Chapter 74: The Angelic Sister's Dream Visit, Friends' Warnings
"Blitzo... Blitzo..." A voice says.
Blitz slowly opens his eyes to hear the voice. The Imp looks around to find himself in a familiar forest with a large lake.
"How did I get to the Aurora Woodlands?" Blitz asks himself.
"Blitzo," The voice says again.
Blitz soon turns around to see a familiar young woman approach him. Only she has angel wings, a halo, and nice angelica glowing clothes.
The young woman smiles, "Hi."
Blitz eyes wide in shock, "Ma-Marina...?"
Blitz walks towards Marina with a surprised expression on his face as tears fall on his face.
"Marina!" Blitz cries out as he runs to get, giving her a hug.
Marina does the same as well.
"Oh Blitzo, I missed you so much," Marina says.
"I miss you too, Marina," Blitz says with tears of joy.
Marina gives him a kiss on the forehead, "I'm so glad to see that you're safe. Despite... everything that has happened."
"How did you...?" Blitz asks, curious.
Maria smiles, "Let's just say it's a bit of an angel thing."
"An Angel Thing?" Blitz asks, confused.
"Correct. Some Angels have the abilities to visit dreams. I'm kind of the only one who can use that ability in the family," Marina says.
She grows worried, "We all sensed something happened to you and our dad was able to see what happened. We all got worried when you were in a coma. I was able to visit you in your dreams, but I don't have enough power to be able to allow our parents and brother to see you."
"It's okay, Marina," Blitz says, and hugs Marina again, "I'm just so glad to see you again. How are our brothers and parents doing...?"
"They're all doing fine," Marina says with a smile.
Then sadly says, "But we're all worried about you. Everyone is." and then shows a small smile, "Of course, mom and dad are very proud of how much you've grown, and how much you've changed."
"How so?" Blitz asks.
"For one, you're more bolder than you used to be, but still managed to have that generous heart of yours," Marina says.
"Yeah," Blitz says. He then sighs, "I'm guessing I went over my head big time with what I did."
"Yes, but you did it out of love. People can do reckless things when it comes to love, and that love allows you to become stronger. However, you also understand that some would also exploit it if you're not careful," Marina says.
"I know. The others have mentioned it to me," Blitz says.
Then sighs, "And again, I've decided to be very reckless and I ended up badly hurt."
"I understand, but remember to not be so reckless," Marina says.
"Alright," Blitz says.
Soon, Blitz and Marina begin to fade that they're practically see through.
"What's happening?" Blitz asks, worried.
Marina says, "Do not worry, it just means that you're walking up. And with that, I must be going."
"Will I see you again?" Blitz asks.
"Do not worry. We will always be in your hearts, and we'll be able to see you in your dreams," Marina says. "Farewell Blitzo. I wish you and your friends good will and happiness."
"Bye Marina. And tell mom, dad, and Malcolm I said hi." Blitz says, having Marina goodbye.
Marina nods her head with a smile. Blitz begins to shed tears to see Marina fading away as she leaves Blitz's dream.
Before fading completely, Marina sadly says, "Please be careful my dear little brother, as you remember, there will be demons in Hell who might wish you harm or have ill intentions towards you. And there will be a few separate dangerous demons, including one from our past, who will be watching every step you take."
Moments later, Blitz slowly opens his eyes with tears down his face, looking at the purple ceiling of the hospital as he is lying on something soft.
With a soft voice, Blitz asks, "What do you mean... Marina...?"
Blitz slowly looks around to find himself in an unfamiliar environment, "Where... where am I...? What happened...?"
The Imp then slowly tries to sit up, but feels the pain in his head and his body as he lies back down. He feels like his whole body is in pain.
Unknown to Blitz, Stolas, who is in a wheelchair after having a checkup, is shocked to see Blitz has regained consciousness with the nurse behind him with the same shocked expression.
Then Blitz slowly calls out in a soft voice, "Sto-Stolas...? Wher-where... are you...?"
Hearing his voice, Stolas is relieved, and tries to get up, but can't because his leg is still broken. The nurse acts quickly and brings the prince to Blitz on the wheelchair.
"Are you okay, Blitz? You were unconscious for over two weeks. Ever since your fight with Striker." Stolas asks in concern.
"Two weeks... I see..." Blitz softly replies.
Stolas smiles and gently places his better hand on Blitz's cheek, "I'm very relieved you've awakened, we were all worried."
