Chapter 80: Blitz's Family Reunion Introduction

Early the next day, Blitz is sleeping peacefully in the royal chamber. Just then, the door to the chamber opens and Barbie steps in wearing her clothes. She quietly walks over to see Blitz is sleeping. Barbie slowly reaches out and gently touches Blitz's forehead.

Barbie gently smiles and says in thought, "Glad to know that this isn't a dream. I really have my brother back. Don't worry, I promise to protect you. I refuse to lose you like what happened all those years ago."

After that, Barbie steps out of the room as she brings out her phone and begins to make a call.

Meanwhile, Fizzarolli is sleeping in his bed as he lets out a few snores. Just then, he hears his hellphone ringing. The jester lets out a grunt and groans as he slowly opens his eyes, feeling tired.

Fizzarolli answers, "Hello."

"Morning Fizz, did I wake you?" Barbie questions over the phone.

Fizzarolli yawns as he rubs his eyes, "Hey Barbie, it's been a while. Why are you calling this early?"

"Sorry, but a lot has happened recently and I'm happy to say that I met my brother," Barbie says.

Fizzarolli sits up in surprise, "Really? How did that happen?"

"Well, while I was doing my work, I ran into two of his little pals. Apparently they were hired to kill the teen I was using to help with my drug stuff, and was killed during the fight. I'm kind of out of that job. But then, Blitz along with his kid and another one of his friends showed up and we were able to start catching up. He kind of convinced me to work for them to help make up after I lost my current job because of his friends," Barbie explains.

"Sorry to hear you lost your job, Barbs..." Fizzarolli says, and lets out a yawn, "But I'm really glad you were able to meet up with your brother. How are you two getting along?"

"Well, we're starting to get along, but there's still a lot we need to learn about each other. I also need to watch over my brother since there were some difficulties he's having," Barbie says.

"Does it involve demons knowing who he is and wanting to see him?" Fizzarolli asks.

"That's true, but so far, there haven't been any trouble yet," Barbie says.

"Well, glad to hear that Blitz helps you score the job," Fizzarolli says.

"Me too. The only downside is that I'll have to see Randall's face each and every day," Barbie says, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, but at least you get to spend time with Blitz," Fizzarolli says.

"That's true," Barbie says, "Anyway, sorry to call you this early. I just want to say hi, catch up with you a bit, and to thank you again for showing me the pictures and sending the details."

"No problem, Barbs," Fizzarolli says. "Maybe you should bring Blitz to Ozzie's or some of our favorite places sometime."

"Sounds good, but you won't mind if some of his friends come with us, for security purposes," Barbie says.

"That's understandable. They mention to keep Blitz protected for a while, until the whole thing clears," Fizzarolli says.

"Yeah," Barbie says.

Then says, "Anyway, gotta get going. See you around."

"Bye," Fizz says, tired.

Barbie soon hangs up the phone and simply smiles.

In the royal chambers, Blitz slowly wakes up with tired expressions in his eyes. He sits up and lets out a yawn as he stretches his arms.

Hearing Blitz yawns, Barbie walks into the room to see Blitz is waking up.

"Morning Blitz," Barbie says.

Blitz turns to Barbie with a smile, "Morning sis." he yawns and asks, "How long have you been up?"

"Eh, not long ago," Barbie says, shrugging her shoulders, "I've decided to call Fizz to let him know that I'm with you now and that I'm working for your company."

"I see," Blitz says.

Barbie says, "Come on, go get dressed."

"Yeah. I agreed for me and Mimmy to introduce you to my relatives today," Blitz says. "Moxxie and Millie are going to come with us. After what went down at the camp, they could use a different environment for them to be at."

Sometime later, Blitz, Barbie, Moxxie, Millie, and Mimmy are dressed and are ready to head to the living world to introduce Barbie to his relatives.

"Okay Blitz, you ready to head to the living world?" Millie asks.

"Sure am," Blitz says.

"Me too," Mimmy says.

"So am I," Barbie says.

"Alrighty then, it seems that we're all ready to go," Moxxie says. Then turns to Millie, "You got the book."

"Sure do," Millie says and holds out the book.

