Chapter 58: Northern Lights and Meteor Aurora Part 2
Back in the I.M.P Office...
Stolas is practically in a panic after the others explain what has happened, "How could this happen?! Do you just let anyone waltz into your office and grab infinitely powerful artifacts?!" Then clutches his hat looking very worried, "Why would they do this? How are we supposed to find them? Where would they go?"
Randall whispers to the others, "I think Stolas is about to break if this keeps up."
Berry nudges Randall in the stomach with her elbow and whispers, "Careful of what you say, he might hear you."
"Now Stolas, there's no reason to lose your head over it. I'm sure we'll find them," Sarge says, calmly.
"But where did they go?" Drew asks.
"Blitz, Mimmy, and Octavia could be anywhere by now!" Millie says.
"And they could be in danger," Stolas says, growing worried.
"I wouldn't go that far. Octavia is with your boyfriend and his kid, and he knows the living world better than anyone. I doubt that Blitz would take Octavia and Mimmy somewhere where it might be dangerous," Randall says.
"Guys, aren't you forgetting something?" Loona replies.
"What's that?" Berry asks, confused.
"Uh, have you forgotten what today is?" Loona questions.
"Today?" Moxxie questions.
"What's today?" Randall questions.
Just then, Millie snaps her fingers in realization, "That's right! Today Blitz is going to the living world with Mimmy to spend time with his cousins. He won't be back until tomorrow."
"Oh yeah," Randall replies, and soon asks, "What was he doing again?"
"He said that there's going to be the Northern Lights and Meteor Shower tonight and he and his cousins are going to go there to watch the event. It's almost like a tradition for them, and he likes to take Mimmy there to see it as well." Drew says.
"But why would Blitz take Octavia with him? Mimmy, I can understand. Octavia, is what I don't understand," Razor questions. "Well, not without a good reason."
Millie turns to Stolas, "Hey Stolas, did Blitz tell you anything about this?"
"Well, I think it kind of slipped my mind that he's going to visit his cousins and take Mimmy with him, but he never mentioned Octavia going with him," Stolas answers.
"Yeah. Blitz was supposed to go there alone," Moxxie says.
Berry then asks, "Did Blitz talk to you or send you a message about it?"
"Um, I haven't checked my phone today, and I didn't notice Blitz came by," Stolas says. "I was busy talking to Stella. To be honest, I was having a rough morning with her, and by the time I was done, I got a call from Randall about what happened and rushed here, and uh, damaged the door."
"It's okay. We're used to it," Sarge replies, though he is still displeased to see the office is always getting wrecked everytime someone barges in.
Stolas then brings out his phone and looks at the screen, "Oh, it appears Blitz has sent me a message."
"What does it say?" Drew asks.
"Hmm. According to the message, Blitz is letting Octavia tag along with him and Mimmy to see his cousins to see the Northern Lights and Meteor Shower. He also mentioned the reason why was because I wasn't able to see the stars tonight with Octavia," Stolas says, reading his text.
"The stars?" Moxxie says, confused.
"What stars was he talking about?" Millie asks, scratches her head.
"The stars...?" Stolas replies, and tries to think. But soon gasps in realization and shock, "Azathoth's tears! Oh, no. Via was trying to tell me this morning, and I forgot because of my argument with Stella. We were supposed to see it tonight, and I forgot all about it."
"Calm down Stolas, I'm sure you didn't mean it. However, right now we need to find Blitz and the girls," Sarge says.
Then turns to the others, "Remind me. Where did Blitz say he's going to be ?"
"I think it was Auraville in Vermont. He's going into town to meet his cousins there," Drew says.
"And then they'll go together to the cabin in the Aurora Woodlands," Berry adds.
"Well then, that's where we need to go," Sarge says.
Soon enough, Stolas opens the portal to their location, allowing the group to walk through.
"Come on guys, let's find Blitz and the others. Alright everyone, it's time to get into our disguises." Sarge says.
And with that, everyone uses their abilities to change their disguise.
"Okay then. Where could Blitz and his cousins be?" Razor replies, looking around.
Randall turns to Stolas, "Yo Stolas, you know some kind of tracking spell or something?"
