Chapter 31: Mimmy, Blitz's Calico Kitten

One afternoon, Blitz is visiting Stolas' mansion. Blitz walks towards the mansion with Mimmy in her little cat carrier, and a small bag full of things for Mimmy's needs.

"Alright Mimmy, today you're going to meet Stolas for the first time, so like you to be on your best behavior," Blitz says.

Mimmy, "Meow," in reply.

She then places her paw on the cage and wants out. She continues meowing and really wants to get out of the carrier and run around.

"I know you don't like being in the cat carrier, but you need to be in there so you won't get yourself lost in the city or in Stolas' place for that matter," Blitz replies.

Blitz walks to the front door and rings the bell close by. The door opens and it's Stolas who answers it.

"Hello Blitz, I'm glad you're able to come," Stolas says.

"Yeah. Thanks for inviting me over. Moxxie and Millie and the others have work to do out of town so they said it's cool for me to hang out," Blitz says as he walks inside the mansion.

"It's no trouble. I'm glad you decided to accept my invitation," Stolas says.

Stolas closes the door and notices the pet carrier.

"And what have you got in there?" Stolas asks.

"Well, I thought it would be nice to introduce you to my little fluffy ball of joy," Blitz says and places the carrier down.

He opens it, reaches inside, and takes out little Mimmy without trouble.

"Stolas, this is my little kitten, Mimmy. Mimmy, this is Stolas," Blitz says, and presents the kitten to Stolas.

"Meow!" Mimmy replies.

Seeing the little kitten, Stolas gushes that his eyes create white hearts in them, "Oh Blitzy, that is your little kitten?! She is the cutest little thing I've ever seen! Even better than the photo you showed me!"

"That's right. She's a real sweetheart, but she can be pretty playful," Blitz says as he gently rubs under her chin.

Then asks, "Would you like to pet her?" Blitz asks.

"Of course," Stolas says.

Then Blitz says, "Just gently reach your uh, claws out to her let her get to know you."

Stolas nods his head and decides to do that. Blitz then presents Mimmy to Stolas' claws. Mimmy remains calm and looks at the claw. Soon, Mimmy begins rubbing her head against Stolas' claws as she lets out a purr.

Blitz giggles and says, "That's Mimmy way of saying that it's okay for you to pet her."

Stolas soon begins to pet Mimmy gently and the little kitten purrs with satisfaction.

"I think she already likes you," Blitz says with a chuckle.

"I'm pleased to hear it," Stolas says.

Then says, "Come now, let's head to my chamber and we can have a chat."

"Sure," Blitz says.

Moments later, Blitz and Stolas are having tea and a chat while Mimmy plays with her little toys.

"I must admit, Mimmy is a cute little kitten. I've seen quite a few Hellkittens and Earth kittens, but not quite your little one," Stolas says.

"Yeah. According to the vet, she's a purebred Calico kitten. Though purebred animals are rare, it's not uncommon for Calico to be females," Blitz says.

"Interesting. I suppose you've read a bit about cats," Stolas says.

"Well, since I have to take care of Mimmy, I need to know how to take care of her, especially in the condition she was in when I found her," Blitz says as he watches Mimmy walk over to Blitz.

Blitz picks Mimmy up and places her on the couch. Mimmy then lets out a yawn. She then curls up and begins to take a little cat nap after playing.

"What do you mean, by conditions?" Stolas asks, confused.

Blitz sighs and explains, "To be honest, when I first found Mimmy, she was in an awful state. She was practically skin and bones, her eyes were closed shut, and was very dirty. She was in such a terrible condition that there was even the possibility that she might not survive." Then Blitz sadly turns to see Mimmy who is happily asleep as he gently rubs her back.

Seeing the sadness in Blitz eyes, Stolas asks, "If you don't mind me asking, how did you come across Mimmy? How did you find her?"

"Well, it happened months ago. Before I met you, Millie, Moxxie, or any of you," Blitz answers. "The circus was doing a special performance in New York City, and I decided to take a walk before the show, which was very nice. However, I ended up getting caught in a real downpour in the city."