"Okay then," Blitz says.

He then turns to Octavia, "You sure you don't wanna go?"

"No thanks. Loona and Sarge are going to the Sloth Ring, so I'm going to be with my dad for a while," Octavia says.

"Okay then. I'll let Candy and the others say hi," Blitz says.

"Thanks," Octavia says. "And I'll let dad know you say hi."

"Thanks Octavia," Blitz says.

Millie then draws a circle and upside down pentagram on the wall and the portal to Earth Opens. Blitz, Barbie, Mimmy, Moxxie, and Millie change into their human forms and jump through the portal. Of course, Millie passes the book to Berry before walking through the portal. Soon, the portal closes behind them, and the group arrives in the human world.

Once through the portal, the group looks out to see the circus just outside of the city, and near a large shopping center.

Blitz then announces, "Welcome to the Abercrombie Bros Cirque De Eccentrical, Barbie."

"Damn, this is even bigger than the circus my dad runs," Barbie says, impressed.

"Really?" Moxie asks.

"Yep. Of course, this is also different from the one my dad runs," Barbie says.

"It's still as good as I remember," Millie says.

Moxxie turns to Blitz, "If I remember, you say that the circus is going to go into retirement next year or something along the lines."

"Yes. The circus has been traveling for years so they think it's time for them to settle down and go into retirement. Some will be settling down to have normal jobs, start families, or give their kids a quiet life," Blitz explains.

"Make sense," Millie says.

"Glad I'm going to see it before it closes down," Barbie says.

"I see." Blitz says, "Come on, let's find the others."

With that, the group make their way to the circus to find Blitz's relatives. As they walk around, it's already packed with so many people who are here to see the many animals, performers, and to get some food and drinks. It's easy to tell that the place is packed.

"Wow. This place is fully packed," Barribe says.

"Yeah. The circus gets busy at this time of year," Blitz says.

"So where are your cousins?" Millie asks.

"They're most likely in the big top," Blitz says.

The group continues to move around the crowd and soon arrive inside the big top. They already see plenty of the employees practicing their performance. Once inside the Big Top, Blitz changes back into his original form.

Soon, one of the performers sees him, "Hey Blitz, is that you?"

"Hey Dylan, good to see you," Blitz says.

"You too," Dylan says. He turns to the others and calls out, "Hey everyone, Blitz is back."

Soon, the other performers, including Tim, Andy, and Candy notice Blitz is back with the others.

Tim calls out, "Hey Blitz, how are things going down below?"

"Doing good," Blitz says.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Candy asks, worried.

Andy then says, "We all heard that you and Stolas were in the hospital in Hell."

"Yeah. A lot has happened. And I mean, a lot has happened during the time, but Stolas and I were able to get through it okay. Although, I still need to take things easy a little longer, but I still want to visit you all," Blitz says.

"That's good to hear," Andy says.

Mimmy changes to her original form and calls out, "Hi Auntie Candy. Uncle Andy. Uncle Tim."

"Hi Mimmy, how are you doing sweetie?" Candy says and happily hugs the Hell Kitten.

Millie and Moxxie change to their original forms as well.

"It's good to see you and Millie too, Moxxie," Tim says.

"Hi guys," Millie happily says.

"It's good to see you too," Moxxie says.

Then Andy notices Barbie and says, "Hey Blitz, who is your new friend?"

"She's not actually a friend, but she is something I want to introduce too," Blitz says.

Blitz turns to Barbie and nods his head in reply. Barbie then uses her crystal to change into her demonic form catching everyone by surprise to see that she's another demon. What's more, they're surprised to see that Barbie looks a lot like Blitz.

Then Blitz introduces his family to the others, "Barbie, this is my cousins, Tim, and the twins, Andy and Candy. Guys, this is Barbie, my twin sister."

"Twin sister?" The three humans react in surprise.

"Yeah. She's the one that I was told about and learned about from Fizzarolli. I kind of met her at a camp not long ago," Blitz says.

"It's nice to meet you, Barbie," Andy says.

"Nice to meet you all too," Barbie says.

Candy looks at them and says, "Wow. You both look a lot alike. Of course, you both have some differences."

