Chapter 117: Within a Rat's Estate

Time has passed, very early in the morning, Blitz is sitting in the passenger side of Velma's car, as the Succubus is behind the wheel. Both of them are looking very on edge.

Velma turns to Blitz, "You feel okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay," Blitz answers. But let out a sigh, "I'm just, uneasy. It's been so long since I've even seen or even heard of Robert Wayne. And now, knowing that he was a dangerous Overlord and is out to get me. It's putting me on edge, especially now he got Stolas and the girls involved."

"I understand. I just... never thought that Ratburn would take his ambitions this far. Overlords usually don't tangle with Demon Royalties. At least, not that I know of," Velma says.

"Well, maybe not get fully involved, but Alastor is participating at Charlie's hotel," Blitz says.

"That's true. I heard about it, but I also heard about it from you guys. I hear from the others that he's well... rather eccentric," Velma says with a sheepish smile.

"He is rather eccentric, but he can be friendly when he wants too," Blitz says, and smiles sheepishly, "Sort of."

Velma then says, "Forgive me for saying that your words do not express any confidence."

"Yeah," Blitz replies.

Then Blitz says in concern, "Still, from what you explain, trying to catch Ratburn off guard is not easy."

"Yeah. Ratburn also has this unique green gemstone, I heard it's very powerful and with it, he can't really be killed by it. No one knows how he managed to get that kind of crystal," Velma says.

"I just hope we can pull this off," Blitz says.

"Me too," Velma says.

She then looks ahead, "We're here."

Blitz and Velma look to see a large three storey building with large windows. It's almost like a mansion. Only, it's kind of creepy because it's a black and greenish kind of color. There are some pillars, gargoyles, and rat looking statues. Velma then comes to a parking lot close by and parks at one of the parking spaces. Blitz and Velma climb out of the car.

"So this... this is Ratburn's estate?" Blitz asks, feeling uneasy.

"Yes. Ratburn has his estate outside of Pentagram City to be away from the other Overlords," Velma says.

Blitz looks to see Pentagram City which is a distance away.

"Yeah. It is pretty far from here," Blitz says.

Velma then says, "Come on, let's go. I'm sure 'he's' waiting for you."

"I know," Blitz says, still wary.

And with that, Blitz and Velma begin walking toward the mansion. They soon approach to see the two Hellhound guards.

"Hello. I've brought who Ratburn wants," Velma says.

The two Hellhounds see Blitz and nod their heads in response. With that, both Blitz and Velma walk in through the door. Unknown to the two guards, something slips through under their radar, mainly because the one is unseen. Blitz and Velma soon reach the large lobby that has two staircases that reach the upper floors. There are two pillars on opposite sides of the large room. There are also skylights, lined with some chairs and tables.

"Oh my," Blitz says, astonished.

"Yeah. That's kind of what happens when you're an Overlord," Velma says.

Just then, a female Imp maid comes walking over. The Imp has dark gray in a bun with pure black horns and small white stripes, yellow scleras, red eyes, and candy apple red skin. She is also wearing a long blue dress and a white apron, along with black boots.

The Imp greets Velma, "Hello Velma, welcome back."

"Hi Cindy, how are things going while I'm gone?" Velma replies.

"Things are okay. Though, working with Ratburn is still, well, difficult," Cindy says, sounding reluctant.

She then notices Blitz, "Oh, is that the Earthling Imp I heard so much about?"

"Yes. Cindy, this is my friend, Blitz. Blitz, this is Cindy, she's a good friend of mine here," Velma says.

Blitz gently waves, "How do you do?"

"It's nice to meet you," Cindy says with a smile. But soon grows concerned, "I have to assume that you're both here under Ratburn's um, orders."

"Sadly, yes," Velma says and nods in response.

"Yeah," Blitz says, feeling uneasy.

Cindy nods her head, "Of course. Please follow me. Ratburn wants me to escort you both to his office when you arrive."

"Thanks Cindy," Velma says.

Both Velma and Blitz follow Cindy to the staircase. Meanwhile, Randall, who is actually invisible and is hidden in the shadowy area of the lobby, watches as Blitz and Velma follow Cindy up the staircase. Randall then makes his way to the window that is away from the guards, more like around the darker corner of the lobby. Randall then opens the window and lets out a whistle. That's when Sarge, Millie, Barbie, and Drew, who's been hiding a few yards in a camouflage van, come out and rush to the window. All four then hop through the window and are able to get inside.

