Chapter 125: Aftermathing Mastermind
The next day, everyone from I.M.P including Stolas and Octavia are still in the hotel where Blitz's relatives have been staying. After what happened at the trial, they deserve a good rest. Now everyone is up and having lunch after having a relaxing morning.
"Thanks for letting us stay here for the night. Sorry if we were taking up space," Blitz says.
"It's no trouble at all," Charles says, "We think it's a good idea for you all to stay here to get away from the incident with that trial."
"We're just glad that everything worked out for you," Candy says.
"True, but I suspect Andrealphus and Stella are not going to let this go," Blitz says.
Randall snickers, "Especially since you were able to give that ice prick a good punch in the face."
"Yeah. That's awesome," Millie says with a grin.
Loona laughs, "You really let him have it."
"Maybe, but I don't think he's going to let that go. In fact, I worry that he's going to give up so easily," Blitz says.
"I'm afraid you're right," Stolas says.
Randall is still angry, "Man, what a bastard that Andrealphus is," and begins cracking his knuckles, "No offense Octavia, but the moment this whole thing settles I'm going to clobber that uncle of yours."
"Join the club," Razor says.
Octavia sheepishly smiles, "As much as I understand why you're mad, but it's best to not underestimate him."
"I advise you not to do anything that would anger the Goetias. Some of them did kind of um, complained about Blitz's actions towards him," Stolas says.
"How do you know that?" Velma asks.
"I've received some calls last night and this morning about the uh, events of yesterday," Stolas says with a sheepish smile.
He also lets out a sighs, "I mean, now that my engagement with Blitz has been exposed, the Goetias are, well, questionable about my taste. Some think Blitz is even brave or insane for barging into the courtroom and standing up to Satan. Even though some actually seem supportive. Although, I think some might see Blitz as a married bodyguard."
"Those birdbrains," Randall says, annoyed.
"Strange choice of words considering that not all of them are birds," Drew says.
"But still, I don't want you all to perform any violence towards Andrealphus," Stolas says.
"No offense, Stolas, but he deserves it. After all the trouble that he and his sister caused us," Randall says.
"I mean, we couldn't prove that Stella was behind the hit on Stolas, especially with Striker being gone, but we at least delay any trouble that might cause. However, Andrealphus seems to be quite cunning. I wouldn't be surprised if he planned this," Sarge says.
Candy realizes, "You're right. Andrealphus must have found out Stolas was lending his book to us, and decided to use it to his advantage."
"You really think he would do that?" Octavia asks, worried.
"I wouldn't put it past him," Loona says.
"I think it is possible," Blitz says, "Remember the incident when Striker kidnapped Stolas and I recklessly went off on my own to save him. Well, he mentioned that Andrealphus was interested in me. I mean, it now became known of what happened with my powers and how I ended up on Earth, but still. I worry if Andrealphus might try doing something with you all trapped in the courtroom."
"You don't suppose he had some alternative motive for wanting you?" Jeanie asks.
"I don't know, but I worry about what he might do to me," Blitz says, worried, "And it's even more worrisome now that everyone, and especially Andrealphus is now fully aware of my powers and how I even got it."
"I'm sure we'll figure something out," Stolas says, "However, it is true, Andrealphus might have another trick on his sleeve. And I worry he might take even more dangerous actions against us."
"You're not the only one, Stolas. We're worried about this too. If it wasn't for Blitz, we could have been executed," Moxxie says.
"And who knows what Andrealphus might do after that," Millie says.
"Either way, it sounds like this Andrealphus won't be letting this go, especially after what happened at the trial," Charles says.
"But I'm sure you all can figure something out," Claude says.
"I hope so," Loona says.
Candy then smiles, "Hey, I know that things have gotten uh, hectic, but everything turned out good at the end. We just need to figure out our next move."
"I hope you're right about this," Barbie says.
Then Candy says, "Anyway, I have something for all of you?"
"What is it?" Octavia asks.
Candy then brings out some light pink envelopes, decorated with white roses and gold writing that has both Candy and Claude's names.
Then hands Stolas an invitation, "Claude and I got to talking and we decided to give you these invitations."
Stolas takes it and looks at it, "Invitations?"
"Yes," Candy says and passes the group an envelope, "Claude and I would like to invite you all to our wedding on the upcoming June."
The group looks at the envelope and opens them to reveal a white wedding card that is well decorated with flowers, gold, silver, and pink designs, and including the writing with the names, time, and date.
"That's really sweet, Candy," Berry says.