"Yeah. Besides the obvious, the gender," Tim says.

"That's true," Blitz and Barbie reply.

Barbie soon looks around, "Still, I've never seen a circus this big than my dad's circus."

"Really? Your dad runs a circus too?" Candy asks.

"Yeah. He used to, but that was a very long time ago. I was around my teens or so when the circus shut down," Barbie says.

"What happened?" Andy asks.

Barbie sighs, "It's kind of a long story, but I don't really want to talk about it. A lot has happened since my dad died."

"It's okay, Barbie. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Blitz says.

Barbie smiles and says, "Thanks."

"Well then, how about we take the time for us to get better acquainted," Tim says.

The group agrees.

Shortly after practice, the gang gather in the train car to have some drinks and snacks as they get to know one another.

"That's a very nice wrist watch you got," Candy says.

"Thanks, but this also contains an Asmodean Crystal," Barbie says, presenting her watch to them.

"Asmodean Crystal? You mean those gemstones that allow demons to have their own access to the human world, right?" Blitz asks.

"That's right. I'm guessing your pals have told you about them," Barbie says.

"That's correct, we've been educating Blitz about Hell's environment, history, hierarchy, and other informant details he needs to learn in order to have a life in while living with us," Moxxie says.

"Yeah. And Blitz told me that before he started living with Stolas at his palace, he used to live with you two," Barbie says.

"You got it, and Blitz was a great roommate. We do have our ups and downs, but we managed to live together just fine," Millie says.

Moxxie sighs, "The only trouble is when Mimmy gets into places she shouldn't, like our tails."

"Sorry," Mimmy says, sheepishly.

"Aww, don't feel bad. You were an Earth kitten back then, and you didn't know better," Millie says.

"Yeah," Moxxie says and snickers," And you especially like getting into Loona's tail because it was like one of your kitty toys."

Barbie snickers, "Bet Loona didn't like that."

"No, she didn't, but she wasn't that mad about it. However, she was annoyed about it," Blitz says.

"So Barbie, were you always in your dad's circus?" Tim asks.

"Not always, after my circus days, I had to work in all kinds of jobs with, from being a waitress to a well, pole dancer," Barbie says.

"I'm guessing you used to work at a nightclub," Candy asks.

Blitz blushes a bit to hear that.

"Yeah. You won't believe the kind of demons I had to see. Some of them are real pervs. One of them grabbed the base of my tail and punched him in the jaw," Barbie says.

"Kind of like what our mom did when some stranger tried to lift up her skirt when we were kids," Andy says.

"But didn't Aunt Lily punch him in the cheek? I heard she knocked that guy's teeth out, literally," Blitz says.

Tim laughs, "Yeah. The guy actually lost four of his teeth."

"I think your aunt would probably do the same thing to Chaz if she hears about him trying to hit on you," Moxxie says to Blitz.

Blitz nervously chuckles, "Uh, I think she might actually knock all of his teeth out."

"No better than what I would do. I would beat that fucker half to dead. Makes me glad that my husband's pa did the job, but I would have messed him up so bad that he won't be recognizable," Millie says angrily.

"Who's Chaz?" Candy asks, confused.

"Believe it or not, but he's actually mine and Millie's ex boyfriend long before we even met each other," Moxxie says.

"And he is so full of himself. Makes me wonder what Moxxie and I even saw in that guy," Millie says.

"Not to mention wanting to have sex with anyone he lays his eyes on," Moxxie says.

"Yeah. Drew told us that Chaz tried to hit on Blitz and try to get him to have sex with him. And we know Blitz said no, but that guy was so persistent," Millie adds.

Tim narrows his eyes, "Sounds like that guy was a real sleaze ball."

"More like a scumbag. If he dared try to lay his hands on Blitz, I would have actually murder him," Barbie says.

"Same here, sister," Millie says with a nod.

Blitz nervously laughs, "I wouldn't want you to commit murder because of me."

"It would make me happy," Millie says.

"So Barbie, anything else you did?" Candy asks.

"Yeah. I was an employee at Ozzie's but also became my childhood friend's security guard, and after ending up in Rehab for a few years, I started working in the pharmacy gathering drugs from Earth and all that," Barbie says.

