Chapter 120: Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell
One day in Pentagram City, Barbie drives her car with Blitz, Jeanie, Randall, to hang out together.
Randall lets out a sigh, "Been a while since we've been to Pentagram City."
"Yeah. It's been a while since I've been there. Since I've met you guys," Jeanie says.
"You're right," Blitz says.
She then asks, "So where are we going?"
"We're going to have a nice relaxing time at a bar I know. Luckily, this one is more for being more quiet than others," Barbie says.
"That's nice," Blitz says with a smile.
Jeanie also says, "After what happened, I say we can use some R ."
"Don't worry, we're going to have a day of relaxation," Barbie says, and continues driving to the destination.
"Still, are you sure it's a good idea? I mean, people are still talking about what happened to Ratburn, and well, I worry about what might happen when someone finds out," Blitz says.
"You worry too much, B. I'm sure as long as no one spills, we'll get off scot free," Randall says.
"I guess, but with my run of luck, someone is bound to find out one way or another," Blitz says.
Sometime later, the group are in the bar, and it's basically calm and quiet. Mainly because people are relaxing, chatting, and having food and drinks. The group are sitting at a table as they have food and drinks.
"This looks very nice," Jeanie says.
"I have to agree, Barbie. This is actually a nice spot," Randall says, and drinks his soda.
"Glad you think so. I remember coming here for a few friends a few years ago," Barbie says.
"Really?" Blitz asks.
"That's right," Barbie says.
Then Blitz says, "Hey, since we're here, maybe we can visit Charlie and the others when we have time?"
"Maybe, it's been a while since we last saw her," Randall says.
"Charlie?" Jeanie questions.
"He's talking about Princess Charlotte Morningstar, Lucifer's daughter," Randall says.
"Oh yeah. I remember how shocked I was to have learned that Blitz became friends with Charlie and the others," Barbie says.
"Oh my, so you met Lucifer's daughter," Jeanie says, surprised.
"Um yeah. I met her a couple of years ago. She was working at her hotel, and I think she still is," Blitz says.
"I think I actually saw the interview. I have to admire her intention, but well, I thought the musical number was too much," Jeanie says with a sheepish smile.
"I think everyone thought it was a fuckin joke," Randall says.
"Come on, Randall. I have to admire Charlie for trying to help her people. If she can get this to work, then maybe we don't need to worry about the Extermination," Blitz says.
"Maybe," Barbie says, "But Charlie might need to convince the angels to go along with it first."
"But hey, I gotta admire her for trying," Randall says.
Suddenly, someone ends up brushing at Randall from behind, causing him to spit and spill his drink.
"Hey!" Randall angrily says and turns to see a Sinner demon.
The Sinner smirks, "Aww, did you get yourself, you little shit."
"You're the one who bumped into me!" Randall angrily says.
"You wanna repeat that!" The Sinner angrily says.
Randall stands up and glares at him, "Yeah!"
"Why don't you go change into your dipper you fuckin baby," The Sinner says and pushes Randall at the table.
"Hey!" Randall angrily says and punches the guy in the jaw.
That also causes him to fall over and lands on a pizza at the other table, face first.
The Sinner glares at Randall. He then grabs Randall and throws him across the floor, making him scatter the table. Randall then grabs a piece of cake and throws it at him in the face.
Another sinner angrily says, "Hey, that guy is messing with the boss!" and then throws a pie at Randall.
And soon, Randall punches the other guy. Then three more gang members come over and pick a fight.
"Hey!" Jeanie cries out and throws her dagger at the man's arm.
Soon, someone screams, "FOOD FIGHT!"
And with that, everyone ends up grabbing a plate of food and begins throwing it all over the place. Blitz and Baribe quickly dodge and get to lower ground. Randall and Jeanie soon join them.
Barbie angrily says to Randall, "Now you've done it!"
"That creep started it!" Randall says, angrily.
"Uh guys, we should get out of here," Blitz says, worried.
"Agree," Jeanie says.
And with that, the group is able to get out of the building without much trouble.
But the Sinner who Randall first got into a fight noticed them, "Hey! They're escaping! Get them!"
