Chapter 121: Holiday Lights Night Out

One evening at the Goetia Mansion, Octavia is helping Mimmy get dressed in some winter wear in her room. Octavia helps Mimmy put on a cute little red beanie hat with white snowflakes on it. Mimmy is also wearing red snow pants, her black and white button up shirt, and her red jacket with icy blue scarf with white snowflakes on it.

Mimmy giggles, "I really like my snow outfit."

"I'm glad you like it," Octavia says.

Revealing that she's wearing a long sleeve purple colored dress with yellow stars and white snowflakes. She is also wearing a matching scarf, along with a thick black jacket with black tights and her books. She is also wearing her signature beanie hat.

"It's going to be very cold in New York, so it's best to dress warm," Octavia says.

"When's Sarge and Loona going to be here?" Mimmy asks.

"They'll be here soon," Octavia says with a smile, "Still, I'm actually excited to be going to check the Christmas Lights in the Human World."

"Me too," Mimmy happily says.

But then asks, "But what's our daddies going to be doing since we're going with Sarge and Loona?"

"Well, our dads are going to have a night out for themselves. We've spent the whole day together and they're going to have the night for themselves," Octavia says.

She rolls her eyes, "Knowing those two, they're going to be hugging, kissing under the mistletoe, and all that."

Mimmy giggles, "They're funny when they're like this."

"Yes they are," Octavia says. Then mutters, "For a couple of hopeless romantics."

Mimmy giggles, "And they're funny for kissing each other."

"That's something you shouldn't be seeing," Octavia says, rolling her eyes.

The two girls giggle in reply.

Soon, they hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," Octavia replies.

The door opens to reveal Blitz, wearing a black jacket and black jeans, along with a red scarf and red gloves.

"Hey girls, Sarge and Loona are here," Blitz says, "You girls are ready to go?"

"We're ready," Octavia and Mimmy reply.

And with that, the girls take their leave with Blitz.

Moments later, Blitz and the others meet Sarge and Loona. Everyone is dressed in winter gear and are now in their human forms.

"Alright everyone, are you all ready to head to the living world?" Sarge asks.

"We're ready when you are," Loona says.

"Okay then, let's go," Blitz says.

He then rubs the crystal on his ring and it opens a portal to Earth, New York City. The group then walk through the portal and soon arrive in New York City. Everyone looks around in amazement to see the many different Christmas lights, and large ornament displays. There is also a large Christmas Tree right in the center, along with an ice skating rink at front.

"Wow. The place looks so amazing," Octavia says.

"Damn, it's almost as bright as the Lust Ring," Loona says.

Mimmy feels a bit reluctant, "I do like the lights, but I don't have that many good memories here," But then shows a small smile, "Except when daddy found me."

"Oh yeah, Blitz actually found you when he was in New York all those years ago," Sarge says.

"Yeah. I remember it all too well. Mimmy almost got swept away in the sewers if I hadn't come alone," Blitz says. He then hugs Mimmy, "Of course, Mimmy was proven to be very strong during her treatment, even though the chances of survival were very slim."

Mimmy smiles, "Well, you didn't give up on me."

"Oh yeah. I remember hearing it from dad," Octavia says.

"Yeah," Blitz says.

Then turns to Sarge, "Thanks for taking the girls out."

"It's no trouble," Sarge says, "We should also be thanking you for suggesting to take the girls here."

"Well, Stolas and I are planning on having our date here. Plus, my family and my friends at the circus will be there," Blitz says.

"Oh how fun," Stolas says.

"Yeah. It's been decided that on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day that they'll be giving their last show before retiring. Everyone has decided where they want to go, and what they want to do once they retire," Blitz says., "He sighs, "It's kind of sad to be honest. I'm really going to miss the circus."

"It's understandable. The circus was practically another home for you," Stolas says.

"Yes. It was," Blitz says.

"I'm sure your family has a plan on what to do after retiring," Sarge says.

"That's true. Uncle Matt and Aunt Lily plan to retire and live on their pension before going to a retirement home," Blitz says.

"I'm guessing Claude and Candy will be starting their married life soon," Octavia says.

"Yeah. They told me that they're officially going to have their wedding in June," Blitz says.

"Ooooh, that means Candy is going to be a June Bride," Stolas says.

"Yeah," Blitz says.

Sarge giggles, "Well, if we're all done, I think the girls and I are going to go sightseeing."

"Yeah. I want to see all the cool lights," Mimmy says.

"I want to see them as well," Octavia says.

"Alright, you all have fun. Blitz and I are going to have our own fun," Stolas says.

