Chapter 43: Sister Search in Motion

A few days later, in front of the I.M.P building, the portal opens and Blitz soon walks out with his backpack.

Blitz turns to see Stolas on the other side of the portal, "Bye Stolas, hope we can hang out again sometime."

"You too. Have a good day at work," Stolas says as he waves goodbye.

Then the portal closes as Blitz walks inside the building to the I.M.P office. Soon enough, Blitz walks inside and soon spots Randall and Loona in the lobby, relaxing with their electronics.

"Hi Randall. Hi Loona," Blitz says.

"Hey Blitz, enjoy your trip?" Loona replies for a second and continues to do stuff on the computer.

"Hey Blitz, welcome back," Randall says with a wave, "How was your weekend with Stolas? Have you two had sex yet? Did you take pictures?"

"It went well, and a lot has happened, and I mean, a lot," Blitz says, and soon blushes a bit. "And no, we haven't done any of that? We did take pictures, and before you ask, no, not of what you're thinking of."

"Boo," Randall replies.

"If you lived in the Human World, you'd be bound to get arrested," Loona comments, typing on the computer.

Then Blitz asks, "Where are the others?"

"They're in the meeting room. It was boring stuff so I've decided to relax here with Loona. It's mainly a plan on what to do with the assignment that Loona and I aren't doing," Randall says.

"I see," Blitz says.

Then Randall asks, "So what happened? You said a lot has happened."

"Well..." Blitz starts to say as he rubs the back of his head, "When I say a lot has happened, I don't even know where to start."

"You can start off by answering how was spending time with Stolas," Loona says.

"Okay," Blitz says.

Then explains, "Well, Stolas and I had a good time. We went out on a walk, had a bath, and enjoyed ourselves in the relaxation room. Almost got eaten by a heart-eating snake demon."

"What?!" Loona asks, flabbergasted.

"Yeah, but Stolas rescued me," Blitz says.

"Well that's good," Randall says.

"And well, Stolas and I talked and well..." Blitz says and soon shows smiles on their faces, "Stolas and I end up revealing how much we loved each other, and I asked if we can make it official, and Stolas said yes."

"Really?" Randall asks with interest.

"Yes. That's what happened. Stolas and I are officially boyfriends," Blitz says, "I'll explain more about it once the others are done with their meeting..."

But Randall zooms past Blitz and barges through the door, "Hey guys! Blitz just came back and just said that he and Stolas are official! They're an item! They're officially dating! D-A-T-I-N-G! DATING! And Stolas rescued Blitz from being eaten by a Heart Eating Snake Demon during their vacation!"

Everyone stares at Randall looking a bit dumbfounded and with a surprised expression.

Sarge simply sighs, "We'll have a half hour minute break."

And soon enough, everyone rushes out as Randall does the same. Sarge walks out and simply joins the others. Loona simply gets up from the desk and walks towards the group who are gathering around Blitz and begin asking so many questions involving what happened during the trip. They are excited to hear that he and Stolas are officially an item, but also ask and express their concern that Blitz almost got eaten by a monster and wants to know about it. Blitz tries to say something, but couldn't get a word out.

Soon, Sarge blows a whistle with his fingers, and gets everyone to stop.

"Alright everyone, let's settle down. I'm sure Blitz would love to tell you all about it, but not if you're all talking at once," Sarge says.

"Uh thanks Sarge," Blitz replies.

"You're welcome," Sarge says.

Then says, "I'll start first, what was that about a Heart-Eating Snake Demon?"

"Yeah. While we were there, a Snake Demon who called himself Nagarjun snuck into my room. He told me that he thought the room was empty, but I have to suspect that might have been a life. He and I talked a bit, and the next thing I knew, strange colors were coming out of my eyes and blacked out. The next thing I knew, I woke up in Stolas' arms and he carried me back to our room," Blitz explains.

Sarge narrows his eyes, "I thought that might be the case."

"You know him?" Millie asks, confused.

