Chapter 66: Back to the Hazbin Hotel
Sometime later, Cherri, Angel, and Blitz are able to find their way to a bar to have some food and drinks at a place called Diner Devil.
"The place seems nice," Blitz says
"Yeah. This is one of the bars Cherri and I love to hang out," Angel says.
"And it's also a hiding spot," Cherri says.
"Hiding spot?" Blitz questions.
"She means when we're being chased by Egglord and trying to ditch other Overlords," Angel says.
He then turns to Blitz and asks, "So Blitz, what brings you to Pentagram City?"
"And how did you end up getting tangled with Sir Egglord?" Cherri adds, taking an interest.
"Well, that's kind of hard to explain," Blitz says.
"How so?" Cherri questions.
"Well, my friend, Randall, confused me and Razor to go to the V.I.P Restaurant because he wanted to pull a prank on Stella, and ended up wanting to prank her brother. I was really reluctant about that idea," Blitz says.
"Why does he want to prank her?" Angel asks.
"Well, Randall wants to give her payback because Stolas is divorcing her," Blitz says.
"Oh yeah. I remember hearing about it," Cherri says. She grins, "There's actually a rumor going around that Stolas was having an affair with an Imp. And it seemed serious when some Hellborns were talking about it."
Blitz blushes a bit and nervously smiles, "Um yeah. That was me."
"For real? You're in a relationship with a prince?" Angel asks, surprised.
"Um yeah. Stolas is very nice, so I can't help but fall in love with him," Blitz says.
"Sounds kind of sweet," Angel says. And mutters, "A little too sweet.
Then Cherri asks, "So what happened after that?"
"Well, I was feeling very doubtful about this place, so I went to the restroom to wash my face and clear my head," Blitz says.
Then grows uneasy, "And then, I've suddenly found myself meeting your boss, Angel."
Cherri and Angel flinch in reply, "What?!"
"What the fuck were you doing near Val?" Angel asks, shocked.
"I didn't mean to, Valentino walked up behind me and I got petrified because of what the others told me about him, saying that he's a dangerous overlord, who has body counts in both death and sex," Blitz says.
He then continues, "Valentino was trying to prevent me from leaving and tried to sugarcoat me. I got very uneasy because of his presence and saw bad intentions so I ran away from the restaurant before he could grab me. I ran so fast out and down the street, I didn't notice I'd ran far from the others and into a warehouse. Then I found Pentious Egg Bois there, and I think one of them knocked me out from behind. And that's how I ended up finding myself as Pentious' prisoner."
Cherri snickers, "I can't believe you ran away from Valentino of all demons."
"True, but I don't blame ya for running. Val sure knows how to scare the shit out of demons," Angel says.
"Maybe, but I was scared he might try to do something to me," Blitz says.
He then sighs and says, "Still, Randall and Razor might be worried about me. They have no clue where I am."
"You can call them?" Cherri asks.
"I think my phone fell when I was knocked out," Blitz says.
"Fuck," Angel replies, "So what do you going to do now?"
"I'm not sure. I gotta find Randall and Razor. They must be freaking out right now," Blitz says.
"Eh, how freaked out can those two get?" Angel asks.
Razor and Randall meet up at the restaurant once more, and are actually freaking out to have Blitz's phone, but Blitz is nowhere to be found.
Well, Randall is the only one who is really freaking out, "Shit shit shit shit shit! How the fuck are we going to explain this to the others?!"
"Yeah. We really messed up big time," Razor says, feeling remorseful.
"Mainly me, I shouldn't have talked Blitz into being involved in that stupid prank," Randall says, upset with himself.
"Maybe so, but we didn't expect Blitz to meet up with Valentino of all demons. He must have gotten freaked out of seeing his face," Razor says.
"But what are we going to do?" Randall asks.
Razor sighs and says, "The only thing we can do, we need to call Sarge and Stolas."
"Great, how the fuck are we supposed to tell them?" Randall questions.
"I know they'll be upset with us, but what choice do we have?" Razor replies.
Randall sighs, "You're right. We need to tell them. I can only imagine how mad everyone is going to be furious, especially Stolas."
"Well, we're going to have to," Razor says.
"Fine," Randall says, admitting defeat.
He then calls on the phone and says, "Yo Sarge. Stolas. Listen, try not to get mad, but I kind of convinced Razor and Blitz to help me prank your ex-wife, Stella because she totally deserves it. And when I saw Andrealphus there, I wanted to give them a double payback. However, Blitz ended up running into Valentino and was scared off. We tried to find him, but all we found is his phone, and we have no fuckin way of knowing where he is and we really need your help and..." suddenly, he notices the call is turned off, "Uh Sarge... Stolas... guys..."