"Sadly no," Stolas answers, "I'm afraid without my grimoire, my powers are just a tad limited in the human world.
"What, you can't memorize your fucking spells?" Randall questions.
Stolas becomes annoyed and questions, "Oh, your memory's so great? And gesture to Moxxie, "What's his phone number?"
However, Randall is unable to answer the question.
"Fuck you," Randall says, making Stolas smirks.
"Exactly," Stolas says and walks away.
Randall mutters, "Pretty sure Blitz is going to end up doing that with Stolas in the future."
Sarge then says, "Alright, it would be best if we all split up. We should be able to cover more ground that way."
Everyone nods their heads in agreement and does just that. Sarge, Loona, and Stolas head off in one direction. Randall, Drew and Berry head to another direction. Razor, Moxie and Millie head to another direction. The three groups split up to see if any of them can find Blitz and the girls.
In the grocery store, the group is in the store looking for some stuff for the BBQ, including hamburgers, hot dogs, vegetables, and ingredients for other kinds of food, including some food to make some smores, along with other essentials and supplies.
"That's a lot of groceries we got," Mimmy says.
"We sure did. You think that's more than enough?" Octavia asks.
"I think we got enough food and supplies we need. Of course, we like to have some extras just in case," Blitz says.
"Yeah. Especially since we're going to have a lot of fun at the cabin," Candy says.
Tim says, "Well, I think we have enough stuff we need for today and tomorrow."
Moments later, the group have purchased the groceries and put everything in the rental car Tim has got for the trip.
"There we go," Tim says, "Come on, let's get going."
Everyone soon climbed in the car with Tim in the driver seat. They buckle their seat belts and Tim drives the car out of Auraville and into the Aurora Woodlands. Octavia and Mimmy look out the window and are amazed to see the woods. Octavia is amazed and has never seen anything like this in Hell before. A half hour has passed, and they arrive at the cabin.
"There we are, the Abercrombie family cabin," Tim says.
"What do you think, Via?" Candy asks.
"It looks really nice," Octavia says.
"It looks really pretty," Mimmy happily says.
Andy steps out of the car as he says, "I'll get the door open and you can grab the cleaning supplies."
"I'm guessing it's been a while since you've been here," Octavia says.
"Yeah. It's been a while since we've been here, but we do our best to keep the place clean, when we use it. It might have a few cobwebs and dust, but nothing we can't take care of," Blitz says as he help Mimmy out of the car.
"The sooner we clean the place the sooner we can get the barbeque set up," Tim says.
Candy turns to Octavia, "Wanna help. Unless, you rather relax."
"No. I'll help. It will give me something to do," Octavia says.
"Okay then. Hope you don't mind a little dusting," Candy says.
And soon the five begin to walk inside the cabin so they can clean up.
Back in Auraville, the three separate groups begin to ask around if they have seen Blitz or any of his cousins. But so far, none of them seem to have any luck. Just then, one of the employees at the grocery store gave Razor a clue. After some time searching everyone gathers together and Razor explains about the information.
"Really? They were at the store?" Loona asks.
"Yeah, but they left an hour ago. However, the employee said that they're heading to the family cabin in the woods," Razor says.
"Fuck. How are we supposed to find them? We never went to this cabin," Loona says.
"Can't you pick up Blitz, Mimmy, or even Octavia's scent?" Randall questions.
Loons looks a bit dumbfounded at first, but then mutters, "Shut up."
Loona begins sniffing around and looks in the direction, "It smells like they went that way."
"Then let's go," Moxxie says.
An hour later, Sarge and the others are exhausted from the long walk.
"Why did we decide to walk all the way there?" Randall says, exhausted.
"Well, it's not like we have a car or a van. And we can't risk anyone seeing us opening the portal and seeing the van driving through it," Sarge says. "Besides, according to the workers, they said that this is the quicker route to get to the Woodlands."
"Maybe, but my feet fuckin hurts. We've been walking for a while now," Loona says.
"Yeah, and my legs are aching," Berry says, feeling tired.
Drew soon looks ahead, "It looks like we'll be able to turn here and then we'll be on the right track."
The group looks to see a dirt turn that separates itself from the highway up the mountain. The path seems to lead into the woods where there are large trees and bushes.
