Chapter 77: The Toxbane Investigation
The next day in Pentagram City, Sarge has been staying in a small inn as he continues his investigation. Sarge is in his room as he looks around some of the notes and information he has of Toxbane. However, the information is also very limited. Mainly because many demons are either too scared to even speak of Toxbane, or they barely know anythin-g about him.
Sarge looks at some of the information, "Hmm, the information I've gained seems very vague. They either won't talk to me or don't know much about him. All I get is that he arrived somewhere in Hell over a hundred years ago, and had a strange eccentric personality. Other than that, there haven't been many sightings of him, especially after what happened thirty years ago."
He sighs and sits on the bed, "I shouldn't be surprised by this. I've been trying to find Toxbane for years, and even after all this time, I've come up with nothing."
Suddenly, Sarge hears his Hellphone ringing. He looks at the screen to see Loona is calling.
He answers the phone and says, "Hi Loona."
"Hey dad, how's the search going?" Loona asks, over the phone.
"Not doing too well. I've been trying to find any leads for Toxbane or any one who works for him for days, and so far, I came up with nothing," Sarge says.
"Sorry to hear that, dad. Guess this guy is a lot harder to find than you thought," Loona says.
"Honestly Loona, after years of searching, and it's proven that Toxbane is a lot harder to find than I thought," Sarge says. "I've asked Charlie about Toxbane, but even she is limited on information about him. And any demon I've asked is either too scared to talk about him or have no information about him at all."
"Sheesh," Loona responds, "Looking for Toxbane is like looking for a needle in a haystack. At least that's what Millie would say."
"Yeah," Sarge says.
He then asks, "So how are the others doing?"
"Well, so far Blitz's meeting with Fizzarolli went well. We've also made sure that Drew, Berry, Razor, and I take shifts on watching Blitz and Stolas at the hospital while helping with Mimmy and Octavia at their place," Loona answers.
Then asks, "What about Moxxie, Millie, and Randall?"
"Who the fuck knows," Loona answers, We haven't heard from them in days. We tried to call them, but we didn't get a single response."
"Hmm..." Sarge replies, scratching under his chin, "Maybe searching for the killer is taking longer than they thought. From what Moxxie explained, the client doesn't know who his killer is and needed us to investigate."
"Maybe," Loona replies, ""I'm sure they'll find the target and get back soon enough."
"Yeah," Sarge says.
Then Loona asks, "When do you think you'll be back home?"
"I'll just explore the city for the rest of the day and be back tomorrow morning," Sarge says.
"Good to hear. Which reminds me, we got a call from Blitz at the hospital, and one from the doctor that Blitz will be able to get out of the hospital the day after tomorrow in the evening," Loona says.
"That's good," Sarge says.
He then asks, "What about Stolas?"
"Well, Stolas is doing good as well, but they agreed to keep him in the hospital for another week, tops. So he'll be let out soon as well," Loona says.
"Alright," Sarge says, "I'll try to be home by tomorrow morning. Until then, take care of the others, and make sure you and the girls don't stay up too late."
"Yes dad," Loona says.
"Alright then, better get going. Bye Loona," Sarge says.
"Bye dad," Loona says.
"Bye," Sarge says, and hangs up the phone.
Sarge then looks at the information, "Hmm..." He then lets out a sigh, "I feel like I'm just coming up with more blocks and dead ends than anything. I could go for a drink."
Shortly after, Sarge walks into one of the nearest bars and sits at the stool in front of the bar.
Sarge asks, "I'll have some sake please."
"Coming right up," The bartender says.
Sarge sits as he tries to think about his investigation. So far, it seems futile because there hasn't been much to say about him.
Sarge lets out a sigh as the bartender gives him a sake bottle and cup along with it. Sarge then pours some sake into the cup and drinks some of it.
Sarge lets out a groan of frustration, "Looking for that Overlord is very difficult. I mean, there isn't much to say about it. Not even Charlie knows about it. Where could an Overlord like him hide himself so well?" and lets out a sigh in defeat.
Sarge then takes another cup of his drink and is letting his thoughts clear and his frustration float away. But still, Sarge knows that he still has until tomorrow morning to find any more leads to find Toxbane.
