Chapter 28: The Princess of Hell and her Hazbin Hotel Part 1
One drive on the road, some of the I.M.P Crew, Moxxie, Millie, Randall, and Razor, and Blitz are using the company van to get to their destination. And soon, they are driving towards a city up ahead. Razor is the one who is driving the van.
"So guys, where are we going?" Blitz asks.
"We're going to Pentagram City to get some supplies, since our usual place ends up getting destroyed by an unexpected bomb," Razor says
"Yeah. It fuckin sucks," Randall says.
"Pentagram City... Isn't that the place you told me where all the Sinners end up dropping after they die from earth?" Blitz asks.
"That's the one," Millie says.
"There are a lot of stores that sell guns, bombs, knives, blades, and other kinds of weaponry we need. We've been running low on it since the past few weeks of killing and over work," Moxxie says.
"Yeah. And I need to get some more gears and supplies for my gadgets," Razor says.
Randall lays back at the back seat and says, "Hey guys, maybe we can use this to grab some lunch."
"You just have breakfast, Randall," Razor says, rolling his eyes.
"We just need to go to the weapons store and get the supplies, and other stuff we need, and then we'll think about grabbing some lunch," Moxxie says.
"Sounds good to me," Randall says.
A little concern, Blitz asks, "Uh, is there anything that I should know. You know, so I know to not get myself mugged or in trouble."
"All you need to know is to punch the fuckers in the throat if they try to give you any of their shit," Randall says.
"How about Blitz trying his best to avoid attracting unwanted attention to himself. The last thing we want is Blitz to get involved with the wrong people, and maybe sinners who might have seen him in the living world," Moxxie says.
"Yeah. It's best we try to avoid that," Blitz says.
Then Blitz says in thought, "I wonder what kind of demons are living in a city like that."
Suddenly, there is a large and loud explosion. Blitz looks out the window to see what looks like a zeppelin firing lasers, and other kinds of weapons.
"What's going on over there?" Blitz asks.
Randall looks out the window and says, "Oh, that's probably another Turf War starting. It always happens, especially with Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious?"
"Who?" Blitz asks.
"You might have seen them on the news, Sir Pentious is some cobra-like demon who is driving that zeppelin and Cherri Bomb is a female cyclops sinner who specializes in bombs that look like cherries," Razor explains.
"I heard of a diving move called Cherry Bomb, but it sounds weird to have actual bombs that seem similar to cherries," Blitz says.
"I know it's weird, but it's Hell. We're a bunch of weird and crazy demons," Randall says.
"I suppose," Blitz sheepishly replies.
Sometime later, the group arrive at the store that has the sign reads, 'Weapons R Fuck.' They park at the front and they leave the car.
"Now remember, Blitz. We're going to be here for a little so make sure you stay close to where we can see you. And remember to not get too involved with other sinners," Moxxie says.
Blitz nods his head, "I promise."
After agreeing to the terms, Blitz follows the others inside the store. Inside, Millie and the boys are looking around the store to buy some guns, bullets, bazookas, blades, daggers, and other kinds of weapons. As the others look around, Blitz is simply looking around to see the weapons himself, but not interested in buying them. Blitz soon walks towards the window and looks out to see the many different sinners walking, driving, or killing outside. Blitz is surprised to see so many sinners can come in different shapes and sizes, and see that some look more human than others.
"There are a lot of sinners, and some of them look pretty... shady," Blitz says to himself.
He lets out a sigh and says, "As long as I don't get myself involved in any trouble, I'll be fine."
Suddenly, they hear someone shouting, "Fuck off bitch!"
Blitz stops and hears something going on outside. Despite the warning, Blitz decides to open the door and walk out to see three demons and some girl with paper scatter on the ground.
The wolf demon says, "You're just wasting everyone's fuckin time in thinking you can rehabilitate anyone!"
Then turns to the other two, "Come on guys, let's bounce."
Then the demons take their leave, leaving the young blonde lady behind.
The girl sighs and gently places herself on the ground, "That... didn't go as well as I had hoped..." She then begins to pick up the papers, "I really need to work on my approach..."
