Chapter 41: Blissful Dreams
A few days later, after the incident with the D.H.O.R.K.S. everyone in the office is rather quiet. They haven't had much work today, so it's a slow day. However, today, Blitz is practically sleeping on the desk and is holding the pencil as doing so.
Loona walks to Blitz and asks, "Hey Blitz, you got that paperwork done for dad?"
However, Blitz continues to sleep as he lets out a snore.
Loona places her hand on his shoulder and shakes him, "Wake up, sleepy head."
Blitz quickly sits up in surprise, "Huh, what, who..."
"Uh Blitz, my dad wants to know if you got the paperwork done.
"Oh yeah, paperwork," Blitz says, and lets out a yawn.
He picks up the small pile of paper and passes it to Loona, "Here you go."
"Yeah. Thanks," Loona says, and takes the paperwork.
Then she walks into the office to give the papers to her father. Moxxie, Millie, and the others grow concerned to see Blitz still working and not paying attention to anything unless someone approaches him.
Berry turns to the others and asks, "Is it just me, or is Bitz feeling a little tired lately."
"Yeah. Blitz is like totally out of it. He's been like this for three days," Randall says.
"I have to agree. What's more, Blitz has been feeling a bit well dazed and out of it," Millie says.
"I know what you mean. He barely eats, and hasn't been paying attention to anything unless it's to feed Mimmy or work involvement. I even found out he hasn't been sleeping much lately," Moxxie says.
"Not to mention he's been sleeping in the office," Drew says.
"Yeah. He's been like this since the incident with those Dorks from D.H.O.R.K.S." Randall says.
"I agree. He hasn't even talked to us. And every time we try to talk to him about it, he has this weak smile on his face and says that there's no need to worry about it and all that," Drew says.
"Not even Mimmy is getting his attention unless he has to feed her," Razor says.
The group turns to see Blitz is still working on some paperwork, and still looks tired and dazed. In fact, he isn't even paying attention to what they're talking about.
Berry sighs, "We're going to need some help."
"And fast, I've never seen Blitz this braindead," Millie says.
"I say we're going to need to have a strong reinforcement. We need some advice on how to cheer Blitz up, perhaps get him relaxed and relieved from the stress after being captured. And perhaps help Blitz open up to talk about what's on his mind," Moxxie says, scratching his chin as he paced around the room.
"And who would you be suggesting?" Loona asks.
Then Moxxie snaps his fingers, "I think I have an idea."
Moments later, Moxxie, Millie, and Berry arrived at the only person who might be able to help. That someone is Stolas. As of now, they're in Stolas' chamber to have a private conversation.
"I see. So Blitz hasn't been getting enough sleep and has been uh, dazed lately," Stolas replies, remaining calm, but showing deep concern.
"Dazed doesn't even begin to describe how Blitz is feeling right now. He's like a zombie," Berry says.
"I have to agree. Blitz barely eats, he doesn't really pay attention to us, and barely talks to us. He isn't even paying attention to Mimmy unless he has to feed her. He even sleeps in his office because he hasn't been getting enough sleep. No doubt, something is very off about him," Millie says.
"And we think it has something to do with what happened with those demon hunters," Moxxie says.
"Oh dear," Stolas says, showing concern.
Then turns his head in concern, "I hope I didn't have anything to do with what happened."
"About you turning into overprotective full demon mode...?" Berry asks.
But Millie says, "Nah. Blitz wasn't scared of that. If anything, I think he's relieved that Stolas came when he did."
"Maybe so, but still, something bothered him. He's been deep in thought about it for days. Something's on his mind," Berry says.
Then Moxxie turns to Stolas, "That's kind of why we wanted to ask you about it, your highness. We don't know what to do?"
"Hmm," Stolas tries to think of an idea on how to help Blitz.
"Well, Maybe it would be to set up a little retreat for Blitz. You know, it might be a good idea to have Blitz settle in a new environment for a little while. A few days or so might work," Stolas says.
"A retreat? Like a vacation or something?" Berry questions.
