Chapter 33: A Trip to Wrath
One evening in the I.M.P Meeting room, because it's the end of the day and close to closing without clients, the group decide to have a little fun, more like an Arm Wrestling tournament. Mimmy is sleeping on her little bed nearby. As the wrestling match has already taken place. Berry is not really the type to play these games so she acts as the referee.
On the white board she has written the matches. One one side are: Sarge vs. Randall along with Blitz vs. Moxxie. On the otherside are Millie vs. Razor, and Loona vs. Drew. They've already played a few rounds. Blitz, Sarge, Millie, and Loona have reached the next round. Millie and Loona already have their round with Millie moving on to the finals. And now, Blitz and Sarge are arm wrestling against one another for the second spot in the finals. Blitz uses all of his strength to slam Sarge's hand down. In fact, he's practically ¾ to get Sarge's defeat.
Sarge however smirks, "Gotta admit Blitz, all the training you've done with the others is starting to pay off."
"Thanks, but it's also thanks to you for making a good training schedule for me," Blitz says.
"That's true, however..." Sarge says.
Sarge then uses his full strength to slam Blitz's back hand onto the table and defeats Blitz.
"You still have a lot to learn before you can surpass my strength," Sarge says.
"And Sage is the winner," Berry says.
Blitz rubs his arm, "Man, my arm is going to be sore for days. You're really strong, Sarge."
"Well, I've done a lot of training and bone breaking to get this strong," Sarge says.
"I can tell. You'll probably be able to beat Juma with that strength," Blitz says.
"Juma?" Sarge questions.
"If I remember correctly, he's the strong man of the circus, and he's incredibly strong. Considered to be one of the strongest men in the world," Moxxie says.
"And he sure is. He actually beat Millie during one of the visits to Blitz's circus in actual wrestling," Randall says.
Sarge thinks a bit, "Hmm. Well, I'll have to challenge him myself in the battle of strength."
"Okay Millie, you're next," Blitz says, and walks away.
"You got it," Millie says.
And with that, Millie and Sarge position themselves in the match.
Berry holds both their hands and says, "Alright then, begin." and releases.
With that, the two begin to use all their strength to push one opponent down to win the finals.
"Wow. Those two are going at it," Blitz says.
"Yes. Out of all of us, Millie and Sarge are our strongest. Of course, Sarge doesn't go on missions with us anymore, but he's still maintaining his strength," Moxxie says.
"Yeah. In fact, the twins between those two are 99%," Randall says.
"Of what?" Blitz asks.
"Of Sarge defeating Millie. Millie is the only one who has actually been at least five times, and we've been arm wrestling for years just for fun," Drew says.
Suddenly they hear the door to the meeting room knock.
"I'll get it," Blitz says, and walks to the door.
He soon opens it to see Stolas.
"Hello Stolas," Blitz says.
"Hello Blitzy, it's good to see you. I heard you all in here and it sounds like you're having fun," Stolas says.
"You're just in time, your highness, you get to watch the final rounds of our arm wrestling tournament," Razor says.
"Looks like it, but I have a hunch on who will win this one," Stolas says.
And soon enough, Sarge slams Millie's hand on the table, making Sarge the winner.
"And Sarge wins the arm wrestling match," Berry announces.
"Again," Millie says, disappointed.
"Hey, you were really close," Berry says.
"And so is Blitz. It's his first time challenging Sarge and he was close to beating him as well," Drew says.
"Well, I don't know about that," Blitz says.
"Oh my, you must have gotten stronger if you were on the verge of defeating Sarge of all demons," Stolas says.
"Yeah," Blitz says,
Sarge then turns to Stolas, "So Stolas, I assume you're here to pick up your grimoire?"
"Yes. I needed it for the full moon this month," Stolas says.
"It's in my office. I'll go get it right now," Sarge says, and leaves the meeting room to get the book from his office
"Why do you need your book?" Blitz asks. "Is there some important duty going on? You usually need it on weekends."
