Chapter 8: First Day At Work

One day in the I.M.P Headquarters, Moxxie, Millie, Drew, Berry, Randall and Razor are getting things ready for an important assignment. They gather up some guns, daggers, and other kinds of weapons. Loona is reading a magazine as she is sitting at the desk and drinking some alcohol. Sarge then walks out of his office with the blue book in hand.

Sarge says, "Alright everyone, this assignment is going to be a big one, so make sure we have any arsenal we're going to need."

Blitz then asks, "So, what's going on?"

"Our client got off on this creepy cult and ended up in Hell. He's paying us $100 for each cult member," Millie says.

"And according to the client, there's around 60 members in this cult, so we'll have to be ready for them in case they attack," Moxxie says, polishing his gun.

"Oh, I see," Blitz says.

"Yeah. It's a big job, we're all going to off these asses," Randall says.

"I see," Blitz says.

"In other words, we're going to need all of us for this assignment," Sarge says.

"So I guess it means Loona will be coming with you as well?" Blitz asks.

"That's what seems to be the case," Loona answers.

Millie turns to Blitz, "And so, you'll need to stay here until we can get the job done."

"Okay. I can do that," Blitz says.

"Okay then," Loona says.

Thanks hands Blitz the book, "Here you go. I bookmarked the page that you need to reopen the portal. We'll text you when we're done, so just scan your hand on the book and it will allow the portal to open where we are."

"Sure. I can do that," Blitz says, and takes the book.

Then Loona says, "And no messing with my stuff at my desk while I'm gone. And keep your cat away from my magazines too."

Then turns to the kitten who is sleeping on the bed next to the couch. Mimmy then lets out a yawn and goes back to sleep.

"I'll keep that in mind," Blitz says.

Millie then draws a circle with the pentagram on the wall and it turns into a portal, "There we go, one portal to the Human World."

"Alright then, let's be off," Sarge says.

"Stay in the office, and keep an eye on the phone, and make sure to notify clients that we're out and wait until we get back," Razor says to Blitz.

"Okay," Blitz replies.

"Okay Blitz, we'll see you later," Berry says and walks through the portal.

Razor and the others walk through the portals.

Sarge is the last to leave and says to Blitz, "And try to not get yourself into trouble and keep yourself entertained until we get back."

"Um okay," Blitz replies.

Sarge is the last to go through the portal before it closes. Soon, Blitz finds himself all alone, with no one around. Blitz and sit down on the couch. Suddenly, Mimmy wakes up from her sleep. She jumps and climbs on the couch and sits on Blitz's lap.

Mimmy then replies, "Meow!"

"It's okay girl, the others will be back in a while, so it's just you and me for a while," Blitz says, scratching under Mimmy's chin.

Mimmy purrs in satisfaction.

He then looks up his Hellphone to see what the update on the news, updates, and podcast of the events in Hell. Blitz then looks around to see the place seems a bit well, disorganized. There are alcohol bottles, crumble papers, and other garbage on the ground. There are holes and crooked picture frames on the walls, and the floor seems a bit dirty with dust.

In a few minutes, Blitz stands up and says, "Maybe I should see if there's anything to clean up here. That would give me something to do."

Blitz walks to the small door that is the closet that has some cleaning supplies and such. He gathers the cleaning supplies outside of the closet and has them set up for him to clean.

"Well, I guess I better get started," Blitz says.

And with that, Blitz begins to clean up the office. He starts by picking the empty bottles, can, and trash on the floor and putting them in a garbage bag. After cleaning up the trash, Blitz begins to dust off the receptionist desk, and the computer. He scrubs and dries off the desk. After that, he dusts off and cleans up the wall. At least from the dust and any bloodstains around. After that, he scrubs off the grime and blood stains on the floor. While waiting for some part of the floor to dry, he cleans up some of the chars and couches. Blitz cleans up the meeting room, which isn't that much of a mess. Then he has Mimmy placed in the cat carrier, much to her dismay, and vacuums the lounge and the meeting room. Once Blitz is done, Mimmy is free and is glad. Blitz also has a little play area set for her to play with her toys.

