Chapter 3: Abercrombie's Tragic Inferno
The next day at the Cirque De Eccentrical, the circus continues to flourish. Many people from the town or the other towns arrive at the circus to see the performers. As of now, the circus is displaying their acts for everyone to see as the trainers and employees help the visitors to see the animals. Marina, Malcolm, Tim, Andy, and Candy are among those who are working on their performances as they demonstrate to the audience.
Marina is swimming in a tank of water with the sea lions. Candy and Andy perform acrobatics, jumps and flips. Tim practices with his magic act. And finally, Malcolm bends his body into impossible poses, and is able to lift his body up with one hand. Juma lifts weights. Dylan is performing on his unicycle, and the other performers are doing their acts as well.
Soon enough, everyone is on their break. They have lunch, have a chat, and do their activities.
Just then, Claude walks over to the group with his lunch, "Hey guys, kind if I join you."
"Sure," Malcolm says.
Claude sits next to Malcolm and says, "Today was very busy. I feel that the kids are wearing my dogs down."
"I know what you mean. I get tired of riding my unicycle all the time," Dylan says.
"I have to agree, but I do enjoy getting wet and swimming in the water," Marina says.
Andy then asks, "So where's Blitz at?"
"Hmm, I think he went to find dad and uncle Matt, but he'll be back. Mom asked him to deliver some important parts to them," Malcolm says.
"Sounds reasonable," Candy says.
Just then, Andy remembers and looks concerned, "Um yeah, I just hope Blitz is careful."
"Why'd you say that?" Claude questions.
"I heard from dad that Robert Wayne is visiting the circus again. I think he wants to talk to them about that offer," Andy says, concerned, but a bit bitter.
Malcolm grunts bitterly, "Again?! He's been at this for a month now. Can't he understand that both our fathers said no? I mean, what's wrong with him?"
"I'm afraid I don't have the answer for that," Candy says.
"Well, he better not try anything or he's going to hear it from me," Tim says,cracking his knuckles.
"Easy Tim, it's best we let our fathers handle this and try not to worry so much," Marina says.
"I hope so," Tim says.
Then Malcolm says in concern, "I only hope Blitz will be careful if he sees him."
Somewhere around the circus area, Blitz is walking around trying to find his dad and Uncle Matt so he can give them the paperwork. He has been searching for his dad, but can't seem to find him or his Uncle Matt. Soon, he walks towards the big top tent, since it's empty as of now.
He looks around and wonders, "Where could dad and Uncle Matt be? They weren't in the train cars, and the others haven't seen them. I wonder if they have to take care of a few things."
Suddenly, he hears his father's voice coming from the big top, "For the last time, we told you no! We are not selling our circus to you!"
"Dad?" Blitz says, confused.
But then hears another voice, "Come on Charles, I'm giving you an opportunity to make your little sideshow better. I can help make your shows bigger and better, and help gain some more performers money can buy."
Curious, Blitz walks towards the entrance to see his father and his Uncle Charles inside. Along with another man. The man has light tan skin with brushed back black hair, and blue eyes. He is wearing a dressed button up shirt with a burgundy color necktie, a navy blue color suit jacket and pants, and wears black dress shoes.
Curious, Blitz decides to remain quiet and peek through the entryway to see the two Abercombie brothers and the man walking a bit towards the entryway.
"We thank you for the offer Mr. Wayne, but my brother and I have already told you. This is a family business, and we happen to love our circus just the same," Matt sternly says.
"You don't seem to understand. I always wanted the best. Despite all the eccentric performers you have, it's been known to be one of the best circuses in the world. Once I have my eye on something it will be mine," Mr. Wayne says.
Then gives him a sinister grin, "We wouldn't want to have any complications, do you?"
"I apologies , but that is our answer. We would like you to leave," Charles sternly says.
Mr. Wayne firmly stares at Charles and Matt, while the brothers do the same.
Mr. Wayne looks at his watch and calmly says, "Fine." and walks towards the exit.
Blitz quickly ducks back and leans towards the tent to see Mr. Wayne walking out of the big top and away from the tent looking a bit bitter.
He then brings out his mobile phone and makes a call.
He then says, "Hello... They refuse to sell them to me. It looks like they're going to need a little more persuasion if they're going to sell it to me."
Then Mr. Wayne turns towards Blitz's direction. Blitz quickly runs inside, but Mr. Wayne sees him.
Mr. Wayne evilly grins and says, "And I know just how to do it."