"Usually, but I'm going to need the book for the Harvest Moon Festival for this upcoming full moon," Stolas says.
"Harvest Moon Festival?" Blitz says, confused.
Hearing that, Millie grows excited, "The Harvest Moon Festival?!" Then cheers, "Yee fuckin' haw!"
"Oh right. I've forgotten it's that time of year again," Moxxxie says.
"I'm still a little confused to know what it is," Blitz replies.
"Of course, you don't know about it yet," Stolas says.
He then explains, "The Harvest Moon is a very special occasion! It's been my annual duty to showcase it in the Ring of Wrath. It's celebrated by a very charming little festival with the locals."
"Wrath, huh?" Blitz replies. "Moxxie and Millie told me they're born in Wrath."
Then turns to Moxxie and Millie and asks, "So what's the place like?"
"It's kind of a rural area and many Imps grow produce, and sell different livestock, and such," Moxxie says.
"So it's where Imps have agriculture or something?" Blitz asks.
"That's one way of looking at it. But mainly is where many rootionist tootionist, toughest imps live. And it's also where horses are as well, and a lot of Hellbeast too," Millie says.
"Sounds kind of like the Wild West the way you describe it. And I would really love to see the horses there. I wonder how different they are from earth," Blitz says, sounding excited.
Randall chuckles, "You just want to see the horses."
"Maybe," Blitz replies, slightly embarrassed.
Then Stolas has an idea, "Oh! Why don't you all join me at the festival? I'm sure you all will have good time, and it will let Blitz see what the Ring of Wrath is like
"I'm not sure. Remember what happened the last time we all tagged along with you for bodyguard duty. It didn't end well," Blitz says.
But Stolas says, "I'm simply offering a work-free day of fun! I feel quite safe at the Harvest Festival. It's the same every year."
"Well, I have to admit, the festival does seem like a blast," Blitz says.
"And besides, it's not like we can use the book anyway," Randall replies.
Blitz then turns to the others, "So, what do you guys think?"
"I don't mind going," Berry says.
"Sure," Drew says.
"I don't have any plans," Razor replies.
"Eh, sure. Got nothing better to do," Randall replies.
"I suppose Millie and I won't mind going," Moxxie says.
"Alright!" Millie cheers.
Loona shrugs her shoulders, "If dad said it's okay, I don't mind. Have not much going on."
Right on cue, Sarge walks out of the office with the grimoire in hand.
"Hi Stolas, here's your grimoire," Sarge says, and hands him the book.
Stolas takes the book and says, "Thank you Sarge. I was just talking to the others about you all accompanying me to the Harvest Moon Festival. You wanna come?"
"Well, seeing that we won't be working for a few days, considering you need to do your other duties and the festival," Sarge says.
He thinks for a bit and says, "Sure. I don't see why not."
"Splendid, so I'll be seeing you all there," Stolas says.
Then turns to Blitz, "Especially you my darling little Imp," and gives Blitz a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah. I'll see you there," Blitz says.
Stolas then takes his leave with his grimoire and closes the door soon after.
"Well, it looks like we know what we're doing," Razor says.
"But where do you think we're going to stay for the festival?" Blitz asks.
Millie grins and says, "Leave that to me."
Days later, everyone from I.M.P is on the road to the Wrath Ring. After hours of driving, the company has reached the Wrath Ring. Blitz looks at the window to see the Wrath Ring's scenery is different from the Greed Ring and the Pride Ring. It appears to be a largely rural area like what Millie and Moxxie explained. The sky is a pinkish-orange to reddish color. There are cactus plants, dead trees without leaves, rocks and boulders, and not much grass.
"Wow. The Wrath Ring looks like something you see in the desert or the Wild West," Blitz replies.
"Well, in the Wrath Ring, we usually rough it, and we gotta be tough to handle with the Hell beast living here," Millie says.
"Hell Beast, huh?" Blitz questions.
Blitz lowers the window to get a better view. But when he does, Blitz smells something strong and causes him to cough. He quickly closes the window and coughs as he covers his snout.