Months Ago:

In the middle of New York City, there is a terrible storm, it's a real downpour with thunder and lightning. Blitz is in the city as he walks down the sidewalk. Luckily he's wearing a raincoat, boots, gloves, and scarf, but doesn't have an umbrella. Mainly because he doesn't expect that it's going to rain so hard that it feels harder than a shower.

Blitz mutters to himself, "Geeze, I know the weatherman predicted that it's going to rain, but didn't say about it raining cats and dogs."

Blitz soon hears lightning and thunder and looks up at the sky to see the storm is getting harder and lightning appears in the sky.

"Shoot, I need to find some to take shelter until the rain stops," Blitz says to himself and begins to run on the wet sidewalk.

Blitz continues to run as fast as he can go, and since he's distance away from the circus, he needs to find the closest place for cover.

Suddenly, Blitz hears a small noise, "Meow..."

That causes Blitz to come to a stop. He looks around to see nothing there.

Then he hears the sound again, "Meow... Meow..."

Blitz looks forward to notice a cardboard box a little distance away, next to a rain gutter. Suddenly, he notices the sound seems to be coming from the box, and notices small white paws trying to stick out of the box.

"What's that?" Blitz wonders.

Whatever it is, it's trying to bend a side of the box, almost like it's trying to get out. However, it's causing it to reach the rain gutter and fill the box with water. Blitz hurries to the box as it begins to break apart, and bursts open. Then something begins to be swift towards the storm drain. Blitz reaches his hand out, and catches the little thing inside. Blitz pulls it out and holds it in his arm. He looks to see that the something is actually a little kitten, probably around ten to twelve weeks old.

However, something's very wrong with it. The kitten looked dead and rotten. Its eyes are dirty and it's not open. It's close to having most of its fur fallen off. Since most of its fur isn't on its body, it's hard to tell what kind of breed it is. It looks like it's barely alive and very weak, and now it's soaking wet.

"Is that... a kitten...? Is it even..." Blitz asks himself in thought.

Suddenly, Blitz feels a faint heart beat from its body and notices that it moved its mouth a bit.

"It... it's still alive," Blitz says to himself.

Blitz gently adjusts his arms to cradle the kitten and gently pet the kitten.

"Poor little kitten. You shouldn't be here alone," Blitz softly says to the kitten.

The little kitten shakes in fear, but soon eases up to Blitz's gentle hand and a sign of warmth. Despite not having sight, the little kitten can sense safety and reassurance. Almost like it's aware that a speck of hope saves it from a cruel fate. The little kitten soon becomes comfortable.

"It's okay little kitten. It's okay," Blitz softly says and gently pet the kitten.

Then the thunder and lighting clash in the sky.

"Sheesh. The storm is getting worse," Blitz says.

He stands up and says, "Come on little guy, let's go find some shelter away from the rain."

Blitz runs down the sidewalk and soon reaches a small cafe. Blitz soon runs inside and looks to see not many people, and there are a few tables, chairs, and couches. Blitz then removes his coat and places it on the coat rack and has the kitten secured, and takes his cell phone out of his coat pocket. Then he walks to one of the couches and sits down with the little kitten in his arms.

Blitz sighs, "It looks like we'll be stuck here for a while."

Then pets the kitten, "But I'm glad that you're safe. You were lucky that I came by when I did."

The little kitten lets out a soft meow and begins to shiver.

"You're cold huh. Don't worry, You're safe with me and I'll keep you warm," Blitz says.

Blitz then takes off his scarf and uses it to wrap the kitten a bit, almost like a blanket. Then Blitz gently takes the kitten in his arms and makes the kitten comfortable.

He then gently wraps his arms around Mimmy and does his best to make her comfortable.

The little kitten lets out a soft and weak, "Meow."

Blitz chuckles a bit, "You're a cute little kitten, aren't you."

Then frowns a little, "But you look very weak and sick. Once the rain stops, I'll get you to the vet and see if they can help you."

He then gently says, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."

