asks, feeling reassured.
"That's correct. The little Hell Kitten was able to drop the package and left without any incident. She was very sweet," The client says.
"Okay then," Barbie says.
And then the client says, "But you know, when I checked out of my window to see her leave, I noticed Verosika Mayday was there. I was surprised because the little kitten let Verosika pick her up and place her in the car. I have to assume you both know her and she knows your kid."
"I see. Thank you for letting me know," Blitz says.
"No problem, but I have to say, you have a sweet and brave daughter. She's sweet to want to help, but also brave that she plans to do it on her own. And you must be a loving father to still watch over her," the client says.
She sighs, "It makes me wish I had children when I was alive. It must be wonderful to have a family."
"Yeah. I'm very lucky to have a daughter like Mimmy," Blitz says, "Anyway, thank you for informing me."
"No problem," The client says, and closes the door.
Soon, Blitz and Barbie leave the apartment building and begin to look around.
"How the fuck did Mimmy met with with Verosika of all demons?" Barbie asks.
"I'm not sure myself. However, I know Verosika that she might not hurt Mimmy," Blitz says.
Barbie rolls her eyes, "Maybe, but Verosika is going to do whatever it takes to give her the kind of love and affection she can give."
Then turns to Blitz, "Still, we better find Verosika before she exhaust your kid out."
"Right," Blitz says.
And with that the two begin to search for any signs of Verosika and Mimmy.
Back in the bar, Verosika and her crew are still gushing over Mimmy. Coco and Apple are tickling her tummy while Josh and Kiki give her kisses on the cheek. The little Hell Kitten is unable to escape the grabs Verosika has on her and snuggles the top of her head.
Mimmy tries to talks, "St-st-stop, you... you're... tickling me."
"That's the idea, sweetie," Apple says.
"You have an adorable little laugh," Verosika says.
Then Milk says, "And we only got started."
"You sure are a cute little kitty cat," Kat says.
And Coco says, "And we're not done with our fun."
And with that, Verosika and her crew continue to have fun with Mimmy, and the little Hell Kitten continues laughing that she doesn't seem that she can any longer.
Just then, in front of the bar, Blitz and Barbie run towards it and search around.
"Where could Verosika be?" Barbie questions.
"Well, she has to be around here. I have to assume she and Mimmy bump into each other along the road," Blitz says.
Hearing the noise, Blitz and Barbie turn to see Verosika and her crew, and they see Mimmy in Verosika's arms. Even so, the crew has circled around her.
Barbie groans, "Looks like we found them."
"Yeah, and it looks like they seem to have their fun," Blitz says.
"A little too much fun," Barbie says. She approaches the door and says, "Come on, let's go get her."
Barbie and Blitz soon walk into the bar to see Verosika and her crew getting all lovey dovey over Mimmy.
Just then, Barbie shouts, "Hey! Verosika!"
Soon, the fun stops and everyone turns to see the two Imps.
Verosika smiles and says, "Well hello Blitzo. Barbie Wire. I didn't expect to see you two here."
"Yeah yeah, Barbes. I haven't seen you since Rehab," Barbie says with her arms crossed, "What the fuck are you all doing to my niece?"
"Nothing really, just giving this cute little Hell kitten some love and affection," Verosika says, snuggling Mimmy.
It's revealed that Mimmy is out of breath and is covered in lipsticks all over her cheeks, and her clothes seem a bit loose.
Mimmy notices Blitz and says, "Hi daddy."
"Hey Mimms, I can see you had a good time with Verosika and her friends," Blitz says.
Mimmy giggles, "Yeah. They give me a lot of kisses and they tickle my tummy and my toes."
"I see," Blitz says.
Then Blitz takes Mimmy from Verosika's arms, "But I think it's time for us to get you back home?"
"Okay," Mimmy says, "I also got the package delivered too."
"That's good to hear," Blitz says.
"Well, aren't you a good father," Kiki says.
"He sure is," Apple says.
Blitz turns to Verosika, "If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up finding Mimmy."
"Oh, I just saw her walking by and thought she could use a little hand with her little errand. Of course, I've decided to have a little fun with your little cutie of a daughter with the others," Verosika says, giving off a slight smirk.
"I see," Blitz says.
He then says, "Well, we better get going. I'm sure Mimmy had a bit of an adventurous day."
"Alright, see you around, Blitzo," Verosika says.
Vortex walks to Verosika, "Glad that went off without a hitch."
"Indeed. Still, hope I get to see the little Imp and the little Hell Kitten some more," Verosika says.
Sometime later, after Blitz and Barbie are able take Mimmy to the office that is more cleaned since Blitz and Barbie have left the office. Sarge and the others ask what happened and Barbie and Blitz explain what happened. Soon, Blitz cleans the lipsticks off of Mimmy as Barbie adjusts the little Hell Kitten's fur.
"You doing okay, Mimmy?" Blitz asks.
"I'm okay. Verosika and her friends were nice to meet," Mimmy says.
"That's good. Verosika may be a popstar and a succubus, but she knows better than to hurt a kid," Barbie says, brushing Mimmy's fur and tail.
"On the bright side, at least you got the package to the client okay," Millie says.
"We're glad that you were able to get the errand done okay," Berry says.
Drew apologizes, "Sorry about my ex-girlfriend managed to get a hold of you, Mimmy. She can be a bit much sometimes."
"That's okay, Verosika is kind of nice, but she and her friends got a bit overboard," Mimmy says.
"I'm glad that you're okay," Berry says.
Then Moxxie asks, "So Mimmy, how did your errand go?"
"It went well. I kind of run into a few bumps, but I managed to deliver it to the client okay," Mimmy says, and turns to Blitz, "And daddy and auntie Baribe help me too."
Barbie and Blitz become surprised and sheepishly smile.
"So you knew we were there, huh," Blitz says with a sheepish smile.
"Yep. Daddy saved me from the pipes falling down on me," Mimmy says.
"Guess the magic gave it away," Barbie says.
Then Mimmy hugs Blitz, "Still, I have a great daddy."
"Thanks sweetie," Blitz says and hugs Mimmy.
Then the two giggle with glee.
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