Chapter 83: Blitz Snow and the Seven Demons Part 2

Later that day, at the Seven Demons' Home, the seven demons return home after work.

Blitz Snow opens the door and says, "Welcome home everyone. Did you all have a good day at work?"

"We sure did," Via says.

"It was tough, and I'm exhausted," Lune says.

"And we could really use something to eat," Mills says.

Blitz Snow then says, "Well then, I've just finished making lunch. It's all ready."

With that, the Seven Demons walk inside to put the supplies and the gems they collected in their proper places and arrive at the dinner table. To their amazement, they see all kinds of food, fresh bread, a pot of hot soup, some cheese, and other delicious food. In fact, they see the house is all neat and tidy.

"Wow. I've never seen the place look so clean," Mills says

"I have to admit Blitz Snow, you may be a royal, but you are handy with the house chores," Mox says.

Via walks down from the stairs, "You've moved all the beds back and cleaned up the room.

Then Mimms holds a stuffed teddy bear, "And you even fixed my teddy bear."

Dren and Barry are looking at the table.

"That soup looks really good," Barry says.

"And you even have fresh bread for us as well," Dren says.

Blitz Snow then serves the soup to everyone. When they try it, the soup tastes delicious.

"Hmm, the soup tastes good," Mox says.

"Just remember to be careful, you don't want to burn your tongues," Blitz Snow says.

Mimms eat a piece of the bread, "Mmm, the bread tastes yummy."

"I'm really glad you all like it," Blitz Snow says.

"Thank you Blitz Snow. You're the best," The Seven Demons happily say.

Blitz Snow can't help but smile to see his new friends love it.

"I'm glad you all love it. I've also got dessert for us. Blackberry pie," Blitz says.

The younger demons cheer, "YAY!"

Blitz Snow giggles with a smile to see how happy his new friends are.

Then Blitz Snow asks, "Anyone wants seconds?"

All the demons in the house happily accept for seconds.

Later that night, the Evil Queen is back at her castle, and is working on a secret project of her own. The evil queen has a uniquely red vest with gold yellow trims and buttons on it. She then uses her magic to cast a powerful spell on it. With an evil smile, the vest has a magical spell casted on it, and knows that her plan will work.

Days have gone by and Blitz Snow along with the Seven Demons have had a wonderful life.

One day, the Seven Demons are about to leave for work.

"Okay Blitz Snow, we're going to be heading to work now," Mox says.

"Just remember to not let anyone in the house while we're gone," Dren says.

"No one knows you're staying here, so we want you to be very careful," Barry says.

"Don't worry, I promise," Blitz Snow says.

Then Lune says, "And remember to not work so hard while we're gone."

"And have some fun as well," Via says.

"Okay. I'll just tidy up for a little bit and find something to keep me busy," Blitz Snow says.

"Sounds good. We actually got some books, some yawn, and other stuff to keep you busy," Mimms says.

"We'll be back in time for lunch," Mox says.

"Bye everyone," Blitz Snow says.

The Seven Demons say their goodbyes to Blitz Snow as they head off towards the mines to work. But known to the kind prince, someone is lurking about, and has just gained the opportunity when the demons leave the house.

In the cabin, Blitz Snow is doing some cleaning in the house as usual. Just then, he hears a knock on the door.

"Coming," Blitz Snow says.

The young prince walks toward the front door and opens it to see an old woman in a black robe at the door. She has wrinkles on her face and gray feathers. She is also holding a basket full of clothes.

"Good day young man, could I interest you in some of my clothes," The old woman says.

"Oh no. I'm sorry, but I don't have any money to pay for it," Blitz says.

"Oh, but these are very nice clothes that my family made ourselves," The old woman says, and soon shows signs of exhaustion.

"Are you okay?" Blitz Snow asks.

"I'm quite alright. I've been walking in the woods all morning so I could use a drink," The old woman says.

"Of course. Let me get you something to drink," Blitz Snow says, and walks inside to grab a cup.

He then walks to the well and turns the lever to pull the pail of water up. He then fills the cup as the old woman walks over.

