Chapter 27: Blitz's Date in the Botanical Garden

In the I.M.P office, work is done for the day, so everyone is doing some cleaning or last minute assignments before heading home for the night. Moxxie, Millie, and Razor are cleaning their weapons. Drew, Berry, and Blitz are tidying up the office. Randall and Loona are just sitting on the couch, looking at their phones and being lazy. Mimmy the cat is sitting next to Loona.

Millie sighs, "That was a busy day, wasn't it?"

"I have to admit, we did a lot of killing this week. Glad that it's the weekend," Drew says.

Then asks, "What are your plans?"

"Nothing much. Might ask Octava to hang out though," Loona answers.

"Yeah. Not much to do either," Randall says.

"Drew and I are going to the Lust Ring to visit our cousins. It's one of our cousin's birthday parties tomorrow," Berry says.

"Sounds cool," Razor says.

Then Berry turns to Blitz, "What do you, Moxxie, and Millie have plans?"

"Well, I uh, well, I do have something going on tomorrow, and well..." Blitz answers, blushing with embarrassment.

"What's up Blitz? Your face is turning red," Millie asks, confused.

Oh, it... it's nothing... I mean uh..." Blitz stammers.

Just then, Sarge says through the speaker, "Hey Blitz, can you come to my office for a bit to help with the paperwork. And Loona, can you come in for a bit."

"Okay," Blitz answers.

"Yeah dad," Loona says.

Blitz and Loona then walk into Sarge's office and close the door, leaving everyone confused.

"What was that all about?" Drew asks.

"I have no idea," Millie says, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, I for one find it kind of strange. I mean, I know he can be a bit flustered, but..." Moxxie explains.

But Berry interrupts him, "Speaking of strange, has anyone noticed Blitz has been acting odd recently?"

"Odd like how?" Razor questions, arching an eyebrow.

"Well for one, Blitz seems to be a little extra cheerful. I know he is a good Imp, and smiles, but he's doing it a lot more than usual," Berry explains.

"Hmm, Blitz did seem more happy. In fact, yesterday, I actually heard him singing while cleaning the office. I have to admit, Blitz was a pretty good singer," Drew says.

"Really. Did you record it?" Randall asks, interested.

Drew narrows his eyes, "No. Nor do I think Blitz will be okay with it."

"Still, who sings while they work?" Berry questions.

"I kind of..." Moxxie about to answer.

But Berry interrupts him," Perky demons, that's who. Blitz is being perky."

Millie then says, "Now that you mention it, Blitz acted weird when I walked into his room a couple of weeks ago."


Blitz is sitting on his bed in his bedroom. He is looking at papers: brochures, pamphlets, posters, and seems to be other kinds of advertisements. Some of them have beautiful tourist garden museums, observatories, planetariums, mineral or rock museums, and restaurants.

"Hmm, I wonder, which would he like? Would he want to go to a botanical garden museum, a rock and mineral museum, or a planetarium?" Blitz asks himself.

He sighs and says, "I know they may not be expensive or anything fancy, but maybe it will be good to give him some peace and quiet. And maybe a simple restaurant would be nice, but what if he wants to go to a fancy restaurant..."

Suddenly, He hears a knock on the door, followed by Millie's voice, "Blitz, dinner's ready!"

Blitz becomes startled and quickly hides all the papers under his covers and pillow. When Millie opens the door, she sees Blitz reading a book as he sits on the bed. She also notices that his bed looks a little lumpy.

"Oh hi Millie, you were saying dinner's ready?" Blitz asks with an innocent smile.

Flashback Ends:

"I could have sworn he was sitting on something and was trying to hide it," Millie says.

"That is totally weird," Drew comments.

Just then, Moxxie says, "That reminds me, I saw Blitz in the restroom a week ago."


Moxxie is walking down the halls in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, he hears a voice, "Um hello, it's uh, me Blitz... no that sounds stupid... I need to sound more casual, or maybe I should be more formal..."

Moxxie becomes confused and walks to notice the restroom lights are slightly open and takes a peek. There he sees Blitz looking in front of the mirror and holding his phone.

Blitz holds the phone next to his head, "Hello, it's me. I know it's been a while since we called and..."

Then Blitz realizes, "I forgot to say my name."

"Blitz," Moxxie calls out and opens the door.

Blitz quickly turns to the door and hides his Hellphone behind his back.