"Not personally, but Stolas told me he ran into him two years ago" Sarge answers, "And I heard rumors of a snake demon who loves to eat demons' hearts. No one knows who he really is or where he came from. Not even sure if he's a Hellborn Demon or even a Sinner. All we know is that this snake is crafty, and has hypnotic powers. And is particular about the victims' hearts he wants. Rumor also has it, once he has his eyes on a demon with a particular heart, he'll do anything to devour it, but there are some cases when he decides to not devour the demon who escaped his clutches."

"That's scary," Berry says, nervously and gulps in reply.

"That sounds like what Stolas told me, and we both also think this won't be the last time we've seen him," Blitz says.

He then lets out a sigh and says, "I really need to be more careful around demons. Who knows what kind of demons possess strange powers like that."

"Yes. You have to be extra vigilant while going out. You can never tell what kind of demons are out there with those kinds of powers," Sarge says.

"Don't worry, we'll just continue your training like we always do," Millie says.

"That would be best to continue with your training. However, strong hypnosis is not that easy to resist." Sarge says.

Blitz nods in reply.

"But it's also good that Stolas was able to get to you in time, but I have to agree, this might not be the last time you've seen this Nag character," Drew says.

Then Berry turns to Blitz and asks, "So Blitz, how was your trip? Uh, besides the snake demon attack?"

"Well, Stolas and I actually had a good time. We went for a walk in the garden in the back, we took a bath, and I relaxed in one of the relaxation rooms while listening to music. Stolas and I also had dinner in our room after the incident," Blitz says.

"So then, how did it happen?" Millie asks.

"How did what happen?" Blitz asks.

"How did you two become an item?" Millie asks with a grin.

Moxxie actually agrees, "I'm curious about it myself."

"Well, it happened after the incident with Nag..." Blitz says.

Blitz explains to the others what happened after the incident with Nag, and how the two end up confessing their love to one another, and he means everything. From the incident when Stella attacked him and Mimmy, to the visions of his birth family and their separation, and how Blitz ended up in the living world. After that, Blitz also explains how the two ended up falling in love with each other when they first met, and how their love blossomed over time. It actually took Blitz around fifteen minutes to explain everything in detail. As soon as he's finished, he notices the shocked look on their faces.

"Oh my crumbs," Moxxie says, shocked.

"Did... did that really happen?" Berry asks, shocked and feels like she's in tears.

"Is it... is it really true?" Drew asks, stunned.

Blitz sadly sighs, "I have to believe that it's true. And it does explain how Verosika and Robotic Fizz said that I resemble someone. They must be talking about my father or my sister. And the way they're talking, I want to believe that they must be alive."

"Now I understand why you were so out of it," Loona says.

Then mutters, "Fuck. I can't believe you went through something like that."

In tears, Millie gives Blitz a hug, "Blitz, we're... we're so sorry to hear all this happening."

"It's okay. It does feel a little better to talk about it. I'm just still trying to process everything. Again, I'm really sorry for not saying anything sooner," Blitz says.

"It's alright Blitz, but you should have told us," Drew says.

"Especially what Stella said to you," Razor says.

"I know, but I didn't want you to worry about my encounter with Stella, and the dreams I've had of my birth family after the incident with the agents from D.H.O.R.K.S," Blitz says.

Randall chuckles, "I still think that name sounds ridiculous."

"Yeah. Talk about stupid," Loona replies.

Then Randall says, "Well then, now that we know that Stella is an absolute fuckin royal bitchy pain in the ass. I say we take some action," And bring out a baseball, "And I think I like to use her to make a home run with."

"Uh, won't you get in trouble for us? I mean, despite her attitude towards me, and you guys, or perhaps other people, she's still a royal figure. We could get into real trouble if we try to attack her," Blitz asks, feeling uneasy.

"Maybe, but she deserves it," Randall says.

Razor swipes the baseball away, "We're not doing anything to Stella. No matter how much of a royal pain she is."

