Chapter 23: Tour Around the Goetia Mansion
One day in the I.M.P Office, everyone is simply lounging around and doing his own thing. Randall however, is up to something today. Randall snickers as he walks over to the couch and places something under one of the cushions. Then simply sit on a chair close by and wait. Randall snickers as he covers his mouth.
Blitz turns to Randall and asks, "Hey Randall, what are you laughing at?"
"Just wait and you'll see what I have in store," Randall says with a grin on his face.
Loona snickers, "Knowing Randall, he's probably doing one of his pranks on Moxxie."
"You know it," Randall says with a grin on his face.
And right on cue, Moxxie enters the lounge with his cup of coffee with Millie.
"Hey Mox, Mills," Blitz says.
"Hey Blitz, how are you and the others doing?" Millie asks.
"Oh, we're doing fine," Blitz says.
"Yeah," Randall says.
He snickers and says, "We're doing fine."
Moxxie arches an eyebrow, "Randall, are you planning something?"
"Oh no. I actually heard a really funny joke earlier. It's a riot," Randall says, and waves his hand.
Moxxie walks to the couch as he says, "Well, you better not be doing anything that will..." Randall snickers.
When Moxxie sits down, a farting sound is heard across the room, catching everyone's attention. Hearing that, everyone begins laughing.
"What the...?" Moxxie exclaims as he jumps off the couch and drops his coffee mug.
He quickly removes the cushion from the couch and picks up what Randall has put under earlier. He shows it to everyone that it's a whoopee cushion.
Understanding the prank, Millie giggles and says, "Oh my Moxxie, what did you eat for lunch?" and continues giggling.
Moxxie narrows his eyes and turns to see Randall laughing harder and suspects that he's the one who pulled the prank. Randall laughs and leans back that he falls over along with the chair.
"Real funny, Randall," Moxxie says, and walks to the trash can.
Then drop it inside, "Hilarious," and walk away to get something to clean up the coffee spill.
Everyone continues giggling or laughing. Randall is still lying on the floor laughing his head off. Blitz is able to stop laughing, but still giggles at the little prank. Suddenly, Blitz hears his phone ringing and picks it up from his pocket.
He picks up the call and answers as he stops laughing, "Hello," but lets out a giggle.
"Hello Blitzy," Stolas' voice appears on the phone.
Blitz giggles a bit as he is able to stop laughing, "Oh, hi Stolas."
Stolas giggles over the phone and says, "Oh my aren't we having a little case of the giggles today."
"Sorry sorry, but Randall pulled a small prank on Moxxie just now and caused a bit of a laugh leak," Blitz says.
"Yeah! Moxxie fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book!" Randall says and is still laughing on the floor, unaware that Moxxie is glaring at him.
"I see," Stolas says, over the phone.
Finally able to fully calm down, Blitz asks, "So how are things going?"
"I'm doing fine. So, how are you doing lately?" Stolas replies.
"Oh, I'm doing good," Blitz replies.
Then ask, "So Stolas, why did you decide to call?"
"Well, I thought it would be nice if you could come visit the palace tomorrow to have lunch, just the two of us. If you're not too busy," Stolas says.
"I don't think I'm that busy, so sure. I don't mind coming over," Blitz says.
"Splendid, then I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Bye Blitzy," Stolas says.
"Sure. Bye," Blitz says, and hangs up the phone.
Randall sits up with a grin, "So, the prince decided to ask you on a date or something?"
"Uh no. He just invited me to his place tomorrow for lunch. Though he said just the two of us," Blitz says.
"Aww, that's sweet," Berry happily says.
"So when do you think you two will go on a date?" Randall asks.
Blitz blushes, "Oh, I don't think we're ready for that yet."
"Whatever you say?" Randall says.
"I think it's nice that Stolas invited you to his home, considering what happened at his 'Not Divorced' anniversary party," Berry says.
"Um yeah," Blitz says, still a bit embarrassed about it.
"Either way, I'm sure Stolas will be glad when you come to visit. Let me know when Stolas decides to take the next step on your relationship," Randall says.
