Chapter 32: Seven Rings Carnival
One morning, Loona and Millie are with Blitz to help with his training. Well this time, they're running down the sidewalk to help Blitz with his speed, and go through obstacles for his agility and other skills. They soon turn to an alley to see a fence with trash cans, boxes, and a dumpster close by.
Millie jumps on the cans and over the fence as she says, "Come on Blitz, try to keep up."
"Okay!" Blitz says.
Then Loona grabs the top of the fence and climbs over it. Blitz then jumps on the trash can, jumps to grab the fence and jumps over it.
"Great job, Blitz," Millie says.
"You're doing good," Loona says.
"Thanks," Blitz says.
After some time of running, Blitz, Millie, and Loona reach the empty lot, and take a break after a long run.
"Alright Blitz, we can take a break here," Millie says.
Loona then brings out a bottle of water and begins drinking it.
Then Millie passes Blitz the water bottle, "Here you go."
"Thanks," Blitz says, and catches the water bottle.
Millie finishes drinking a bit of her water and says, "You're doing good so far. I think you're getting even faster."
"Thanks," Blitz says.
Then asks, "So what do we do next?"
"You should work on your combat training," Millie says.
"And to work on your close combat with your arms, and use your daggers for defense and combat," Loona says.
"Right," Blitz says.
Moments later, Blitz is doing combat training with Millie. With Millie as his opponent, Blitz can suspect that she will be difficult to beat. Blitz and Millie collide their daggers against one another. Then Blitz jumps as Millie does a low kick. He tries to kick Millie, but she uses her arm as a shield and raises it to push Blitz back. Blitz soon lands on his feet. The two soon charge and continue to fight against one another as Loona watches.
Loona says in thought, "I have to admit, Blitz is doing a lot better with his fighting skills. Although, even though Blitz is learning how to fight, and is getting better at it, Blitz still refuses to kill anyone."
Loona also witnesses Blitz being able to grab Millie by her wrist, and then grabs her by her shirt. She then turns as he throws Millie over his head, causing her to land on the concrete ground. Millie however is able to get up and pounces at Blitz. The two end up rolling on the ground and Blitz is able to gain the upper hand and manages to use his tail to coil around her, panning Millie's arms to the side, and soon has the dagger close to her, but isn't going to do anything with it.
Millie takes deep breaths and says, "Wow, Blitz. You're getting better pretty quickly."
"Thanks, but it's thanks to you guys and Sarge," Blitz says.
Blitz then stands up and uncoils his tail from Millie. Then he helps Millie back on her feet.
Loona walks over, "Damn, you're getting pretty agile, there Blitz."
"Yeah. You're getting better since we started training. I have to say over a month ago." Millie says.
"Uh thanks," Blitz says.
"Well, I think we got a good amount of practice and training for today," Millie says.
"Yeah," Blitz says, and wipes the sweat from his forehead, "We sure worked out a lot today."
"Well, we've been doing this for three hours straight," Loona says.
"Yeah. We have," Blitz says.
Millie then says, "Come on Blitz, let's head home."
"Okay," Blitz says.
Sometime later at the house, Blitz is watching television as Mimmy is playing with her yarn ball on the floor as the bell attached to it rings. Mimmy continues to play with the ball and suddenly hears the sound of his phone ringing.
Blitz answers and says, "Hello."
"Hello Blitz," Stolas' voice answers.
"Oh hi Stolas, how are you doing?" Blitz asks.
"I'm quite alright. There's going to be a fun event called the Seven Rings Carnival tonight on the outskirts of Imp City and I was wondering if you and the others would like to come with me and Via. Of course, I'll be sure to pay for them for their services," Stolas says
"I don't mind. I can check with the others and see if they want to come," Blitz says.
"Great. I've already called Sarge and the others and they're happy to come along. And I'll be seeing you there, Blitzy," Stolas says.
Blitz blushes, "Yeah. I'll see you there." and hangs up the phone.
Before Blitz can leave, the door to his room opens, and Moxxie and Millie enter the room.
"Hey Blitz, we heard about an event happening tonight and..." Moxxie says. "Whoa..." and falls to the ground.
It's revealed that Mimmy's yarn ball has rolled towards Moxxie, causing him to trip over and fall to the floor.
