Chapter 123: Mastermind
Not long, the doors open, revealing the restrained Sarge calmly walking inside with the two Reapers holding him. And soon enough, Sarge finds himself standing in the spotlight. Sarge calms himself and awaits what will happen.
Just then thunderous stomp echoes in the room to show the legs of the standing highest authority of Hell and the standing ruler of the Seven Deadly Sins: Satan. The Reapers who escorted Sarge disappear in an instant.
The rest of the gang are shown in a floating stand next to Sarge. More fire lights up the room from the bottom of the pots. A row of scales seep lava into the fire pots to light up the courtroom. The silhoutte of Satan glows under the darkness, and is covered by its massive wings before revealing himself.
Satan is a titanic and muscular dragon-like demon. He has two pairs of warm orange-yellow eyes, and two pairs of striped-horns that are different in appearance - the outer horns are longer and are two shades of mauve, while the inner horns are shorter and are black-and-white, similar to that of a male imp, and they are positioned in a way that resembles a pitchfork. His skin appears to be different shades of red with claw-like fingers, darker-red markings, and warm orange-yellow lava-like stripes covering his wings, neck, and left arm, while on his right the stripes are dark red. He also sport black spikes coming out his back, all the way down to his large, demonic tail, which has a spearhead-shaped point at the end. Satan is dressed in a way that is reminiscent of traditional American western-style clothing, as a nod of his association with imps of the Wrath Ring. His outfit consists of a mauve tank top under a black torn vest with tassels, red lapels, and golden fasteners shaped like barbell weights, black leather trousers with a belt that has a golden skull buckle, and black cowboy ankle boots.
Soon, Satan says, "We are here to sentence the criminal imp, Sarge Ryder."
And moments later, all the Seven Deadly Sins at the high bench followed by the bottom ruling seat to the top ruling throne: bottom seat: Satan; second row: Leviathan and Mammon.
Leviathan is a two-headed piscine demon with a dichotomy in her anatomy: her body is divided into two, indicated by the left half of her body appearing white and the right half of her body indigo. Both heads share lengthy fin-like white hair styled in a mohawk. However, the left head is more humanoid, has webbed ears and electric blue eyes with black sclera and cyan eyeshadow, while the right is more animalistic, has a longer neck, pupil-less seafoam green eyes, and a fanged, eel-like snout. In addition, the left head's hair has faint pink streaks on it with a black strip and violet gradient interior; the right head's hair is bioluminescent, with black streaks on the topside, a dark violet-cyan gradient interior, and green spots scattered across. She is wearing a sleeveless high-collar black crop top with a diamond-shaped cutout and twin downward-facing swirls, the right swirl being violet and the left swirl lavender. She wears a black skirt featuring a semicircle-patterned rim bearing the same color split as the swirls. She also wears elbow-length gloves; black on the left and white on the right. Each head wears a light cyan pearl necklace with only the left head wearing pearl earrings, and has a cyan belt to match.
Third row: Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor.
Belphegor is a lavender four-armed sheep-like demon with long puffy wool acting as her hair. She has a melting black candle on her head with a pink flame, similar to the Baphomet demons, with the tips of her ears also resembling the melting wax dripping from her candle. She has a pair of thin, black, pointed horns on top of her head, and her arms have a black-purple gradient that stops at her fingers, resembling fingerless gloves. She has five eyes on her face — one pair being her main eyes, with horizontally slit pale pupils, the second pair slightly smaller, positioned just above her main eyes, and the last singular eye on her forehead. She also has an elongated white neck with five eyes vertically down the front, with three having black sclera, white irises and long lashes, and two being a blank purple.
And the highest throne: Lucifer Morningstar, who is currently absent for the trial.
Satan was coming closer to Sarge's face, snarling heavily. He snorts smoke to his face. And yet, Sarge remains as calm as he can be.
And soon enough, it reveals that the Seven Sins aren't the only ones who are there. To the jury, consisting of every royal demon of the Ars Goetia. Andrealphus comes into the picture, smiling deviously. Across from Andrealphus, is a different Ars Goetia, who goes by the name of Vassago.
