Chapter 13: Unexpected Affair Quickly Exposed
The next day in Stolas' chambers, Blitz is still sleeping in Stolas' bed. Soon enough, Blitz begins to slowly open his eyes with a tired expression on his face. As he opens his eyes, he notices an odd blurr staring down at him. Soon, his vision clears to see Stolas looking down at him with a gentle smile on his face.
"Good morning, Blitz. Rise and shine," Stolas says.
Blitz lets out a light yawn as he rubs his eyes, "Morning already? It felt like I was sleeping for a while..."
Stoly gently places his finger at Blitz's lip, causing Blitz to stop talking.
Stolas smiles as he sits up and says, "It's quite alright, Blitz. How are you feeling?"
"Um, I'm alright. Thank you for letting me stay for the night," Blitz says, blushing a bit.
"You're welcome Blitz. And uh, thank you for spending time with me. I haven't felt this happy in a while, well, except when I'm with my daughter," Stolas says.
The two then begin laughing with smiles on their faces.
Stolas then gets out of bed and says, "I'll go get dressed and I'll take you back home."
"Okay," Blitz says.
Sometime later, after Stolas dressed in his attire, he and Blitz are walking down the halls.
Blitz looks around and says, "You have a very nice home. I only saw some of it last night, but I bet there's a lot I haven't seen yet.
"Thank you. I like it here too. Although, there were some ups and downs," Stolas says.
Then mutters, "Especially the down with Stella."
"Oh, I see," Blitz says.
Then says, "Still, I do like to hang out with you again. And maybe you can teach me a little more about Hell and such."
"So do you have a phone, I wouldn't mind giving you my number," Stolas says as he brings out his Hellphone.
"I do, and sure, we can exchange numbers," Blitz says, and brings out his phone.
And with that, the two exchange their phone numbers. And Stolas also gives Blitz his home number as well.
Suddenly, someone calls out, "Dad, is that you over there?"
Blitz and Stolas turn around to see another owl demon walking towards them. This demon is Stolas' daughter, Octavia. She is wearing a pink glittery dress with stars on it, a dark feather shawl around her shoulders, a black beanie hat with a pale yellow tiara design on it, pink arm warmers with stars on them, a pink choker around her neck, and long black boots.
"Good morning Octava. Did you sleep well my owlet?" Stolas happily says.
"Okay. I guess," Octavia says in a monotone voice.
Then notices Blitz standing next to him.
"Uh dad, who is this?" Octavia asks.
"Oh right," Stolas replies.
Then introduces the two, "Octavia, this is Blitz. He kind of decided to come by last night with a couple of his friends."
"Hello. It's nice to meet you," Blitz says.
"Charmed," Octavia replies.
Then asks, "So what brings you here? I doubt my mom would allow you here."
"Well, it's like this," Blitz replies.
Then explains everything to Octavia on what has happened and how he ended up in the mansion. How Randall managed to talk him and Razor into sneaking into the mansion. How Blitz manages to get inside and how he ends up meeting Stolas while in his room. However, some are a bit too embarrassing to mention, especially to a teenager.
After ten minutes of explaining, Blitz concludes, "And that brings us all here."
"Oh, is that what happened?" Octavia asks, curious.
Blitz nods his head in reply.
Octavia sighs, "Sorry that you got caught up in one of Randall's antics. Honestly that overgrown lizard has no shame when it comes to his pranks and trickery, and his annoying antics."
"I uh, noticed," Blitz replies with a nervous grin.
Then says, "Anyway, sorry about uh you know, breaking into your house."
"It's not a problem. You don't seem suspicious or anything," Octavia says.
Blitz calmly smiles, "I guess it's a good thing."
Then Blitz asks, "So Octavia, do you have any hobbies or have any interest?"
"Not much, I like reading books, studying astrology and astronomy, listening to music and collecting taxidermy," Octavia answers.
"Taxidermy?" Blitz says, confused, "You mean the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting animal skins? The stuff that some hunters do?"
"That's right, but I only collect them, not hunt them and perform the art themselves," Octavia says.
"Yeah. I didn't think you're old enough to do that," Blitz says and chuckles, "But astrology and astronomy are kind of cool."
Then says, "Well, my sister Marina and I like to look up horoscopes for her magazines."
"I see. Anyway, I think it's best you head back to the others before mom notices you're here. She's not really fond of Imps," Octavia says.
"Why?" Blitz asks.
Stolas sighs, "Because they are considered the lowest class of demons, and Goetias are in a higher class than normal demons."
"Oh right. I remember reading about that. The others told me about Hell's hierarchy," Blitz says.
Curious, Octavia says, "You know, for a demon, you seem to act like you're a new sinner that just dropped from earth or a new hell spawn."
