Chapter 42: Coils of Hunger, Heart of Romance

Back in one of the reserved relaxing rooms. Blitz is still lying in the bed as he listens to music from the headphones. Just then, he hears the sound of footsteps and the sound of a shower going off. Assuming that it's Stolas, Blitz sits up as he opens his eyes, hoping that it is Stolas. But Blitz becomes shocked to see someone closing the door with the back facing towards him, and it's not Stolas, but someone else all together.

Despite the demon's back facing Blitz, he can tell that the demon appears to be male, but seems to have snake feathers. The demon's skin is pale white, the being also has a rather long black snake tail with red rings that looks almost like eyes, and a white underbelly. The head and neck also resembles that of a snake, but it also has a hood and the red pattern makes it look like eyes as well. He seems to be wearing a dark purple vest with dark blue jeans and black boots.

However, the fact that someone is in the same room as him is making Blitz feel uneasy.

"Who... who is that?" Blitz asks himself in thought, "I was sure that Stolas had this room reserved, so... who's that? Maybe he'll realize that this is the wrong room and leave," Blitz then lies back down and faces away from the demon, hoping the demon would leave.

But he then hears footsteps approaching as the voice says, "Well hello there little one. My, don't you look very peacsssssful, laying in that comfy bed."

The voice sounds smooth, and it definitely sounds masculine. Blitz sits up and turns around to see the demon before him. Seeing his appearance, the demon is a snake demon that has the same eye-like pattern on the hood. He also has bright yellow round pupils. He looks at him with a calm smile on his face.

"Um yeah. The bed is really soft and um, yeah," Blitz says, sounding uneasy.

Blitz then asks, "Um, what are you doing here? I mean, my friend and I had this room reserved."

The snake demon chuckles, "No need to be nervous. I'm not going to hurt you."

"I see..." Blitz says.

The snake demon then sits on the bed and stares at the Imp as he flicks his fork-like tongue a bit.

"Um, you still didn't answer my question. Why are you here? My friend had this place reserved," Blitz asks.

"I apologize. I thought this room was empty and planned to relax here. I'm sure you won't mind if I keep you company for a bit?" The serpent demon says.

"Well, I uh, I don't know," Blitz says, uneasily.

The demon leans to Blitz and gently places his hand under his chin, "I do hope I'm not disssturbing you in a way. I just wanted to have a little ressst."

"Um no. I don't mind," Blitz answers, trying to remain calm.

Then the snake demon leans back as he removes his hand from Blitz's chin.

Then Blitz asks, "Who... who are you?"

"My name issss Nagarjun, but everyone calls me Nag," The snake demon says.

Nag tilts his head and asks, "And who might you be?"

"Um, my name is Blitzo, but everyone calls me Blitz," Blitz says.

"Blitzo, hmm. That'ssss a very unique name, but I like Blitzssss, better. It's more suitable," Nag says.

"Um, thank you," Blitz replies, feeling uncertain.

"So Blitzssss, what bringsss you to the Blissssful Dreamssss?" Nag asks.

"Well, my friend decided to take me here because I've been kind of out of it and had trouble getting some sleep. I recently went through an ordeal and my friends thought coming here might help me relax, and to take my mind off of what happened," Blitz answers, but tries his best to not get into details.

"Oh, you poor little Imp. I'm sssso sssorry to hear that," Nag says, sympathetic.

He then crawls on the bed towards Blitz and sits next to him.

Blitz then asks, "So um, what brings you here?"

"Oh, I just came here to relax after traveling for sssso long. I wanted to have a little rest and relaxation before I continue on my way," Nag says.

"I see," Blitz says.

Nag then leans to Blitz and says, "You know, you're actually kind of cute, for am Imp." He then has his tail slither behind Blitz and wrap them around his shoulders, "Perhaps we could have a little fun while we're alone. I'm sure your friend wouldn't mind."

Blitz then removes the coils off his shoulder and says, "Look, I'm sorry, but I think I better get going. My friend should have been back by now, and I'm starting to get worried, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to find you..." but is interrupted when Nag's name tail tips slither under chin and lifts it up so the Imp will face the snake demon and his yellow eyes.

Nag leans his head towards Blitz and lets out a chuckle.

"Oh do you really have to leave ssssso ssssoon. I was hoping to show you how lovely my eyessss look," Nag says.

"Um yeah. Your eyes do look nice," Blitz says, feeling a bit flustered.

