Chapter 70: Stay in the Hospital

Meanwhile, in the Lust Ring, Fizzaorlli is sitting inside his dressing room, and is looking rather uneasy. He looks at his clock to see that it's already a quarter past 6. He then brings out his phone and looks at his photo album to see a few photos of Fizzarolli and Barbie when they're children, when they're in their teens, and even adults. He then brings out a photo. It's actually a photo copy from Barbie of her birth family with her parents and her twin brother and her as babies.

Fizzarolli sighs and says, "There's still a few hours before our meeting. Why am I feeling uneasy? I'm just going to talk to Blitzo, ask questions, and explain to him about Barbie and her family." He shakes his head, "Maybe I'm still worried about what happened at Ozzie's. From what Ozzie and Verosika explained, Blitz was really mad at us. I just hope he's not too mad to talk to us. I really need to know if he's Barbie's Twin Brother. I promised that I will find him, and I plan to keep my word."

Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door.

Fizz turns to the door and says, "Come in."

The doors open to reveal Asmodeus as he says, "Hey Fizz, just coming in to check on you?"

"Hey Ozzie, I'm doing okay, just feeling anxious about the meeting tomorrow. I hope I can hold myself together when I talk to him. I really hope he's not still mad about what happened," Fizzarolli says.

"I know, but I'm sure everything will work out," Asmdoeus says.

"I sure hope so. I've been feeling very relieved, but also anxious for days. I just hope he'll be able to show up, and manage to come here without Randall and the others," Fizzarolli says.

"I'm sure he'll be able to keep that promise. From what Verosika explained, he seems like a nice demon," Asmdoeus says.

"I guess you're right," Fizzarolli says, sounding reassured.

Suddenly, Fizarolli notices his phone is ringing and picks up, "Hello."

He soon hears Verosika's voice over the phone, "Fizz, are you in your dressing room right now?!" and sounds upset.

"Hey Verosika, are you okay there? You sound like you're in a panic," Fizzarolli replies.

"Fizz, have you checked on the news?" Verosika asks, sounding concerned.

"The news?" Fizzarolli says, confused. "Why would I check on the news at this time?"

"Just turn on the TV and check the news, because Blitz won't be able to come tomorrow's meeting," Verosika says.

"What?" Fizzarolli questions, dumbfounded.

Fizzarolli then reaches his hand to the remote and soon turns on the television to see the news. What shocked Fizzarolli is that the news at the St. An's Hospital in the Sloth Ring, about Prince Stolas, has been kidnapped and suffered with injuries. And note about Blitz is also in the hospital with injuries of his own.

In his thoughts, Fizzarolli says to himself in shock, "Blitz has gotten hurt... H-How? What happened?"

At the Goetia Mansion, Octavia is at home to have seen the news and it shocked her deeply to see both her father, and Blitz have been badly hurt. Before the report can finish, Octavia rushes out of the living room, tells one of the servers about what happened and demands to be taken to the hospital where they reside. One of the servants, Pringles, acts quickly and quickly gets in the limo to take Octavia into the hospital.

Sometime has passed, at St. An Hospital, after Stolas' medical treatment, the I.M.P crew are in a large hospital room where Blitz and Stolas are in. Stolas is lying down on his bed with a sad expression on his face. Stolas has many plants surrounding him, with a heart monitor attached to him, along with a IV bag next to him on the other side showing blood being transferred into him. Stolas has bandages wrapped around his right arm in a big cast and sling. His left leg is in a cast and propped up in a sling.

The prince lets out a sad sigh with his eyes on the unconscious Blitz who is still unconscious on his hospital bed. He has bandages wrapped around his head, along with one on his left wrist. On the other side, Sarge is lying on the bed next to Blitz. There is also an IV bag between them, showing Sarge's blood is being transferred to Blitz's body.

Everyone else sits and watches in worry for their friend.

Despite wearing the cone, Loona asks in concern, "Are you okay there, daddy?"

"Don't worry, sweetie. I'll be fine," Sarge says.

Then Moxxie says, "If you start to feel anemic, you and I can trade."

"I think I'll be fine by the time being," Sarge says. He then turns his head to Blitz, "However, as of now, I'm worried about Blitz."