"Run!" Randall cries out.
The group then runs away as fast as they can. The gang continues chasing after them, hoping to beat them to death. The group runs into an alley and climbs over the wall. And then soon scramble through a crowd of people. Luckily, after a while, the group is able to lose the gang and soon find themselves on the outskirts of Cannibal Town.
Barbie sighs in relief, "That was too fuckin close."
"Yeah, but boy did we have quite the fun," Randall says.
Barbie glares at Randall, "You think this is fun?! What are you trying to do?! Get us all killed?!" and grabs Randall by the collar of his shirt, "I'm going to beat you senseless!"
Jeanie looks around and notices, "Uh guys, where's Blitz?!"
The group looks around to notice that Blitz is gone.
"He's gone!" Barbie cries out shocked.
Randall groans, "Ugh oh no, not again!"
Separated from the others, Blitz continues running across the area, despite having his head hurt from the crash. He is able to escape from the loan sharks, but is looking around town for a place to hide.
Blitz takes deep breaths of exhaustion after all the running, "Finally, I thought I would never lose those demons."
He soon looks around to find himself in a different and unfamiliar area.
"Hold on, where am I?" Blitz asks himself.
Blitz looks around to find Randall and the others gone as well.
"Randall! Barbie! Razor! Jeanie! Where are you?!" Blitz calls out.
Blitz is concerned about finding himself alone.
"Maybe, I should call the others and..." But when Blitz reaches into his pocket, he discovers that his phone isn't there.
Then sighs, "Oh great. I must have lost my phone during the scuffle. Now what?"
And soon, Blitz begins walking around to find a place to hide from the loan sharks in case they might still be around. Blitz soon finds a large building that seems to have snake and apple decor around the windows, and the front area of the building, almost like a palace.
"This is an unusual building. It almost looks like a palace," Blitz says, walking over to the front door, "Maybe someone can help me."
Approaching the front door, Blitz knocks on the door, "Hello. Is someone there?"
However, no one answers.
He knocks on the door again, "Hello. Can I come in?"
As Blitz knocks, the door soon slowly opens, meaning the door isn't fully closed. The Imp slowly opens the door and he peeks inside to see a darkish room.
"Hello!" Blitz calls out, "Is anyone here?"
However, no one answers. He looks around to see some clean furniture, desk, and other essentials, and even some photos on the walls. He suspects that someone must still be living here. Blitz soon walks inside and closes the door. He soon walks down the hallway to see if there's anyone around.
"I do apologize for coming into your place unexpectedly, but I hope you don't mind me staying here for a little while," Blitz calls out.
Again, no one answers.
Blitz walks down the halls and soon finds a door slightly open.
"Hmm, I wonder if someone's in there," Blitz asks himself.
Blitz then approaches the door, and slowly opens to find a very large room, and is surprised to see what's in the room. A room full of ducks. All different kinds in boxes, tubs, and also all over the floor. Some ducks are wearing hats, wearing clothes, and have markings on them. He looks around to see the wall with some tools, along with furniture and a lot of photographs.
Blitz giggles and softly says to himself, "Wow. There sure are a lot of ducks here. I wonder who lives here," and begins to walk inside the room.
As Blitz walks inside, he notices someone else is in the room on the other side. What he sees is a slender-figured being. He has her white skin with rosy-cheeks, blonde hair with thin light coral streaks on the thicker, paler blonde highlights, and eyes with light yellow sclera and red pupils. He's short, but also a little taller than his own height. His mouth is full of sharp teeth, his hair is cut short and has been slicked back with one tuft sticking out, his pupils are slit like a snake, and his cheeks are a paler shade of red. In addition, he also sports black sharp eyebrows, and his eyelids are light purple. His forearms also appear to be dark gray when his sleeves are rolled up. His white and red clothing is somewhat like that of a circus ringmaster; he wears a wide-brimmed white top hat with a golden snake and a red apple over golden spikes, which resemble a crown, and a red-lined and red-trimmed white popped-collared suit with eight golden buttons - his coat worn over a light red-and-white striped waistcoat with two golden buttons and a small, accessorized black bowtie. He also wears a set of heeled black knee-high boots. On his left pinkie, he sports a golden ring which is presumably his wedding ring.