Vassago is a lanky avian demon who greatly resembles a Scarlet macaw, with red feathers, a white face, and a hooked black beak. He also has rather long, gold-tipped purple feathers on the back of his head with a gold-colored streak through the center, and red eyes with no irises or pupils, which are often covered by a pair of yellow visor-shades that vaguely resemble a star or crown. He is wearing an outfit consisting of a red suit-jacket with a gold-trimmed popped-collar, black lapels, a star brooch, a giant "X" and a small star design on the back, and rather long, extravagant tails that are trimmed with black, the top part being purple while the bottom is a gradient of two shades of orange. Over this, he wears a white dress-shirt with two black buttons on the center. Along with black pants and white arm-length gloves and thigh-high high-heeled boots - his gloves have black torn-like cuffs and two red stripes in the front, while his boots have black toes and tips of the heels, as well as an "X" shape on the bottom center.
Vassago also has a stern glare in his eyes.
Soon, Satan says, "You and your crew are on trial for stealing a powerful Goetic heirloom for undocumented personal use in the mortal realm. "And then says, "Not to mention you have knowledge that an Imp has also illegally used the heirloom in question, and has been roaming around earth for years. How do you plead?" before sitting behind his own throne.
Satan questions, "Where is the Earthling Imp?"
Sarge calmly says, "I apologize, your highness, but I'm afraid I cannot give you the information of. Also, my plea is not guilty. Because my crew and I never stole the goetic heirloom ..."
And Randall rolls his eyes, "And it's not like we're using it anymore anyway."
"Yes. Randall. Stolas allowed us to use it under strict rules, and..." Sarge tries to explain.
However, he's been cut off, by Andrealphus, "LIES! Your honor."
Andrealphus takes the floor and uses his ice magic to conjure a platform to let him slide toward Satan at the throne.
"Oh no," Berry says, annoyed.
Randall groans, "It's the annoying ice princess knock off again."
Andrealphus continues, "Speaking on behalf of my aggressively attractive sister,"
Randall rolls his eyes as the others look annoyed.
Randall says in thought, "She's attractive, alright. Attractive as a rattlesnake."
Andrealphus continues, "I must testify that the" And points to Sarge, "BRUTEISH Earthling imp, was forcing himself on her husband, Stolas, who," And then conjures a ice platform to slide towards Sarge, "Unlike a responsible and handsome Goetic demon such as myself, was too weak and ashamed to come forward about it. The poor thing."
Sarge and the others sweat drops to hear it.
"Did he just say that about Blitz and Stolas?" Millie questions, clenching her fist.
"Yep," Drew says.
Randall groans, "He's not fuckin serious right now."
"I swear, that guy is just asking for trouble from us." Berry says.
The group nods in response.
Andrealphus continues, "Along with that vile hideous imp who's been raised on Earth has put his kind to shame, along with his little friends. Committing such hardened acts to GAIN THE UPPER HAND!"
That really ticked Sarge and the others.
"WHAT?!" Drew, Berry, Velma exclaim in shock and anger.
Moxxie also exclaims, "That isn't what happened!"
Satan enlarges himself and bears down at the puny imps, "SILENCE!"
Smoke billows from his jaws as he snarls down at Moxxie, bearing a huge amount of anger toward him.
A demon, Yogirt, floats over to Satan's face and speaks with him. A dark red demon with long horns, has wings, and wears a white robe floats towards him.
Yogirt says, "Um, Satan? Sorry. W- wh- what did we say about negative energies in our mind temple? Yeah, remember to take deeeep breaths."
Satan takes a deep breath before exhaling, and finally calms down under his words, as shaking Moxxie briefly. Satan makes gyan mundra with his fingers as he sits back to his throne.
"Right, yeah," Satan says, and gestures, "Continue."
"Ahem. I'd like to add, your honor," Andrealpgus continues and conjures an ice stand to hover above the courtroom, "That in addition to his unspeakable acts with our dear, beloved Stolas-"
From a crowd, Vassago speaks out, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Where is Stolas, anyway? Can't he speak on this himself? ¿Qué carajo? (What the Hell?)"
