Chapter 57: Northern Lights and Meteor Aurora Part 1
One morning, Octavia is happily wide awake in her bedroom as she awakes from her sleep. She gets out of bed and circles a date on the calendar. It shows her and Stolas' face, and a meteor show. Octavia is excited because today, she is going somewhere special with her dad, and is very excited about it. Octavia fully gets dressed and hop down the hall pulling her boot.
She rushes into the kitchen and calls out, "Hey, dad!"
She soon notices that her father isn't in the kitchen. Empty, except for a few boxes.
He then leans back out of the kitchen and calls out, "Dad?"
Soon, she walks down the hall trying to find him as she calls out, "Dad?"
She soon notices the foyer door is open, and soon hears her father's voice, "Yes, I know!"
Outside of the mansion, Stolas is out front on the phone with Stella, squeezing a servant in his other hand. At the same time, the Imps are loading various items in a van.
Stolas continues to talk on the phone, "It will be there shortly. Of course they're being careful!"
Octavia walks out and asks, "Dad, what's going on?"
Stolas turns around and says, "Apparently your mother can't exist somewhere for two minutes without the entirety of her possessions-"
And soon, Stella's voice can be heard screaming on the other end.
Stolas answers, "What? No! I'm not turning her against you- YES, Stella!
Through the phone, Stella screams, "Well now I never have to see your fucking face again!"
Octavia tries to get her dad's attention "Dad?"
Stolas however, is too occupied by Stella's screaming, "Everyone..." and continues to yell over the phone.
Octavia then asks, "This is going to be done before tonight, right?
"What?" Stolas replies.
Then turns to Octavia, "Oh. I hardly think so, knowing your mother this will take all weekend."
Stolas then turns to the Imps loading the stuff, "Don't be gentle about it now! Break whatever you have to to get it all in there!"
Stella screams over the phone, "What!? What did you just tell them to do?!"
"But tonight was supposed to-" Octavia tries to speak up.
However, Stolas says, "Darling, can we not talk about this now? Your mother's being a real B-I-T-C-H."
Over the phone, Stella screams, "What the fuck do you mean?!" and continues screaming.
And it appears that someone is laughing over the phone.
"Well, how was I supposed to know you can spell?! I've never seen you read!" Stolas angrily yells.
Stella continues screaming over the phone, "I'm going to take everything! Everything you own!"
Frustrated that Stolas forgot about tonight, Octavia storms into her room, slams the door, and begins yelling as she angrily topples her telescope, rips up the calendar page and throws it to the ground. After breathing after the outburst, Octavia sits on the couch as she hugs her knees. Soon tears begin to fall from her face.
Meanwhile, inside the halls outside of Octavia's room, Blitz is walking down the hall with Mimmy. Each of them is holding a small suitcase and a bag.
"I can't wait to see Auntie Candy and Uncle Tim and Andy again," Mimmy happily says.
"I know Mimmy. I'm excited too, especially since it's that time of year to see the Northern Lights, and it's also rare to see them during a Meteor Shower tonight," Blitz says.
"Have you seen them before?" Mimmy asks.
"Yes. I've seen them a few times with my cousins, that we kind of make it a tradition to go to our family cabin at the Aurora Woodlands and see the event," Blitz says.
"I can't wait," Mimmy happily says.
"I can't wait either. Luckily I've been given the day off from work," Blitz says.
"Can we see Via before we go?" Mimmy asks.
"Sure sweetie. We're not too far from her room so we can say hi before we leave. Of course, we need to let Stolas know that we're heading out as well" Blitz says. And rubs the back of his neck, "After he's done screaming at Stella over the phone."
"Yippie!" Mimmy happily says.
Soon enough they arrive at Octavia's bedroom. Before Blitz can knock on the door, she hears sobbing and whimpering coming from the room. That makes Blitz concern.
He gently knocks on the door, "Octavia, are you in there? Are you okay? Can we come in?"
After a moment of silence, Octavia softly answers, "Come in."
Blitz opens the door to see Octavia sitting on her bed as she hugs her knees, sobbing and whimpering.
Mimmy walks over, "Good morning, Via."
Octavia wipes the tears from her face and turns to see Mimmy, "Oh, hey, Mimmy."
"Morning Octavia," Blitz says.
Octavia turns to see Blitz, "Oh, morning, Blitz. Are you both going to head out?"
"Yeah. Mimmy and I are heading to the living world and we thought we would say high before we left for the day," Blitz says.
Mimmy hugs Via and says, "We're going to spend time with Auntie Candy, Uncle Andy, and Uncle Tim at the cabin."
"Sounds nice," Octavia says.