Blitz watches as the girl picks up the paper by herself. Blitz then walks over and decides to help her out, against his better judgment. As soon as he approaches the young lady, Blitz kneels down and helps pick up the papers.
Blitz passes the paper and says, "There you go. I figure you need some help."
The girl looks up, "Oh, thank you." and takes the paper.
The demon female is tall and slender, probably taller than he is. She has long, blond hair, with lighter blonde and pink highlights, which is tied into a twice-banded low ponytail. Her blonde bangs flip to her left with a curl. She has black lips, and rosy red cheeks. Her pupils are red, her sclera is light yellow, and she has thick black eyelashes, both top and bottom. She is wearing a red tuxedo jacket with dark-red lapels and a pair of red fitted pants, black and white saddle shoes. Underneath is a untucked white, long-sleeved dress-shirt, black suspenders, and wears a black bowtie around her neck.
Blitz kneels down and helps pick up the rest of the paper as the girl picks up some more and places it in her other arm. Soon enough, all of the papers that have fallen have been picked up.
Blitz hands the stack to the young woman, "Here you go."
"Thank you," The girl says, showing a big smile on her face. "And thank you for helping me. It's not everyday you meet a demon who is willing to help."
"Well, you look like you need help so I thought you could use a hand," Blitz says.
"That's sweet of you." Charlie says.
Then Blitz introduces himself, "I'm Blitzo, but everyone calls me Blitz."
"I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Charlie. It's easier than calling me Princess Charlotte or Princess, or Princess Charlotte Morningstar" The demon girl, Charlie says.
"Princess?!" Blitz asks, surprised.
"Yeah, but you don't have to call me princess and all that. You can just call me Charlie," Charlie says.
"Okay Charlie. It's nice to meet you," Blitz says.
"It's nice to meet you too. Again, thank you for helping me," Charlie happily says.
"It's no trouble," Blitz says.
He then asks, "If you don't mind me asking, what are these fliers for?"
"Oh right. They're actually fliers for my hotel," Charlie says.
"You run a hotel. That's pretty cool. Mind if I see one," Blitz replies.
Charlie smiles and says, "Sure. Here you go." And passes Blitz a flier.
Blitz looks at it and says, "Come on down to the Hazbin Hotel owned by your own Charlie Morningstar. We'll show you that inside every demon is a rainbow. You'll have protection, free room and board, and a safe place to rest your head. And a chance to be rehabilitated and ascend to Heaven."
After reading the flier, Blitz says, "Rehabilitate demons, huh? Never heard of that before."
"Really? It's been going on for some time now," Charlie says.
Blitz giggles embarrassed, "Sorry, I'm kind of new here, so there's still a lot I'm learning."
"Make sense," Charlie says.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you trying to rehabilitate demons?" Blitz asks.
"It's kind of hard to explain, but the best way I can explain is that I'm tired. Tired of seeing my people suffering. Tired of seeing everyone being slaughtered on the same day," Charlie says.
"You mean the Extermination, right?" Blitz asks
"You got it," Charlie answers with a nod.
"I was told about the Extermination on how one day a year, Exorcists from Heaven come down and slaughter every demon in sight until the bell rings. And as long as they stay inside they won't have to worry about them coming after them" Blitz says.
"That sounds about right. For years, I've watched my people dying on the same day. I'm just sick of it is all," Charlie says.
"So in other words, you're doing the rehabilitation at your hotel to help demons. If this actually works, sinners who have been sent down here can have the chance to change and ascend to Heaven. And if that happens, the Extermination won't happen as much or ever again, and it could benefit the Hellborns as well," Blitz suspects.
"Exactly. I need to get this to work. I don't want it all to be for nothing, you know," Charlie says.
"I have to admit, I didn't expect something like that from a demon, but I say you have an admirable goal, and it will benefit others as well. I think it's actually a very good idea you're doing. Though, I suspect it's going to be quite a challenge, but as long as you keep your head on your shoulders, it could actually work," Blitz says.
"You really mean that?" Charlie asks with sparkles in her eyes, "You're not just saying that to butter me up?"