Sarge soon hears footsteps and turns his head to notice a group of demons walking into the bar. There are five of them, and suddenly, Sarge notices a very familiar face. A familiar goat demon with beige and white color fur, hooves on both arms and legs, gray horns and has a candle lighted up on. She is wearing a purple blouse shirt with dark blue shorts, and black leggings underneath. She is also wearing black sunglasses as well.
"It's that doctor from before..." Sarge says to himself in thought.
Sarge remembers her perfectly. She's the doctor back at the St. An's Hospital who tried to kidnap Blitz with Liam. Even though Liam has been apprehended a while back, the doctor, Maggie managed to escape and Sarge and the others haven't got time to find her.
And now, here she is, walking into the bar with other demons.
"What the fuck she is doing here? I've been wondering where she disappeared to after the incident at the hospital," Sarge says in thought.
And then the realization clicks in his head, and thinks, ""If she's here now, then I'll be able to find out more about Toxbane and his crazy experiment. And maybe find out where he is."
Sarge looks to where Maggie and the group of demons are walking too. They soon meet at a table that is divided by a wall. Sarge soon finishes the remains of his beverage and decides to walk over to a small table nearby. It's a small table a little distance away from the table Maggie and the other demons who they won't see, but enough for him to hear their conversation.
A black feline demon with bright green eyes, and wears a dark purple dress is sitting beside Maggie.
The second demon is an Imp with black and white stripes and buzzcut white hair, he is wearing a black tank top and jean shorts, along with black and red boots.
The third demon is also an Imp that has short black horns and white stripes, wearing a black and white checkerboard blouse shirt with a black skirt, and black and red shoes.
The fourth demon is a shark demon. He seems skinny, and wears a bluish-gray, and icy blue skin, wearing a dark blue long sleeve shirt with a collar with small white stripes, black pants, and dark boots.
Sarge remains quiet as he listens careful to their conversation.
The black cat demon says, "So Maggie, how was the last assignment?"
"Regretfully, what happened failed and Liam has been captured," Maggie says, "However, we managed to discover that the Imp had the serum injected into him and survived. And after the news reports and media reports about the Imps identity, I feared that the mission to obtain him would be forced to be classified."
The black cat, Mina says, "Might as well, the media are already blowing up like crazy the past few weeks. As of now, the media and craziness seems to die down."
"That is true," Maggie says, "However, as of now, the Imp in question is in the St An's Hospital. And according to intel, the Imp seems to be healing a little farther than a normal Imp should, despite the injuries he has taken."
The Male Imp, Alex asks, "So what do we do? The boss wants that demon specifically because of the project he has. However, thanks to the incident at the hospital, it's possible that his friends are going to be on their guard."
"That seems to be the case," The shark demon, Scout says, "And from what I hear, I.M.P is quite a tough group."
"Especially that boss of theirs," Maggie says.
The female Imp, Kate says, "Yeah. I heard that their boss is very tough, especially that female Imp and the Hellhound. Apparently, the Hellhound is actually his kid."
"That's what I heard," Alex says.
Then Scout says, "So what do we do about Blitzo?"
"Well, the best we can do is to watch over him when he gets out of the hospital. That's what the boss wants," Maggice says.
That definitely catches Sarge's attention, and not in a good way.
"Yeah. Toxbane said that he wanted the Imp alive so he could continue with the experiment. This is actually great progress," Alex says.
"And if we manage to get it to work, we won't have to worry about Extermination again," Scout says.
Maggice says, "While that may be true, we still need to perform a lot of research on the Imp's bloodstream and the serum that was placed in him. If we can figure out why the Imp is able to withstand the serum, then we can find a way to perfect it."
"And then, we'll be able to gain these powers and become fully immune to the weapons," Mina says.
"Exactly," Maggie says. "And then after obtaining the Imp, we can meet them at the meeting point. Then, we can get to Toxbane's extra top secret lab"
"Extra top secret lab?" Sarge questions in thought. "So this lab is where Toxbane is hiding, and if I can find out where the location is, I'll be able to end Toxbane once and for all."