"Thanks for the help Randall," Millie says.

"Not a problem," Randall says.

"Alright, let's split up and see if we can find Stolas and the girls, but we need to be careful. We don't want to draw Ratburn's attention," Sarge says, and the group nod in response. Then Sarge turns to Barbie, "And Barbie, see if you can keep an eye on Blitz and Velma. In fact, if anything happens, intervene."

"Right," Barbie says with a nod.

"The rest scatter and search for Stolas and the girls," Sarge says.

And with that, the rest of the gang split up and searched for Stolas, Octavia, and Mimmy. Barbie then heads off to where Blitz, Velma, and Cindy have head off to.

Sarge explores from one area of the mansion and begins his search. He looks around to see no one in the halls. Although, it is pretty late so he suspects most of the servants are in their rooms sleeping or doing guard duties outside, or even away doing Ratburn's dirty work. Sarge then begins slowly opening each door he comes across. When he checks some of the rooms, he notices that some of them contain the many demons sleeping or chatting bunk beds, in two separate rows. There are a couple of rooms containing weapons, including angelic weapons, money and treasure, and other stuff that fits his ambition.

Millie and Drew stick together and look in the different rooms as well. So far, they end up finding some things similar to Sarge's findings.

"Weapons. Money. Treasures. This guy sure has a lot of stuff," Millie says.

"There's even a filing cabinet. No doubt they contain some information and data of his reign," Drew says.

Suddenly, they hear the sound of the door opening, causing Drew and Berry to flinch. They turn to see someone walking out of the room. That person is a sinner, who has the head of a squid, a darkish color one, and with tentacles attached, and a human-like body, but has lighter dark colors as well. He is also wearing a dark blue suit jacket, with a white shirt and black vest underneath. He also wears dark purple pants and black boots.

He then notices Millie and Drew, "Hello, do you work here?"

"Um well..." Drew says, calmly.

"That's right. We work here," Millie says, "My name is Molly. And this is my friend, Dren."

"Hey," Drew says.

"So um, what brings you here?" The demon asks.

"Well, we're just going to do some late night work and are just browsing around before we start our duties. The place is big, so it can still become a habit to get lost," Drew says.

The servant giggles, "That's true. I get lost here sometimes as well."

Millie and Drew smile and are glad to not have their cover blown. However, they need to keep their heads up.

At another area of the estate, Randall is still invisible and is still searching in the many different rooms to find Stolas and the girls. However, All he managed to come across are rooms full of cash, weapons, and other stuff. Even a room full of large shelves full of files.

Randall mutters, "Fuck, this place looks ridiculous. There's no way to find anything in this place," He then shakes his head, "No. I can't think like that. I gotta find Stolas and the girls. I can only hope that we can find them before something happens to Blitz."

Meanwhile, Barbie continues to secretly walk a distance as she watches Cindy escorting Velma and Blitz to a large double door.

"This is Ratburn's office," Cindy says.

"I see," Blitz says.

"Thank you, Cindy," Velma says.

"Of course," Cindy says.

Then Cindy takes her leave as Blitz and Velma are alone. Barbie quickly hides in one of the rooms as she watches Cindy walking pass and to do who knows what. Once Cindy is gone, Velma approaches the door and knocks on it.

They soon hear a voice, "Come in," And the voice is all too familiar to Blitz.

Velma then opens the door and the two step inside. Blitz has never felt so uneasy in his entire life, especially knowing that he'll be facing a face from his past. Blitz looks around to see the doom is so dark that he isn't able to see much of anything. The only source of light he sees is a lamp on a desk. That allows them to see a chair in front of the desk. Blitz and Velma slowly approach the chair, and Velma stands as gestures to Blitz to sit down. Blitz calmly does just that.

Soon, two lights shine over Blitz and the desk to make one bright area. Blitz soon looks and is shocked to see the Overlord, Ratburn, who was once Robert Wayne. He also notices the green emerald colored gemstone on his necktie, suspecting this is the stone that Velma mentioned.

