Chapter 59: Avery Designer

One afternoon, outside the building of I.M.P, it seems like an everyday thing going on in Hell. Just then, a truck comes to a stop at the parking lot in front of the building. Then a demon steps out of the can and looks at the building with interest.

"So this is where the I.M.P HQ is. I can't wait to see my darling cousins again. Of course, I mustn't forget my secret assignment," The demon says and walks inside the building.

Meanwhile, in the I.M.P office, Loona, Blitz, and Mimmy are alone in the office. Mainly because Sarge and the others are on an important assignment, and Sarge thinks it's wise for him to accompany them this time. Loona is doing things on her computer while Blitz checks some of the paper work for Sarge.

Blitz looks at Loona, "So Loona, how are things going?"

"I'm doing fine. Just doing stuff on the computer, and seeing if any good videos are online," Loona says.

"That sounds nice," Blitz says.

Mimmy sighs and lets out a yawn, "I'm a little sleepy daddy."

"Why not take a nap," Loona replies.

Suddenly they hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," Blitz calls out.

Soon, the door opens and a demon enters the room. The demon looks like a succubus, judging by the feminine appearance. The demon also has reddish pink eyes with yellow sclera, and appears to have exaggerated eyeliner. Along with black wings and fully black horns, with pointed ears. The tail's end is the shape of a spade and has a black tip at the end. What's more, the demon looks like he's a little taller than Drew and Berry. The demon in question also has long and elegant spread white hair with some curls on the bottom.

The demon is wearing an elegant knee high dark purple color dress, and wears a black choker with an upside cross on it around the neck. The legs are fishnet tights, and wears black knee high boots. The demon is also wearing silver hoop earrings, and a silver chain necklace with a red gem crystal heart on it. The demon appears to be wearing black lipsticks, and a bit of black eyeshadow. The demon is also wearing a black leather jacket with studs on the collar.

"Oh hello, what can I do for you ma'am?" Blitz asks.

The demon chuckles, "I suspected as much. I'm pretty glad that I can still fool those at first glance about my sex."

"Fool...?" Blitz says, confused, but his mind clicks into realization, "Um are you perhaps a... a man..."

"You are correct," The Succubus, in actuality, Incubus says, "Mind if I ask for your name?"

"Of course. I'm Blitz, this is my daughter Mimmy, and the one at the computer is my boss's daughter, Loona," Blitz says.

"Hey," Loona replies.

"Hello," Mimmy happily says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," The demon says.

"Is there anything I can help you with today?" Blitz asks.

"Indeed. I'm actually here to visit my darling cousins. Are they here?" The demon answers.

"Cousins?" Blitz says, confused.

Right on cue, Loona receives a message and she glances on her phone. She soon opens the grimoire and uses the spell in it to open the portal from the living room. Soon, everyone walks into the office, soak, wet, and it looks like they're covered in moss, tree branches, leaves, and mud. Even Sarge is covered in the mess.

"Woah, what happened to you guys?" Loona asks.

Razor wrings his tail, "We have to kill a bunch of crazy bayou locos and end up getting soak, wet, and covered in mud."

"Not to mention ended up having to deal with a bunch of frogs," Randall says.

Berry also wrings the water from her hair, "I'm just glad to get out of that mess and be able to get a shower."

Suddenly, the Incubus laughs, "Well well, it looks like I've caught you in a bad time. You two look like a couple of mud pies." Everyone turns to see the demon in question, "Hello Strawberry. Andrew. It's a pleasure to see you again." and winks.

Berry and Drew become shocked, "Avery?!"

"Wha-what are you doing here?!" Drew asks, shocked and confused.

"I thought you were back in Lust?" Berry asks, just as shocked.

The demon, Avery shrugs his shoulders, "What? Can't I visit my dear cousins on this Hellish day."

"Really? He's your cousin?" Blitz asks.

Drew sighs, "Yeah, but don't let his looks fool you."

"Avery is eccentric, but he is still our cousin and a man all the same," Berry says.

"That's right. And I have to assume these are your employees," Avery says.

He then points to each demon, "Your boss Sarge, the receptionist and I've already the boss' daughter, Loona. And your fellow employees. Moxxie, his wife, Millie, Razor, Randall..." Then turns to Blitz, "And of course, Blitz and his cute adorable daughter, Mimmy."

"Hello," Mimmy says.