"Rats," Randall mutters and snaps his fingers.

Soon, everyone laughs with grins on their faces.

"So Blitz, what do we do now?" Millie asks.

"Well, I do like to know if my father and sister are really alive. And the only way we need to do that is to meet with Fizzarolli," Blitz says.

Then says in a serious tone, "And I mean, really meet him."

"I agree. With all that's happened, I think it's high time we start making arrangements. It won't be easy, but I think Stolas should be able to help us," Moxxie says.

"Are you sure you'll be ready for it?" Drew asks.

"With all that happened, I feel that I can't turn back on this any longer than I've had. I put it off for too long," Blitz says. "I have to meet Fizzarolli at Ozzie's no matter what it takes."

"Well if that's the case, we all can go to Ozzie's and talk to Fizzarolli and the big man himself," Randall says.

Then mutters in frustration, "As much as I don't want to see his annoying jester-like face again."

"What was that?" Loona questions.

Randall turns away from her, "Nothing."

"But Randall, Ozzie's is for couples only, remember. There's no way for all of us to come in at the same time," Drew says.

"If it's for couples only, then there is only one way for Blitz to get in," Randall says.

"What's that?" Blitz asks.

"Easy, you need to make a reservation as a couple with your boyfriend, and go to Ozzie's," Randall says, and snaps his fingers, "Easy as that."

"Is that really the only way?" Blitz asks, confused.

"Pretty much," Randall says, shrugging his shoulders.

Then Berry says, "It would be the best way to talk to Fizzarolli."

"Yeah. Fizzarolli performs there all the time, and Asmodeus will be there as well, since it's his nightclub," Drew says.

"And Stolas will be there to help as well. Since he's a prince, I'm sure he'll be able to have permission to see Ozzie and Fizzarolli," Millie says.

"It would also help if you have a good description of your father or sister. At least a name," Razor says.

"Yeah. The truth is, I have a stronger memory of my mother and sister than my father. It will be best if we describe my sister and my mother's appearance. But since Robotic Fizz and Verosika said the person looks like me, It would be best if we ask about my sister," Blitz says.

"That's a good idea," Berry says.

Drew then turns to Blitz, "Hey Blitz, can you remember anything about your mother and sister."

Blitz thinks about it and says, "Well, from what I remember, my birth mother called my sister Barbie, and she looks a lot like me, but there are some differences. Her horns are black with small white stripes and the ends of her horns are a little spiral. She even has the same heart shaped skull on her forehead like on mine. And I think the tip of her fingers on her fingers, and she seems to have the same kind of eyes as mine. She's practically a female reflection of me."

"That at least gives us a good description of your sister, especially since you clarify that she resembles you," Razor says.

"Yeah. I draw her myself, but my drawing is terrible," Blitz says.

Berry brings out a pad and pencil, "I can draw a picture of you, and the way you describe her, this should actually be easy."

Berry then begins to sketch out a picture of what 'Barbie' would look like.

Randall thinks about it as he mutters, "Barbie... Barbie... where have I heard that name before?"

"Have you heard of her before?" Drew asks.

"I don't remember. Hmm..." Randall says, and trying to think, "For some reason, I can't seem to remember that Barbie's face. For all I know, it could be a different one."

"Are you sure?" Blitz asks.

"Probably," Randall replies, shrugging his shoulders.

"At least it's a start," Berry says and continues sketching out a picture.

"Well then, it will be best if we get back to work. You can ask Stolas to help with the reservations at Ozzie's after work. I suspect Stolas is a little tired from the retreat you both took," Sarge says.

"Sure boss," Blitz says with a nod.

And throughout the day, Sarge and the others continue their work, killing people, doing paperwork, and other work related agenda. Work has been alright, and having to deal with aggressive clients isn't good.

After work, Millie and Moxxie decide to take Blitz to Stolas' mansion so they can talk to him and make arrangements to go to Ozzie's.