"That must be it," Millie says.
Moxxie sighs, "At least we're almost there."
"Come on, we still have some ways to go until we reach the cabin," Sarge says.
The group soon turn to the dirt road and from the looks of it. They have to do more walking, much to the group's exhaustion. However, they know that they need to keep going.
Back at the cabin, Blitz and the others have finished cleaning the cabin and Tim is making lunch while Candy and Andy finish with some of the cold foods. Blitz and Octavia have the backpacks packed with the ingredients for the smores, and supplies for the fireplace, along with chairs for them to carry to get towards the lake.
"You think that's everything?" Octavia asks.
"I think that's enough for all of us. After all, there's only five of us," Blitz says.
"Yeah," Mimmy happily says.
Octavia giggles and picks Mimmy up, "You are really cute. Hard to believe that you were once a house pet. Kind of makes me wish I had a pet, but having one is kind of a big job, especially the kind of animals we have in Hell."
"I've seen some of them, and I'm surprised that you have creatures that look like dragons," Blitz says.
"Wouldn't be surprised if there aren't any dragons," Octavia says. "I remember when dad took me to Loo Loo Land when I was little. There was a kind of petting zoo that was full of different animals."
"Like lambs, rabbits, chicks, pigs and goats?" Blitz says.
"Not exactly. They're pretty different from the ones you're familiar with," Octavia says.
"They sure are," Blitz says.
Octavia then lets out a sad sighs.
"Thinking about your dad?" Blitz asks.
"Yeah," Octavia says, sadly
Just then, Candy walks inside, "Hey guys, I've come to check to see how you're doing?"
"Oh. I'm doing okay," Octavia says.
"Yeah, that's right," Mimmy happily says.
Candy then says, "Hey Via, would you mind if I ask you something?"
"What is it?" Octavia asks.
"Well, Blitz told me that you and your dad had to come to Earth disguised as Humans, and Blitz told us that your real forms are owl-like demons, more specifically Goetias," Candy says.
She then asks, "Do you think I can see what you look like?"
"I... I don't know. My dad tells me that it's not safe for demons to roam around on Earth, especially without disguise. We can get in a lot of trouble if we're discovered," Octavia says, unsure.
"We were told about it, but I think it's fine here. There's only the five of us here so no one else can see out. Also, we swore to keep all this demon and Hell business a secret. We've also been with a demon our whole lives," Candy says.
"She does have a point, Via. I'm sure the guys could keep it a secret," Blitz says.
"Well, as long as you're right, but you'll be surprised to see what I actually look like," Octavia says.
Then Mimmy asks, "Can I show Candy too?"
"Sure sweetie. I think it will be a good idea to show them what you look like," Blitz says.
Moments later, Candy, Andy, and Tim are in the living room with Blitz and the girls. They're in the cabin so they can change to their demon forms without being seen, just to be on the safe side.
"Okay girl, we're ready," Tim says.
"Okay then," Octavia says.
"Ready," Mimmy happily says.
And with that, Octavia and Mimmy change to their original demon forms. Blitz decides to do the same, since they are his cousins and have seen him in that form before. Tim and the twins are surprised to see that Octavia is really an Owl demon, and Mimmy's Hell Cat form is similar to her original feline form.
"Wow. So that's what you both look like," Andy says.
"Yeah. Pretty much," Octavia says.
"And I used to be a kitten," Mimmy says.
"You both are the cutest things I've ever seen!" Candy happily says, and quickly rushes towards the girls and gives them a hug.
"Cu-Cute?" Octavia asks, surprised and blushing.
"You sure are," Candy happily says and snuggles Via and Mimmy.
Mimmy giggles, "Auntie Candy thinks we're cute."
"Uh yeah," Octavia says.
Blitz chuckles, "Yeah. I figure this will happen if she sees what the girls really like."
"Yeah. Candy loves cute animals, especially cats, mice, dogs, and birds," Andy says.
Candy continues to snuggle the girls, "And I thought you both were cute and adorable before, but you both are really really cute. The cutest kitty and cutest owl I've ever seen."
"I think she really likes us," Octaiva says, still embarrassed.
Mimmy giggles, "I like it. I love getting a hug from Auntie Candy."