Octavia, Loona, and Sarge roll their eyes in response.

"Alright let's get out of here before these two decide to kiss before they get under the mistletoe," Loona says.

"Yeah. Let's get out of here," Octavia says.

"See ya," Sarge says.

"Bye," Mimmy happily says.

"Bye," Stolas and Blitz reply.

Sarge and the girls take their leave to look at the lights and have some fun.

Stolas turns to Blitz, "Now then darling, what should we do first?"

"How about we start exploring around," Blitz says.

"Good idea. I like to see what the city square has to offer," Stolas says.

And with that, the couple begin on their night out in New York City to see the Christmas fun they have to offer. Soon enough, Stolas and Blitz begin to take their stroll around the city to see what New York City has to offer.

The first place they begin walking is to one of the winter villages where there are shopping vendors and food stands. They sell food, clothes, accessories, and all kinds of Christmas and winter themed items.

"Oh my, look at all the items they have," Stolas says.

"Yeah. I came here with my family when I was a kid," Blitz says.

Blitz looks around to see the vendors and items, making him remember the good old days with his family. How he and his brother and sister have fun looking at all the toys and decorations, drinking hot chocolate, and ice skating.

Blitz smiles, "We had a lot of fun here."

"Kind of makes you miss the old days, doesn't it?" Stolas asks.

"Yeah," Blitz answers, saddened.

He then smiles and says, "But I have you, Via, Mimmy, my relatives, and all my friends from both Heaven, Hell, and Earth, and my family are also up there watching over me."

"Glad to know you're keeping your spirits out," Stolas says.

"Thanks," Blitz says.

The two continue walking around the vendor and see some nice things to buy, snow gloves, stuffed toys like horses, santas, elves, and reindeers. Along with figures and other items. Of course, there are also different plants and flowers that grow during the winter.

We always come here to check out the lights and go ice skating," Blitz says.

"Really? Have you been ice skating before?" Stolas asks.

"I actually did when I was younger, but I haven't done it in a while," Blitz says.

Stolas smiles, "How about we go ice skating."

"I think it's a good idea. I think the skating rink is not far from here," Blitz says.

And not long, the pair arrive at the ice skating rink. After putting on their skates, Blitz and Stolas approach the rink.

"Ready Stolas?" Blitz asks.

"A bit, but I'm a little nervous. It's been a long time since I've skated," Stolas says.

"Really?" Blitz asks.

"Yep," Stolas says, "Of course, it's been a while since I've done it.

"Well, I guess we both got some catching up to do, huh," Blitz says.

Soon, Blitz and Stolas begin to slowly skate on the ice. Stolas begins to lose balance, but Blitz helps him as they both hold each other's hands.

"You okay, there?" Blitz asks.

"I'm quite alright, but you have a better balance than I do," Stolas says.

Blitz giggles, "Well, after balancing on a type rope all these years, as well as doing other methods of balancing, I guess ice skating isn't that much of a problem.

"Well then, let's go," Stolas says.

Blitz giggles, "Okay."

And soon, the two begin skating together, and Blitz is helping Stolas keep their balance.

"Okay Stolas, you're doing great," Blitz says.

"Thank you, Blitz," Stolas says.

The two continue skating together. Soon, more couples begin to circle around the ice skating rink as the music begins playing.

Meanwhile, Sarge is walking around the shopping area with the girls.

"Wow. Look at all the toys," Mimmy happily says.

"Have to admit, some of them look very nice," Octavia says.

"Yeah, but the place is as bright as a neon sign," Loona says.

"Kind of reminds me of the Lust Ring to be honest," Sarge says.

"I know," Loona says.

Soon, Mimmy approaches all the stuffed animals dressed in cute clothes.

"Look at these horsies, they're so cute," Mimmy says, and picks one up.

"Yeah. They look really nice," Octavia says and smiles to see Mimmy so excited.

Loona soon notices the many different ornaments hanging at the display.

"Hmm, they actually do look nice," Loona says.

"Think they have taxidermy here," Octavia says, looking around.

"Hmm..." Sarge responds, "I'm not sure. Then again, I'm not sure if they're appropriate for children."

"That's true, it seems more for adults if anything," Octavia says.

Then Loona notices, "In fact, I think I see a stand of those taxidermy across the street."

Octavia looks to see the taxidermy at a booth across the street.

"That's cool. We can look around here first and then we can go across the street," Octavia says.

Then Mimmy asks, "Via, can I get this cute little horsie?"