"It's nice to meet you, Avery," Blitz says.

"So it's true. You're the sweet little Imp my dear cousins have told me about," Avery says and leans to Blitz, "Aren't you a sweet little thing. Are these assassins treating you nicely?"

"Um yes. They're treating me well. I do work at the company, but I'm no assassin," Blitz says.

"Indeed," Avery says, giving him a lustful smile.

Drew then places his hand on Avery's head, "Avery, you better not do anything stupid."

"Don't worry, I won't. I may have my own lustful thoughts, but even I have my limits. Besides, it's mainly a friendly visit to see my cousins, and their little friends," Avery says.

"That's true. We're just surprised to see you again. It's been a while," Drew says.

"Yes. Since the last family reunion," Avery says.

Confused, Berry asks, "Avery, is it really alright for you to leave your shop? I mean, you are the owner."

"Really?" Moxxie questions.

"So your cousin runs his own business?" Millie asks.

"That's right," Drew says, and turns to Avery, "So who's running the shop while you're here?"

"My assistant. I think you've met her," Avery says.

"Oh yeah. You mean Peach," Berry replies.

"That's right. She's taking care of the shop while I visit you guys," Avery says.

Then Razor asks, "So what kind of shop do you run away from?"

"It's a boutique," Avery says.

"A boutique?" Loona questions, arching an eyebrow.

"That's right," Avery says.

He then explains, "Some people come by to buy some fabric, thread, and supplies for people to make clothes and costumes, or even some hand craft supplies. Of course, there are those who like to have specially made clothes and outfits for maids, nurses, kimonos, and other types of clothes. I also make outfits and uniforms for nightclubs, hostclubs, strip clubs, you name it. Of course, it's a lustful way for my customers to live in their fantasies."

"So you made uniforms? And uh, Fantasies?" Blitz questions, confused.

Drew sighs, "It's kind of in a way a form of Lust or even Porn."

Blitz blushes a bit, "Oh..."

"Ugh, so he's into that kind of stuff?" Razor says, slightly annoyed.

"Oh there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, perhaps in the future, I could invite you all to see my boutique. I'm sure you'll look good in the kind of outfit I mean," Avery says.

He then runs his finger up Blitz's right horn, "Perhaps I could treat you to some of my outfits. Maybe something innocent, or perhaps a little revealing." That makes Blitz blush even more.

"Absolutely not!" Drew angrily says.

Berry is just as angry, "Fuck no!"

"Don't worry, you know that I have the uncontrollable urge to dress up something or someone with a pretty face. I've even dressed you two into my lovely clothes as well," Avery says.

"Well you did have a point," Drew says.

"Yeah. I even hear that you sometimes go to the living world for some inspiration, or even to the other Rings," Berry says.

"That's right," Avery says.

"I think in your case we could try something innocent, but also bring out some masculinity. Maybe even something to help bring out the side you had during your circus days," Avery says eagerly as he leans towards Blitz. "What do you think?"

"Uh, I'm not sure," Blitz says, uneasy.

Drew and Berry grow irritated.

"Avery, you're being rude, stop teasing him," Drew says, annoyed.

"Oh, you know I like to tease my customers at times. And Verosika tells me that he acts adorable when he gets flustered," Avery says.

Berry groans, "So Verosika told you about Blitz too, didn't she?"

"Only a bit. She and I sort of bump into each other at a bar and she told me about this cute Imp who gets flustered pretty easily who is working at the same company as you two. She certainly does," Avery says.

"Why am I not surprised," Drew says, rolling his eyes.

Then Avery turns his head, "On the other hand." Then points towards Moxxie and Millie, "You two."

"You mean us?" Millie questions.

"Why?" Moxxie asks.

"Well, I think you two look very nice, and I wonder if I should make you both separate outfits or perhaps a pairing. Looking at you two, I have some interesting ideas," Avery says.

"Oh, we don't need any new outfits," Moxxie says.

"I think we're good," Millie says.

"I insist. Besides, consider you two and Blitz getting some special outfits that will help serve my business," Avery says.

"What are they mannequins?" Loona questions, annoyed.

"Well, I was thinking of helping prompt Imp and Hellhounds to try my new outfits. Of course, so many Succubus and Incubus have always bought my work and my materials, but I like to have a few Imps and Hellhounds to model and work my skills on," Avery says.