Sometime later... after the little love fest.
Then Octavia walks to Blitz and asks, "Blitz, do you mind if I could take a walk in the woods."
"Sure. You don't need to worry. There aren't any dangerous animals around here, so you're safe. But we're about to have lunch so you can grab something to eat before you head out."
"I'm good. I'll have lunch when I get back," Octavia says.
"Okay, but be careful," Blitz says.
"Sure," Octavia says, and then takes her leave.
Blitz says to himself, "I guess what happened still upset her. It's probably a good idea to give her some space."
"Will she be okay, daddy?" Mimmy asks.
"I'm not sure, but I hope seeing the sky will help make her feel better," Blitz says.
Octavia then walks out of the house and begins to walk down the road.
"Are you heading out, Octavia?" Candy asks.
"Yes. I feel like going out for a walk," Octavia says.
"Okay," Candy says, "Do you want to eat anything before you go?"
"I'm good. I'm not that hungry," Octavia says.
"Alright, just make sure not to go too far or touch anything," Candy says.
"Okay," Octavia says, and soon begins to take her leave for her walk.
Octavia continues to walk for a little while and is deep in thought about her day. Surprising to admit, she actually likes spending time with Blitz, his cousins, and Mimmy, and is amazed to see the forest of the living world. It's very different from Hell, and it's not always full of life. She looks around to see bird chirping, squirrels climbing on trees, and there are a lot of trees, bushes, and different kinds of plants. Seeing the plants kind of makes her think of her dad.
Octavia sadly sighs and says, "Dad, I wish you were here." And soon wipes a tear from her face.
Back at the cabin, the Abercrombie Cousins and the little Hell kitten are having lunch and having a good chat. Blitz turns to the woods and is showing a concerned look on his face.
"You okay, Blitz?" Tim asks.
"I'm okay, but I'm also concerned about Octavia," Blitz says. "I think she's still hurt that Stolas forgot about tonight."
"After what you explained, it seems that Octavia was looking forward to it," Candy says.
Blitz nods, "Yes. I understand that Octavia is upset, but things haven't been easy for Stolas either. After what's been going on, he and Stella are officially getting divorced, and Stella is not making this easy for him. I can imagine how he forgot."
"Sounds like Stolas could use a break," Tim says.
"Yes, and Stella is not making the divorce any easier," Blitz says.
"I'm sure Stolas could figure something out. I remember having a friend who had to go through a divorce, but the situation she had was different than what he's dealing with," Andy says.
"That's true. I remember Randall and the others explain that Stella is a real bitch," Tim says.
"No wonder after how Stella had treated Stolas," Candy says.
"But I'm sure he'll get through it, and I'm sure you'll support him," Tim says.
"Well, I'll do the best that I can, but I also need to remember that it's also between Stolas and Stella so I don't know if I could be involved with it too much," Blitz says.
"Maybe, but I'm sure Stolas could use your support," Candy says.
"Yeah. I'm sure he'll need some support after going through all that," Tim says.
"That's true," Blitz nods, "I want to do what I can to help Stolas, and I want to help Octavia as well."
"That's the spirit," Andy says.
Meanwhile, Sarge and the others have been walking through the dirt path for another half an hour.
"I wonder how much longer we have to walk," Randall says, tired.
"We've been walking for around two hours now," Loona says, exhausted.
"Me too. At least this place is pretty cool here," Razor says.
Just then, Millie notices, "Hey guys, is that it?"
The group soon notices a house down the road and on the lower floor.
"That must be it," Sarge says.
"Come on, let's greet the group," Randall says.
He soon rashes over, "Yo Blitz! Over here!"
"Randall, wait!" Moxxie calls out, "Blitz said the hill to get down there is rather steep."
Randall's shouting ends up catching Blitz and the others' attention who are eating outside on the porch. They soon turn to see Randall running down the pathway and towards the cabin.
"Randall?!" Tim questions.
"What is he doing? Doesn't he know that it's dangerous to run down the hill around here," Andy says.
Randall continues to run down the hill, "Hey Blitz! Candy! Andy! Tim! How are things going?! It's been a long time no seeeee..." and with that, Randall trips and begins rolling down the hill.
In the next moment, Randall then falls flat on his face.