Blitz Snow turns to the old woman, "Here you go, miss."

The woman takes the cup and drinks from it.

"That feels better. Thank you, young man," The woman says.

"It's no trouble. I'm happy to help," Blitz Snow says.

Then the old woman says, "Oh, but I think you deserve a little reward for your kindness," She then brings out a red vest, "Here you go. It's yours."

"Are you sure?" Blitz Snow asks, concerned.

"Of course. Consider this a token of my thanks. It's all yours," The old woman says.

"Okay," Blitz Snow says, and takes the vest.

Blitz Snow looks at the vest, "It looks very nice, and it's also well made."

"Why not try it on. I'm sure it would look good on you," The old woman says.

"Um okay," Blitz Snow replies.

Blitz Snow then removes his cape and places it on the ground. Blitz Snow then places the red vest on, and looks at himself.

"My, aren't you dashing. Like a real prince," The old lady says.

Suddenly, the vest emits a small red glow and begins to shrink and begins to suffocate Blitz Snow.

Blitz Snow struggles to breathe, "Wha-what's happening? The vest is..."

Before Blitz Snow can utter another word, he collapses on the ground and loses consciousness.

"Yes. The vest is very breathtaking," the old woman says, and gives Blitz Snow an evil smile before leaving.

Blitz Snow is left on the ground and doesn't show signs of breathing.

Sometime later, the Seven Demons are walking back home for their lunch break.

Mills calls out, "Blitz Snow, we're back!"

"Hope you had a good time while we're gone!" Barry says.

The Seven Demons continue approaching as they notice something off.

Via is the first to notice, "Guys, look near the well."

The group looks to see Blitz Snow lying on the ground near the well.

"It's Blitz Snow," Lune says.

"Something's not right," Mox says.

The group then runs over and gasps to see Blitz Snow is unconscious on the ground.

"Blitz Snow!" Mimms cries out.

"Is he okay?" Dren asks.

Mox then places his hand over Blitz Snow's mouth and feels the pulse on his neck.

Moz gasps in shock, "Blitz Snow is not breathing."

"Oh no! Is he...!" Mimms asks, shocked and on the verge of tears.

"What happened to him?" Lune asks, shocked.

Mills soon notices, "Wait, what this vest he's wearing?"

"I don't know. He wasn't wearing it before," Barry says.

Mox then reaches into his bag and brings out some scissors, "We need to cut it off him."

With Mills and Barry's help, Mox cuts the vest from behind. Once Mox cuts the vest completely in half, Mox is able to remove the vest from Blitz's Snow, and the Imp begins to show signs of breathing again. Soon enough, Blitz Snow opens his eyes.

"Blitz Snow, are you okay?" Dren asks.

"I... I think so," Blitz Snow answers.

"What happened?" Lune asks.

"Well, I was doing some cleaning until an old woman came by and gave me a vest after helping her. When I put it on, it felt like the vest was shrinking. I couldn't breathe and passed out," Blitz Snow says.

"When I find that woman, she'll have trouble breathing," Mills says and cracks her knuckles.

"What did she look like?" Via asks.

"Well, oddly enough, the old woman looks a lot like my step mother, except she has gray feathers," Blitz Snow answers.

"Hmm..." Mox replies, thinking.

"But still, how could a vest shrink on its own? It doesn't make sense," Dren says, dumbfounded.

Then Mox realizes, "Wait, what if that old woman is really the queen in disguise, and places a spell on the vest so it will shrink when Blitz Snow puts it on."

"If that's true, then that means the queen knows that Blitz Snow is still alive," Lune says.

Dren then turns to Blitz Snow, "Blitz Snow, we must keep the door and windows locked, and don't open it for anyone until we return."

"Okay," Blitz Snow says, "I'm sorry about worrying you all like that."

"It's not your fault. But we need to be extra cautious from now on," Mox says.

"Alright. I promise," Blitz Snow nods in reply.

Meanwhile, back at the queen's castle, the magic mirror reveals Blitz Snow with the Seven Demons and the demons are relieved that Blitz Snow is alive and well.