Randall then turns to Razor, "They hung up."
"That's not good," Razor says, having a bad feeling.
Just then, a portal opens and Stolas in his demonic form comes out in full rage.
"RANDALL!" Stolas bellows in rage.
Sarge, Millie, Moxxie, and the others look to see how furious Stolas is right now.
Back at the bar, the group continues to have a chat.
"Really? So you've been raised by humans, talk about awesome," Cherri says.
Blitz blushes and says, "Thanks. I mean, I know it's strange that a demon has been raised by humans, but it's true."
"Still, it's pretty cool to hear it," Angel says.
"So what do you do in the living world?" Cherri asks.
"Oh well, I was raised in the circus for a long time, doing trapeze, knife juggling and throwing, tightrope walker, and even a clown," Blitz says.
"Cool, so you were in show business," Angel says with a grin.
"That's right," Blitz says.
"So then how did you learn how to use a gun?" Cherri asks.
"Well, when my friends from I.M.P found me, they decided to help me learn about Hell and how to use my talents to survive in this world, even learn how to properly use a gun. And yet, I don't want to kill anyone," Blitz says.
"Well, you're going to have to one of these days. I mean, you're able to disarm enemies, which by the way, good job there, but you can't just prioritize that," Angel says.
"Angie has a point," Cherri says.
"I figured as much, but the only time when I actually almost kill someone is when I get mad enough," Blitz says.
"Well, having blind rage is not really a good thing," Angel says. "But enough about killing and all that. Since you've been here for a while, how's Hell's environment been treating you."
"Doing good. I have to admit, I've been doing well here, the cities seem similar to the cities I went to on Earth," Blitz says.
Then remembers, "If I remember, you both used to live on Earth as well."
"That's right. Of course, Angie and I ended up in Hell in different years. I ended up in Hell in the 1980s, while Angel ended up in Hell late in the 1940s," Cherri sasys.
"Really?" Blitz asks, surprised.
"That's right. With so many people in Hell from different time periods, you can expect people to be totally different," Angel says.
"How so?" Blitz asks.
"Some demons like to adapt with the times and accept the technology over the years. However, some are pretty stubborn that they want to keep living their lives similar to the time period they live when they're alive," Angel says.
"Sounds a lot like Alastor. From what my friends told me, he still live the lifestyle of someone in the 1920s," Blitz
"That's right. Back when I was alive, I used to be in a mob, and I have plenty of relatives down here which is a complete pain. We don't actually get along," Angel says.
"Oh, I see," Blitz replies.
Then Cherri says, "Probably as much as Pentious and I get along."
"I can tell that you two don't like each other," Blitz says.
"Exactly, he really hates me and always gets pissed at me for blowing up his inventions," Cherri says with a smirk on his face.
Angel snickers, "Yeah. There was this one time when Cherri and I fought Sir Pentious, it happened during Charlie's interview for the hotel. The girls were so pissed at me after that."
"I can imagine Vaggie being angry, well more like furious," Blitz replies.
Angel shrugs his shoulders, "Eh, it's just a few explosions and all that shit."
"Uh yeah. Unfortunately, I don't really live in the same world as you," Blitz replies.
"Whatever you say," Cherri says.
"So Blitz, what other kinds of fun have you and your friends been doing since we last saw each other?" Angel asks.
Blitz then begins to tell Angel and Cherri some of his adventures in Hell, and the kind of fun they have, including some of the danger. The three continue to chat as they have a meal and are having a good time.
Meanwhile, after Randall and Razor explain the situation, the others are not too happy with Randall's idea to pull a prank on Stella and Andrealphus. However, they also become concerned when they explain what the Goetia siblings talk to each other about. And yet, Stolas is more concerned for Blitz's well being.
"Stella and Andrealphus really said that?" Moxxie asks.
"Yeah. And it's worse because Andrealphus wants to actually meet Blitz. Hell knows what he might do to him if he has the chance," Razor says.
"Like that's going to happen. We don't want Blitz anywhere near those two," Millie says, angrily.
"However, our current situation is to find Blitz and hope he's okay," Sarge says.
Drew turns to see Stolas is able to revert back to normal as he walks around in concern.
"And we need to find him fast before Stolas explodes," Drew says.
Sarge walks to Stolas, "Stolas, you need to calm down. We'll find Blitz."
"I really hope so. Blitz is somewhere in Pentagram City alone, who knows what could happen to him," Stolas says, deeply worried.