Mimmy hugs and nuzzles Octavia's cheek as she lets out a purr. Octavia giggles with a small smile, but saddens again. She then sniffles with a few tears.
"Are you okay?" Blitz asks, concerned.
"Not really... no," Octavia answers.
"You wanna talk about it?" Blitz asks.
"Why do you look so sad?" Mimmy asks.
"I'm just upset, okay," Octavia answers, and it's clear she's upset, "Tonight my dad was supposed to take me to see the meteor shower, and it's too busy screaming at my mom!"
"I'm guessing it involves the divorce, huh?" Blitz questions.
"Yeah. He couldn't be bothered to keep his promise to see the stars and the Azathoth's Tears tonight," Octavia says.
"Azathoth's Tears?" Mimmy replies, confused. "What's that?"
"I've never heard of that meteor shower before," Blitz adds.
"Oh right. You wouldn't know about that. You probably see normal meteor showers," Octavia says.
"Pretty much," Blitz says.
He then asks, "So what is this Azathoth's Tears? I've never heard of it before."
"I want to know what it is. It sounds really exciting," Mimmy happily says.
Octavia giggles, "It actually... from what I was told. My dad told me about it when I was little. I was around your age."
Stolas (narration): In the great expanse of the nether there exists boundless amounts of magnificent phenomenon the great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance of space dust through a nebula but once every one thousand years our corner of reality is treated to an incredible sight from the deep eldritch recesses of the cosmos the tears of a forgotten colossus begin to fall. Tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be. Condensed and sent shooting across the night sky in a dazzling final display. What appears to mortal beings as a meteor shower we can see for what it is: Azathoth's Tears.
Stolas has used his magic to open the portal to the outskirts of space to display with the grimoire as he has little Octavia sitting on his lap. He then closes the portal as Little Octavia giggles in reply.
She then asks with a smile on her face, "Daddy, can we go see it someday?"
"Yes, dear," Stolas answers.
He then tucks her into bed as he says, "I promise, when the day comes nothing will be able to keep me from being there with you." And taps her on her little beak, "Good night my Owlette."
Little Octavia yawns and says, "Good night!"
Little Octavia tries to sleep, but she turns, wiggles, and giggles in bed excited for when the Azathoth's Tears to someday come.
Flashback Ends:
"And I was excited because tonight is the night of the meteor shower," Octavia says with a smile.
But then sadly sighs, "But with what's happening now. I doubt we're going to be able to go. Not that dad remembers anyway because he and mom are too busy fighting with my mom."
Blitz can tell that Octavia must have set her heart out to see the meteor shower with her dad, but because of the divorce Stolas is having with Stella, he must have forgotten about it. Blitz then begins to think about what to do about it. And then an idea comes to him.
He smiles and says, "Hey Octavia, it's okay. I'm sure Stolas didn't mean to forget. He's just been stressed on what happened, finally deciding to divorce your mom and has to go over the proceedings and all that. And I can see that it's also rather stressful for you as well..."
"Maybe," Octavia says as she wipes the tears from her face.
Then Blitz says, "If it's alright for you. I know where we can go to get away from all that's happening."
Octavia wipes the tears from her face, "What is it?"
"Well my cousins and I are going to meet together at Auravile near the Aurora Woodlands, and there's going to be the Northern Lights with a meteor shower tonight. It's no Azathoth's Tears, but I heard that it's amazing, especially at night," Blitz says.
"I think it's a great idea, daddy," Mimmy happily says, "Via can come with us."
"What do you think, Octavia?" Blitz asks.
Octavia thinks about it for a minute and then asks, "Do you think I can bring my telescope?"
"Sure. Why not," Blitz says.
"Thanks. And I would like that," Octavia says.
Octavia closes and folds her telescope, puts it in her backpack, and puts it on. Blitz then puts Mimmy in the carrier and the two leave the room.
Blitz brings out his phone, "Since your dad is well, preoccupied, I'll message him about where we're going, so he won't worry."
"That's probably for the best. I remember my mom told me how freaked out he was when I was kidnapped when I was little," Octavia says.
Blitz texts the message and says, "There you go. Message sent. Come on, we need to get to I.M.P HQ."
"How come?" Octavia asks.
"Because Stolas' book is there, and it's the only way for me to get to the living world," Blitz says.
"Oh, right," Octavia says.
"Come on Via, grab your stuff and let's go," Mimmy happily says.
Octavia giggles, "Okay."
And with that, after Octavia packing up her things, Blitz, Mimmy and Octavia then take their leave and make their way to the I.M.P Office.
