Chapter 115: Immediate Movers Professionals
One day in the I.M.P Office, the gang have done a lot of hits to human targets and paperwork today and as of now, they're taking a lunch break.
Randall sighs and lies on the floor, "I'm tired. We've been killing the humans a lot today, and I'm stuck in a disguise as a log."
"Sorry Randall, but it was the only place you can hide, and you're small enough to hit there," Millie says.
"And it was gross that we needed to kill our target at a swamp," Moxxie says.
Razor stretches his arms, "Well, we had to take on a wrestler for our assignment."
Razor then hears his phone ringing. He takes out his phone to see an unknown number on his phone.
"I need to take this," Razor says and answers the phone.
Razor then answers the phone and says, "Hello, what can I do for you?"
"Hello Razor, how's one of my big brothers doing?" A female voice asks.
Razor is surprised to hear it, "Miki, is that you?"
That earns the group's attention.
"How are things going?" Razor asks.
On the phone, the sister, Miki, says, "I'm doing fine, Raz. How are you doing in the Pride Ring? We haven't heard of you in a while."
"Yeah. Sorry, I've been pretty busy with my job and my invention making, and all kinds of stuff," Razor says.
"That's great to hear," Miki says, "However, I have a bit of a problem."
"What is it?" Razor asks.
Miki then begins to explain the problem she has.
"Really now... Uh huh.... Uh huh... What? Are mom and dad okay...? That's good, but shit..." Razor says, worried, "Okay... I'll see if I can go there right away and help with the move tomorrow."
"Thank you, Razor," Miki says.
Razor then hangs up the phone.
"Was that little Miki?" Randall asks, curiously.
"Yes. It's Miki, and apparently, she, mom, and dad could use some help," Razor says.
"Is something wrong?" Berry asks, concerned.
"Well kind of," Razor answers, "My parents have recently retired from their business and decided to go to Gluttony. However, apparently they got into a car accident and they're in the St. An's Hospital.
"Fuck, are they alright?" Randall asks, worried.
"They're both fine, but now they're unable to go to Gluttony to help the movers get to their new apartment tomorrow," Razor says.
"Gluttony?" Millie questions.
"Yeah. They plan to have a relaxing time in Gluttony after the years of work they have," Razor says, "Miki called and asked if I can help her and her husband move to their new apartment at the apartment complex they're both staying in. I agree to go help them."
Then turns to Sarge, "Is it alright if I can have a couple of days to help my family."
"Of course. This seems important, especially that your parents are in medical care," Sarge says.
"Thanks Sarge," Razor says with a nod.
And soon begins to take his leave.
Randall then asks, "Think I can help you out."
"I don't mind," Razor says.
Randall says to Sarge, "I'm going to help Razor out. I know his family, and Miki."
"I guess. We've done quite a lot lately, so it might be a good idea for us to get some air after the work we've put on, especially after the last few jobs we have," Sarge says.
"I have to agree," Millie says, and lets out a yawn, "At least now the jobs are starting to die down a little."
"I guess," Moxxie says, "But maybe we could use a break."
"Maybe we can help too," Berry says, and approaches Razor, "Besides, I'm very interested in meeting your family. Well, some of them anyway."
"That's actually not a bad idea," Drew says.
"Yeah. And with all of us helping, the move can be done in no time," Millie says.
"Really? Do you all want to help?" Razor asks, surprised.
"I think it's a good idea," Sarge says, "It will be nice getting out of the office and doing something other than killing humans and doing paperwork.
"I think it would be nice to meet your parents and your sister," Blitz says.
Randall says, "You'll like them. Izzy and Jasmine. And you'll like Miki too."
"Have you met them before?" Blitz asks.
"Well, I've been friends with Razor for a long time, yeah," Razor says.
"He does have a point," Barbie says.
"Have you met them before Barbie?" Blitz asks.
"Well, I've met them once, but it was years ago, I haven't seen them since," Barbie answers.