"I sure do. I always try to be honest. I may not fully understand or know if it will work, but as long as you work on it, you can make it work," Blitz says.
"Thanks. You know, for an Imp you're actually nicer than most," Charlie says.
"Yeah," Blitz replies.
Then Charlie has an idea and it causes her to gasp and her pupils turn into stars, "I know, how would you like to go see the hotel?"
"Like your hotel?" Blitz asks.
"Yeah," Charlie says in excitement.
She then takes Blitz hand as she holds the paper in her other arm, "Come on, I have to show you the hotel! You are going to love it!"
"I do like to go, but my friends are..." Blitz says, but Charlie pulls him away in excitement before he can finish.
In the weaponry store, the group begins to gather the items they plan to buy and gather in front of the registrar.
"Okay, I think we have everything," Razor says.
"Come on Blitz, we're going to pay for the stuff and get going," Millie says.
However, Millie notices Blitz is not in the building, and is confused, "Uh, Blitz? Where did he disappear to?"
Some time later, Charlie and Blitz arrive at the large hotel. Blitz is kind of surprised to see it. It's a tall building with many different floors that goes up. There also seems to be a carousel, an odd looking blimp, a pirate ship: Maybe a cruise ship with a mast, sails and crow's nest, and the top seems to be a radio station or something. The sign on the top reads 'HAZBIN HOTEL.'
"So this is your hotel?" Blitz asks.
"Yeah. I know it doesn't look like much, but it's still a good building," Charlie says.
"And this hotel belongs to your family?" Blitz asks.
"That's right," Charlie says with a smile.
Then asks, "Want to see the inside of the hotel?"
"Sure," Blitz says.
"Great," Charlie happily says.
Soon, the two walk inside the hotel. Blitz looks around to see the place is somewhat clean, and it's full of portraits of Charlie and her family. Blitz notices one of them with Charlie, and the two she assumes to be her parents.
The man has pure white skin, blonde hair, thick black eyebrows, black lips and a mouth full of sharp teeth. His eyes are yellow with black slit pupils resembling those of a snake. He, like his daughter Charlie, has red cheeks. His eyelids are purple which give the appearance of eyeshadow. He wears a white high collar suit, a black bowtie, and a red undershirt with white stripes. He also wears a wide-brimmed white top hat, with a purple snake and red apple over a red band. He also carries an apple-topped black cane that matches his hat.
The woman is presented as a tall, slender, curvaceous woman, exceeding both her husband and daughter in height. She has pale skin, thin eyebrows and silver-gray eyes, long black eyelashes and extremely long, light blonde hair with thick honey blonde streaks reaching down to the floor. She has a pair of long, magenta horns.
Blitz looks to see the names, "King Lucifer Morningstar, Queen Lilith Morningstar, and Princess Charlotte Morningstar. Rulers of Hell."
Charlie walks over and says, "That's right. Those are my parents, and known as the rulers of Hell. And before you ask, yes, my dad is Satan himself, the head honcho, and the King of all Hell."
"Huh, they seem normal. Despite having a demonic appearance," Blitz says.
Charlie giggles, "I understand, but don't let their appearance fool you, especially my father."
"I guess it makes sense, with him being the King of Hell after all," Blitz replies.
The two continue to walk down the lobby and soon a few couches with potted plants, and other furniture. He also sees a receptionist desk.
"Huh, there doesn't seem to be anyone here," Blitz replies, looking around.
Suddenly, someone says, "Yeah. The hotel is still having some issues with getting guests."
Blitz and Charlie look to see someone walking down the stairs. It's a young demon girl, probably in her twenties, and she looks almost human. She is a slim demon with muted gray-lavender colored skin. Her hair is white and has a jagged, moth-like shape to the cut, with gray-lavender stripes at the ends. She wears a large, ragged dark reddish-pink bow with two long tails on the back of her head, which reacts along with her moods. Her right eye has an ivory white iris and her sclera is light pink. Her left eye is missing and is replaced by a dark reddish-pink X on a slate-gray eyepatch, which glows when she is angry or irritated. She wears a dark pink blouse with a dark slate-gray peter-pan style collar, scalloped trim to the sleeves, and two buttons down the front. Her choker and skirt are the same dark slate-gray, accessories with long slate-gray fingerless gloves and long stockings, which are scalloped with white at the tops and the tips of the toes.