Meanwhile, at the I.M.P office, things are kind of going crazy. Not much is new though. However, today, Loona is very furious, and is throwing daggers and sharp objects at Randall as he ducks his head. Moxxie, Drew, Berry, and Razor are sitting on the couch and watching. The reason why is because today, Randall's spider present prank has Loona covered in spiders and is curious.
"Loona, sweetie, wait just a-" Randall nervously says, and soon panics, "shit!"
Randall runs backwards as Loona charges at him with a water gallon bottle in her arms as spiders fall out of her hair.
"Loonie, please, can we talk-" Randall says, but Loona throws the bottle at him, giving Randall a black eye.
"FUCK!" Randall screams in pain.
Then Randall asks, "Now Loona, think we can talk about thiiiiiiisss!"
Then Loona tackles Randall and they roll to the wall, missing Millie. Millie walks past them as Loona grabs the nearest picture frame and starts smacking Randall with it. Then Millie walks past them to Moxxie. Moxxie pours Millie some coffee and passes to her. Loona takes the coffee cup from Moxxie and uses it as a weapon. Then Millie sits on her husband's lap. And the four simply sit and watch Loona beating Randall into a pulp.
"What's this all about, honey?" Millie asks.
Moxxie sighs after having his coffee and answers, "Oh. Randall has decided to pull a prank on Loona with a present box full of spiders."
"And let's just say that Loona doesn't like it, and wants to practically kill him at this point," Razor says.
"She's been like this for a half hour now," Drew says.
"Not to say that he doesn't deserve it, mainly because he does," Berry says.
Randall quickly runs a short distance before pulling the couch in front of him to keep his distance from Loona's wrath, who is still growling in anger.
"Now Loona, it was just a prank. You like it when I do pranks on Moxxie and the others," Randall says with a sheepish smile.
"And you are a fuckin idiot!" Loona angrily says.
She then grabs Randall by the collar and pulls him up to her face, "You know damn fuckin well how much I hate spiders! And you've decided to give me a swarm of them! Some of them are in my fuckin hair!"
"Come on Loona, I thought you like spiders," Randall says.
"I so fuckin don't! I HATE SPIDERS!" Loona angrily says.
Loona grows agitated and aggressively drops Randall to the ground as she snarls and walks to the desk.
"Man, you really made Loona mad this time, Randall," Berry says.
"What? I thought she might like spiders," Randall says.
"You know she hates spiders," Berry says as she and Drew pick him up.
"I got it the first time," Randall says.
"I told you that prank was a bad one," Razor says.
"How am I supposed to know she hates spiders?" Randall asks.
"She told you about it multiple times. Even Sarge told you, but you're too stupid to remember," Berry says.
"Hey," Randall says, feeling insulted.
"Where's Sarge?" Millie asks.
"I think he had to step out for a minute to get a few things," Moxxie says.
As the group chat among themselves. Blitz, Mimmy and Octavia enter the office and walk past the receptionist desk.
Blitz turns to Octavia and says, "Hey Loona, Mimmy and I are off to visit my cousins, and Octavia wanted to come see the Northern Light and Meteor Shower with us tonight. We'll see you tomorrow."
"Kay," Loona says.
Then Blitz, Mimmy and Octavia walk into Sarge's office. Blitz moves the picture a bit and types in the combination, opening the safe. He then takes out Stolas' grimoire and opens the book to where the portal is. However, Blitz is reluctant to use it.
"What's wrong, Blitz?" Mimmy asks.
"Sorry, I don't use the book much, so I'm a little uneasy about using it," Blitz says.
"I think you'll do fine. Dad started teaching you magic, so I think you can handle it," Octavia says.
"If you say so," Blitz says.
Blitz takes a deep breath and calmly says, "Take me to Auraville, Vermont."
Just then, the book flows and creates a magical energy that spreads across the room. Soon, a portal opens up behind Blitz, Mimmy, and Octavia. Outside of the office, the glow shines bright and exposes from the room.
Just then, Moxxie looks ahead to notice some strange light, "Uh guys."
Everyone looks to notice the door leading to Sarge's office has been slightly open and a glow is being exposed from it.
"What the fuck?" Randall questions.
Randall, Moxxie, and Millie quickly rush into the office with their weapons in hands. To their shock, just before the portal closes, they see Blitz with Mimmy and Octavia next to him, and Blitz is holding Stolas' grimoire walking through the portal. The portal soon closes before they can do a thing.
Randall calmly says, "Oh shit."
"This is not good," Berry replies.
Moments later, the portal opens, Blitz, Mimmy and Octavia walk out of the portal and end up in the town of the Aurora Woodlands. Well, more like they're in the alley of the small town.
Blitz turns to Octavia, "Now before we go into town, we need to change our disguise before we start walking around town.