Blitz remains at the cafe as he watches the rain fall.

Sometime later:

Later that night, after the performance, Blitz is already in the hotel room he's been staying with his family at the time. Blitz is inside the hotel's restroom to make sure the little kitten is comfortable. The kitten is inside a cage as it lies on a towel that is wrapping an electric blanket that is at the right temperature for it. Around the lower part of its body is some toilet paper.

"There you go, that should do," Blitz says.

Just then, the door opens and Tim, Andy, and Candy look inside.

"Hey guys," Blitz says.

"Hey Blitz, great job on the show tonight," Tim says.

"Thanks," Blitz says.

"So how's your uh, little guest doing?" Andy asks.

"Doing okay... I suppose...?" Blitz answers.

"How is the kitten?" Candy asks, worried.

Blitz sadly admits, "Not very good to be honest. She's very weak and frail. According to the vet, she already has a lot of parasites in her body along with other kinds of diseases and other infections. It's too dangerous to give her any medicine, fearing the side effect would be enough to kill her. So, there's a possibility that she might not make it. All I can do is give her nutrients and keep her warm... and the rest..." and let out a sad sigh, "Will be up to her..."

"Are you... planning on keeping her...?" Andy asks.

"Of course I am, even if it might be for a short time, I can't just leave her like this," Blitz says, sounding determined.

"Sounds a lot like you, huh Blitz," Tim replies with a smile.

Blitz giggles and says, "I guess."

"So since you're going to keep her, I assume that you already have thought of a name for her," Candy says.

Blitz thinks for a bit, "Hmmm..." and says, "I think I would call her Mimmy."

"That sounds like a nice name," Candy says.

Then Tim asks, "Do you think she's going to make it? She looks like she's in really bad shape?"

"I... I don't know Tim. I just don't know. I can do so much for her, and the rest will be up to Mimmy," Blitz sadly says.

And with that, Blitz decides to do whatever he can to help Mimmy, even though there is little much he can do. Blitz has to check the temperature of the electric blanket, make sure the towel and blanket is soft enough for her. Give her some nutrients like some water and other kinds of nutrients for a little kitten, even change the paper towel whenever Mimmy goes to the bathroom. Blitz has to keep an eye on Mimmy to make sure she is well taken care of.

At first, Blitz has been doing it on his own for a few days, and hasn't been getting much sleep. Seeing how tired Blitz is and worried that he might pass out, Tim, Andy, Candy, along with Matt and Lily decide to help Blitz watch over Mimmy. The only problem is that because they are unable to wash her, the train Blitz's stays ends up smelling very bad. It has become a bit irritating, but since they're used to taking care of animals, it doesn't bother them too much.

Time has passed, and the fruits of their labor begins to show, Mimmy is starting to get better. Mimmy starts to gain weight and is able to start gaining her strength. And after two weeks, Mimmy is able to stand and begin to walk. And even the skin disease is getting better and Mimmy is starting to grow more hair.

More time has passed, and now it's been approved by the doctor that Mimmy is able to take medications now to deal with the infections and parasites in her body. After taking the medication, Mimmy is feeling much better. She even has the energy to run and play.

Finally, one afternoon, Blitz returns to the train car with a pet carrier, bags, and has a smile on his face. There, Tim, Andy, and Candy are waiting.

"So Blitz, how did things go at the vet today?" Andy asks.

"How's Mimmy?" Candy asks.

"I'll be happy to let you know that Mimmy is back to good health," Blitz says.

"Great," Candy happily says.

"So where's Mimmy?" Andy asks.

"Well, I had to take care of a few things, you know fill out papers, including adoption papers, pet care manual, and buy a few things I need for Mimmy, and I was also able to get her to the groomers to have her cleaned," Blitz explains.

Blitz then places the carrier and bags down, and opens the carrier.

Blitz gently reaches his hand and says, "Come here girl, it's okay."

Soon, Mimmy walks out, to see she is all cleaned up. Mimmy reveals to have white four with black and brown spots, and large amber color eyes. And now, Mimmy is wearing a red collar with a small yellow bell and a heart shaped name tag.

