Chapter 116: Trapped by a Rat Demon

One morning, at the Goetia Mansion, the group of five are having breakfast together. Despite how Hell is, the family of four are having a good morning.

"So Blitz, what will you be doing today?" Stolas asks.

"Well, I'll be going to work to help Sarge, Velma, and Jeanie with the paperwork," Blitz says.

"Yeah. The rest of us, including myself, will be doing some hit jobs," Barbie says.

Then Blitz turns to Mimmy, "So Mimmy, you'll need to stay home today."

"Okay daddy," Mimmy says.

"So you'll be with us today," Octavia says.

Then turns to Stolas, "What about you, dad? What are your plans today?"

"Well, I do have a few paperwork and other duties, but they won't take too long. I was thinking that maybe we can go out a little later," Stolas says.

"Can we go to Stylish Occults while we're out?" Octavia asks.

"I don't see why not, and maybe we can go get some ice cream as well," Stolas says.

"Yay, ice cream!" Mimmy happily says.

Blitz giggles with a smile, "I'm glad you're able to have some fun while I'm gone," and pat Mimmy on the head.

"So does the office no longer smell like fish?" Octavia asks.

"Yeah. They had to share an office with Verosika's office until the smell was gone," Barbie says.

"That's good. You all might have to switch offices if the smell can't go away," Octavia says.

"No kidding," Barbie says and sticks her tongue out in disgust.

Mimmy giggles, "And it smells like sea water."

"Glad to know that the office is not like the ocean," Blitz says.

The group begins giggling in response.

"Well then, I should probably finish breakfast and get to work. We have a lot of paperwork to do at the office," Blitz says.

With that, the family continues having breakfast so they can finish their work for the day. Unknown to them, there are three demons who have a device that allows them to listen to the fours conversation, so they know that while Blitz and Barbie are gone, Stolas, Octavia, and Mimmy are going to be alone. All three evilly smirks in response.

Sometime later, at the I.M.P office, Blitz and Barbie soon arrive at work.

"Hey guys," Barbie says.

"Morning Blitz. Barbie. You're right on time, we got a few hits going on today," Millie says.

"Hi guys," Barbie says.

"Morning everyone," Blitz says.

"Morning," The group replies.

Drew says, "Glad you both made it. We got a lot of hits today."

"And finally able to return to the office. I can't stand that disgusting fish smell," Berry says.

"Don't remind me, Berry. I still can't get that fish smell out from my nose," Randall says.

Barbie glares at Randall, "It was your fault for opening the portal while we're still in the ocean."

"I panicked okay. I didn't want to risk getting eaten by a shark," Randall says, annoyed.

"And Millie and I got tangled up by an octopus," Moxxie adds.

"I know, but maybe next time we get back to the beach and not in the office," Barbie says.

Berry sighs, "Maybe, but I definitely don't want to go through that again."

Soon, Sarge walks out of the office, "Hi Blitz. Barbie. Glad to see you both arrive. We've got a lot of work to do today."

"Sure sir. You mentioned you needed help with paperwork," Blitz says.

"Yes. We have a lot to do for it today so it's best we get started," Sarge says.

"Okay," Blitz says.

Razor then turns to Barbie, "Come on Barbs, we got a lot of work to do."

"You got it Razor," Barbie says.

Blitz then walks into the meeting room with Sarge to help with the paperwork while Barbie begins to help the rest of the group with their killing assignments, and possible medical attention for the others.

Time has gone by at the Goetia Mansion, and Stolas is finishing writing up some of his paperwork of his royal duties and looks at his grimoire to look at the stars of the Earth. Finally, Stolas has finished with the assignments that were due and closes the grimoire. After that, Stolas stretches his arms, after placing his quill down and leaves his study room.

Inside Octavia's room, Octavia is reading Mimmy about the origin of Hell and how Hell came to be.

Octavia reads the story to Mimmy, "Threatened by this, Heaven made a truly heartless decision. That every year, they would send down an army, an Extermination, to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them. But Lilith's hope remained. And her dream was passed down to their precious daughter, the Princess of Hell."