After some time, Blitz is able to get a lot of cleaning done, which also keeps himself busy. Now he is talking by looking at stuff on the computer.

"Hmm, I have to admit, the stuff on the computer isn't all that different from earth. Yet, the names, the information they have, and even the wi-fi seems different. I might as well get used to it, this is the new normal," Blitz says to himself.

Suddenly, he hears purring and looks down to see Mimmy rubbing herself against Blitz's leg.

Blitz smiles and says, "At least I have you here, Mimmy."

Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door.

Blitz calls out, "Come in."

The door to the office opens, and a demon steps inside. The demon seems to have somewhat of a human shape and outfit, but with devilish features. She is roughly the size of Blitz, with violet skin, pointed ears, red eyes with yellow pupils, and sharp yellow teeth. She has the same tail as an imp, but has noticeable goat-like traits like horns and lavender hooves, long messy white hair, and has a black headband on her head. She is wearing a dark pink shirt with noticeable stitches and an upside-down red teardrop jewel on her chest with yellow on the tip. She also wears a black torn skirt, red earrings, and pink glasses. She is holding a lighted up cigarette in her hand.

The female demon turns to Blitz and sternly asks, "Is this the I.M.P Office?"

"Um yes, but unfortunately, the boss and the colleagues aren't here at the moment," Blitz says.

"Well, you seem to be here," The female demon says.

"Yeah. However, I'm not an employee here, but if you need help with anything I don't mind assisting you," Blitz says, trying to be polite.

The female demon smiles a bit and says, "Hmm, yes I would like some assistance."

Blitz allows the female demon to enter the lounge and closes the door.

Blitz then shows her the couch, "You can sit here."

"Thank you," The demon says, taking a seat.

Blitz sits down and asks, "Can I uh, get you anything? Like anything to drink?"

"No thank you," The demon says.

Blitz pulls out the chair from the desk and sits across from the female demon. Blitz then brings out a pad and pencil from his backpack and has them in his hand and ready to write.

"So you mind giving me your name?" Blitz asks.

"Of course. I'm Mrs. Mayberry, and I came because I want you to kill someone," The female demon says.

"I see," Blitz says, writing the information down on the pad.

Then asks, "You mind explaining why?"

"Yes. however, explaining about my past will make me rather irate" Mrs. Mayberry says, growing frustrated.

She sighs and says, "I was a good person, before it all went down... I was good my entire life."

Blitz begins to write down the information about Mrs. Mayberry.

Meanwhile, in the human world, Sarge and the rest of the I.M.P Crew have their hands full with this assignment.

Moxxie and Razor fire their firearms at the cults. Moxxie fires at them with a rifle while Razor fires with a bazooka at the cults. The human cult members are either killed by head shots or blown to pieces. Loona bites down on the cults and fires them with a machine gun. Randall along with Millie, Drew, and Berry use sharp knives or sharp weapons to slaughter the humans to pieces. Sarge is also assisting them with his very large sharp dagger and decapitating the members of the cults. Blood practically splatter out of the killed human's body and either spill on the I.M.P crew or all over the grass.

Millie swings her axe, cutting the cult member's head off and laughs, "This is a lot of fun! I've never had to kill so many people!"

"Easy for you to say. I'm getting blood all over my hair. I really need a shower after this," Berry says, looking at the bloodstains on her hair.

Drew stabs another cult member, "Yeah. And I never had to stab this many people before. Not since we had to kill that mafia gang last month."

"Well the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get paid," Randall says.

Sarge then fires his gun at one cult member on the head and stabs another member on the back. Razor and Moxxie continue to fire their weapons at the cult members. Razor pulls the trigger and notices the bazooka is not firing anymore.