The man mumbles as he fiddles with what seems to be a rubber suck. He's dressing the duck with a top hat, a bow tie, and other stuff.
"I wonder who the man is. He looks a lot like Charlie," Blitz says to himself in thought.
Blitz soon looks around to see some of the rubber ducks. He picks one of them up to see that is dressed like a cowboy.
"Huh. They look really cute," Blitz says, and squeezes the duck a bit to let out a squeak.
He then places the duck down and looks around to see the many different ducks and other items. He then looks around to see another cute duck is dressed in a tuxedo, top hat, and holding a black cane.
"That little duck is so cute," Blitz says.
"Thanks. I'm actually proud of that one," The white man speaks up.
Blitz yelps in surprise and turns to see the white man in the white and red color clothes. He then accidentally falls back and lands in the chest of ducks, causing them to squeak and quack as some fall out of the chest and land on the ground.
"Whoops, sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you," The man says.
"Oh um, it's okay," Blitz says, flustered, "I'm sorry to intrude while you're working."
" It's no trouble. Though, I am surprised to see an Imp has wandered into my workshop," The man says, "But I'll let this slide. So what are you doing here? I don't uh, get that many visitors here."
"Well, I kind of got lost after being chased by demons and got separated from my friends after some ended up getting into a fight with a dangerous gang. I got myself lost, and my phone, and ended up coming here. I only came here to see if anyone can help me," Blitz says.
"I see. I can understand. You don't seem like a demon who would cause trouble," The man says.
Then presents his hand to Blitz, "Here, let me help you out."
Blitz takes the man's hand and the man pulls him out of the box.
"Thank you," Blitz says.
"It's no trouble," Lucifer says.
Blitz then says, "Again, I'm sorry about that. By the way, my name is Blitzo. Blitzo Abercrombie. What's your name?"
"Names Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar," Lucifer says.
"Morningstar?" Blitz questions. He quickly realizes, "Wait, you wouldn't happen to be the King of Hell?"
"That's right. The Devil himself. The Fallen Angel of Heaven," Lucifer says.
"Oh, so you must be Charlie's father as well," Blitz says.
"That's correct. I have to assume that you knew my daughter, Charlie," Lucifer says.
"That's right," Blitz says with a nod, "We actually met some time ago. She was very nice to me when we met."
"How nice," Lucifer says.
"I'm rather surprised. You sure look different than what people describe as Lucifer, the Devil himself," Blitz says.
"Yeah. I figure alright, but I can be really intimidating when I need to, especially if anyone threatens my daughter," Lucifer says.
"Make sense. I actually have a little daughter myself. Though, she used to be my pet kitten before that. As of now, she's being watched by my fiance while I came to Pentagram City with my sister and some of my friends," Blitz says.
" How nice, " Lucifer says, "Luckily I'm just in my workshop making my uh, rubber ducks."
"I can see that. You should have a lot of them," Blitz says.
"Yep. Sure do," Lucifer says, "Been uh, keeping myself busy for so long, and such," and sounds a bit wary.
"I see. Anyway, do you have a phone I can borrow? I kind of lost mine during the little incident and I'm sure my sister and friends are very worried," Blitz says.
"Sure. I don't mind," Lucifer says, and conjures up his phone, and presents it to Blitz, "Here you go?"
"Thank you," Blitz says and takes the phone, "This shouldn't be too long."
Blitz then dials the phone in order to call his sister.
Back in Pentagram City, Barbie and the others have searched for Blitz and recently gathered together again.
"Did you find him?" Barbie asks.
"No. We weren't able to find him," Jeanie says.
"We looked everywhere," Randall says.
"Well this is just fuckin great. Where did he go," Barbie says, frustrated and is looking around.
Suddenly, Barbie hears her phone ringing. She brings it out to notice, "Who the fuck is this?"
Barbie then answers the phone, "Hello.
"Hello, Barbie," Blitz answers.
"Blitz, is that you?" Barbie asks, shocked and has signs of relief.
"Yes, Barbie," Blitz says.
"Thank goodness," Barbie says relieved.