Then closes the door, "And that is the story of Hell's start."

"I see. That sounds kind of sad, especially for Charlie," Mimmy says.

"Yes, it was. However, it's kind of shocking to learn from Blitz that none of the angels were aware that the Extermination was even happening," Octavia says.

Mimmy nods, "Uh huh."

"But how are the other Sins and Ars Goetias came to be?" Mimmy asks.

"That's a story for another time," Octavia says.

"Okay," Mimmy says with a nod.

Soon, they hear a knock on the door, "Via. Mimmy. Are you both doing okay in there?"

"Yes dad," Octavia says.

Stolas then opens the door, "What are you both up to?"

"I'm just reading Mimmy the Story of Hell, figure it wouldn't hurt for her to learn about how Hell got its start," Octavia says.

"That's nice," Stolas says, "I've finished with my tasks for the day, so you girls feel like going out, anywhere than staying in the house all day."

"Yes," The girls reply with a happy nod.

"Well then, let's go," Stolas says.

And with that, Stolas and the girls begin to take their leave. They all walk out of the mansion and begin to head out towards their destination. However, unknown to them, the three demons from before have heard the conversation with their listening devices and know that it's almost time for them to make their move.

One of the demons whispers, "Alright, they're heading out now."

"We just need to be sure they're out long enough for us to nab them," The second demon says.

The third demon then brings out their phone, "I'll notify the others and let them know that our targets are out and on the move."

And with that, the three demons secretly spy on The Ars Goetia Prince and the two girls and begin to tail them.

Soon enough, Stolas and the girls arrive at the Stylish Occult. Mimmy looks at some of the clothes, stuffed toys and accessories they have. Octavia helps Mimmy check out the items along with the taxidermy figures they have as well.

"Via, why do people like these taxis de taxi demy..." Mimmy asks.

"I think it's because of how life like they are. Some taxidermy people own are actually from the animals they hunted themselves. They either do it themselves or ask a professional to do it," Octavia says.

"Oh," Mimmy replies, tilting her head.

"I know it's not interesting to everyone, but I actually like it," Octavia says.

Then Mimmy asks, "Do they have cats as well?"

"Not that I know of," Octavia says, "But they do taxidermy of all kinds of animals."

"I see," Mimmy says, "But I don't think I really like them because they're made of animals."

"That's okay. Not everyone likes it," Octavia says.

Then Mimmy picks up a stuffed bunny, "I like to get this one."

"Okay," Octavia says.

Soon, Stolas walks inside, "How are you girls doing?"

"We're fine dad," Octavia says. Then looks towards Mimmy, "I think it's a good idea to get her some clothes."

"I have to agree," Stolas says.

Mimmy then looks at a purple dress with yellow stars, "I like this one. Can we get it?"

"Of course, Mimmy," Stolas says.

After choosing the items Mimmy wants, and Octavia has picked some of the items she likes, the girls make their purchases and leave the store.

"That was nice, right girls?" Stolas replies.

"I guess. Better than being stuck in the house with nothing to do," Octavia says.

"I really like being with you and Stolas, but I wish daddy was here," Mimmy says.

"I understand why, but not much we can do because your father has work going on," Octavia says.

"I guess," Mimmy says.

"Don't worry, your father will be home later," Stolas says, "How about we get some ice cream?"

"Yay," Mimmy says.

"Hey dad, can we go to the ice cream parlor you took me to when I was a kid. I'm sure Mimmy would like that," Octavia says.

"I think it's a wonderful idea. " Stolas says.

Octavia turns to Mimmy, "You'll like it, Mimmy. There are a lot of different flavors of ice cream to try."

The three soon take their leave from the store and make their way to the ice cream parlor. As they walk down the street, there is a black van slowly driving from behind them. There are a group of demons inside, including the demons from before.

"There they are," One demon says.

Another demon says, "Don't they look cute. They look like a little happy family."