"Oh hi, Moxxie. What are you doing?" Blitz asks.

"Uh, I should be asking you that. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Moxxie asks.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep, and decided to uh, practice using my phone," Blitz says.

"For what?" Moxxie asks.

"Oh, for uh, stuff..." Blitz answers.

He yawns and says, "Well, I should be heading to bed. Goodnight."

And leaves the restroom.

"Uh, goodnight," Moxxie replies.

Flashback Ends:

"I definitely heard him trying to talk to someone, or at least practice it," Moxxie says.

Razor arches her eyebrow, "I have to admit, Blitz is acting very off recently."

"I wonder what's up?" Berry asks.

"Yeah. I wonder..." Randall replies, and shows a smirk on his face.

He then walks to the door and simply leans to it, and Randall decides to sneak on the conversation.

In the office, Blitz and Loona talk to Sarge as Blitz helps with the paperwork.

"Alright, Loona and I will be in the office to handle a few things, and Loona can use the book to get you to the human world," Sarge says.

"Okay. Thank you sir," Blitz says.

Then turns to Loona, "And thank you Loona."

""It's no trouble. Now you know the plan, right?" Loona says.

"I know. I'm meeting him around 11: 00 am and I'm going to be here at 10:30 am," Blitz says.

Loona says, "Glad you decide to listen and make sure to keep it a secret. You never know when that lizard will be hearing it."

Unknown to them, Randall has listened to it, and smirks and his brain is set on gears.

Later at midnight, Moxxie and Millie are both sleeping in their bed. Suddenly, Moxxie feels a little weight on his stomach. He slowly opens his eyes to see a familiar chameleon staring at him.

Moxxie groans in frustration and asks, "What do you want, Randall?"

"Oh, I just want to have a little talk. Wake up your wife and I'll explain," Randall says.

But Millie soon wakes up and notices Randall, "Randall? It's the middle of the night."

"Glad to see you up. I know why Blitz is acting weird," Randall says.

"You do?" Moxxie asks, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Randall says.

In Blitz's bedroom, the Imp is fast asleep, but soon wakes up. He sighs with a calm smile on his face, and his face turns a little red as he pet Mimmy who is sleeping next to him. He is excited, but a little anxious about tomorrow. He can still remember.


At the I.M.P, Company floor Blitz leaves the office and walks down the hall. Blitz looks around to see that he's alone. He then brings out his phone and looks at the screen.

Blitz takes a deep breath and says, "Alright Blitz, you can do this. Take a call, talk to him, and ask."

With that, Blitz then looks at his caller's list to see Stolas' name on it. With that, Blitz presses the name and then calls him. He then waits patiently for the call to go through.

Meanwhile, in the Goetia Estate, Stolas is in his living room as he sits on the couch and reads a book. Suddenly, he hears ringing and hooting sounds. He turns to see his telephone ringing on a small table. Just then, smoke appears over the phone and words appear saying 'Blitzy is calling.' This makes Stolas very happy and quickly picks up the phone.

He then answers, "Hello Blitzy."

"Hi Stolas, how are you doing?" Blitz replies with a smile.

"I'm doing good, thank you. It's so nice of you to call," Stolas says.

"Um yeah. It is," Blitz says.

Unknown to Blitz, Randall is walking out of the office, but notices Blitz talking on the phone. He decides to wait at the entryway and listen.

On the phone, Stolas asks, "So Blitz, is there a reason why you call?"

"Well uh, yeah. I would like to know if you are busy next Saturday," Blitz replies.

"Um," Stolas replies, confused and blinks a few times.

He then asks, "Why do you ask?"

"I was wondering if you... want to hang out, just uh, you and me... you know like a uh... you know," Blitz asks.

Stolas is caught off guard, but soon grasp on what Blitz is asking, "Are you asking me on a date, Blitzy?" and soon grows excited that his cheeks turn red and the white pupil in his eyes has become heart shaped.

"I-yes. I suppose that's one way to look at it. I know this nice Botanical museum my mom took me and my sister when we were kids. Of course it's in the human world. And then we can go out for lunch, walk out to town, and such. Of course, if you don't want to... I mean, I know it may not be fancy, but..." Blitz says.

But Stolas says, "I would love to go. I'm actually free next Saturday."

"Cool. I can send you the address to the museum and you can meet me at the fountain at the front. I'll see you next Saturday," Blitz says.

