Chapter 63: Exes And Oohs Part 3
The next day in the dining room, the shark fills Crimson's mug with coffee. Chaz goes to sit down with another filled mug of coffee, but Crimson signals him to sit at the other side of the table. Soon, Moxxie, Millie, and the others walk in.
"Hey hey the man of the hour you ready to get started?" Crimson says.
Millie looks around, "Wait, where's Randall?"
"And where's Drew?" Berry adds
"I think I saw them head outside. Randall said something about," Trying to mimic Randall's voice, "Needing some fresh air." Which fails before talking normally, "Or something."
"Why don't you grab them so we can get moving?" Crimson says.
"Be right back baby," Millie says and kisses Moxxie on his cheek.
She then leaves the room.
"I'll go with you," Berry says.
"Yeah. I'll see if Randall isn't causing any trouble," Razor adds.
"I'll go too," Sarge says.
And with that, Sarge, Blitz, Millie, Berry, and Razor, begin to leave the room, and the door closes behind them.
Outside of the dining room, Blitz has a bad feeling about what might happen.
Blitz says to the others, "Hey guys, you mind if I stay here and wait."
"Sure Blitz. It won't take too long," Millie says.
Sarge looks at Blitz to notice the concerned expression on his face. Of course, he, Millie, and the others walk outside and the door closes behind them. Once the others are gone, Blitz decides to slowly walk towards the door to the dining room and leans next to it, so he can listen to the conversation.
Inside the dining room, Moxxie then walks over to where his father and Chaz are at.
Noticing the expression on Moxxie's face, Crimson asks, "What ya looking so glum for kid, it's your wedding day, the best day of ya life."
Moxxie sits at his seat and says, "I'm not doing it."
"What was that?" Crimson questions, "I couldn't make it out over the sound of you being a whiny bitch."
Moxxie slams the table with both his hands and it's clear he has had it.
And angrily glares at Crimson, "I said I'm not doing it, sir. I've spent my whole life being afraid of you, but I'm not letting you take the one good thing I've ever had so you can keep your fragile sense of control over everything. Millie is a good woman, a better woman than I deserve, and there's nothing that scares me more than hurting her. Not even you. I'm leaving, Dad! And if you or Herpes the Clown over here—"
"Hey!" Chaz says, feeling offended.
"Try to stop me, you'll learn firsthand just how good I've gotten at my job," Moxxie says, staring face-to-face with his father now.
Just then, one of the goons comes from behind him and tasers him in the neck. Moxxie groans and falls forward unconscious, hitting his head on the table and falls to the floor.
Crimson says to his men, "Now take care of the others."
On the other side of the door, Blitz who has heard everything realizes that Moxxie is in trouble, more like he, Moxxie, and the others are in serious danger.
"I gotta warn the others," Blitz says in worry.
But as he turns around to hurry outside, Blitz bumps into something. He quickly looks up, but is grabbed by one of Crimson Shark minions and is slammed into the wall next to the door. Before the Shark demon can do anything, the demon gets his mouth covered by a hand and another hand sinks a knife into his neck, forcing him to drop Blitz.
When the demon drops dead, Blitz looks up to see, "Sarge!"
"You okay, Blitz?" Sarge asks.
"I'm fine. Thanks to you," Blitz.
Suddenly, they hear, "Well, looks like we got a couple of nosy Imps."
Blitz quickly turns to see Crimson and the shark demon, Alessio, who has Moxxie in his arms.
"Moxxie!" Blitz cries out in concern.
Sarge pulls Blitz behind him, "Blitz, lets run!"
And with that, Sarge drags Blitz up stairs.
Crimson shouts, "Get them!"
And with that, many of the Shark demons begin to chase after Sarge and Blitz who are running up stairs and to one of the rooms. Blitz quickly locks the door as Sarge uses the bed to barricade the door.
At the car park outside of Crimson's mansion, Millie, Berry, and Razor are looking for Drew and Randall.
"I don't see Randall anywhere," Razor
"Not even Drew," Berry says.
"Where are they?" Millie asks.
Suddenly, the three hear banging coming from Chaz's trunk, and Drew's voice, "Help! Somebody! We're trapped in here! Help!"
"Drew, is that you?" Berry asks in concern.
"Berry! Thank goodness! Randall and I are trapped in here!" Drew calls out from the trunk
Millie then uses her knife to open the trunk to see Drew and the dazed Randall.
Still a bit out of it, Randall says, "Oh, Millie, Berry, Razor, you found us. Who's your friend?"