"Oooh, that's gotta hurt," Candy says.
"That was painful," Andy says.
"Moxxie warned you," Berry's voice appears.
The others look to see Berry, Drew, and the others walk steadily down the hill, even Stolas is with them.
"Yeah Randall, you can't run down the hill like that," Drew says.
Randall lifts his head, looking beaten, "Wish I remember that sooner."
Blitz and the others rush over, "Sarge? Stolas? Guys? What are you guys doing here?"
"It's a bit of a long story, but we were looking for you after you three left with Stolas' book," Berry says.
"And he got your text about the stars so we came here," Moxxie says.
"Have you all walked here?" Candy asks.
"We did. It was kind of stupid of us now that we think of it," Loona says.
Stolas then asks, "Where's Octavia? Where's my little owlet?"
"Octavia decided to go out for a walk," Candy says, and points to the path, "She went down that path, and it's also where the direction of the lake."
"How is she?" Sarge asks.
"She's doing fine," Tim says, "We were happy to have her around, but from what Blitz explained, I think Octavia may still be sad about what happened this morning."
Stolas sadly sighs, "I was afraid of that." Then begins to walk towards the path, "I have to go find her."
But Loona says, "Hold on, I think you should let me talk to her first."
"Are you sure?" Stolas asks.
"Yeah. I don't mind," Loona says, "She's kind of like a sister to me, so I don't mind at all."
With that, Loona then takes her leave and rushes down the path to find Octavia to talk to her.
Candy walks over and says, "So guys, since you're here, I'm sure you all are hungry."
"Now that you think of it, I'm a little hungry," Moxxie says.
"Yeah. And I'm really thirsty," Millie says.
"And fuckin tired," Drew says, and feeling tired.
"Come on guys, we can get you something to eat and you all can relax in the house," Blitz says.
Soon enough, everyone is in the house to relax and are given something to eat and drink. Stolas and the I.M.P Crew feel a lot better after having something to eat and drink.
"How are you all feeling?" Blitz asks.
"We're doing alright," Stolas says, and sadly sighs, "I hope Via is okay. I feel awful about what happened."
"It's not your fault. You're just stressed, especially with the divorce and what happened this morning," Blitz says.
"Yes, but I felt awful for forgetting my promise to Octavia. I promised her when the meteor shower came that nothing would be keeping me from her, and I ended up getting distracted," Stolas says.
"I know the divorce has been hard, but the best you can do is to be there for Octavia. And I'm sure Loona will talk to her. Plus, I know Octavia loves you, and knows that you care for her," Blitz says.
Stolas softly smiles, "Thanks Blitz."
Sometime later, Loona walks down the path in the woods as she looks at her phone. She soon looks at Octavia's account on Sinstagram to notice a picture of a beautiful lake. She soon turns her head to see Octavia sitting on the bench next to a tree as she is shedding tears of sadness as she looks at the lake.
Soon, Loona walks over and says, "Hey."
Octavia turns to see Loona, and wipes the tears from her face, "Hey. How did you find me here?"
"Your Sinstagram," Loona says, holding out her phone.
Then shows the three pictures and says to Octavia, "Nice pics by the way."
"Oh, thanks," Octavia says, and sniffles in sadness.
"You okay?" Loona asks.
"Not really... no... I just wanted to see some dumb meteor shower with my dad," Octavia answers and begins to shed tears, "And he's not even here..."
"Yeah. So I was told," Loona says.
Loona brings out her cigarette and lighter. She tries to light it, but no flames come out. Octavia taps her shoulder to get Loona's attention. She snaps her finger and a small purple fire comes out of it. Then lights up Loona's cigarette. Loona takes a smoke, as some smoke gets into the owl girl's face.
Loona then sits next to Octavia on the bench, "You know, your dad's really worried about you."
Octavia scoffs and says, "Right! That's why you're here instead of him. He couldn't be bothered to keep his promise, and now he can't be bothered to come and get me himself. He'd rather spend his time just screaming at my mum. Why does he hate her more than he loves me?" And sniffles in sadness.
A long silence between the group until Loona extracts her cigarette and exhales.