"You okay, sweetie?" Millie asks.
Moxie sits up and rubs his head, "I'm alright."
"Meow," Mimmy replies.
Moxxie looks to see Mimmy climbing on Moxxie and towards his face. Then gives him a lick on the cheek.
Moxxie smiles and pat Mimmy on the head, "It's okay girl. You were only playing."
"You sure you're okay?" Blitz asks.
"I'm alright, just a bit bruised on the head," Moxxie says.
Then Blitz asks, "So what was it you guys saying?"
"There's going to be a carnival just outside of Imp City tonight and we would like to know if you like to go with us," Millie says.
Blitz chuckles, "Funny you should mention that, Stolas called and asked the same, and asks if you would like to come. He already talked to the others and they agreed to go."
"Looks like we're all going to the carnival tonight," Moxxie says.
Millie happily says, "Alright, let's go!"
Later at the outskirts of Imp City, there is a carnival with some food stands, merchandise booths, game booths, along with a few bands playing music, people dancing, lights, rides and all kinds of excitement. What's more, there are venues from all the Seven Rings of Hell. Something that all Hellborn demons like to explore.
Just outside the carnival, the I.M.P employees along with the two Royal Owls have arrived. Once they meet up, the group begin to walk towards the Seven Rings Carnival for some fun. Blitz looks around in amazement to see all kinds of demons having a good time at the carnival.
"Wow. The Seven Rings Carnival looks like fun," Blitz says.
"It's more fun than Loo Loo Land. I'll give you that," Razor says.
"So what is the Seven Rings Carnival?" Blitz asks.
"Well, the Seven Rings Carnival is a traveling carnival that has games, food, rides, and all kinds of fun," Millie says.
Then Drew says, "What's more, this Carnival has different venues, food, and all kinds of stuff you can get from the Seven Rings of Hell. This place is for children and adults. There are even a few contests and events every year."
"What makes this carnival interesting is that it travels all throughout Hell. They pick a town and ring, and have it set up for a weekend once a month throughout the year. I think last month they had it at the Sloth Ring," Razor says.
"And the month before that, they had it at the Lust Ring," Berry says.
"Sounds like the carnival is so much fun," Blitz says.
"It sure is," Millie happily says.
Then grabs Moxxie's hand, "Come on Moxxie, let's go have some fun."
Soon, everyone begins to look around the carnival for some fun. They look around to see all the fun they have. Unknown to the groups, there are thugs hiding behind two of the booths, with guns, daggers, ropes, and other kinds of weapons. And they have their eyes out on a specific royal bird.
"Come on, let's go on some of the rides," Millie says.
Moxxie sighs, "As long as we don't go on any roller coaster with a 90 degree angle."
"I think I see some bumper cars close by," Drew says.
"Sounds good to me," Randall says.
The group soon walks to the bumper cars, and are having fun bumping into each other, especially Randall. Of course, his driving with the bumper car is just as crazy as his normal driving skills. Since it's two people seated, Razor is a bit annoyed with his driving. Randall then hits the car Berry and Drew are seated in.
"Gotcha!" Randall then.
Millie then slams the bumper car at Randall's car. She and Moxxie are in the car and Moxxie chuckles at Millie's eagerly. Then the two kiss each other on the cheek.
After that, the groups are in the spinning cup that can fit at least 5 to 6 people. Randall and Millie end up spinning their cups fast together, making Razor and Moxxie dizzy. Sarge, Loona, Octavia, Berry, and Drew are in the other. Of course, thanks to Berry's idea, she has Blitz and Stolas in one of the cups together, hoping to give the two a little 'push' in each other's direction. Blitz then slowly circles the cup and turns to Stolas. Stolas turns to Blitz. The two smile and simply lean close to each other.
Berry smiles, "Looking good so far."
"Berry, are you trying to encourage their little affair?" Octavia questions.
"Maybe," Berry answers with a grin on her face.
Loona sighs, "Berry, try not to play matchmaker. Even if it does show that the two like each other."
"And it would be bad if my mom sees this," Octavia says.
"Knowing Randall, he'll probably say something like 'fuck it.'" Drew says.