"Then let's start searching right away," Berry says.
And with that, everyone split up into pairs and hurry off in different directions. Moxxie and Millie, Sarge and Stolas, Randall and Razor, Berry and Drew. All of them split up to find Blitz and hope he's okay.
Sometime later at the cafe, the three have finished their meal and have a nice chat.
"Well then, I'm gonna get going. See you guys later," Cherri says.
"Bye Sugar Tits," Angel says.
"Bye," Blitz says.
And with that, Cherri takes her leave as she runs down the sidewalk, jumps high, and scales the building.
Angel then turns to Blitz, "Now then, how about we get back to the hotel and see if we can call your pals."
"Thanks Angel. I really appreciate the help," Blitz says.
"You can repay me with a little love," Angel says and winks.
Blitz blushes a bit.
Angel laughs, "Just messing with ya."
Blitz chuckles with a smile as Angel laughs. Then the two begin to walk down the sidewalk.
"So how long do you think it will be until we get to the hotel?" Blitz asks.
"It won't take long if we can find a taxi," Angel answers.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Angel looks at the streets, "But it might take a while to find one, so it's best we get walking to the hotel on foot until we find one."
"Yeah. Sir Pentious and uh, we also caused damages at the East Side of the city," Blitz says.
"Well Cherri, Pentious, and I caused the real damages, you're just providing backup," Angel says.
"That's true. I only gave you both a little help with that fight," Blitz says.
"Yeah, but you sure did good with a rifle," Angel says.
"Thanks. My friends Moxxie and Razor really taught me how to use a gun, and other kinds of firearms," Blitz says.
"They must be professional if you're able to do that," Angel says.
"Yeah, but I still have a lot to learn about using weapons and self defense, especially living in Hell," Blitz says.
"Good to know that you're taking the dangers and awareness of Hell in mind," Angel says.
Suddenly, Angel hears his phone ringing. He takes out his phone to see who's calling.
He makes a scowl expression on his face, "Fuck, it's Val..."
Angel answers the phone and says, "Hey Val, what's up...? Wait what... you mean right now... I guess that makes sense... But I'm kind of in the middle of something... I know... But... Valentino... Ugh... yeah, I'll get there. No, I'm not far from the club so I'll be there soon... Yes Val... See you there..." and hangs up the phone.
"What's wrong, Angel?" Blitz asks, concerned
"Nothing bad, but Val needs me to go to the club to do some work," Angel says.
"I'm guessing it can't be helped," Blitz says.
Angel sighs, "Yeah. It can't be helped, but it's not safe for you to be in the city by yourself."
"You're right. And I don't feel comfortable running into your boss at the club you're going to," Blitz says, feeling wary.
"Yeah. If Val find you sexy enough he might try to rape you. And he won't forget after seeing your face," Angel says.
"It's okay. I think I can find the hotel myself," Blitz says.
"Are you sure? Hell, especially Pentagram City, is an insane place. Are you sure you can handle it?" Angel question.
"I believe so. I need to learn how to stand on my own two feet and defend myself when I need to. I know that I can't keep depending on my friends, so this will be a good start," Blitz says.
"Whatever you say," Angel replies, shrugging his shoulders.
He then advises Blitz, "But just remember, you're going to have to kill them when needed. Normal weapons will mainly hurt us Sinners, but can't kill us. So attacking them and injuring them is the only way for you to have a chance to escape."
"Right," Blitz says.
"And don't get too involved with other demons. If they try to persuade them, just ignore them or tell them to fuck off, and keep going," Angel advices.
"Promise," Blitz says.
"Try to find your way to the hotel as fast as they can and don't stop for anyone," Angel says.
"Do you know which way the hotel is?" Blitz asks.
"Well, since you don't have your phone, I can't give you the address. Actually, I have a better idea. I'll call Charlie to let her know about what happened and come pick you up. You stay in front of the diner until Charlie arrives to pick you up," Angel says.
"Okay. Thanks again, Angel," Blitz says.
"Anytime Blitz, and remember, stay out of trouble with any sinner who might try to have their way with you," Angel says.
"Right," Blitz says, "See ya around, Angel."
"See ya, Blitz," Angel says, and takes his leave.
Angel then calls Charlie, luckily she answers, "Hi Angel, how are you doing? Where are you?"
"Oh in the city. Listen, you remember Blitz, the Imp at the hotel?" Angel replies.
"Yes. I do," Charlie says.
"Yeah. I found him alone at Pentagram City after getting kidnapped by Pentious. I take him to the hotel myself, but my boss needs me to head to a club for work and really can't bail. So mind picking him up and help him find his pals," Angel says.