"And so, upon agreeing on the matter. I wanted to ask if we could go to Ozzie's. You know, you and me, on a date?" Blitz asks with a sheepish smile.

Stolas giggles, "Of course we can go. After everything that's happened, it would be best for us to go there soon, and make a reservation."

"Isn't it going to be hard getting a reservation there?" Millie asks.

"Well, I'm sure we could try. The sooner the better is best," Stolas says.

Stolas then picks up his phone and begins to make the call. As Stolas talks, Blitz turns to Moxxie and Millie to talk to them.

"You think Stolas is going to get the reservation?" Blitz asks.

"I'm sure he's able to. He is a prince after all, so he'll be able to get a reservation, lickity split. It also depends because Ozzie's is always booked 24/7 so getting a seat would be difficult, even for him." Millie says.

"I actually wish we could go with you, but Couples only and all that, and who knows when you are going to be able to go," Moxxie says.

Soon Stolas hangs up the phone and turns to the others, "Good news, I was able to get a reservation for Ozzie's."

"That's great. It won't be long before we're able to meet Fizzarolli, and hope we could talk to him," Blitz says.

"I do hope so as well. However, we would have to talk to Asmodeus before speaking to Fizzarolli directly," Stolas says.

"That's true," Millie says.

Then Moxxie asks, "Are you both going to be okay?"

"Just as long as nothing bad happens, I'm sure everything will be fine," Stolas says.

"I hope so. I feel that we've always gotten ourselves into all kinds of craziness, especially into trouble," Blitz says.

Moxie nervously turns away, "Yeah. We have been getting ourselves into all kinds of situations, but it's nothing new to us."

"Exactly. We've always ended up with all kinds of life threatening or insane situations. It's kind of part of being a hitman," Millie says.

"I've learned that. But I feel it also involves you living in Hell. then again, anyone can end up finding trouble no matter where you go, including Earth," Blitz says.

Stolas giggles, "Oh don't you worry. I'm sure everything will work out. We're just going out to dinner and then have an important discussion with Asmodeus and Fizzarolli and ask them about this mysterious Twin Sister and see if Fizzarolli knows about your remaining family."

"I hope so, Stolas. I really hope." Blitz says.

Stolas kneels to Blitz, "I'm sure of it. We just need to keep our heads on our shoulders. Plus, you need to relax, okay."

"Right," Blitz replies.

And then the two kiss. Moxxie and Millie watch with smiles to see the two are very much a good loving couple. Of course, they also know that the kind of couple they are, there's going to be challenges.

The next day, since it's the weekend, Moxxie, Millie, and Blitz are at the house doing their own thing. Millie is watching television. Moxie is reading a book. Blitz is doing stuff on his laptop. Lastly, Mimmy is playing with one of her toys.

Blitz then hears his phone rings and picks it up to see he has a message from Berry.

He opens it to see a photo of what Barbie looks like. To Blitz's surprise, Berry has done a good job on the sketch and looks a lot like Blitz. Of course, Berry makes her more feminine from Blitz's appearance and clothing.

"Did you get something?" Millie asks.

"I got a message from Berry. She sent me a sketch of Barbie, and we hope it will come in handy," Blitz says.

"Can we see?" Moxie asks.

"Sure," Blitz answers and presents the photo to them.

Moxxie and Millie look at the photo and are amazed.

"Wow. Berry did a good job," Moxxie says.

"Yeah. Berry really did a great job," Millie says.

"Yeah. I think it gives me a good description of Barbie's appearance. At least a possible appearance," Blitz says.

"And now all we have to do is wait and see what happens when you both get to Ozzie's," Moxxie says.

"Meow," Mimmy replies with a smile.

Blitz pets Mimmy, "That's right girl. It won't be long until I get some answers."

Mimmy then climbs on Blitz's shoulder and gives her a lick on the cheek. Blitz simply smiles and snuggles his cheek against Mimmy who is purring with a glee.

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