The mirror then reveals his face in the mirror and says, "Sorry about this ice queen, but Blitz Snow is still alive, and he and his little friends are going to be extra cautious to make sure your little schemes work."

"Oh really..." The queen says with a frown, "Well, I still have a few tricks on my sleeves..."

And with that, the queen begins putting some potions and places them in a boiling cauldron. On a thick string, she places a green apple inside of it. And then pulls it out to see the green apple covered in the black potion that has an appearance of a skull on it. Soon, the potion the queen created has fused into the apple until it turns bright red.

The evil queen smirks, "And now, the apple is bright red. Not even Blitz Snow could resist. And with this apple, Blitz Snow will be out of my way for good and I shall be the fairest in the land."

"As much as a poison apple will be very effective, but you know that Blitz Snow is not going to accept anything from a stranger after your little stunt," The mirror says.

"Oh, I think I've got a good solution for that. If he won't accept anything from a stranger, then I'm sure he'll accept a gift from someone he really trusts," Queen Stellestia says, and maniacally laughs with an evil smile on her face.

A few days have gone by, Blitz Snow is doing some of the dishes while Mills is helping with sweeping the floor. Just then, they hear a knock on the door.

"Who could that be now?" Blitz Snow questions.

Mills walks to the door, "Let me see who it is."

Once she approaches the door, Mills slowly opens the door to see Sir Ryder at the door.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Mills asks.

"Hello, my name is Sir Ryder and I'm asking if Blitz Snow is here. I've been worried so I've decided to search and see if he's okay," Sir Ryder says.

"I see," Mills says.

She turns her head and calls out, "Blitz Snow, there's someone here to see you. His name is Sir Ryder."

"Sir Ryder?" Blitz Snow says, surprised.

Blitz Snow walks to the door and looks to see Sir Ryder.

"Ryder, I'm so glad to see you. I missed you," Blitz Snow says, happily.

"I missed you too," Sir Ryder says, but mutters, "Twice."

"Well Blitz Snow, it seems that you're in good hands," Mills says.

"Yeah. If you want, you can go back to the mines to work," Blitz Snow says.

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying to help you out," Mills says.

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Blitz Snow says.

"Alright then, I'll be back at the mines to work if you need me," Mills says.

She then picks up her shovel and pickaxe and takes her leave to the mine.

"Bye Mills, have a good day at work," Blitz Snow says.

"Bye," Mills says, and leaves to the mines.

Blitz Snow turns to Sir Ryder and says, "It's really great to see you Sir Ryder."

"It's good to see you too," Sir Ryder says.

Blitz Snow asks, "How are things going back at the kingdom?"

"Doing okay. Sadly however, the queen found out you're alive and I had to check to see if she had done something," Sir Ryder says.

"Sadly yes. My step mother knows that I'm alive and tried to kill me, but my friends were able to help me," Blitz Snow sadly says

"Well don't worry, I'm just glad that you're alright," Sir Ryder says. He then brings out a pair of apples, "I also brought you a snack."

"Oh thank you, Sir Ryder. You didn't have to do that," Blitz Snow says.

Then Sir Ryder passes the apple to Blitz Snow.

At the mines, full of crystals, everyone digs up crystals with shovels and pickaxes, and takes the crystals out of the mines and into the bags and vault.

Mills walks over and calls out, "Hey guys."

Everyone else turns to see Mills.

"Mills? What are you doing here?" Lune asks.

"Yeah. You're supposed to watch over Blitz Snow?" Dren says, confused.

"Blitz Snow's friend from his home found the house and is with him now," Mills says

That has everyone else in concern.

"Or someone that looks like him," Barry says, worried.

Mills eyes wide open in shock, "Oh no."

Everyone then hurries out of the mine and returns to the house.

Back at the house, Blitz Snow has taken the apple from Sir Ryder. Sir Ryder eats his apple, and Blitz Snow decides to eat his own. But as soon as Blitz Snow takes the bite of the apple, he gasps in shock and feels his body going numb and drops the apple and it rolls on the ground. Blitz begins to feel dizzy that he collapses on the ground as his eyes close and practically breath his last breath. Sir Ryder maniacally laughs as he changes back to "Her" original self, revealing to be the evil queen.