He then turns to Loona, "In fact, you're quite a catch yourself. Do you have a special someone in your life yet?"

"Uh no," Loona answers, a little embarrassed.

"Well then, how would you like to model some of the clothes I've sketched? Maybe having a lovely outfit can help you snatch a hound," Avery says.

Loona steps back, blushing and looking dumbfounded, "Uh..."

"Avery, can you please not get too weird on them again. You remember the last time you tried to get someone to model your clothes, One of them almost punched them in the face," Berry says.

Avery turns to Berry, "Okay, so I can get a little carried away, but I just want to show everyone my creations, and hoping to help with my business. As I also said, I have this uncontrollable urge to dress up any pretty demon I see, and also to try my inspiration to work on them."

Then turns to the four, "So Moxxie, Millie, Blitzo, and Loona, how would you all like to model in one of my lovely designs. I already have a few of my brilliant designs made in different sizes so you are welcome to try them on if you want. I'll make it worth your wild."

The four soon look at each other with skeptic expressions on their faces.

"Well, I guess we could give it a try," Blitz says.

Millie smiles, "Yeah. It might be fun."

"I guess it couldn't hurt," Moxxie says.

Loona sighs, "If the others are doing it then I'm doing it too. But just one outfit, and that's it."

"But of course," Avery says.

He then hurries out of the office, "I'll be right back. Don't go away now."

And soon, Avery leaves the office to get the clothes from his truck.

"Well, that has to be the most flamboyant Incubus I've ever met," Randall replies.

Drew sighs and says, "Sorry about this guys, but that's just the way our cousin is. He can be rather flamboyant, and kind of self-centered."

"He helped our mother take care of us with his parents when we're kids, and we love hanging out with him. And yet, he can be a bit much for us at times," Berry says.

"He sure acts flamboyant. Then again I'm guessing that probably one of the things that goes by with being a clothing store owner who always dresses in female clothing." Razor says.

"True, but there are times when he wears men's clothing, but is mainly comfortable wearing dresses, skirts, high heels, makeup and jewelry," Drew says.

"And he is good at what he does. Even Drew and I help Avery with the measurements from time to time, but that's mainly when he's getting his career started," Berry says.

"Sounds like you helped your cousin a lot," Blitz says.

"We did, and we did like modeling for Avery, but we had our own agenda," Berry says, "Of course, Drew and I had jobs in the Lust Ring before we moved to Pride and started working at the company, but that's another story."

"Sounds interesting," Blitz replies.

Moxxie sighs and says, "I just hope the clothes that your cousin recommended isn't going to be anything too revealing."

"Well, for all we know, the outfit he might have thought of might be sexy," Millie says with a smirk.

"Millie!" Moxxie cries out in surprise.

"Well this is Drew and Berry's cousin, who is an incubus. And he works in the Lust Ring. Surely the clothes he has made would be pretty sexy, flamboyant, and revealing," Millie says.

"I suppose that's true, but he also makes other clothes too," Berry says.

"Yeah. I'm sure whatever Avery chooses for you guys is not going to be anything too sexy or revealing," Drew says.

And right on cue, Avery comes walking in the office with multiple bags full of clothes and accessories, along with boxes full of shoes and other items.

"Hello my cousins and their comrades, I have returned with the items," Avery says, making an entrance.

"Talk about wanting to make an entrance," Randall says, rolling his eyes.

Avery turns to Sarge and asks, "Sarge, you don't mind if I use your meeting room as a fitting room."

"Of course, but make sure the windshields are down and covered so no one can see," Sarge says.

"Of course," Aver says, and walks into the meeting room.

Avery then places the bags and boxes on the table. He then pulls down the curtains and closes the shades so the view outside can't be seen. Then Avery turns on the lights and moves the seats away from the table and moves the table a little further close to the window.

"There we go, the fitting room is set," Avery says.

He then walks out of the meeting room and says, "Okay then, we're all ready for an outfit change. Now then, who wants to go first," Avery says.

He looks around and looks at Loona, "How about you, Loona, right?"

"Why me?" Loona questions.

"Don't worry, it will be quick, and I have the nicest outfit just for you," Avery says.

Loona sighs, "Fine."

Loona then walks inside the meeting room. Then Avery closes the door and locks it.

"Now then, to give a good look over you," Avery says, and looks around Loona.

He then looks at Avery's face and checks her claw size and foot size. Avery also observes Loona's tail as well.