Loona sighs and says, "Sometimes... sometimes it's not as simple as that. This kind of shit gets messy, and everybody's got issues, especially dads. And sometimes they fuck up. Even my dad fuck up from time to time. But, that doesn't mean they don't care."
"If he cares, where is he?" Octavia questions.
"He's at the cabin with Blitz and the others," Loona answers.
"He's here?" Octavia asks, a little surprised.
"Looking for you," Loona answers, "I mean..." and smokes her cigarette once more, "try to cut your dad some slack."
Loona continues to light up her lighter and a flame finally lights up.
She looks down at it and says, "He may not always get it right, but... he's trying."
And looks at her lighter with a sticker of the I.M.P logo.
Then gives Octavia a smile, "That's more important than you think."
Loona looks at Octavia in surprise, until she notices a light shining on her face. All of them turn to see the light coming from the moon as the smog clears up. All of them stare at the moon and are amazed by the sight. Loona then turns off her lighter and throws her cigarette away.
Loona stands up to do a few stretches.
Then turns to Octavia and asks, "You ready to go?" and extends her hand to Octavia.
Octavia gives Loona her hand and allows the Hellhound to pull her up.
Then Octavia says, "Yeah."
Loona then gives her a hand once more, and this time, Octavia gives her a hug, which Loona returns the favor. And soon, the two are holding hands.
Back in the cabin, everyone soon walks out and sees that Loona and Octavia haven't come back.
"Loona and Octavia aren't back yet?" Berry asks.
"They've been gone for a while now," Andy says.
"Maybe we should go look for them," Drew says.
Soon enough, Loona and Octavia walk back to the cabin from the forest path, and the girls seem fine.
"Hey Loona, Via, glad to see you guys are here," Tim says.
"Welcome back," Andy says.
"Yeah yeah. We're back," Loona says and yawns in exhaustion.
She then walks inside the cabin, "I'm going to crash for a while and grab a drink."
"You do that," Candy says.
Octavia soon walks over and with an apologetic expression, she says, "Dad... I'm so sorry."
Stolas runs up and hugs them as he reverts back to his demon form in relief, "I'm just relieved you all are okay! Oh my dear sweet Via, I am so sorry about..."
But Octavia hugs him back, "I know dad, it's okay. You're here now."
Everyone else watches as the father and daughter owl hug and make up.
Tim turns to the others, "So, since you guys are here, you wanna join us tonight to see the meteor night and northern lights."
And so later in the night...
Everyone is at the lake watching the Northern Lights and the Meteor Shower as they have s'mores and hot drinks at the campfire. Octavia also shares her telescope that can allow them to see through the telescope to see the phenomenon and meteors close up.
"Wow! This is so amazing!" Millie says.
"I have to admit, I'm glad we decided to stay here," Drew says.
Then Berry turns to Blitz, "Thanks for letting us stay on your trip."
"It's no problem. I'm glad that you are able to stay," Blitz says.
"I'm glad too. We get to have some smores," Randall says, and eat s'mores.
"Randall, you've already eaten a lot of food as it is," Razor says.
"What can I say, I just think the food tastes great," Randall says.
"Are you sure you're not from Gluttony?" Loona questions.
Blitz then turns to Stolas, "Still, I'm really glad that you all could stay and watch the sky with us."
"I'm glad as well. And I actually have an idea," Stolas says, and opens his grimoire.
"What's that?" Blitz asks.
"Just watch and you'll see," Stolas says.
And with that, Stolas uses the spell from his book and aims toward the sky to open a large portal, catching everyone by surprise. They see meteors flying across the sky, but they appear to be covered in light blue, light purple, pink, and dark purple fire as they fly across the night sky.
"What's going on?" Candy asks.
"What the heck is that?" Tim asks.
"Is that a portal?" Razor asks.
Octavia turns to her father in surprise in amazement, "Dad... is that...?"
Stolas nods his head and says, "Yes. This is Azathoth's Tears. I thought it wouldn't hurt for us to see it here."
Just then, Octavia hugs her dad with a smile and says, "Thanks dad."
Stolas hugs her back with a smile.
Everyone comments in amazement to see the meteor shower right before their eyes as the different color meteors fly across the sky. Despite all the hitches, it ends up turning out to be a great night, especially for Stolas and Octavia.
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