"Friend?" Millie questions as four shark demons appear behind them.
Millie, Berry, and Razor sense trouble and turn to see the goons behind them. Berry stabs one with her knife. Razor then uses his claws to slashes the second goon's face. Allowing Berry and Razor to pull Randall and Drew out from the trunk. Then Millie kicks the third goon into the trunk and beheads him by slamming the trunk door shut.
Meanwhile, at the back garden, a makeshift wedding is set up. Crimson has Moxxie in a wedding dress with his hands bound behind his back with rope and his mouth gagged with duct tape. Chaz is standing in a suit with a priest standing between the,
"Is everyone here?" The priest asks.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't worry about it, let's get this thing rolling, ey?" Crimson answers.
Moxxie struggles, "Mmmph!"
"Awww, you told me all the chairs would be filled!" Chaz says, sounding disappointed.
Crimson sighs and presses a button which causes multiple dildos with smiley faces to pop out of all of the empty seats.
"Satisfied?" Crimson questions with a frown.
Chaz smiles, "Oh, fuck yes."
Back in the room, Sarge and Blitz are able to barricade the door, but the goons are trying to burst open the door.
"I don't think this barricade is going to hold them off for long," Blitz says.
"And we can't run from them forever," Sarge says.
Then turns to Blitz, "Now then, you can tell me what's going on? I have a feeling it's why Moxxie acted strangely."
"Crimson is trying to force Moxxie to marry Chaz," Blitz answers.
"What?" Sarge questions, arching his eyebrow.
"Moxxie told me what happened. The only real way that Chaz is going to be welcome to the family is if he marries in, and since Moxxie is an only child, Crimson wanted him to do it, even though he's married. And because Crimson has killed his mom because she crossed him, Moxxie was afraid to go against him. But since I heard Moxxie deciding to stand up to Crimson, his dad resorted to forcing him and going to get rid of us," Blitz explains.
"I knew he couldn't be trusted," Sarge says, "If I fully know the whole story, I wouldn't have come here with Moxxie and you all for that matter."
"It's not your fault Sarge. But for now, we need to save Moxxie before he's forced to marry Chaz, and before Crimon's goons dispose of us," Blitz says.
Then Sarge brings out his sword, "Not if we dispose of them first."
Back at the car park, Berry places Drew on the ground and he still seems out of it.
Berry asks in concern, "Drew are you okay? Are you and Randall alright?
"What happened guys?" Razor asks.
"Chaz locked us in the trunk of his car when we found out what he and Crimson are really up to," Drew answers, "This whole ceremony for Moxxie to leave the family was a lie!"
"What?!" The girls exclaim in shock.
"Drew is right. That seductive dick hole is trying to marry Moxxie and he's not even rich," Randall says, still dizzy.
In a panic, Millie rushes off, "Moxxie!"
Millie runs to the front door, but suddenly, metal shutters block off all the doors and exit the house, including the front gate to the estate.
"They're sealing us in!" Razor says.
"Wait, where are Blitz and Sarge?" Drew asks.
Berry realizes, "Oh no! They must... they must still be in there! They're both still in the house!"
Back at the wedding, the ceremony continues.
The priest announces, "Do you, Chazwick Thurman, take Moxxie Knowlastname to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Moxxie muffles behind the gag, "No! No! No! Let me go! Please let me go!"
"Oh, yeah," Chaz says.
The priest continues, "And do you, Moxxie, whatever, take Chazwick Thurman to be your lawfully wedded?"
Still muffling, Moxxie tries to cry out, "Millie! Millie!" and tries to pull away and make his escape.
But Crimson pulls him back and forces Moxxie to face the priest and forcibly nods his head, "Look at that! He's just so fucking happy to be here!"
Back inside the room, Sarge and Blitz watch as stuff is being knocked down as the goons are close to breaking the door down for the kill. Sarge has his sword out as Blitz is staying a short distance in the room.
"Sarge, are you sure you don't want me to help? I know I'm still learning, but I can help," Blitz asks, worried.
"I'm good. Besides, I'm about to unleash my rage, and believe me, one of the things I despise is being deceived," Sarge says, ready for the kill and has his guns at hand.
"Alright," Blitz says.
Sarge turns to Blitz, "Now stay here, and don't come out. This is about to get messy."
Blitz nods in reply.