"Right. Vaggie and I will pick him up right away," Charlie says over the phone.
She then asks, "Where is he?"
"We just got out of Diner Devil and separated from there. I told him to stay there so you can pick him up," Angel says.
"Alright. Thanks Angel, it's very nice of you to help," Charlie says.
"No problem, just helping a pal," Angel says, "See ya around," and then hangs up the phone.
And with that, Angel heads off to the club to continue his work.
Sometime later, the Blitz is waiting outside as he watches the many different sinners walking past him, not batting an eye. Just then a white limo pulls over in front of Blitz.
And the window lowers to reveal Charlie and his smile.
"Hi Blitz," Charlie happily says.
"Hey Charlie, thank you for picking me up," Blitz says.
"It's no trouble," Charlie says, opening the door, "Come on in."
Blitz then climbs inside the limo, and Charlie closes the door. Then the limo drives off to the hotel. Blitz sits down to see Charlie and Vaggie.
"Hello Vaggie, it's good to see you again," Blitz says.
"Hey Blitz, nice to see you. Although, I hope it was on better circumstances," Vaggie says.
"Yeah. A lot has happened and I ended up on my own again," Blitz says.
"What exactly happened? Angel said that you were captured by Sir Pentious," Charlie says.
"Yeah, about that..." Blitz says, nervously.
He then explains for fifteen minutes about the situation he had gotten himself into, and all because he has ended up agreeing to Randall's plan to prank Stella and her brother, and had an unfortunate run in with Valentino, Angel's boss. Not to mention getting kidnapped by Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois.
"That's what happened," Blitz says.
"Yikes. Sounds like you got into a mess," Vaggie says.
"Yeah. And I got separated from Randall and Razor. They must be worried about me. And I don't have my phone so I can't call them," Blitz says.
"Don't worry, I can give them a call and let them know you're with us," Charlie says.
Vaggie then questions, "And why didn't you ask Angel to use his phone?"
Blitz sheepishly chuckles, "I guess I haven't thought about it until now. A lot has happened so yeah."
"That's okay. It was difficult to think of anything else after being attacked," Charlie says, and brings out her phone.
Then passes her phone to Blitz, "Here you go, you can use my phone to call your friends."
"Okay. I think it will be best to call Stolas and then Razor. I suspect that Razor might have told Stolas about what happened by now," Blitz says.
"Good plan," Vaggie says.
Blitz then dials Stola's phone number on Charlie's phone.
On one side of Pentagram City, Stolas and Sarge look around for Blitz.
Stolas calls out, "Blitz!"
"Blitz!" Sarge calls out.
Worried, Stolas asks, "Oh where could he be?"
"Calm down, I'm sure Blitz is safe. He knows better than to interact with other demons, especially those who are a huge threat to us Hellborns," Sarge says.
"I know, but it worries me. I know Blitz has been learning, training, and living in Hell for a while, but it worries me about him being on his own. He barely knows anyone in the city, and one mistake and Blitz could be in terrible danger," Stolas says worried.
"Do not worry Stolas, we'll find him. If we're lucky, Blitz might be with the sinners we're familiar with, or those he's already associated with," Sarge says.
Just then, they hear vibrating sounds.
Stolas takes out his phone and sees the number on the screen, "Who could this be?" and answers the phone, "Hello."
"Hello, Stolas..." Blitz speaks up over the phone.
Stolas is taken aback, "Blitz...?! Is that really you...?!"
"Of course it's me. I'm guessing Razor and Randall told you about uh, what happened," Blitz says, over the phone.
"They did. Are you okay? I was worried," Stolas says.
"I'm sorry, Stolas, but I ran into some trouble, and I'm fine now. I'm actually with Charlie and Vaggie heading to the hotel. And since I lost my phone, Charlie is letting me use her phone to call you," Blitz says.
Stolas sighs in relief, "That's good. You just stay with Charlie and Vaggie, while Sarge and I gather the others and meet you at the hotel."
"Sounds good. I'll be seeing you soon," Blitz says.
"See you soon, Blitzy," Stolas says.
Blitz hangs up the phone and passes Charlie her phone, "Thanks Charlie."
"You're welcome," Charlie smiles.
She then gives off a big smile, "So it's true, you and Stolas are actually becoming a thing?"
"Yeah. Stolas and I really have feelings for each other and now we're dating," Blitz says.
"Aww, that is so sweet. It's like something in a fairy tale. A prince is in love with a simple person, and against all odds they plan to love, fight, and stand together no matter what," Charlie says.
