Chapter 47: The Goetia Princess Rescue Case Part 1
One night at Stolas' mansion, a terrible storm is pouring down in Hell. Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie look outside and see the storm outside. The rain pours down harder than multiple buckets of water.
"Wow. It sure is coming down pretty hard," Blitz says.
"Yeah. Looks like we're going to have one huge storm tonight," Millie says.
The three soon turn their heads and sit down on the couch. The others are looking at their phones, either texting, looking at the internet, playing games, or watching videos. Loona, Mimmy, and Octaiva are watching a movie on the T.V. They soon hear thunder and lighting coming from outside. Luckily for them, Stella isn't here to give them any problems.
"Shit, looks like the storm is about to get worse," Randall says.
"And I'm not sure we'll be able to return home in this weather," Berry says.
"It's probably for the best. There's no way we can get back home like this," Drew says.
Suddenly, they hear Sarge's voice, "You sure are making yourselves comfortable."
Everyone turns their heads to see Sage walking into the large living room with Stolas.
Loona turns and says, "Hey dad, how did things go?"
"It went alright. We just discuss the usual, checking to see how progress of our work is going, and we've received a few missions once the rain is over," Sarge says.
"Are there more assignments on earth?" Loona answers.
"That's right," Sarge says with a nod.
Stolas looks out the window to see the storm pouring outside of his mansion. Some of the rain is hitting the windows pretty hard.
"Oh my, it seems that the storm is very ghastly tonight. I think it will be best for you all to stay for the night," Stolas says.
Octavia turns her head to see the storm and says, "And it looks like it's going to get a lot worse."
"Fuck, that has to be the worse storm I've seen," Loona says, seeing the storm outside of the window.
"Yeah. I know Wrath has Fire Tornados, but a rain storm like this is pretty bad," Millie says.
"It probably is best for us to stay for the night," Moxxie says.
"Sounds cool," Loona says.
"Yeah," Octaiva says.
Then turns to her dad, "Can Loona and Mimmy stay in my room for the night?"
"Of course,Via. But remember not to stay up too late," Stolas says.
"Dad," Octavia replies, rolling her eyes.
Blitz then turns to Loona and says, "So Loona, you and Octavia seem to be very close."
"Well, we kind of are in a way, but we mainly see each other as sisters if anything else," Loona says.
"Sounds nice," Blitz replies.
Mimmy then has a question in mind and asks, "Hey Via, how did you and Loonie become friends?"
Loona and Octavia look at each other. They never expected Blitz to ask them that question.
Then Loona says, "Yeah. It's a very long story."
"How so?" Blitz asks.
Then Sarge says, "I believe I can explain. After all, how Loona and Octavia met is kind of how Stolas and I met."
"Really?" Mimmy asks.
Then Blitz remembers, "And since you brought it up, I actually wanted to ask you something, Stolas."
"What is it?" Stolas asks.
"How did you and Sarge meet? And how did you let Sarge use your book, Stolas?" Blitz asks.
Then Millie replies, "Yeah. Why did you?
Sarge thinks about it for a bit and says, "I never told you guys that story?"
"No," Razor and Randall answer.
"I don't think you did," Berry says.
"I always wonder about it myself," Drew says.
Sarge then turns to Stolas, and Stolas nods his head in reply. Sarge also nods his head.
Then Sarge turns to the others, "Well, I think it will be best if we tell you how Stolas and I met and how we ended up associates for my business. And how Loona and Octaiva became friends."
"Sounds cool. I like to know what you were like before we came along," Randall says with a smirk on his face.
"Yay! Story time!" Mimmy happily says.
Sarge chuckles over Mimmy's excitement, "Well, I can tell you that being a solo assassin was difficult, but I managed to put food on the table. Of course, the only reason why the four of us ended up meeting was because of the crazy incident a few years ago."
"Incident?" Blitz says, confused.
"It's a bit of a long story, but Octavia was kidnapped from our home when she was young. She was around seven at the time," Stolas says.
"I remember that one on the news. Somehow Imps broke into your house and kidnapped Octavia," Razo says.
"That's about right. At that time I was working as a freelance assassin. That was long before I started the company," Sarge says.
