Chapter 65: Territorial War
Blitz soon lets out a groan and grunt to feel the pain from his head, "Ow... my head... What happened..."
Blitz slowly lifts her head up as he feels dazed from the strike he has received on the head. When Blitz tries to move his arms, he feels that he's unable to. The same goes for his legs and his tail. He slowly turns his head to notice that his arms are tied behind his back, and his ankles are tied together. He also notices that his tail is braided with chains and is chained to a cinder block.
"Wha-what happened... What's going on? Where am I?" Blitz asks himself, still a bit light headed.
"You're in my zeppelin, little Imp," A voice says.
Blitz slowly looks up to see something approaching him. However, judging by the appearance and because his vision is still a little blurry, Blitz becomes alarmed and is worried about saying anything.
"Na-Nag?!" Blitz asks, stunned.
Offended, the demon says, "I beg your pardon. I am not that wretched Nag you've spoken of. I abssssolutely desssspise being compared to that repulssssive heart eating viper."
Blitz closes his eyes and shakes his head for a bit before his vision is more clear, and the demon is right. It's not Nag, but someone else entirely.
The demon is a male snake-like demon, but seems to be more of a cobra. His eyes have a red sclera with black, narrow pupils. He has a wide mouth with sharp, yellow teeth. His predominant body color is a charcoal gray. He wears a jacket in a matching charcoal gray, pinstriped with yellow. The open breast of the jacket reveals a yellow underlayer, in the center of which is a single cerise eye. His cobra hood is yellow, tipped with black and features four cerise eye patterns spread across the center. He wears a black bow-tie with a yellow center. His neck is long and his tail is dark charcoal gray, with thick yellow stripes featuring almost a dozen cerise eyes running down the length of it. He wears black fingerless gloves with yellow dots on each knuckle on his hands, and has sharp, cerise claws. He accessorizes with a large top hat in light charcoal gray, which has a large cerise eye in the center of it and, just like him, has many sharp, yellow teeth.
"Just because I'm a ssssnake demon like him, doesn't mean I'm ssssimilar to him," The snake demons says.
Blitz apologizes, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just, I ran into Nag before and almost got eaten by him."
"Yes yes. I suspect you must have had an encounter with that disgusting snake before," The snake demon says, waving his hand a bit.
Blitz then struggles to break free of his restraint, "And what's going on? Why did you have me tied up? And who are you?"
"Who am I? Are you sssaying that you don't know who I am?" The snake demon question.
"Um no," Blitz answers, shaking his head.
That causes the snake demon to deflate a bit.
He regains his posture and says, "Well then, little lowly Imp, allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Sir Pentious, one of the mossst powerful and sssuccessful demons in all of Hell. The master of machinery. The Intelligence of Inventors. And will ssssoon will be the ruler of Hell. Now tremble in fear of my greatnessss," And maniacally laughs causing Blitz to be confused and dumbfounded.
Confused, Blitz says, "Never heard of you."
Pentious falls over with a disbelief expression.
He quickly stands up and angrily says, "How are you not knowing my name?!"
"I uh sorry, but I've only been here for a short time, maybe a few months or so, but I'm still learning, I'm not all familiar with demons who are well known, except for a few Overlords," Blitz says.
"Well then, it would appear that Cherri Bomb hasn't told you about me, even though she is one of my top enemies along with her whore friend," Pentious says.
Confused, Blitz asks, "Cherri Bomb? What do you...?"
Pentious then wraps his coils around Blitz and says, "I shall be the one doing the question here, little Imp. Let's see if you can get some answers out of you."
And moments later, Blitz finds himself in a small room and a light hanging above the ceiling. Blitz struggles from the ropes, but they have him secured tight. Soon, the light has been shining directly into his face.
Holding the light, the Egg Boi says, "Spill it! What are your affiliations with the little missy?"
"You'd better answer him. It won't do you any good," Sir Pentious demands.
Then the Egg Boi questions, "And why were you in the warehouse? Did Cherri send you to track us and learn our secrets?"
"And we better hear the truth," Pentious says.
Blitz however, looks a bit confused and has a sense of deja-vu.
"What?" Pentious questions, "What's with that face?"
"Sorry, but maybe you should get your act together," Blitz says, "You started off as the bad cop, but now you're the good one! You and your egg bois got mixed up with your questioning."