Sarge waits at front as the door continues to be banged from the other side. Sarge glares at the door as the bed, the furniture, and stuff fall over, and the door is burst open. And with that, Sarge brings out his gun and fires it at the goon, killing him. Then Sarge dashes out as he sees the goons charging in with bats, knives, and guns. Some even have no weapons.
Sarge then begins to charge towards the goons of both Imps and Sharks. Sarge dodges and fires his gun in one hand and slashes his sword at the next. Some of the goons begin to swing their bats, beating him to the ground. However, Sarge continues to fight, some even kicking him, forcing him to the ground. Even knocks him down. And soon enough, Sarge has fallen flat on the ground. Blitz slowly opens the door and watches to see Sarge's fight against all the goons, and is on the ground.
The goons notice Sarge isn't moving, and one of the sharks reaches down to grab him. But then, Sarge grabs the shark demon by the wrist and throws him across the hall, knocking some of the goons down. Sarge brings out his sword and decapitates a few of the Shark demons. Some Imps charge and swing their bats, but Sarge uses his sword to deflect the attacks, and then use his guns to shoot them on the head. Sarge also punches and kicks some of the goons before going for the kill. He punches one on the face multiple times that his face bleeds and falls over. Sarge puts his sword back around his belt and performs strong fists fights against the demons. Sarge kicks one of the shark demons down, and then twists his arm hard so that it has the bone exposed. Then Sage grabs the demon by the leg and swings him down to the ground, and twists his leg to expose the bone and bleeds as well.
One Imps stabs him on the back, but it's not at a life threatening spot. Sarge then grabs the Imp and throws him to the ground before bringing out his gun, and shoots him. Sarge also brings out his sword and charges towards the last of the demons for the kill. Sarge dodge and slash, and slice the demons. He cuts them into pieces, and is able to use his gun to shoot them at the heads or the heart. Sarge moves and kills so hard and is hardcore about it. Blitz is shocked as Sarge continues to kill, he moves fast, punch, kick, slash, and fire fast and hard, and lastly, Sarge is very brutal with his kills.
Soon enough, Sarge manages to kill all the demons on the top floor, and all that is left are body parts and dead corpses.
Blitz opens the door and is very shocked to see the massacre.
"Wow... you really don't mess around when you want to," Blitz says, stunned.
"I certainly don't," Sarge says.
He then reaches his back and manages to pull the knife off his back.
Blitz walks to Sarge, "Are you alright?"
"I'm okay," Sarge says, and feels the sharp pain on his back.
"Let me look out the wound to check to see if it's deep," Blitz says, and decides to lift Sarge's shirt.
Blitz eyes wide open in shock to notice Sarge having multiple scars on his back, and most of them look like they're from years ago.
Sarge gently pulls his shirt away from Blitz's hand and places it down.
Sarge then turns to Blitz and calmly says, "I highly request that you keep what you've witnessed to yourself."
"Um okay," Blitz slowly answers with a nod.
Soon enough, Sarge and Blitz hurry down the stairs and past the corpse. They're lucky that they haven't run into any more goons, and lucky they haven't run to the goons when they reach the front door.
Sarge tries to open the front door, but can't seem to open it.
"The door's locked. We can't get out," Sarge says.
"How are we going to get out?" Blitz asks.
Razor, Berry, and Millie try to find they're way to get to the house and rescue Moxxie, but the door has been blocked.
"Everything is locked down. How are we gonna get in?" Millie asks, worried.
"And even if we can get in? We still got Crimson and his Mafia gang to deal with," Drew adds.
"But we gotta save Moxxie before he is forced to tie the knot with Chaz," Berry adds.
"Not to mention getting Blitz and Sarge out of that house," Drew adds.
Randall turns to Drew, "Drew, give me Chaz's keys."
"Uh sure," Drew says and takes out the keys.
"Follow me," Randall says.
He then opens the door and climbs in the driver seat. Millie then goes into the passenger seat while Razor, Berry, and Drew sit at the back seats. At the time, Randall puts the key in the ignition slot, turns on the radio playing the Loo Loo Land theme song. Randall then changes the radio station to 'Wrath #1 'F*ck You UP' Hits
"Buckle up, everyone... we're doing a Shrek!" Randall says with an evil grin on his face.
"A what?" Berry questions.
"Randall, what are you up to?" Razor questions.
(Ooh, oh-ooh, oh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, oh-ooh)
Then Randall drives the car back. And soon, Randall crashes the car through the wall to the wedding scene before Moxxie's forced marriage is official.
Randall steps out, still dazed, "I object!" and falls to the ground.
Drew, Berry, and Razor soon climb out of the car.