"Kind of crazy that an Imp like that Earthling Imp. Then again, it's crazy in general that an Imp is actually planning to marry a Goetia Demon," The other demon says.

The first demon says, "Alright guys, we need to do this right. Those Goetias and that little kitten are our target. And then, the boss' real target."

"Right," The group of demons responds. Some of them bring out blessed and normal ropes.

The three continue walking down the street as the van slowly drives closer and closer. But then slowly accelerates to where Stolas and the girls are.

Suddenly, the demon from the van says, "Excuse me, your highness."

That earns Stolas and the girls' attention.

"Yes?" Stolas questions.

"We were asked to pick you up and bring you to an important matter. Of course, you'll have to bring the girls as well," The first demon says.

"Really now?" Stolas questions, "And who may I ask, wishes to see me about this important matter?"

"Well, our client wants to meet you in private," The demon says.

But Stolas says, "I apologize, but I'm actually with my daughters today, so I'm afraid I'm unable to make this appointment. Perhaps we could schedule another time."

Suddenly, Stolas hears the sound of guns clicking and turns to see Octavia and Mimmy have been tied up by blessed ropes by two larger demons and they both have guns pointed at them.

The first demon says, "I'm sorry, but my boss insists on meeting you today."

This makes Stolas angry, "If you so much dare to hurt them I'll..."

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you, not unless you want any harm to come to those girls," The demon says with an evil smirk, "So then, what it's going to be, your highness."

Stolas' anger rises even more, but seeing both Octavia and Mimma frightened and restrained, he knows that the girls' lives are his top priority. Stolas remains calm as he takes a deep breath.

Stolas nods and says, "Alright. I'll go with you."

"Good little birdie," The demon says.

Soon, three more demons come out and surround Stolas with blessed ropes and have him tied and restrained. Then the demon has the little kitten and royal birds inside the back of the van. Once everyone is in the van, they drive off with the three prisoners inside.

The demon driver calls on the phone and says, "Hello Ratburn, sir. We have the prince, the princess, and the little kitten."

Ratburn's voice appears on the other line, "Good. Return to the mansion and get our 'guests' settled. Once he returns to the mansion, I'll make the call."

"Yes sir," The demon says and hangs up.

The demon continues driving the van off to the destination.

Sometime later, Velma has returned to her apartment home and is finally able to relax after the long day of work.

Velma sighs, "Phew, talk about a long day of work. I wonder what I can do for the rest of the day."

Suddenly, Velma hears a familiar voice, "Velma... Velma..."

Velma gasps and sits up in shock.

Velma then notices the glow coming from the mirror. Velma then walks to the mirror and looks to see Ratburn has appeared in the mirror.

"Ratburn, wha-what a surprise," Velma says, surprised.

She then calms herself down and says, "I didn't expect you to get in contact this soon."

"Yes. It's been sometime since you've contacted me," Ratburn says, "I came to inform you that your work at I.M.P is done now."

"What?" Velma replies, confused, "Did something happen?"

"Nothing wrong, but your assignment has been completed," Ratburn says.

"Completed?" Velma responds, confused.

"Yes. You've completed your mission and now I've gained the upper hand against my target," Ratburn says.

"Um, I see," Velma answers.

She then asks, "So then, how did you manage to do that?"

"Oh, let's just say that we were able to know his weakness, and about the people he cherished," Ratburn says.

Velma soon begins to realize who it is.

"I see. I'll be returning to your estate right away," Velma says.

But Ratburn says, "Not quite yet. Your assignment at I.M.P is finished, but you have one more assignment."

"Um really? What is it?" Velma asks.

"I have a strong feeling that Blitz will be giving in, so I need you to stand by and wait until I need you to pick Blitzo up," Ratburn says.

"I... I see..." Velma says.

"Until then, for now, standby and wait for further instructions," Ratburn says.

"Okay," Velma answers with a nod.

Velma's mirror stops glowing and it returns to its normal state.

