Chapter 35: Mysterious Adaption

At the I.M.P Office, a few days after the Harvest Moon Festival, everyone has been waiting patiently as they try to carry on their work. However, the incident that Blitz ends up getting injured from is not something they've taken lightly. They've been very worried about Blitz after getting hurt, but the fact that Blitz is not experiencing any serious condition from the bullet is something to be shocked about. In fact everyone is in the meeting room to discuss the matter, about the assassination attempt on Stolas and Blitz's life and the fact Blitz hasn't received any critical conditions from the bullet.

"Alright then, we all know what this meeting is all about," Sarge says.

"About the incident at the Harvest Moon Festival, right?" Razor asks.

"That's correct. Someone has assigned Striker on Blitz and Stolas' lives and whoever it is must have had access to angelic weapons," Sarge says.

"Yes, but who? I mean, Stolas is a prince and has lived in Hell longer than anyone. He could have easily given anyone a reason to kill him. Blitz however, is another story," Randall says.

"Yeah. Blitz is well, very good if anything. He's also very nice. I doubt he'll give anyone a reason to kill him," Millie says.

"True, but it's possible that someone else does, but it's going to be very difficult," Drew says.

"I'm just worried about Blitz. Being shot by an angelic rifle is not something to take lightly. But after what happened at the festival, I'm not sure what to think of it," Moxxie says.

"I know what you mean. It's weird that Blitz was for some reason, but affected by the rifle. It's an angelic weapon that is enough to kill high class demons, and yet, Blitz is not suffering any after effects or suffering any paralyzation," Razor says.

"You're right. I must admit, even I'm shocked by what happened with Striker, especially after he left the scene," Sarge says.


Blitz stands up as he clenches his arm and begins to rush after him, but Moxxie grabs his hand, "Bitz, wait. You can't go after him."

"But Moxxie, you told me about these angelic weapons, they're very dangerous for anyone to have," Blitz says.

"I know, but Blitz, how are you still able to move?" Moxxie questions, concerned.

"What do you mean?" Blitz asks.

"Usually when a demon is shot by these guns, you've been experiencing unimaginable pain, and can be close to paralyzing your body," Moxxie says, "But the fact that you're able to move and not experiencing the pain ten times." Moxxie gasps to realize something, and begins to unbutton Blitz's shirt, then moves it to reveal Blitz's right shoulder where the bullet hit.

Moxxie's eyes wide in shock to see Blitz's wound on his shoulder, "What... there.... There's no signs of the bullet even there. Usually the bullet lets out a small glow around the wound, but there's nothing there." Just then, Moxxie notices that the wound is slowly healing itself, "What... is the wound, healing itself?"

Moxxie looks at Blitz in concern, "Blitz... what's happening to you...?"

Sarge and Razor rush to Blitz and Moxxie.

"Blitz, are you alright?" Sarge asks, showing concerns.

"I'm okay," Blitz says.

"What? How are you able to move? You were shot by an angelic gun for satan sake," Razor questions, shocked.

"I guess," Blitz says, gritting his teeth and holding his right shoulder, "But it still hurts."

Just then, Drew, Berry, and the others arrive upstairs in concern.

"You guys okay?" Berry asks.

"And where's Striker?" Drew asks.

"He ran off," Razor says, bitterly.

Sarge walks to the rifle and picks it up, "At least we managed to get this, but I don't think we've seen the last of him."

"I could care less at this point. We need to get Blitz to a doctor, now," Moxxie says, frantically.

"Why? What's got your tail in a knot?" Randall asks.

Suddenly, a familiar voice appears, "There you all are." Everyone turns to see Stolas walking into the room, "I was wondering where you all disappeared too."

However, as he enters the room, Stolas notices an awkward silence in the room, leaving an uneasy atmosphere.

"Um, what's going on?" Stolas asks.

Blitz says, "It's kind of a long story, but we need to find Striker before he..." as he walks towards the door.

But Razor grabs Blitz by the back of his shirt, "You're not going anywhere except to see a doctor."

"A doctor? Guys what's going on?" Stolas asks, starting to sound concerned.

"That's what we wanna know?" Berry asks.

"It's rather hard to explain, but Striker is really an assassin," Moxxie says.

Hearing this shocked everyone.

"What?! An Assassin?!" Drew asks.

"Afraid so. We didn't get much out of him, but he was hired to kill both Stolas and Blitz. He even managed to have a carmine crafted blessing tipped-rifle," Sarge says.