"Oh, hi Vaggie," Charlie says.
"Hey hon, how did the flier passing go?" The demon girl, Vaggie asks.
Charlie nervously smiles and says, "Well, things didn't turn out so well, but I actually brought a guest over."
Then gesture towards Blitz, "Vaggie, this is Blitz. And Blitz, this is my girlfriend, Vaggie."
"Hello, it's nice to meet you," Blitz replies.
"Hey, it's nice to meet you, too," Vaggie says and walks towards the two.
Vaggie then stares at Blitz and replies, "Hmm.."
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Blitz asks, confused.
"Not wrong, but, I felt that I've seen you before," Vaggie says.
And asks, "You say your name is Blitz?"
"Well, Blitz is kind of what everyone calls me. My full name is Blitzo. Blitzo Abercombie," Blitz says.
"Abercrombie?" Vaggie replies as she thinks for a bit.
Then her eyes wide in surprise, "You mean from Abercrombie Bros. Cirque De Eccentrical?!"
"Um yeah. I have to guess you heard of it," Blitz replies, a little surprised.
Vaggie nods her head, "Yeah. I saw their show when I was younger, but that was long before I ended up here."
"Cirque De Eccentrical? Didn't you tell me about it once," Charlie says, confused.
"Yeah. It's a circus on Earth that travels around the world and the performers are those with different appearances and unusual conditions. And Blitz was one of them. He and his family have been in the circus for years Until the incident over around 16 or seventeen years ago," Vaggi explains.
Charlie turns to Blitz and asks, "So, you're a performer?"
"Yeah," Blitz answers.
Charlie then asks, "This is going to sound silly, but have you always performed..."
"I'm going to stop you right there, because I know what you're going to ask. And the truth is, well, yes. I've always performed while I'm like this. Back then, I didn't even know I was an Imp from Hell. I was found and adopted to a human family and the circus was started by my father and uncle. That is, until I was found by the friends I have now and started living with them," Blitz explains.
Charlie and Vaggie look at Blitz in silence.
Charlie breaks the silence and asks, "You lived in the human world for your entire life?"
"Um yeah," Blitz answers.
"And you had no idea that you were a demon until you were found by other demons?" Vagge asks, still shocked.
"Um yeah. Which actually happened months ago," Blitz answers.
"That... is..." Charlie says.
Then her eyes sparkle with a big smile on her face, "AMAZING!"
"Really?" Blitz asks, confused and yet, kind of relieved.
"It sure is! An actual demon Imp such as yourself, has been raised and lived life in the human world by actual humans! That would explain why you were more polite than most demons! You probably know a lot about the human world, more than any demon, excluding the sinners! You might actually be the first to live on earth as long as you did, or ever for that matter! There's actually been a rumor about it going on in Pentagram City on how the sinners have seen a demon living among humans, but I never thought it could be true. I have so many questions!" Charlie says with full excitement.
Charlie then quickly brings out a clipboard and a pen, "So then, what was your life like in the living world? What's your family like? What was your childhood like? What was your life like at the circus? Do you have any brothers and sisters? Do you have any pets? What kind of performance do you do in the circus? What kind of education do you have? Did you have any conditions, effets, and adaptations while being in the living world? And I know it was a little rude, but did you also have any sins you committed? Mainly asking because I gotta practice asking future clients about it. Did you also..."
"Easy hun, you're asking too many questions, way too fast," Vaggie says as she places her hand on Charlie's shoulder.
Charlie blushes and apologizes, "Oops, sorry about that. I got a little excited."
"It's okay. You sure are energetic and really keen to the hotel. I'm sure with the attitude you have now, maybe you will be able to get it to work," Blitz says with a smile.
"Thanks," Charlie says.
"If you don't mind me asking, do you have any people who are in the rehabilitation program, or any employees? Because from the looks of it, you two seem to be the only ones here," Blitz replies.