Millie does the same only she jumps over the car and slides down towards the wedding as she says, "You want my husband, you're going to have to fucking kill me!" with her eyes glowing yellow full of determination and anger.
Crimson groans and snaps his fingers, ordering his goons to kill Millie. The goons all stand up to face her and Millie lunges toward them.
Oh, I ain't a stranger to your thorns
Think I'm a damsel, now you get the horns
Lay low my dear, I'll get you outta here
I ain't a damsel, I'll make that clear
(She'll make that clear)
She begins slaughtering the goons with ease, tearing out the skull, jaw, and spinal column of different goons, and spits out the still-beating heart of another.
And soon finds herself cornered by more goons as she brings out her knife.
(Ooh) Just try to stop the reckoning that's comin'
Millie then begins fighting off four other goons with her knife.
(Oh-ooh) Lay down your head boy, can't you hear those beats a drummin'
(Oh-ooh) Be it as it may, by death do us part
Crimson angrily shouts, "What the FUCK? She's a dame!"
He soon spots a goon hanging from the altar in a noose made from another's intestines and throws him towards Millie, "She's a BROAD! Kill her!"
(Oh-ooh) Think fast cause momma's gonna tear out your heart
Seeing the goon Crimson just throws at Millie gets chopped into bits of sushi before another goon thrown by her lands on top of him. Millie continues with her rampage and impales several goons on the dildos.
(Momma's gonna tear out your heart) (Oh, oh-yeah-yeah)
(Momma's gonna tear out your heart) (Oh)
(Soon you'll have no heart) (Oh-ooh)
"You frigging goons! What the fuck is the matter with you? Why do I pay you!? Get her! You stupid idiots!" Crimson shouts.
Millie continues as she kicks a dildo into a goon's gun, blocking the barrel and causing it to explode.
(Ooh) Giddy up, little bitch boy, you're dead
After impaling another goon, she gets knocked with a chair and goes flying into the cracked windshield of Chaz's car.
(Oh-ooh) Giddy up, little bitch boy, you're dead
Randall yells and takes a poor swing at hitting the goon, but misses because he's still a bit out of it from the serum. Luckily, Millie recovers and throws a gas can into the shark demon's mouth
(Oh-ooh) You tried to take him like you didn't know
Razor decides to help but slashes the large Shark demon in the stomach as Drew drops and kicks other goons.
(Oh-ooh) He was mine, and taken, now reap what you sow
Berry then stabs a few more goons with her gun. Millie then takes one of the goon's pistols, and detonates the goon holding the gas can.
The priest closes the book and quickly leaves, flipping off everyone still alive.
(Giddy up) (Giddy up) (Giddy up) (Ooh)
(Reap what you sow) (Reap what you sow) (Oh-ooh)
One of the few surviving goons gets elbow dropped in the skull by Millie, killing the goon who was placed inside the former's jaws. Then Millie ties the goon up behind Chaz's car, and gets inside the car herself and presses the gas pedal.
(Oh-ooh) You tried to take him, like you didn't know
(Oh-ooh) He was mine, and taken, now reap what you sow
And with a kick from Randall, Millie drives the car as the goon gets dragged through the venue and soon charges towards the altar. She soon comes to a halt, crushing the goon's skull.
As Millie leaves the car and angrily approaches the altar, a goon tries to sucker punch her, but Millie knocks him out. Millie then approaches them with pure anger in her eyes without a single word. She then grabs Moxxie and hoists him over her shoulder and Crimson begrudgingly allows her to take him.
"Hey! What about my wedd—?!" Chaz calls out before Millie shoves a dildo down his throat.
"This ass is MINE!" Millie says, making it very clear as she slaps Moxxie's rear, causing him to blush.
Randall calls out, "By the way, y'all should probably know, Chaz isn't even rich, okay?" and continues as Millie picks him up,"Check his car, he just played you like a fucking rube. Later, losers!" And Randall quickly sticks his two middle fingers at Crimson.
Razor, Drew, and Berry follow after them as Randall throws Chaz's keys to the ground.
The group soon reaches the parking lot.
"Now that we don't need to deal with that shit, how the fuck are we going to get out of here," Randall asks.
Millie unties Moxxie from his restraint and removes the gag. The two then hug and snuggle with each other.
"But Sarge and Blitz are still in that house," Drew says, frustrated, "How are we supposed to get them out?"
Razor soon notices, "That's how."
The group looks to see the helicopter used to bring them here.