"I'll see you, Blitzy," Stolas says.

And with that, they both hang up the phone.

Blitz smiles and softly says, "I... I actually got a date."

Blitz smiles and feels like he's over the moon, but unknown to Blitz, Randall has heard most of Blitz' conversation, and shows a grin on his face.

Flashback Ends:

Blitz yawns and says, "I hope everything goes well tomorrow." and goes back to sleep.

In Moxxie and Millie's room, Randall has explained to them what he has heard from Blitz. The two are in shock.

"Blitz has a date?!" Millie asks, shocked and excited.

"That's what it sounds like. "He's going to be going on his date in the human world tomorrow," Randall says.

"I wonder why Blitz never tells us?" Millie asks.

"Maybe he's embarrassed. I mean, he never dated anyone. At least what he told us," Moxxie says.

"I like to know who Blitz is going with," Millie says, excited.

Randall smirks, "I have a feeling I know who, I say we go find out."

"What are you implying, Randall?" Moxxie asks, suspiciously and arching an eyebrow.

"I say we keep an eye on Blitz to see where his date's going," Randall says.

"No. We are not spying on Blitz while he's out with someone. It's bad enough when you do it to me and Millie," Moxxie denies angrily.

"But he does have a point about something," Millie says.

Moxxie turns to Millie in shock, "But Millie..."

"I know it doesn't seem good, but we don't know who Blitz is going out with. Since Blitz is in a way in our care, we need to make sure whoever Blitz is going out with will treat him right," Millie says.

"I suppose. And for all we know, Blitz could be going out with a human, or a demon in disguise," Moxxie says.

"Exactly. It's up to us to make sure no mistakes happen. So tomorrow, we arrive at the office before Blitz, and slip through the portal when it opens," Randall says.

"You've had this planned out, haven't you?" Moxxie question.

"Sure did," Randall says with confidence.

Time has gone by, and it's the morning. After having breakfast, Blitz is getting himself ready for his day out. He takes a shower, cleans himself up, dries himself. He then gets dressed in his clothes. Blitz is wearing a white shirt, a black jacket that has spikes on the shoulders and studs on the collar, black fingerless gloves, black pants, and black and red color boots. He then places his choker around his neck.

Blitz then picks up his backpack and checks to see his things inside. The brochure to the museum, his wallet full of real world money, his cellphone, hellphone, and other essentials. Then Blitz places it in his backpack.

"Alright, ready to go," Blitz says to himself.

Blitz pet Mimmy on the head and says, "Be good while I'm gone."

"Meow," Mimmy replies and goes back to sleep on Blitz' bed.

Blitz puts on his backpack, and walks out of his bedroom.

Blitz walks out of the house and calls out, "Bye guys, I'll see later!"

"Bye Blitz!" Millie says.

"Have a good day," Moxxie replies.

Blitz then closes the door and leaves the house to begin to run down the street with a smile on his face. Millie and Moxxie peek out of the door to see Blitz heading to his destination. Just then, Randall appears in front of them, catching their attention.

"You guys are ready?" Randall asks.

"Sure am," Millie says, happily.

"I don't know. I still feel bad about doing this," Moxxie says.

"Oh lighten up, Mox. Besides, as his friends, it's a good idea to make sure no mistakes happen, or things get too extreme on their date," Randall says.

Then says, "Now come on, before we lose him."

And so, Randall, Moxxie, and Millie begin to follow Blitz to spy on him and his date.

Sometime later, Blitz arrives at the I.M.P office door. Blitz knocks on the door and waits for someone to open. Unknown to Blitz, Randall, Moxxie, and Millie are not far behind, but because of Randall's ability, he and the others are invisible. Millie chuckles, but Moxxie softly shushes her. Blitz turns his head, thinking he has heard something, but nothing. Then the door opens and he walks inside. Randall and the others quietly follow after him.

In the lobby, Loona opens the book and uses it to open the portal to the living world. Then, Blitz changes into his human form.

"Are you ready for your day out?" Loona asks.

"Yeah. I'm a little nervous to be honest," Blitz answers.

"Don't sweat it, you're going to be fine. Still a bit surprised you're going to be with him of all demons," Loona says.

"Yeah. I'm actually kind of surprised that he said yes, but I'm also happy," Blitz says.