"Indeed they are," Nag says with a sinister smile. And suddenly, both his eyes begin to emit ripples of colors: yellow, red, black, and orange. "My eyessss are very lovely, aren't they?"

Before Blitz can react or process what's happening, his eyes begin to copy the ripples of Nag's eyes and he is unable to look away.

"Relaxsssss Blitzsssss. Look into my eyesssssss. They look so alluring, don't they" Nag says.

Blitz becomes entranced in Nag's eyes that he's unable to say a word.

"Relax Blitz. Ssssssleep my little Imp. Go to sssssssleep," Nag says, giving off a lustful tone.

Blitz soon struggles to regain consciousness, but is unable to fight the hypnotic spell Nag has over him.

"You're ssssso close, my little Imp. So close to falling under my ssssspell. You are getting very sssssleepy, and feel sssssso relaxssss," Nag says.

Blitz continues to be hypnotized by Nag's spell and on the verge of falling asleep. Nag evilly smirks and then his lower half begins to glow. His legs and tail merge until they become a long scaly tail. And soon, Nag begins to use his new long tail to approach Blitz.

"Feel my coilsssss around you," Nag says as his coils begin to wrap around Blitz, "They feel ssssso sssssoft and sssssmooth around you. It'sssss relaxsssing, aren't they. It makessss you want to sssssleep even more, don't they," Nag says

Blitz struggles to stay away, but Nag's hypnotic powers are too strong for him to resist, and the smoothness of Nag's coils is pushing his resistance further away as they wrap further up his body and reach to his shoulders, but for some reason, leaving Blitz's chest exposed.

Nag says, "Yesssss. Shut your eyessss, Blitzsssss. Do you trusssssst in me...?"

Unable to resist anymore, Blitz softly says, "I... I do..."

"Good boy," Nag says, "Now ssssleep.... Let my coilsssss comfort you. Drift off into the blissfulness of my coilssss. Resssst in peace."

"Ye...yes... master," Blitz softly says as Nag's coils gently wrap around his neck, but not putting any pressure on it.

Blitz lets out a soft yawn and drifts off into a deep sleep.

"Don't you look so cute wrapped in my coils?" Nag replies.

He then asks, "Now, will you ssssmile for me? Pleasssse."

Blitz then smiles in his sleep.

"That's better," Nag says.

He chuckles and says, "Awww, don't you look so cute with that smile. It's just too bad that you might not live for much longer."

He slithers to Blitz and says, "Now then, to examine your heart."

Nag then begins to use his sharp claw to cut Blitz's shirt and pulls the thread apart as it rips. Nag then places his hand on Blitz' left chest and it begins to glow a bit. He hears Blitz' heart beating inside of him. He can feel the blood flowing around it. And senses something... different.

Nag says to himself in thought, "This Imp's heart is not like other demons' hearts. It's like his heart, his essence is pure. I can sense no darkness or an ounce of Sin within this one. No Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Envy, or even Lust. There's almost nothing within his soul." He then grows malicious and evilly smiles, "And yet, it's so pure, innocent, powerful, and so delicious," And licks his lips with his fork like tongue.

He then leans towards Blitz as he uses his gang to gently hold his chin and tilts it so sleeping face will look at him.

He shows hunger, "Your heart will be a very deliciousssss meal." and lets out a chuckle.

Nag then releases his coils from Blitz's neck and then uses his hand to tilt Blitz's head to reveal his neck.

"I am ssssso sorry Blitzssss, but I can't wait to have your innocent heart. And I like to paralyze my meal with my poison before I dine, makes them lesssss fusssssy," Nag says.

Then asks, "Any lasssst words?"

Despite being hypnotized Blitz ends up muttering softly, "St-Stolas... I... I..." and soon drifts off to sleep.

"Stolas? As in Prince Stolas? Is that the name of your little friend?" Nag questions with a calm smile.

Then he leans towards Blitz neck, "Well, it's too bad for your friend, because it's time for me to have my meal."

Nag then opens his mouth to reveal his sharp fangs and ready to bite on Blitz's neck to release his paralyzing poison into his victim's veins. But before he could sink his fangs into his victim, the door bursts open along with a bird screeching. Then something swoops in and tackles Nag into the ground, releasing Blitz from the coils and flops on the bed in his sleep.

Nag has been pinned to the ground as he holds his hands against the hands of his attacker. That someone is Stolas who has transformed into his demonic form.

In a demonic tone, Stolas says, "Don't you dare touch him!"

