Chapter 55: The Queen Bee of Gluttony
The next night:
At the Goetia Mansion, Blitz is dressed for the night party in Gluttony. He looks outside the window to see I.M.P company Van with Razor driving in the driver seat.
Blitz kneels to Mimmy, "Okay sweetie, I'm going to get going so make sure you are good for Stolas."
"Okay daddy," Mimmy says.
Stolas says, "Do not worry Blitz, Octavia and I will take good care of her."
"Have a good time," Octavia says.
"Thanks. Hope you all have a good night together," Blitz says, and leaves the mansion.
"Bye daddy," Mimmy happily says.
"Good bye, Blitzy. I hope you and your friends will have a fun night," Stolas says.
"Bye," Blitz says, and soon reaches the van.
Randall opens the slide door to the van, "Come on Blitz, let's get going."
"Okay," Blitz says, and climbs into the van.
Then Randall closes the door and Sarge drives off from the courtyard and makes their way to the Gluttony Ring.
Mimmy continues to wave goodbye, "Bye daddy."
Then turns to Octavia and Stolas, "What are we going to do?"
Octavia then asks, "You wanna go to my room and play some board games?"
"Okay," Mimmy says.
"Alright then, you girls have fun. I have to continue with my duties in my study," Stolas says.
"Okay dad," Octavia says, and turns to Mimmy, "Come on, Mimmy. Let's go play a game."
"Okay Via," Mimmy happily says.
The girls then take their leave to play and have fun while Stolas heads to his study to carry out his royal duties.
Sometime later, the group in the I.M.P Van are now in the Gluttony Ring. Razor and Randall at the front, Blitz and Loona in the middle, Berry and Drew are in the back area.
"Well gang, we're officially in Gluttony," Razor says.
Blitz lowers down the window to see the place.
"So this is Gluttony, it's so... yellow," Blitz says.
"Yeah. It's been so long since I've come here," Loona says.
"That's right. You told me that this is where Sarge found you, huh," Blitz replies.
"Yeah. When I asked my dad about it, he showed me where I was found as he told me how I was adopted by him. I don't come here so much, but it's actually okay to come for something like this," Loona says.
"You are going to love it guy, The Queen Bee of Gluttony throws the best parties in all of Gluttony, maybe in all of Hell," Randall says.
"Yeah. You'll love her party," Drew says.
"It's like the place to be at when you come to Gluttony," Berry says.
"Sounds cool," Blitz says.
"Seems so," Loona replies.
Soon, Razor says, "And here we are."
Razor parks the company van in a parking lot. Soon, everyone exits the car and looks to see where the party is taking place. Everyone walks over to see a honeycomb-like mansion where music is being played, and there are many demons inside walking into the party and dancing up a storm.
Loona then types a text: Hey, I'm her
Loona: (over text) Oh shit
Loona: (over text) *here, sry :) with the gang.
Loona is starting to look nervous.
"You okay?" Blitz asks.
"Yeah. Just nervous, never been here before, or been to that many parties, especially like this," Loona says
"It sure is different from the parties I've been to, but I'm sure things will be alright," Blitz says.
"Thanks," Loona says.
Just then, Vortex waves and walks over, "Loo-naaa! Hey, girl! Glad you could make it!"
"Tex!" Loona happily says, "Yeah, hey. Thanks for inviting me."
"Course! Course!" Vortex says.
He then notices Blitz and the others, "Hey guys, you here for the party, too?"
"We sure are," Randall says. Then places his hand on Blitz' head, "And to bring this guy to his first party at Gluttony."
As everyone walks inside.
"Really now, so this is both yours and Loona's first time?" Vortex asks.
"Yeah, sure is," Drew says.
"That's right," Loona says, sounding a bit flustered.
"Course course," Vortex says.
Then turns to the other guests, "Hey, everyone! Meet the new faces!" and let out a howl of excitement, prompting everyone else to do the same.
Vortex then turns to Loona, "You want a...drink or anything?"