"Yeah. The doctor told us that Blitz has a fractured skull and lost quite a lot of blood. He also has a fractured wrist and two broken ribs. From what they explained, the head in injury must have been caused when Striker knocked Blitz into the metal railway," Drew says. "The doctor said that it's best for Blitz to stay in the hospital for two to three weeks at best, depending on his recovery."

Hearing whimpering, Drew turns his head in sadness to see Mimmy in tears. She hasn't stopped crying since she has heard her father has gotten hurt. Mimmy walks to the hospital bed, climbs on it, crawls to her daddy, and lies her head on her stomach and nuzzles her head against it.

"Poor Mimmy," Berry sadly says.

"She's been like this since Blitz was in the treatment," Moxxie says sadly, "I don't blame her for being upset."

Then Razor turns to Stolas, "How are you feeling, Stolas?"

"Quite alright, but I'm afraid I'll have to be in the hospital for a while myself," Stolas says.

"Yeah. With our injuries you'll have to stay in the hospital for weeks," Millie says.

"Indeed, and I'll be away from Via for a while as well," Stolas says, sadly.

Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door, and it opens to reveal a nurse.

The nurse says, "Prince Stoals, you have a visitor."

"Oh yes, let them in," Stolas says.

The nurse nods and turns her head, "Alright princess, it's okay."

Just then, Octavia rushes in, "Dad!"

Stolas sits up in surprise, "Via!"

Without thinking, Octavia hugs her father as tears fall down her face and cry. Stolas is surprised to see her crying like this, and imagining seeing her in this condition can't be easy for her.

With his better arm, Stolas gently rubs her back and says, "It's okay, Via. There." And gently gives her a hug, allowing her to cry in tears.

Eventually, Octavia stops crying and looks at her father as she wipes the tears from her face.

"Dad, what happened?" Octavia asks, worried.

"I think your kid has a point," Randall says, "What the fuck happened? One moment, Blitz told us that you were out to visit your ex-wife and brother and law for some divorce proceedings. The next moment, you called to tell us you were kidnapped by that bastard, Striker."

"Don't you think that's a bit of bad timing to ask him that?" Berry asks.

"Aren't you a little curious?" Randall asks.

"Maybe. But still..." Before Berry can speak, Stolas says, "It's quite alright Berry, you all need to know how it happened. It's true, I was visiting your mother and uncle, having a tear. When the Imp, Striker broke in and attempted to kill me. I tried to escape, but he had been bound with blessed rope, which limits my abilities to free myself, and took me to his lair in the Ring of Wrath."

Then Berry speaks in, "Stolas was able to call Sarge and tell him what happened, and doesn't want us to mention any of this to Blitz. So, Moxxie, Millie, and I headed to Wrath to save your father. However..."

"However, what?" Octavia questions.

Randall sighs, "Part of that was my fault. Blitz overheard the conversation and decided to rescue Stolas himself and head to Wrath. I was impressed how much he was stepping up so I decided to let him use my car to rescue his boyfriend, while I pretend to be him so the other won't suspect anything. But thanks to Loona's feral rampage, they found out the stunt Blitz and I pulled."

"It's true. In fact, you should really thank Blitz because he went all the way to Wrath to fight Striker on his own," Sarge says.

Yes. Blitz was very brave. However, I was badly tortured before then, he stabbed me, broke my leg with his foot, and other stuff that is hard for me to say," Stolas says. He sadly sighs and says, "If Blitz hadn't showed up when he did, I think Striker would have finished me off."

"He did...?" Octavia asks, surprised.

"It's true, and from the looks on the bruises he got and that awful gash on his head and ended up with broken bones, he must have fought hard and determined to rescue your dad. And by the time we got here and fought him, your dad was already in terrible shape. Like he was hurt bad," Millie says.

"And we're not sure on how, but Blitz is somehow able to heal your father of some of his wounds," Moxxie adds.

"He... he what... How?" Octavia asks, shocked.

"We still don't understand the details, but for some odd reason, his blood along with Blitz's abilities healed your father's wounds. It's not enough to heal him completely, but it was enough to remove the injuries that Striker used with the blessed knife and helped your father escape any fatal condition," Moxxie explains.

Stolas nods, "Yes, if it wasn't for Blitz, I would have suffered a worse condition."

"Yeah. Berry told us about you being able to perform a healing spell," Drew says.