She then asks, "Where the hell are you? We looked all over and we couldn't find you anywhere. Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?"
"I'm okay, Barbie, but I ended up getting myself lost and I found myself in an unexpected place," Blitz says.
"And that will be?" Barbie questions.
"Well, it's kind of funny. I ended up meeting Charlie's father, Lucifer. The King of Hell, and I ended up in his workshop as well," Blitz says, sheepishly says.
Stunned and paused for a minute, Barbie mananges to ask, "I'm sorry, but can you repeat that? It sounds like you're saying you're with the King of Hell, himself?"
"I actually am, and surprisingly. He's very nice, and he made a lot of ducks. I can see where Charlie gets her appearance from," Blitz says.
"And he didn't do anything to you, right?" Barbie asks, trying to remain calm.
"No. Not at all," Blitz says, "Anyway, I'm going to be here for a little until you can come over to pick me up."
"Alright, we'll go over, but you better stay there," Barbie says.
"Okay," Blitz says, "See you later."
"Later," Barbie says and hangs up the phone.
Once she hangs up the phone, Barbie facepalms, "Oh all the... ugh... that brother of mine."
"Uh, did Blitz actually say that he's with Lucifer, like the Lucifer? The King of Hell?" Jeanie asks.
"Shocking, yes. I can't believe he ended up there of all places," Barbie says.
"Gotta admit, that's very impressive, even him. He's actually with the head honcho himself," Randall says.
"Come on guys, let's go get him before he gets himself into more trouble," Jeanie says.
"No kidding," Barbie says.
And with that, the group head off to where Lucifer is, and to get Blitz back.
Meanwhile, Blitz and Lucifer are both in a different room, almost like a large sized living room. There are portraits of himself, along with Charlie, abc when she's a little girl. There are also some that Blitz recognizes to be Lilith, Lucifer's wife. They are both having some tea and biscuits.
"Oh, so you're the Earthling Imp I've been hearing about," Lucifer says.
"Well yes. Been raised on Earth all my life until I met my friends, Sarge and the others. I have to guess that you've heard a lot about me as well," Blitz says.
"Well, not entirely. I've kind of been here, and haven't watched television as much, but I do have my stories about a Demon Imp living on Earth. Oh boy, normally, it's very illegal for a demon to be living on Earth and interact with humans like that. However, I guess you're a very special case," Lucifer says.
"Yes. I was told about that, but some assure that I won't be in too much trouble about it, especially after so many years have passed," Blitz says.
"That's actually true, since it's never your fault you ended up on Earth to begin with, and already over thirty years have passed. Plus, the humans never seem to notice you being a demon so that's clear. However, it would be best to talk to the other Sins about it, just in case," Lucifer says.
Blitz nods, "I understand."
"So then, who's the lucky person that is your fiance?" Lucifer asks, "Especially since you've got that really nice ring on your finger. And I have to ask, is that also an Asmodean Crystal?"
"Yes. It is," Blitz answers and holds his ring, "Stolas gave it to me the night that he proposed?"
"Hold on, Stolas. You mean, Prince Stolas? One of uh, Paimon's sons?" Lucifer asks.
"That's right," Blitz answers, and blushes in response.
"Wow. An Ars Goetia and an Imp, huh," Lucifer says, surprised, "Kind of shocking since I hear that they don't really get along that easily. So far as I know."
"Yes, but Stolas is different. He's really smart, kind, and fun. He can be really funny at times, but he's also very strong, hard working, and my friends who know Stolas really like Stolas, which is also a good sign," Blitz says and shows a smile on his face as he looks at his ring.
"That's really nice to hear," Lucifer says, "I can tell that you really like him. Well, you love him even."
"Yes. He really means a lot to me," Blitz says.
"I can tell from what you explained. And it is clear that he cares about you too," Lucifer says.
Blitz nods in reply.
Then Lucifer says, "You know Blitz, since I first saw you, I've sensed something, oh I don't know, angelic about you."
"Huh? Really?" Blitz asks, confused.
"Yes. I can tell. After all, I'm an angel myself. A divine presence who's been around for eons, before the creation of humanity. I noticed it the moment I saw you, but I'm curious as to why," Lucifer says.