"That helicopter has a grappling hook and it looks tough enough to break through steel," Razor says.
"Right. We can use it to pull it down," Berry says.
"I'll get the helicopter started," Razor says and rushes to the helicopter.
Once on the driver seat, Razor says, "Alright everyone, hope in."
With that, everyone begins hopping into the helicopter.
But Millie says, "Hold on, let' me do something really quick." Millie then rushes to what seems to be like a banner.
She brings out a paint brush covered in red blood and scribbles on it. Then ties the banner to the helicopter.
Millie hops in, "Ready."
And with that, Razor starts up the helicopter and it begins to take flight.
In the house, Sarge and Blitz hear the noise coming from outside.
"What's going on?" Blitz asks.
Sarge leans towards the helicopter and realizes, "Blitz, move."
And with that, Blitz and Sarge quickly move out of the way.
Outside, Razor fires the harpoon and the grappling hook pierce through the steel door and the front door. Razor presses the button, pulling the hook back, and pulls the steel door and the front door off the building, and drops to the ground. And they see Sarge and Blitz inside the house.
Millie opens the hatch and calls out, "Hurry guys, we're getting out of this joint."
Sarge turns to Blitz, "Well, you heard the lady."
Blitz nods his head in reply.
With that, Blitz and Sarge jump inside the helicopter and Millie closes the hatch. And with that, Razor flies the flying vehicle away from Crimson's mansion and back to the Pride Ring. As he flies away, there is a banner that reads, 'WE'RE Married BITCH' over the original words "Just Got Married" using blood and extra fabric. And with that, the I.M.P Crew are able to escape from the estate and head back to the Pride Ring.
Meanwhile, Crimson slowly turns to Chaz as the shark demon pulls the dildo out of his mouth.
Noticing Crimson glaring at him, Chaz nervously chuckles, "Ehh heh heh heh."
Sometime later, the I.M.P arrived back at HQ with the helicopter. Razor then lands the helicopter on the ground of the parking lot and everyone walks out.
Moxxie hugs Millie and says, "Millie, thank you for saving me. You're amazing."
"Next time, just tell me if your dad is a psychopath - I can handle it," Millie says.
"Well, I'm glad everything ended up okay. Good to know we both officially have daddy issues, Mox," Randall says and ruffles Moxxie's head.
"And you sure are something else. I've gotta give you props. You did what you had to do to get your man," Berry says and gives Millie a high five.
"Thanks. Mama plays hard when it comes to my man," Millie says and kisses Moxxie on the cheek.
Blitz turns to Moxxie and asks, "I can probably suspect what might happen to Chaz, but what do you think is going to happen now that Randall has told the truth to you dad."
"Well, let's just say when it comes to my dad, he's going to make sure Chaz will be sleeping with the fishes when he's done. One of the things that dad hates is those who try to deceive him," Moxxie says.
"Now I feel bad that we left Chaz behind to face your dad's wrath," Blitz says, feeling guilty.
"Well he actually deserves it. I think Millie would have finished the job if she had a chance," Berry says.
"I should have done that," Millie says, frustrated. "Same with Moxxie's pa." and soon growls in anger.
Sarge chuckles, "Come on, let's head to the office and order some breakfast."
"Yeah. I'm guessing I'm hungry," Razor says.
Blitz turns to Drew, "Hey Drew, sorry you had to have sex with Chaz. I know you decided to do it to get him to leave me alone."
"Don't be. I was thinking of seducing that shark to find some dirt on him anyway, and it helped us discover the truth about him," Drew says.
Randall snickers, "I still can't believe you plowed your sister's ex-boyfriend."
"Not one of my proudest moments," Drew says, rather embarrassed.
"It's cool bro," Berry says.
"You really took one for the team," Razor says.
Then turns to Randall, "Same with you Randall."
"I kind of have to. I mean, no one messes with our pals' marriage, but me. Just to mess with them," Randall says.
Moxxie rolls his eyes, "I don't know how I should feel about that."
"The most important thing is that we managed to get out of here. However," Sarge says, and turns to Moxxie, "I have a feeling this won't be the last time we see your dad."
"Yes sir, I have to agree on that," Moxxie says with a nod.
Back at Crimson's estate, Crimson goes into the dining room where his trophy wall is located and places the torn-out jaw of Chaz, implying that he ordered the latter's death for deceiving him. Crimson then growls and throws a dagger at his family portrait, the knife landing squarely on Moxxie's forehead. Meaning that he wants revenge.
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