"Uh yeah. Moxxie had to explain to us about what happened. I may not approve of the kind of work you do, but it's Hell so I don't have a say in this," Blitz says, sounding uneasy.

"You better believe it. It's honest work, alright," Barbie says.

Blitz rolls his eyes, "Whatever you say."

"And you also got a camp counselor involved," Millie bluntly points out.

"Do you have any idea how easy teenage humans are to manipulate?" Barbie replies.

"Believe me I've seen it myself," Moxxie says, rolling his eyes.

"Well, one thing for sure, you and Blitz are really different from each other, especially with the personality," Candy says.

"Randall thinks the same way," Moxxie says.

"So what are you doing now?" Andy asks.

"Well, after being out of my recent job, Blitz said I can work at his company. Despite having to be stuck in the same job as Randall, I get to know my brother a lot better, and spend some time with him and my niece," Barbie says.

Barbie picks up Mimmy and says, "I can't wait to spoil you." and hugs her.

Mimmy giggles and hugs her back.

Candy turns to Blitz and says, "Um Blitz, I'm guessing you weren't uh... you know..."

"It's okay Candy. I already told the others about the meeting. And I was able to meet with Fizzarolli and we were able to talk to each other. We actually had a good conversation," Blitz says.

"Yeah. Fizzarolli was able to tell me about Blitz when I was in the living world for work and was very relieved to know that my brother has been alive all this time," Barbie says.

Then hugs Mimmy, "And I also got a niece as well."

"Yeah," Mimmy says happily.

"That's good to hear," Tim says.

"So what did you find out?" Andy asks.

"Well, a lot has happened when I was at the hospital. Meeting with Fizz, it's true that my mother died in that Early Extermination, and my father died around fifteen years ago. As of now, Barbie is the only living family I have," Blitz says.

Candy turns to Barbie, "Is that true?"

"Yes. Sadly," Barbie says.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear it," Candy says.

"It's cool. It happened a long time ago. I did my best not to think about it," Barbie says. "But still, I got Fizzarolli, he's basically like a brother to me, but I'm also glad that I got my birth brother back as well. So I got my birth brother and a brother figure."

"Yeah," Blitz says.

Then Barbie asks, "Hey Blitz, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" Blitz asks.

"How in Hell did you get hooked up with Prince Stolas anyway?" Barbie asks, "I mean, I heard that many Goetias are complete snobs, and are not a big fan of low class demons like us. So how did you and a Goetia Prince end up together?"

"Oh that..." Blitz says, embarrassed. He rubs the back of his head, "Yeah. That's kind of an interesting story.

Moxxie, Millie, and the others try their best not to laugh.

"What? What's so funny?" Barbie asks.

"Well the thing is, the story on how Stolas and I first met, got kind of crazy, and part of the reason it happened is because of Randall," Blitz says.

Barbie looks confused, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Well, Randall convinced Razor and me to sneak into Stolas' mansion to help make his Not-Divorce Anniversary move lively. He and Razor got chased out by his guards. Meanwhile, I managed to sneak inside Stolas' place and got in his bedroom without anyone seeing me," Blitz says.

"Randall fuckin what?!" Barbie asks in shock.

"Yeah," Blitz says, "But then Stolas came into his room when I was looking at some books. I didn't realize he was there until he spoke up. At first I thought he was going to do something to me, but Stolas is actually okay when I got to know him. Of course, he was shocked when I had to be honest with him about my upbringing on Earth, but he advised me that I need to be careful about roaming around Earth, but is still amazed I was able to live on Earth for as long as I did."

"We couldn't believe it either when we first found him during our assignment," Moxxie says.

"And of course, we knew that we can't just leave him there, so we decided to ask him to come with us so he can know our kind and live with us," Millie says.

"Yeah. And well, I didn't know it then, but Randall came back to the mansion and snuck in. And instead of either leaving or explaining things to Stolas, he decided to mess with us. He kept tripping me and Stolas until we were both on his bed," Blitz adds.

Barbie rolls his eyes, "That fuckin lizard. That's something he would do."