"We certainly did not!" Pentious says, annoyed, "Now answer right this minute. No more stalling. Why are you hanging with Cherri Bomb?"
"Oh, you better tell him, Imp. We cannot control the boss when he gets like this!" The Egg Boi says.
That only makes Blitz snicker with a smile on his face, "Now you're the good cop! I can't tell if you're trying to threaten me or not."
Pentious growls in anger and shouts, "Enough of this ridiculous confusion." He then coils around Blitz and has the Imp facing him, "You better tell me why you're here? Did Cherri send you in order to spy on us? You better answer me or I'm going to constrict you until your head pops off from that scrawny body of yours!"
"Uh, I think you're getting the wrong idea, I don't work for Cherri Bomb, nor do I know who she is. I've never met her before," Blitz answers. "So, I can't really provide you with any information on him at all."
And with that, Sir Pentious is just standing there for a few minutes with a shocked expression on his face. In Blitz's mind, he thinks he broke the snake demon within him. Pentious then growls in fury as he uncoils from Blitz's body and coils around the Egg Boi with the #23 on its body.
The snake demon glares at him and demands, "I want an explanation, right now! You told me that Imp is working for that little missy who is friends with the striped freak when you found him in my secret warehouse! He's barely even an acquaintance of his, you useless hard boiled egg!"
"Does this mean that you won't shoot me with your ray gun?" Egg Boi #23 questions.
Sir Pentious angrily throws the egg out of his room with his tail, and there is a large crashing sound.
"You didn't have to throw him," Blitz replies.
"You don't have a ssssay in this," Sir Pentious sternly says to Blitz.
He then sighs and asks, "Now what am I supposed to do with you?"
"Uh, probably just let me go. I mean, I'm not very useful to you when it comes to this Cherri Bomb you speak of," Blitz says.
Then questions, "But what do you have against her? And are you actually serious in trying to take over Hell?"
"One. I don't have to answer you about that one. It's a personal score against her for always getting in my way," Pentious sternly says.
Then leans to Blitz, "And second, yes, I am trying to take over Hell, starting with Pentagram City. And that also means getting rid of my enemies and those who dare to get in my way."
"Uh, I see," Blitz says. "And who is this striped freak you're talking about?"
Pentious sighs, "He's some tall white and pink spider demon, with two different colored eyes, has a gold tooth, and talks like a complete whore."
"You mean Angel Dust?" Blitz questions.
"That's him alright. He along with his little friend, Cherri Bomb has been messing with my territorial takeover," Pentious says.
Then turns to Blitz, "And you're saying that you've known him. Are you acquainted with him?"
"No," Blitz answers, "I've only met him once when I went to Charlie's hotel that one time. I don't know much about him other than his line of work.
He then tries to move his hands, but can't move them, "Now, maybe you can at least let me go, my friends have no idea where I am since I ran off in a panic, and they must be worried about me. So perhaps you can untie me and drop me off somewhere, I think I can find them from there."
However, Pentious coils Blitz's up and lifts him towards his face, "You don't think I will let you go that easily, do you?"
"Not really, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask," Blitz says.
Pentious then says, "You know, you're a lot different than any demon I've met, both Hellborn and sinners. You're very polite, and well mannered." He then brushes off, "But since you're already here, you can be the first to see my next territorial takeover."
And with that, Pentious slithers out of the room and takes Blitz with him. And soon enough, they are at the bridge of the zeppelin where many of the Egg Bois are working.
"Now then..." Pentious says, but realizes something, "Uh, who exactly are you?"
"Um, my name is Blitzo, but everyone calls me Blitz," Blitz says.
"Of course, Blitzsss, you are going to be the first to witness my territorial takeover on the East Side of the Pentagram by day's end," Sir Pentious says.
Blitz looks dumbfounded to see Pentious is acting so confident, despite everything that has happened.
He then continues, "Hell will finally be mine, and everyone will know the name of Sir..."
"EGGLORD!" Someone shouts.
And this time, Pentious recognizes the voice much to his anger and dismay, "Oh no, not that little missy again!"
"You mean this, Cherri Bomb, person?" Blitz questions.
Before Pentious can answer, something crashes through the front window and lands on the ground, and sure enough it's a red bomb with a black skull on it. Pentious and his Egg Bois are stunned to see the bomb, and it quickly explodes, causing red smoke and sparkles to come out. Pentious coughs and hacks to get the smoke out of his mouth.