"Hello Blitzo Abercrombie, it's so pleasant to see you again. At long last," Ratburn says, giving Blitz an evil smile.

Blitz frowns, "I certainly didn't expect to see you again. Not after all this time, Ratburn. Or rather, Robert Wayne."

Ratburn snickers, "Please, that name is ancient now. You may call me Ratburn."

"Why did you want me here?" Blitz questions.

"Well Blitzo, you see, you've been a complete thorn in my side, and I am in the mood for vengeance after you send me into Hell," Ratburn angrily says.

He then smirks, "But in a sense, I could also have to thank you. I ended up with so much more power than you can imagine."

Blitz growls angrily in response and clenches his fists on his pants.

Velma tries to comfort Blitz, "Blitz, try to calm down."

Blitz then takes a deep breath to calm down.

Blitz angrily questions, but also tries to remain calm, "Alright Ratburn, how about we start discussing why you want me here."

"Of course, Blitzo," Ratburn says.

Outside of Ratburn's office, Barbie Wire is standing in front of the door and is starting to listen in on the conversation, and worried about what might happen.

Meanwhile, Millie and Drew continue to talk to the servant squid, who's name is Sammy.

"Hey Sammy, do you know where the Goetia Prince is being held," Mille asks.

"Goetia Prince?" Sammy asks.

"Wait, you do not know about Ratburn capturing a Goetia?" Drew asks.

This shocked Sammy, "What?"

"He did. And what's more, he has a young Goetia girl and a little kitten as well. He's using them as hostages," Drew says.

"But... he wouldn't go this far... would he..." Sammy asks.

"Oh he did. And with that, we know that we can't stand here and do nothing," Millie says.

Sammy asks, "What are you saying?"

"We plan a revolution against him?" Drew asks.

"What? But we can't?" Sammy asks, shocked.

"I know you're reluctant to fight him, but he has done so many terrible things to a lot of demons. And he's bound to continue on," Millie says.

"I understand, but what else can I do? Ratburn destroyed my business and took me as his prize, and he can do the same to someone else," Sammy asks, worried.

Then he sighs, "But I do admit, many of us do resent Ratburn, and want him to pay for what he did... but we didn't have the guts to do so."

"Well, it's about time you step up, otherwise, he'll just do the same thing over and over," Millie says.

Sammy looks at the two and slowly nods in response.

"Good. Now we need to find Stolas and the girls, and gather reinforcements. It will be hard, but it's going to take all of us to stop him," Drew says.

"Of course," Sammy says.

And with that, the group split up to gather more demons to help and to find Stolas and the girls.

Meanwhile, at another part of the mansion, Sarge continues searching around for signs of Stolas, Octavia, and Mimmy. He continues searching through the different rooms with stealth and skills. Suddenly, Sarge hears something and turns to see three imp demons charging for the attack.

"Hmph," Sarge responds.

And with that, Sarge managed to punch one in his face to the wall. Then kicks the other in the stomach before hitting the back of his neck. Lastly, he grabs the Imp's arm and throws him inside a room, causing weapons to fall on him and knocks him out.

Suddenly, he hears a voice, "What the fuck, are you doing?"

Sarge turns to see the guard he slams to the wall regains himself.

Sarge then says, "I'm stopping an Overlord who is taking too far in his Lust for Revenge."

"Like I'm going to believe that," The demon says and charges to attack. Sarge fights back.

Sarge continues, "Well, you'll have to believe it. He has kidnapped two Ars Goetia because of his thirst for revenge."

"That's fuckin bullshit. He wouldn't interfere with them," The demon says.

But Sarge mananges to kick the sword away from him and it falls to the ground.

"Well, you'll have to believe it," Sarge says, "He kidnapped three demons, two Ars Goetias, and he has destroyed many demons. If we don't stop him, then he'll take more measures to gain power."

"You really think so?" The demon asks.

"Yes. So I ask that you help me find where he took Prince Stolas and the girls and put an end to Ratburn's reign," Sarge says.

The demon looks at Sarge, slowly reluctant, and slowly nods in response.

Sarge nods, "Thank you, but we must act fast. Go inform everyone."

"Right," The demon says, "and by the way, the name is Nick."