Blitz slowly smiles, "Hi Stolas, I'm glad that you're safe... are you okay?"
"I'm okay. I'm just glad that you're okay," Stolas says.
"What happened? Where are we?" Blitz asks.
"You're in the St An's Hospital in the Sloth Ring. You lost a lot of blood and had a few fractured bones. You fractured your skull, your wrist is sprained, and you have two broken ribs," Stolas says.
"I see..." Blitz says, softly.
He tries to sit himself up, but he still feels the pain on his body.
The nurse rushes over and gently pushes him back down, "You should lay down. You've just woken up, and you might be experiencing a concussion after the head injury."
"Okay," Blitz replies, softly.
"I'll go get the doctor and bring you something to eat. You must be starving by now," The nurse says.
Blitz nods his head in reply. Soon, the nurse leaves the room, leaving the two lovers alone. Stolas rubs Blitz's cheek with comfort with a smile and the Imp smiles back. Blitz then saddens to see that his lover still has a broken arm and leg as he sits on the wheelchair.
Blitz sadly sighs, "Stolas... I... I want to apologize..."
"Apologize?" Stolas says, confused, "Whatever for, Blitz?"
"For being so reckless," Blitz answers, "I've decided to drive to Wrath and fight Striker on my own, without letting the others but Randall know, and I ended up getting badly hurt and ended up in the hospital. I must have been worrying the others."
"True, but you saved my life, twice for that matter. And I really appreciate it," Stolas says. He then leans to Blitz and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "You're my knight in shining armor."
Blitz chuckles, "You can be so cheesy sometimes." but soon feels the pain on his ribs, "Ow."
"You okay?" Stolas asks, worried.
"I'm okay, I guess my injury still feels sore," Blitz says.
He then asks, "What happened since we've got to the hospital?"
"Well, a lot has happened," Stolas answers and lets out a sigh, "I don't even know where to start."
"Did something happen?" Blitz asks, softly.
"Yes. A lot has happened to be honest. I think it will be best for the others to be here to help explain it," Stolas says, as he magically brings his phone to him, "I'm sure they'll be glad to see you're finally awake, especially Mimmy. She really missed you."
"Yeah. I would be happy to see them. I can imagine Mimmy will be very relieved," Blitz says.
Soon after Stolas calls Sarge on his phone, everyone in I.M.P, even Mimmy and Octavia arrive in the hospital room in relief. Some are practically in tears.
Mimmy hugs Blitz with tears falling down her face, "Thank goodness you're okay, daddy."
"We were so worried," Millie adds.
"How are you feeling?" Berry asks in tears.
"I'm okay, just still in pain," Blitz says.
With a sad face, Randall says in remorse, "I'm so glad you're okay. You made us worried. I was worried that you would never wake up. And I especially feel bad since I was the one who helped you get involved in that fight. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," Blitz says, "I mean, this plan of getting involved was my idea."
He then says, "Stolas told me that a lot has happened since I fell unconscious."
"A lot has happened alright," Loona says.
Millie says, "We don't even know where or how to start, especially since you've just woken up." as she rubs her right arm with her left hand.
"What exactly happened?" Blitz asks.
"Are you sure you're ready for it? You did wake up not long ago," Octavia asks, concerned.
Blitz sighs, "It's okay Via. I suspect a lot has happened, especially what I've just been told not long ago."
"What makes you say that?" Randall asks.
"Well, I don't really understand or how, but before I woke up, I saw Marina, who is now an angel in Heaven. I'm not fully sure, but I felt that it's really her," Blitz says, and wipes some of the remaining tears from his face.
"Marina? You mean your sister?" Berry asks.
Blitz nods, "Yes. Marina explained how worried my family were when they sensed what happened and about me being unconscious. I can tell from Marina that despite them being worried, they must be glad that I've made good friends looking out for me."
"Hmm, it's rather unique for Angels to visit dreams," Stolas says.
"Well, it sounds mighty nice that you get to see your sister in your dreams. Sounds like something out of a movie," Millie says.
"Yeah," Blitz says, but then adds, "But something that Marina said bothered me." sounding concerned.
"What did she say?" Moxxie asks.
"She told me to be careful, like you all told me on how demons would want to harm or take advantage of me, but..." Blitz says, reluctantly, "She also mentioned that there will be a few demons, including one from my past, who will be watching every step I take."
Sarge and the others eyes wide in shock to hear it.