"I really appreciate your help guys, but are you sure about it?" Razor asks, sounding concerned, "Because, we will need the Greed Ring to get their things, and then help Miki and her husband move them to Gluttony. You remember what happened the last few times we went there."
"I'm sure we can get through it without going through another incident," Sarge says.
"I hope so. I don't want my father to get involved with us again," Moxxie says.
"And we can't risk Mammon noticing us there, either," Barbie says.
Razor nods, "Thanks guys, but we should be very careful about this. I don't want to run into those guys, and who knows what might happen if any discover about the Loo Loo Land incident."
"It's good that no one knows about it," Randall says.
"You got that right," Drew says.
"Well then, it looks like we're going off to the Greed Ring, and then tomorrow we start heading to Gluttony," Razor says.
Sometime later...
Razor and the rest of the gang are now in their separate cars and the I.M.P Van, and now are in the Greed Ring and driving down the road. Razor is in his car at the front with Randall and Berry as he leads the rest of the gang.
Moxxie sighs, "At least we won't be around my neck of the neighborhood."
"It's okay, Moxxie. We're just going to help Razor with the move and hope we can do it without any more incidents," Millie says.
"I hope so," Loona says, "From what you guys explained, I'm hoping we don't run into any more trouble."
"Well, luckily Razor's family actually live in the less dangerous part of Greed, despite them being part of a marketing for weapons to give to the Mafia," Sarge says.
In Razor's car, Berry asks, "So where is your parents house?"
"We're not far," Razor says. He then looks ahead, "And there it is."
Berry and Randall look to see a simple looking two stories house that has a front yard. There isn't much, and the house does look kind of old and run down.
"That's your parents' place?" Berry asks.
"Yep, but it's also my childhood home as well," Razor says.
"It looks the same as ever," Randall says.
Soon, everyone climbs out of their vehicles and heads to the front door.
"Well everyone, welcome to my childhood home," Razor says.
He then knocks on the door, and it opens to reveal a cat-like demon that looks like a spotted tabby cat with the same eye colors as Razor. She is wearing a green blouse and a black skirt. She also has long grayish hair tied in a braid.
" Hi Razor," The cat demon happily says.
"Hey Miki," Razor says.
The two cat demons happily hug each other with smiles on their faces.
"How's my big brother doing," Miki asks with glee.
"I'm doing fine. How's life in Gluttony?" Razor says.
"I'm doing good. Been working at the restaurant with my Henry, and we've been living comfortably in Gluttony," Miki says.
" I'm glad to hear it," Razor says.
"So, how's life in the Pride Ring?" Miki asks, "Heard that you're part of a unique hitman company."
"I did, and the job has been doing fine," Razor says.
Then Randall appears, "Hey Miki, you've grown a lot since the last time I've seen you."
"Hi Randall, it's nice to see you again," Miki says. She then notices Sarge and the others, "So, I'm guessing those are your friends from I.M.P."
"That's right," Razor says, and introduces everyone, "This is my boss, Sarge, and his daughter Loona. These are my friends and colleagues, Moxxie, and his wife Millie, Drew, Velma, Jeanie, Barbie and his twin brother, Blitz." then gestures to Berry, " And this is Berry, my..." as he and Berry blush, "My girlfriend."
"You have a girlfriend now?" Miki asks, surprised.
"That's right. We met at work, and things happened, and we came to a thing," Razor says.
" It's nice to meet you all," Miki says and happily smiles towards Berry, "And it's very nice to meet you, Berry."
"It's nice to meet you too, Miki," Berry says with a smile.
Razor then asks, "So Miki, how are mom and dad doing?"
"So far, they're both doing fine. Dad had a broken arm, and mom sprained her ankle. The doctors said that they're very lucky that they didn't have any severe injuries," Miki says.
"That's good to hear," Razor says.
"So where's your hubby, Henry?" Randall asks.
"I'm coming," A voice says.
The one to come out is actually an Imp. He has long black horns with four small white stripes, white hair with a dark gray blotch on it. His hair is past shoulder length and is tied in a lower ponytail. Even though he's shorter than Miki, but around a foot, he's a little musiclar for a skinny Imp. He is wearing a white short sleeve button up shirt, black slacks, and black boots. He is also a red necktie.