Velma says in deep concern in her thoughts, "Ratburn has already made his move. And if he has who I think he has, then there is no way Blitz will not give into his demands. For now, I just need to stand by and wait on what happens. I might be able to help Blitz out from the inside."

Meanwhile, Blitz and Barbie return to the mansion.

Barbie feels exhausted, "That was one tough day at work."

"I understand what you mean. My hands and my eyes hurt from doing a lot of paperwork today," Blitz says.

"I can use a shower after this," Barbie says and takes her leave to take a shower after the blood and sweat she has done.

"I'll go check on Stolas and the girls," Blitz says.

Blitz soon walks to Octavia's bedroom and knocks on the door, "Hello. Octavia, are you there?"

So far, there isn't a single voice. He then opens the door to see Octavia isn't in her room. He then walks to Mimmy's bedroom.

Blitz knocks on the door, "Mimmy, are you there? Daddy's home?"

Blitz opens the door and sees that Mimmy is not in the room either.

Blitz even looks inside the royal study, "Stolas? Are you here?"

He checks the chambers, the kitchen, the green house, and even the backyard, but he can't find Stolas or the girls.

"Hmm, Stolas did mention taking the girls out. Perhaps they are still out," Blitz says.

Suddenly, he hears music playing and takes out to reveal his phone. He looks at the screen to see Stolas is calling.

Blitz then answers the phone, "Hi Stolas."

"Um hello Blitz, how was work?" Stolas asks, but sounding a bit forced.

Blitz notices something off with the tone of voice.

He remains calm and answers, "I'm doing fine. Barbie and I just got back from work. Are you and the girls still out?"

"Well... the girls and I are out, but um... well..." Stolas says, sounding uneasy.

Concerned, Blitz asks, "Stolas are you okay? You sound nervous?"

Just then, a different voice comes in, "So sorry Blitzo, but your birdie fiance along with his daughter, and your precious little kitty daughter."

Blitz eyes wide in deep shock and feels his body shaking. The voice he has heard over Stolas' phone sounds all too familiar.

"You're... you're not Stolas..." Blitz responds nervously, but trying to remain calm, "Who is this?"

"Oh don't be so scared. It's actually a pleasure to be hearing from you again, Blitzo Abercrombie..." The familiar voice says.

Blitz eyes wide in shock and realizes why the voice sounds so familiar.

"Uh, you wouldn't happen to be, Ratburn, correct?" Blitz asks.

"Well, that might be the name you've come to hear and know around Hell. However, you already know me as Robert Wayne. It is such a pleasure to be hearing you again," Ratburn says.

Blitz frowns in response, "Sorry if the feeling of the little reunion isn't mutual."

"And I can feel the same about you," Ratburn says, showing an evil smirk on his face

"What is it you want? And why did you answer Stolas' phone?" Blitz questions

"Well Blitzo, to put it simply, I have a few people precious to you with me at this moment," Ratburn says.

Suddenly, Blitz hears Mimmy's voice, "Daddy."

"Blitz, you gotta help us!" Octavia says.

"Octavia?! Mimmy?!" Blitz says, shocked.

"Blitz, do not worry, the girls and I are okay. I can try to convince Ratburn to let the girls go and..." Stolas says, trying to remain calm.

However, Ratburn's voice appears, "Actually, all three of you will be staying around, until your previous fiance will meet my demands."

"What is it you want? If you wish for money then..." Blitz questions, sounding upset.

But Ratburn interrupts, "No no, I'm not interested in money or all that silly treasures and such. I'm more interested in you."

"In me?" Blitz questions, arching an eyebrow.

"Yes. I've been so eager to interact with you again. After all, it's been so long since I've last seen you. Of course, I've never been relieved that you're actually a demon from Hell being raised on Earth with humans like the rest of us. And didn't expect for you to be quite famous in Hell and on Earth," Ratburn says.

"Well, I don't feel the same about you," Blitz says, frustrated and trying to remain calm. He then asks, "What is it that you want from me?"

"I want you, Blitzo," Ratburn says.

That has Blitz shocked.