Loona chuckles, "Save the mushy stuff on your date."

"Right. I'll see you later," Blitz says.

"Yeah," Loona says.

With that, Blitz walks through the portal to get to his destination.

Randall whispers to Moxxie and Millie, "Come on, our target is on the move."

And with that, Randall, Moxxie, and Millie hurry through the portal before it can close. And so, Blitz's date, and Randall's spying mission is on its way.

Sometime later, Blitz who is still in his human form is waiting at the Botanical museum. The botanical museum entrance is a large gate that is decorated with fake flowers and vines. Seeing through the gates are grass with different paths that lead to different places in the museum. Many humans are entering inside with families, friends, or dates. Blitz is waiting at the large water fountain as he waits for his date to come.

Peeking from the bushes and in their human disguise are Randall, Moxxie, and Millie.

Randall whispers, "Alright, it's almost the time when Blitz's date to show up."

"I have to wonder what the person is like. Would the date be male or female? Would they even be human?" Moxxie questions.

"Well, he has met a few demons, so he could have stayed in tough with one and grown attached to one, might be a sinner," Millie says.

"You might be right," Moxxie says.

Then feels a bit guilty, "I still feel bad about spying on him."

Just then, Randall shushes them, "Sssssshhhhhh. Someone's coming."

The group ducks down as they continue to spy on Blitz.

Blitz is standing next to the fountain waiting for his date to come over. Suddenly, a pair of hands cover Blitz's eyes, catching him by surprise.

Then a familiar voice says, "Hi Blitzy."

The hands remove from in front of his yes, and to the side of his head. Blitz looks up to see a man with fair skin, brushed back dark gray-blue hair, red eyes, and wears red sunglasses. Blitz then turns around to see the man wearing well dressed clothes: a gray dressed puffy long sleeved shirt, a dark burgundy vest with black buttons, red sunglasses, black pants, and black boots.

"Stolas?" Blitz asks.

The human chuckles and says, "Yes Blitz, a little surprised."

"Um yeah. I... I've never seen you like this before, Stolas. You look like a human being," Blitz says, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I suppose so. It's actually been a while since I was in this form," Stolas says.

"I see," Blitz says.

Then asks, "So, you ready to go inside."

"Of course. Shall we?" Stolas says, and reaches his hand out to Blitz.

Blitz shows a small smile and takes Stolas' hand. And with that, they both begin to walk to the museum together to have a good time. Back at the bush, Randall, Moxxie, and Millie peek out of the bush to see the two walking to the entry gate together.

Moxxie is able to ask, "Uh, did Blitz just call him Stolas or is it just me?"

"I heard him say that too," Millie says, stunned.

Randall chuckles, "I figured it would be Stolas. He's the only one Blitz ever got attached to."

"I suppose it makes sense if you think of it. Blitz and Stolas were starting to get uh, close," Moxxie says.

Millie smiles, "I think it's very sweet."

The group watches as Stolas and Blitz enter the museum.

Randall climbs out of the bushes, "Come on guys, we gotta follow them."

"Uh Randall, I don't think we need to worry too much about it. I mean, this is Stolas we're talking about. I'm sure he doesn't plan on doing anything uh, bad to him," Moxxie says.

"Come on guys, I wanna check it out and see how their date goes," Randall says.

Millie turns to Moxxie, "As crazy as it is, I suppose he's right. I actually want to see how they're doing. Also we gotta make sure their date goes well."

"But won't Stolas notice us?" Moxxie questions.

"He won't if we don't act apart. Now let's go before we lose them," Randall says, and hurries off after them.

Moxxie and Millie quickly run after him.

After walking through the gates, Stolas and Blitz are looking at the map to see which area of the museum they want to visit first. Randall and the Imp couple walk in without being seen by anyone because of Randall's invisibility powers. Then they become visible and Moxxie looks at the map and enters the museum park. At the same time, they listen and watch Blitz and Stolas talk to each other.

"The Plantlet Garden is one of the largest gardens in the world. There are buildings and greenhouses for different varieties of plants and trees from different parts of the world, like Tropical Rainforests, the desserts, jungles, and even grow fruits and vegetables here," Blitz explains.

"Hmm, my, there are a lot of locations for us to go to. It's difficult to decide where to go first," Stolas says.

As the two talk, Randall turns to Millie and Moxxie, and wonders, "Why would Blitz want to take Stolas to a museum to look at boring plants. I mean, it doesn't seem that exciting."