"That's nice. You're inviting us to your wedding," Randall says.
"We're glad. In a way, you all became good friends, especially to our brother," Candy says.
"We also decided that Blitz will be one of our groomsmen, along with some of our friends and relatives," Claude says.
Candy then picks up Mimmy, "And we decided to make our sweet little niece our little flower girl."
"What's a flower girl?" Mimmy asks.
"A flower girl is someone who scatters flowers on the aisle during the wedding before the bride arrives," Candy says.
"So I get to scatter flowers for you. Yay," Mimmy says with a smile.
Then Candy turns to Barbie, "And Barbie, would like to be one of my Bride's maid?"
"Really?" Barbie asks, surprised.
"Yes. I thought about it alot, and I like you to be with us during our wedding, you're practically family," Candy says.
Barbie smiles and says, "Candy, I would be happy to be a part of your wedding."
"I think we're all happy to attend," Sarge says.
"Thank you Sarge. We'll be very happy to hve you all there, just make sure Randall doesn't make a mess or try to do any pranks," Candy says.
Everyone giggles in response.
"Oh ha ha," Randall says, annoyed and crosses his arms.
Claude then turns to Blitz and Stolas, "So when are you two planning to tie the knot?"
Stolas and Blitz look at each other.
"Well, we still are not sure," Blitz says.
"Yes, especially since our little secret arrangement is officially out," Stolas says.
"That's true. I can only imagine the hassle you're going to deal with since the trial incident. Then again, I bet Hell is in quite the uproar," Octavia says.
Blitz grows worried, "I hope it doesn't get too hectic."
"Knowing Hell, it's going to be fuckin insane," Drew says.
"Although we've already got a call from Avery, he and Peach were worried sick to see what happened at the Trial. And yet, they're very thankful to Blitz for saving our necks," Berry says.
"I received calls from my family as well. They were worried like fuckin crazy," Millie says. She then laughs, "But they are might impressed that Blitz stands up to Satan of all things. Sally was laughing to hear that Blitz didn't acknowledge him as a lead of justice, and thought it was silly the way you puff your cheeks."
Razor chuckles, "My family thought the same. Although, they also thought on what you did was fuckin crazy."
Blitz blushes, "I'm not surprised, considering what happened. I mean, I burst into the courtroom and stopped the execution, I practically confronted the King of Wrath about his way of injustice, and well, confronted Andrealphus for what he and his sister did to us."
"And you also Andrealphus to his face," Berry says.
Randall snickers, "And you punched him as well."
"I actually got a call from Fizz as well. He called to check on me after what happened, and was worried during the trial. He also mentioned that Asmodeus wanted to apologize for not being to do much the first time until Blitz speaks up," Barbie adds.
"It's not his fault. We're actually glad that he tried to help, even though it wasn't much, we appreciate what he tried to do," Sarge says.
"I also got a call from Verosika who wanted to check on us. She and everyone were stunned by what happened at the trial and Blitz's transformation. However, she is also relieved that we managed to get out of this with just a warning," Stolas says.
"That's true. It's not their fault that Satan didn't want to hear us out," Velma says.
"I also got a call from Bee as well. She's glad that everything worked out and did apologize that she couldn't do more to help. But I told her not to worry, and appreciate the help she tried to do," Loona says.
"That's good to know," Candy says.
Then Loona remembers and turns to Blitz and Stolas, "Oh yeah, Bee also wants me to tell you two congratulations on your marriage."
"Oh yeah. My family wants me to let you all know that too," Millie says.
"Avery and Peach also sent their congrats," Drew says.
"Same with Miki and my family," Razor says.
"Basically, a lot are also saying their congrats as well," Barbie says.
Blitz blushes, "I see. I'm surprised they're supportive after what I did at the courtroom."
"Are you kidding? Everyone is raving over it," Randall says, holding out his phone, "You should see how crazy things are getting."
"Is it bad?" Blitz asks, worried.
"Well, I have to admit, some of the comments are worried because you became half angel, and some may be skeptical about the powers you have," Randall answers, reluctant, but also honest. He then says, "Other than that, everyone thought you were pretty bad ass the way you stood up to Satan like that, and about you got cool wings and all that. And many laugh that you punched Andrealphus in the face," and laugh with a grin on his face, "That was so rich!"
Blitz blushes a bit, "Maybe..."
"Anyway, I think we should be on our way," Stolas says.
"I agree. We need to get the office cleaned up after the incident with those reapers," Sarge says.