"I think I know just the outfit for you," Avery says, "Don't worry, it won't be anything so revealing or anything."

"Okay," Loona says.

Avery looks around and soon finds the right outfit with accessories, and other essentials.

Avery then walks to Loona and says, "Here you go Loona. I know you're going to love this outfit."

"Uh, you're not going to watch me change, are you?" Loona questions.

"Of course not, you silly puppy. I'll be just outside of the office while you change. You just let me know when you're done," Avery says and walks out of the room, and closes the door.

Loona sighs and grumbles that she doesn't like being called a silly puppy.

Outside, Avery is waiting outside with the others as they do their own thing, and some are curious to what Avery has Loona wearing.

A few minutes later, Loona calls out, "Okay, I'm done. Can I come out?"

"Of course, Loona dear," Avery says.

Loona soon comes out wearing a lovely dark crimson red dress with a ruby red lining of an upside down pentagram on the lower right side of the dress. There are elbow length sleeves and the sleeves are lower around the shoulders. She is wearing a black choker with silver spikes on it, black fingerless wrist length gloves, and long black toeless stockings around thigh high. She is also wearing upside down cross earrings.

"Wow Loona, you look great," Berry says.

"I guess. It actually is a nice outfit. I thought it was going to be too crazy," Loona says.

"Think nothing of the sort. I always try my best to meet with my customer's request and make sure it's personalized," Avery says.

Then turns to Sarge, "So Sarge, what do you think of your daughter? Doesn't she look beautiful as a young woman?"

"Yes. She is. Although, I'm not that much into fashion, but you look beautiful," Sarge says.

Loona blushes, "Thanks Dad."

The group then chuckles, Loona then brushes her hair and simply shrugs.

"Alright then. Now that Loona is done. I think it's time for Moxxie and Millie's turn. I'm thinking of making you two a pair," Avery says.

"Okay," Millie says.

And takes Moxxie's hand, "Come on Moxxie."

And with that, Moxxie and Millie follow Avery into the meeting room.

Blitz turns to Loona and says, "I have to admit, you look very nice in that dress."

"Yeah. Once again, Avery does it again," Berry says.

"I can tell. Avery is doing a great job with that dress," Drew says.

"Thanks. I have to admit, Avery really did a good job picking this dress," Loona says, looking at her dress.

"Yeah. You look like you're ready to party," Randall says.

"You do look good," Razor says.

"I wonder what kind of outfit would Moxxie and Millie be wearing?" Drew wonders.

"Well he's going to make them a pair, I can suspect something that would help make them a pair," Berry says as he sees Avery walk out of the room.

"Sorry it took a little bit, but Moxxie had a bit of trouble getting his outfit on," Avery says.

Then turns to the door, "Come on out."

And with that, Millie and Moxxie both come out, and both are wearing western like attire. Milie is wearing a red short sleeve knot front crop top, black ripped shorts with a red belt, and black boots, along with a black cowgirl hat with her horns sticking out. She is also holding a rope tied into a lasso.

Moxxie is wearing a white cowboy hat with his horns sticking out. He is also wearing a beige jacket, along with a red button up shirt, dark blue jeans with a brown belt with a silver buckle, and a black bandana around his neck. He is also holding a guitar.

"Wow. You both sure made quite the pair," Berry says.

"Yeah. You both look really good," Drew says.

Randall chuckles, "Definitely Wrath Ring locals in that outfit."

"Thanks. Avery can really tell the kind of clothes that suit us," Millie says.

"I have to admit, I actually look good in it," Moxxie says.

Randall chuckles, "You look almost like Striker in that outfit, Mox."

Moxxie frowns in response.

"Don't worry babe, I think you look quite handsome," Millie says.

Moxxie smiles, "Thanks Millie."

"You're welcome," Millie says, and gives Moxxie a kiss on the cheek.

Moxxie does the same with Millie.

Berry giggles and says, "Okay, enough with the kissing."

"She's right, after all, "Avery says and takes Blitz's wrist, "We still have the last cute model to dress." Then begins to take Blitz towards the meeting room, "Don't worry Blitz, I have just the outfit for you."

And with that, Avery pulls Blitz into the meeting room and closes the door.

Millie turns to Moxxie, "So I wonder what Avery is going to have Blitz wear?"