Then turns to the two, "But still. I have to admit, those two do make a good couple, but it's also a dangerous one."
"I see your point, but for some reason, I'm actually rooting for them," Loona says.
Then turns to Octavia, "What do you think?"
"Hmm, it's kind of hard to say," Octavia answers, reluctant.
"You don't sound very sure," Loona says.
"I guess I'm just not sure what to think," Octavia says.
Then looks to see Stolas and Blitz smiling.
Then Octavia says, "Other than me, I've never seen dad this happy to be around someone. Well, he's glad to be around you guys, but I've never seen him this happy."
"You made it sound like a bad thing," Berry says.
"It's not. I'm just unsure if this is actually a good thing or a bad thing for dad," Octavia says. "But it seems rather nice to see dad this happy."
"I have to agree," Sarge says.
Then Octavia asks, "Do you think that dad would be better off with Blitz?"
"Who knows?" Loona says.
"It's hard to say because they don't interact as much, but the two seem to enjoy each other's company. Maybe Stolas will dump your mom for him," Drew says.
"Maybe," Octavia says, sounding rather concerned.
Then Sarge says to Octavia, "But Octavia, you know that no matter what happens, you're always going to be important to him."
Octavia smiles, "I think you're right. And to be honest, Blitz is actually very nice. I would like to get to know him better, including his cat."
"Oh yeah. I remember you telling me Mimmy has found his way to your room and used you as a toy," Loona says with a snicker.
"That's true," Octavia says, and then smirks, "But Blitz also told me about how Mimmy gets tangled in your tail when she tries to play with it."
Loona blushes and turns her head away, "Shut up."
After the cup spinning ride, the group are now on the carousel, well, except Sarge, Razor, and Loona so they can keep guard from distance from the ride. Blitz turns to see Stolas is on the horse next to him. Of course, the thugs continue to spy on the prince and know that they need to make sure they get him alone. Throughout the time, they continue to go on a few more rides like the ferris wheel, a roller coaster, and a few other rides. After that, the group walked down the vendor area to see so many different food stands and merchandise booths. Each section of this part of the carnival represents one of the Seven Rings of Hell. Like photos, clothes, and other merchandise. Even stuff for adults, like toys, alcohol, clothes, revealing clothes, and etc. They decide to have some snacks and drinks.
"So Blitz, are you liking the carnival?" Millie asks.
"It's actually kind of fun. It sure is different from the ones I've gone to," Blitz says.
"I kind of know what you mean. I've never been to the Human World Carnivals, but I remember the amusement park we went to was different from Loo Loo World, but a little similar to LuLu World," Berry says.
Drew soon notices, "By the way, where's Randall?"
"He's over by the food stand. Stuffing his big face," Razor says.
"Didn't take Randall to be a big eater," Moxxie says.
"He's usually like this when we go to events," Razor says.
"I see," Blitz says.
Blitz soon looks to notice a family of five. A mother, father, and two children, and a baby. They all look like they're having a good time. Seeing it, it kind of reminds Blitz's family, back to all the good times they had together. Then the words of the Robotic Fizzarolli echo in his mind, and remembers the incident back at Loo Loo Land.
"Hey Blitz, are you doing okay?" Loona asks.
Blitz snaps back and says, "I'm okay. I was just thinking about what happened at Loo Loo Land, and well... I actually have been wanting to ask you for sometime..."
"What's that?" Octavia asks.
"Well, it's a bit difficult to ask, but I have been wondering about my birth family, if I have any here, and if I did, were they still alive," Blitz says.
"Okay, but what is it you want to ask?" Razor asks.
Blitz then calmly asks, "What are your families like? You know what your parents like? Do you have any brothers and sisters? Childhood? Relatives? And anything about your families? Of course, if it's too personal, you don't have to talk about it."
That actually caught everyone off guard. Some actually seem rather reluctant to share this information with him.
"But like I said, if you don't want to talk about it, it's fine. I can only imagine some are not easy while living in Hell," Blitz says.
"It's okay Blitz. I understand that you might be curious about the lifestyle of having a family in Hell, since you've been raised by a..." Moxxie says, and whispers, "You know."
Blitz nods understanding, his living condition is different than everyone else's.
"But we'll be happy to answer your question," Millie happily.