"Well, we do have this one guest who is kind of in the program, and we do have a few employees," Charlie says.
Vaggie mutters in frustration, "If you can call him a guest."
"I see. So where are they?" Blitz replies.
Charlie points out, "There's one of them over there. Husk is kind of in charge of the bar here."
Blitz looks to see a demon who is sleeping on the counter of the bar. He's an anthropomorphic avian cat demon. His look is evocative of a magician, paired with a casino referencing playing-card theme. He has long, red eyebrows with black vertical stripes near the tips, and a small black heart above each eyebrow. His fur is taupe-colored, overlayed with white on his face, torso, feet, and upper arms. The insides of his ears are white with a red tip at the point and red heart in the center. A black tuff of fluff protrudes from each, creating the appearance of small hearts. He has a darker shade of taupe encircling his ankles, mimicking spats. His tail is taupe and long, ending with a large spray of 'plume-like' fur or feathers, which are dark pink with black and white stripes. He has yellow-orange hearts underneath the paws on his hands. His wings are large and red, with dark taupe on the undersides. The undersides of his wings are decorated with black stripes which feature red and white roulette wheel dot markings. The outside of his wings are decorated with more black stripes, which wrap around the joints and run around a row of white roulette wheel dots. He wears a black top hat with a red hat band and a golden button-like decoration, as well as a red bowtie and black suspenders over his shoulders.
And from the looks of it, the demon cat is fast asleep as he has a 'Cheap Booze' bottle in his hand. He has to assume the cat demon has been drinking.
"Husk, huh," Blitz says.
Then Charlie happily says, "There's also Niffty. She's the maid here. She's probably cleaning around here somewhere. There's also Angel Dust who is supposed to be the patient here, but I think he's sleeping in his room after having a late night shift at his uh, 'work'. And there's Alastor. He went out a while ago and doesn't know when he'll be back."
"Alastor?" Blitz questions.
"Yeah. He's helping with the hotel. If you can call it helping," Vaggie says, sounding frustrated.
Then Blitz asks, "And what was this about rumors about me?"
"Well," Clarie is about to explain, but, "Well well well, what do we have here?" A radio-like voice asks out of nowhere.
Blitz soon suddenly has this weird and uneasy feeling that someone is standing right behind him. Blitz turns around to see a demon right behind him. And he seems human, but it's easy to tell that he's a demon. He is a slim, dapper sinner demon, with beige colored skin, and a broad, permanently affixed smile full of sharp, yellow teeth. He sports a pinkish-red cropped, angled bob-cut with black tips at the ends and two large, black tipped tufts of hair extending from the top of his head, evoking the ears of a deer. The style has an undercut at the back, and two small black antlers protruding from the crown, which can grow in size in his full demonic form. His eyes have dark-red sclerae, bright-red irises and thin black pupils. He also wears a dark-red oval-shaped monocle, rimmed with black, over his right eye. He is wearing a red pinstripe coat with dark-red lapels piped with white, which is ragged along the bottom hem. Underneath this he wears a bright red dress-shirt with a black cross on the chest, and long black dress pants with matching bright red cuffs, black knotted bow tie with a bright red center, black gloves with red at the fingertips, and black pointed-toe boots with red deer hoofprints emblazoned on the soles. He is also holding a thin cane with a sentient vintage style microphone attached to it.
Blitz is starting to have a bad feeling about this guy. The way he stares at him with his red eyes, and sharp toothed smile on his face. Blitz isn't really the type to judge people, but something tells him that this demon has a very dangerous dark side to him.
"Oh, hi Alastor! When did you get back?!" Charlie asks, happily.
"For a little bit now. I was doing a little errand when I had to deal with a few troublesome individuals, and what do I return to see that we have a little guest," The demon answers.
Then leans to Blitz, "And who might you be my friend?"
"Uh, I'm Blitzo. Blitzo Abercombie, but everyone calls me Blitz. And you are..." Blitz answers.