"He has a what? How did he manage to get something like that? And why kill Stolas and Blitz?" Berry asks, shocked and dismayed.

"We're not sure ourselves. We were able to stop him, but Blitz ended up getting shot by that rifle on the shoulder when he tried to stop Striker from killing Stolas," Razor says.

"Wait, what?" Randall asks, shocked.

Hearing this, Stolas rushes to Blitz and looks to see the shirt at his right shoulder has a hole. He slowly removes it to see Blitz has received a bullet wound, but it shows signs of healing.

"Are you, okay Blitz?" Stolas asks, worried and yet shows signs of relief and confusion.

"I'm okay, still sore, but I think I'll be fine," Blitz says.

"I'll feel much better after receiving a check up from Koko," Stolas says.

He then picks Blitz up and says, "I'm taking you to her right now."

Stolas then uses his book that has been levitated into the room and uses it to create a portal back to the Pride Ring. He then walks through with Blitz in his arms.

Flashback Ends:

"And after that, we haven't heard from neither Stolas, nor Blitz," Berry says.

"It's already been three days and we haven't got word from either of them," Razor says.

"I know, but the matter seems more serious than we thought," Sarge says.

"I guess. I mean, Blitz is an Imp and is somehow not affected by a shot from an angelic rifle. That is fuckin weird and important," Loona says.

"I know, and I think Stolas knows it too," Sarge says.

Just then, a portal opens in the meeting room, grabbing everyone's attention. Walking through it are Stolas, and Blitz, who is wearing a sling for his arm along with a bandage wrap around his shoulder.

"Hey guys," Blitz says.

"Blitz, you're okay," Berry says, relieved.

"I'm alright, but I will have to be on this for a few weeks," Blitz says.

"But what happened? We haven't heard from you in days," Millie asks, concerned.

"Nor from Stolas on what happened," Moxxie says.

"Sorry about worrying about you. We wanted to wait until the results came in and well, it's a bit hard to explain," Blitz says.

"Meow," A familiar voice speaks up.

Blitz looks down to see Mimmy meowing and trying to reach her paws out to him.

Blitz kneels to her, "Hey Mimmy, you glad to see me?" and begins petting her head and scratches under her chin, making the kitten purr.

"Blitz, can you tell us what happened? We haven't heard from you and Stolas in days, and we were getting worried," Moxxie asks, worried.

"I know. I'm sorry we weren't able to talk to you. I kind of had to go through surgery because the bullet was in my shoulder," Blitz explains.

"Are you alright?" Drew asks.

"I'm okay. Dr. Koko was able to have the bullet removed and I had to be in a cast for a few weeks," Blitz says.

"Were you okay? I mean, having that angelic bullet in you must have really hurt," Randall asks.

"I'm okay guys. Really. I'm fine. I mean, sure I'm going to be sore for a few weeks, but I'll be making a good recovery from it," Blitz says.

"That's good, but um..." Berry says, sounding uneasy.

Then Drew asks, "We're still well, concerned that you were hit by a carmine-crafted blessing tipped rifle and only felt like you were shot by a normal gun."

"I guess that is kind of strange," Blitz replies.

"Kind of strange?" Loona questions, "More like totally strange. A normal demon would either be screaming bloody hell or paralyzed that they're unable to move."

Sarge turns to Stolas, "But what did the doctor say?"

"Well, according to Koko, Blitz should be able to recover in a few weeks, and luckily the bullet didn't hit any of the vital areas in Blitz's body," Stolas says.

"But did you have to explain to Dr. Koko about his, well, you know..." Razor questions.

Stolas sighs, "I suppose you're referring to Blitz 'unexpected immunity to the rifle, correct?"

"Yeah. What the fuck was that about?" Randall asks.

"Well, to be honest, not even Koko knows," Stolas answers.

"Really?" Millie asks, confused.

"She doesn't fully understand why, or have a logical answer, however, she does have a theory," Stolas says.

"What's that?" Loona asks.

"You remember, when you explained to me that Blitz's body showed vulnerability to Earth's fire," Stolas says.

"Uh, yeah," Randall replies.

"Well, Koko wanted Blitz to stay in the hospital for a few days to go over a few tests, like medical tests, physical tests, and other kinds of tests that might give us an idea as to why Blitz wasn't affected by the bullet. From what Koko can find, there doesn't seem to be a natural reason, but it's possible to be unnatural," Stolas says.