"What's wrong, Blitz?" Drew asks.
"There's... there's a strong smell outside," Blitz says, and his eyes begin to water a bit.
"A strong smell? I don't smell anything," Moxxie says.
"Yeah. I've never smelled strong from living here," Mille says.
"Well I did. It smells like sulfur, ashes, and stuff that's been burnt," Blitz says, drying the tears from his eyes.
"Oh right. That's because of the volcanoes in the Wrath Ring, and the fire tornadoes," Moxxie says.
"Uh, good to know," Blitz replies, and coughs a little.
"I'm sure you'll feel better once you get used to it," Sarge says.
Just then, Millie looks ahead and happily says, "Look, there it is!"
Soon, the group arrives at the Rouge N' Tumbleweed Ranch. In front of a wooden house, there are two Imps.
The first is a very burly male Imp, having muscular arms and a pronounced torso. He has red skin, yellow eyes, white hair and a matching mustache, along with black and white striped horns. He also has white marks all along his left shoulder. He wears a sleeveless black vest over a brown sleeveless shirt, a black belt with silver buckle, and gray pants with black boots. His name is Joe, Millie's dad.
The one next to him is Millie's mother's name Lin, who has a strong resemblance to her. She has red skin covered with spots, although hers are a lot more numerous, in addition to dark wild hair, yellow eyes, and black horns with thin white stripes. She has a full-figured body with thick thighs, wide hips and plump breasts but a slim waist. Her attire consists of a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, crimson ascot around her neck, faded blue jeans, and gardening gloves on her hands. And she waves her hand to see the I.M.P van parks in front.
Millie is so excited that she runs out of the van and to the couple as she happily shouts, "Mama! Daddy!"
Her father, Joe hugs her and spins her around as he shouts, "Yee-haw!"
He places her on the ground and ruffles Millie's hair, "How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?"
"I'm good, Pa! Thanks for letting us stay here for the harvest jamboree!" Millie happily says.
Millie's mother, Lin says, "It's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much anymore since y'all went 'freelance.'"
"Freelance pays fine, Ma! We're doing fine!" Millie says with a smile.
But calmly says, "It's fine."
As Millie talks to her parents, everyone is already out of the car and has their luggage out.
"Anyway, y'all remember my husband Moxxie?" Millie happily says, and pushes Moxxie towards their parents.
Joe chuckles and says, "Hey Mox."
He then ruffles Moxxie's head, "Good to see my Son in Law."
Moxie calms himself and says, "Greetings, Lin! Joe! How have you been? It has been a while since we last saw you."
"It is alright. Got the same old volcanoes and fire tornados. Either way, everything is swell here," Lin says.
Then Joe asks, "So, are you going to introduce us to the others?
"Oh yeah! Y'all haven't met my boss, Sarge and his Hellhound daughter, Loona! We also have our colleagues, the Imp is Blitz. The cat is Razor! The chameleon is Randall! And the twins succubi, Drew and his sister, Berry," Millie says.
"Hey Joe. Lin. It's great to meet you," Razor says.
Randall then walks to Millie and her parents, "It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory," And shoves Moxxie away, "that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a" Then playfully elbow Millie, "sturdy bitch!"
Joe chuckles and says, "That we did!"
So... Sarge, is it? Heh heh," That's a fine name," Joe says, as he and Sarge shake hands.
"It reminds me of war," Lin says.
Joe sighs happily, "Nothing like a little war to make a strong man!" And flexes his bicep.
Sarge chuckles and says, "It's good to finally meet you."
"I like you people," Randall adds.
"It's nice to meet you too," Drew says.
Berry happily says, "Hello."
Just then, Moxxie explains, "You know, more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. I've researched the history of weaponry extensively. And it's inspiring how... for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hell's combative..."
But stops when he sees Millie giving him a 'cut it out' motion with her hands. Joe also crosses his arms in response.
"I mean..." Moxie then quickly says.
Then says in a deep voice, "War fun."