Later in the afternoon in one of the train cars, Blitz is in his room as he lies down on the bed, thinking of what the conversation his father and uncle have with Mr. Wayne, and what Mr. Wayne has said on the mobile phone.
Blitz turns to the door, "Come in."
The door opens and Marina enters the room.
"Hi Marina, what brings you here?" Blitz asks.
"Doing good, just want to check to see how you're doing," Marina says.
"Cool," Blitz says, then grows worried.
"Are you okay? Dad said that you were talking to him while giving him the paperwork and you were very uneasy," Marina says.
Blitz sighs and says, "That's one way of looking at it. I saw dad and Uncle Matt talking to this guy named Mr. Wayne. He wanted to buy the circus, but they said no,"
"Oh yeah. I remember that man. He's interested in buying our family's circus, but our dad and uncle refused. I even heard from the others that he threatened our dads' the last time he tried," Marina says with a frown on her face.
"That seems like it. Earlier, he was talking to someone on the phone, saying that he needed to persuade them to buy the circus from them," Blitz says, expressing his concern. "I was able to give dad and Uncle Matt the papers, and told him what I heard. But dad told me not to worry about it, and don't listen to a word he says if he tries talking to me."
He sighs and shakes his head, "Well, I can't help but worry about it."
"You don't think Mr. Wayne would try to do something?" Marina asks, concerned.
"I wouldn't put it past him," Malcolm's voice speaks up.
They turn to see their older brother at the door.
"Oh Malcolm. We didn't know you came back," Marina says.
"Yeah. Mom and I finished getting some equipment set up for the circus and decided to come back here," Malcolm says.
He walks to Blitz and says, "And dad told me what you heard Mr. Wayne said. He's right, you shouldn't worry about it." and pats Blitz on his head.
"I know, but I can't help thinking that Mr. Wayne could be planning something," Blitz says, expressing his concern.
"I know what you mean. That Mr. Wayne doesn't seem like an honest person. Even I notice something evil about him," Malcolm says.
"Yeah. I don't trust him. I'm glad that dad and Uncle Matt refused," Marina says, and crosses her arms.
"I do too. This circus is basically our home, and we have our family and friends with us. I would hate it if dad and Uncle Matt sell it, Blitz says.
"I do too, but I'm glad that they didn't," Malcolm says.
Then Blitz says in concern, "But still, I'm worried about what Mr. Wayne said and worried that he'll do something to us."
"I doubt it, he may be a wealthy businessman and doesn't seem like a good man, but I'm sure he wouldn't do anything that is against the law," Malcolm says.
Blitz says in concern, "I hope..."
Later in the night, Blitz is walking around the circus to take his mind off of what has heard, and worried of what Mr. Wayne might do. There is so much concern in his thoughts. Despite the others telling him not to worry, he can't help it. His mind is so deep in thought, that he doesn't know that someone is sneaking behind him.
Blitz sighs, "I thought about talking to my dad and uncle again. I just don't like the look he gave to my dad and uncle."
He then walks in the big top to sit and clear his head.
Suddenly, someone says, "Hello Blitzo..."
Blitz gasps in shock and turns to see Mr. Robert Wayne walking into the big top.
"Oh uh, hello. You must be Mr. Wayne. Uh, hello," Blitz replies, nervously. "What can I do for you?"
"Oh nothing, I just happened to walk by and happen to see you here. So what brings you out this late," Mr. Wayne says.
"Oh, uh, I was just trying to get some air. I have a few thoughts going on so I've decided to walk around," Blitz says, nervously.
"Oh really. So then, perhaps you can help me out with a little something," Mr. Wayne says.
Blitz gulps nervously and asks, "What do you need help with?"
"Oh, I just like you to help me persuade the bosses of the circus to hand over the rights to the circus over to me," Mr. Wayne says.
"I-I-I'm sorry sir, but my father and uncle already told you no, and I don't want to sell the circus either," Blitz says.
Mr. Wayne calmly sighs and says, "And here I thought I can easily convince you since you seem to be the more reasonable member of the family. Despite your..." He coughs a bit and says, "... unusual appearance. But a good heart."
"Well thank you, but I respect my father and uncle's decision, and I think it will be best for you to accept no for an answer," Blitz says.
"Well then, it looks like we'll have to do this the hard way," Mr. Wayne says.
Blitz becomes confused and feels something grabbing his arms. He quickly looks to notice two muscular and scary men grabbing a hold of his arms.