"Well, it's a known fact that Prince Stolas is fascinated by Botany and gardening involving plants and herbs. We've been to his mansion before and he has plenty of plants in his home, and he took care of them himself," Moxxie explains.

"I think it's nice. It seems like a good place to go for the first day. It seems to suit Stolas and Blitz to me. Blitz is not really into the extreme places like the ones that go on in Hell," Millie says.

"Well, I say we should try to get Stolas to take Blitz to a club sometime. They'll have lots of fun," Randall says with a smirk.

"You just want to mess with them if they go to a club, don't you?" Moxxie sternly asks.

"Well duh," Randall says.

Just then, Millie whispers, "They're on the move."

The two turn to see Blitz and Stolas are on the move, and they soon begin to follow. Blitz and Stolas look around to see the many trees and plants that are outside. The two then walk inside one of the green houses. Randall, Moxxie and Millie quietly watch and enter the building a short distance away. When the group enters, they can see all kinds of trees and plants, mainly those with green leaves. Randall and the Imp couple continue to keep their distance as they watch Bltz and Stolas look to see the plants.

Blitz soon notices some small plants that have blue and white color petals, and have unique petal shapes.

Then points out, "Oh, that's the butterfly bush."

"Indeed it is. It kind of has a long name called the Rotheca Myricoides or the Ugandense. They're low maintenance, suckering, evergreen shrubs in the Lamiacae family, and grown in moist, well-drained areas need a lot of water," Stolas says.

"Hmm, I didn't know about that part. My mom told me that because the petal looks like a butterfly it's also called the Butterfly Bush," Blitz says.

"Indeed," Stolas says.

Then Stolas shows Blitz the plants on the other side. They are multiple small thin flowers cluttered together, "And those are Sacadoxus Cinnabarinus. They're rare flowers that look almost like fireworks."

"Yeah. I guess they kind of do. They do look pretty," Blitz says.

Blitz and Stolas continue to walk down the path to see so many different plants and trees. Of course, Randall, Moxxie, and Millie follow from behind.

Millie stops to sniff one of the flowers, "They smell very nice. And they look very pretty."

"I have to admit. They kind of do," Moxxie says, "I wonder if we can buy them from here."

Randall whispers, "Hey guys, we don't have time to smell the flowers. Let's continue following them."

"Uh right," Moxxie replies.

"Sure," Millie says.

The three continue to follow the two couples. Up ahead, blitz and Stolas stop to see some Vanilla Orchids hanging from a tree and see many vanilla beans hanging from the trees. Blitz and Stolas continue to walk around to see the many different species of trees and plants. As the three groups look around and try to keep their distance during their spy mission, Stolas eyes turn to see the three, but makes sure that they're not aware of it.

Stolas sighs and says in thought, "Somehow, I'm not surprised that Randall would be wanting to spy on us. And of course he had to get Moxxie and Millie into. It's best to ignore then, especially since I suspect Blitz isn't aware of them."

"Hey Stolas, look at these plants," Blitz calls out.

Stolas turns his head to see Blitz looking at some plants that are a long oval shape. They are a bit of an orange red color with some green.

"They look like beehives," Blitz says.

"Indeed. Those are Zingiber spectabile, also known as Beehive Ginger. They're usually seen in tropical areas. They're used for medicine, especially for eye inflammation," Stolas says.

"Sounds cool. It still looks like a beehive to me," Blit says.

Then Stolas asks, "Ready to go to the next area."

"Sure," Blitz replies.

After the green house with tropical plants and trees, Blitz and Stolas walk into another greenhouse that feels rather warm inside. Blitz soon noticed a large beautiful white flower. The two then walk into the large room full of giant sized water lily pads, along with smaller flowers.

"Those purple flowers are nice. I think they're called a Nym-phaea... I think," Blitz says, trying to remember the name.

"You're correct Blitz. They're also known as Choolarp. They do require a lot of water and grow in water," Stolas says.

"Sounds nice," Blitz says.

He then says, "When I first come here as a kid, the first thing I want to do is jump on the lilypad and sail on one like a boat. But my mom said it might not support my weight and will sink if I try."

"Did you actually do that?" Stolas asks, giggling.

"No, but I wanted to. I was only five back then," Blitz answers.