"Well, you kind of already know about mine. Being adopted by a single father, and no brothers and sisters is difficult, but my dad takes good care of me and taught me how to be tough in Hell's elements. Still, dad and I are actually close. Of course, it's a bit hard to spend time with him when he works, but I've gotten used to it," Loona says.
"Well, as you remember, I was born and raised in the Wrath Ring. I have my ma, pa, my brothers, and my sister," Millie happily says, and soon bitterly says, "Even though my sister gets on my nerves."
"Really? I didn't know you have siblings," Blitz replies.
"Sure do. I mean sure my parents can be strict with me from time to time, especially my pa, but I love them," Millie says.
"As for me. I've lived in the Greed Ring too. Of course, it's not always easy when you live in a house with a family of eight." Razor says.
"Eight?" Blitz questions.
"That's right. I got my mom and dad, along with 5 brothers and 2 sisters. As for me, I'm actually the third oldest among me and my siblings. Living in Greed is not easy, especially with so many Mafias living there, and dealing with a bunch of sharks," Razor says.
He shrugs, "Of course, my family owns a weaponry store and sells weapons, guns, and all that mainly for the Mafia."
"The Mafia, huh? That must be scary having to see them every day," Blitz says.
"It's not that bad once you get used to it," Razor says.
"Well, Drew and I were raised by a single mother in the Lust Ring," Berry says.
"That's right. Our dad died when we were kids so our mom did her best to raise us, even take on all kinds of jobs in Lust," Drew says.
Randall snickers, "I can only imagine the kinds of jobs your mom was doing."
Drew and Berry glare at them. Randall turns away and whistles a tune.
"Listen Randall, just because our mom works in the Entertainment District, doesn't mean she's not a great mother," Drew says, annoyed.
"That's right. When our dad died, she worked extra hours to support us. And when Drew and I were old enough, we agreed to help her until we moved to Pentagram City," Berry says, bitterly.
"Entertainment District? I'm guessing this is Hell's standard, I have to guess it's the Red Light District," Blitz says.
"That's right," Drew says.
Blitz then turns to Moxxie, "What about you Moxxie? What are your parents like?
"Well..." Moxxie says, sounding reluctant, "To be honest, I don't really like to talk about my family much, or much about my life. My father and I didn't have the best relationship. But I can tell you that I was born in the Wrath Ring where my mother used to live, but was raised in the Greed Ring where my father lives. As for everything else, well, it's not easy."
"Huh, so you got daddy's issues too. I actually do as well. And trust me, my dad was really shitty, even for Greed's standards. Of course, I ended up running away from home when I was like ten and started hanging out with a gang when I used to live in Greed. And a lot of shit happened and then joined the company a few years ago," Randall explains.
"What about your mom?" Blitz asks.
"Well, she died when I was a baby, so I never knew her. Have no clue if my old man is still alive," Randall says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Then turns to Millie and asks, "Have you met Moxxie's parents before?"
"To be honest, no. I've never met them before, more like him though," Millie says.
"What do you mean?" Blitz asks.
"Moxxie is very reluctant to explain when it comes to his family, but he told me that his mother died when he was young, and I don't know much about his father. However, I respect Moxxie's decision. Besides, I'm sure he'll introduce me, eventually," Millie says.
Then Sarge says, "I can understand Moxxie having difficulties talking about the past. I don't really like to talk about my family either. However, I can let you know that my life was not easy, especially since my father abandoned my mother and me as a child, and later on my mother died. I had to put a lot of effort into getting where I am now. So let's just leave it at that."
"Um okay," Blitz says, confused. However, he decided not to push it.
Then Blitz turns to Stolas, "What about you Stolas what was your dad like?"
"Well, it's kind of difficult to explain. I mean, well, I don't exactly have too much of a relationship with my father. In fact, he kind of has trouble remembering my name. Probably because of the many brothers and sisters I have. He is not too interested in what I do, and thinks very highly of our royal status and always tries to get me to do the same. So my father is not exactly how you say 'Father of the Year' material, as they say," Stolas explains.
"Yikes. It sounds like a lot of your fathers aren't exactly loving," Blitz says with a sheepish smile.
"That's one way to put it," Moxxie says.