Blitz blushes and says, "Oh I don't know. We didn't really have a relationship. Besides, Stolas is still technically married at this point, and has a daughter."
Mimmy purrs as she nuzzles herself against Blitz's legs.
"Come on Blitz, Stolas doesn't really like Stella and she doesn't like him either. And after what happened at Loo Loo Land, I can tell that Stolas seems interested in you. And who knows, maybe he'll ditch his bitch wife for you," Randall says.
"I don't know. I mean, I like Stolas, but I don't know about this," Blitz says.
"What's wrong with you liking Stolas, it's perfectly natural?" Berry asks.
"Nothing. Nothing's wrong, but I barely know Stolas. I mean, we both talked and shared with each other, but I don't fully know him to consider dating him," Blitz says.
"Why not take the opportunity to get to know him better," Drew says.
"Yeah. You should use it to get to know Stolas better than you know, and I'm sure you both will have a good time together," Berry says.
"I guess," Blitz replies with a sheepish smile.
Then Berry says, "Don't worry Blitz, it's your heart so it's your decision. Just to let you know that we all have our support."
The others simply smile in reply.
The next day, in the afternoon, Moxxie has driven Blitz over to Stolas' mansion and drops him off. Blitz is casual formal clothes: A white shirt, a black suit with black pants, and black boots. He is also wearing his amulet around his neck along with his bracelet and gloves.
Blitz walks up the door and knocks on it. The door opens and Stolas ends up answering the door.
"Hello Blitz, I'm so glad you can make it," Stolas happily says.
"Hey Stolas, thank you for inviting me over," Blitz says, and walks inside.
"It's no trouble at all. It's nice to have you over," Stolas says, and closes the door.
Soon, the two begin walking down the hall together.
Blitz nervously asks, "Uh is uh, you know who here?"
"No. Stella is actually out for the weekend. She's still rather mad about what happened at the party," Stolas says.
"I see. I was kind of hoping to apologize about what happened, especially with Randall's stunts," Blitz says.
"You don't want to apologize. Even if you did, Stella is well, not the forgiving type, especially for one of Randall's antics," Stolas says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Blitz looks around to see the astronomy and constellation decor on the ceiling along with the different potted plants in the halls. Along with other portraits such as family portraits and self portraits.
"Hmm, you sure got a lot of different plants here," Blitz says.
"Yes. I've been growing plants and herbs for years, especially astronomy and studies of the earth skies, the stars, plants and prophecies they hold," Stolas says.
"I remember you telling me something like that when we first met," Blitz says.
Then looks around, "To tell you the truth, I don't think I've gotten a good look at your place. I think I only got part that's close to your room.
That ends up giving Stolas an idea, "Oh, then perhaps I can give you a tour of the palace. I'm sure you might like it."
"Sure. I don't mind. Thanks," Blitz says.
"Splendid. Let me show you around," Stolas says.
Stolas and Blitz walk down the hall and pass the entryway to the kitchen. As Blitz walks by, strange looking vines come out and slither towards Blitz. Soon, the strange vines reach out to Blitz at close range.
"We can start with my study. I'm sure you'll find it interesting. Don't you think Blitz?" Stolas replies.
However, Stolas notices that Blitz hasn't said a word, "Uh Blitz?"
Stolas turns around to notice Blitz is not behind him anymore.
"Blitz? Blitz, where are you?" Stolas calls out.
He suddenly hears Blitz's voice, sounding concerning, "Uh Stolas... I... I could use some help..."
"Blitz?" Stolas questions, arching his eyebrow.
Blitz rushes down the hall and into the small kitchen to see a questionable surprise.
"Blitzy?" Stolas replies confused.
What Stolas sees is Blitz has been caught by his large carnivorous plant. The carnivorous plant has its vines coiled around Blitz's legs, his arms, his tail. It even has the vines pinning his arms close to his body, and tied around his waist.. Blitz struggles to break free, but the plant is not letting go. Soon, one gently wraps around his shoulder and around his neck.
"Blitz..." Stolas says, worried.
"Stolas, wha... What is this? It... it won't let me go..." Blitz asks.