"Wha-what are you doing?" Blitz asks, feeling in danger.
"Oh nothing much, we're just going to take you for a little ride," Mr. Wayne says.
"Wha-what do you mean?" Blitz asks, worried.
Suddenly, Blitz becomes stunned to see two more men walking inside. One of them is holding a rope, while the other is holding a red jerrycan. Then notices Robert Wayne holding a gun.
He then says, "I suggest you remain silent while we take care of some business."
"What are you planning?" Blitz asks.
"Let's just say while you come with us, the circus will become nothing but ashes once we're done. But don't worry, we don't plan on hurting anyone. However, the same can't be said about you, if you don't come with us quietly," Mr. Wayne says with an evil grin.
"You can't do this!" Blitz upset cries out.
"Oh I can, and I will," Mr. Wayne says with a deep frown on his face.
"I... I won't let you!" Blitz shouts.
He then slams his foot on one of the men's feet, making him scream in pain and forces him to let him go. Then Blitz is able to punch the other guy in the stomach, and pushes him to the ground. And with that, Blitz begins running away in fright.
Mr. Wayne angrily shouts, "Get him! Don't let him get away."
The four men then chase after Blitz. Two of them bring out and fire their bullets at him. Luckily, none of them have come close to Blitz. However, one of them grabs four knives and throws them at Blitz. One of them ends up grazing Blitz's right leg and causes him to fall down to the ground. One of them stomps his foot on Blitz's back, while the other grabs his feet.
"Nowhere to run you little runt. Maybe it will be a good idea to break one of your legs to make sure you won't run," One of the men says.
"No stop!" Blitz panics and tries to escape.
Then the third man brings out his gun, "How about we blast his leg off, maybe that will get him to not move!"
"No! Help! Somebody Help!" Blitz screams in fear.
Moments ago in the train car asleep, Charles and Lucy are fast asleep. Suddenly, the sound of the gun shot appears, causing the two to wake up from their sleep in shock.
"What was that?" Charles asks.
"It sounded like it came from outside," Lucy says, concerned.
Charles and Lucy quickly get out of bed and leave their room. As they do so, Malcolm and Marina quickly rush out of the room in their pajamas.
"Was that a gun shot just now?" Malcolm asks, shocked.
Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, screaming in fear, "No! Help! Somebody Help!"
"Was that Blitz?" Marina asks, shocked.
"It sounds like it's coming from outside," Malcolm says.
With that, the four rush outside of the train car, and begin to look around.
Suddenly, they hear Blitz screaming, "Help! Help!"
They soon turn to see that it's coming from the big top.
In the big top, Blitz, is being grabbed by the two men and pulled up on his feet. Blitz tries to break free, but the two other men have the ropes and begin to tie Blitz up. Despite how much Blitz struggles, he can't break free.
"Stop, let me go! Stop!" Blitz cries out.
Mr. Wayne says, "Stop struggling you little brat! You'll be coming with us, and then we'll burn the big top to the ground!"
He then aims his gun towards the red container. Blitz soon realizes that the container is full of gasoline, and plans to burn the big top to the ground and take Blitz as a hostage. Before he can fire, someone pounces on Mr. Wayne and they both fall to the ground. Blitz looks up in shock to see his father, Charles attacking him and trying to take the gun away.
"Dad!" Blitz cries out.
And then, Malcolm charges at the two men, and punches one of them in the face. And then, Marina ends up hitting him on the back with a baseball bat. That causes the two men to fall and let Blitz go.
"Blitzo!" Lucy cries out in worry.
"Mom!" Blitz calls out in relief.
Lucy rushes to Blitz and hugs him in relief. Then she begins to untie him.
She then asks, "Are you okay, sweetie? Are you alright?"
"I'm okay, but Mr. Wayne was trying to burn the circus down and take me as a hostage," Blitz says.
Finally, freeing her son from the rope, Lucy says, "I shouldn't be too surprised."
Marina rushes to Blitz and her mother and says, "And Blitz, you were right to be concerned. I never expected Mr. Wayne to do this."
"Let's hurry and call the police," Lucy says.
Before they can leave, the four other men have Lucy, Blitz, and Marina surrounded, and have guns and knives at them. Before any can attack, Malcom then kicks one of the men on the side of the head. Then he punches the other guy in the face. One of the men tries to stab Malcolm, but Blitz quickly acts fast and coils his wrist. He then grabs his tail, and pulls the man with the knife away. After that, Lucy and Marina quickly throw their fist at the fourth man. Charles and Mr. Wayne are able to stand as they continue to fight over the gun, and Charles ends up kicking the container away from the fight and towards the tent.