"It's mainly the calmest way to say it," Randall says.
"I guess some of us weren't as lucky as some parents, especially Millie's," Sarge says.
"What about you, Octavia. I can tell that you have a good relationship with your dad, but what about your mom?" Blitz replies.
"Um, mom and I don't really have too much of a relationship. I'm mainly around my dad a lot," Octaiva says.
"I see," Blitz says.
Then says, "I didn't realize that some of you don't have the best relationship with your parents. To be honest, I actually had a good relationship with both my parents, especially my mom. Sure, I get scolded and we argue, but we still managed to have a healthy relationship."
He then sighs and wonders, "Kind of makes me wonder what my parents were like, maybe wonder if I would have a good relationship with them or not."
"If your parents were complete assholes, I say forget about it. You got us now, and you still got your family up there," Randall says.
"I have to agree with Randall on this one," Berry says.
Sarge says, "Alright, I think we have enough discussion about family for a while, and try to..."
Suddenly, Sarge senses something and quickly brings out his gun and fires. The gun fire ends up shooting an Imp that's been hiding on one of the food stands and falls to the ground dead.
"Not again," Randall says, annoyed.
And just then, multiple Imps pounce from their hiding places and bring out their weapons to attack.
"Shit!" Razor says as he brings out his gun and fires at the Imp and kills him instantly.
Millie swings her axe and slices the demons into pieces.
"Where are they come from?" Moxie asks, shooting at them.
"Less talking, and more firing," Randall says, and rushes over with his dagger in his hand and his tail coiling the other.
Randall performs tricks and manages to kill them or cut their body parts. His tails use the dagger to cut their throats. Drew and Berry then fire their guns at the Imps coming to attack them. All of them nearby run away screaming in fright and running away. Soon, four of them pounce behind Drew and Berry without their awareness. Suddenly, someone fires at their weapons and knocks them off their hands. Drew and Berry turn to see the Imps and quickly kill them with their guns. Then turns back to find Blitz holding two guns, meaning he's the one who disarms the demons.
"Hey Blitz, nice work there," Drew says.
"Thanks," Blitz says.
Blitz hears screaming and turns to see the demon charging at him with a dagger. Before he can stab, Blitz, the former circus performer, dodges the attack, grabs the thug by the arm, and throws him into the ground.
"That was too close," Blitz says.
Loona smiles looking impressed. Stolas and Octavia are rather surprised.
"Oh my," Stolas says.
"I know. It's only been over a month since we started training Blitz, and he's already getting good at it," Loona says.
"I see," Stolas says. He then smiles, "I'm glad to see that Blitz is doing very well with you."
"Better stay still, those thugs are not going to stop," Loona says.
She then charges at the thugs and begins to viciously attack them, like a beast. Loona, slices them with her claws, chomp them with her teeth, and stabs them with a dagger she has kept at hand. Sarge also brings out his dagger and dodge their attacks and stabs with ease on the head. He then grabs an axe and throws it at the larger thug's head.
Soon enough, all the thugs are all dead on the floor.
"That was a close one," Razor says.
"Yeah, but it's actually been a good workout," Randall says.
"I agree. I can feel my blood pumping," Millie says.
"I think we got all of them," Moxxie says.
"Maybe..." Sarge says, thinking otherwize.
Suddenly, they hear a scream and turn in shock to see a larger Imp Thug, and he has...
"Octavia!" Stolas cries out.
The large Thug, who looks like to be the leader of the thugs, has his arm wrapped around Octavia's neck as he has a dagger pointing towards her. However, this dagger seems to be a dark crimson red color and it has these white strang patterns on the blade.
"Let her go you fucker!" Loona shouts in pure rage.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you! Anyone does and she's dead!" The Thug says.
Sarge says, "Everyone, don't make sudden movements. He has an angelic dagger."
"Shit, if we try to fight back..." Moxxie says, stunned.
"Octavia is as good as dead," Drew says.
Stolas then steps forward with a serious expression, "What is it that you want? I'll listen to any demands you want."
"That's a nice little bird," The Thug says with a smirk on his face.