Andrealphus, irritated, turns to Vassago, "He...has not been informed of this trial."
Vassago is outraged. He conjures his own magical stand shaped like a star and confronts Andrealphus.
"¿Qué? (What?) Why not?" Vassago questions, outraged.
Then turns to the jury, "If this involves him, then he should be here, no? No puedo creer... (I can't believe...) We need to summon him at once."
"Okay, Vassago," Andrealphus says and turns away, "Shut the fuck up."
Vassago gets angry and pokes at his chest, "¡NO me voy a callar, (I will NOT shut up,) pendejo arrogante! (you arrogant idiot!)"
Randall smirks and turns to the others, "I kind of like this guy."
"The shades are pretty cool," Berry says.
"Glad to know there's someone with more common sense," Moxxie softly says.
The more Vassago talks the angrier Andrealphus gets, and he's had enough. Andrealphus flares his feathers to shut him down which didn't phase Vassago, "Stella and I didn't want to put him through the trauma of facing his aggressor," As Andrealphus speaks, Vassago rolls his eyes then heads back to his seat, "Who, might I also add...dramatic pause..." and points at Sarge, "PLOTTED TO HAVE HIM ASSASSINATED!"
"Puta madre..." (Motherfucker...) Vassago mutters, underbreath.
Sarge narrows his eyes and gives him a vicious glare, "What?"
This makes the others shocked and furious to hear what Andrealphus is saying.
Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor were in disbelief of Sarge. Belphegor was in total show that she bowed her head in utter disappointment. Asmodeus and Bee however, are not happy to hear the accusation Andrealphus is placing on Sarge and the others, especially towards Blitz.
"Are you fuckin serious?!" Randall shouts angrily, "You really think we want to kill Stolas?! Especially Blitz of all people?!"
"That's right. Blitz would never want to do that Stolas! In fact, Blitz is deeply in love with him, and Stolas feels the same!" Berry says.
"There is no way Blitz would do that?! Are you fuckin nuts?!" Velma adds.
"That's right. Besides, we actually..." Millie is about to explain.
"Silence!" Satan shouts.
That forces the group to remain silent.
Soon, Vassago speaks up, "Speaking of which, where is the Earthling Imp in question. I figure he will be among your group. In fact, I could have sworn there were more of you."
"You think this, but our boss thinks it's best to not let him, and both his and our pal's daughters be in this place, "Randall says. Then points his thumb towards Ansrealphus, "And at least it will keep him from the pompous ice prick over there," that ends up earning a glare from Andrealphus.
"Besides, what proof do you have about your accusation anyway?" Moxxie questions.
"Oh? Well... Perhaps we should ask," Andrealphus says and snaps his fingers, "The hit man! Himself!"
With a snap of his finger, a snake-rattling noise chatters, and a stand lifts up to reveal Striker. He sneers at the I.M.P. gang as they glare back at him in anger, especially on what he put Blitz and Stolas through.
"Who has agreed to give us his testimony in exchange for immunity," Andrealphus adds.
And with that, Striker testifies, "It was him alright. Paid me to kill the precious Goetia to cover up what he was doing with the uhh..." He then becomes confused and checks his palm. In his palm, there are dozens of misspelled 'grimoire' for his line to speak in the court. He squinted carefully to get the line right, "Um...The um...Line?"
Andrealphus coughs in response, "Grimoire."
"Yeah. That," Striker says.
Sarge and the others practically drop after hearing this testimony.
"Is he fuckin serious?" Drew asks, flabbergasted.
"Talk about stupid," Velma says, dumbfounded.
"It feels like we're being punt," Randall adds.
"Man, this has turned into a total joke," Razor says.
And soon, Bee stands up and says, "This is bullshit, guys. I've met these dudes before, especially that nice Imp, Blitz. The Imp is a total sweetheart. Randall is quite the wildcard, but he's a lot of fun. Plus, the others seem cool. So we should hear them out. It's pro'lly not a big deal."
"Yeah. I've seen them along with the Earthling Imp multiple times as well, and they're close with my Fizzy. Also, they actually saved Fizz when he and Blitz got into a dangerous spot. Also, I see how Blitz and Stolas are, they're both in a very serious relationship, so there's no way they want to hurt him," Asmodeus says.