"Pleasure to meet you, Nick," The Imp demon says.

The two then split up to find reinforcement and the three hostages.

Randall continues searching and soon notices a door that is different from the others, and it's heavily guarded.

"Hmm, that seems interesting," Randall says.

Randall uses his abilities to sneak behind the two guards and strikes them on the back of their necks, knocking them out. Randall then brings out his knife, and uses it to pick the lock. After struggling, Randall is able to open the door, and looks inside. He looks to see if the room looks normal. It has a bookshelf, lamp on a small piece of furniture, and notices a large king sized bed. Randall gasps in shock to see the ones sleeping on the bed. Stolas, Octavia, and Mimmy.

Randall makes himself vision and rushes over, "Stolas. Octavia. Mimmy. Wake up," and shake each of them as doing so.

Soon, Stolas and the girls begin to wake up.

"What... What's going on?" Stolas asks.

Octavia yawns, "What time is it?"

"Daddy..." Mimmy mutters.

"Hey guys, I'm glad to see you all are up," Randall says.

Stolas is surprised to see, "Randall."

"Hey Stols, girls," Randall says.

"Wow. I've never been this glad to see you," Octavia says.

"Randall," Mimmy happily says.

"How did you find us?" Stolas asks.

"Long story," Randall says and types on his phone to let the others know, "However, we don't have much time."

"What do you mean?" Stolas asks, worried.

Randall sighs, "It's a long story, but the reason why we're here is because we know that Ratburn blackmailed Blitz into coming here. He and Velma are with him now while the rest of us search for you and gather any reinforcements."

Stolas is shocked, "Blitz is here. Oh no."

"Yeah, but we need to get to him and fast," Randall says.

Octaiva picks up Mimmy, "Then let's hurry."

And with that, the group rush out of the room and hurry to find where Blitz and the others are.

Back in Ratburn's office, Blitz is sitting on the chair as Velma stands right by it. Both of them have their eyes on Ratburn, and are waiting for him to respond.

Soon, Ratburn says, "So then, let us begin shall we."

"Of course," Blitz says. He then calmly asks, "So what is it that you want? I have to assume that you wanted to destroy me."

"Something like that... However, I am feeling a bit generous this time around," Ratburn says with an evil smirk.

"What do you mean?" Blitz asks, confused and trying to remain calm.

"Well Blitzo, Velma told me and from what I've seen, that you've made quite a name for yourself. The Earthling Imp is what everyone is calling you. A hellspawn such as yourself has been raised on Earth with the humans who would either become angels, or demons upon their death. And Velma, has been telling me that you're in a way, more unique than I first thought. Something about you having special powers," Ratburn says.

Blitz sighs, "I have a feeling Velma will bring that part up."

"Well, she is my employee after all. She must report to me everything she found about you, and you are quite the interesting demon," Ratburn says.

Blitz glares at him, "Where are Stolas, Octavia, and Mimmy? Where did you take my fiance and daughters?"

"Relax, they're unharmed, but that all depends on your decision," Ratburn says.

"What decision?" Blitz asks.

Still outside, Barbie has been listening to the conversation, but doesn't notice that Cindy is walking by.

Cindy walks over to ask, "Who are you?"

Barbie flinches and turns to see Cindy.

"My, you look like Blitzo," Cindy softly responds.

"Um yes, I'm actually his sister, and I'm not letting that creep do anything to him," Barbie says, and looks determined.

She then turns to listen to the conversation.

"You must really love your brother," Cindy says.

"Yeah. After so long, I've finally had him in my life, but I'm not going to let that rat do anything to him," Barbie says softly.

Cindy is shocked to hear it, and from the looks and sounds of it, she must really care for her brother. Instead of telling, Cindy decides to listen in.

Back in the office, Blitz asks, "What decision are you referring to?"

"Well Blitzo, as much as I love to crush you like a little speck, I've got an even better solution," Ratburn says.

He then snaps his fingers and a contract appears.

"Um sir, what is that?" Velma asks.

"A contact. A soul contract," Ratburn says, and presents it to Blitz.

Then with an evil grin, Ratburn says, "Your birdie fiance along with the little children will go along freely, along with sparing your friends, and Velma will also gain her freedom. All I want is for you to become mine."