Razor then switches to another gun, two large pistols, "And it looks like I need to get more gears and bullets for my guns."

"Well, it's best we wrap this up before we have any clients showing up at the office. I'm not sure how Blitz is going to handle them if a client begins to act aggressive," Sarge says.

Back in the I.M.P office, Blitz continues 's story. According to her, she's been a good person her whole life until the terrible incident. She used to be an elementary school teacher and is working that day. When the students remind her about her husband's birthday, she logs to the computer to wish him a happy birthday. However, when she does, she is in shock and horror to see her husband is having an affair and having sex with another woman. Mrs. Mayberry snaps and storms off in full rage. She violently attacks the mistress. When the husband tries to stop her, Ms. Mayberry shoots her rifle at him and kills her instantly. However, she realizes that the computer from her home and classroom are on, and her students have seen everything. She then takes her own life with the gun she has used to kill her husband.

Mrs. Mayberry is pacing around the room as she continues, "You do everything right in life, play by all the rules... and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world! After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So that's why I'm here." At the same time, Blitz writes down the information.

Mrs. Mayberry walks to Blitz and says, "To get my revenge."

"I see. That must have been rough," Blitz says.

"Rough doesn't begin to describe it," Mrs. Mayberry says, frustrated.

Blitz then says, "But you know, I think I remember reading something like this in the paper."

"Oh really?" Mrs. Mayberry replies, confused.

Then Blitz remembers and asks, "Um if you don't mind me asking, you wouldn't happen to be Heidi Mayberry?"

Mrs. Mayberry looks at Blitz in shock and asks, "How.. how do you know my name?"

"Well uh, you see, it's a bit hard to explain, but I was kind of raised in the human world. I used to be a circus performer and..." Blitz says.

Bt Mrs. Mayberry smiles and says, "Wait, I remember seeing you before. Aren't you the Great Blitzo from the Cirque De Essentircal?"

"Um yeah, but how did you know?" Blitz asks, confused.

"I brought my students on a field trip to that very circus once a few years ago, and it's a very popular circus so everyone knows about it," Mrs. Mayberry says with a smile.

"Really. I uh, never thought I would meet someone who knows me from here. Although, then again, since I'm living in the same Ring as people who used to live on earth, I guess I shouldn't be surprised," Blitz says, feeling embarrassed.

"Well, I didn't expect to see a circus star here, and now you're working here," Mrs. Mayberry says.

Then asks, "So that means you know what happened?"

"Yeah. It was all over the news. Even though you killed your husband and took your own life, the woman your husband was cheating with, I think her name was Martha Harris miraculously survived. Last I heard, she was in the hospital for a while, and got out around a few weeks ago," Blitz explains

"You are correct. That whore survived. Now they called her a hero," Mrs. Maybery explains.

Then says as her anger increases, "Between the talk shows and the donation bullshit, she made so much goddamn cash... getting shot was the best thing to happen to her!"

Mrs. Mayberry then shouts as she lets out an echo, "SHE IS NOT A HEROOOOO!"

Blitz leans to Blitz's face as her face turns red with anger. Mimmy becomes startled and hides behind the couch in fear.

A little frightened, Blitz says, "Yeah. I understand why you were upset. In fact, some people were actually agreeing about it. Even though she survived, that woman had an affair with your husband. Of course, I also have a lot of mixed feelings about that fiasco. I'll be sure to let the others know about it when they get back."

Mrs. Mayberry calms down and says, "Of course. I do apologize. Remember how I ended up here and always mave be in rage."

"That's kind of understandable," Blitz says.

Mrs. Mayberry then pulls out a picture and a small piece of paper from her bag, "Here's a picture of the whore, and my number. Call me when they accept and that the job is done."

"Okay. I'll let them know when they get back," Blitz says.

"Thanks. Hope to see you around," Mrs. Mayberry says, and takes her leave.

"Bye," Blitz says.