Charles quickly turns to Lucy, "Lucy, get the kids out of here! I'll hold him off as fast as I can!"
Before anyone can leave, Charles and Mr. Wayne end up falling down to the ground as the gun falls out of Mr. Wayne's hand. And with that, the gun ends up firing at the container and causes it to explode. The gasoline and fire splatter on the side of the tent and it begins to catch fire. Everyone gasps in shock to see the big top is starting to catch on fire, with them inside the tent, and the fire is spreading fast. Before anyone can react, multiple gunshots have been fired. Malcolm and Marina end up getting injured. Malcolm gets hit in the leg, while Marina is hit on the shoulder.
Blitz panics, "Malcolm! Marina!"
Lucy screams in fear and rushes towards them in fear. She kneels down to them to see how badly hurt they are. He quickly turns to see Mr. Wayne ends up punching Charles in the face. Then grabs the gun and tries to shoot him.
"Dad!" Blitz cries out and rushes towards him.
Before Mr. Wayne can fire at him, Blitz pouches on him and tries to take the gun away as his tail ties around the wrist of the hand the gun is at. Blitz quickly raises his hand and uses it to swat the gun away from him. Just then, Mr. Wayne is able to kick Blitz in the stomach, making him lose grip of his tail, then pushes Blitz to the ground. Blitz feels pain in his stomach and soon looks up to see Mr. Wayne glaring at him as he clutches his fist.
He angrily says, "You got some nerve, you little freak!"
Blitz becomes frightened to see Mr. Wayne is planning on hurting him. Suddenly, plenty of the support beams around the circus tent begin to fall over, and the ropes burn and snap. One of the burning poles, falls over and plunges towards Robert Wayne. Mr. Wayne screams in fear and Blitz quickly moves out of the way in time, but the pole falls on top of Mr. Wayne dies instantly. Blitz gasps to see that the pole has crushed and killed him.
Blitz soon begins to look around as he cries out, "Mom! Dad! Malcolm! Marina!"
Soon, the support beams, and poles, along with the tent begin to collapse and fall to the ground. Blitz tries to climb on the burning poles, but his clothes and gloves are getting burned, but he doesn't care.
He continues to cry out, "Mom! Dad!" Then look around, "Malcolm! Marina!"
Suddenly, they hear someone cry out, "Blitz!"
Blitz quickly turns his head to see Lucy close by, and has her foot trapped under one of the poles that have fallen over.
"Mom!" Blitz cries out and tries to run towards him.
Suddenly, his mom cries out, "Blitz! Get out of the way! Run!"
"N... no mom! I can't leave you!" Blitz cries out and rushes to his mom.
Blitz reaches his mother and tries to push the pole off of her, but it's hard for him to push it off of her on his own.
"Blitzo, you have to run! You need to get out! Save yourself!" Lucy cries out.
"No! I can't leave you!" Blitz refuses and tries to rescue his mom.
Blitz stops in his tracks to hear something cracking and breaking. He quickly turns to see the center support pole of the tent begins to burn and falls over. Blitz then tries to get out of the way, but he ends up falling over and ends up hitting his head against one of the flaming poles and falls to the ground, and begins to lose consciousness. Before losing consciousness, he keeps hearing voices along with sirens and bells, and all kinds of noises.
Blitz soon begins to slowly regain consciousness as she lets out a grunt and groan. He slowly opens his eyes as he tilts his head with a dazed expression on his face. Unknown to Blitz, he has bandages wrapped around his right eye, and his hands are wrapped in bandages and other places in his body.
"M-mom... da-dad...." Blitz softly says, feeling very weak.
Slowly Blitz turns his head to find himself no longer in the burning tent.
He slowly turns his head and softly asks, "Malcolm... Marina... Dad... Mom..."
"Blitz..." Someone softly asks.
Blitz slowly turns his head as his vision clears to see one of his cousins.
He softly says, "Ca-Candy..."
He then slowly looks around to see his other relatives, "Aunt Lily... Uncle Matt... Tim... Andy..."
"Oh Blitz, are you alright?" Lily asks, concerned.
"I... ugh..." Blitz tries to answer, but feels the pain he has.