Just then, Mammon says, "Oh shut up, you two."
That causes the two Imps to frown in response.
"We all know you enjoy slumming it with the lower class plebs," Mammon says before turning to Leviathan, "Unlike the rest of us, heh. Right, Levy?" and elbows her.
She looks uncomfortable with him (Only the left head), and scoops her seat over to get further away from him.
Asmodeus was going ballistic on Mammon, turning himself into his full demon form with flames ready to roast the jokester.
He angrily says, "Oh, you wanna," and turns into a demonic form, "Fucking go, Mam!"
Beelzebub holds Asmodeus back before they can fight.
She then says, "You're just pissy nobody wants to fuck with a flaming pile of clown shit," And conjures a ice-cream stick with the shape of a dildo, "Also, suck a dick!"
She throws it at Mammon, but misses and hits his chair.
This makes Mammon annoyed, "Why don't you buzz on back to your mutt," and flips off Beelzebub, "Bitch!"
"Why don't you keep fucking yourself, ya big asshole!" Bee says.
Sarge lowers his head and lets out a sigh, "I don't know whether to think this is childish or comedic."
Satan has had enough of their bickering and decides to settle this, "Why don't we take a vote? Who wants to listen to hours of testimony?"
Asmdoeus and Beelzebub raise their hands. Sarg also raises his hand. Moxxie, Millie, and the rest of the group do the same, agreeing to the idea. Even Vassago raises his hand to the idea.
And Satan adds, "Who wants to kill this imp bastard and get home for lunch?"
In a one-sided majority vote, the whole jury raised their hand and the spotlights shine on every single one of them, voting to kill Sarge and the others. Beelzebub was so disappointed at everyone that she flips at the jury before sitting down with Asmodeus, who is equally annoyed.
Once again, Sarge and the others fall over again, completely annoyed and dumbfounded.
Sarge mutters in thought, "Is this supposed to be a trial or kindergarten?"
"Oh fuck all 'a y'all," Bee angrily says.
Mammon mocks, "HAH! Suck it ya bloody [HONK]!"
In a fit of anger, Beelzebub conjures an ice-popsicle dick and throws it into Mammon's mouth, knocking him back.
Andrealphus makes a menacing chuckle at the vote, and conjures an ice platform to set stairs down at Sarge, "You should've remained in your place, imp. You see, this is what happens when lesser demons try to step out of line."
Andrealphus steps his heels on Sarge's forehead before disappearing in a whish of mist. With the jury decided, Satan makes his sentencing. The chains around Sarge disappear as he moves the frost from Andrealphus away. Striker tips his hat to the courtroom, smugly, as his platform descends back into the floor. Vassago watches from the balcony while tapping his finger on the rail, believing that something didn't feel right.
And soon Satan announces, "For the treacherous crime of stealing a Goetia's grimoire for illegal use, bringing harm to a Goetic prince, and accessing the mortal coil without clearance or procedure: you, Sarge, and your crew, are hereby sentenced," and speaks in a very deep ominous tone, "To death."
Everyone becomes horrified to hear the decision of their fate. Sarge feels so defeated, but also has a sad expression in his eyes. Still, something in his mind lingers, and it's a deep measure he plans to take.
Soon Mammon says to Levy, "Hey, Levy! After we celebrate this demons' death, let's go out, huh? Out on the town, what do you reckon?
Leviathan's right head seems to be interested in the idea, while her left head is disgusted by it.
And Satan says, "And due to your bold actions against the laws of Hell, your execution will be broadcasted across the Seven Rings. To remind all of imp-kind why our power must never be challenged again."
In addition to the execution, Satan conjures cameras for all of Hell to witness the execution live. All over Hell, every Imp, at the time just doing their daily chores and activity, witness their televisions magically being turned on to air the execution. Everyone, including Verosika Mayday, Wally Wackford. Even Charlie and the others at the hotel end up seeing the broadcast as well. And soon, Fizzarolli is watching the live broadcast. Fizzarolli was so shocked that he grabs his phone to text Asmodeus.