Mrs. Mayberry leaves the lounge, and Blitz is all alone in the office.

"Well, that went well," Blitz replies.

He then places the notebook on the couch and says, "Well, I guess I could just do stuff on the computer while I wait."

Suddenly, the receptionist's phone begins to ring.

Blitz then answers the phone, "Hello, this is I.M.P."

Sometime later, Blitz is now doing things on the office computer. Still doing some reading about the current events in Hell, along with learning more about the culture, food, music, and such. Just then, he hears his Hellphone ringing. He looks on the screen that it's Moxxie.

Blitz answers the phone, "Hello Moxxie."

"Hello Blitz, sorry we were gone for so long. There were a lot more cult members than what the client said there was. How are you doing?" Moxxie explains.

"I'm doing okay," Blitz says.

"That's good. Can you open the portal? We're going to head back now," Moxxie says.

"Okay," Blitz says.

Blitz opens the book and finds the page where the bookmark is. He scans the book and the portal opens before them. Soon, Sarge and the rest of the gang walk through, covered and splattered on with blood.

"What happened to you guys?" Blitz asks, surprised.

Loona grunts as she stretches her arms, "There were a lot of stupid ass cults guys in robes."

"And all of them try to stab us with knives, and they don't even know how to fight that good," Randall says.

Razor takes off his cap and says, "It was a work out."

"Okay. I'm glad to see you all are okay," Blitz says.

"So, how did things go while we're gone?" Berry asks.

"Okay. I uh, kind of decided to do some cleaning while you're gone. And some clients either call or come to the office for some targets to uh, kill," Blitz answers.

Berry sighs, "Great, more work." Then shrugs her shoulders, "But that's how we pay the bills."

"Yeah. So how many clients did we get?" Drew asks.

"We got ten clients who called or came to the office," Blitz says.

He shows them the pad he had, "And I kind of wrote down the information."

Sarge takes the notebook and looks over the notes that's been taken. Some of the notes have the pictures of the targets attached to it.

Sarge observes them and says, "Hmm, I have to admit, you put some good detail into it."

Moxxie and Millie look at the pad themselves.

"Wow Blitz. You were very organized with the information you get from the clients about their targets," Moxxie says.

"Thanks," Blitz says.

Moxxie then turns to Loona, "Of course, Loona does an okay job, except for this one incident."

"You're not still annoyed about what happened that one time. Besides, you're the one who shot that fuckin brat, Eddie," Loona says, annoyed.

"What happened?" Blitz asks.

"It happened a couple of months ago," Randall says.

Then points to Moxxie, "Moxxie accidentally shot some kid who was passing by. We took the kid to the hospital to get him checked out. However, the doctor asked us for insurance for an operation. I was like 'The fuck is insurance?' and decided to leave with the kid."

"Did you forget that you tried to break out of the hospital by jumping out of the window with a kid in a medical bed. You're lucky that Razor gave me his smoke bombs to stall them long enough for us to get away," Berry sternly says.

"What? I don't see what the problem is. At the end, the kid is the actual target so we just killed him and chopped him into pieces," Randall says.

"Isn't that a bit harsh to do it to a kid?" Blitz asks, feeling skeptical.

"Trust us when we said there was no remorse from what we did to that kid, especially for badmouthing us," Drew says.

"Was it that bad? Blitz asks.

"It's bad," Millie says, sounding bitter, "He called me a slut, and intimidated my husband as he called him a spinless jackass."

"He dare to say my hair style and clothes are something that comes out of a drag show," Berry angrily says.

"He said that I'm some kind of dick sucker. I'm actually into girls, not guys," Drew says, bitterly.

"He hugged my tail weirdly and wouldn't let go. He even said to Loona that he's a cat person'" Razor says, annoyed.

"And called me a repulsive reptile and my skin isn't suitable to be used for, handbag and boots," Randall says.

He cracks his knuckles, "Man I hate that brat."