Blitz looks at the scene in shock and dismay. However, his vision is starting to become blurry, changing from The Thug holding Octavia hostage to his cousin Candy at a younger age, being held hostage by a masked man holding a gun against her head. The fear on Octavia's face matches the fear on Candy's face, along with the image of a young boy, being held hostage by another man. Just then, Blitz begins clenching his face, gritting his teeth, and his eyes begin to glow red as she lets out a low growl.
The Thug continues, "So then your highness. I'll let your little chick go of you..." but suddenly feels a strong grip on his wrist.
Everyone becomes shocked to see Blitz has grabbed onto the thug's wrist attached to the hand holding the dagger.
"What's wrong with you?" The Thug asks, irritated.
Blitz glares at the Thug and says, "Take your hand off of her, or else!"
"Or else what? You gonna kick me in the face?" The Thug says in remark.
He then smirks, "How about you convince the Goetia Prince to give himself up and we can take both of them. What do you say?"
However, Blitz clenches his fist and along with the hand restraining the Thug's wrist, making him flinch.
"No thank you!" Blitz angrily shouts, and punches the guy in the stomach.
The Thug feels pain in his stomach, causing him to let go of Octavia.
Octavia takes the chase to get away and hurries to Stolas, who quickly embraces her in relief.
The Thug then brings out the gun, but Blitz ends up kicking his wrist and knocking the gun off his hand. Blitz then lets go of the thug and gives him a hard punch in the face, sending him flying and crashes into the ground. The Thug struggles to get up, but Blitz grabs him by the collar of his shirt and has him pinned to the ground. Blitz glares at the thug as he grits his teeth and his red eyes look like they're glowing red. He lets go and begins to throw punches at him, and each punch is harder than the last. The others who are witnessing it, grow deeply concerned.
"Wha-what's going on?" Moxxie asks, deeply concerned.
"I don't know, but something is wrong with him, and I'm not liking it," Berry says, worried.
Blitz continues to punch the Thug in the face with pure anger, and lets out a cry of rage. Before he can throw the final punch, someone stops him. Blitz slowly looks up to see Sarge has got a hold of Blitz's wrist.
With a calm and stern tone, Sarge says, "Blitz, I think you did enough."
Blitz heavily breathes and decides to get off the thug who is still alive. Well, just barely. Blitz soon snaps back to realize what he has done as Sarge lets go of Blitz's wrist. Blitz is still stunned to see that he has hurt someone.
Millie walks to Blitz and asks, "Blitz, are you okay?"
But Blitz soon runs away and looks very upset.
"Blitz!" Stolas calls out, but Blitz is already out of sight.
"We better go after him," Razor says.
But Stolas says, "No. I'll go." Then turns to Octavia, "Via, I want you to stay with the others."
"Will you be alright?" Octavia asks, still scared of what happened.
"Yes dear. Just stay with Loona and the others. I'll be back as soon as I can," Stolas says, and runs off after Blitz.
Sarge turns to the others and says, "Well enough, if you want, you can buy something from the booths really quick. We'll be leaving when Stolas and Blitz gets back."
Everyone agrees.
Meanwhile, Stolas veins to look around the small tent area to find Blitz. He soon hears sniffing and sobbing, and looks behind one of the tents to see Blitz sitting on the ground with his head on his knees and his arms wrapped around them. Concerned, Stolas slowly walks to Blitz and sits next to him.
"Blitz..." Stolas speaks up, but Blitz doesn't say a word.
"Blitz, are you alright?" Stolas asks, and tries to touch Blitz's shoulder.
But Blitz turns away and begins to let out sobbing, making Stolas stop in his tracks. Stolas gently places his hand on Blitz's back and gently rubs it to comfort him.
"Blitz, it... it's okay. I know you didn't mean to uh, do what you did, but everything is alright," Stolas says, trying to cheer Blitz up.
Blitz turns to Stolas as he lifts his head with tears falling down his face.
He wipes the tears from his face and says, "No. It's not. I... I went out of control again."
"What do you mean?" Stolas asks, confused. "You're saying this isn't the first time you did it?"