"Not sure, but he mentioned about him wearing something innocent, so hopefully it will be either simple, or something that will make Blitz look cute," Drew says.

In the meeting room, Avery looks at Blitz very very carefully.

Soon, Avery asks, "So Blitz, I've heard that you have a I don't know, a special Mr. Right."

"You mean Stolas?" Blitz asks.

"That's right," Avery says, "I heard from Veorsika that she saw you at Ozzie's with him. I have to admit, it's quite a surprise that an Imp such as yourself is able to snag a prince like Stolas. Considering that usually Goetias and Imps don't get along, unless it's employment wise."

"I guess it makes sense. I was told by a few, but I get along with Stolas fine. We even started dating, and Stolas allowed me to move into his home," Blitz says.

Then says, "But either way, Stolas is a great guy, he's smart, kind, the others seem to like him, so it's also a good sign. He's also pretty powerful when he needs to, even though he acts goofy, he's a pretty cool guy. Even though he's a prince, I'm really happy to date him because of the kind of demon he is, not his status or all that."

Avery gives him a smile as he walks towards the table, "And I guess Prince Stolas saw something special in you too."

"I guess so," Blitz says.

"Well then, I say it's time we get into your outfit. I got one that looks so great that your prince will fall in love with you all over again," Avery says.

Blitz blushes in response, "You really think so?"

"Don't worry, this outfit is going to look great on you and any demon would be swayed by you that they can't get enough of you," Avery says.

He then says, "And to be honest, there is another reason why I'm here."

"Why's that?" Blitz asks.

Avery leans to Blitz and whispers, "Oh nothing too serious, but I had a special request to give you a special outfit for your meeting at Ozzie's by the Big Man himself."

Blitz becomes stunned as he tries to remain calm, "Wha... how did you...? And did you just say...?"

"That's right. Ozzie came by my store and asked for a special outfit for you. Now that I have a good look at you, I know the perfect outfit just for you. Of course, I couldn't resist. And I was planning on visiting my cousins in the Pride Ring anyway, I say it was perfect timing," Avery says.

"Uh... wait... he wants me to wear a different outfit... I'm fine wearing my own clothes," Blitz says, embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I know the perfect outfit to fit with that sweet innocent face of yours," Avery says.

He then says, "But first, let's get you to your new outfit. I'm sure with this outfit, not even Stolas can resist you." and begins to bring the outfits for Blitz to try out.

Meanwhile, out in the lobby, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona continue to look at their outfits.

"I actually look mighty fine in this. I don't wear hats as much, but I kind of like it," Millie says.

"Yeah. Your cousin is really good. Are you sure he doesn't just do demon's fantasies?" Loona replies.

"That's what he does for his business, but he likes making other clothes. In fact, the clothes that he's wearing are what he made himself," Drew says.

"Huh. I wonder if he can make me some new gloves," Razor says.

Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Millie says and walks towards the door, and opens it to see Stolas on the other side.

"Hey Stolas, didn't expect you to come today," Millie says.

"I thought I stop by and see how you all are doing," Stolas says.

And notices the outfit Millie has, "That's a nice outfit, is this a new look?"

"You could say that," Millie says, "Drew and Berry's cousin decide to drop by today and give some of us new outfits. And right now, he's helping Blitz fit in the outfit he has in mind."

"New outfits?" Stolas questions.

"Yeah. Our cousin is a boutique owner, and he makes clothes and sells materials for them. He's in the meeting room fitting Blitz in one of the clothes he made," Drew says.

"And I have to wonder what kind Avery has in mind for him," Berry says.

Drew then narrows his eyes," Let's hope it's not something we're going to regret."

"They sure are talking a while for one outfit," Berry says.

"He probably wants to make sure it fits him," Drew says.

"I guess," Berry says.

Just then, Avery walks out of the meeting room, "Hello everyone, I'm happy to let you know that Blitz is officially ready." And soon notice Stolas, "Oh, the Prince is here to see his beloved Imp, talk about perfect timing."

"Beg pardon?" Stolas questions.

"You're all happy to know that Blitz is ready to be presented for all of you to see," Avery says.

He then turns to the door and says, "Come on out, Blitz. Don't be shy now. Let everyone see how good you look."

And with that, Blitz steps out for everyone to see, and everyone is surprised by the choice Avery has chosen for Blitz. In fact, it even causes Stolas to blush a bit.