"And we're still exhausted from the event," Moxxie says.
"I agree. I could sleep for a month if possible," Millie says.
"No kidding," Drew says.
"I'm tired myself," Razor says.
Stolas then uses his magic to open the portal.
"Again, thank you all for having us for the night," Stolas says.
"That's okay, we're glad that things have worked out," Charles says.
Soon, everyone says their goodbyes as they walk through the portal back to Hell.
"Bye everyone, I'll be back for our practice session," Blitz says.
"Bye Blitz, have a good day," Candy says.
"See ya, man," Claude says.
Soon, all the demons walk through the portal and Stolas soon closes.
Meanwhile, at Andealphus's mansion, the Ice Goetia is sitting on the couch as he has an ice pack on the cheek where Blitz punched him. Andrealphus has a scowl expression on his face as he sits and thinks on how his plan has been ruined. However, Andrealphus can't help but get the events of the trial in his mind, especially discovering how strong and different Blitz really is.
"Hmm, that Imp, Blitzo, is not like any Imp I have ever seen. I've never expected him to be a pawn in an illegal experiment by an Overlord," Andrealpus says to himself in thought, "He is more powerful and determined than I anticipated, especially with angelic powers."
Andrealphus sighs and still feel the pain, "Fuck, I can't believe he punched me that hard. It's been like this since yesterday. I'm just lucky he didn't break my beak or my jaw."
Soon, the door opens to reveal Stella.
"How's the pain doing?" Stella questions.
"Ugh, a little sore, but I can't believe that Imp did that. It's utterly humiliating," Andrealphus says.
"I'm more mad than anything. I can't believe he ruined our plans, again," Stella angrily says.
"Yes. I know," Andrealphus says, and lets out a sigh, "I underestimated that Imp. He certainly knows how to detail things for us, or other demons for that matter."
"So what do supposed we do? We tried killing that prick, twice, and you tried interrogating that Imp, and now the recent event with the trial," Stella questions.
"Hmm, I'm not entirely sure," Andrealphus says.
"Well, hope you recover from that bruise," Stella says and is sounding pretty bitter, "I can't believe he mocked me and called me childish. Who does he think he is," And then walks out of the room without a second thought.
Andrealhpus continues to think about another move on his plan, "Still, that Imp has proven to be strong and powerful, and it's clear that he cares deeply for those friends of his, especially his romantic relationship with Stolas," And soon thinks further. And suddenly has a smirk on his face, "Hmm... maybe I should try a different approach. Instead of targeting him directly, or any of his friends, I should focus on something, or rather, someone Stolas cares about."
Later that night, Blitz and Stolas are now sleeping in their room in the palace. The two are sleeping peacefully after all the craziness that happened. Stolas slowly wakes up to hear the sound of the door opening.
His mind shows deep concern, "Is... Is someone there? Maybe it's that cutthroat from before, or Andrealphus. What if they're here for Blitz or Via," he then slowly conjures his magic towards the lap, "I have to protect them."
And with that, Stolas throws the lamp with his magic towards the direction of the one invading their room.
Stolas shouts "Freeze!"
The Lamp soon stops by another source of magic. Stolas lets out a gasp in shock to see who has invaded the room. It's his father, King Paimon Goeita, in the flash. He stands close to where Blitz is sleeping.
"Good evening, uh, Stolas. I do apologize for coming in unannounced," Paimon says.
"Father?!" Stolas questions. He then has his robe levitated towards him and puts it on, "What in the nine circles are you doing here?! Especially this late?!"
"Yes yes, I was hoping to visit you without any disturbances," Paimon says.
"I can see that," Stolas says, and narrows his eyes, unamused, "And I appreciate you would have let me have a notice that you're coming and..."
He suddenly hears a stir and moans, and turns to see Blitz slowly moves and turns his head towards where Stolas' father is.
Blitz slowly begins to open his eyes and softly asks, "Sto-Stolas... wha-what's going on?"
Suddenly, Paimon's hand is placed on Blitz's head as a magical aura appears around it.
"Now now, there's no need to wake, just sleep," Paimon calmly says, allowing Blitz to drift into a deep sleep.
"What are you doing?" Stolas demands, worried.
"No need to get upset, it's a simple sleeping spell. He'll wake up in the morning," Paimon says.
Stolas sighs, "Well, as long as the spell is harmless," Then crosses his arms with a frown, "But that doesn't explain why you're even here."