Blitz sighs and explains, "A few months after my mother's death and while I was still working for the circus, Candy and I were at a convention and we were having a good time. However, five robbers crashed the convention and were hoping to steal all the earnings from the convention. They end up taking a small child and my cousin, Candy, as their hostages." He grits his teeth in anger as he continues, "I've never seen Candy that scared, and that young boy who was also a hostage. And two of the robbers were holding their guns against their heads. I became so upset and furious that they were planning to hurt Candy and a kid to get what they want. And before I even knew it, I attacked the robbers before they had a chance to kill anyone."
"You really took down five armed robbers?" Stolas asks, shocked.
"Yeah," Blitz says, and looks depressed.
"But you were able to save your cousin, and that boy's life, and saved that convention as well," Stolas says.
But Blitz sadly, "Stolas, I almost killed one of those robbers and I was out of control. All I could see was red, and I remember the incident with my family... I couldn't think straight. It took four police officers to hold me down until I went back to my senses. The robbers and I were badly hurt, and I was taken to the hospital. I... I felt so awful about what I did. I almost attacked the police in blind rage. I didn't want to do that again, I feared hurting someone close to me, and feared if I ended up killing them, I'd be no better than them. No better than Robert."
"I see," Stolas says, and places his hands on the Imp's shoulders, "I'm sorry you felt that way, but I'm sure not everything is all bad."
"Sort of," Blitz says, "Some people have become scared, but everyone is more focused by the fact that I did it in order to save Candy and that boy. The boy's parents were grateful for rescuing the boy. They even visit me at the hospital as well. However, I had to go through another set of rehabilitation from my injuries, but also for my mental injuries."
"Mental Injuries?" Stolas asks.
"Well, I had to see a psychiatrist and talk to him about what happened. Honestly, I can't stand people who are willing to hurt others and go through such links to hurt someone just for their selfish needs. After talking to the doctors in charge of me, I can't ignore that what they said wasn't true," Blitz says.
"What's that?" Stolas asks.
Blitz then says, "That I was trying my best to live normal, but it can never be easy after what Robert did to me and my family. How he was willing to hurt us, just for his stupid business, and we didn't even want to sell our circus." He then sighs and says, "I explained that even all these years, I was still upset and angry with Robert for what he put my family through, he killed my father, my brother, and sister, and my mom was badly injured that she couldn't walk again. I was so furious, but the doctor said it's okay to be upset, but it's what I do with that anger that's important. The point is, I didn't want to kill people not just because of the difficulties of losing my family, I was also afraid that I would be as bad as Robert if I did. I was afraid that I would be no better than him, if I did."
"But Blitz, you're nothing like him," Stolas says, and gently gives Blitz a hug, "You're hard working, strong, kind hearted, gentle, and more ways than I can describe," Blitz is soon surprised to hear it, and tears begin to fall from Blitz's face.
Stolas continues, "You're a generous person, Blitz. You're nothing like that man. You regret your actions, and I wouldn't be surprised that Robert doesn't. So, try not to let what happened back then and not worry you so much, and just continue being the Imp that we like."
Stolas kisses Blitz on the forehead, "Besides, I'm sure Octavia feels grateful you saved her life. And I'm very grateful to you."
"Thanks Stolas," Blitz says, and wipes the tears from his face, "I'm sorry I scared you guys."
"It's quite alright. What matters is that we're all safe, and that we're all together," Stolas says, and picks up Blitz.
That causes the Imp to blush.
Then Stolas asks, "Would you like to stay with me tonight?"
"Um sure," Blitz answers, blushing with a shy smile, "And thanks."
"You're welcome," Stolas says.
And then the two pull each other to a kiss.
Sometime later, Stolas takes Blitz back to the others, and is relieved to see Blitz is okay and feeling better. Of course, Octavia feels grateful that Blitz has saved her life. With help from Stolas, Blitz explains the others about his problem and Randall jokes on how they learned what makes Blitz' tick, and Berry punches him in the face.
Later that night, Blitz is sleeping in bed with Stolas in the mansion. Stolas is reading his book with the lamp on and looking to see Blitz is happily sleeping in his bed. Stolas gently places his hand on Blitz's head and gently gives him a comforting rub, making the Imp sigh in his sleep, which makes Stolas smile. Stolas then puts the book on his furniture, turns off the lights, and lies down on his bed. He then pulls Blitz to him and gives him a gentle hug and soon falls asleep.
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