Blitz and Stolas continue to look around to see the few flowers that are growing in the water of lily pads. Of course, Randall and the others continue to watch them from a distance.

After watching the lily pads, Blitz and Stolas then head to a different greenhouse in the garden. This one is rather different and many of the plants in this green house are behind glass walls. Mainly because these plants are carnivorous plants. They recognize some of them are venus fly traps. They soon come across a group of purplish and yellow color plants.

"What are those?" Blitz asks.

"Those are Nepenthes plants, also known as Tropical Pitchers, or Monkey Cup," Stolas says.

"And I have to suspect that these are the kind of plants that eat bugs," Blitz replies, which Stolas nods.

"Indeed. They attract insects with their nectar from the underside of their lid. Once the big is trapped inside, the plant is able to be filled with liquid so when the big falls into the liquid, they become vulnerable," Stolas explains.

"Yikes. Sure don't want to be the bug of that thing," Blitz says.

Then rubs the back of his head, "Especially after that little experience I had with your uh, carnivorous plant. I became less scared when you said that I like to play."

"Yes I do remember, but you had nothing to worry about. It likes you and wants to play," Stolas says.

"Yeah. I remember. Surprisingly, it was actually kind of cute when I got to know it, and like some affection," Blitz replies, and rubs his left cheek.

Stolas chuckles with a smile. Randall, Moxxie and Millie continue to watch from a distance and stifle their laughter to hear the statement.

After sometime looking around the different plants and trees around the garden, Blitz and Stolas decide to stop at a local cafe for lunch.

Stolas asks, "So Blitz, how have you been doing at the company and living in Imp City?"

"Things have been okay. Been helping Sarge with paperwork, helping Moxxie and Millie clean up their gears, help Loona answer the phone and help clean the office. I do sometimes come with them on their missions, but mainly because some of the places they have their work is where I'm familiar with so I know a good place for them to do their work," Blitz explains.

"Really now? Sounds like you make their job quite easier," Stolas says.

"I suppose so, but I still don't want to kill humans or demons. Though Moxxie and Razor have been teaching how to use a gun" Blitz replies.

"That would be for the best," Stolas says.

"Yeah. And I ended up meeting some Cherubs who were trying to persuade me to become one of them," Blitz says.

Stolas blinks his eyes with a confused look, "Beg your pardon."

"I know it's shocking, but they in a way know me. They even know my family who are in heaven now. So they tried to explain to me why I should go with them, and said that I could live happily and such. But... I told them no... that I wanted to stay with my friends," Blitz says.

"I'm quite surprised to hear that. Mainly on how the Cherubs try to persuade an Imp to join them because you're more well, kinder than other demons," Stolas says.

"I know, and the others are surprised too, especially since knowing how much I missed my family, but I told them that before my mom died, that she wished for me to live my life the way I wanted, and that things change and nothing can be done. So the best I can do is try to choose how I should live my life. And I love being on earth, I love being with Moxxie, Millie, the others, and well... I wanted to be with you too..." Blitz explains.

Blitz blushes and adds, "I must admit, living in Hell was not easy, especially being part of a Hitman company, but I still end up making friends, and learning new things. It's hard, but I'm able to manage."

Stolas calmly smiles and says, "That was very brave of you. It must have been a hard decision for you... I'm glad you decided to stay."

"Yeah... me too," Blitz says.

"So Blitz, if you don't mind me asking, I kind of noticed that you have some knowledge of plant life," Stolas replies.

"Oh, it's because of my mom. She likes gardening and studying botany as a hobby. I sometimes like to hear her read the books from time to time when I was a kid, and she told me about a few plants when she brought me here," Blitz explains.

"That sounds nice," Stolas replies.

The two continue to talk and it seems that they're getting along so well. Still spying on them, Randall, Moxxie, and Millie are sitting at a table a short distance away while having something to eat.

Millie looks around and says, "I have to admit, this cafe looks really nice."

"I have to agree. Even the food here is good," Moxxie says.

"Hey, we're supposed to be keeping an eye on the date. Although, the food does taste pretty good," Randall replies.

"But I think it's really sweet to see Blitz and Stolas getting along. They actually make a cute couple," Millie says.

"Maybe, but it might also be a bit worrisome if they both actually started dating," Moxxie says.

"What's wrong with that? You're not against Blitz dating Stolas are you?" Randall questions arching an eyebrow.