"Aww, Mimmy looks so pretty," Candy says.

"She kind of is, and she looks all squeaky clean now," Tim says.

Mimmy replies, "Meow."

"Yeah. She looks great," Andy says.

"Yeah. And you know what," Blitz says, and picks up Mommy, "I'm glad she was able to pull through."

"I have to agree, Blitz. Mimmy is one tough kitten. Despite all the conditions she had, Mimmy is now able to get back to perfect health. And she has you to thank," Candy says.

"Well, I did what I had to do for you," Blitz says.

"Still, I'm sure Mimmy is very grateful that you were able to save her life and helped her gain back to perfect health," Tim says.

"I suppose you're right," Blitz says.

He smiles down towards Mimmy and asks, "Right, Mimmy."

Mimmy lets out a happy, "Meow."

Suddenly, Mimmy begins to get fussy and leaps onto Blitz's shoulder.

"Hey, what are you...?" Blitz asks.

Mimmy soon adjusts herself until she's on Blitz's shoulders, and snuggles her face against Blitz's cheek.

Candy giggles, "Well Blitz, it looks like Mimmy is practically all over you."

"I guess so, but I also like her to get used to you guys too," Blitz says.

"That's true, but one thing for sure, you're basically her favorite," Tim says.

Soon the three begin laughing. Blitz simply smiles and begins to rub Mimmy as she still snuggles her face against his cheek.

Flashback Ends:

"And that's how Mimmy came to live with us," Blitz says.

"That is a very sweet story, Blitz. I never knew Mimmy went through so much," Stolas says.

"Yeah. I have to admit, there were times when I feared Mimmy wasn't going to make it, but she was able to pull through. The vet said it was a miracle all on its own," Blitz says.

"Indeed, but what you have done is amazing as well. You not only saved her, but you did your best to help her heal. It wouldn't surprise me if she felt how much you felt for her. But you never knew," Stolas says.

"I suppose," Blitz replies.

Then turns his head to his lap, "What do you think Mimmy?"

However, Blitz notices that Mimmy is not sitting on his lap anymore.

"Mimmy?" Blitz questions as he looks around.

Stolas looks around, "Oh my. Now where could that little feline disappear to?"

"She was here a minute ago," Blitz replies.

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere," Stolas says.

Blitz and Stolas begin to look around the room. Under the bed, behind the furniture, and even in the closet. They look all over the chamber, but the little Calico kitten is nowhere to be found.

"I can't find her," Blitz says.

"She must have wandered about the mansion somewhere," Stolas says.

"That's not good," Blitz says, concerned.

"I'm sure she hasn't gone too far, but we better find her right away before Stella gets home," Stolas says.

The two are soon walking down the hall as they try to call out to the little missing kitten.

"Mimmy!" Blitz calls out.

"Mimmy, where are you?!" Stolas calls out.

"Mimms!" Blitz calls out.

Stolas says, "I don't see her anywhere."

"I'm getting worried. What if she wanders outside or maybe..." Blitz says, concern.

But is interrupted to hear a "Meow!"

Followed by a familiar laugh and voice, "Hey, stop trying to nibble on my fingers while I'm on the computer or laying on the keypad.

"Huh?" Blitz says, confused.

Then turns to Stolas, "Was that Octavia's voice?"

"Yes, and it appears to be coming from her room," Stolas says.

The two soon walk down the hall nearby and notice Octavia's bedroom door is open.

Stolas knocks on the door, "Via, can I come in?"

"Yeah dad. I actually need your help," Octavia says from her room.

"With what?" Stolas asks as he opens the door.

When he and Blitz enter the room, they see Octavia sitting on her bed with her laptop on her lap, and Mimmy is nibbling on her finger.

"This is what I need help with," Octavia says, pointing to the kitten nibbling on her finger.

"Oh..." Stolas replies, and giggles, "Oh dear."

"So dad, did you just get a new pet, cause this isn't any cat I've seen before. Plus, I thought mom didn't want any pets in the house," Octavia says.