"Uh, that sounds kind of good..." Blitz says, trying to be honest and calm about it.
But Randall says, "Try fuckin complicated Mox. I mean, Blitz has never seen an angelic weapon before."
Then Joe says, "Guns get the job done, but a man ain't nothing if he can't tear the head off a hellish beast with only his bare hands!" and flexes his arm muscles.
Randall then laughs, "Ha! He's right, Moxxie!"
Then grabs Moxxie's wrist and says in a baby-talk tone, "You got a cute wittle baby hand like your baby dick!" Then reaches towards his crotch.
But Moxxie slaps Randall's hand away, "One: Refrain, Randall. And second: I've gotten stronger since I started working at the company and you know it."
"And yet you couldn't be Sarge at arm wrestling," Randall remarks.
"Neither can you!" Moxxie retaliates.
Of course, Randall does it anyway, making Moxxie look up with an annoyed look on his face.
Just then, Joe says, "Speaking of strong hands, y'all should meet our newest help."
He turns his head and calls out, "Hey, Striker!"
Suddenly, black flaming hooves clop rapidly on the ground. Then an Imp's pale red tail with a black stripe whips the black's flame.
The source of the tail is a fairly tall Imp who is about the same size as Sarge. He has sharp teeth with one large gold tooth. He has pale red skin, bright yellow eyes with green rings, a small mustache, and ivory hair with a pair of black and white striped horns. His tail has black stripes at the base with 8 spines lined on it. He's wearing a gray sun hat, cowboy boots, a light red scarf around his neck, a black turtleneck shirt under a gray vest, and under a light gray jacket with black gray cuffs and black tassels below, along with ivory white pants with ripped thighs, and black fingerless gloves.
The Imp has the horse leap over the fence as he approaches the others. Blitz is practically surprised and yet amazed to see the large Hell horse. It's very different from any horse he has ever seen. Then the horse rears up with a roar in front of the group. Then the Hellhorse places its hooves on the ground. The Imp also has a straw of wheat in his mouth.
The Imp name Striker tips his hat and says, "Well, howdy!"
Then he notices Millie, "Oh, lookie here! You must be the famous Mildred!"
He gets off his horse and walks towards Millie.
"Heard some good things about you from your folks, little lady," Striker says, and wins at her.
"Ohhh!" Millie replies as she laughs sheepishly.
Soon, the two Imps shake each other's hands.
Then Striker asks, "What're y'all doin' so far away from Imp City? Heh. The free workin' finally slowin' down?"
"Oh no! Freelance isn't free! It's a-... " Millie says.
But decides to forget explaining it, "Never mind."
"We're just visitin' for the festival and staying for a short while for a little vacation," Millie says.
Then turns to the others, "This is my boss, Sarge, and his adopted Hellhound Loona, my colleagues and friends: Blitz, Razor, Randall, Drew and Berry..."
Then hugs Moxxie, "And this is my husband, Moxxie."
"Boss, huh...?" Striker replies and looks at Sarge.
He then says, "Ohhh, so YOU'RE the bold imp to start his own killing biz?"
"Yes. That's me," Sarge says with a nod.
"Not many Imps start businesses on their own. That's pretty impressive, sir," Striker replies.
"Thanks, I appreciate it," Sarge replies.
Sarge and Striker shake each other's hand as Striker says, "So you even conned that ditzy blueblood into gettin' you to the surface?"
"I wouldn't say conned. We in a way make an agreement," Sarge says.
"What kind of agreement?" Striker questions.
"That's classified to the company," Sarge replies.
Then Striker turns to Moxxie, "Your husband, huh? So you're the guy who married Mildrad?"
"That's correct. And I'm very happy to have married her," Moxxie says as he wraps his arm around Millie's shoulder and pulls her close to him.
Millie smiles in reply.
Blitz suddenly feels something brushing against the back of his head. He turns around to see the Hell House. Blitz yelps and quickly steps back in surprise.
"You okay, Blitz?" Razor asks, turning to Blitz.