"Well, it looks like I've just come just in time to crash the party," A girl's voice speaks out.
Blitz coughs out the smoke from his mouth as well to see the demon who has entered the zeppelin. And can suspect this demon is Cherri Bomb.
The demon is a female cyclops demon. She has long pink hair with blonde and white accents contained in a large ponytail, and wears a large amount of mascara. Her eye has a bloodshot pink sclera and a pale yellow x-shaped pupil. Her skin is mostly white, with pink freckles on her face and right shoulder. She also has a tattoo along her right arm that changes with different artists' interpretations. The demon is wearing a gray, fingerless satin glove on her left arm and appears to have a tattoo sleeve on her right arm. She also wears a red off-shoulder crop top, a black bra, a reddish, torn-up miniskirt with two buttons on the front with one loose suspender, and ripped black leggings underneath. She appears to wear a red and white boot on her left foot, while on the right, a pointed red shoe.
Then turns his head, "Hey Angie, you joining or what?"
And soon enough, Angel Dust is able to jump through the hole Cherri Bomb has made and lands beside him.
"Oh yeah, I was born ready," Angel Dust says.
Surprised to see him, Blitz asks, "Is that you, Angel?"
Angel turns to see Blitz tied up, "Blitz?! What the fuck are you doing here?! And why in Hell are you tied up?"
"As of now, I'm kind of Pentious' hostage because he and his Egg Bois think I work for Cherri Bomb," Blitz sheepishly answers.
"They fuckin what?!" Cherri Bomb questions in shock.
"It's what he gets for rushing into my warehouse unannounced," Pentious says, glaring at them.
Cherri narrows her eye towards Pentious, "Egglord, did you just fuckin seriously kidnapped a random stranger and still decide to keep him hostage."
"That's just wrong," Angel bluntly replies.
"And he was planning on me being the first for his takeover," Blitz says.
"That is correct, and now you'll be the first to take down these two," Pentious says and glared at Cherri and Angel.
"That's kind of messed up," Cherri says.
"I know. I mean, that's just SAD!" Angel says, and fires his Thompson Gun at Pentious.
That blasts Pentious at some of his Egg Bois, shatting them to pieces and releases Blitz from his grip.
Angel rushes towards Blitz and asks, "Are you okay there?"
"I think so, but Pentious has these ropes tied up tight," Blitz says.
"Hang in there, we're getting you out of this fuckin dump," Angel says, and begins to untie him from his restraints.
"In that case, I'll handle the distraction," Cherri says, and lights up one of her bombs.
She then calls out, "Have fun, old man." and throws the bomb at Pentious and the Egg Bois.
And the bomb explodes, allowing Angel to finish untying Blitz, and picks him in his arms. With the explosion, it allows them and Cherri to escape out of the zeppelin as it crashes down to the ground. When the zeppelin crashes, it's been destroyed. Pentious crawls out of the debris as he coughs and hacks to notice the three demons are gone. Some of the Egg demons are either broken to pieces or fallen on their backs.
Pentious growls in anger, "Don't just stand there! AFTER THEM!"
Pentious and the remaining Egg Bois began to climb out of the wreckage and in pursuit of Angel, Cherri, and Blitz.
Up ahead, Blitz and the two sinners continue to run down the street.
"Thanks for the save, guys," Blitz says.
"It's no trouble, Blitz," Angel says. "Introduction time, Blitz, this is my gal pal, Cherri Bomb. Cherri, this is the Imp I told you I've met a while back, Blitz."
"Nice to meetcha, bitch," Cherri says.
"It's nice to meet you too, and thanks for helping me escape that serpent," Angel says.
"No trouble. It's a good way to teach Egglord a lesson for trying to take over one of my turfs," Cherri says
"Is this normal for you two?" Blitz asks.
"Pretty much," Angel says, "This little fucker is a pain in the ass. Of course, Cherri always gets into Turf Wars with him."
"I see," Blitz says, and turns to Cherri, "So he has a grudge against you?"
"Yeah," Cherri says, "However, I don't plan on running forever."
"Then why are we running? Besides to get away from him and his uh, walking Eggs," Blitz asks.
"Their his Egg Bois," Angel says, "And we're just running out down the street to give us some room."
"Room? Room for what?" Blitz asks, confused.
Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb soon stop in their tracks. Blitz does the same and looks confused.