Octavia looks to see Mimmy is holding a horse that is dressed up like Santa Clause. Red coat, red hat, and even black boots, with a black belt and gold buckle around its waist.

Octavia smiles, "Sure. Your dad gave me some money for food and souvenirs."

"Yay," Mimmy happily says.

Loona then notices a black scarf that has white snowflakes, "Hmm, this scarf looks nice."

Octavia soon finds a beanie hat with the front decorated with snowflakes, almost like they're creating a crown.

"Hmm, the hat looks nice," Octavia says.

Sarge looks around and sees there are a few things that catch the girls eyes. Sarge isn't sure what to get for himself. Sarge soon notices a figurine of an Angel. It may look like a human, but it seems to have some resemblance to Ivy. Sarge then picks it up and looks at it, thinking long and hard, and imagines seeing Ivy's face within the figure.

Back to the couple, Blitz and Stolas have finished ice skating and now they are sitting on the bench having some hot chocolate. As they sit and relax, they are looking at a large Christmas tree with rainbow colored lights, and some of the ornaments are colorful and are made of crystal so they shimmer within the light.

"That was really fun, Blitz," Stolas says.

"Yes it was. I really had a good time skating together," Blitz says.

"As do it," Stolas says.

The pair then lean together and gently snuggle each other with love. After that, they both drink their hot chocolate. Blitz giggles to see Stolas has a whipped cream mustache, and drinks more of his hot chocolate. Stolas ends up giggling to see that Blitz also ends up having whipped cream on his face.

"You look very funny, Blitzy," Stolas says.

"Well, you do too," Blitz says.

Soon, they both begin giggling with smiles on their faces. Stolas then brings out a napkin and wipes Blitz's face before wiping his own.

Blitz giggles, "Oh Stolas."

"Well, I have to help you in any way I can, darling," Stolas says.

"You're funny," Blitz says.

The two then snuggle each other with smiles on their faces.

At the same moment, flying in the air, the Cherubs: Cletus, Collin, and Keenie are flying over, spreading good all around as usual.

"Ah, Christmas. A day when all good comes within everyone comes out," Cletus says.

"And a great day for lovers as well," Keenie happily says.

"Yes. It's very romantic," Collin says.

Then notices the two familiar couples, "I see Blitz and his boyfriend are among the couples out tonight."

Cletus and Keenie stop and look to see Blitz and Stolas leaning against each other and Stolas has his arm wrapped around Blitz's shoulders. The two continue to look at the bright Christmas tree.

Keenie happily sighs, "It definitely feels like Christmas for them."

"Maybe we can drop by and say hi," Collin says.

"Hmm, no. They seem to be having a wonderful night together, and I don't feel right bothering them," Cletus says.

"You have a good point," Keenie says.

"Also, we do have a job to do," Collin says.

"That's right. Let's go," Cletus says.

And with that, the couple leave without any incident, and let them have their romantic night out together.

Time has passed and the group soon meet up at the town square.

"Hey, how did you two love birds enjoy your night?" Loona asks.

"WE had a good time. Blitz took me ice skating," Stolas says.

"Ice skating, huh. You haven't ice skated in a long time," Octavia says.

"Oh, I've ice skated before," Stolas says.

"True, but I remember you falling down when Sarge took us to the roller skating rink one time," Octavia says.

Loona snickers, "Yeah. I remember how he keeps falling on his face or his feathered ass."

Stolas blushes as the girls laugh.

Blitz giggles, "Really?"

Stolas sighs, "Yes. I wasn't very good with that."

"I remember. You keep tripping as you roll around, it's like you got two left feet," Sarge says.

Mimmy giggles in reply.

"Okay, let's not talk more about my embarrassing moments," Stolas says.

Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Hey Blitzo! Guys!"

Blitz and the others turn to see Tim, Matt, Lily, and the rest of Blitz's family, including Claude.

"Hi everyone, we figured you would be here tonight," Candy says.

"Hey guys," Loona says.

"How are you all enjoying the event?" Matt asks.

"We're having a great time, Uncle Matt," Blitz says.

Stolas then asks, "How are you all doing?"

"We're all having a good time, and we've been practicing for a while for the event," Lily says.

Then Tim turns to Blitz, "Don't forget about your practice session since you'll be doing the final performance."

"Don't worry, I remember," Blitz says.

Then Claude says, "Hey I think the fireworks are going to start."

Everyone then looks and sees fireworks being launched and explode into colors in the sky. Everyone is amazed to see the fireworks in the sky in bright christmas colors.

Blitz smiles, "Merry Christmas everyone."

"Merry Christmas," Everyone happily says.

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