He scratches his beak, "She said that Blitz's body might have gone through a kind of mutation, or perhaps an adaptation. Maybe even before he even arrived at Hell."

"A mutation?" Berry questions.

"Adaption?" Millie says, confused.

Razor turns to the others, "It seems possible if you think of it."

"It seems possible if you think of it, and it is what it seems to look like," Sarge says.

"What does that mean?" Loona asks.

Sarge then explains, "Imps like Moxxie, Millie, and myself aren't vulnerable to Earth Fire, but we can still get killed or injured by normal meals like guns, fire, and other methods in Hell. Some are even similar to humans. However, Blitz has been raised in the Human World practically all his life, over thirty years, breathing Earth's air, eating and drinking their food, and being around humans. It's probably causing his body to mutate or adapt while on Earth. And since he started living in Hell for the past few months, his body is going through it again."

"Seems possible," Moxxie says.

"But if Blitz has gone through some kind of adaptation or mutation, then how come his appearance doesn't change?" Berry asks.

"It's possible that this is different than it's coming from within his body not outside," Stolas says.

"It makes me worried about what might happen if Blitz drinks the Beelzejuice Verosika like to drink or any alcohol from Hell," Berry says, concerned.

Drew groans and rubs his head, "I don't even what to think what might happen."

"But Blitz is able to eat the food in Hell just fine, and nothing seems to happen," Millie says.

"That's true, but some are pretty similar to Earth Food. That, or Blitz's diet remains the same even though he ate food from Earth most his life," Sarge says.

"You have a point," Millie says.

Then Moxxie says, "You know, there are possibilities that Blitz's mutation might not just stop with his change in immunity system. He might go through other changes, or go through some symptoms through his adoption to Hell's environment combined with years of being in Earth's environments."

Listening to the conversation, Blitz then asks, "So, what you're saying is that because of me being raised on Earth in its environment for so many years, and now starting to live in Hell's environments, my body is going through a lot of changes?"

"That would be the case," Stolas says, "Since you've been living on Earth for so long, your body has adapted for you to be able to live there for so long. Even though demons can go to Earth, they never really stay on Earth for very long. Now that you're being exposed to Hell's environment and living there, your body might be finding ways to adapt to this world. It's possible that your immunity to angelic weapons would be part of the mutation or adaptation, a way for your body to survive here."

"And if that's the case, then it's possible you might have other development, and your body might go through some changes and other ways to adapt to Hell's environments," Sarge says.

"Sounds like things could get complicated. And it will be very hard to predict what might happen," Blitz says, worried.

"Don't worry Blitz, I'm sure you'll get used to these uh changes, eventually," Millie says.

"I hope so," Blitz says.

"But still, I hate to admit, but Striker might be around about you, you might be more special than you realized, and the adaptation to your body might cause you to through changes on or in your body, or cause you to have abilities that no normal Imp should have," Moxxie says.

Randall rolls his eyes, "Special. I mean, sure it's a shock that the rifle that Striker used has no effect on Blitz, and has been raised to be just like a human being, but that doesn't fully mean he's..." However, Randall stops himself and begins to think, "Actually, I think with all that, plus his personality and his very good nature, I guess Blitz is special, or just plain weird."

Berry smacks Randall on the back of the head, "Weird? That's the best you can think of?"

"It's true. I mean, it's weird enough to know that Blitz is an Imp, whose been raised by humans, is vulnerable to fire, and is immune to angelic weapons. What's next, Blitz ends up with magical powers or ends up having a weird transformation, or maybe even starts sprouting wings?" Or maybe even look to see into the future," Randall says.

"Come on, that's crazy," Loona says.

"I doubt anyone can really see into the future," Razor replies.

"I doubt it will be that extreme, but there is a possibility of that happening," Sarge says.

Blitz giggles, "I don't know. The only magic I can do is help my cousin and uncle with his magic tricks in the circus, nothing magical there."

"And some Imps actually do have wings, Randall," Berry says.

"Alright, alright, maybe some of my ideas are a bit crazy, but it can be possible," Randall says.

"Yeah, possible," Blitz replies, rolling his eyes, "I'll let you know if I sprouted wings or gained a second tail."

"Cool, make sure to send me pictures," Randall says.

Everyone groans in reply, and once again, Randall wants to be a nosy lizard.

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