"You have a point," Octavia says.
"Okay daddy," Mimmy says.
Blitz, Mimmy, and Octavia changed into their disguise.
"There we go," Blitz says.
Then Octavia asks, "So where are we meeting your cousins?"
"We're meeting them at diner, we're going to have some breakfast before heading to the cabin," Blitz says as he and the girls walk out of the alley and down the sidewalk.
Octavia points out, "Is that it over there?"
Blitz looks to see a sign that has the Silhouette of a cat with green eyes, and it says 'Cat's Eye Diner.'
"That's the one. It's also a place where we can bring our pet cats. There's a separate area for them," Blitz says.
"Sounds good for Mimmy," Octavia says.
"I remember you taking me there back when I was a normal kitten," Mimmy says.
"That's right. Although, it might be a bit awkward for you to come now that you're uh, not a normal cat," Blitz says.
"I don't mind," Mimmy says.
"Okay, come on. I'm sure the others are waiting," Blitz says.
Then Blitz, Mimmy, and Octavia head to the diner together.
Back at the I.M.P office, they are not taking what has happened very well, even Randall is in a panic. Of course, Sarge has returned and the others have explained what happened.
Randall then cries out, "How the fuck are we going to tell Stolas about this?!" as he grabs Moxxie by his arms.
"Well uh, since this is Blitz, Mimmy, and Octavia we're talking about and he seems to like Blitz maybe he'll understand if we-" Moxxie says.
Randall lets Moxxie go, "Okay, maybe so, but that doesn't mean Stolas is not going to explode when he finds out about this."
"But Randall, I don't think we have any other choice," Moxxie says.
"Moxxie's right. If we don't tell Stolas, he'll find out and even be more upset," Drew says.
Randall turns to the others in a panic, "So, what, you just want me to call him up and be like, 'Hey Stolas' -"
And moments after, Randall is actually talking on the phone with Stolas, "So your boyfriend and daughter came by, took your book, and teleported off to 'who the fuck knows where', and we have no way of getting either of them back, okay?! Okay! Good talk, bye-e-e-e." and then quickly hangs up the phone with a worried look on his face. And then stepping back a bit.
He turns to the others and says, "Oh wow, that actually went better than I thought."
Sarge then sighs and says, "Everyone, in the meeting room."
Soon enough, everyone gathered in the meeting room quickly.
"So why do you want us in the meeting room?" Drew asks.
Sarge then counts backwards, "Three... two... one..."
Just then, the doors blow up and Stolas stands inside in his full demon form and bellows in a demonic tone, "SARGE!"
Everyone is shocked to see how enraged Stolas is.
Drew, Randall, and Sarge calmly replies, "He's mad!"
"I think that's already established," Moxxie replies, frightened.
Back in Auraville's inside the Cat's Eye Diner, Blitz, Mimmy, and Octavia are in the diner where they meet Andy, Candy, and Tim.
"Octavia, Mimmy, you all remember my cousins. Candy, Andy, and Tim," Blitz says.
Candy giggles, "Don't worry, we remember." and hugs Mimmy, "And how can we forget our adorable niece."
Mimmy giggles in response.
"Hi everyone. It's uh, nice to see you again," Octavia says.
"It's good to see you too, Octavia," Tim says.
"And it's good to hear that you're coming with us," Andy says.
"So Octavia, what made you decide to tag with Blitz today?" Tim asks.
"Well, I just wanted to see the star he promised, but things have been difficult. Mainly because he's too busy screaming at my mom," Octaiva says, and sadly sighs.
Candy then gently places her hand on Octavia's head, "It's okay. I can tell that you must be ground through something at home. If you don't want to talk about it now, that's okay. You're here to relax and have some fun. Okay."
"Okay," Octavia says with a nod.
Then asks, "So what are we doing after having breakfast?"
"Well, we plan to go to the store to get a few things before heading to the cabin. We also need to clean the cabin, and I can bring out the grill to cook some food. Then we can head to the lake to see the Northern Lights and Meteor Shower Tonight at the lake," Tim says.
"I'm sure you'll love it," Candy says.
Octavia smiles, "I think I would like to see that. It sounds nice."
"It sounds so cool. I want to see the lights in the sky," Mimmy happily says.
I'm glad to hear it," Candy says.
Just then, the waitress walks over and places their breakfast plates on the table.
"Of course, the first thing we do is eat. You can't do all this on an empty stomach," Tim says.
Octavia begins to giggle with a smile on her face. Blitz and Mimmy smile to see that Octavia is cheered up now. Soon, everyone begins to have their breakfast as they chat among themselves.
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