Nag is shocked by this at first, but soon shows a smirk on his face, "Well well, if it isn't Prince Stolas. I didn't expect to see you here so soon. Much less hanging out with a cute little Imp like Blitzssss."

Stolas growls and roars in pure anger to hear that.

"Oh don't be so mad, I was just trying to get a meal. You know that demon hearts' are really appetizing," Nag says. Then uses his tail tip to touch the left chest where Stolas' heart is, "And I haven't forgotten how delectable your heart is. It's too bad you're a royal prince so I couldn't have a bite. And your little friend has a very delicioussss heart."

That just makes Stolas furious and demands, "If you dare do anything to Blitz, I swear I will..."

"Temper temper, Stolas," Nag says in a taunting tone.

He then sighs with a smile and says, "But alright. I'll forget about your little Imp. Despite how cute, innocent, and delicious he is."

Stolas growls in anger. Soon, the royal prince reverts back to his normal state, but his eyes are still glowing red and stands on his two feet.

He then points to the door, "Just leave, or I won't be able to hold myself back."

Nag then reverts back to his normal stage, and has his two legs and tail separated.

"Fine, fine. I'll just have to search for my meal somewhere else," Nag says.

He walks towards the door to take his leave.

Before stepping out, he turns to Stolas and says, "You know Stolas, I've never expected a Goetia like yourself to have a fling with an Imp, the lower class of demons. Not that I blame you, he's quite the catch. However, I suggest you keep an eye on the poor dear, you never know when other demons might try to take advantage of that innocent heart of his." Then his expression changes to lustful hunger, "Or perhaps I might try to have a bite of him the next time I see him. See you and your little boyfriend around."

Then Nag steps out as Stolas looks at him with a blank look on his face before he snarls in anger. Stolas soon takes a deep breath to calm himself down before turning towards the bed Blitz is sleeping on. Nag's hypnotic trance has put Blitz in a deep sleep. Stola then picks up Blitz and holds him in his arms in concern.

"Blitzy, wake up. Please, wake up," Stolas says, concerned.

He then gently pats his hand against Blitz's right cheek. That's enough for Blitz to open his eyes, revealing the hypnotic ripples before they disappear and Blitz' eyes are back to their normal state, and the Imp is released from the trance.

Blitz slowly turns his head, "Stolas...?"

"Blitz..." Stolas says and sighs in relief, "Thank goodness. Are you okay...?"

"I think so..." Blitz says, still feeling a bit dazed, "Where... where's Nag?"

"He's gone now. Do not worry," Stolas says with reassurance.

He then begins to carry Blitz out of the room, "Let's head back to our room. I'll order us something to eat."

"Okay," Blitz replies.

Sometime later, Blitz explains how Nag ends up in their room and the two talk for a bit. Then he's unable to remember anything else, and soon wakes up to hear Stolas' voice and touch. However, Stolas has to explain to Blitz that Nag is a very dangerous demon who eats the hearts of demons and is quite picky with the taste. That makes Blitz feel uneasy, if Stolas hadn't shown up, Blitz would have been killed and his heart would have been eaten. Stolas promises Blitz to make sure nothing like this would happen again.

Now, Blitz and Stolas are both sitting on their bed after having dinner.

"Stolas, thanks for uh, helping me," Blitz says.

"It's no trouble Blitz. I was very worried for a minute, I burst into the room without thinking," Stolas says.

"Yeah," Blitz says. Then let out a sigh, "I really need to be careful about being around other demons."

"It's quite alright, but still, you really need to be more careful. As you can understand, many demons are powerful and dangerous," Stolas says.

"Yeah," Blitz says, feeling very uneasy.

He soon looks up and says, "Hey Stolas... what do.... What do you think of me?"

Stolas becomes confused, "I'm not quite sure what you mean?"

"Well, um, it's hard to explain, but um, it's about well, I know you might not think that about me, but I wanted to ask that..." Blitz says, trying to ask, but is trying to brush it off.

However, he promises his cousins to tell Stolas about the incident with Stella..

He takes a deep breath and asks, "Do you think of me as a Low Blood Imp? An ugly no blood nobody? Or that you could never like me...?"

"WHAT?!" Stolas exclaims in shock, "Blitz, I would never think that about you?! Who told you that sort of nonsense?"

Blitz sadly sighs and says, "Your wife, Stella did."

Stolas eyes wide in shock, "What?!"