"So then, what does the incident have to do with you guys? Randall asks.
"Allow us to explain," Sarge says.
Then explains, "It happened many years ago. It actually happened during a rainy night, not as bad as tonight. Of course, during the time, Stolas was a way on late night tasks and was dealing with a late night job so Stella and Octavia were in the mansion alone, besides the guards. Of course, none of us were expecting something to happen during that time."
Flashback: Many Years Ago
One rainy night at the Goetia mansion, everything seems quiet. No one in the mansion is expecting a thing, not even when five mysterious Imps break into the mansion.
One of them whispers, "Is this the window?"
Another Imp says, "Yes. This is the one in the princess' room."
One of the Imps throws a grappling hook onto the roof of the house with a rope attached and they climb up.
Meanwhile, in the bedroom, little Octavia is fast asleep. She was around five years old at the time. When she was a child, her hair was shorter and messier with lighter gray and white tips at the end of it. Her hands were also black and wore the same pink glittery dress with white stars on it, but the sleeves were puffy and white."
Little Octavia is fast asleep in her room, unaware that her bedroom window opens quietly and the mysterious Imps secretly slip inside. They all look at the sleeping princess with sinister grins and right then and there, they reach out to her to take her away.
A Three Days Later:
One morning in Imp City, in one of the apartments of the building, Sarge, who's at a younger age, is cooking breakfast on the stove. As he makes breakfast, 666 News is broadcasting on the television. A pale human with short blonde hair, red eyes, and a red dress is sitting on the left side named Katie Killjoy. The second is a man that wears a gas mask, a gray suit, and white hair sitting on the right named Tom Trench.
Katie announces, "Good morning, I'm Katie Killjoy."
"And I'm Tom Trench," Tom adds. "It's been a few days since the invasion of Princes Stolas of Ars Goetia's household."
Then Katie says, "It's known Princess Octavia has been suspected to be abducted. No one knows who the kidnappers are, but say an investigation is going to take place..."
As the news continues, Sarge has finished making some breakfast and brings the plates to the small table and sets them down.
He then calls out, "Loona, breakfast is ready!"
"Coming dad!" A young voice calls out.
Coming out of the bedroom is Loona, who is ten years old. She is wearing a bluish-gray shirt with black overalls. She is also holding a brown backpack. She sits down on the table and begins to eat her breakfast.
Loona asks, "So dad, what are you doing today?"
"I still have my Freelance assignment business to do, and I might go to the store," Sarge says.
"Sounds cool," Loona says.
Then asks, "Can I join you at your work today?"
"Sadly no. You're still too young to come with me on my missions and some of the targets can be ruthless," Sarge says.
Loona sulks, "Aw man."
"I know Loona, but you're still young so you're not ready to deal with the more aggressive and dangerous demons in this world," Sarge says.
Loona sighs, "Alright, fine."
Suddenly, the two hear a knock on the door.
"Who could that be?" Sarge wonders.
Sarge leaves from his seat and walks towards the door. Sarge opens the door to see a skinny burgundy red Imp in front of the door, with curved back black and white striped horns, buzz cut white hair, and he has a scar over his left yellow sclera eyes with black pupils. He also has long tails with spikes on the base and white stripes on the end of the triangular end. He is wearing a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and black jeans with brown shoes.
"Are you Sarge?" The Imp asks.
"Yes," Sarge replies, "What brings you here?"
"Good. The name is Skeeter. I heard you're an assassin and I have an important job for you," The Imp, Skeeter says.
"Um okay. Come in and sit in the living room," Sarge says, and allows him into his apartment.
"Thanks man," Skeeter says and walks in.
He then walks to the couch of the living room.
Sarge turns to Loona, "Loona, if you're finished eating, you should go to your room."
"Don't worry dad, I'm done, and I know the drill. Work is coming, so head to my room during your meeting with clients," Loona says.
"Exactly," Sarge says with a nod.
"Kay, see you later," Loona says and leaves the table.
She puts her dirty dishes in the sink and goes to her room. Then she closes the door behind her.
Skeeter grins and says, "Good kid."
"She is, so you better not get any ideas," Sarge calmly says.
"I would never," Skeeter replies, and waves his hand.