"Something like that. I think it will be best to take Blitz somewhere, where he can relax and refresh himself. Once Blitz is well relaxed, I'm sure he'll be more open and perhaps he could tell us on his own what's going on in his mind," Stolas explains.
Millie thinks a bit and says, "That's actually a good idea. WE can all go and have some fun, and figure out what's wrong with him?"
"But Blitz might not talk if there's too many of us," Moxxie says.
"Exactly. So I suggest, I'll take Blitz personally on this little retreat, just the two of us," Stolas says.
"Unless he's using it as an excuse to go on a date with him," Berry whispers.
Moxxie and Millie cover their mouths to stifle their giggles.
"It won't fully be a date. This will fully be about helping Blitz to relax and to take things easy. I just also think it would be best for him that only one of us should accompany him. It might make things easy for him when he does decide to talk," Stolas says.
Berry shrugs his shoulders, "Suit yourself."
"That would be the best option we have, so let's give it a try. We'll leave everything to you Stolas," Millie says with glee.
Then Moxxie asks, "Just one question, what destination do you have in mind for this little retreat?"
"Hmm," Stolas begins to think, "Well, it will have to be somewhere where Blitz can relax and possibly out of the city. It would be good to have him in a different environment. A place where he's able to relax and feel more at ease. Hmm..." Soon, an idea flashes in his mind, "I think I know just the place that will help Blitz. I heard there's a Relaxation Center in the Sloth Ring."
"You mean Blissful Dreams? I've heard of that place," Berry says.
"So have I. Millie and I were thinking of going there, and heard it's a perfect place for relaxing vacations," Moxxie says.
"Indeed. I heard there are a few spas, bath houses, along with a large garden outside with relaxing music. Along with a large hotel with multiple rooms, you can rent them to take naps or stay for the night," Stolas says.
"I think it's a perfect place to take Blitz. He really needs some sleep," Millie says.
"And it will help Blitz relax after what happened and it will help him get away from it all," Berry says.
"Then it's decided. I'll prepare a reservation right away. I think three days or so should help Blitz get back to his sweet self," Stolas says.
"But would it be a problem if other demons see you with Blitz. It's bound to turn some heads?" Millie asks.
Stolas then says, "I actually have an idea for that problem as well. I want it to be so it will be problem free for Blitz, so I came up with that idea well."
"And what's that?" Moxxie asks.
Stolas smirks, "To put it simply, I have a little trick up my sleeve on the matter. Although, it's been a long time since I've taken on an Imp form."
"Imp form?" The three reply, confused.
"Not to worry. I have everything under control," Stolas says.
The next day, Moxxie and Millie are with Blitz at the elevator waiting for Stolas to arrive. At first, Blitz isn't sure about it, but they're able to convince him that Stolas has everything taken care of and it will help him relax and have some alone time. They make sure that Blitz has packed spare clothes, swim suit, and other essentials he needs for the trip.
"Are you guys sure this is a good idea?" Blitz asks.
"I'm sure Stolas knows what he's doing. It will give you time to relax and take your mind off of the incident," Moxxie says.
"Besides, Stolas said it's a pretty popular spot to take baths, walk through a lovely garden, sleep and take naps, and who knows what else," Millie says, happily. "I know you're going to have a great time."
Moxxie looks at his phone, "Stolas should be here by now."
"I wonder what disguise Stolas is talking about," Millie replies.
"I'm sure we'll know soon enough," Moxxie says.
"Moxxie! Millie! Blitz! Over here!" Stolas' voice calls out.
The three turn their heads and are surprised to see Stolas in his Imp form. Stolas is a tall Imp, almost close to Loona's size, but is shorter than his original size. His hair is similar to his own, and has a light gray stripe on it. He also has two curved back horns with the patterns of a male Imp. His skin is a light red color, black hands, and he also has a long tail with a black tip at the end. The tip of his mouth has a beak on it. He is wearing a white dressed button up shirt with a dark burgundy vest, and wears dark gray pants and black pants. He is also holding a rolling suitcase.
"I'm here," The Imp says with Stolas' voice.
"Stolas? Is that you?" Blitz asks, in surprise.
The Imp nods his head, "Yes. I am. Are you ready to go?"