"And I can tell that Marina is telling the truth. I'm glad to know that my family is happy for me, but I think Marina is trying to tell me that I must be in some kind of danger," Blitz says, worried.
Stolas sighs, "And your sister is more than correct. You might be in more danger than we can imagine."
This makes Blitz even more concerning.
"I apologize for saying all this to you when you've woken up, but it's apparent that your sister must be sensing danger upon you and has sent you a message to explain it," Stolas says.
He takes a deep breath to calm himself and says, "For starters, thanks to the incident, your identity has been fully exposed. And already in a week, everyone in Hell knows about you and your upbringing."
Blitz groans and flops on his bed, "Oh no." and hides his face under the covers.
"Trust me, it turned out to be a chaotic mess," Randall says.
"We've been getting calls, letters, emails, messages, and even people coming in the office asking for you. For interviews, pictures, and even autographs. Everyone wants to know who you are. Even Stolas' family and the rest of the Goetias want to interact with you because of your relationship with Stolas," Sarge says.
"And some even visited the hospital and want to at least see you like you're some kind of attraction. Luckily, Stolas and the rest of us made sure they didn't try any funny business. Even Octavia tried to make sure trouble isn't caused for both you and Stolas," Razor says.
Octavis sighs, "However, it's a good thing my grandfather didn't make any appearance or say in the matter, but I'm worried that he will eventually."
"And so far, none of the Sins got involved. Well, according to Bee anyway," Sarge explains.
"Wait, Bee was here?" Blitz asks, confused.
"Yeah. Bee brought you and Stolas got well packages. We had to make sure Randall doesn't eat them," Loona says.
"But still, it was really out of control. The doctors and nurses even explain that the media had been trying to get into the hospital to get pictures of you while you're still unconscious," Octavia says.
"Luckily we've been driving them out. We all make sure that a few of us watch over you and Stolas at the hospital in shifts," Drew says.
Then Berry says, "Razor even put up special cameras to make sure no intruders come in."
"Wow. You all were really looking out for us," Blitz says, surprised.
"Well duh, you're our pal. One of the gang. We always stick together," Randall says.
Blitz chuckles, "Thanks."
"Of course, we made sure that the rest of us take care of Octavia and Mimmy at the mansion. Of course, Mimmy was really upset over it, but we did our best to comfort her," Sarge explains.
"I'm glad to hear you all were watching them," Blitz says.
Then grows worried, "But still, I never expected what happened to me would have caused my identity to be exposed."
"Yes, and it's already spread like wildfire," Stolas says, sadly, "I apologize this happened. None of us could have predicted this to happen."
"It's okay. We suspected this was going to happen eventually. Never expected it to happen while I was in the hospital," Blitz says, still tired.
"And that's one of the things we need to worry about," Razor says.
"And we have a pretty good idea on who the demons your sister is referring to. One of them at least. And we can name a few others," Drew says.
"What?" Blitz asks.
Sarge steps forward, "Stolas and I will take it from here."
"Are you sure, dad?" Loona asks.
"I'm sure," Sarge answers.
Sarge then turns to Blitz and explains, "Well, during the first day at the hospital, there was a little incident. And we found out a few interesting pieces of information."
"What happened?" Blitz asks.
"One of the doctors and nurses was trying to kidnap you. Luckily, we were able to capture the nurse named Liam, but the doctor, Maggie, managed to escape. After interrogating the nurse, it turns out that Toxbane, the Alchemy Overlord from Pride Ring was involved,"
"Toxbane?" Blitz says, confused.
"He's an Overlord known for Alchemy, Chemistry, Potion Making, Serum Creatinine, and a lot of illegal science experiments through Hell," Stolas explains.
"Illegal experiments?" Blitz asks.
"Yes," Sarge says, "According to Liam, Toxbane has been doing a lot of illegal experiments that involved using the blood of Angelic Exorcists he somehow had his subordinates capture during the Exterminations. He's been using Angel's Blood to create a special serum that will allow demons to become immune to angelic technology and weapons, as well as gain powers or abilities. However, the thought of even using Angel blood is strictly forbidden."
Stolas then lets out a sigh and says, "And as it turns out, you were one of the demons who had the serum injected into you, when you were a baby."
"What?" Blitz asks, stunned.