The evil queen says, "Now that I will be the fairest in the land, and you will be asleep forever," and leaves the scene without a second thought.

When the seven demons return, they are shocked and at a dismay to find Blitz Snow lying on the ground. When they find the apple lying beside him, they realize what has happened. The Sir Ryder that has come to the house is actually the evil queen in disguise and has given him a spell that causes Blitz Snow to stop breathing entirely and lies on the floor, dead.

All seven of them are heartbroken to find that Blitz Snow is now lying on the ground, dead. Even lovely in death, the demons can't find it in their hearts to bury him. So they've decided to fashion a golden glass coffin, decorated with flowers and crystals, and have her funeral. Each of the demons give Blitz Snow a bouquet of flowers and place them alone against the coffin. Dren and Mox remove the glass lid and place it down as Mimms places the white bouquet of flowers on body. Then, the seven demons sit down on their knees and have a moment of silence to pay their love and respect to Blitz Snow.

Somewhere in the forest, a prince and his personal guard are on their horses exploring the forest. In the story, Stolas is a Prince named Stols and his personal guard is Razor, named Clawz.

The prince asks, "It was nice of you to accompany me into the woods to explore, Clawz."

"It's no trouble, your highness. I'm your personal guard, and a close friend of yours. So I don't mind at all," Clawz says.

Stols giggles, "Again, it's nice to have you around."

"Yeah," Clawz says.

Suddenly, a strange light shines near them, and one in particular shines in the prince's eyes. Stols pulls the reins on his horse to stop and turns to the strange light.

"What is it, your highness?" Clawz asks.

"I think I saw something. Over there," Stols says, pointing to the location.

Clawz looks to notice the bright light, "What is that?"

"I think we should check it out. Maybe we're not the only ones in the woods," Prince Stols says.

"Maybe," Clawz says, "But stay close, we don't know if they could be friend or foe."

"Of course," Stols says.

The two then ride their horses towards the source of the bright light. Soon enough, they find the site of the seven demons, paying their respect for the kind dead prince. And soon enough, the demons notice the prince and his guard.

"Look, it's Prince Stols, the prince from the other kingdom," Barry says, surprised.

Prince Stols climbs down his horse, he asks, "Hello dear demons, what are you doing here?"

"We're... we're having a... a... a fu-fu-funeral..." Mimms says in tears.

"Our... our kind... beautiful... and loving friend is dead..." Via says in tears.

Barry wipes the tears from her face, "His death was done on purpose too... he died because a horrible person was very jealous of him... and decided to end his life..."

"He doesn't even deserve this. He's far too beautiful and kind to do anything malicious that even the animals love him. Everyone in the kingdom loves him, but his stepmother hated him because he's fairer than she is," Dren sadly says.

Clawz lowers his head in sadness, "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"You all must have loved him deeply that even in death, you didn't have the heart to leave his side," Stols says.

He then asks, "Do you think you can tell us about him? I would like to get to know him."

"Yes of course," Mox says, "First of all his name is Blitz Snow, and he is a prince from the other side of the forest."

"Really...?" Stols asks, amazed.

And with that, the seven demons explain to Stols and Clawz about Blitz Snow and the situation that he had, and what lead to his death.

"I see. That's what happened," Stols says.

"I can't believe his own step mother would do that to him," Clawz says.

The seven demons nod in reply.

"Again, I'm very sorry for your loss. I can tell that you all loved him," Stols says.

Then the prince asks, "If you all don't mind, is it alright if I can say goodbye to the prince."

"We don't mind at all. I'm sure Blitz Snow would love to be friends with you," Mills says.

"I think he would have liked you," Via says.

Mox then says, "We'll make room for you so you can pay your respect."

And with that, the seven demons move out of the way so the prince can approach the departed prince. Even in death, Prince Stols is captivated by not only his beauty, but also the kind heart he possessed.

"May you rest in peace, Prince Blitz Snow. You'll always be in my heart," Prince Stols says, and gives him a gentle kiss on the lips.