"Oh, uh..." Loona says, with a smile and raises her tail, "Sure! Totally..."
Loona drops her fake smile and lets her tail down.
"You okay, Loona?" Blitz asks.
"I don't know. Other than Octavia, Mimmy, Vortex, and you guys, I'm not very social with others," Loona says.
"I understand how you felt. I was a bit shy myself when I was little, but I was able to open up a lot more. I'm sure you'll be able to make friends here," Blitz says.
"Hope so," Loona says.
Razor and Drew begin to walk off.
"Razor and I are going to fetch drinks for us," Drew says.
"Thanks bro," Berry says.
Soon, the remaining group looks over to a group of valley girl-esque hellhounds.
"And so, I told him "I'm not gonna go get it, unless you fucking throw it this time." One of the hounds, Vikki says.
"That is so, not fetch!" Dalmatian Demon says.
"Not fetch!" Vikki says.
Before she can continue, Loona chimes in nervously, "Ha, ha, ha, yeah! Like, that happens all the time. Aha...aha..."
"Oh-em-gee. Loona? 'Lunatic Luna'? That you?" Vikki questions.
"Uh, yeah. It's Loona... yeah," Loona says.
"Lunatic Loona?" Blitz questions, walking over.
"Wow. I can't believe you're showing up to another party. I mean, do you even remember the last one?" Vikki says.
Loona grits her teeth, "I'm sure you'll remind me."
Vikki soon takes out her phone, "Yeah, this?" and shows a picture of Loona vomiting, "This you, right?"
Loona growls angrily in response, "Why do you still have that?"
Vikki looks over to the picture, "It brings me joy. You know, you're supposed to keep things that bring you joy."
That just makes Loona growl even more at her.
Blitz calms her, "Easy Loona, I'm sure doesn't mean to make fun of you. Just take a deep breath and calm down."
Loona does so and calms down, "Uh thanks Blitz. I just did not want to remember that."
"Well, it might have been embarrassing, but that probably happened some time ago," Blitz says.
"Uh, a year ago, actually," Loona points out.
Then Randall walks over, "Exactly, and we can all laugh about it now."
"Maybe," Loona says, sounding unsure.
"Speaking of laughs. I remember the time during the circus I worked at, our fire breather was performing a practice trick, and I accidently bumped into him from behind while carrying supplies. He ended up swallowing the match with the fire on it," Blitz says.
"Ouch, was he alright?" Loona asks.
"He's alright. After coughing a bit, he belched out fire like a dragon and hit some of the corn on a stick we had. It ended up popping them into popcorn," Blitz says.
That has everyone who hears the story begin laughing.
"Instant popcorn in just one fire breath," Randall says.
Just then, an Imp walks over, "He-hey, that sounds like Randall!"
"Hey man, it's great to see you," Randall says, turning to the Imp.
The Imp says, "He-hey, I knew it was you! Fuck, man, where've you been? Are you here for the party?"
"Sure am," Randall says.
"Great. Things just got started. Come in and show us all up again," The Imp says.
"Maybe a little later, once the party gets really started," Randall says.
"Don't bite off more than you can chew, Randall," Razor says.
The others turn to see Drew, Razor, and Vortex return with drinks. Loona, Blitz, and the others take the beverages.
"What's this?" Blitz asks.
"Beelzejuice," Vortex says.
"Oh," Blitz replies, and looks down at the drink.
"Come on Blitz, give it a try," Berry says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
And ends up taking a sip of the drink.
"It tastes kind of sweet, but definitely strong," Blitz says.
"It's alcohol after all," Razor says.
"Right," Blitz says
Suddenly, a boom through a microphone appears, attracting most of the partygoers.
Followed by a voice echoing across the room, "Haha! How're my party going bitches tonight? Awooh, awooh!"
Vortex smiles at Loona in response, inviting her over. Loona soon follows Vortex while Randall, Blitz, and the others follow as well.
The demon continues, "You ready to party with the Queen Bee of Glu-tto-ny? Come on."