"Yeah, and well... Randall did something that uh, really turned our lives around, in the most crazy way... it's actually really embarrassing..." Blitz says, very embarrassed.

"What's that?" Barbie asks, confused.

"Well uh..." Blitz says, blushing, "Randall pushed me, hoping for me to fall on Stolas, but we kind of well uh..."

Millie sighs as she rolls her eyes, "Blitz and Stolas kissed each other."

Barbie says with a deadpan tone, "What?"

"Stolas and I accidentally kissed each other. On the lips." Blitz clarifies.

He then explains, "At first, we were shocked, but then, Stolas kissed me back, willingly, and then I ended up kissing him back as well. And that's kind of how it started. And over time, Stolas and I ended up falling in love with each other, and even dated each other. I mean sure, I was told that this combination would be dangerous. A Goetia Prince dating an Imp, but Stolas has been kind to me, and he's very sweet. So yeah, as crazy as it sounds, Randall was the reason Stolas and I even got together."

Barbie blinks a few times and asks, "So you're saying that because of Randall's shenanigans, you and Stolas ended uo together. All lovey dovey and all that."

"Um yes," Blitz says, with a sheepish smile and shrugs his shoulders.

And with that, Barbie begins laughing and she is laughing pretty hard.

"Yo-you... you've got to be kidding me?!" Barbie shouts and continues laughing, "That's gotta be the most craziest thing I ever heard! That sounds like something out of a cheesy romantic comedy drama!"and continues laughing hysterically.

Blitz blushes a bit and says, "I know. Stolas and I sometimes laugh about it because we thought it's funny after a while. Of course, we were both pretty embarrassed at first."

"No kidding. Wait until I tell Fizzarolli about this. He's going to bust a gut when I tell him about this story," Barbie says, and tries to calm himself from laughing.

"Please don't, it's already embarrassing as it is," Blitz says, blushing.

"And you said you both already got a good laugh about it," Barbie says.

Barbie takes deep breaths and calms down, "Sorry sorry, but that was really wild."

"Yeah. It was kind of funny when Blitz told us, but the two managed to get together and they ended up dating each other," Tim says.

"And that's just one of the crazy troubles we got into," Millie says.

"Rally? What other kinds of trouble was that?" Barbie asks, interested.

"Like the incident we had during Spring Break," Moxxie says.

"Oh yeah. I remember, and it's when Verosika tries to seduce me, or have fun with me," Blitz says and blushes.

"And I'm guessing you refused, huh," Barblie replies.

"Yes. And it's even more uneasy when she learns that I haven't had sex yet," Blitz says.

Dumbfounded, Barbie asks, "Wait, you're actually a virgin? Even after you dated Stolas?"

"That's true, but I'm not ready for this sort of thing," Blitz says, blushing.

"Make sense, you never dated anyone until you met Stolas," Tim says.

"Yeah. And you both actually make a cute couple," Millie says.

Then Moxxie says, "Anyway, at one of the beaches in the living world, Verosika was doing a concert while the rest of us were killing targets. However, Verosika spilled her Beelzejuice bottle in the water and it mutated a fish into a monster."

"I also remember that you were very drunk after humans mistook you for a possum and tossed you into a beer keg," Blitz says.

Barbie snickers, "A possum? Really?"

"Yeah. A human called me that," Moxxie says, annoyed.

Barbie laughs a bit, "Sounds like you guys have a lot of crazy adventures, both in Hell and on Earth."

"Yeah. You should have seen what happened with the Cherubs," Millie says.

Barbie becomes shocked to hear it, "Cherubs? As in those little angels?"

"Yes. We were hired to kill a well known rich business partner of the client. Randall, Millie, and I agreed for Blitz to come with us, and we ended up seeing the Cherubs while we're there. And when Blitz changed to his original forms, they became excited and actually wanted Blitz to join them at Heaven at that point," Moxxie explains.

"WHAT?!" Barbie exclaims in shock, "But Blitz is a demon, not an angel or a human!"