Blitz steps forward and says, "Actually, she's really mine. Sorry about that Octavia. Mimmy wandered away while your father and I were talking and we were just looking for her."

Octavia turns to the little kitten, "So Mimmy is her name. She's actually kind of cute."

"Thanks. Still sorry about that. I should have kept a better eye on her," Blitz says, and gently rubs the back of Mimmy's ear.

Mimmy turns to see her owner and happily, "Meow."

Then leaps onto Blitz and climbs on his left shoulder as she purrs and nuzzles her head against Blitz' cheek.

Octavia giggles, "She's actually really cute. Although, I've never seen a kitten from earth before. You never see cats like this unless they're a HellCat."

"Right," Blitz replies.

Suddenly, Stolas remembers and says, "Speaking of Earth, I heard from Sarge that it became a rumor among sinners about a demon who was living on Earth. He contacted me after you and the others returned from Pentagram City. Apparently, he also called Princess Charlie to ask more about the rumors. So far, your identity wasn't clarified, but asked about any precaution in case this becomes exposed."

"Yeah. I figure this is worth mentioning," Blitz says.

"Oh, so that's what the gossip from the internet was about," Octavia says.

Blitz sighs, "Let me guess, there are some posts, forms, or something that involve the rumors of a demon that's been living in the human world without problems."

"That's about right. I found it a few days ago, and there are a lot of comments. Some did confirm that a demon has lived on earth without a disguise, others says that it's made up and it's someone dressed in a demon costume. Others were very interested, and really like to know who the demon is. And some wonder if the Demon was cute and wonder how good they are with sex."

Blitz blushes after hearing the part with him and sex.

Octavia quickly reassures him, "But not everything in forms was that bad. Many are involved with questions, and like to meet the demon and ask questions. And maybe some wonder how you gain access to the human world."

"That sounds worrisome," Blitz says.

"Don't worry, Via and I promise not to say this to anyone, so your identity is safe. But like Sarge said, we will need to take some precautions of what needs to be done in case your identity is made public. I have a few ideas, but I'll have to think it through before knowing if they actually work," Stolas says.

"Yeah. However, I worry on how anyone is going to react when they find out that the rumors were true. That I wasn't raised by demons, but by actually raised and grew up with an adopted human family. Humans who were willing to raise me despite how I looked, and were able to live with a human family since I was a baby. Traveling all over the world in a circus with my adopted father and uncle started, and even have a good bond with my family and friends who are humans," Blitz says.

He sighs and says, "I just don't know if I can handle all the paparazzi when everything is exposed."

"Do not worry, Blitz. I'll be here for you when that happens. Sarge and the others are willing to help as well," Stolas says.

"Thanks guys. It really makes me happy to hear it," Blitz says.

Blitz turns to Octavia and says, "Again, sorry that my kitten was bothering you."

"It's no problem. It's actually nice to have her around. Although, I can imagine her being playful because she's been playing with my tail, nibbling on my fingers or trying to lie on my keypad," Octavia says.

"Yeah. She even played with Loona's tail a few times..." Blitz says.

The three continue to talk about Mimmy and how playful she is. Unknown to the three, Stella, who has already returned, ends up hearing the three, and end up hearing the three about Blitz's life. However, that's the last thing on her mind. The thought that Blitz is happily associating with Stolas and Octaiva is enough to make her blood boil, and hearing how happy and chatty they are. Stella then quietly walks away without a single word.

Sometime later, Blitz soon begins to leave the palace and waves goodbye to Stolas.

"Bye Blitz, I'll be seeing you around," Stolas says.

"Bye Stolas. Thanks for having me and Mimmy over," Blitz says.

"It was my pleasure, Blitzy," Stolas says.

"Um yeah," Blitz says, blushing. "Well, I'll see you later."

"Goodbye," Stolas says.

Then Blitz takes his leave as he waves goodbye to Stolas. Stolas happily waves goodbye and feels pleased to get to know Blitz a little more, and hopes to see him again along with Mimmy.

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