"That's um, one of my carnivorous plants" Stolas sheepishly says.
"Carnivorous?" Blitz nervously says.
"Do not worry, I made sure that this plant doesn't eat Imps, so you're safe. After all, I wouldn't want it to start eating the servants," Stolas says.
"If it doesn't plan on eating me, then what?" Blitz asks.
Just then, the plant begins to let out low growls and leans itself towards Blitz. Almost like it's asking to be snuggled or something.
"Uh, what's going on?" Blitz asks, confused.
"I think my plant kind of likes you. I think he wants to play with you," Stolas says, and gently pet his plant.
The plant actually purrs and shows affection towards Stolas, much to Blitz' surprise.
"Wow. Never seen a plant do something like that, or show any signs of emotions," Blitz says.
The plant continues to purr from the affection.
Blitz smiles and says, "And it seems to like it."
"Yes. I've been taking care of this little cutie for years and taken very good care of him," Stolas says.
"I can tell. You must have a green thumb if you can grow all these plants and they show affection towards you," Blitz says.
Just then, the vine rubs under Blitz's chin and then wraps around his left horn.
"Aww, I think he really likes you Blitz," Stolas says.
Blitz blushes and says, "Um, that's nice and all, but I do appreciate it if he lets me go."
"Oh right," Stolas replies.
Then Stolas kneels to his plant as he pets it, "Put Blitz down please."
The plant growls a little, and kind of refuses to let Blitz go. Then begins to nuzzle Blitz a little more as the vines embrace him more.
Blitz chuckles, "He reminds me a bit of Mimmy. Always wanting some attention and affection."
"I can tell," Stolas says with a giggle.
Then turns to the plant, "Come on now, you can't hold on to Blitz forever. You have to let him go at some point. I'll give you something to eat if you let him go."
Thinking a bit, the plant gently growls and places Blitz on the ground and its vines uncoils from his body.
"Phew, thanks Stolas," Blitz says.
"It's no trouble Blitz. It kind of done the same with me and Via, especially when she was little. He always wants to play with her," Stolas says.
Blitz chuckles, "I'll bet."
After the little misadventure with the plant and Stolas gives it a treat, He and Blitz begin the tower and arrive in his royal study. The place is rather elegant, there is also a desk in front of a window with burgundy color curtains. Above on the ceiling are constellations decorated, and there are some potted plants in the room. There is also a large bookshelf full of books.
"This is a very nice room," Blitz says.
"Thank you. This is usually where I do some of my royal tasks," Stolas says.
"Yeah. You have a lot more books in your study than in your room. Didn't strike me as the nerd type," Blitz says with a grin on his face.
Stolas crosses his arms, "Oh ha ha."
"Yeah. I'm just messing with you," Blitz says with a grin.
Stolas chuckles, "Aren't a cheeky little Imp."
"Yeah. My brother Malcolm said I can be pretty cheeky sometimes," Blitz says.
Soon, the two begin laughing.
Then Stolas says, "We still have sometime before lunch is ready. So let's continue the tour."
"Sure," Blitz says.
Soon, Stolas takes Blitz on a tour of his home. Since the little incident at Stolas 'Not Divorce' Anniversary party, he has only been able to see a bit of the palace. Mainly from one hall to his room.
They first walk into a room, Blitz sees a large rectangular table with a few chairs around it. And a lot of different potted plants next to the windows or hanging next to them. Blitz also notices an interesting chandelier over the table, kind of like one of the solar system models.
"This is the dining room," Stolas says.
"It actually looks nice," Blitz says.
After that, Blitz and Stolas stop at the ballroom, which is familiar to Blitz.
"This is the ballroom," Stolas says.
"The place seems really nice, and I'm guessing this is where you told your parties," Stolas says.
"Mainly Stella, but yes. This is also where we held the party when we first met," Stolas says.
"Yeah. We almost got caught by your security when Randall wanted us to crash your party for the fun of it," Blitz says.
"Yes. Randall usually makes a habit of crashing in places for his fun. I heard from Berry that he decides on their activities too," Stolas says.