Blitz is wearing a dark red gothic aristocrat military jacket with linings, and tail back. A double line of golden button front, black laces decorated along with black epaulets with tassles on both sides. A white shirt underneath with small trimming cuffs, and W shaped bottom, a black breeches, and wears a white double layered fabric at front. And he is wearing black boots.

Blitz blushes a bit and asks, "So um, how do I look?"

Before Stolas can say anything, Avery says, "Excellent Blitz, you look stunning. Almost like a royal duke or even a baron. I think you'll also look great if you have a crown, or perhaps a tea set and a book, or maybe even a scepter. You are very lovely that it would be perfect, and very innocent."

The others are still surprised to see how Blitz looks.

"Come on everyone, I'm sure you all have a lot to say and compliments, especially you Stolas. Of course, Blitz looks so stunning that you're all pretty much tongue tied," Avery adds.

He then has the lustful look in his eyes, "Then I guess it would be up to me."

Avery then wraps his arm around Blitz's waist and holds his chin in his other hand, "Of course, I won't be using words on this little Baron."

Just then, Drew and Berry smack Avery on the head as they shout, "You will not!"

Avery laughs, but has a bruise on his head, "Oh dear, looks like I made my cousins mad again." and continues to laugh.

Drew sighs, "This guy is too much sometimes."

"Yeah. He can be a real handful," Berry says.

Moments soon after, Blitz sits on the couch and Stolas sits next to him.

"Um, I didn't expect to see you here today," Blitz says.

"I thought I'd drop by to say hello. I didn't expect for you to be part of a fashion show," Stolas says.

"Yeah. I didn't expect it either," Blitz says.

Stolas then smiles, "But I'm actually glad when I did. I get to see you in that really nice attire. You look a lot like a nobleman in it."

"Um thanks, but I'm not sure if I look like one," Blitz says, embarrassed.

Stolas then takes Blitz's hand and says, "And I think you look very beautiful in it."

"Thank you," Blitz says, blushing and covering his face in embarrassment.

Stolas chuckles as he hoots, "You don't need to be embarrassed about it."

Soon, Stolas gently removes Blitz's hand from his face, allowing the Imp see Stolas smile. Blitz can't help but smile back. The others simply watch as the two are in another time of romance.

Avery then brings out his phone and says, "Now that you all are done. How would you like me to take your pictures and post it on my Sinstegram. I'm sure my business will be booming, and you all will have many admirers coming towards your door to ask to live their fantasies and..."

Avery continues to talk over everyone, looking at him dumbfounded and confused.

Berry sighs, "Here he goes again. I hope he doesn't overdo it."

"Yeah. Every time he talks like that always brings out his inner fantasies," Drew says.

And throughout the rest of the afternoon, Avery continues to talk as everyone practically decides to ignore him to his thoughts. From the looks of it, it will probably be like an hour or so before he's done explaining his line of work.

Sometime later, Avery is already set to head back home.

"Well my dear cousins and friends. I'm glad I'm able to meet you all, but now it's time for me to head back home to the Lust Ring," Avery says.

"Okay then. Now it's going to be our turn to visit you," Drew says.

"We'll see you around, Avery," Berry says.

Everyone says their goodbyes to Avery as he drives his truck out of the parking lot and down the road back to the Lust Ring.

"You know, your cousin turns out to be alright," Randall says.

"Hey Blitz, why did Avery give you that bag?" Berry asks.

"Well while in the room Avery decided to try on some new outfits and decided to give me a few. He said I can wear them at parties and such," Blitz says.

"That's nice of him. Can't wait for you to try them," Millie says.

"Yeah. Maybe you can wear some of them on your next date. And maybe wear that royal attire if Stolas invites you to a royal ball or something," Randall says.

Blitz blushes to hear it, "Randall."

"He's got you there, Blitz," Drew says.

"I wouldn't mind seeing you in that outfit. You look quite handsome," Stolas says.

Blitz blushes, "Uh yeah. Thank you."

Sometime later, still on the road back to Lust, Avery is on a phone call, "Yes Vee, I've picked out a great outfit for Blitz. Of course, I had to make sure it fit his sweet face and personality, and to go with that choker of his.

"Good. I knew I could count on you for it. It will also help to spot him," Verosika says.

She then says, "After all, Vortex and I going to pick him up personally. Of course, Vortex will send him the location for us to meet to take him to Lust."

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