"Yes. You see, I'm very interested in you especially after our last encounter. So here's the deal. You will surrender yourself to me and take your little birdie's and the girls' place. You have until sunrise the next day. If not, then you'll be expecting them back piece by piece."

"No! You... you can't..." Blitz says, upset.

"Well then, I want you to think long and hard, but I can tell that you'll make the right choice," Ratburn says, "However, I suggest you don't let your sister or any of your friends know about it, or even let any of the demon royals. Otherwise, they won't get out of this alive."

Blitz sighs in defeat and says, "Yes. I understand."

"Good," Ratburn says, "When you decide to come forward, I'll send a vehicle to pick you up at the meeting point. I've already sent you the address and will be having one of my servants meet you at the meeting spot around midnight and will remain there until sunrise."

"Okay," Blitz says, defeated.

"Just remember to keep this to yourself, and you know what happens if you mention this to anyone," Ratburn says.

"I understand," Blitz says and slowly nods in defeat.

"Glorious," Ratburn says, and hands up the phone soon after.

Blitz is so stunned that he falls to his knees and his phone slips off his hand in shock and on the verge of tears.

"Stolas... Octavia... Mimmy..." Blitz softly says, devastated and worried.

Meanwhile, Ratburn hangs up Stolas' phone and then breaks it with his bare hand.

"It will only be a matter of time," Ratburn says with an evil grin.

Stolas glares at him, "You're not going to get away from this."

"I think I will be your highness," Ratburn says, and turns to Stolas, "Since he knows that I have his precious family, especially his precious fiance, he'll come running over in no time."

"Blitz won't be given in to your demands," Octavia says, upset.

"Yeah. Don't be mean to my daddy," Mimmy says.

Ratburn chuckles with a grin, "Ain't that cute."

He then snaps his fingers and says, "Men, take these three to their room. But remember to be careful, we don't want to damage them."

And with that, the demons pick up the three prisoners and take them away, but make sure no harm has come to them.

Back in the mansion, Blitz is now sitting on the bed and is really in turmoil on what to do about the situation, his fiance, and both his daughter and future daughter are now being held prisoner by the demon overlord, who is also the man he really hopes to never see again.

"Stolas. Via. Mimmy," Blitz says, worried, "What... What am I going to do? I want to help you, but I know Ratburn is going to do something to me if I go there." He then shakes his head and says, "But they're very important to me. I don't want them hurt because of the grudge that Ratburn has against me."

Blitz takes a deep breath and says, "I know what I need to do. Even if it cost me my life, I would rather die than allow them to be harmed."

Sometime later, Blitz is sitting in the dining room, having something to eat on his own, thinking about how he's going to save Stolas and the girls.

Barbie walks over and asks, "Hey Blitz, are Stolas and the girls back yet?"

"Oh um, no. Stolas actually decided to take the girls out to uh, see a movie tonight. They'll be back a little late," Blitz says, trying to remain calm and have a smile on his face.

"Okay," Barbie says, shrugging her shoulders.

She then asks, "You feeling okay. You look a little pale."

"I'm okay, Barbie. I'm just a bit tired from work," Blitz says.

"Yeah. I'm kind of tired as well, I think I'm going to bed early tonight," Barbie says.

"Okay," Blitz says.

Barbie then takes her leave and heads back to her room.

As she walks down the hall, Barbie says in thought, "You're acting a bit strange right now. Despite that, you're not exactly the best liar. Something strange is going on."

Meanwhile, Stolas, Octavia, and Mimmy are both kept in a room. Because the room has angelic metal at the windows, and it's heavily guarded with demons holding angelic weapons. And all three have collars made of angelic materials, it's impossible for any of them to escape. Stolas have both girls wrapped in their arms as they are sitting on the bed together.

Still scared, Mimmy says, "Dada. Via. I'm scared."

"I know. I'm scared too," Octavia says.

"Do not worry, I'm sure we'll get out of this... somehow," Stolas says, sounding reluctant. Then turns to the window, "Oh Blitz..." and is sounding deeply concerned.