Blitz sighs, "For some reason, I'm not surprised that you noticed. And there is a reason for it. In fact, my friends, Stolas, and I were planning to talk to the rest of the Royal Sins, including you. However, even now, I'm still hesitant to tell you because of what's been happening, what I can do now, and with everything that's been happening around me, it's making me anxious."
"Really?" Lucifer asks, curious.
"Yes sir," Blitz answers with a nod.
"No need for this sir, stuff. Just call me Lucifer, or Luci if you like," Lucifer says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Blitz takes a calm deep breath, and then lets it out.
And with that, Blitz asks, "Well, you see, Luci, you heard about an Overlord called Toxbane, yes?"
Lucifer groans in frustration, "Ugh, don't even get me started on that creep. He's been doing all kinds of trouble. Stealing Asmodean Crystals, capturing angelic exorcists for their blood, and using them and a lot of illegal items from Hell for his own insane experiments. He also caused so many deaths and mutations on Hellborns and Sinners and it's not even a good kind either. The rest of the Sins and myself managed to shut down the last one, but we weren't able to catch him. He escaped our radar completely, I put Satan in charge of the case to find any more clues, but no dice."
He then turns to Blitz and asks, "Why do you ask?"
"Well, Lucifer, it's difficult to explain, but Toxbane's experiment actually did work," Blitz says.
"Beg pardon?" Lucifer questions, and takes a sip of his drink
Blitz then raises his hand and creates the ball of light in his hand. Shocked by this, Lucifer spits out his drink and coughs a few times.
"I uh, I'm sorry, but this is what happened. Toxbane's experiment really worked, and I ended up gaining angelic powers because of it, and demonic powers as well," Blitz explains.
Calming himself, Lucifer says, "Oh shit, that Alchemist Overlord's experiment really works on someone, and on the Earthling Imp for that matter. Wow. That's actually very impressive, and shocking at the same time. Wait, you got angelic powers?!"
"Um yes. I've been doing that for a while," Blitz says.
"I see," Lucifer says, calmly.
He then asks, "But still, how the fuck were you not affected by the serum? It contains angel blood, and a lot of dangerous, poisonous items, and all that shit."
"To be honest, we don't know," Blitz answers, "It's rather a long story."
"Well Blitz, I'm up for a good story, and it appears that you also got quite the mystery," Lucifer says.
"Well you see..." and with that, Blitz explains the whole development since he got into Hell, and the strange things that's been happening to him.
He especially includes some key points about his incident on how he's less immune to Earth's fire. Striker ends up shooting him with a blessed bullet, but has close to no effect on him while protecting Stolas. How he got a severe case of the Brimstone Flu, how he first developed angelic magic. Including how Stolas has been teaching him to control his magic. And so many more events on how Blitz gains one magical ability after another. And lastly, he also explains his recent events with Ratburn. Overtime, Blitz also brings up the fact that Toxbane is after him so he can figure out what makes his serum a success, and how Toxbane is able to escape to Earth.
Blitz concludes, "And that's the reason why you nor the other sins could find Toxbane. He somehow managed to escape to Earth, even though it's strictly forbidden to do so. Which makes sense because you all didn't think it was possible for him to do that illegal action."
Lucifer nods his head in response, "Well Blitz, you and your friends have done quite a lot. Almost as much as me and the others do. However, just give a minute to blow a little steam."
Lucifer stands up as he remains calm and walks away.
"Uh Lucifer..." Blitz replies.
Suddenly, he transforms into a more demonic form. He spread three pairs of large white angel wings, a pair of red horns with an orb of fire between them and the snake and apple of his hat floating above resembling a halo. His eyes also change to have red sclera with yellow pupils. He also has a black tail with spikes that end in a triangular tip with a red heart at the center. Eyes also appear on the inside of his coattails, and a similar eye also appears on his bowtie. In addition, his entire body gives off a white glow. He lets out a powerful roar that practically shakes the entire building, more like all over Pentagram City, and possibly all of Pride rings.
Just outside of the palace, Barbie and the others arrive to feel the powerful quake and causes everyone to fall on their bottom.