At the courtroom, Asmodeus receives Fizzarolli's texts that said, "OMFS", "Ozzie", "DO SOMTH", and etc. Asmodeus can't do anything as the sentencing was already decided, and Satan had the final say, so all he can do is look on with a somber expression.
Back on Earth, Blitz and the others have been very worried for the others, and fear for their lives. Loona has been fidgeting with her phone as Barbie types on the company's laptop. So far, there doesn't seem to be anything.
Loona groans in frustration, "Ugh, what's happening?! I don't know how much I can stand it."
"I know Loona. I'm worried about them too," Blitz says.
"Is there anything we can do," Candy asks.
"Sadly, I'm not sure what we can do," Jeanie says.
Suddenly, Barbie becomes pale and softly says, "Uh guys. You might want to look at this."
The group rush to the computer and to their horror, they see what is happening in the courtroom, and see the fate of Sarge, and the others.
"Dad!" Loona cries out.
Back in the courtroom, the court stand where Sarge was at suddenly turns into an execution block.
Suddenly, Sarge shouts, "Stop!"
That actually earns Satan's attention.
Sarge then says, "It... It was me... this whole illegal activity is my idea! I'm the one who decided to use Stolas' grimoire. You can do whatever you like with me, but please listen that the others aren't really involved in this. If anything, you should just execute me instead. Leave the others out of it. They should't pay for something I've decided to start."
This shocked the group.
"Sarge, what are you saying?!" Velma asks, shocked.
Sarge then continues, "If there's anyone you wish to execute, it's me. I'm willing to accept it, but I ask that you let the others go."
Satan sighs, "Fine, just execute him so we can get it over with."
And soon, a dark tall purplish reaper with a large axe appears behind Sarge, and firmly grips his shoulder.
Moxxie and the others try to rush to stop this, but the other reapers have them heavily restrained with chains and other methods.
Back in the hotel on Earth, the others are shocked to see it.
"What?!" Loona and the others react in shock.
Loona is on the verge of tears.
"What the fuck is Sarge doing?" Barbie asks.
"He... Your dad is trying to cover for them..." Blitz says, stunned.
"No no no no..." Loona panics, and tears begin to fall from her face.
Back in the courtroom, Sarge is just about to be executed. A Reaper takes the chains off of Sarge's body. Sarge then looks at the rest of I.M.P.
"Do you have any final words? We'll pretend to care," Satan says.
"Buzzkill," Randall mutters, despite being distressed on the inside.
Soon, Moxxie calls out, "Your Highness, please. Sarge just-"
But Sarge stops him, "Moxxie, stop."
"Sarge, you can't do this," Randall says.
"Randall's right. You know that this is all a mistake," Berry says.
"There's not much we can do. It's obvious they have no intention of listening," Sarge says.
Loona watches from the screen to see what is happening.
Sarge says, "Just... just take care of Loona for me."
Moxxie starts to tear up in disbelief. He holds onto his wife and turns his face away.
Moxxie says in tears, "No! I can't look, Millie..."
Blitz is stunned to see what's happening. Sarge is shocked to see that one of his dear friends is going to die.
"No... No..." Blitz says, and decides to act fast.
He then brings out his ring and rubs it, and a portal opens.
"Hold on Blitz, where are you going?" Barbie asks.
"I'm going back. I gotta stop this," Blitz says.
"But Blitz, those guys might kill you," Candy says.
"I know, but I can't let Sarge and the others die. There has to be something I can do to stop this," Blitz says.
Soon, Lily says, "Blitz is right, this is something he needs to do."
"Aunt Lily," Blitz says.
Lily asks, "You really cared about Sarge and the others, do you?"
"Yes Aunt Lily," Blitz says, "Sarge, Moxie, Millie, and the others are my really good friends. In fact, they're the first demons I've become friends with. They helped me, took care of me, trained me. We've been through so much together since I've been brought into their lives. They helped me in so many ways... they're my dear friends... they're... they're like my family. You all are. Just like Stolas, they all mean everything to me" and soon, determination appears in his eyes, "I just can't let Sarge and the others die."