Then Skeeter says, "Anyway, I need you to kill the fuckin asswholes who totally jilted me and left me to get caught and killed."
"I see," Sarge replies. Then asks, "Have any idea where they are?"
"Well, we actually have a hideout in Pentagram City. It's in an old warehouse," Skeeter says.
Then hands Sarge a picture, "Now then, these are the four that I'll need you to kill."
Sarge takes the picture and looks to see the four that look like they're in a gang. A muscular Imp with white hair, muscles, wears a gray tank top and black pants. The second has a lanky figure with long black and white horns, no hair, and only wears black jeans. The third is wearing a black leather jacket, white t-shirt, and the left horn on his head is broken off. The last one looks like a female with long black hair, and big eyelashes, she is also wearing a long black jacket with a dark purple dress.
Sarge turns to Skeeter and says, "Alright, I'll take the job."
"Perfect!" Skeeter says with a smile.
Then hands Sarge the piece of paper, "Here's the address for the warehouse, and I'll come by later for your payment."
"Alright. I'll take care of this right away," Sarge says.
Sometime later, after informing Loona to stay inside and that he'll be back, Sarge arrives at the warehouse district. The sole assassin soon finds the warehouse, which is a large red building made of bricks and has multiple windows on the side. Sarge looks around the building to see the only way inside is a small door at the back, and a large metal door at the front. Both are locked. He then has an idea. He brings out a grappling hook with a rope attack. He swings it over his head like a lasso and throws up until it's hooked to the top of the building. Sarge climbs up the wall of the building and is able to reach one of the windows. He uses a device that has a suction cup attached to the window and a device to open the window into a large circle. He gently pushes it forward with his tail and gently places the glass down on the metal catwalk inside. Sarge then climbs through the window and sneaks across the catwalk to find the four Imp.
The muscular man says, "We sure did a great job with this heist."
"True, it's almost a real shame we had to kidnap a kid," the female Imp says with an evil grin on her face.
Then the Imp with the broken horn turns his head, "Well at least got our hands on that little owlet of Prince Stolas."
The others turn to see the little frightened Goeita Princess sitting on the chair as she hugs her knees, shaking in fear.
The long horn Imp says, "Yeah. The client said that he wanted the little princess alive. Mention something about an important experiment that has long been lost. I'm not sure what, but they say it will revolutionize Hell."
The four maniacally laugh with evil smiles on their faces.
Then the muscular Imp says, "And soon, we'll be rich after we bring the girl to the client!"
"Yeah!" The broken horned Imp says.
As the four Imps talk, they are not aware that Sarge is still up on the catwalk and has heard everything. He even sees little Octavia sitting on the chair and is shaking in fear. He remembers the news that he has seen that Prince Stolas' daughter has been abducted, and those are the guys who did it. Sarge narrows his yes and glares at the four Imps with a bitter expression. Down below, the four continue talking and laughing.
"And it was brilliant that we decided to leave them a decoy. I wonder if the Prince turned him into a stone statue for his garden by now," The imp with the broken horn says.
"Or crushed him into dust," The female Imp says.
Soon, the four Imps begin laughing. And suddenly, the Imp with the broken horn gets shot at the head, and falls to the ground dead, shocking the three comrades and frightening the little princess.
The muscular Imp angrily turns to where the shot has come from, "WHO THE FUCK DID THAT?!"
And then received a hard kick in the face. The source of the foot is Sarge who has jumped from the catwalk to give him a hard kick. Then lands on the ground as the muscular Imp falls to the ground.
The long horned Imp angrily brings out his gun and points it at Sarge, "Who the fuck are you?!"
"The assassin that's got you four on my death list," Sarge says, and holds out his gun and sharp teeth blade.
The little owlet princess becomes so frightened that when no one is looking, she jumps off the chair and runs off to hide somewhere safe.
The muscular Imp angrily gets up with a vicious growl, "Alright men, let's teach this fucker a lesson! There's three of us and only one of them!"
"Four would be fairer for you, but I've already ended one of them," Sarge says, ready to attack.
Then the female Imp brings out a pickaxe, "You're the one we're going to end!"