"What the fuck was that?" Barbie asks.
"Was that a hellshake or something?" Randall asks.
"Hell had that?" Jeanie asks.
"Of course they don't," Barbie says, and stands up, "Let's go get Blitz before whatever that happens again."
Back in the living room, Blitz is startled that Lucifer lets out a loud roar and transforms in pure anger.
Once that's done and Lucifer calms down and changes back to his normal state, he screams, "OH MY FUCKIN GOD! It all makes sense now!" and turns to Blitz, still shocked.
"Pretty wild, huh," Blitz replies.
"No shit, and again, it all makes sense now. No wonder we couldn't find him, and why that disaster happened all those years ago. Toxbane has caused a serious fuckin mess for us," Lucifer says.
"What disaster?" Blitz asks, confused.
Lucifer takes a deep breath, calming himself more before answering, "The Cascade Gateway Disaster."
This has Blitz shocked, "What? Toxbane was involved with it?"
"Sadly yes," Lucifer says, and sits down.
He then explains, "You see, ten years ago, Satan and Asmodeus along with their soldiers found one of Toxbane's labs that's been abandoned, and they found something."
"What did they find?" Blitz asks.
Lucifer continues, "They find blueprints, and some pieces of Asmodean Crystals that were destroyed, along with destroyed machine parts. The blueprints seem to show strange designs of some devices. It shows a large ring device with large Asmodean Crystals connected to it. But since a lot of the research and other kinds of evidence were destroyed, there isn't much to go on. However, we wonder as to why Toxbane wanted the crystals because all they can do is help demons get to Earth and or give them disguises."
"Can Sinners use them?" Blitz asks.
"Usually no. They usually send Hellborns because it's been a long standing rule that Sinners can't return to the world they once came, and to be sure of it, a spell was placed on the sinners to prevent Sinners from going to Earth physically," Lucifer explains, "However, from what you and your friends found and the evidence that we found, it seems that Toxbane has found a way to break the spell so he can get to Earth to hide out to continue his experiment in secret. Turns out, he actually performed it during the Early Extermination where no one is out during that time. As a result of breaking the spell placed on him, because with him being a sinner, and using so much energy, multiple portals open all over, Hell, Heaven, and Earth. And that's how the Cascade Gateway Disaster came to be."
Then says to Blitz, "And from what you explained to me, it seems that Toxbane was also the reason you ended up on Earth all those years ago."
This shocked Blitz beyond anything, and it's making it hard for him to process. The demon who is after him, has changed him, was also the reason why he ended up on Earth.
"I understand how much of a shock to learn of this uh, development, and is practically the reason why the Earthling Imp has come to be," Lucifer says.
"I just can't get away from that guy," Blitz says, frustrated.
"Sadly, no," Lucifer replies, "But rest assured, we'll think of something. I would however, need to schedule an audience with the other Sins, and I will need your and your friends' cooperation and any information you have on Toxbane or any of his followers. And of course we need Stolas' assistance as well."
Blitz nods, "Of course."
"But still, damn, I can't believe that you've managed to gain angelic powers, and take down an Overlord," Lucifer says, and nudges Blitz with a grin, "Not bad I might add. Oh boy..."
"I guess so," Blitz replies.
Lucifer then asks, "So Blitz, how good are you with angelic powers?"
"Well uh, not much. I actually taught myself how to use them. There aren't that many angels in Hell. Stolas tried to help me control my demonic powers, while the others have been teaching me how to use weapons and self defense, but learning angelic powers is kind of different," Blitz says.
Lucifer smiles and says, "Well then, how about I teach you how to control angelic magic?"
Blitz is a surprise, "You really mean it?"
"Yeah. Despite my uh, duties, I actually got plenty of time on hand. It will actually be nice to have an apprentice. Didn't expect an Imp who has angelic powers. But still, as the only former archangel, I think I can show you the ropes," Lucifer says.
"Really? Are you sure?" Blitz asks, a bit surprised.
"It's no trouble. I think this could be fun," Lucifer says.
Blitz smiles and nods, "Alright, I'll take you up on that."