"That's... really bad..." Blitz says.

"No kidding. What a piece of shit. He said that me and Berry are a twin-set, I'm only three months older than her," Drew says, annoyed.

Sarge walks over, "You'll be shocked by what he said to me."

He then whispers to Blitz making him open his eyes wide in shock.

"Woah, that sounds really bad," Blitz says.

"It was. Still, at the end, that the kid was the target and leaving it that," Randall says.

"Yes. I don't feel like going into any more details," Moxxie says.

"Okay," Blitz says, confused.

"Anyway, let's see what we can do. Some of the missions will have to wait until tomorrow due to the exhausting mission we just had," Sarge says.

"Sounds good to me. Fuck, I've never had to chomp on this many human heads in my life," Loona says.

"Really?" Blitz asks.

"That's right. And before you ask, My teeth and claws are very sharp. If I'm going to be working for an assassin from time to time, I gotta keep my teeth and claws sharp," Loona says.

"That makes sense," Blitz says.

"And I gotta buy more bullets and stuff for my weapon," Randall says.

"And get more supplies for my weapons and gadgets," Razor says.

Berry looks around and says, "I have to admit, you did a pretty good job cleaning up the place."

"And you cleaned up the bottles and cans Loona left here," Drew says.

Millie says, "Wow. I have never seen this place look so clean. Usually it's Moxxie who does the cleaning."

"You did a good job, Blitz," Razor says.

"Thanks," Blitz says.

Then Berry asks, "So Blitz, are you thinking about working here?"

"Here?" Blitz says, confused.

Millie happily says, "Yeah. You can work with us at the company."

"I don't know. I mean, I'm not really into killing people," Blitz says.

But Moxxie says, "Actually, there are still some vacancies in some employment in the company. Mainly with some of the office work. I'm sure we can find a place for you to work here."

"Okay, what do you still need in the company?" Blitz answers.

Sarge then steps in, "How about this, you can help with cleaning the office, and help Loona take calls and talk to clients, and help me with some paperwork and some errands."

Then calmly asks, "Also, how good are you with accounting?"

"Well, I actually help my parents and my uncle with accounting and savings when I go to the circus. We need to make sure we have enough money to pay for everyone, food supplies, repairs, and such," Blitz answers.

"Well then, you can help with customer service, accounting, and help out with the cleaning," Sarge says.

"Okay," Blitz says, with a nod.

"Alright then, you're hired," Sarge calmly says.

Then says, "And you can start by helping me contact the clients about the assignments."

"Okay," Blitz replies with a nod.

Millie smiles at Blitz and says, "Well, it looks like you're an official member of I.M.P."

Then Randall has an idea, "And I got a good idea."

"Oh really? What kind of idea did you come up with?" Moxxie questions.

"Easy," Randall says, and picks up Mimmy from the floor. "How about we make this little kitty our official I.M.P mascot."

"Meow?" Mimmy replies with a confused look.

"Mascot?" Moxxie question, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Mimmy may be small and cute, but she can be a good mascot for our company," Randall says.

"I don't know. Does our company really need a mascot?" Moxxie says, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, a lot of companies have mascots in the human world and other advertisements. I don't see a problem with letting Blitz's pet cat be a mascot. Lets see what everyone thinks," Randall says.

Then announces, "All in favor of having Mimmy as I.M.P's mascot, say I."

"I!" Randall, Drew, Berry, Millie, Razor, and even Sarge and Loona agree.

Blitz then answers, "I"

"Meow," Mimmy sighs.

Moxxie sighs and raises his hand, "I."

"Well, there you have it. The motion is passed unanimously!" Randall says.

Blitz gently pat Mimmy's head, "Well then, it looks like we'll be having you in the office more often."

"Meow," Mimmy says.

"And we have two new members of I.M.P. Welcome to the team Blitz," Randall says.

"Thanks," Blitz replies.

Then says in thought, "Looks like I took on one helluva job."

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