He then asks, "Where are my parents and my brother and sister? What happened?"
"What from we understand, the fire broke out and the big top was in flames. Luckily, we were able to get there, but the fire was already out of control. Your mother is sleeping in the room next door after going through a lot of treatment, and her right leg shattered and could no longer walk," Matt explains.
However, the room becomes silent. And that's when the doctor comes walking in. And there, the doctor along with Uncle Matt and Aunt Lily give Blitz the terrible news. His father, brother, and sister have died in the incident. Blitz and his mother are able to be found and rescued, but sadly, Charles, Malcolm, and Marina have not survived, leaving Blitz and his mother devastated. And it's soon revealed that the one who started the fire, Mr. Robert Wayne has also died in the fire along with his men. It also revealed that Blitz has also received some burn marks on his body, especially a damage to his right eye, and it's a miracle that it will heal so he'll get his vision in due time. He also receives burn marks on parts of his body that remain white. His mother, also injured, became paralyzed, so she has to remain in a wheelchair.
Over a month has passed, and the funeral for Charles, Malcolm, and Marina. Everyone in the circus, including Blitz and Lucy are there to say their sad and heartbreaking goodbye. Of course, the most heartbroken are Blitz and his mother Lucy. Matt and his family, along with the group, are saddened by the loss as well.
4 Years Later:
During the four years, Blitz, his mother, and his relatives and friends continue to perform at the circus. Matt along with Blitz and the others do their best to run it, and are able to keep the circus a success. Sadly, the circus isn't the same without Charles, Malcolm, and Marina who have lost their lives that day. And throughout the four years, Lucy's condition has worsened and has fallen ill.
The four years have passed, and now Lucy has been in the hospital for a few weeks, and today, Lucy's condition has finally taken its toll, and doesn't have long to live. Blitz sits on the bed next to his mother as she lies down on the bed and connects to machines to monitor her heart beat.
At the last moment of her life, Lucy turns to Blitz and gives him her gentle smile. Then Lucy gently lifts her hand and reaches it towards Blitz. Blitz does the same and the two hands touch each other.
"Blitzo, my youngest child..." Lucy calmly says. "I'm so glad you've decided to come."
"Yes. I'm... I'm glad I get to see you too," Blitz says, but shows sadness in his voice.
Lucy then says, "Blitzo, I... I'm afraid I'll have to go somewhere, and I'm afraid that you're unable to go with me."
"Mom," Blitz says, on the verge of tears.
"I know it's hard, but do not cry. I'll soon be seeing your father, your brother, and sister soon, and we'll be watching, even if you can't see us..." Lucy says.
But Blitz begs, "Please mom, I... I can't... I can't lose you too..."
"Don't cry sweetie, no matter what happens, we'll always be there in your heart," Lucy says.
She then gently takes her hand away from Blitz. She then reaches to her other wrist and takes off a gold cuff bracelet with a line of white pearls on it. Then she reaches to Blitz's left hand and places it on his wrist.
Lucy then gives Blitz her gentle kind smile and says, "Always remember to live your life to the fullest. You can continue to live in the circus with our family and friends, but there's a time when you might want to leave and spread your wings to live your life the way you want. Maybe even find those who resemble you. I wish for you to live the life that you want. I wish for you to smile, no matter where life will take you. No matter where you go, I'll be watching over you through it all."
Blitz slowly nods his head and says, "Okay mom."
"I love you, my sweet little Blitzo," Lucy says.
"I love you too, mom," Blitz replies and tears begin to fall down his head.
Lucy then gives Blitz one last gentle smile, and soon begins to close her eyes as she lies down into a deep sleep. A sleep that she can never wake. Blitz soon notices and lies his head on the bed as he shed tears, sniffles and whimpers, knowing that he now lost his mother.
A month has gone by, and Lucy's funeral has taken place at the hometown once more, so she'll be buried with her husband and two of her children. The rain pours down from the dark clouds in the sky as the funeral takes place and Lucy will be resting in peace. Blitz hugs his Aunt Lillie as he cries and everyone in the circus shed tears, not a single eye is dry. Everyone pays their respect to Lucy, and blesses her with their prayers, and hope she'll be joining Charles, Malcolm and Marina.
Sadly, Blitz is still broken from the last of his family, but looks at his mother's bracelet and decides to be brave and strong for her family. He will do his best to live his life, and will find his own happiness, he just isn't sure how. However, unknown to Blitz, that one day, his life will change forever.
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