He then hears Mina say, "Remember, we need to keep all this on the download. It may have gotten out that Blitz is the Earthling Imp everyone has been talking about, but if word gets out about him having these abilities, it will be like wildfire. All demons would want him for sure if this gets out."
All four demons nod their heads in reply.
Maggie then hears her phone ringing a bit and looks to see a message on her phone.
She then says, "Come on guys, we need to get to our next destination for some supplies."
And with that, the five demons leave the table after finishing their beverages and walk out of the bar. Seeing his chance, Sarge begins to follow them out of the bar and turns to see them walking down the sidewalk.
Sarge questions in thought, "Wonder where they're going?"
Sarge then continues to secretly follow Maggies and her group to where they need to go, and hope he can find some leads.
Sometime later, Sarge is hiding in the alley as he watches Maggie and her group walking towards what seems like a pawn shop.
"Hmm, why would they go in there?" Sarge questions.
Once Maggie and the others enter the store, Sarge slowly walks over, so the group won't see or hear him.
Inside the shop, Maggie and the others walk to the cashier.
Scout says, "Hey Kole, we're here to pick up our order."
The Imp with the scar across his face says, "Right. It's in the back. I'll be right back."
And with that, the Imp walks to the wall with a button next to it. He presses it and the bookshelf actually moves a bit to reveal a secret door. Sarge is shocked to see the Imp opening the door and walking inside. A few minutes later, he comes out with three medium - large boxes.
He then presents it to the group, "Here you go. Nicely packed and ready to go. These drugs should last you a few months, and these are the good stuff."
"Thank you, Bret," Kate says.
The boys then grab the box and are ready to depart. Seeing the group of demons leaving the store, Sarge quickly hides behind the alley. He peeks out to see Maggie and her fellow employees walking out of the store and walking down the street.
Just then, Scout calls out, "Yo Taxi!"
And with that, a taxi stops in front of the group, and they all walk inside.
Sarge stops to see the group driving off in the car.
He then calls out, "Taxi!"
And with that, another taxi stops in front of him.
Sarge gets inside and says, "Follow that car. And I'll pay you extra for the mileage."
"Yeah. Sure," The driver says, and drives the taxi off, following the one in front of them.
Sarge looks at the taxi in front with determined eyes and feels that he's going to get the information he is hoping for. Maybe even find out where Toxbane is an extra secret hideout, maybe even his main lab.
Sometime later, the taxi Maggie and the others are in soon arrives at an old warehouse district far out of the city. Once the taxi comes to a stop, Maggie and the others exit the car with the boxes.
A short distance away, the taxi Sarge is parked in front of the building. Sarge leaves the taxi and gives him the payment, and pays extra for the trip. Once the taxi is gone, Sarge begins to sneak around back to see Maggie and her group bringing the boxes inside the warehouse.
Sarge says in thought, "So, this is the destination they're going to to meet with the employees they're referring to. I might be able to find out where Toxbane is."
He continues to spy on them until they walk inside of the building. Seeing the coast is clear, Sarge secretly sneaks inside the warehouse and is able to hide behind some crates and boxes that's already inside the building.
Suddenly, he hears a familiar voice that catches his attention, "So then, you got the items in question?"
That causes Sarge's eyes to wide open in shock and dismay to recognize his voice. Sarge then slowly peek out to see Maggie and the other group of demons. Along with three Hellhounds. One of them is holding what seems to be a screen pad, and it appears to be on a call with someone.
Kate says, "Yes sir, we mananges to get the right drugs from the previous experiment."
"And about the Imp, Blitzo Abercrombie?" The voice, Toxbane's voice, speaks up.
"As of now, he's still at the hospital. Regretfully, Liam has been captured, and is being detained at the moment," Maggie says.
"Such a loss, but we need to continue forwards with getting the experiment forward," Toxbane's voice says. "Still, it does appear that it is true that Imp truly survives the serum and appears to be showing sighs that it's taking effect," Toxbane says.
Alex then asks, "What do you want us to do from here on out? Mainly because the Imp in question has been raised by humans in the living world. And the word about it spread."