"Yes. I'm ready," Blitz says, still a bit surprised.
Suddenly, they hear the announcement, "Elevator 666 departing for Sloth." There is a yawn and soon says, "In five minutes."
"Looks like it's time for us to board the elevator," Stolas says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
"And Blitz, make sure you both have a good time," Millie says.
"Okay. Bye guys," Blitz says.
"Bye," Moxxie and Millie say.
Stolas and Blitz then take each other's hand, grab their suitcases, and walk into the elevator to go to the Sloth Ring for their trip. Once inside, they both sit down and begin to relax as they listen to the music. Blitz and Stolas lean together and the tall Imp comforts Blitz, by wrapping his arms around him. Blitz soon feels relaxed, which is a start.
Stolas says in thought, "Don't worry Blitz, I promise this will help you. I want you to feel better after what you've gone through."
Sometime later, in the Sloth Ring, Blitz and Stolas soon arrive at the building by taxi. Once the taxi arrives, the two exit and gather their suitcases. Stolas pays the driver and drives off.
"There it is. The Blissful Dreams," Stolas says.
Blitz looks up and is amazed to see the Blissful Dreams is a rather large building, along with a hotel, and other buildings with tunnel pathways. The building is also decorated with some moons and stars, constellations, and the logo of the building has a half moon with a sleeping Imp in pajamas and has a blanket, along with the woods 'Blissful Dreams.'
"Wow. The place looks really nice," Blitz says.
"I agree. I've seen it on the news, but it looks really nice up close," Stolas says.
"Yeah. It really does," Blitz says.
"Come now, let's head to our room and then we can have a good few days of relaxation," Stolas says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
The two then walk inside to start their vacation. After checking in, they soon arrive in their bedroom. It's actually a large elegant suite for two people. There is a large king bed that has nice blankets and sheets with pillows on it. There is a large bathroom, with a large television, a desk, and other essentials for the large suite.
"Wow. The place looks really nice," Blitz says.
"Indeed it is. I think it's a good place for us to stay," Stolas says.
Then brings out the pamphlet for the resort, "There is a lot to do on it. There's open air baths, a walk in the large garden in the back, a spa treatment, and also a relaxation room where you can listen to a lot of music."
"They all sound very nice. I'm not even sure which one to do first," Blitz says.
"You have a point, there is so much for us to do," Stolas happily says.
Blitz blushes, "Yeah."
Stolas then tries to think, "Hmmm..." Then he has an idea, "Maybe having a walk in the garden would be a good start."
"Um sure," Blitz replies.
Soon enough, Stolas and Blitz walk to the garden in the back of the resort. Turns out the garden is pretty simple. A few trees, flowers, and a few paths made of flat stones with small bricks to help mark the paths. There are also a few demons who are either walking, eating, relaxing, and sleeping with headphones on.
"Wow. The place looks very nice," Blitz asks.
"It is. It seems very peaceful," Stolas says.
He then yawns and says, "Although, the place does make me feel a bit sleepy."
"I have to admit, it does seem like a relaxing place for a nap, but it might be a bit odd sleeping with a lot of demons right. In some cases, awkward," Blitz says.
"You do have a point," Stolas says.
Blitz sighs with a smile, "I'm starting to think that coming here is a good idea."
"I'm glad. I'm also glad we're able to have a chat. I've been trying to call you, but you haven't answered. Not since the last time you were at my home," Stolas says.
"Oh right. Sorry about that," Blitz says, embarrassed.
However, he soon saddens in reply.
Stolas notices it and says, "Do not worry Blitz. I'm sure you had your reasons, but remember, we're here to help you relax, so let's try not to bring up the incident, okay."
"Okay," Blitz says.
Then turns to Stolas and says, "Sorry if it's a bit rude, but I find this a little bit weird."
"What's weird?" Stolas asks.
"I'm sorry if it sounds offending, but I guess it feels a bit weird when hanging out with you as an Imp. To be honest, it was a bit off when you were human as well. But only a little, I got over it pretty quickly," Blitz says.
"Really now? And why is that?" Stolas asks.