And with that, the female imp charges towards Sarge with the pickaxe. Sarge dodges the female Imp as she tries to stick the axe at his head, but Sarge blocks it, using the blade. He then lifts his leg up and kicks her in the stomach. He then uses his blade to slam in the middle of her head, killing her. Then she collapses and Sarge takes out his blade.
Then the Imp with the long horn Imp appears behind Sarge, and uses a pip to smack him on his back. Sarge stumbles a bit, but remains back on his feet. He then turns around and punches the Imp in the face. The long horned Imp then tries to swing the pipe at Sarge, but Sarge continues to dodge the attack, and manages to give the Imp a clean shot from the gun with his gun, killing him at one shot.
Soon, the muscular Imp then punches Sarge in the face and sends him crashing to the ground, dropping his axe and blade. Sarge looks up to see the muscular Imp, the leader of the gang cracking his knuckles as he gives Sarge an evil grin on his face.
"So, you think you're tough little Imp you ass," The muscular Imp angrily says.
The musiclar Imp then slams his fist towards Sarge's face, but Sarge rolls out of the way in the nick of time. Then, Sarge quickly stands and slams his fist at the other Imp's face. Then the Imp punches Sarge in the stomach. Then grabs Sarge and throws him across the room. Sarge grunts and groans as he struggles to stand up. Then the muscular Imp charged towards Sarge and about to body slam him. But then, Sarge quickly dodges and the imp lands on the ground, hurting his shoulder. He screams in pain, and glares at Sarge who is up and running towards the table. The Imp is about to charge towards Sarge, but Sarge is able to find a sharp axe and throws it at the Imp at the head, killing him instantly. The muscular Imp then falls over and crashes to the ground with the axe falling out of his skull.
Sarge takes deep breaths in exhaustion and wipes some of the blood off his face. Before he can say anything, he hears sniffling and whimpering coming from the corner of the room. Sarge then remembers the child that has been held here. Sarge slowly walks to the corner where he hears the whimpering to find a large crate. He slowly walks to the side and looks to see the young princess, Octavia is hugging her knees with her face pressed against it as she lets out whimpering and her body shaking.
"Poor thing," Sarge softly says.
Sarge then sits on his knees and gently calls out, "Are you okay little okay?"
Little Octavia gasps and turns to see Sarge. She tries to scoot back, but her back is now against the wall.
"It's okay. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you," Sarge calmly says.
Octavia shakes nervously as she sees the Imp, she isn't sure that she's lying.
Sarge asks, "Your name is Octavia, right? And your father is Prince Stolas, correct?"
"Um yes," Octavia nervously says.
She wipes the tears from her eyes and says, "I... I want to go home. I want my mummy and daddy. I want my daddy."
"Do not worry, I'll help you get back to your father," Sarge calmly says.
A little hopeful, Octavia asks, "Yo-you will?"
"Yes. I can imagine he's very worried about you, and he's looking for you. How did you end up here," Sarge replies.
Octavia whimpers and says, "I... I don't really know. I was sleeping inside my room. I didn't notice a thing. I ended up waking up to see those Imps who were scaring me and they were talking that they're going to take me to their client, and want to perform exper-exper..."
"Experiments? The client wants to perform experiments on you?" Sarge questions.
Octavia nods her head, "Yes. I don't want to be experimented on."
"Sorry to hear that," Sarge says, and gently pats her head.
He then says, "Don't worry, those Imps will never bother you again, and I'll get you home as soon as possible."
"You promise?" Octavia asks.
"I promise," Sarge says.
Octavia then walks out of the hiding place, allowing Sarge to pick her up. Octavia leans her head against Sarge's shoulder, to feel a little relaxed.
"Um, why are you being nice to me?" Octavia asks.
Sarge chuckles and says, "Well, I may be an assassin, but I don't like how demons treat children. Also, I have a daughter of my own, so my father's instinct kind of kicked in when I saw you frightened."
"Can I um, meet her? I never made any friends before," Octavia asks.
"Of course. It will be best to go back to my home so we can rest. You've been through a lot," Sarge says.
Octavia slowly nods her head, "Okay."
With the idea set in mind, Sarge leaves the warehouse district and takes Octavia to his home for her to stay for a little while. Until he can call her father, and hope he can answer.
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