Loona and Blitz are amazed to see the large party room, and on the stage is Queen Beelzebub, the Queen Bee of Gluttony herself.
The Queen Bee continues, "Hell, yeah! 'Cus the honey is flowin' tonight! And this bitch is about to get fuckin' wild!" as she flies up and grabs onto a pole attached to the disco ball, "Let's get it started!"
Everyone in the party room cheers in excitement. Loona looks around nervously as the Queen Bee begins to sing her song.
Cotton candy, cotton ca— candy
Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy
It's soon revealed that Beelzebub is a tall, fox-like demon with insect-like features, such as multiple arms, a pair of antennae attached to her ears, and a small pair of insect wings. She has yellow and pink-striped fur like a bee, and black markings that give a dripping appearance down her arms and legs. Her hair and tail seem to be made of either honey or lava lamp fluid and glow bright pink, blue, and orange, with her stomach also being a lava lamp. She has a pink stripe on her head that opens up into a third eye when she becomes angry. Her outfit consists of a pink sleeveless crop top with a heart-shaped cutout, white markings underneath turning into a paw with claws, and a white pair of short shorts.
Hey! I'm whatchu need, I'm watchu want
I got it all, carnivale, I'll bring you up, I'll take you down
Beelzebub flies across the room with everyone's eyes on her.
I'm sticky sweet, stuck in your teeth like
Cotton candy!
She walks along the ground as she performs.
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Beelzebub flies into the air as her hair and tail flows up in the air. Hounds are practically howling towards her, startling Blitz and Loona
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Beelzebub then conjures a large bowl of cotton candy and tosses it out for the audience to snack on. Loona and Blitz are rather surprised by what's happening and continue to watch the show and the Queen Bee takes flight.
I'm whatchu want, not whatchu need (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Then lowers herself to the top of the staircase and begins to walk down it
Hey! I don't know why, I'm whatchu want, but it's the truth
I'm not your lie
And soon a few hounds rush to the bottom of the staircase.
Let them eat cake, let them eat pie
And give each Hellhound a treat.
Or better yet them eat cotton candy,
Soon, the light changes to a neon night color and Bee flies across the air.
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Bee continues to fly across the room with Blitz, Loona, and the others watch in amazement.
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Just then, a hatch opens on the floor.
I'm whatchu want, not watchu need!
Beelzebub flies high up before diving down into the honey sea under the floor.
Cotton candy skies
Sweet as apple pie
I can't help but shine
Beelzebub rises back up flipping her hair back as honey flies up. Loona and Blitz are astonished by it.
Brighter than the starlight in the sky
Then Beelzebub lands and sits on the disco ball.
Cotton candy,
Cotton candy (Yeah)
Cotton candy
I'm whatchu want, not watchu need
So, watchu want?
Ya hungry? Take a bite!
Bee enlarges the taco one of her guests planned on eating, then shoves it into his mouth.
Get fucked tonight! (So, watchu want?)
Bee moves onto the next table, where she enlarges the alcoholic beverage of two dog demons which she then shoves down their throats.
Your Queen Bee brings the sweet stuff, so keep making me that motherfucking honey!
Yeah, keep it comin'!
Bee enlarges the party's punch bowl and prompts the others to swim in it after tossing one of the Hellhounds into the punch bowl with her hair.
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Loona is rather stunned by the display.
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-oh)
Cotton candy (Ah-ah, ah-ah)
Loona turns to see Bee giving a few Hellhounds Cotton candy, and Loona turns to see Vortex eating one, causing her to blush in response.
I'm whatchu want, not watchu need!
Beelzebub flies up and still tosses candy in the air.
Cotton candy skies!
Beelzbub then uses her powers to launch honey out of the hatches like geysers.
Sweet as apple pie!
Then swirls them up around the disco ball before riding it above towards the ceiling.
I can't hеlp but shine!
Brighter than the starlight,
Then then swirl them and it spirals until it explodes into cotton candy, falling out of the sky and towards the audience.
Cotton candy skiеs,
Sweet as apple pie!