Cherri smirks and says, "To fight off this old man and his little eggs."
She then brings out a bazooka and fires it at Pentious and his Egg Bois. That causes a loud and powerful explosion. When the smoke clears, Pentious is on the ground and hisses in pure anger.
"Oh, so you and your little friends want to go, little missy. Well then, I'm happy to oblige," Pentious says, and maniacally laughs.
Soon, more of the Egg Bois appears and they have multiple weapons.
Blitz makes a worried expression on his face, "Uh oh... this does not look good."
"Realx, we've dealt with tis fucker before," Cherri says.
Then Angel asks, "How good are you with a gun?"
"Well, I'm good enough to put up a good fight, but I don't want to kill them," Blitz says.
Angel rolls his eyes, "Well, Pentious won't really die that easily unless he's exterminated. So yeah, normal weapons won't kill him, but it will hurt him."
"Plus those Egg Bois are just a bunch of eggs, so it's okay to scramble them," Cherri says.
"I don't know..." Blitz says, still unsure about killing.
"Look Blitz, this is Hell, it's okay to kill. Besides, it's more okay if they try to kill you back," Cherri says.
Blitz sighs, "Fine, I'll help you, but I'm mainly disabling them, not killing them."
"Sure if that's how you want to roll," Angel says, shrugging his shoulders.
Then turns his head, "And we better start breaking a few eggs."
Blitz says in thought, "I hope I can get out of this alive." and Blitz nervously gulps in response.
Randall searches in his direction to find Blitz.
Randall calls out, "Blitz! Blitz, where are you?!"
So far, no response.
Randall sighs in frustration, " Trying to prank Stella and her snowcone of a brother was a bad idea, especially when there's a lot of high class demons around. It's bad enough that Stella told her brother about Blitz's upbringing, but now Andrealphus is taking an interest in him. And if that overgrown snowcone thinks he can try to get close to Blitz, then he has another thing coming. Once we find Blitz, we're taking him back home and we're telling Stolas and Sarge about what we just heard."
Randall continues to search down the streets for Blitz, unaware of the situation Blitz has gotten into.
At another part of Pentagram City, Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois are firing their weapons. At the same time, Angel, Cherri, and Blitz are hiding behind flop sided cars and large debris from the street. It's a bit of a barricade from the looks of it. Of course, each of them have their weapons to fight against them.
"Looks like Sir Penny is pulling out the big guns," Angel says.
"Yeah, which is just as fun to blast him and his eggs to pieces," Cherry says.
"That's scary," Blitz says.
Angel turns to Blitz, "You stay here while Cherri and I start smashing some eggs."
"Yeah. you can be our backup," Cherri says and throws another one of her bombs.
The three remain hidden as they cover their ears, and an explosion appears in the background, blowing the Egg Bois egg shells spread about.
Cherri and Angel come out of their hiding place as Blitz looks out to see Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb blowing up and blasting the Egg Bois with their weapons. Angel has Drum Mag M198 Thompson. At the same time, Cherri swings her baseball bat covered in nails to smash them into pieces and scrambling them. Blitz looks out as he remains hidden to see Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb who are still fighting against the Egg Bois. Blitz then begins out his rifle and has a few of his guns and other weapons Angel has in the backpack close by.
Blitz sighs, "What kind of mess have I gotten myself into. I never expected to be part of those Turf Wars the others told me about."
Blitz looks to see Cherri and Angel are still fighting against the Egg Bois.
"The way those two fight, they fight as much as Moxxie and Millie. Those two made quite the team," Blitz says.
Blitz soon notices a few Egg Bois with sharp blades jump up from behind Angel and prepare to attack without his awareness. The Imp acts fast and fires the rifle to disarm the blades off the Egg Bois' hands. Angel turns to see the sneak attack and fires his Thompson Gun at them, shattering them to pieces.
Angel turns to Blitz, "Thanks Blitz, that was a nice shot. But next time, try to aim directly at them."
"Yeah. I'm still not very keen on the idea of killing them. Disarming them is the least I can do," Blitz says.
Cherri Bomb moves back after throwing one of her bombs, "Well then, just keep firing at them in case they throw another sneak attack."
"And stay hidden. I think Charlie will be very unhappy to hear you got involved in this mess," Angel says.
"Alright," Blitz says.