"Yeah. I have to admit, he's kind of a pain, but he seems to have a sense of humor," Blitz says.
Stolas giggles, "Especially when you told me about that prank Randall pulled yesterday."
"Yeah," Blitz replies.
Then Stolas says, "Come on, there's still a lot more to see."
Stolas then continues to take Blitz around his home, and shows him a few places, like a meeting room, a kitchen, and also some of the guestrooms. Blitz is kind of amazed because he has never been in a palace before, or a mansion as large as this. Well, except when Randall talked him into sneaking inside. The two soon walk down the hall and Blitz sees the many portraits on the wall. He remembers a few when he first came here recently. One of them is when Prince Stolas is as a teenager, wearing black and is holding a mirror with another owl demon inside.
Blitz turns to Stolas and asks, "Hey Stolas, why are you holding a mirror? And why is there another owl inside?"
Stolas looks at the portrait and says, "Oh that, it's actually an enchanted mirror."
"Enchanted mirror? So it's magic?" Blitz asks.
"Yes. You see someone holding a mirror, while the other uses another mirror to watch from far away," Stolas says.
"I see. I remember reading the name, and his name is King Paimon, but who is he?" Blitz replies.
"He's my father," Stolas answers.
"Your father?" Blitz asks.
"Um yes. Like me, my father is a Goetia Demon, and is one of the kings of Ars Goetia," Stolas says.
"I see. That must mean he's a powerful demon too," Blitz says.
"You are correct," Stolas says.
Suddenly, Octavia walks over and says, "Hey dad."
Stolas and Blitz turn to see Octavia.
"Hello Octavia, how are you doing today?" Stolas happily replies.
"I'm doing fine," Octavia says.
Blitz waves his hand and says, "Hey Octavia."
"Hi Blitz," Octavia replies. "When did you get here?"
"Sometime ago, your dad invited me so we can have some lunch, and he's giving me a tour of the place," Blitz says.
"So what are you doing today?" Stolas asks.
"I'm going to hang out with Loona. We're going to Stylish Occults, so I'll be home before dinner," Octavia says.
"Okay Via, remember not to be home so late," Stolas replies.
"I will. See you later," Octavia says, and walks away down the hall.
"Bye Octavia," Stolas happily says.
Then Stolas turns to Blitz, "Let's continue on with the tour, I have somewhere else to show you."
Soon enough, Stolas takes Blitz into a room that has a lot of glass windows and a door. There are also different types of plants and herbs, including carnivorous plants.
"Wow. That is a lot of plants. I didn't know you have a greenhouse," Blitz says.
"I do. And I'm very happy about it," Stolas says.
"Yeah, but after what happened earlier, I'm not too keen to get near another plant with vines," Blitz says.
Stolas giggles and says, "Fair enough."
"Still, you sure got a large collection of plants," Blitz says.
"Thank you," Stolas happily says.
Soon, Stolas and Blitz arrive at a large library full of books, along with a couch, and a small table.
"A library, huh. It looks like you have a personal library in your house, and you don't need to go to a public one," Blitz says.
"Well, I have a personal library in my chamber, but this is also where I kept a few other books. Including those for Octavia to read," Stolas says.
"Sounds cool. Maybe I can use some of these books to help me learn more about the ways that go on in Hell," Blitz says.
"I wouldn't mind if you use some of them. Besides, it will be helpful to have a demon royal to help you, considering that I have to know the ins and outs around the Seven Rings of Hell," Stolas says.
"Yeah. I think it might be a good idea too," Blitz says.
Then Stolas happily says, "I have one more place to show you, and I think you might like it."
"What is it?" Blitz asks.
Stolas chuckles, "You'll have to wait and see."
Before Blitz can ask, Stolas brings out a blindfold and uses it to wrap it over Blitz's eyes.
"Just follow me," Stolas says, and gently takes Blitz's hand.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Stolas takes Blitz out of the library and down the hall. Still blindfolded, Blitz is rather curious to where Stolas is taking him. Sometime later down the hall, Stolas and Blitz arrive at their destination, which is inside of a small room.