I can't help but shine (Woo!)
Brighter than the starlight in the sky!
Beelzebub ends her performance with a firework of confetti and the hellhounds cheer as Loona shakes the cotton candy out of her hair.
"Awooh, awooh! Vortex!" Beelzebub happily says, and flies to Vortex,"The party is buzzin' now! Fuck!" She lands on the ground and dusts herself, "I feel like I went a little too hard on the confetti this time, though. I have like," and materializes a mini rainbow, "A rainbow in my vagina right now."
Loona, Blitz, and the others are kind of confused.
Beelzebub notices Loona, "Oh, hey! Is this the sweet pup you told me about?"
"Excuse me?" Loona questions.
"She's a fucking cutie! Where have you been hiding, girl?" Beelzebub says with laughter.
Loona frowns and questions, "Is there something funny?"
"Nah, I'm just really high on all this tasty energy right now. Tex says you don't get invited out much. I hope this itty-bitty get-together can serve as a fun first time," Loona says.
Loona briefly looks behind her to see a hellhound slide down a staircase only to get hit in the crotch when he gets all the way down.
"Mm-hmm," Loona replies.
"Itty-bitty get-together?" Blitz questions, "This looks like a big party if you ask me."
Bee chuckles, "I'm guessing this is your first time being at this kind of party."
"Um yeah," Blitz replies, blushing a bit.
"Aww, you are just the cutest little Imp to think my party is big, but it's kind of more of a get-together in my perspective," Bee says.
She then adds, "I would've thrown a bigger one, but I couldn't convince Belphegor to let me break into her stash of party drugs. So fucking lame! I mean, I usually just steal them, but Bel changed the locks." She then conjures a bottle of beer, "She says I'm a total jackass for trying, but hey... I'm proud to be a total jackass." and drinks the bottle.
Then Vortex walks over and says, "Heh. Anyway, yeah, Bee, this is Loona and her colleagues from her work, Blitz, Razor, Randall, Drew, and his sister, Berry. And, guys, this is my girlfriend, Bee.
"Nice to meetcha, bitches!" Bee introduces herself.
Loona is stunned, "Oh, this is... she's hot," and widens eyes in realization.
Beelzebub laughs happily, "Ha! Holy shit! Okay. Tex, you didn't tell me she was hilarious. That's so funny."
"Right," Loona replies.
"I love that that's the first thing you say to me. You don't give a shit how freaky you come off, and that's fucking beautiful," Beelzebub says and moves next to Loona, "You're my new favorite person."
"Am I, though?" Loona questions.
"Yeah, bitch!" Beelzebub says with laughter, "No, really. Reminds me of the time I saw Satan without a shirt on. I was like, 'Oof! Boy! You are hot as hell!'." Then says, "But, then I wanted to die, 'cause it was so awkward. 'Cause he's more like a brother to me. You know, but not actually my brother. So, I guess... It was fine. I could hit that..."
Loona and the others look awkwardly.
Beelzebub continues, "Anyway, girl, you and your friends have a good time tonight. Get some sweets, get some eats. Drink it, tear it, fuck it up! Whoo!"
Then Bee walks over to some party guests, "Cheers, honey. Thank you for coming. Do you need anything? Are you having fun? Are you good? Are you drunk?"
A hellhound with a cone full of Beelzejuice nods in response.
Beelzebub says, "Okay, good. Okay, great." and walks off.
Randall laughs and says toVortex, "Man Vortex, you've actually got an actual sin as a girlfriend, you sly dog."
"Man, how do you manage to score with a chick like her?" Drew asks.
Vortex chuckles, "It's quite a long story."
As the boys chat, Loona feels a bit distraught about meeting Vortex's girlfriend, and the kind of girlfriend she is. Loona then secretly places her drink on the table and takes her leave. Soon, the others begin to talk with excitement as they begin to join the party. Blitz notices Loona leaving and decides to follow her.
"As soon as she walks out, Loona sits on the steps as she mumbles to herself, "So stupid. I shouldn't have come."