"Not scared of a horse are you?" Randall questions with a smirk on his face.
"Course not. I was just surprised," Blitz says.
Striker chuckles and says, "That's my steed, Bombproof."
"Bombproof. That's an unusual name, but it seems suitable for him," Blitz says.
Bombproof then sniffs Blitz and licks him on the cheek. Blitz giggles a bit and the Hellhorse allows Blitz to pet him. Blitz gently rubs the Hellhorse's muzzle much to his satisfaction.
Striker smirks and is impressed, "Well I'll be, Bombproof usually takes months to a year to be friendly with someone."
"Really?" Blitz questions.
Blitz then pets Bombproof, "He's a really good horse."
"Yeah. Been with me for a long time," Striker says.
"He's cool, I've never seen a Hellhorse this close before," Drew says.
"And one with fiery mane," Berry adds.
"Oh right. I almost forgot to mention something else. The prince is our dear Blitz's boyfriend," Millie happily says.
Blitz blushes, "Millie we only went out on a couple of dates. We're not officially a couple."
"Not yet anyway," Randall says and chuckles.
Just then, Joe says, "Y'know... you boys should enter the Pain Games!"
That makes Millie cross her arms with a frown on her face.
"Pain Games? What's that?" Blitz asks.
Then Lin says, "Every harvest festival, there's a competition to be the roughest, toughest bastard in Wrath!"
"The Pain Games, huh. Sure sounds interesting," Sarge says.
"Hey boss, you should totally do it," Randall says.
"Yeah. You'll be able to win easily," Razor says.
Sarge thinks and says, "Sure. I think it will be good to see if I can get some competition."
Then Drew turns to Moxxie, "Hey Moxxie, you should compete too. I mean with you training under Sarge, I think you can do it."
"Yeah Moxxie, you should do it," Millie says.
"I don't mind competing. I do wish that you can compete too," Moxxie says.
"Yeah! Wish I could play!" Millie says with her arms crossed and pouts.
"Why not?" Blitz asks, confused.
Lin walks over to and says, "Well Blitz, Millie can get too carried away. The last competition ended in fifteen separate funerals. And she ended up getting banned for it."
"Yikes," Berry comments.
"Harsh," Drew adds.
"I'm aware ma, but I only caused nine of them! How come Sallie May still gets to compete?" Millie complains and continues to pout.
"Your sister doesn't have a neighborhood headcount," Lin answers.
"She so does!" Millie says otherwise.
And right on cue, Sallie Mae is walking by. Judging by her height, she seems to be a little older than Millie. She has a white streak over her eye and long dark hair like Millie covering her other eye, and a splotch of white hair under her red bandanna, and black and white striped horns. She's wearing a tan short shorts and matching heeled boots, along with ripped black leggings and a black crop top with various tears in them. She is carrying a sack with a younger Imp pulling a body along.
She says in a sing-song tone, "It doesn't count if they don't find the bodyyyyyy!"
Millie seethes in pure rage.
"Still, you get to root for her and your brothers, and now you can cheer on your boss!" Lin says.
"I suppose so," Millie says with a smile
Then asks, "Speaking of brothers, where are my brothers?"
"Right here, Millie," A voice says.
Millie looks down to see small Imp, who is at least eight to ten years old, and looks a lot like Joe. He's weaning a black shirt, brown pants, and gray bandana around his neck.
Millie happily says, "Hi Joey!" And picks the little Imp up, "It's good to see my baby brother again."
"You too, sis," The little Imp says and hugs his sister.
Just then, another imp walks around the house. This one looks a lot like Joe. He has white hair brushed back, yellow eyes, black eyebrows, white hair on his chest, and some white marking on his right arm. He is wearing a black shirt, dark gray jacket with matching pants, and brown boots with matching gloves.
The Imp calls out, "Ma! Pa! Manny and I are finishing cleaning up the shack at the back and..."
But he soon notices Millie and becomes excited, "Mills?!"
"David!" Millie happily says and runs to him.