"Yeah. I came to Hell recently from Earth so I'm still learning the ups and downs of this place. That's actually one of the things that Stolas and I talked about during the night and office to help me with learning about Hell," Blitz says.
"I see," Octavia replies.
Then says, "It's nice meeting you, so where are you both going?"
"I was just about to take Blitz home," Stolas says.
"Okay. You don't mind if I come," Octaiva says.
"Of course you could come," Stolas says.
He then asks, "Where is your mother?"
"Hmm, I think she's outside in the back with a couple of her friends," Octavia says.
Stolas sighs in relief, "Good. I want to get Blitz out before Stella sees him and throws another one of her uh, fits."
"Yeah. I think she'll be more mad if she finds out what Randall tried to do, again," Octavia says.
"I have to agree," Stolas says.
And with that, the three begin to walk down the hall to get out of the palace, and so Stolas can take Blitz home.
Meanwhile, outside of the Goetia mansion, a black truck drives in front of the mansion, and the ones inside are Razor and Randall.
"There we are, back at the Goetia mansion," Razor says.
"And we're going to pick up Blitz," Randall says and climbs out of the car.
"And remember Randall, we're here to pick Blitz and nothing more. Don't do anything of your stupid antics," Razor says.
"Relax, I won't do anything stupid. We're just going to get Blitz and get out," Randall says.
Then makes himself invisible, "And we'll do it my way."
"Randall," Razor groans, facepalming his face.
Invisible, Randall is able to sneak across the yard and to the back where the balcony to Stolas' chamber is. He then notices Stella along with two of her friends are outside. He knows that he needs to be careful with Stella around, and remembers that she doesn't like any demon below her level. While Randall sneaks around the mansion, Razor decides to simply walk to the front door.
Inside the mansion, Stolas and Blitz walk to the front door so they can head outside.
Stolas turns to Blitz and asks, "So Blitz, if you're not busy, do you think we could hang out again sometimes? I can show you a few places around Hell."
"Sure, I don't mind, but I don't want to take much of your time," Blitz says.
"I don't mind," Stolas says.
Just then, they hear a knock on the door.
"Hmm, who could that be?" Stolas questions.
Stolas opens the door to see Razor in front.
"Hi Razor, I didn't expect you to be here," Blitz says.
Relieved Razor says, "Phew, Blitz, it's good to see you, and in one piece too. I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday."
"It's alright Razor. I didn't have any trouble. I was able to get into the palace and meet with Stolas. He and I kind of talked, alot," Blitz says.
"Well, glad to see you two have gotten along," Razor says.
"Um yeah," Blitz says.
Then mutters, "In more ways than one."
Razor turns to see Stolas and Octavia, "Morning Stolas. Morning Octavia."
"Good morning Razor, I assume you're here to pick Blitz up," Razor says.
"Yeah. It's the least I can do after Randall got involved with that mess yesterday. I was worried your guards were going to maul him or something," Razor says.
Stolas calmly says, "Well, as you can see, Blitz is unharmed and is well taken care of."
"That's good to hear," Razor says.
Then Stolas asks, "Is Randall with you? I suspect that he might be for some reason."
"I think he's going to try sneaking into your balcony again," Razor says, and points his thumb.
Octavia faceplans for face, "Not again."
Stolas sighs and says, "I figured as much. However, I locked the door to the balcony this time so he won't be able to sneak before I went to sleep last night, and he won't be able to pick the lock since the last time he tried. Even if he tried, he'll just end up with a locked door."
"Doubt that would stop him from breaking in," Razor replies.
Octavia sighs, "I couldn't agree with you more."
Back at the balcony, Randall struggles to get the door open, finding out that it's locked. When he tries to pick the lock, it doesn't work either. Randall struggles to get the door open by force.
He pulls on the balcony's door knob, "Come on you fuckin door. Open. Open up."
Randall ends up pulling on the balcony door so hard that the doorknob snaps off and causes Randall to stumble back and fall off the balcony. And with a loud thud, it lands on the cake on the table, and it splatters all over Stella and her two friends, covering them in cake. And soon, Randall loses focus of his invisibility powers and becomes visible again. The loud thud ends up reaching Blitz, Stolas, Razor, and Octavia's attention.
"What was that?" Blitz asks.
"If I have to take a guess, Randall might be involved," Razor says.
The group decides to go check out the situation. When they reach the backyard of the house, they are shocked to see Stella and her friends covered in cake and Randall is sitting up as he rubs the back of his head.
Randall grunts, "Fuck, that fuckin hurts."
"Randall?!" Razor and Blitz question in surprise.
Randall sits up to see Razor and Blitz and says, "Oh hey guys, glad to see you're in one piece, Blitz."
Blitz, Razor, and the two Goetias walk over to see the mess Randall has once again got himself into.