Everyone is shocked but moved by Blitz's statement.
Lily nods and says, "Then you must go to them. I know it's hard, but I know you have the power to help them. And have a good heart as well. I know you can win this."
"Thank you, Aunt Lily," Blitz says.
Then turns to Barbie, "Barbie, do you know where the courthouse is?"
"Yes," Barbie says with a sigh.
Barbie then brings out her phone, types it, and shows them the picture of the courthouse, and the large double doors at front.
"Showing you a picture of this will help get you there faster," Barbie says.
"Thanks Barbie," Blitz says.
"Just promise to get back alive, okay," Barbie says.
"And be sure to bring my dad home," Loona says.
"Don't worry Loona, I promise. I'll be sure that everyone gets back safe," Blitz says, and puts on the backpack.
"What's that?" Candy asks.
"It's the file that contains any information about Toxbane, and about my training and details about my powers. I need to let them know what's really going on. And luckily, Sarge was able to hide a few details to help prove their innocence. I can only hope I can get there in time," Blitz says.
With that, Blitz rubs the Asmodean Crystal on his ring, and it creates a portal in the hotel room.
"Wish me luck. I feel like I'm going to need it," Blitz says.
He then takes a deep breath, and jumps through the portal, and the portal closes.
Barbie then decides that she needs to do something, and begins looking through her phone.
"What are you doing?" Andy asks.
"I'm going to be texting a few people. I need to let Stolas and Octavia know what's going on. I feel that Blitz can use some backup," Barbie says, typing on her phone, "And I'm going to make an important call," and begins to make the call.
"I wonder who she's going to be calling," Candy asks.
Soon, Barbie says, "Hello Lucifer... this is Barbie Wire, Blitzo Abercrombie's sister. My brother and the others need help, it's urgent."
Not long, Blitz soon finds himself back in Hell, and soon finds himself in front of the courthouse. Blitz then rushes to the large double doors. Each of them represents the Seven Sins of Hell. three on each of the large double doors, and the one on the top that has a snake and an apple with three seeds. Blitz suspects it to be Lucifer's sigil. Blitz tries to open the door, but it won't. So Blitz begins banging on the door and tries to push it. However, the doors are closed shut.
Blitz shouts, "Ozzie! Bee! Open the door! Someone opens the door! I gotta get in! Let me in! I gotta get my friends! SARGE! MOXXIE! MILLIE! GUYS! ANYONE!" continues banging on the door with all his might, trying to get in.
Back in the courtroom, a bunch of chains surround Sarge's body, holding him by the neck as he is forced to the chopping block. The Reaper conjures an axe in his hand to kill Sarge with. Its eyes glow an ominous flaming red. Moxxie and Millie hold on to each other with tears in their eyes as Sarge accepts his fate. Randall turns away in tears as Drew and Velma hug along with Razor and Berry. As Sarge takes one last look at his friends, who looks at him.
He too starts to shed tears and smiles, and Sarge says, "I love you guys."
Meanwhile, still outside, Blitz continues banging at the door with all his might that his body and arms are getting sore. He tries to break inside, but the doors are sealed tight.
"Come on... Come on... LET ME IN!" Blitz cries out, "I need to get in there and stop this! Sarge, Moxxie and Millie, Drew and Berry, Razor. Randall, and even Velma! They don't deserve this!"
Blitz then throws his fists at the door, "Come on! Come on! Open! Open! I gotta stop this! If I don't... they'll be wrongly punished! My friends! They all will be killed if I don't do something!" And soon tears streamed from his face, "There... there has to be a way to save them... but what can I do? There has to be something I can do to stop this! I have to save him! Something! Anything!"
A memory flashes back in his mind to the happier times of his childhood. Back when his family is still alive in the human world. Malcolm, Marina, and Blitzo are playing together with smiles on their faces as their parents watch them play. The game that they're playing has the part when Blitz acts as a hero from a story.
Young Blitzo runs over, "Dad, what do you think?"
Charles smiles, "Oh Blitzo, you have a brave, kind, strong heart. Just like the legendary hero."