"Yes. It's true," Sarge answers with a nod, "The thing is that any demon, the demons who have the serum injected into them, have either died, gone through a terrible mutation, or even gotten severely sick, but in some cases the serum simply died out in the bloodstream. It got so out of control that even the Seven Sins got involved and found out what Toxbane was doing. That was over thirty years ago. Which actually happened around the time of the Early Extermination. They managed to destroy his previous lab and capture some of his workers, but Toxbane managed to escape with his workers and took some of the corpses of the Exorcists they captured and froze them in ice."
"So by the time it happened I've already got the serum injected in me," Blitz says, shocked.
"Yes. According to the nurse, by the time they injected it into you, it was the day before the early extermination. And for some reason, you were the only one to survive the serum and the angel blood. I have to assume it's because of your upbringing on Earth for so long that the serum became stabled in your body. And once you've arrived in Hell, the serum must have mutated and adapted within you," Stolas explains.
Taking it all in, and overwhelmed, Blitz says, "So... that's why I wasn't killed when Striker shot me with that rifle... and how I started getting these powers..."
"Yes. The serum ended up proven to be a success, and I think because you grew up in Earth's environment that made it possible," Stolas says.
"But how was that possible?" Blitz asks.
"If I have to take a guess, maybe the reason why no one could handle the serum is because of the Angel Blood. They're basically poisonous to us. And I'm guessing that a demon in Hell's environment made them unable to handle the blood. And it's possible that Earth's environment, which is also the between world of both Heaven and Hell, allows the serum to stabilize," Sarge explains.
"I guess," Blitz replies.
Then asks, "But how do you know Toxbane?"
Sarge sighs, "Because, the truth is, I fully understand about losing someone you love. Like how Robert Wayne was the reason for your family's demise. Toxbane was responsible for the demise of my comrades from the Hexagram Warriors, and my fiance, Ivy."
"I... I had no idea. I'm sorry, Sarge," Blitz says, sadly.
"It's okay, Blitz. It happened a long time ago. However, now that Toxbane was involved with you, I need to find him before he can carry on with his crazy experiment. I refuse to allow him to ruin your life like he did with mine," Sarge says.
"And from what you've explained, it seems that even this Toxbane knew about me and my upbringing. And the nurse and doctor probably told him about the serum and how I'm able to overcome the Angel Blood within my body," Blitz says.
"I'm afraid so," Stolas says.
Blitz then lets out a sigh, "Talk about a real mess. You and I ended up in the hospital, my identity is now out in the open, I ended up as a successful result of some Overlord's experiment, And I ended up missing the meeting with..." But becomes stunned and covers his mouth with his hands.
"Meeting? What meeting? What are you talking about?" Stolas asks, confused.
That ended up catching the others' attention.
Blitz tries to think of what to say, but really doesn't want to lie to him, and soon removes his mouth
"Uh, I'm guessing we can't just forget about what I just said," Blitz says sheepishly and covers his mouth again.
"Not really at this point," Loona says, narrowing her eyes.
Stolas arches his eyebrow and says, "Blitz, Sarge and I suspected that you were hiding something from us. I think you should tell me what that is. I promise we won't get upset about it."
Blitz removes his hands from his mouth as he lets out a sigh in defeat.
"I guess you're right. I've already messed up because I was unconscious for two weeks after that fight," Blitz says.
"It will be best if you tell us. Especially since we need to keep an eye on you after what we discovered and your life can be at risk," Moxxie says.
"It is time you knew the truth. Stolas was right, I was hiding something from you guys," Blitz says.
Everyone waits patiently to hear what Blitz has to say.
Blitz then says, "The meeting I've mentioned is actually a meeting I have with Fizzarolli and Asmodeus at Ozzie's in the Lust Ring."
"With WHO?!" The group exclaims.
"A meeting with..." Stolas replies stunned.
He then asks in shock, "Blitz, why you never tell me about this? In fact, why do you never mention it to any of us?"
"Because that's one of the terms of my agreement," Blitz answers.
"Terms? What terms?" Berry says, confused.
"They agree to meet me at Ozzie's if I go there alone, and they don't want me to mention this to anyone," Blitz explains. "I have to admit that I've felt very uneasy about it, and heavy hearted that I had to keep this from you guys. So I've decided to talk to Candy for advice."
Soon tears begin to fall down his face, "I'm sorry to keep this from you guys, but I had to. I know it was wrong to keep this from you, but it was the only way for me to meet them at the time. Vortex explained to me that Verosika told Fizzarolli about me and my upbringing, and got him to believe that I'm the long lost brother of his childhood friend. I was supposed to go there the night after Loona had her shot at the hospital."