"Well, I'm here for a few things," Paimon says as he walks over to where Stolas is sleeping, "One, it's about the unique Imp you've had an engagement with."
"I figure you would find out," Stolas says with a sigh.
"Find out, I was there during the trial where your fiance has changed into half angel and caused quite the commotion in the courtroom," Paimon says.
"Yes. What Blitz did had caught us all by surprise," Stolas says.
"Indeed," Paimon says and approaches Stolas, "And another thing," He then has his hand towards Stolas and close to between his eyes. And the next moment, Paimon flicks him, causing Stolas to yelp.
"And that is for that stupid reckless act you did. Letting an Imp use your Goetia given grimoire like that. At least you and this Imp, Sarge had a contract agreement," Paimon says with a deep stern.
"Ow," Stolas says in pain, "I do apologize, but Sarge was very responsible when it comes to my grimoire. He's been a dear good friend since Octavia was a child. He's the same imp I told you with the Hellhound daughter. The one who saved Octavia."
"Ah yes, I thought that Imp looked familiar," Paimon says, scratching his beak a bit, "Of course, that was a very long time ago."
"Yes. I trust Sarge with my grimoire, and so far, he hasn't used my book for anything foolish," Stolas says.
"Seems so. And since your friends aren't using the grimoire anymore, there doesn't seem much to worry about," Paimon says.
Then says, "However, it's quite a shock to hear that you and the unique Earthling Imp are in an engagement."
"Yes. You and everyone else in the Ars Goetia know it. I've already received so many different opinions about it, but that's not going to change how I feel towards Blitz," Stolas says, sternly, "Blitz has saved me more than once, and expressed how much he cared for me."
"Oh, I know all that," Paimon says.
This has Stolas confused, "You want? What do you mean?"
"Well, ever since I heard that you, an Ars Goetia, is going out with an Imp, I've became quite irritated by it, at the same time, I'm rather curious to see what the Imp did to earn your attention, so I had my men spy on you," Paimon explains.
"You what?!" Stolas asks, stunned.
"Yes. And I know quite a bit, actually more like a lot. Sarge's business, your little love affair, your boyfriend's upbringing and powers. Mmmm, yes. I know quite a lot," Paimon says.
"So then, you're also aware of the hit that was placed on me and Blitz?" Stolas asks.
"Yes," Paimon answers.
"And about Blitz's powers came from Toxbane's insane experiment?" Stolas asks.
"You are correct," Paimon nods.
Stolas sighs, "Yes. And hoping now the Sins know about it, we might have a better chance to find and stop him before he makes any desperate attempts to capture Blitz and use him to finish his insane experiment."
"Yes. I'm aware of the situation. Along with the multiple attempts Toxbane had made already, along with how his power grows," Paimon says.
"Of course, you know about it as well," Stolas says and sighs, "Seems that we can't keep this a secret for any longer can we?"
"Probably, no," Paimon says.
Stolas groans and pitches the bridge between his eyes, "I was afraid you say that."
"Yes, but you and your little demon security managed to function okay," Paimon says.
"Yes. Of course, we've been teaching Blitz how to survive with his physical strength, knowledge, and weaponry, but when his powers developed, I decided to help teach him to control his abilities," Stolas says.
"Even resorting to using your grimoire and those magical gloves to assist him with it," Paimon says.
"Yes, that would be the case," Stolas says.
"However, it shows that Blitz's powers are more powerful than any of us can imagine," Paimon says, and turns to see the sleeping Imp, "I must admit, I am a little shocked to learn about the Imp's upbringing and his powers. However, he seems very determined when it comes to protecting you, and the strong potential he has."
"What do you mean?" Stolas questions.
"Well, I can see there is not really a problem of you marrying the Imp. However, he would need to have better control of his powers," Paimon says.
"I'm surprised to hear you're okay with it," Stolas says.
"Well, after seeing his potential and how much length he did to save you, and well, other kinds of strength he has, I see no problem," Paimon says.
"Um thank you, father," Stolas says, and gives him a calm smile.
"Well then, now that we're clear on that, do have a good night, and hope you and your little group of misfits, along with your future husband stay out of trouble," Paimon says.
"Of course," Stolas says.
And soon enough, Paimon leaves the palace with a flash of light. And soon enough, Paimon is no longer in the chambers.
Stolas sighs, "Well, that was an unexpected event."
He then looks at Blitz and sees that he is still fast asleep, despite everything that happened. Stolas then tucks his fiance into bed and falls asleep with him, and the two continue to sleep throughout the night.
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