"I guess it's because I'm too used to hanging out with you as an Owl and not a human or an Imp, but I understand that your disguises are necessary. Even I learned that I need to wear a human disguise in the human world, and so do others," Blitz says. "Still, I never knew you could turn into an Imp."
"Well, for demon royals like myself sometimes like to blend in a bit, mainly to not get any odd looks from other demons," Stolas says.
"Make sense," Blitz says, "Besides being able to open portals on Earth, disguising yourself and others as humans, and other demons, telekinesis, and well, after that display you did at that Demon Hunter HQ, I have to wonder, what other kinds of magic you can do? With and without your book?"
"Oh! So are you interested in seeing more spells?" Stolas asks.
"Well yeah, kind of. I can't help but be a little curious about it," Blitz says.
"Hmm, maybe when we come back I can show you a few spells. I think a harmless spell should suffice," Stolas says.
"Can't you perform some now?" Blitz asks.
"Well, I haven't tried all the spells in my grimoire, and well, some do require the use of the book or reciting some magic spells. Plus, it might be a bit dangerous performing it in a place like this," Stolas says.
"Good point," Blitz replies. "It would be dangerous to try to use some magic around other demons."
"Indeed it would," Stolas says. Then he says, "Let's walk a little more and we can move on to the next activity."
"Kay," Blitz replies.
The two continue to walk around the park for a relaxing time.
Meanwhile, outside of the resort, a mysterious demon walks towards the place and looks at the building with lustful hunger in its yellow eyes.
Then with a smooth and alluring male voice, the demon says, "Hmm, this looks like a perfect spot for my hunger. I might be able to find good demons that will satisfy my appetite. Of course, I'll have to choose my prey carefully."
With that, the mysterious demon begins to walk inside the Blissful Dreams resort.
"I find it quite entertaining that they call this place the Blissful Dreams. Because my little prey will be in for a Blissful Dream they'll never be able to wake up from," The demon says to himself and shows an evil grin on his face.
The mysterious demon continues to walk within the building and to the crowd to find some demons for him that pique his interest and quinch his appetite.
A little time later, Blitz and Stolas decide to go to the private bath areas for them to have a relaxing bath. Blitz is already in the tub of warm water and relaxing to the sound of the music being played. Blitz sighs and feels very relaxed. He hears the sound of water movement and footsteps and looks to see Stolas walk in the water and sits next to him.
"The water feels nice," Blitz says.
"Yes. It is. And the pool is rather big," Stolas says.
"Yeah. It might be big enough for us to swim in," Blitz says.
Stolas chuckles, "I can imagine Randall would be the type to splash in the pool and swim around it like an energetic child."
Back at I.M.P HQ...
Randall sneezes, "Achoo!"
"Woah. That was a big sneeze," Berry says.
"Yeah. Maybe I'm catching a cold or something," Randall says, and blows his nose with a tissue.
Reading a manga book, Drew suggests, "Maybe someone is talking about you?"
"How so?" Randall asks.
"Well, from what humans say in anime and all that stuff, if your nose itches then someone out there is talking about you," Drew says.
Moxxie chuckles, "That doesn't sound logical."
"I know. I'm just messing with you. It's basically made up anyway," Drew says.
"I hope Blitz and Stolas are enjoying their trip together," Millie says.
"I'm sure they're fine. I hope Blitz is able to relax and have a good time," Berry says.
"Yeah, especially with his boyfriend," Randall says with a grin.
"Now that I think of it, do you think the two would make it official?" Millie asks.
"What do you mean, official?" Razor asks.
"Honestly, I'm curious too. I'm wondering when those two are officially going to become an item. They've been hanging out together for a while, and went on a date or two," Loona says.
"Well, I'm hoping this resort could help Blitz relax and hopefully open up to us about what happened with the demon hunter incident," Moxxie says.
"Me too, but I'm sure Stolas will be able to get him to open up," Drew says.
Randall then grins and asks, "Say guys, maybe we should have a little wager, just for the fun of it..."
"And you want to make this into a bet, huh?" Moxxie questions, and narrows his eyes with a frown.