And with that, Blitz explains, "You see, when I was at your place and when I was trying to find Mimmy, I heard her scream and realized that Stella was hurting her. I managed to protect her before she gave her another blow, but she then striked me, grabbed me, and pinned me against the wall. And said a lot of nasty stuff to me. She question on what you see in me, saying insults to my face, and say that a Goetia can never love an Imp and that it's bad enough that you became friends with imps and other low class demons, but it's the idea that you're having a relationship with an Imp like me bothers her. And said that you fell into disgrace, because of me."

"She said all that...?" Stolas asks, shocked.

Then asks in concern, "Blitz, why you never told me?"

"I didn't want you to worry, and what she said really bothered me. Even in those hallucinations I remember her words and others saying that I'm different or a freak," Blitz says.

"Hallucinations?" Stolas questions.

Blitz then says, "You remember when I was caught by those two Agents and how they want to know about the killings the company has been doing?"

"Yes," Stolas replies with a nod.

"During that time, they let out some strange truth telling gas into the room and I ended up feeling dazed and barely conscious at the time. A lot of stuff happened in my head and it felt so real," Blitz says, and struggles to keep up.

Stolas hugs Blitz and comforts him by rubbing his back and says, "Go on."

Blitz sighs and continues, "I ended up seeing a lot of stuff, and some involved the circus with my family, and I relived the incident when my father, brother, and sister were killed, and when my mom and I were hurt. Then, I ended up in a scary abyss and I ended up seeing Robert Wayne, Veorsika, Striker, the Robotic Fizz, and Stella, saying a lot of stuff to me, like how I'm a freak, how different I am, and would be taken advantage of, and was told to never be loved because of what and who I am."

Then Blitz hugs Stolas, "But the only good thing that happened during those hallucinations is that you were there. And maybe part of me wants to believe you cared about me, despite what I am or where I came from, and how different I am. And the others are there and are happy for me when you and I kissed, almost like how it went when we first met. And I felt very safe with you."

That makes Stolas blushes a little and white pupils appear in shapes of hearts, and yet smiles to know that he is someone Blitz feels safe with.

Remaining calm, Stolas says, "I must admit, you had quite a few hallucinations."

"Yeah," Blitz says, but then lowers his head in sadness.

That brings concern to Stolas and asks, "What's wrong?"

"It just... something else happened, something else I've experienced under the gas' influence," Blitz says.

"What is it?" Stolas asks.

"Well, this one is very hard to explain, but I feel that I could tell you about it now. It's a very difficult subject, so please bear it because it's very painful," Blitz says.

"Of course," Stolas says with a nod.

Blitz takes a deep breath to calm his nerves, and begins to explain, "While under the gas' influence, I ended up seeing some events that took place, and I think they're really memories of my past, the past I had, before my adopted mother found me in the woods. It helped me remember... remember what happened to me. And what happened to my birth family and how I ended up in the human world. And I wasn't ready to discover that truth, not like this..."

"What do you mean?" Stolas asks.

Soon, Blitz clutches Stolas' shirt as tears fall down his face, "I saw the truth and it's horrible. My family was attacked by the Exterminators during the Early Extermination over thirty years ago during the Cascade Gateway Disaster that very same day."

Stolas is shocked to hear this.

And Blitz continues, "And I saw my family, my birth family. I had a mother, a father, and a sister. During the Extermination, I was in my mother's arms and we got separated from my father who had my sister in his arms. The exterminators chased my mother until she ended up getting sucked in by one of those portals in the human world in the Aurora Woodlands. The Exterminators followed her and chased her through the woods..." Tears continued to fall down his face, "And then, my mother... My birth mother hid me in that hollow log and gave me her choker before she left me there to lure the Exterminators away from where she hid me and I never saw her nor those Exterminators again."

He then touches the red skull around his neck, "This choker, it really belongs to my birth mother. She gave it to me as a keepsake. And her choker is the symbol in which she... she sacrificed her life."

Soon, Blitz begins to shed tears even harder, remembering and telling about his past is very painful. Stolas is shocked to hear everything Blitz says, and now understands why Blitz was so shut down. What Stella said, the hallucinations, and reliving his past as a baby involving his birth mother's sacrifice, is a traumatizing experience for him. And Blitz ends up shutting down after that. Stolas soon feels tears falling down his face.

Then Stolas gives Blitz a hug in sadness, "Oh Blitz... I'm... I'm so sorry all this happened to you. You... you must have been so frightened and broken hearted."