"Alastor, a pleasure to meet you. Quite a pleasure," Alastor says and gives Blitz a large grin on his face. "Excuse me for interrupting the conversation, but I just returned and overheard that an Imp such as yourself has been raised by humans in the living world and our dear Vagatha here is the one to confirm it. Quite the entertainment you certainly show. I wouldn't mind hearing a little more about it. Although I have heard the rumors going around, it has become quite the topic."
Just then, Vaggie drags Blitz away and points her spear at him, "Don't even think about it, Alastor. You better not plan on hurting him or I'll be sure to pierce this through your fuckin head."
"Dear if I want to hurt him, I would have done so already," Alastor says.
Blitz soon says, "Now now, let's not say or do anything that might end up causing a fight."
"Blitz is right. Try to relax, Vaggie, I'm sure Alastor won't do anything to hurt him," Charlie says.
Vaggie sighs and says, "Fine."
Then glares at Alastor, "But I got my eyes on you, Radio Demon."
"Radio Demon?" Blitz asks, confused.
Soon, Blitz realizes, "Wait... you're this Radio Demon?"
"Wait, you never heard of him before? How long have you been here again?" Vaggie asks, shocked.
"A few months," Blitz answers.
"And none of your friends have told you about him since you got here?" Vaggie asks.
"Well, no. All they told me that they just don't want to talk about him, so I don't know about this Radio Demon. Not what he looks like, what he does, I wasn't even told his name," Blitz says.
Vaggie sighs and says, "They probably said that to not scare you."
"Scare me? Why? I mean, sure Alastor seems a bit well, uh, sketchy, but despite his appearance, he also seems like an ordinary 1920 or 1930s radio talk show host. I mean I can only tell by the way he talks and dresses," Blitz says.
"You are correct, my good man. However, while in Hell, not everyone is ordinary as they appear to be. I suggest you keep that thought in mind, especially with us Sinners," Alastor says.
Then walks away as he begins humming a little tune.
"Eh, Alastor is sure is, uh, something," Blitz says with a sheepish smile.
"Something doesn't begin to describe who Alastor is," Vaggie says with a sigh.
Blitz asks, "Is Alastor helping you run the hotel?"
"Um yeah, Alastor is actually helping me run the place," Charlie says.
"I see," Blitz says, sounding uneasy.
He sighs and says, "I... I'm sorry, but I'm just not sure. Sure Alastor seems kind of normal, only maybe not that normal, but there's something about him..." He soon feels the shivers down his spine and says, "Well, I don't know if I can trust myself being around him. I don't want to judge Alastor, but..."
"Blitz, you have to listen, you seem to have good instincts and it's important you listen to this one. You can't trust Alastor. He isn't just a happy face. He's a deal maker, pure evil. He can't be redeemed. As much as I don't feel comfortable for him being here, but Charlie did choose to let him be here, but we agree to not have our guard down so much around him," Vaggie explains.
"Is... Is Alastor really that dangerous?" Blitz asks.
"I don't want to scare you, but you do have the right to know," Vaggie says.
She then begins to explain, "Decades ago, Alastor manifested in Hell, seemingly overnight. He began to topple overlords who had been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then, he broadcast his carnage all throughout Hell, just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him the Radio Demon... As lazy as that is... Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing's for sure: He's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos the likes of which we can't risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased."
Blitz nervously gulps and says, "Wow... I... I had no idea..."
"I'm sorry for frightening you, but as long as you're going to live in Hell, it's best you learn of the kinds of dangers here. In Pentagram City, you'll have to be especially careful, especially with Overlords. And whatever you do, do not make a deal with him," Vaggie says.
"Right. I promise," Blitz nods his head in reply.
"Well, while we have all that out of the way, how about I show you around the hotel a bit," Charlie says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Then Charlie turns to Vaggie, "You wanna come, Vaggie?"
"Sure. It's a good idea to keep an eye on him, especially with Alastor around," Vaggie says.
"Don't worry Vaggie, Alastor won't do anything to Blitz while we're around," Charlie says.
"I'm not taking any chances," Vaggie says.
The three begin to start the tour of the hotel. Unknown to them, Alastor turns his head to see them leave and specifically look at Blitz.
"Hmm, A demon raised on Earth, huh. Quite a unique entertaining individual," Alastor says.
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