Then the prince and the others have their moments of silence. Suddenly, Blitz Snow lets out small coughs and the piece of the poisoned apple flies out of his mouth. That catches the prince and the others' attention. Soon, Blitz Snow begins to open his eyes, catching everyone by surprise.

"What's going on? What happened? Where am I?" Blitz Snow asks, waking up.

Soon, the seven demons and the animals happily cheer that Blitz Snow has been brought back to life.

Blitz Snow notices the prince and asks, "What's your name?"

"I'm Prince Stols, it's a pleasure to meet you," Stols answers.

"He's the one who kissed you and brought you back to life," Lune says.

Blitz Snow is confusing.

Prince Stols blushes and says, "Well, I thought I was saying goodbye, but it ended up being a hello."

Prince Stols help Blitz Snow out of the coffin, "And I can say that it's a joyous day that this fair prince has been saved."

Indeed, it turns out the spell the evil queen put in the apple can only be broken by someone with royal blood and the power of their love. That one kiss from Prince Stols broke the spell and the prince has been revived.

And with that, the prince Stols invites Blitz Snow to return with him, which he accepts. And with that, the prince carries the small prince on his horse back to his castle. With Clawz, the Seven Demons, and the animals follow like a parade for Blitz revival.

Sometime later at the castle, Prince Stols asks Blitz Snow to marry him and rule with him by his side, and Blitz Snow is very delighted to accept his proposal.

Back at the castle, the queen is in for a big surprise.

"Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" The evil queen asks.

The magic mirror lets out a yawn and says, "Yo Queenie, hate to burst your ego bubble, but Blitz Snow is still the fairest and is still more than you."

"WHAT?!" The evil queen exclaims, "How can he still be alive?! I took care of him myself!"

"He was saved by a prince who fell in love with him at first sight. What's more, the two are going to get hitched. The two princes are going to tie the knot. You know, get married." The mirror says.

The evil queen, Stellestia growls in your anger, "Why that stupid little... That stupid prince has found true love! I knew I should have used another potion! I'm going to...!"

"And just for the record queenie frosty, it's no contest that Blitz Snow is more beautiful than you. He's good looking, and of course you are too, but yours is only skin deep. Blitz Snow's beauty is more in his heart and that alone is enough to earn all the love and affection he has. So it's no contest," The magic mirror explains.

The evil queen growls in pure anger and screams, "YOU STUPID INNOLECT MIRROR!" and then punches the mirror, causing it to crack until it shatters its pieces.

And then the mirror explodes in front of her face, causing her to be bruised and falls over to collapse to the ground. And then a white small sphere flies out. Then changes to the magic mirror who now has a body attached to his head and hands.

The mirror sighs in relief, "Finally. It's about time I get out of that stupid mirror and listen to queen ego all day."

Then turns to the unconscious queen, "Sorry lady, but it looks like you don't have any way to prove you're the most beautiful. I suggest you get yourself a hobby and all that junk. Meanwhile, it's time I hit the road to pursue my own path," Then shows a peace sign, "Peace."

And with that, the mirror, actually named Randy, leaves the throne room never to be seen again.

Meanwhile, Blitz Snow and Prince Stols are soon married and have a grand celebration. All of Blitz Snow's friends from the kingdom happily arrive to wish the prince good wishes along with the Seven Demons. The two princes kiss each other on the lips as love truly blooms between them.

Mimmy's Bedroom:

"Soon Snow White and the prince are married and everyone in the kingdom cheer for the happy couple. The kingdom flourishes as the couple live a long and happy life together. The End," Blitz reads.

Blitz turns to notice that both Octavia and Mimmy have fallen asleep. The Imp soon smiles and brings out one of the spare blankets to tuck Octavia and Mimmy in who are sleeping on the bed. He then walks to the doors and turns off the lights as he opens the door.

Before leaving, Blitz softly says to the girls, "Goodnight. See you both in the morning." and with that, Blitz closes the door.

The two girls continue to sleep peacefully after hearing a wonderful story.

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