"I was. I wanted to learn about my past, but I... I wasn't ready to learn the devastating truth of what happened to my mother. And I don't know what happened to my father or sister. For all I know, they... they could have been killed by Exterminators as well. They might still be alive. I don't know what happened to them after that. And my mother saved my life, by sacrificing her own," Blitz says and continues to cry.

"It's okay Blitz. There there. I am so sorry all this happened to you and what you have witnessed," Stolas says. "But now I understand why you felt so shut down."

"Yeah. I was so devastated about those hallucinations, learning about my past, and my doubts that I couldn't tell anyone about them. I didn't have the hard time to tell you about what Stella says. But my cousins were able to convince me," Blitz says, and wipes the tears off his face.

Then says, "And thinking about it now. I should even let what Stella said get to me, because she never loved you, but I... but I did..." and without thinking, Blitz kisses Stolas on the lips, much to Stolas' shock, but blushes to hear those words.

Blitz removes his lips from Stolas and quickly realizes what he has done and said. Soon his face trunks red as a tomato.

"Uh Blitz, is what your saying is... is it true?" Stolas asks, looking flustered that his face turns red.

Blitz shyly smiles and nods his head, "Yes. It's true."

Then Blitz takes a breath to calm himself and says, "I love you, Stolas. I started falling in love with you when we first met, when we first kissed each other. Despite it being an accident at the time. And the more I get to know you, the more in love I become. You're smart, fun, a bit of a goof, but you're very kind, generous, funny, and very caring, especially for Octavia, and a lot more. And the others like you so that's always a good sign. And the more I spend time with you, the more in love I become," He sighs, "I ended up starting to doubt my feelings because of what Stella said, but after what you have done for me, especially now, I feel very safe, and know how much you care for me."

He then takes Stolas' hand, "Especially since you saved my life, you went out of your way to save me and the others from those demon hunters. I must admit, I was a little scared of what happened, but I felt better after realizing that it was you doing all this, and you saved my life."

Then blushes, "That's kind of why I asked what you think of me. Like if there's anything you like about me. I know it's silly to ask, but I just like to know what you think."

Then sighs, "I want your honest opinion about me. I can handle it."

Stolas calms himself and says, "To be honest Blitz, you're actually kind of smart yourself, you're very generous, resourceful, caring, kind, and strong. And despite everything that has happened in your life, losing your family, learning about your past, and having to adapt to Hell's environment, you're still able to show that kind smile. You still want to be yourself, despite how unnatural it is to other demons. And to be honest, I ended up starting to have feelings for you, since the day we met."

That makes Blitz smile, "Really."

"Yes. Everything I said is true. And you're also hard working because you try to be strong to live in Hell, and still want to be yourself. And like the others, despite being a prince, you treated me like a real person, well demon anyway," Stolas says, and hugs Blitz, "I'm very glad to have met you."

"Me too," Blitz says.

Stolas then looks at Blitz and says, "And well, discuss saving each other. I was surprised to hear from the others about what happened with this Striker character, and that you decided to take the bullet to protect. I thought what you did was very reckless, but I can't help but think what you did was noble."

"Um yeah. I know it was reckless, especially since I was told about how dangerous angelic weapons are," Blitz says.

"Yes. You saved my life. And I ended up saving yours, twice I might add," Stolas says.

"Huh, I guess we're going to make this into a habit. I just need to save your life again and we'll be even," Blitz says with a grin.

Soon, he and Stolas laugh for a little bit. After that, they soon embrace each other with love in their eyes.

Blitz then asks as he cheeks blush, "Stolas, I know this a bit direct and well, you don't have to if you're not ready, but um, do you want to make it official?"

Stolas smiles and says, "Yes. I would love that. I love you so much, Blitzy."

"I love you too, Stolas," Blitz says.

And with that, the two give each other a kiss on the lips. It shows that love is in the air for those two, and it's official. Then the two hug each other. Blitz then lets out a yawn and shows signs of exhaustion.

"Tired Blitz?" Stolas asks.

"Yeah," Blitz says and yawns. "I'm feeling very tired."

"I'm not surprised. We had a long day, and an eventful one," Stolas says.

Soon, the two go under the covers and Blitz lies down, feeling very tired.

"Goodnight Stolas," Blitz says, and soon falls asleep with his head on the soft pillow.

Stolas then gently gives Blitz a kiss on his forehead and softly says, "Goodnight Blitzy."

Then the two fall asleep after the eventful second day. And it became official that the two are dating and becoming boyfriends. It goes to show that despite being in Hell, you can find romance in an unexpected place.

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