"Hey Henry, it's been a while since I last saw ya," Randall says.
"Hi Randall," Henry says before turning to Razor, "And it's great to see you again, Razor."
"Good to see you two, little brother," Razor says and ruffles Henry's hair.
Henry chuckles, "I'm only two years younger than you."
"You're still part of the family," Razor says.
He then asks, "So Miki, anything we can help with the move?"
"Well, we're going to need all the help we can get," Miki says, "The movers were only able to send in one moving truck for all the bigger items, so we're going to need help sorting out a lot of the smaller stuff, and see if anything we can keep or throw out."
"Sounds like it will take all day to do it," Razor says.
"Well, we helped mom and dad sort out a few things, but we still have a lot of other stuff to sort out. Of course, most of the stuff is our dad's things. He never throws things away," Miki says.
Razor chuckles, "No surprises there."
"No kidding, I hear he still kept some old stuff back in his teens," Randall says.
"I have to agree. It's a miracle that he finally decided to either sell them or send them to other stores, or even throw them in the trash," Miki says.
She then walks inside, "Anyway, come on in. I'll make us some snacks and we'll see what we can do for the move."
The group soon enters the house where they find some boxes with items inside, and there are more boxes stacked against the corner on top of each other.
"Sorry about the mess, but packing is quite a chore," Miki says.
"I can imagine," Barbie says, looking at the stuff.
"Yeah. It's not easy raising eight kids in one household," Miki says.
"And yet mom and dad are able to pull through," Razor says.
"That's right," Miki says and brings out a photograph of the family.
Then Miki points to each other, "We have our eldest brother, Santiago. And our second eldest brother, Jasper. And the third oldest is Razor. And then there's Mimzy, our sister. And of course, there's me. Then we have Mickey. Then there's Tyler. And the last one is, Jun. You can say that we're one wild cat family. Of course, it's never easy having that many siblings, especially when most of them are boys."
Millie giggles, "I can relate to having a lot of family members, especially having a lot of brothers and one sister."
"It is. However, we've all grown up and have families of our own now," Miki says.
"How come your other siblings can't help?" Drew asks.
"That's because they've been pretty busy, especially since some of them have families and kids now, and some have work, and family events they have to go to. However, they did manage to make time to visit our parents in the hospital," Miki says.
"Sounds rough," Loona says.
"Yes, but we all managed to come through. Luckily getting their things in Gluttony won't be that hard. I just also need some help getting out without running into trouble," Miki says.
Razor sighs, "No kidding, especially since there's a lot of Mafia members here."
"Oh speaking of which..." Miki says. Then turns to Moxxie, "seeing you know, you kind of remind me of this Mafia boss. I think his name was Crismon."
Moxxie sighs in frustration, "Sadly yes. He's actually my father."
"Oh..." Miki and Henry reply.
"Yeah, Moxie really doesn't like to talk about his old man, believe me," Millie says.
"Especially how we ended up getting tangled with him before, twice," Razor says.
"How did that happen?" Henry asks.
"His father had us come over to his home and tried to force Moxxie to marry his ex boyfriend," Berry says.
"He also kidnapped my twin brother and childhood friend and tried to use them for ransom," Barbie says, sounding very bitter.
"Yikes," Henry says.
"Yeah. Sounds almost as bad as the trouble Razor and the boys got themselves into," Miki says.
"Ugh, don't remind me," Razor says, annoyed.
"What happened?" Berry asks.
Razor blushes, "Miki, you better not."
"Come on Razor, back when Randall, Santiago, and Jasper were kids, you boys thought it would be fun to try to pull a prank on some people, but it's bad since you accidently pranked a group of mafias," Miki says.
Berry turns to Razor and Randall, "You guys did what?"
"Uh, we were only kids at the time. We thought it would be funny to prank a few guys for April Fools Day," Randall says.