"Randall, what happened?" Razor asks.
"I was trying to get into Stolas' room, but the door was locked and I picked on it," Randall says.
He sheepishly chuckles and holds out the knob, "And I accidentally broke it."
Then to Blitz, and waves, "Hey Blitz, how was your night with Stolas? Enjoy your first kiss with him?"
Hearing this causes Blitz and Stolas to blush. In fact, Blitz blushes a lot harder.
Soon Blitz panics, "H-how... I mean... what are you..."
"Randall!" Razor angrily says.
Then marches up to Randall, "Of all the stupid things you did...!"
"Come on Razor, I was just asking. Besides, I'm technically the reason why they end up having their first kiss together," Randall says with a grin on his face.
"Well, that maybe, but what I'm going to give you is not your first fist in your face! It will be nothing compared what Berry is going to do once she finds out about this!"" Razor angrily says.
And with that, Blitz and the Goetia demons watch as Razor grabs Randall by the collar and drags him a short distance. Then cover their eyes to hear a lot of banging and punching sounds. When the noise is done, they look to see that Razor dusts off his paws as Randall lies on the ground with bruises on his face and seems knocked out.
"Uh, you think Randall's going to be okay?" Blitz asks.
"Unfortunately, yes. I don't know Randall as much as Loona, but I know enough to see what a pain in the ass he is," Octavia says,
Then rolls her eyes, "Honestly, I should have known it was Randall who decided to cause the trouble."
"I don't know Randall as much as you guys do, but I know him well enough to know that he loves pranks and getting himself into trouble," Blitz says.
"Sounds about right," Octavia replies.
Then asks, "But what was it about you and my dad kissing?"
Blitz blushes even more and nervously laughs.
Stolas nervously chuckles and says, "Well, I suppose that would explain what happened. I guess Randall pushed Bitz at me and we accidentally kissed on the lips."
"Yeah. It was really embarrassing," Blitz says, and covers his face with his hands.
Then mutters, "And it's even more that we kissed a second time after what."
"I see. Did you two uh, you know..." Octavia asks, and tries to not go into details.
"Did we do what?" Blitz asks.
"You know? Did you two do it in my parents' bed?" Octavia asks.
"Huh?" Blitz says, confused.
And it doesn't take long for Blitz to figure it out and make him blush even more.
He panics as he frantically shakes his hands in defense, "What?! No no no no no! We didn't do any of that! In fact, I uh, never did any of that with anyone! I never even dated if you can believe it!"
"Okay okay calm down. No need to get your horns in a knot," Octaiva says, calming Blitz down.
Then whispers to Blitz, "Though, I suggest you not let any demons know you're a virgin in future. If you know what's good for you."
"Uh right. I was told that it's not good to bring that subject up," Blitz replies.
Razor then grabs Randall pass the group and says, "Now that's out of the way, let's go before Stella throws a fuckin fit. Come on Blitz, let's get to the office."
"Okay," Blitz says.
Then turns to Stolas and Octavia, "Again, sorry for the trouble one of my friends has caused. I'll try to be sure this doesn't happen again."
Then turns to Stolas, "And I'll see you around."
Then Blitz follows Razor and the unconscious Randall.
"Bye Blitz, and say hello to Sarge and the others for me," Stolas says.
"Well do," Blitz says.
Stolas then waves goodbye.
Then turns to Octavia, "So Octavia, maybe we can go out for breakfast."
"Maybe, but first, I think you'll have to deal with mom first," Octaiva says.
Stolas and Octavia turn to see Stella, still covered in cake, glaring at him with pure anger.
Then screams in full rage, "STOLAS! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"
"Oh right," Stolas replies, and grows nervous.
Then says in his thought, "Although, I wouldn't surprised if this ends up getting us into a fuckin divorce."
However, deep down, he's still very happy to see Blitz again and able to kiss him, even if it was an accident. His heart is practically fluttering with happiness.
Sometime later, Razor and Randall return Blitz back to Moxxie and Millie's house. Blitz has been sitting on his bed as he thinks about what has happened at the house. Blitz lets out a sigh and looks at his phone as he thinks about what happened the night before. Suddenly, he hears meowing sounds.
He looks down to see Mimmy is sitting on the floor next to the bed.
"Hey Mimmy," Blitz says, and pics Mimmy up.
Blitz then sits down as he lets Mimmy cuddle next to him.
Blitz gently rubs Mimmy's head, "I sure had one experience last night."
Blitz then lies down on the bed and says to himself, "Still, I did have a good time with Stolas."
He then remembers the sudden kiss from the night before, and how they passionately kiss after words. Blitz the sighs and decides to sleep it off to clear his head. Mimmy sleeps next to him peacefully.
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