Blitz wipes the tears from his face and says, "I'm so sorry.
Stolas shushes him and calms him down, "There there. It's alright. I admit, I'm not very happy you kept this from any of us, but I understand why. You were hoping to learn the truth about your family and what happened to them after the incident during the early Extermination."
"Yeah," Blitz says and wipes the tears from his face, "Again, I'm very sorry."
Razor says, "It's alright Blitz. It must have taken you a lot of courage to try to go through this alone."
"It was," Blitz says.
He then sadly sighs, "But now, I don't think I'll be able to have another chance of meeting him."
"Don't worry Blitz, I promise, once we get out of this hospital, I can talk to Asmodeus and see if we can have you and Fizzarolli meet," Stolas says.
"Yeah. It sounds like Fizzarolli really knows about your past, especially how he went through the trouble of getting help from Verosika to talk to Vortex to get you to come," Millie says.
"As much as I have problems with Fizzarolli, it sounds like you really want to know. So yeah, I'll help you too. No way I'm letting you go to Lust alone," Randall says.
"And we'll be supporting you as well," Berry says.
"Thanks," Blitz says.
Then Stolas gives Blitz a reassuring smile, "And also something good came out of it. As it turns out, thanks to the unfortunate events, we've got a bit more detail about your family."
"Really?" Blitz asks, "What do you know?"
"Well, not all of them are pleasant. It's true that your mother died during that early Extermination. Meanwhile, your father, Cash Buckzo, passed away around fifteen years ago. As of now, your twin sister, Barbie Wire, is your only surviving family in Hell," Stolas explains.
"I see. I guess something good came out of it, but my life is going to get harder after this incident," Blitz says.
"I'm afraid so," Drew says.
"But we're going to get through this, somehow," Stolas says.
Blitz smiles, "Maybe you're right. There's no use getting upset over what's already been done. As of now, I need to focus on getting better. And so do you."
"Now that's what I wanted to hear," Randall says.
Just then, the doctors and nurses, including the nurse from before, walk into the room.
"Hello everyone," The doctor says.
Then walks to Blitz, "I heard you just woke up, how are you feeling."
"Still in pain, but glad to be up," Blitz says.
"Good to hear. We're going to take you to the examination room to check on your progress, and you'll be staying for another week or so for observation depending on your healing progress," The doctor says.
"Okay." Blitz says.
Sarge then steps in, "Mind if some of them come to guard him. After last time, I feel safer if he has someone to help protect him and keep an eye out for any more intruders."
"Of course," The doctor says.
Sarge turns to the others, "Razor, Drew and Millie, you both are with me. Everyone else, stay with Stolas, Octavia, and Mimmy."
The group agrees and go their separate ways. Sarge, Razor, Drew, and Millie accompany the medical employees as they roll Blitz out of the room for examination. The others remain here to watch the Goetia Royals and the little kitten to keep him safe.
Meanwhile, in the Lust Ring, Fizzarolli is in his room, checking on his social media, and it's plain to see that Blitz's identity has skyrocketed the past week, and it concerns him. He's relieved to learn that Blitz is his childhood friend's brother, but worries that he'll have a difficult time once he's out of the hospital, especially since last he heard, Blitz has been unconscious for two weeks.
Fizzarolli groans, "This is fuckin killing me. I've been tense for two weeks." and then sighs, "Maybe I'm still on edge about what happened to Blitzo. I do hope he's okay. Still, what
am I going to tell Barbie. To tell her that I've found her brother, but he ended up in the hospital and in a coma."
Fizzarolli looks at his phone to see old photos of himself along with Barbie. And there are actually a few of himself with Randall and Razor.
Fizz asks himself, "How the fuck did Blitz end up becoming friends with those two. Razor I get, but Randall is a train wreck. Hmm... I wonder if Blitzo has woken up, and I hope he likes the gift I managed to get for him, especially finding the letter within it."
Sometime later, in the hospital room, Blitz has his bandages and cast replaced and is lying down in bed after having something to eat.
Blitz sighs, "Looks like I'm going to stay here another week after this incident."
"Yeah. You got a fractured skull, sprained wrist, and two broken ribs, and already lost plenty of blood," Randall says.
"And my body really hurts," Blitz adds.
"Yeah. Striker really beat the crap out of you," Drew says.