"Millie!" The Imp David says, and spreads his arms out to her.
Then the two hug each other.
"It's great to see my big brother," Millie says.
"I didn't know you'd be here," David says.
"Yeah!" Joey says.
Millie giggles, "I asked Ma and Pa to keep it a surprise."
"Well I'm surprised," David says.
Then calls out, "Hey Manny! Butch! Millie's here!"
With that, two more young Male imps hurry over.
The first one, Manny, is younger than Millie and David. He has the same red skin as Millie's mom along with the horns, and hairstyle, but white hair. Even though he has red skin, his elbows to his hands along with his tail are white. He is wearing a black tank top, dark jeans, and black boots.
The second brother, Butch, is younger than Manny, but older than Joey. He has shaggy white hair, with black and white horns like his dad, black eye brows, yellow eyes, and darkish red skin. He is wearing a white ripped tank top, dark pants, and brown gloves.
"Hey Millie, when did you get here?!" Manny asks.
"Not too long ago. My friends and I are staying for the Harvest Jamboree," Millie says.
Butch shouts, "Yee haw! Alright! It's going to be great having you here, sis!"
"Yeah. And I like to introduce you to my friends from the company I work at," Millie happily says.
After the introductions, and showing the group around the farm, the group showed their separate ways to explore the farm. Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie are at the pig pen watching the pigs. They also see a female pig with her little ones.
"Aww, aren't the little baby pigs so cute," Millie happily says.
"Yeah. They are cute," Blitz says.
"They are. However, when they grow up, we either sell them or have them slaughtered for stock. Some of them we kept for breeding though," David says.
Millie climbs into the pen and picks up one of the baby pigs.
She brings it to Blitz and asks, "You wanna hold one?"
"Sure," Blitz answers.
Blitz picks up the baby and holds it in his arms.
"It's really cute, and, huh, the skin actually feels kind of hard," Blitz says.
"Yeah. The hogs in these parts have a hard shell, and are not easy to kill unless you get the right spot," David says.
"I see," Blitz says.
Then David turns to Moxxie, "So Mox, Millie told us you're planning to compete in the Pain Games too?"
"Of course I can. I can compete, can't I?" Moxxie replies.
Sallie May stands close to Moxxie says, "Maybe, but sensitive, thespian types like you won't last very long in the games."
"I was born here too, Sallie," Moxxie says.
Then says in a tough voice, "I have some fight in me!"
Then Striker places his hand on Moxxie's shoulder, "Huh. Well then, little fella... Why don'tcha help me wrangle one o' them hogs for dinner?"
And motions to a large sleeping gray hellhog in the pig pen. It's big with black horns at the mouth and on the head.
"Simple. Watch me!" Moxxie says, and about to bring out his gun.
But Striker says, "Nah... with these," and hands Moxxie a dagger and rope.
Striker adds, "Bullets can't pierce the shell. You gotta get the knife underneath and pry yourself an openin'."
Moxxie nervously gulps and says, "Oh! Right, right. I knew that."
"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea, Mox?" Berry asks, a little concern.
"Yeah. You don't need to do this," Millie replies.
"Oh, he totally does," Randall says.
Moxxie clutches both weapons and enters the pigpen with everyone watching. He nervously and quietly walked up to the hog from behind with both weapons at hand. Then Moxxie leaps forward and wraps the rope around the hog's neck. He moves the knife down to strike at the hog, but Moxxie ends up striking at the hard part of the hog's hide. The hog roars and begins to run around as it tries to buck Moxxie off. Everyone hears the hog and Moxxie's screaming and rushes to see Moxxie is riding on the Hell hog like it's a bucking bronco.
Randall cheers, "FUCK yeah, Moxxie! Ride it, Moxxie! Make it that bitch you won't call back in the morning!"
Recording a video with her phone, Loona grins and say, "This is fucking beautiful."
"Doin' great, Moxxie!" Randall shouts.
Then whispers to Loona, "Send me that video later."
"Think one of us should do something?" Razor asks.