"Well yeah, but they were aware that Blitz was raised by humans because they're actually acquainted with Blitz's adopted family who are in Heaven. They hope to convince Blitz to go to Heaven with them, but showing their work. Randall, Moxxie, and I tried to get Blitz not to," Millie says.

"And that ended up getting us in a fight with the Cherubs," Moxxie says, "But at the end, Blitz decided on his own to stay in Hell with us, and Mr. Lipton simply passed away from the old age the machine caused. Of course, the Cherubs understand that Blitz had made a life for himself on Earth and in Hell. Plus, he still wants to believe that he had a family in Hell and at the time, we didn't know much about it."

"And later on, after getting captured by the D.H.O.R.K.S. and they use a Truth telling serum on me, I ended up remembering a bit about my mother, my father, and you. And it caused me to remember how we got separated and how I ended up on Earth," Blitz says.

"Fuck, sounds like you had a difficult time when you remember all that," Barbie says.

"Yeah. But at least something good came to it," Blitz says.

Then pat Mimmy's head, "Of course, Mimmy becoming a Hell kitten is another good thing to happen.

"Yeah," Mimmy happily says.

"So how did that happen?" Barbie asks.

"It's because Randall accidentally spilled Heartfelt Bliss on Mimmy by accident when she was an Earth Kitten. Blitz tried to clean it off of her, but it ended up mutating her to a Hell Kitten," Millie explains.

Moxxie says, "Surprisingly, Mimmy was actually calm, more excited when it happened. The rest of us were shocked as well, but Blitz managed to remain calm after how shocked he was."

"And Moxxie fainted when he saw me," Mimmy giggles.

Barbie giggles, "I can imagine."

Moxxie rolls his eyes, "Yeah. I get it."

The others begin giggling with smiles on their faces.

"Yeah. We do have a lot of great times," Blitz says. Then grows uneasy, "But not all of them are good to be honest. We did have a lot of close calls, and dangers as well."

"Like the time that Randall convinced you and Razor to help him pull a prank on Stella?" Millie asks.

"Why did he want to do that? "Barbie asks.

"Let's see, he hates Stella for being a pompous bitch, especially for her being so rotten to us, especially towards Blitz. Since Stolas was divorcing her, he wanted to give her a special royal treatment with his prank. However, things didn't go so well," Moxxie says.

"What happened?" Tim asks, confused.

"Well, I started to have second thoughts, and I decided to go to the restroom to clear my head, but I had a run in with Valentino," Blitz says.

"Valentino?!" Barbie exclaims in shock, "You mean that Porn Studio Overlord?!"

"Yeah. He was trying to sugarcoat me, but I can see he has ill intentions so I ran away and out of the restaurant as fast as I could. When I stopped I realized that I was in a warehouse. I ended up getting captured by Pentious and his Egg Bois, thinking I was working for Cherri Bomb, and was rescued by her and Angel Dust, who I met at Charlie's hold a while back. I ended up having to help fight them, and was able to knock Pentious out. We managed to escape and Angel called Charlie and Vaggie to pick me up and take me to the hotel," Blitz says.

"The fuck?! You actually became acquainted with the Princess of Hell herself?!" Barbie asks, shocked.

Blitz blushes and says, "Well yeah, it's a long story. I met Charlie when she was passing her fliers and some demons were making fun of her and spilling her fliers. I helped her, we talked, and I kind of supported her idea for Rehabilitations, and she ended up dragging me to her hotel where I met the others, even Alastor. Even though I feel very comfortable being around him, I managed to have a conversation with him, but I still don't trust him," Blitz says.

"Sheesh, you sure had one crazy adventure, but Randall ended up getting you into so much trouble," Barbie says.

"True, but something did come out of it, he and Razor heard Stella and Andrealphus talking about Blitz, and it's worrisome that Andrealphus wants to see Blitz," Moxxie says.

"And after Stolas explained that Stella was the one who hired Striker to kill both him and Blitz, we knew the situation was serious," Millie says.

"Yeah. I was upset when I learned about it, and yet, she decided not to have us dead anymore, but still wanted Striker to bring me and Stolas to her and Andrealphus," Blitz says, "I can't even imagine what they want with us since they don't want us dead anymore."