"Well duh," Randall says.
Moxxie crosses his arms, "I don't want to make bets with Blitz and Stolas' relationship. Besides, it might take them a little longer for them to make it official."
"What makes you so sure?" Randall questions.
"Because this trip is all about helping Blitz not relax. It's not a date," Moxxie says.
Randall shrugs his shoulders, "Suit yourself." and mutters, "Buzzkill."
Back at the resort...
After having their bath, the two are trying to decide what to do next while having a drink.
"So what would you like to do now?" Stolas asks.
"I'm not sure," Blitz says, and soon lets out a yawn. "Sorry about that. I actually haven't got any sleep for the past few days."
"I'm guessing you're rather tired, huh," Stolas says.
Blitz rubs his eyes, "Yeah. I've been having bad dreams the past few days and I haven't been able to get much sleep. But I did want to spend the day with you," And Blitz yawns again, "I think this place is making me even more tired."
"Well after hearing that, I think it's a good idea for you to take a nap, and I know a good place for that," Stolas says.
Moments later, Stolas opens the door and walks inside with Blitz. They walk in a room to see a small single bed that has pillows, blankets, sheets, and it looks very soft and comfy.
"It's a really nice room," Blitz says.
"It is. This is one of the napping rooms. You can reserve a room for as long as you want and sleep well. They charge by the hour and you're able to listen to music," Stolas says.
"Sounds nice," Blitz says.
He yawns and says, "And I could really use some sleep."
"Yes," Stolas says, "Now then, you can nap here for a while while I head to the library to borrow a few books to read."
"Okay," Blitz says.
Stolas then walks out of the room and says, "Have a pleasant nap, Blitzy." and closes the door.
Blitz blushes a bit to be called the nickname, not that it bothers him.
Blitz yawns, "Well I guess I better hit the sack and get some sleep."
Blitz then takes off his shoes and climbs on the bed to lie down. He then places his headphones on and puts on some relaxing music. Soon, Blitz begins to drift off to sleep and feels very relaxing.
Just outside of the room and after Stolas has gone off to the library, someone steps within the relaxation rooms and smirks to see if there's anyone else who the demon is going to dine with.
Sometime later, Stolas is in the library and is checking out some of the books for him to read. As soon as he walks out, he hears muttering and concerning sounds nearby. Stolas soon notices a crowd nearby.
"Hmm, what's going on?" Stolas asks, himself.
Stolas walks towards the crowd. He arrives to see a male Imp is hugging a female succubus. The female succubus is in tears as he hugs the male and it looks like her chest has been slightly and her blouse is torn in half.
"Oh Stan, I was so scared. If you hadn't come along..." The Succubus says in tears.
The Imp, Stan says, "It's okay babe, I'm here now."
Stolas then turns to another Imp and asks, "Excuse me, do you know what just happened?"
The muscular Imp says, "Yeah. I heard that this chick was attacked by some monster."
"A monster?" Stolas questions.
Then a female Imp says, "Actually, I heard there have been three other attacks. And they're all dead."
"Dead?" Stolas questions.
"I heard of it too. It's been happening, but the weird thing is that their hearts are gone. But before that, they seem to have a strange bite mark on their neck," The female Imp says.
"How terrifying," Another female Imp says.
"That doesn't sound like a normal demon would do this," A male Imp says.
An Incubus says, "I actually remember seeing this before. It happened three years ago and someone else was also killed with their heart ripped out from their body."
"Really," Someone asks.
"Yeah. I heard there's this frightening snake-like demon, who loves to devour the hearts of demons. They said that the demon hypnotizes them and paralyzes them with venom so they won't fight, and tears out their heart so he can devour him," The demon says.
"How scary," A female Imp says.
Hearing the description of the demon, Stolas face turns pale and touches his neck and a thought comes to him. "No doubt about it. This... this was his work. It's been two years since I last heard or even seen him. But... what is he doing here of all places?"
Then a realization comes to him, "If he's been noticed, he'll most likely try to find a place to hide. And if that happens..." He soon gasps in realization, "Blitz... he's.... He's in danger..."
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