Later that night, Blitz is lying down in his bed and looks to see the map app on his message to see the location of where he needs to meet his servant. Once he knows that Barbie is fast asleep, Blitz climbs out of his bed, fully dressed and sneaks through the balcony. He leaves his phone on the furniture so no one can contact him, but has a paper of the directions to the destination. Blitz climbs off the balcony and lands on the ground. He then takes his leave in order to meet Ratburn's servant.

Back in Velma's room, she hears a ding from her phone and looks to see the instructions she needs to do. When she reads the message, Velma eyes wide in shock. Ratburn's message reads, "Velam, your next assignment is to pick up Blitz at the meeting point and bring him to me."

Velma then stands up and says, "I know what I need to do."

And with that, Velma gets out of bed, gets dressed and takes her leave.

At the meeting spot, in front of the outskirts of Imp City, Blitz is waiting for his ride to come pick him up. He looks at his watch to see that it's close to midnight. Soon enough, he hears a car coming and turns to see a familiar red and black color. The car soon comes to a stop to reveal Velma in the driver's seat.

"Hey Blitz," Velma says, feeling uneasy.

"Hey Velma, I'm guessing you're my ride," Blitz says.

Remorseful, Velma nods and says, "Yes. I am. I'm so sorry Blitz. I didn't think Ratburn would take it this far. Then again, after what you told me. It's no surprise."

"Yeah. This does seem like something he would do," Blitz says.

"No shit, Blitzo," Barbie's voice says.

Blitz and Velma turn to see Barbie walking towards them with her arms crossed.

"Oh uh, hey Barbie, what brings you here?" Blitz asks.

"Making sure you and Velma don't do anything fuckin stupid," Barbie says.

Blitz sighs, "You found out about Ratburn, didn't you?"

"Well duh. You're not exactly the best liar, and you left your phone at home on purpose so I was able to read your message from that conniving Rat," Barbie says, and holds out Blitz's phone.

Then turns to Velma, "And I'm guessing Ratburn had you as his escort."

"Yes. I am so sorry, I should have realized Ratburn would do this to them. I figure he wouldn't be crazy enough to involve a royal," Velma says.

"Well, we've met those who would try to threaten a royal, so no surprises there," Barbie says, "I'm assuming you're going to help us, right."

"Of course, but I don't know how, and don't want you all getting endangered from this," Velma says.

"Same here. Ratburn wanted me to come alone, and not tell anyone. Even if he didn't say that, I would rather not put you and the others in harm's way," Blitz says.

"Too late for that," Barbie says.

Blitz sighs, "And I'm guessing you let the others know about this."

"Of course she did," Sarge speaks out.

Velma turns off her car and climbs out as Sarge and the others come out as well and walk towards them.

"Drew? Berry? You're all here?" Velma asks, shocked.

"Well of course we did. Blitz, Stolas, Via, Mimmy, and your lives are at stake," Berry says.

"And there's no way we're letting Blitz face Ratburn alone," Razor says.

"But Ratburn is very dangerous. I... I don't want you all to get hurt," Velma says.

"And we don't want you and Blitz to get hurt because of him," Drew says.

Loona says, "You're basically part of I.M.P, so you're basically one of us, and we're going to help you."

"And, I don't want to lose you either, Blitz," Barbie says.

Blitz and Velma turn to each other and nod their heads.

"Okay, but we're going to need a very good plan," Velma says.
"Velma is right. Ratburn wanted me to come forward and he'll let Stolas, Mimmy, and Octavia go, but I have a feeling that he might not live up to his bargain," Blitz says.

"Then it's like Velma says, we're going to need a very good plan," Sarge says, and then an idea comes to him, "And I think I know what we need to do," then tells everyone, "Alright everyone, gather around."

Everyone then gathers together as Sarge explains the plan to the group about the plan of action. Everyone soon nods their heads in response. Seems that a plan is set, and it's going to take every one of them to perform their part in order for the plan to work.

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