"For now, it is best to keep an eye on them. Make sure to watch his every move, but remember to be discreet, knowing those employees of I.M.P, they'll be on their guard after the incident at the St. An Hospital. And we'll need to be careful with Prince Stolas. He's going to be out of hospital soon, and will also make sure Blitz is guarded and protected," Toxbane says.
"Yes sir," The five demons reply.
And then the Hellhounds take care of the boxes and pick them up in their arms.
"Good. Continue what you're doing and make sure to wait for the perfect time to capture that Imp," Toxbane's voice says.
He then adds, "And before I forget, make sure you are careful of that company, especially their boss. You never know when they catch wind of our agenda."
The group nods and the Helhound hangs up the video call.
Sarge continues to hear the conversation unaware that someone is secretly spying on them. Unknown to them, something or someone is sneaking up behind them. Sarge senses danger and turns to see a muscular Hellhound with the chainsaw. Before the Hellhound can make the blow, Sarge quickly brings out his sword and repels the attack, and Sarges ends up falling back against the crates, knocking one of them down. That startles the groups of demons and turns to see Sarge fighting off the Hellhound.
Maggie recognizes him, "It's the boss of that hitman company."
Scout says, "Mina, Maggie, you go with the others and get out. Alex, Kate, and I will be handling this guy."
Agreeing to the idea, Maggie, Mina, and the three Hellhounds leave with the boxes. Sarge looks to see the group leaving while the others bring out their weapons to target Sarge. Just then, Alex presses a button on a bracelet, and it begins beeping. Sarge mananges to push the Hellhound off of him, and before he knows it, More Imps, Hellhounds, and Shark Demons show up with guns, blades, and other kinds of weapons. What shocked Sarge is to see the demons arriving differently, almost like magic when a misty portal opens in front of them. Sarge looks around to find himself surrounded by the many different demons who are glaring at him. Sarge brings out his sword, and some of the weapons he has at his possession.
And with that, the demons begin to charge towards Sarge, but Sarge begins to fire his gun at the demons, shooting some of them on the heads. Some of the demons swing their blades and bats towards Sarge, but Sarge kicks one of them off as he stabs one of the Hellhounds on the chest, and then decapitates the other one. One of the Imps coils his leg and trips him to the ground, making those with bats berating him with it. But then, Sarge dodges the attacks, and kicks one of the Imps and fires her on the head. Then cuts off a shark demon's leg and tail. He fires a few more bullets at three Imps hearts, killing them, he notices that he runs out of bullets. Ge then grabs the demon by the hand, twists his arm enough to break the bone, and throws him to the ground before stabbing him. He then punches and kicks the many demons in his way. He then uses his tail to knock one to death. He then mananges to stab another as he grabs the axe from him. He then begins chopping the other demons' body parts, and decapitates some of them. Sarge continues to charge and kill any demon in sight. Soon enough, all the demons are now lying on the floor dead as the blood flows on the ground.
Sarge takes deep breaths as he is covered in blood and sweat from all the killing.
"Alright, now that's all settled," Sarge says, and throws the axe.
That ends up piercing against the wall, stopping the shark demon Scout in his tracks. Sarge then approaches Scout with a stern bitter expression, causing Scout to become scared and doesn't have a clear head. Before Scout reacts, Sarge grabs him by the neck, pushes him to the wall and has his blade close to his neck.
"Now then, I think it's a good idea to talk," Sarge says, angrily, "Tell me everything you know about Toxbane, and where I can find him."
"You... you think I can tell you about the boss..." Scout says, struggling.
Sarge presses the sword closer to Scout's neck, "TALK!"
Scout panics, "Alright alright I'll talk!"
"Then talk," Sarge angrily says, and drops him to the ground.
He then coils his tail around Scout's legs so he won't escape.
"Tell me everything you know about Toxbane and his experiments, start to finish," Sarge says, sternly.
Scout sighs, "Alright alright..."
"Well..." Sarge sternly says.
"The thing is, we've actually been gathering the original ingredients that were used to make one of the boss' serums," Scout says.
"And?" Sarge questions.