Cherri and Angel then run off to continue to fight while Blitz remains hidden and waits for any sneak attacks. Still, because he doesn't know where Randall and Razor are, and that he can't seem to escape this fight, and doesn't have the heart to leave Cherri and Angel, he has no choice but to remain here until it's over.
Blitz says, "I really hope this fight is over soon. I really need to find the others. And hope that this Sir Pentious and his minions blow us up before then."
However, Blitz soon realizes something, "Now that I've thought of it, where did Sir Pentious go? He was fighting a few minutes ago."
Blitz looks around to figure out where Sir Pentious is, but is unaware that a familiar show appears behind him, and spreads what appears to be a hood with glowing eyes. Suddenly, Blitz is getting a sinking feeling something or someone is behind him. He begins to turn around, but a tail swats the rifle off his hands, and the same tail coils around Blitz and covers his mouth before he can scream.
"Well well, it looks like I've gotten quite the catch," Pentious' voice speaks up.
Blitz is pulled over and finds himself face to face with Sir Pentious who has an evil grin on his face. Blitz struggles to scream and break free, but Sir Pentious squeezes a little pressure on him to prevent him from escaping.
Sir Pentious observes him, "Hmm, you know. You are quite... hmm... different from any Imp I've seen. You seem like a good shot, but you've been disarming my minions and not actually killing them. What's more, you seem quite unusual."
He then grins evil, " However, you seem to have become friends with that little missy and the stripped freak. I'm sure you'll be of good use to me." Then turns to the Egg Bois, "Come now, let's go back to the Zeppelin and set the bait."
And with that, Sir Pentious slithers away with his Egg Bois with Blitz in tow, struggling to break free from the restraints. as bait."
Blitz continues to struggle to break free from the coils, but Pentious squeezes harder.
In Blitz thoughts, "I... I... I can't... breathe..."
"You can't escape under my constricted grasp. You'll be coming with me," Pentious says.
Pentious begins to slither away with Blitz in tow. Blitz continues to struggle and tries his hardest to let out a scream for help, but the strong grasp of Pentious' coils are too strong for him.
In Blitz's thoughts, "I need to get away from him, but his coils are too strong, and I can't even call for help."
And then an idea comes to him, "Wait a minute..." And notices a few debris on the ground, and there are around the side of a soccer ball, "I can use that to knock him out and escape." Then struggles to get his hand out, "If I can just get my hand out and use my telekinesis."
Blitz slowly struggles and manages to get his hand out. He then concentrates with all his might and is able to levitate one of the debris with his magic.
"Now to just aim it right..." Blitz says in thought and aims the debris at Pentious, "And... NOW!"
And with that, the debris is sent flying and slams Pentious right at the head, knocking him down. When that happens, the coils release Blitz and the Imp falls to the ground, and is able to sit up as he rubs his back.
Blitz sighs in relief, "That was too close."
"Hey Blitz!" Cherri's voice calls out.
Blitz turns to see Cherri and Angel running over.
"You okay there?" Angel asks.
"I'm fine," Blitz answers.
Cherri notices Pentious is down on the ground with a bad bump on his head, and is knocked out.
"What happened here?" Cherri asks.
"Nothing bad, kind of. He tried to kidnap me, but I kind of hit him with a piece of debris," Blitz answers.
Then looks at the demon in concern, "I think I kind of hit him a little too hard."
"Nah. I say you did a pretty good job. That's what he gets for trying to kidnap you," Angel says. He then begins to walk away, "Come on, let's go to that joint I told you about."
"I guess," Blitz replies.
He then asks, "But you think he's going to be okay."
"Unfortunately, yes. Now let's blow this scene before he wakes up," Cherri says.
And with that, the three quickly bolt and are practically long gone before Pentious even has time to wake up.
At another part of the city, Razor searches for Blitz at his end. Razor sniffs around in search of Blitz.
"Come on, I've gotta pick up a scent," Razor says.
Razor continues to sniff around until he finds a scent, "It smells like Blitz is over here."
Razor follows the scent until he reaches the warehouse. The Hell Cat enters inside and uses his feline nose to pick up Blitz's scene. He searches around until he finds Blitz's hellphone.
"This is Blitz's phone," Razor says and picks up the phone. "This is bad. It would mean that something bad has happened to him. I gotta call Randall and let him know what I found."
And with that, Razor begins to dial Randall's phone to tell him about the situation, and is worried about what happened to Blitz.
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