"It's still quite shocking to hear that Blitz can perform magic," Octavia says, "I mean, a little fire magic I get, but Telekinesis, Healing Magic, and Light Magic. Those aren't abilities that Imps can do. Well, not on their own anyway."

"Indeed," Stolas says, "Blitz is still learning how to control his magical abilities. The more he learns how to use and control it, the stronger his magic will become, and the new spells he can learn," Stolas says.

"He has a point. I can tell that Blitz has come really a long way since we first met him," Razor says.

"I have to agree," Sarge says.

As the group talks, Randall receives a notification on his phone. He looks at his phone and checks the internet. Once he sees the internet, Randall lets out a stunned expression on his face

Trying to remain calm, Randall says, "Hey guys, I really hate to burst your bubble, but it looks like things are going to get worse from here on out."

"Why's that?" Millie asks, confused.

"I found this on the internet, and it's become quite the topic," Randall says.

He then reads, "Demon raised by humans on Earth has finally been revealed. Prince Stolas of Ars Goetia's Imp Lover is revealed to be Earth's retired famous circus star Blitzo Abercrombie of the Abercrombie Bros. Cirque De Esccentrical, and revealed to be the demon that's rumored to be raised by human beings on Earth. Well known for eccentric and unique humans with special appearance and talents that they perform for everyone's enjoyment. As of now, he and his little birdy boyfriend are in the medical hospital at St. An's Hospital in the Sloth Ring."

That comes as a shock to everyone.

"Oh shit!" Millie exclaims in shock.

"Oh crumbs," Moxxie says.

"I know. There are a lot of tweets, posts, etc., which already reached over 10k of views and likes," Randall says.

"It's that widespread?" Drew asks, shocked.

"No kidding. It's already got so many views, so many likes, and so many comments," Randall says, looking at his phone.

And sees a few interesting comments, "Huh. Even in Hell, Blitz was actually quite popular. He certainly does have a lot of fan comments, along with those who have gotten actual pictures and videos of Blitz's performance. And with that, well, it won't be long until everyone in Hell knows about this."

That causes the group to grow concerned, frustrated, and quite upset.

"Then it's official, Blitz's identity has been completely blown," Drew says, at dismay.

"Yep. I'm sure we'll find a way to get out of this somehow. Although Blitz will now be known as the Earthling Imp," Randall says.

That catches Stolas attention, "Uh excuse me. I'm sorry. I beg your pardon, who is calling Blitz what?"

"Earthling Imp. Because he is an Imp and since he's been raised on Earth for over thirty years, they also considered him an Earthling," Randall says.

Stolas sighs, "This is not good."

"No it's not. And it won't be long before Overlords, Goetias, Sins, and even King Lucifer get word of this," Randall says.

"That is what worries me," Stolas says, worried.

Berry frowns towards Randall, "Way to bring down the mood even more Randall. It's already bad enough to know that Blitz is stuck in the hospital in critical condition."

"I really hate to be the one to tell Blitz about this when he wakes up," Octavia says.

"It will put more stress on him," Sarge says.

"So then, what are we going to do after Blitz gets out of the hospital now that his identity has been exposed?" Randall asks.

"Well, it will be best that we keep Blitz safe, and it's even more important to help Blitz continue with his training and his magic lessons," Stolas says.

Then Moxxie says, "I wonder if the doctors can figure out why Blitz is able to gain these abilities. Imps shouldn't be able to perform a healing spell."

"Just wait, till he gets some more training in. Blitz might even become more powerful than we all think," Randall says.

"I have to agree. We'll need to train Blitz more and we'll need to be more secretive about it, now that Blitz's identity is exposed for all of Hell to see," Sarge says.

Just then, they hear a knock on the door, catching everyone's attention. The group turns to see the male Imp nurse who is wearing a medical outfit with a badge. The Imp has curved back horns with white hair, and yellow eyes, like any normal Imp, but around Blitz's height.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up Blitzo Abercrombie. We just got a shipment of HB Negative Blood so I'm here to take care of the transfusion," The Nurse says.

"Would it be better to do it here?" Razor asks.

"True, but we also plan to perform another X-Ray to check on his skull fracture," The Imp says.

"Fine by me," Randall says.

Berry walks to Mimmy who is still on Blitz, "Come here sweetie, the doctor needs to take care of your daddy."