Moxxie rubs his head, "He did the same to us as well. We barely got out of this alive."
"But Striker is still out here," Millie says.
"And that was cutting it too close," Berry says.
"You can say that again. At least, you didn't have to deal with Loona," Randall says.
Loona growls toward Randall, "You know well I hate shots and I always will!"
"We know, but we still have to take them," Octavia says. "Which reminds me..." And turns to Mimmy, "She needs to get one sooner or later."
Mimmy flinches to hear that.
"Don't worry, you won't be getting the same shot Loona has, and I'm sure it will be better than what we went through with Loona," Randall says.
Loona glares at Randall in response and the chameleon demon shows a sheepish smile.
"On the bright side, you also got a few presents," Mimmy says.
"Really?" Blitz asks.
Millie then points to the cactus, "Yeah. Sallie Mae brought you a cactus. It's from the family. My parents would have come too, but they along with my brothers have been busy."
"Avery also sent you some new outfits and asked us to bring them to you during our visit to Lust," Berry says and holds out a bag.
"That's nice of them," Blitz say
Then Stolas says, "Before I forget, someone also brought these nice flowers for both of us."
Blitz turns to the furniture next to him to notice a bouquet of dark red-brown, sometimes almost black, velvety flowers on long, slender, reddish brown stems, with a small bit of yellow on the inside. They're inside a clear glass vase filled with water. It's also tied around the neck of the vase with a bright red and black striped ribbon on it with a few paper flowers on it.
"Wow. They look nice," Blitz says.
"Indeed. These are chocolate cosmos flowers. They're pretty rare, even on Earth, so I'm surprised someone found and brought them here," Stolas says. "It's strange, whoever sent it to us wanted to remain anonymous."
"And the nurse checked on the vase, even us, nothing out of the ordinary," Drew says.
"They do smell nice," Berry says.
"Indeed. They have a chocolate and vanilla like scent, so it makes the room smell nice," Stolas says.
"Someone must really be fond of you both to give you these rare flowers," Millie says.
"Maybe," Blitz says, sounding unsure.
And soon notices, "Are you all sure you're okay? You all look tired?"
"We just had a hectic week," Loona says.
"Especially with everything that happened. We're all worn out," Randall says.
"So far, the incidents with your identity have died down for a moment, but it won't last," Sarge says.
"So I need to prepare when I leave the hospital. However, I wonder if I will be able to train while I'm still healing," Blitz says.
"Don't worry, we'll think of something," Millie says.
"For now, you should rest. We have to get going. We ended work early so we can all rest from the week long events," Sarge says.
"Can't I stay with daddy," Mimmy asks.
"Maybe not tonight," Octavia says, "We'll wait a little longer until your father is back to full strength," Octavia says.
"Okay," Mimmy replies.
"Well, we'll get going so you can rest," Millie says.
"We'll come back to visit soon," Drew says.
And with that, everyone says their goodbyes and the gang leaves the hospital. Now Blitz and Stolas are now lying in their hospital beds.
"So then Stolas, maybe once we get out, we can do something. Just the two of us," Blitz says.
Stolas smiles, "Yes. I think I would like that."
"Don't worry, I promise we'll do something relaxing while we still heal," Blitz says.
He then turns to the flowers, "Still, the flowers look very nice. I wonder who sent them..."
"I'm not sure. I do hope they don't hide a secret motive," Stolas says.
"Maybe, so then, why go through sending us these flowers and..." But soon, Blitz notices something, "Huh... what's this?"
Blitz sits up and looks at the cosmo flowers, and notices that one of them seems different from the others. Blitz reaches out and picks the flower.
"What is it, Blitz?" Stolas asks.
"Hmmm. This flower... it's a paper flower," Blitz says.
"A paper flower?" Stolas questions.
"Hidden within the others. It's hard to notice, but take a closer look and I can see the folded areas," Blitz says.
And with that, Blitz removes the flower from the stem that is actually made of brown paper. He then unfolds the flower and is surprised to see what's hidden within the flower.
"It's a letter..." Blitz says.
"A letter?" Stolas questions, "What does it say?"
"Let's see..." Blitz says.
And with that, Blitz begins to read the letter.