"What?" Blitz says, shocked.

"What, sir?! Are you serious?!" Velma adds, shocked.

Even Barbie and Cindy are shocked to hear what Ratburn is asking.

"That is correct. If you sign this contract, your family and your friends will be left alone. And since Velma is able to fulfill her duties, I plan to allow her to go free as well," Ratburn says. Then smirks towards Blitz, "All I want is for you to work for me. You shall become my most loyal servant, and with your powers, I can control all of Pentagram City, and will become my top soldier," Ratburn says.

Blitz then picks up the contract and looks at it.

Ratburn then asks, "So then, what's your answer?"

Blitz looks at the pen and the soul contract and feels very wary and knots in his stomach. If he signs this contract, he will lose his freedom, but his friends, and family will be safe from Ratburn's terror. What's more, Velma will be able to gain her freedom. Blitz then slowly takes the pen and plans to sign it. Shocked by this, Velma quickly grabs the contract from Blitz and quickly tears it up.

"Ratburn, you're going too far with this!" Velma angrily says.

Despite being disappointed, Ratburn calmly questions, "And why's that? I figure you want to end your employment with me."

"Look sir, I understand you have a grudge against him, but trying to use Blitz to rule Pentagram City and use Ars Goetias for blackmail, it sounds way too dangerous... You're taking this way too far!" Velma says, expressing her concern.

"Well Velma, I don't really care. With this Imp and his power, I can rule all over the Pride Ring. So many demons are already wrapped around my little finger, I can rule Hell if I want," Ratburn says, with an evil grin, "Of course, keeping Blitz as my little property is a good revenge against the Abercrombie Family for denying me all these years."

"You're mad!" Velma angrily says.

And with that Velma brings out a knife from inside her sleeve and begins to charge in for an attack. Ratburn growls in anger and grabs Velma by the neck with his tail.

"You little fool," Ratburn says, angrily.

"Hey!" Blitz shouts.

And with that, Blitz launches his electric magic at Ratburn, zapping him and sending him crashing to the wall.

Ratburn stands up, "You think you've beaten me, little shit." and soon reveals the green emerald pendant on his necktie, "Try this, you little tramps!" and uses his powers to send a powerful wave at Blitz and Velma.

They both get blown back and crash into the wall. That's when Barbie and Cindy burst into the office.

"What the fuck is going on?" Barbie asks.

Cindy rushes over, "Velma," and kneels down to her, "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright, just a bit bruised," Velma says.

Soon, they turn to see Ratburn approaching them, "Well well, it looks like I've got a little intruder, and it's a face that I'm familiar with."

"That's right shithead. I'll never forget your conniving face," Barbie says.

"Oh yeah, your Cash Buckzo's daughter isn't you. Didn't expect to see you again after making sure your father's little imp circus is burned in flames," Ratburn says.

This makes Barbie growl in anger, "So it was you! The circus burned down, along with what happened to my dad and Fizz! It's all because of you!"

"That's right. And it looks like I'll be killing you and your stupid brother as well, along with you traitors," Ratburn says.

"Not this time, Ratface!" Drew's voice shouts.

Ratburn looks to see Drew flying over and kicks Ratburn in the face, sending him crashing to his desk. Soon, Randall, Sarge, and Millie rush over, along with some reinforcements who become involved in becoming part of the resistance.

"Alright Ratburn, you're finished," Sarge says, and types his phone to send the signal.

Hiding in the van, Loona checks her text, "Alright guys, let's fuck this place up!"

And with that, Loona and the rest of the group charge and break into the estate. Once they're inside, the loyal guards of Ratburn charge to attack, but the group of I.M.P fight hard. Then the rest of the resistance who decide to side with I.M.P also begin attacking and killing the guards.

In the office, Ratburn looks to find himself seeing his guards being defeated by I.M.P and the ones who are turning on him. This makes Ratburn growl in pure anger and resentment, especially turning to see Blitz using his electric magic on the guards.

"Bli-Blitz-Blitzo," Ratburn struggles and begins to raise his voice in anger, "Blitzo, Blitzo, BLItzo! BLTIZO! BLITZO! BLITZO!"

Soon, the emerald begins to glow a dark green color, and the magic begins flowing around his body.

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