Without saying another word, Mimmy crawls to Berry as the succubus picks the Hell kitten up in her arms. She then whimpers as she hugs Berry and places her head on the demon's shoulder.

And with that, the Nurse disconnects Sarge from the syringe and seals the tube. Then take Blitz out of the medical room.

Sarge sits up and gives the nurse a suspicious look as he leaves, "Hmm..."

"What is it, Sarge?" Randall asks.

Sarge turns to the others, "Razor, Millie, Moxxie, follow me. And quietly."

The three nod their heads and slowly leave the room to see the nurse walking down the hall with Blitz in his hospital bed. They secretly follow him until he meets up with a nurse who has a syringe in her hand. The female doctor, Maggie is a goat like demon with beige and white color fur, hooves on both arms and legs, gray horns and has a candle lighted up on. She is wearing a white medical coat with a pink shirt and purple tie, along with dark purple pants.

"How is the Imp's condition?" Liam asks.

"Well, he has a fractured skull, fractured wrist, and two broken ribs, and has lost quite a lot of blood. Luckily, thanks to the Imp he has enough blood to survive the trip, and we've just got a shipment of HB Negative so we can continue the transfusion on the road to Pride," Maggie says.

"Sounds good, boss. I've got the ambulance parked in the back. It's ready for the trip," The nurse says.

"Good. Let's hurry before someone sees," Maggie says.

Just then, Sarge recognizes the nurse and asks, "Excuse me sir."

Liam stops and turns to see the group, "What is it?"

"We want to know how Blitz is doing? You can understand why we're worried, considering the condition he's in." Sarge questions.

"Oh right, it's just taking a little time. We're having a little trouble with the shots and medical serum lately, and we're kind of understaffed," Liam says.

"Huh?" Moxxie and Millie reply, confused.

"But there are a lot of staff members today, especially since an Ars Goetia is in the hospital," Razor says.

"True, but we've been pretty busy as well," Liam says.

Sarge narrows his eyes and questions, "Well then, how about you allow us to accompany you, so we can see Blitz's condition.

Maggie says, "So sorry, but we need to get going?"

"Yes. Let's hurry," Liam says.

Maggie and Liam begin to run down the hall with Blitz's hospital bed.

"Hey! Get back here!" Razor shouts, and chases after them.

Sarge, Moxxie, and Millie chase after Razor who is chasing after the doctors.

Maggie and Liam continue to run down the hall as Sarge, Razor, Moxxie, and Millie chase after them.

"Stop!" Moxxie shouts.

"Come back!" Millie shouts.

The four continue to chase after the two doctors as they push the bed down the hall and reach towards the exit door. Razor runs as fast as possible as it pounces towards them. Maggie ends up tripping and falls to the ground as Razor pounces at Liam and the hospital bed. And when that happens, Blitz is sent flying down the hall. Luckily, Sarge is able to catch Blitz in the nick of time, but is still unconscious. Maggie stands up and quickly runs out of the hospital as Moxxie, and Millie rush over.

"Are you okay, Razor?" Millie asks.

Razor sits up with a sheet over him and removes it, "Yeah," Then turns to the unconscious Liam, "But I at least caught one of them."

Millie turns to Sarge, who still has Blitz in his arms. She asks in concern, "Are you and Blitz alright?"

"I'm fine," Sarge says.

Then looks down towards Blitz, "Luckily, Blitz seems to be fine as well, other than the other injuries he has received."

Liam lets out a grunt and groan in pain, "Ow, my fuckin head."

He soon turns to see Razor, Sarge, Moxxie, and Millie glaring at them.

Before Liam can run away, Sarge grabs him by his tail, "Alright nurse, you mind telling us what you're trying to do to my colleague."

"Like you can do what you can to make me talk," Liam says, refusing to talk.

Sarge glares at him, "Well then, my colleagues and I do have ways of making you talk."

Then Sarge turns to the others, "Razor, Moxxie, can you both take Blitz back to the Stolas room, and tell Randall and Drew that we'll be in the hospital room across the Stolas' room. Millie, you're with me. We're going to get a word out of this guy.""

"Got it, Sarge," Razor says, and picks up Blitz from Sarge's arms.

Then Moxxie and Razor take Blitz back to Stolas room while Sarge and Millie take Liam to the other hospital room to interrogate Liam.

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