Hello Blitzo,
I saw what happened on the news and learned about your condition so I understand that you are unable to attend the meeting. Do not worry, Ozzie and I have decided to postpone the meeting due to your condition until you get back on your feet. I still wish to discuss with you and hope that if it's alright with you, I can go to the hospital and we can have a private meeting there. Figure it will give you something to do while you're recovering. Just let me know when you feel alright and we can have it scheduled right away. And I hope you like the flowers I've gotcha. Figure you might like something from your old stomping grounds. Hope you feel better soon, and wish you luck on your recovery.
P.S. If you like to chat with me or give me a call, my phone number is on the bottom of the letter. So if you get bored and let me know if you like to schedule this private meeting you can ask when you wake up. Also, no hard feelings about what happened at Ozzie's last time you were there. Get better soon.
Blitz looks down to see Fizzarolli's phone number.
Fizzarolli Digits: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Blitz and Stolas are surprised to hear and see what the letter says.
"Wow. Even after what happened, he decided to send me something and still wants to meet with me," Blitz says, still surprised.
Then Stolas says, "Indeed. It is rather surprising, but it appears that you've just given another opportunity to meet him. This solves your problem, and it seems that Fizzarolli is very understanding." Then thinks for a minute, "It's kind of odd that he wants to meet you so badly, but this seems like as good a chance as any."
"I think you're right. I practically just got another chance to see him. I'll call him now," Blitz says.
And with that, Blitz begins dialing Fizzarolli's number.
In the Lust Ring, Fizzarolli is in his dressing room at Ozzie's, preparing himself before his work.
Suddenly, he hears his phone ringing and answers, "Hey!"
"Hello, is this Fizzarolli?" Blitz asks over the phone.
"Who's this?" Fizz asks.
"This is Blitzo Abercrombie," Blitz says.
Fizzarolli becomes surprised, but does his best to remain calm with a smile, "Yo Blitz, glad to see you're finally awake. Heard you were in a bit of a coma."
"Yeah. I was. I actually just woke up earlier today," Blitz says.
"Good to hear. How long do you think you'll be in the hospital?" Fizz replies.
"Another week or so for observation according to the doctor," Blitz says.
"Figure as much. All the more reason for me to go there to chat with you, that is, as long as you're alright with me going there," Fizzarolli says.
"I don't mind at all. I'll be here for a while so it will give me something to do at the time," Blitz says.
"Sounds great," Fizzarolli says, "How about two days from now in the afternoon sound? I have a day off that day so I'm free."
"Sure. I think it's a good time," Blitz says.
"Great. I'll let Ozzie know you're good. And before I forget, while I chat with you, Ozzie likes to chat with Stolas," Fizzarolli says.
Confused, Blitz asks, "Asmodeus wants to talk to Stolas?" That catches Stolas' attention.
"Yeah. You know, all that royal stuff, and all that," Fizzarolli says.
"Okay. That's understandable. And sure, we'll be able to meet that day. I'll see you then," Blitz says.
"See ya around, and once you get better, I can take you to some of my favorite places," Fizzarolli says.
"Thanks I appreciate it," Blitz says.
"Great," Fizzarolli says. But soon remembers, "Before I forget, can you make sure Randall isn't here during the conversation. I don't want him to bug me."
"If you say so," Blitz says, a little skeptic.
"Alright then. Gotta go. Got work to do, bye," Fizzarolli says.
"Bye," Blitz says.
Then Blitz hands up the phone.
"Seems that the conversation went well," Stolas says.
"Yeah. Fizz and I agree to meet in the afternoon, two days from today," Blitz says.
"That's good, but I'm concerned about Asmodeus joining him. I can't help but feel that he's up to something," Stolas says.
"Maybe, but I think it's best to give him and Fizz the benefit of the doubt. We'll just have to wait and see how things go," Blitz says.
"You're right. I just hope this meeting they want to discuss with us goes well," Stolas says.
Blitz nods in reply, "I hope so too, but I have a feeling we're going to be able to meet them without any more problems." Then says, "But still, Fizzarolli also made it clear that he doesn't want Randall to be here."
"I suppose that makes sense, considering what happened at Ozzie's, but I'm sure he won't be too much trouble," Stolas says.
"Maybe, but maybe it will be best if they're not in the same building. You know, I don't want Randall to get too involved in this. I wouldn't want him to worry or feel bad about it," Blitz says.
"Understandable. Just remember that we need to let Sarge know about it, and be sure to keep an eye on things during the meeting," Stolas says.
Blitz nods his head.
He turns to the window, "I hope this time, I'll be able to talk to him without any trouble. I really hope so."
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