Vaggie chuckles with a smile, "Not exactly a fairy tale, but it's an interesting story to hear."
Then shows a slight concern, "Kind of worrisome."
"I'm guessing it involves a Goetia Prince and an Imp who are actually dating," Blitz says.
"That's right," Vaggie says with a nod.
Then turns to Charlie, "Although, it's not as different and unusual as a Sinner like me is dating Hell's princess."
"And I heard Bee is dating a Hellhound, and as far as I know, demons seem to be okay with it," Charlie says.
"Oh you mean Bee and Vortex. I've met them. Bee is really nice and really outgoing," Blitz says.
"I'm guessing you met her at one of her parties. She throws amazing parties," Charlie says.
"She sure does, and I have to admit, Hell's parties are very different from the parties I've been to on Earth," Blitz says.
"I can imagine," Charlie replies.
Shortly after, Blitz and the girls arrive in the Hotel, and enter inside to see Husk with Fat Nuggets sleeping on a small bed next to the bar.
"Hi Husk, we're back, and we brought a visitor," Charlie says.
Blitz waves, "Hi Husk."
"Hey," Husk says, tired, "You're the Imp from last time, right?"
"Um yeah," Blitz says.
"That's all I need to know, now let me get some sleep," Husk says, and soon sleeps on the counter.
Vaggie mutters in Spanish, "Maldito gato perezoso."
"Uh, did you just call him a fucking lazy cat?" Blitz asks.
"I did," Vaggie says.
Then turns to Blitz, "I didn't know you understood Spanish."
"Well, some of it. When you travel around the world and have to talk and assist people who speak different languages, it's sometimes good to be a little multilingual." Blitz says, shrugging his shoulders.
"Make sense," Vaggie says.
Blitz feels something near his leg and looks down to see Fat Nuggets looking at him.
"Hey boy, it's nice to see you again," Blitz says, kneeling down and petting the pig on the head.
Then Blitz turns to the girls, "I wonder when Stolas is going to be at the mansion."
"I'm sure it won't be too long," Charlie answers, "He'll probably be here right about..."
And they hear a knock on the door.
"Now," Charlie finishes.
Charlie answers the door and they see Stolas, Sarge, and the rest of I.M.P. Except for Loona.
Charlie turns her head, "They're here."
"Hey guys," Blitz says and walks over.
"Blitz, oh thank goodness. You had us worried," Stolas says as he rushes to Blitz and gives him a hug.
"Ouch Stolas, you're squeezing me," Blitz says, feeling squished.
Stolas loses his embrace, "Sorry, but you had us all worried when Razor and Randall told us you ran off on them."
"I'm sorry. The last thing I need is giving you guys trouble," Blitz says.
"Not to worry, after all you're not the one who should apologize," Stolas says.
Then has his head turn back to face Randall with glaring red eyes, "Right Randall?"
Randall nervously chuckles and says, "Yeah. I know. Sorry about talking to you and Razor in helping me with their prank."
"And I'm guessing you didn't go through with it?" Blitz asks.
"No. Not with what Stella said to her brother and see Valentino in the restaurant," Randall says.
"What did she say to him?" Blitz asks.
"We'll explain when we get back to the palace," Razor says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Then turns to Charlie and Vaggie, "Thanks again guys."
"Anytime. And if you ever find yourself lost again, you can always come to the Happy... I mean, Hazbin Hotel..." Charlie says.
Vaggie sighs, "We really need to change it back to its original name."
"Bye guys," Blitz says.
"Bye," Charlie and Vaggie reply.
And with that, Blitz leaves the hotel with Stolas and the others.
Time has passed and Blitz is in the chamber after his long day of this misadventure. Of course, he has explained to Stolas what has happened, and also Randall and Razor have heard what Stella told Andrealphus.
"Stolas, do you think Stella will try to hurt us?" Blitz asks, worried.
"I wouldn't worry too much about her, but Stella telling her brother about your upbringing and our relationship is very concerning," Stolas says.
"What are we going to do?" Blitz asks, concerned.
Stolas sighs and says, "I'm not sure to be honest. For now, it's best we're prepared in case Stella and Andrealphus are planning something."
"Yeah," Blitz says.
Then Stolas taps Blitz on his snout, "And make sure you stay by your friends. We wouldn't want you to get into more trouble, my naughty little Imp."
Blitz rolls his eyes with a smile, "You're never going to let me live this little mishalf down, aren't you?"
"Not at all darling," Stolas answers as he pulls Blitz his arms.
Blitz giggles, "Yeah. I figured."
And then the two give each other a passionate kiss.
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