Moxxie shakes his head, "No. It's not that. It's just, it's because Stolas is a Goetia Prince and Blitz is Imp, one of the lowest class of demons. I'm worried that if someone finds out, it might give them problems."

"Who cares what anyone thinks? I admit, I'm surprised that Blitz of all demons is going on a date with Stolas, but you saw how happy they are. Even if Stolas is a prince, you can see how happy he makes Blitz. And well, I think that's what really matters," Randall says.

"I agree, but not everyone will agree. So it will be best for us to help them if anyone tries to judge them. And Stolas is still married to Stella, so it's a problem as well," Moxxie says.

"I'll hurt them if they say something," Millie says, and cracks her knuckles.

"Easy Mills, you'll kill the losers when the time comes. As for Stella, fuck that bitch. I'm surprised Stolas didn't divorce her a long time ago," Randall says.

Then turns to see Blitz and Stolas have finished their lunch and drinks, and leave the cafe.

Then whispers to the others, "Looks like they're on the move again."

Moxxie and Millie nod their heads.

Throughout the day, Blitz and Stolas look at the plants, trees, flowers and other kinds of plant life. Blitz is very impressed that Stolas has advanced knowledge of botany, and gardening. Blitz has some knowledge, but knows that Stolas' is another level. Randall, Moxxie, and Millie continue to keep their distance from the two as they watch them look at plants.

Soon, Blitz and Stolas arrive at a garden that is different from the others. The garden is mainly full of fruits, berries, and vegetables, along with herbs and other plants people use for culinary and medicine.

"Wow. The place looks a lot bigger than I last came here," Blitz says.

"I must agree. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables here," Stolas says.

"Yeah. They actually have a store for the grown food here, and they also use it for the cafes here," Blitz says.

"That sounds nice," Stolas says.

Blitz and Stools begin to walk around the garden as Randall, Moxxie, and Millie watch them from a distance and begin to explore the garden as well.

"They sure got a lot of vegetables here. Kind of reminds me from back at my parents' place," Millie says.

"Yeah. The garden seems very interesting," Moxxie says.

The group soon see Blitz and Stolas walking around the large garden and see some of the workers picking up the fruits, berries, vegetables, and other grown foods. They are amazed to see so many people growing so many fruits and veggies, even herbs and roots for medicine.

They soon walk into the store and look around to see the fruits and vegetables they've picked and cleaned up. Kind of amazing that they let you buy the homegrown foods and herbs. Blitz actually buys some of the fruits and veggies at the store. Stolas buys some seeds for himself.

Sometime later, Blitz and Stolas are now walking down the street in town as Randall, Moxxie, and Millie spy on them from a distance.

"The date is looking good so far, but I wonder why it's not over yet," Millie replies.

"Yes. I figure they should be heading home," Moxxie says.

Randall looks at the map, "I don't know, but this street actually leads them to the you know where..." and gives them a malicious smirk.

Up ahead Stolas asks, "So where do you say the place is at?"

"Hmm, it should be a little further up. It's hard to notice because of what the building is next to," Blitz says.

Stolas and Blitz continue to walk along the sidewalk as Randall, Moxxie and Millie follow. The three look up to notice a hotel up ahead. But not just any hotel, it's well, a kind where only couples get to stay.

Millie is shocked, "Is that..."

"You don't think..." Moxxie says, stunned.

"Looks like they are. This has just got interesting," Randall says with a smirk.

Millie and Moxxie glare at him with anger, "Randall."

"I don't think Blitz is ready for something like uh, that..." Moxxie says.

Millie quickly says, "Hold on, maybe they aren't going in there. For all we know, they could just be walking past it."

"You're right. Let's wait and see what happens. If they try to go in there, we'll intervene," Moxxie says.

Randall rolls his eyes, "You both are no fun. Besides, Blitz has to learn about one of Hell's ways of relationships."

The two continue to walk down the sidewalk as the three are forced to watch.

"They're almost there," Millie says.

"I don't think I can watch," Moxxie says, and covers his eyes.

"I sure can," Randall says.

Blitz and Stolas continue to walk towards the hotel.

Moxxie whispers, "Don't do it."

"Keep walking," Millie adds.

And soon, Blitz and Stolas walk past the entryway to the hotel, meaning they aren't going in.

Randall shrugs his shoulders, "Oh well. That's too bad."