That causes Blitz to remember something a long time ago.
Charles is reading Blitzo and his brother and sister, a story about a hero who stands against injustice to protect his friends and the person he loves.
Me wo tojite omoi dasu
(I close my eyes and remember)
Sugisarishi ano koro no
(That time which has passed by)
Charles reads the story, "Against all odds, and the unjust laws against him, the hero is able to save his dear friends, and the princess he loves from being executed and proves their innocence. He managed to defeat the evil injust king and he along with his followers were banished."
Modorenai kaerenai
(I can't return, I can't go back)
Hirogatta fukai yami
(The deep darkness that spread)
Charles continues, "And with that, the hero marries the princess and they both rule the land with love and prosperity with his loyal friends by his side."
Blitzo says, "That was a great story daddy."
"I'm glad you like it," Charles.
Then Blitzo asks, "Daddy, why did the hero fight?"
"Hmm," Charles responds.
"I mean, it must be hard. The king is so powerful and has so many working under him. Despite so much against him, he is willing to continue fighting against them and ends up winning. What made him want to continue on after knowing there might not be a chance of winning?" Blitzo asks.
Charles smiles and places his hand on Blitzo's head, "Well Blitzo, he knows that he needs to right the wrong. If he doesn't then who will. To protect those he cares for, his friends, his family, and the one he loves. His strength came from the love of who he holds dear, and the determination to do what's right," And then picks Blitzo up and places him on his lap, "Blitzo, there will be a time when the world might be strongly against you, and the lives of your loved ones are at risk. You must choose whether to do nothing, or fight for your loved one and what you believe in. I believe you will choose your path, and become the man you are proud of. That is what I wished for."
With the memory and his thoughts clear, Blitz knows what he needs to do. He grits his teeth as he has determination in his eyes. Then the two glows, demonic red, and angelic yellow glow emitted from Blitz's body.
Modorenai kaerenai
(I can't return, I can't go back)
Blitz channels his powers as he moves his left arm back as it transforms into the demon arm from before. And the angelic blade appears in his right hand.
Hirogatta fukai yami
(The deep darkness that spread)
He then throws his demonic fist at the door, forcing it open as he lets out a battle cry. Then Blitz runs inside and tries to get to the courtroom for the punishment.
That catches the reapers' attention and tries to stop him and chase after him with their weapons.
Nakitaku naru youna yasashii oto
(A gentle sound that makes you want to cry)
Blitz runs as the ropes try to catch him, but he uses his blade to cut them, but the bullets end up grazing one of his arms. Despite all that, Blitz continues running.
He says in his thoughts, "I can't stop! I gotta keep running!"
Don'nani kurushikute mo
(No matter how painful it is)
Blitz continues to dodge the ropes as he uses his demonic claws to cut the ropes and the angelic blade to deflect the bullets.
"I need to get to the courtroom and stop this!" Blitz says in thought, "I don't know what I can do to change the Sins' decision, but I need to try! I can't do anything while everyone is in danger of being punished for this injustice!"
Mae e (mae e) mae e (mae e)
(Move forward 'Move forward' Move forward 'Move Forward')
In the courtroom, Moxxie, Millie, and the others are forced to watch with tears in their eyes. Loona, Barbie, and everyone who is watching the broadcast are watching as well.
Blitz continues, "This is why I need to do this! I have to save my friends!"
Susume (susume)
(Keeping going 'Keeping going')
The executioner begins to raise its axe for the kill.
Blitz continues "I HAVE TO SAVE SARGE!"
Zetsubou tachi
(Cut off the despair)
Blitz lets out a battle cry as he slashes the ropes and uses the sword to deflect the bullets as a demonic red energy and an angelic light gold yellow energy swirl around him.
Ushinattemo ushinatte mo
(Even of I loose, even if I fall)
Ikite iku shika nai
(I have no choice but to keep on living)
Blitz continues fighting his way through the halls as the reapers continue to fire their ropes and weapons at Blitz. Blitz uses his demonic arm and his angelic sword to deflect the attacks as he fights his way through. The reapers try to fight, but Blitz is proven to be stronger than they can imagine.