"And we've been taking them to the boss at his hideout so he and his scientists can recreate the serum. But we needed the Imp, Blitzo Abercrombie to further the research because he's the only one who survived the many experiments we ever did," Scout explains, "He had problems with this particular serum because anyone who was given caused them to mutate into mysterious forms of themselves. Now that we know that the serum worked, we needed to recreate the serum and bring the Imp over to continue the research. If Toxbane can figure out why the Imp survive the serum effects and not mutate."
"Now then, where is his hideout?" Sarge questions.
"Well the thing is, I don't... actually know... not specifically..." Scout says.
Sarge gives Scout a cold glare," Care to explain?"
"Alright alright, stop glaring at me," Scout says in defense, "The reason why is because we don't really know it's exact location because when we do go to his lab, we do directly in the lobby, so we never really see where it's at specifically. But there is one thing we do know, it's actually where King Lucifer and his cronies would never have thought to look."
"And that is...?" Sarge questions.
"The Living World," Scout says.
Sarge's eyes wide in shock to hear this, and softly expresses his shock, "What?"
"It's true. We've been 'acquiring' these Asmodean Crystals from special sources. Well, some we also end up killing to get them, but hey, these things are good bling," Scout says.
And presents the ring on his finger, a gold ring on his finger that has a pink Asmodean Crystal in the center. Seeing the ring shocked Sarge even more.
"Not sure where he got it, but Toxbane said that he got it from some Succubus chick from years ago. Don't know where she got it, but mention that she was part of this group that Toxbane blew up all those years ago after duping those chumps and..."
And before long, Sarge punches the guy in the face, enough to knock him out. Sarge then grabs the hand with the ring and takes it off his finger.
He then looks at the ring and looks inside the band to see the words 'My beloved Ivy.'
He says in thought, "I knew it. This is the engagement ring I gave to Ivy. And Toxbane has more of these to have his hideout in the living world. I need to know where in the human world Toxbane's lab is.
Suddenly, Scout regains consciousness and shouts, "Hey, you think I'm going to let you get away scot free, do you?"
"Just be glad I'm letting you live after this," Sarge says.
"Maybe, but you won't be alive for long. After all..." Scout says, and brings out the remote, "The boss plans to detonate this place anyway to cover our tracks, and we'll be going out with it," and with that, Scout presses the button on the remote.
Sarge eyes wide in shock as he looks to see explosive devices all over the building. Sarge quickly runs as fast as he legs can go as the clock counts backwards at top speed from 3 minutes. Sarge quickly runs out of the warehouse with his sword and Ivy's ring in hand as the clock reaches a minute. Sarge continues to run as he races out of the warehouse and tries to get out of its range. When the clock reaches zero, the warehouse explodes with Scout inside. The blast is so massive that it sends Sarge back. Sarge soon finds himself on the ground and lifts himself to see the warehouse has been destroyed and has been burned to the ground.
Sarge then looks at the ring and sadly mutters to himself, "Ivy..." Then sighs, "At least, I managed to get this back for you, and now, I can keep it safe for you."
And with that, Sarge leaves the scene and is able to get back to the city to pick up his car which he has hidden in advance to be on the safe side. With that, Sarge begins to make his way back home, and now has one of the remaining keepsakes of Ivy, the engagement ring he has given to her.
The next day in the morning, Sarge is able to return back to his apartment and is looking very exhausted. Sarge grunts and groans to feel the pain and exhaustion as he walks towards his bedroom. He walks inside, closes the door as he places his things down, and lies down on the bed. As soon as he finds himself laying on the nice comfy bed, Sarge falls fast asleep.
Just then, his bedroom door opens and Loona walks into the room.
"Morning dad, glad to see you're back," Loona says. But soon noticed, "Uh dad."
Loona looks to see Sarge is fast asleep, covered in blood and sweat, and his body is very exhausted. Loona simply smiles to see her dad is sleeping peacefully.
Loona then picks up a blanket and places it on her dad as she says, "Night dad, and welcome home."
Then the young Hellhound leaves the bedroom, allowing her dad to sleep peacefully in the room.
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