Moxie struggles to hang on and is barely able to get it to the weak spot on the hog's skin, but the hog is not making it easy for him. Just then, Striker leaps and pushes Moxxie out of the way. Striker then twirls his dagger in his hand and lifts it into the air with a smug grin. He brings down the knife and stabs the hog on the neck, slaughtering it.
"Dang, that guy is good," Berry says, impressed.
"And he's very strong," Drew adds.
Moxie tries to move his arm, but feels pain from it, "Ow... My clavicle!"
Just then, Striker comes up to them as he rattles his tail like a snake, "Don't worry, little one... You never stood a chance," Striker says and walks away with the dead hog over his shoulder.
Moxxie then growls at him and shows his sharp teeth.
Striker walks through the gate of the pin and turns to Sarge, "Hey, boss man! You wanna help the men skin this thing for dinner?"
"Sure. Don't mind the hard work," Sarge says.
Sarge then walks into the house with Lin, Joe, and Loona. Blitz walks to Millie who is mending Moxxie's arms.
"Are you okay Moxxie? That looks kind of painful," Blitz asks.
"I'm okay, just a little sore," Moxxie answers.
Then Blitz asks, "Are you really going to enter the games?"
"Yes. I can compete. It wouldn't hurt to do better with my physical strength even though I'm better with my weapons," Moxxie says.
Then Blitz asks, "How violent are the games?"
"It gets pretty violent alright," Sallie May says.
"Sallie, don't say anything that might scare him!" Millie sternly says.
"What? He asked, didn't he," Sallie May questions.
Moxxie says, "Don't worry, I'll be okay. I'm entering the games."
"If you say so," Blitz says.
Sallie May turns to Millie and asks, "Hmm, how pissed would you be if I bet on your husband dyin'?" Causing Millie to glare at her.
Sometime later in the house, everyone is having dinner and chatting among themselves. Sallie actually has taken a liking to Blitz's pet kitten.
"You sure have a cute little kitten you got, Blitz," Sallie says.
"Thanks," Blitz says.
"So then. I have to guess that you and Moxxie are going to compete in the games?" Berry asks.
"That's right. Of course, Blitz will be competing as well," Sarge says.
"ME?!" Blitz questions in shock.
"WHAT?" Moxxie and Millie ask in shock.
"Yes. I think the Pain Games is a good opportunity to put Blitz to the test and see how well he's done with his training," Sarge says.
"Hmm, like a test of skill and strength, huh," Joe says.
But Moxxie says, "But sir, I'm not sure if Blitz is ready for that yet."
"The Pain Games can be pretty brutal," Millie says
"Are you sure, Sarge? Do you think I'm ready for this?" Blitz asks.
"Be brave, Blitz. I wouldn't have thought of you to compete if I didn't think you're ready," Sarge says.
"I guess," Blitz says, still not sounding sure.
Then asks, "Would I have to kill someone?"
"No. The whole point is to test your strength, skill, and dominance, nothing more," Joe says.
"If you say so," Blitz says.
"If Sarge said you can do it, then you must be strong," Sallie says.
"I guess I could give it a try," Blitz says.
"Don't worry, I'll be in the games. Drew, Razor, and Randall agreed that they'll compete as well," Sarge says.
The others nod their heads in reply.
"Well, I guess I could give the pain games a try," Blitz says.
"That's the spirit," Drew says.
Suddenly, Blitz feels a hand on his shoulder with a familiar voice, "Well then." Blitz turns his head to see Striker, "I guess I'll have to see how strong you are during the Pain Games too."
"Um sure," Blitz says.
Then Striker walks away, "I'll be upstairs if you need me."
Then Striker walks and heads upstairs.
"Huh. Striker seems like a pretty cool guy," Randall says.
"And is pretty strong too," Sallie says. Then turns to Blitz, "What do you think?"
"Um yeah. He kind of is," Blitz says.
Then turns to the staircase Striker walks up and says to himself in thought, "Something's off with that guy, Striker."
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