Don'nani uchinomesarete mo
(No matter how much I'm beaten down)
They see Blitz continue fighting the reapers, as he tries to get to the courtroom. Blitz tries to get away, but his demonic arm and his other arm get coiled by ropes. Then his neck, waist, and both his ankles. And yet, Blitz tries to force his way in.
Mamoru mono ga aru
(I have something to protect)
Then, the reapers give Blitz a powerful electric shock, causing him to cry out in pain. Soon enough, Blitz has been knocked out cold.
Suddenly, within his mind, Blitz hears his voice, "Blitzo... Blitzo..."
And a pair of familiar hands places his hands on Blitz's cheeks, "Wake up, Blitzo."
That pair of hands and voice is from Tilla, Blitz and Barbie's birth mother.
"Blitz, you need to hurry. You need to save your friends. You have the power to do so now... do your best, my son," Tilla says.
However, Blitz is still not waking up.
With tears streaming down her face, Tilla says, "Blitzo, you must hurry. Your friends will be killed if you don't."
Ushinattemo ushinatte mo
(Even of I loose, even if I fall)
Blitz soon shots his eyes open, as they change to red sclera with yellow irises as they begin to glow. Soon, powerful energy of demonic red, angelic light golden yellow, and now turquoise surrounds him as a gold heart appears visible on his chest. The reapers become shocked as the lights end up destroying their restraints. And then, the reapers force them back against the wall due to the powerful energy. Just then, golden wings sprout from his back as a halo appears over his head with a sun shape on the left side.
Ikite iku shika nai
(I have no choice but to keep on living)
And soon, Blitz flies towards the large double door with full force. Blitz then raises his demonic arm and forms it into a fist. He then slams the doors wide open with full force. That causes the doors to be slammed open, catching the attention of everyone demon royal in the courtroom, including Moxxie, Millie, and the others as something darts inside towards where Sarge is as the Executioner brings the axe down for a loud chop.
Don'nani uchinomesarete mo
(No matter how much I'm beaten down)
Just then, landing on the block where Sarge is, Blitz swings his angelic sword towards the Executioner's axe, and strikes at the axe, causing it to stand still. What's more, preventing Sarge from being executed. Every demon royals in the courtroom are shocked. Not just them, everyone in Hell is shocked by what they're seeing on the broadcast.
Yogirt gasps, "Oh my holy heck."
Mamoru mono ga aru
(I have something to protect)
Soon, Blitz announces through the courtroom, "I object to your verdict! I refuse to let my friends die for this injustice! NOT WHILE I'M ALIVE!"
And with a powerful force, Blitz swings his sword with all his might, forcing the reaper executioner to fall over and the axe goes flying and crashes into the wall of the courtroom as a powerful energy is released in the room. Everyone in the trial is shocked to see this.
And now, standing before everyone in the courtroom and seeing from live television. Blitzo Abercrombie has now just gained pure genuine angelic wings and a halo is floating over his head and with an angelic sword in hand. He is determined to risk his own lives, to save the friends he holds dear.
Ware ni kasu itaku
(I have no other choice)
Wo unmei to kakugo suru
(I am prepared for this fate)
Doro wo name agaitemo
(Even if I struggle and claw through the mud)
Ne ni mienu hosoi ito
(There's a thin thread that can't be seen)
Nakitaku naru youna yasashii oto
(A gentle sound that makes you want to cry.)
Don'nani kuyashikute mo
(No matter how frustrating it is)
Mae e (mae e) mae e (mae e)
(Move forward 'Move forward' Move forward 'Move Forward')
Mukae (mukae)
(Head forward 'head forward')
Zetsubou tachi
(Cut off that despair)
Kizutsuite mo kizutsuite mo
(Even if I'm hurt, even if I'm hurt)
Tachiagaru shika nai
(I have no choice but to stand up again)
Don'nani uchinomesarete mo
(No matter how much I'm beaten down
Mamoru mono ga aru
(I have something to protect)
Mamoru mono ga aru
(I have something to protect)
Kamado Tanjiro no Uta: Demon Slayer Episode 19
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