Moxxie and Millie glare at Randall.

Randall quickly changes his attitude, "I mean, close call."

"Sure Randall," Moxxie says, narrowing his eyes.

Millie sighs, "What a relief."

"But where are they going?" Moxxie wonders.

The three follow Blitz and Stolas and soon end up finding a small store called 'Cocoa Land.' turns out, the place is actually a chocolate store.

"A chocolate store, huh. Kind of a sweet idea," Randall says.

"Yeah. It sure is," Millie says.

"I agree," Moxxie says.

The three watch from the window as they see the two look at the sweets and chocolate together, and decide to buy some while they're there.

So after the long day at the garden, Blitz and Stolas head back to Hell thanks to Loona, and Randall, Moxxie, and Millie quickly follow so they won't be stranded. Sometime later, Stolas takes Blitz back to Moxxie and Millie's home while the two quickly return home and sneak through the backdoor so Blitz won't notice that they're gone.

Stolas says to Blitz, "Thank you for inviting me out today. I had a good time, and I enjoy spending time with you."

"Yeah," Blitz replies, blushing a bit.

"I do hope you and I can do it again sometime," Stolas says.

Blitz smiles and says, "Yeah. I hope you and I can do it again. Of course, I'm still learning my way around Hell and such."

"Hmm, maybe next time I can show you around some of the places in Hell," Stolas says.

"That would be nice. So uh, bye Stolas," Blitz says.

Stolas suddenly leans to Blitz and gives him a kiss on the lip, causing the Imp to blush, but kisses him back. In a few seconds, the two part their lips

"Good night, Blitz," Stolas says.

Blitz calmly smiles and says, "Night."

Stolas then opens the portal that leads to his home and walks through it. Then the portal closes soon after.

Blitz smiles and says, "Thank you."

Blitz then brings out his key to the house, unlocks and opens the door, and walks inside.

Blitz then calls out, "I'm home."

Millie and Moxxie walk in to greet him.

"Hi Blitz, how did your day go? Did anything special happen?" Millie asks.

Blitz smiles and says, "Yeah. I actually did. I'm sorry for not saying this early, but I actually went out with Stolas to a botanical garden I knew about. We looked at many different plants, flowers, and grown foods. It actually got a lot bigger from when my family and I went there. And we went to a chocolate shop too."

Then asks, "What do you think of the museum?"

"Well, I must admit, it's very astonishing how they have so many different plants and flowers from many different parts of the world, even plants that are used for cooking and 's also amazing how flowers could have very long names and were given short names so people won't get confused and..." Moxxie explains, but Millie signals Moxxie to zip it.

Moxxie realizes his mistake, "I uh, well..."

Suddenly, Moxxie and Millie come to realize why Blitz asks.

Millie nervously giggles with a smile, "You knew we were there huh?"

"Well, it wasn't me to be honest. Stolas is the one who saw you, but waited until we got back to explain things to me. Of course, I should have known it would be hard to keep this from Randall," Blitz says.

"I guess it is. We're sorry for taking part in it. We just want to make sure whoever you're going to be with will be good," Moxxie says.

"Yeah. And we were surprised to see you with Stolas and decided to check to see how the date went. And it turns out, we really had nothing to worry about," Millie says.

Blitz smiles and says, "It's okay. I suspect you two were just looking out for me, especially for not saying anything to you sooner."

"It's okay. But why didn't you tell us about you going out with Stolas?" Moxxie asks.

Blitz rubs the back of his head, "Oh, I don't know. I guess I feel a bit unsure about telling anyone. Like I said, I never went on a date before, and wasn't sure if he's going to say yes."

"Well, we're glad to see that it went well without any problems, except for us," Moxxie says.

"No worries," Blitz says.

He then brings out a box of chocolate, "I got these for you."

"Aww, that's sweet, Blitz. You didn't have to do that," Millie says, and takes the box.

"And I got some for the others too. I'll have to give Randall's his another time, especially since, well, Randall is going to need it for cheering up after what Stolas is going to do," Blitz says.

"What's that?" Moxxie asks.

"He said something about calling Berry, and I kind of understand what he meant," Blitz says.

Moxxie and Millie begin to picture when Blitz mentions about Stolas going to call Berry. They imagine Berry beating the crap out of him.

Then they both say in a calm voice, "Berry's going to kill Randall."

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