"It does sound worrisome, but you can bet that I'm not going to let either one of those Goetia fuckers anywhere near you, not after what I heard what they tried to do to you," Barbie says.

"Thanks Barbie, I really appreciate it," Blitz says.

"Well, after getting my brother back after all this time, there's no way I'm going to let any fucker hurt you or use you to their advantage," Barbie says.

She then says, "But back to the demon hunters, Fizzarolli mentioned that Blitz told him about that situation." Then rolls her eyes, "I mean, who's dumb idea was to come up with that name. No one will take them seriously with that name."

"The others think the same," Blitz says.

"Even Randall thinks so?" Barbie questions.

"Randall especially thinks the name is really stupid, and I agree," Millie says.

Tim says, "Blitz told us about what happened, and I still wonder about that name. But still, it doesn't change the fact that they're demon hunters, and I doubt they'll give up on capturing Blitz and the others to prove their theory that demons exist."

"Yeah. It's worrisome," Barbie says.

"But Razor said that he managed to delete all the footage and Randall destroyed the security cameras. Plus, Stolas really scared them stiff," Millie says.

"Well, I'm not sure that will be enough to stop them. We've been keeping a close eye on them and so far, we haven't had any sightings of them," Candy says.

Suddenly someone says, "Yes. However, we all must do our best to make sure Blitz remains safe from them. Even though he is a demon, Blitzo is part of our family."

"And we do not want any harm to come to him," Another voice says.

The gang turns to see Lily and Matt.

"Hi Uncle Matt. Hi Aunt Lily," Blitz says.

"Hey everyone, Dylan told us you are here and we have a special guest," Matt says.

"Yeah," Blitz says and gestures to Barbie, "This is my birth twin sister, Barbie. Barbie, this is my Uncle Matt and my Aunt Lily."

"Nice to meetcha," Barbie says.

"Hello," Matt says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Barbie," Lily says.

"You too. I've been excited to meet the family that's been taking care of my brother this whole time," Barbie says.

"Well, we're glad to meet his sister," Candy says.

Then asks, "So Barbie, what kind of performance do you do at your family circus?"

"Oh, so you used to be a circus performer too?" Lily asks.

"Sure do. I did tightrope walking, ball balancing, umbrella dancing, and dancing with a hoop, and other kinds that showed off my grace and dancing skills," Barbie says.

Then turns to Blitz, "I heard from Blitz that he does tightrope walking, acrobatics, trapeze, knife throwing, juggling, and other acts."

"Yeah, but one of the things I'm not good at is balloon animals, and I get wary about flamethrowing, but I remember doing better with it, but don't really perform with them," Blitz says.

"And yet you started having fire magic," Millie says.

"Well, I'm still learning how to do it," Blitz says.

"You know. I'm still shocked to hear that you have magical powers and immuned to angelic weapons. It's really tough to swallow," Barbie says.

"True, but sadly, I didn't have much of a choice on wanting it. And since I have these powers now, I need to learn how to control it better," Blitz says.

"And once Stolas gets out of the hospital, it will be a good idea to continue with those lessons," Moxxie says.

"Yeah," Barbie says.

She sighs and says "If dad were still alive, he'll fuckin freat out." But also says as she taps her chin, "Then again, he might consider an idea to get more money for his performances. I can imagine him having so many ideas."

"Sounds like your dad is really into money," Blitz sheepishly.

"Believe me, he can be so greedy, and really like alcohol, but I still love him as a dad all the same," Barbie says.

Candy says, "No offense Barbie, but I'm kind of glad your dad didn;t raise him. I don't think I want to know if he did."

"You know, Fizzarlli said something similar to it when I told him I had a brother," Barbie says.

Sometime later, after the visit, the gang are ready to head back home.

"It's nice to see you again guys, and it's nice to meet you Barbie," Andy says.

"You too," Barbie says.

"Bye everyone, I'll be back to visit soon," Blitz says.

"Bye," Mimmy happily says.

Soon, the portal opens and the group walks through the portal and says goodbye to Blitz's family and friends at the circus. Barbie feels satisfied that she is able to learn more about her brother and some of his adventures, and can't wait for the next time.

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