"Sounds good. It's actually nice to train a uh, demonic, uh, angelic Imp, under my wing," Lucifer says.
"Okay," Blitz replies with a nod.
Suddenly, they hear the door ringing.
"Huh. Maybe that's your friends and sister," Lucifer says.
Moments later, Blitz and Lucifer arrive at the front door.
Lucifer opens it to see Barbie and the others, "Ho hello there, I'm assuming you're here for Blitz."
"Yes. We are," Randall says.
Blitz soon walks over, "Hi guys."
"Blitz," Barbie says, relieved, "I'm glad that you're okay."
"I'm glad you all were able to find me," Blitz says.
"Are you okay?" Jeanie asks.
"I'm okay. Lucifer has been nice to me, and well, he actually helped us out in a big way," Blitz says.
"That's good. We can talk more about it when we get home," Barbie says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Then turns to Lucifer, "Again, thank you for helping me."
"It's no problem," Lucifer says.
Then brings out his phone, "I think it's a good idea to exchange numbers so we can keep in touch, and keep track of your powers and such, and let me know if anything else happens."
"Okay," Blitz says.
And with that, both Blitz and Lucifer exchange each other's numbers.
"Alright, well I'm going to get going. Thank you for the help," Blitz says.
"Great, chatting with you. And don't worry, I'll be sure to schedule an audience with the other characters to discuss the incident with Toxbane. And I'll be inside, working on my rubber ducks. See you around," Lucifer says.
With that, Lucifer walks inside and closes the door.
"Well, that was an eventful time," Blitz says.
"So Blitz, what the hell happened while you were there?" Randall asks.
"Well, it's a long story," Blitz says.
Sometime later, everyone is in the Goetia Mansion where Blitz explains to them about what Lucifer told him about Toxbane's involvement and how he got to Earth. And about the magic lessons Lucifer is willing to do for him.
"So, Toxbane was behind the incident of the Cascade Gateway Disaster too?" Sarge questions.
"Yes. Lucifer explained how Satan and Asmodeus found some of the Asmodean Crystals broken along with a destroyed machine, along with some old blueprints of the device. He used it to get to Earth, but caused the disaster in the process because he was trying to break a powerful spell," Blitz says.
"From what Lucifer explained to you, it explains everything about how Toxbane managed to escape to Earth," Stolas says.
"And with the Extermination happening early, he knows the Sins wouldn't be in the Pride Ring during that time," Millie says.
"And the incident with the portal's demon royals would be too occupied with the incident to even be concerned about it. Even Heaven was too busy with the incident for this to happen," Moxxie says.
"Seems like it," Razor says, "Toxbane has done everything he can to cover his tracks."
"It's no wonder the Exorcists, including Adam and Lute weren't able to find him either," Jeanie adds.
"Still, how are we going to find him? Earth is a very big place," Velma says.
"We tried to look for clues and couldn't find much," Drew says.
Stolas sighs, "And even with my Grimoire and my knowledge, not even I was able to track him. I hate to say it, Toxbane did very well to cover his tracks that not even an Ars Goetia can locate him."
"Well until then, we'll just need to talk to the other Sins after Lucifer notify them and schedule an audience with us," Sarge says.
Loona then turns to Blitz, "Still, I can't believe Lucifer himself is going to give you magic lessons. Although, it does kind of make sense."
"That's true. Blitz has developed angelic powers and needs someone to teach him how to control it," Berry says.
"And Lucifer is the only one who can help since he's an angel. And an Archangel for that," Sarge says, "So if anyone can teach Blitz how to control that power, it's him."
Stolas giggles and turns to Blitz, "Well Blitz, it would seem that you've got quite the ally helping us with it."
"Yeah. Though I am nervous. I never thought I would get lessons from the King of Hell himself," Blitz says.
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine," Stolas says.
"Thanks," Blitz says.
Then the two end up snuggling with each other.
Despite what happened, Blitz and the others have made good progress with their problem with Toxbane. Blitz is able to meet with Lucifer and explain everything to him about Toxbane and his whereabouts. And as a bonus, Blitz will get help controlling his new angelic powers. It turned out to be a successful day.
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