"Alright Blitz, we're here," Stolas says.
Stolas then gently removes the blindfold from Blitz's eyes so he can see. When Blitz looks up, he is surprised to see a beautiful crystal chandelier. The chandelier is made into a spiral and made from multiple chains of crystals. Blitz is astonished to see the chandelier that 's practically glowing around the room.
"Wow. It looks really beautiful," Blitz says.
"I knew you liked it. It used to belong to my father, but he kind of gave it to me in a way. Via used to play around here when she was little, and so have I when I was little," Stolas says
"Yeah. The place is very nice, and the chandelier seems like it's glowing," Blitz says.
"I'm glad you think so. I thought it would be nice for us to have lunch here," Stolas says, and shows him to the small table with some food and drinks on it.
Then Stolas says, "Lunch is ready now, so we can sit, have lunch, and have a chat."
"Sure," Blitz says.
And with that, Blitz and Stolas are having lunch as they have a nice chat with one another.
"So Blitz, how are you doing at Sarge's company? And how is your head?" Stolas asks.
"Doing good. And I'm feeling better now, especially after what happened at Loo Loo Land. I did have fun at Loo Loo Land, but the incident with the Robotic Fizzarolli wasn't very pleasant," Blitz says.
"Yes. It was quite odd that the robot approached you the way it did. And I remember you telling me about what he said to you," Stolas says.
"Yeah. But I'm kind of over it now, but I still have to wonder about meeting the Real Fizzarolli someday," Blitz says.
"Hmm, it might be difficult because it is a line of work. Did you manage to find out where he is?" Stolas replies.
"He did. When I told the others about Fizzarolli working at Ozzie's, and working for Asmodeus. And said it will be very difficult to meet with either one of them," Blitz says.
Concerned, Stolas asks, "Did you say Asmodeus?"
"Yes. The others suspect that you might have known him, considering that he's a demon royal and is a Goetia as well, from what they explain," Blitz says.
"Yes. I know him, but um, I'm kind of worried about you meeting with him. For various reasons," Stolas says.
"Because he's the King of Lust and owns a few businesses so he might be too busy. And also that Fizzarolli might be busy as well," Blitz suspects.
"That's one of the reasons. Another reason is, well, concerning. It's mainly because you have never been to the Lust Ring before and the Lust Ring can be quite lively sometimes, not to mention where there are Succubi and Incubi. And well, the place is full of places involved with Sex and lustful antics," Stolas explains.
"Yeah. Randall mentioned that. And they also worry about me going there alone. And not sure when we can find the time to go there, nor if Fizzarolli and his boss will have time to meet with us," Blitz says.
"Yes. Those are very concerning. I really recommend you not go there alone, especially since you're still new to being in Hell and going to other Rings," Stolas says.
"Yeah. So until then, I'll just have to keep living the life I had. Not that it's bothering me. Maybe someday, we can go to Lust to meet them," Blitz says.
"Maybe. And perhaps I shall come when the time comes," Stolas says.
"Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to," Blitz says.
"I don't mind at all," Stolas says.
"Alright," Blitz says.
Then Blitz says, "Still, I have to wonder who the Robotic Fizzarolli said I resemble. That thought always seems to come to my mind."
"I'm sure you'll find out someday. It might help if we know who, or if anyone else knows the person that jester is referring too," Stolas says.
"Yeah. But there's not much we can do as of now. I'm sure we'll figure it out someday," Blitz says.
Stolas then nods his head in reply. Stolas and Blitz continue to chat with each other. In the end, they end up having a good time. Time has gone by, and Blitz is ready to head back to Moxxie and Millie's place.
Stolas then smiles and says, "I do hope you come back for another visit."
"Sure Stolas. I see if I can make time for another visit, and maybe next time I'll bring Mimmy with me," Blitz says.
Blitz soon see Moxxie's car and says to Stolas, "See you later."
"Take care, Blitzy," Stolas happily says.
Blitz then meets up with Moxxie and they both leave the mansion in his face. Stolas smiles and is glad to spend some time with Blitz, and hopes to see him again soon.
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