"You okay, Loona?" Blitz asks.
Loona turns to see Blitz, "I'm... not... to be honest," and lets out a sigh.
"You wanna talk about it?" Blitz asks.
"What was I thinking? I was so stupid..." Loona says, frustrated, and lets out a sigh.
"Is this about uh, Vortex and his girlfriend?" Blitz asks.
"Yeah. I guess. I... I just want to go home now," Loona says, feeling depressed.
"Hey Loona, you were here to have fun. We're all here to have a good time," Blitz says.
"I guess," Loona says.
"Sure things didn't work out with Vortex, but maybe you can still have fun at the party and make some new friends. And you got us, so we can have some fun," Blitz says.
Loona thinks for a bit and says, "I guess."
Suddenly, a handsome Hellhound approaches the two, "Huh, the hottie next to you wants to leave?"
Loona wags her tail a bit before calming himself.
She then thinks a bit and says, "I mean, we could stay a little longer."
"You sure Loona, because if you want, I could call Sarge to pick you up," Blitz says.
"Hmm, maybe, but I wanna give this another try," Loona says.
"As long as you're right," Blitz says.
"Yeah. I think I can give it another go," Loona says, and stands up with Blitz.
The two then walk inside.
"I wonder where Randall and the others are," Blitz replies.
"Knowing Randall, he probably got sidetracked by his stomach or his eagerness," Loona says.
"Maybe, but I'm still worried about him since what happened at Ozzie's, including Drew," Blitz says.
"I'm sure they'll be fine. Maybe the party will help lighten them up," Loona says.
"I hope so," Blitz says, concerned.
Sometime later, everyone watches Randall drinking from a keg as the other guests chant with excitement. Even Loona, Blitz, and the others chant with excitement. And soon enough, Randall has finished with the keg of beer.
The hellhounds howl with excitement, even Loona. Blitz and the others cheer with excitement.
Randall laughs with a grin, "Ha haaa! That was nothing, bitch! Gimme a real challenge!"
Just then, Beelzebub appears behind Randing holding a chicken bone, "Oh, yeah? Wanna fucks with the big bitch, imp boy? I got a challenge for ya." and places it in her mouth.
Vikki appears and says, "Oh, he's gonna die."
Just then, Vortex arrives with two yellow kegs, "Aaaaalright, let's do this!" and puts them on the ground, "From Bee's personal stash, the hardest shit there is."
Randall does some stretches.
"You ready, my man?" Vortex asks.
"Oh, born ready!" Randall says, finishing stretching. "Been a while since I've got some real competition." Then turns to Bee, "Bring it on, Princess. I will drink you under this fucking table. You have no idea what a shitty night I had."
Beelzebub uses her powers to lift the kegs and prep nozzles for them.
Beelzebub laughs and says, "All right, Lizard Boy, but there hasn't been a soul yet who can beat me at my own game. So, you better bring the fire, baby."
"I sure am Queen Bee. I'll happily accept the challenge," Randall says.
Bee snicker, "My, aren't you a competitive type. Bring it on!"
Vortex signals for the contest to begin, and Beelzebub and Randall start drinking.
"Come on, Randall!" Razor calls out.
"You can do it!" Drew says.
"Yeah! Fuck her up!" Loona calls out.
Randall and Beelzebub continue with their drinking competition. Randall then pulls out the nozzle and drinks it from the keg itself. That surprises everyone's surprise, especially Beelzebub. And at the end, Randall ends up being the winner.
He climbs on the empty keg and announces, "Who's the queen now?!"
Beelzebub is surprised, but is soon impressed, "Well, fuck me! That's a first. I haven't had a first in a while. That was magical, seriously, impressive. I tip my crown to you, Lizard boy," and bows to Randall, "Respect."
She howls, prompting the other guests, including Loona, to cheer. Some of the guests pick up Randall, congratulating him on his victory. However, Bee and Vortex look at each other in concern. And they're not the only ones who are concerned with Randall's behavior, Blitz and Razor feel the same.
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