"Until you've decided to speak sneezing powder at a group og guys that turned out to be ruthless mafia grunts," Razor says, annoyed.
"Yeah. I heard that you guys have been running from them for hours," Miki says.
Razor groans in annoyance, "And we were hiding in the dumpster for almost that long."
"Yuck," Blitz says.
"Damn, you all got yourselves into deep trouble," Loona says.
"We were only kids," Randall says, rolling his eyes.
"Still, I can't believe that even as a kid, you were this stupid and reckless," Barbie says.
"What?" Randall responds, feeling offended.
The group then giggles in response.
Then Miki says, "Come on, let's start organizing and packing everything."
"Good idea," Razor says.
And with that, everyone begins to organize and package the cooking items in the kitchen, many items up stairs in their room. And other kinds of items. It has taken them a while until most of the items in the rooms, kitchen, and other places have been organized and packaged. Anything they plan to keep are inside, and in boxes. Those that are too old, broken, and other items are placed in plastic garbage bags or in the trash cans outside.
"Well, looks like we've got everything in the house taken care of," Henry says.
"Yes. I think the only place we haven't done packaging is the attic," Miki says.
Razor chuckles, "Yeah. And that place is full of stuff."
The group then walks towards the hallway up on the second floor. Razor reaches up and pulls the string and a ladder unfolds and lands on the ground gently, allowing them access to the attic. Some dust and cobwebs come falling out in doing so.
"Alright, Miki, Henry, Blitz, Barbie, and Randall, you all come with me and help bring anything down," Razor says and begins climbing up the ladder, "We'll pass the items to the rest of you down here."
With that, Razor, and the others climb up the ladder and into the attic. When they arrive, they see a lot of old boxes, and items, along with a few trunks.
"Wow, there is a lot of stuff here," Blitz says.
"Yeah. Some of them are full of my dad's old collection, and maybe a bit of my own collection as well," Razor says.
"Really? What does your dad like to collect?" Barbie asks.
"He likes to collect coins, ships in a bottle, and other items from," Razor says, and pick up a few of the boxes.
Blitz then asks, "You said you like to collect stuff as well. What do you like to collect?"
"Well, some cards, keychains, some tools and gears," Razor says.
"Gears?" Blitz says, confused, picking up some of the boxes.
"Yeah," Miki says, picking up another box, "Razor always liked doing mechanics ever since he was a kid. And he was quite the handyman in his younger age."
"Yep. Razor also helped out with some of the handiwork back at my dad's circus," Barbie says.
"Really now?" Blitz asks, taking an interest.
"That's right. I always like to work on stuff like this, and like to fix things up. I guess it's kind of why I'm good with machines, guns, and other stuff," Razor says.
Miki chuckles, "I remember dad teaching you and our brothers how to use guns. Of course, you end up having the back of the gun hit your head. Right between the eyes."
Randall chuckles, "I remember, you got a nasty bruise on your forehead," and points to his own forehead."
Razor groans in frustration, "This is embarrassing."
"Come on Razor, some of the stuff was funny," Miki says with a giggles, "Of course, I remember you and Randall beat up a group of demons who were trying to sexually harass me. And I really appreciate it."
"Well, nobody picks on my little sister and gets away with it," Razor says, "Anyway, let's finish getting everything from the attic and organize everything."
Time has passed...
All the stuff is organized and packaged into boxes as they place them in the living room, and everything that is very old, rundown, and broken are placed in the trash outside.
"There, everything is all packaged and taken care of," Razor says.
"Yeah. It took us a few hours, but everything is all set for tomorrow," Henry says.
Soon enough, Miki, Berry, and Moxxie walk out with some plates of food.
"I hope you're hungry because dinner is ready. We've made some seafood fried rice," Miki says.
"Thank you, Miki," Razor says.
The group places the plates on the table to reveal the fried rice. Each of them takes a bowl of fried rice and begins eating them.
"Mmmm, this is delicious," Barbie says.
"Yeah. This is really good," Berry says.
"I'm glad you like it. It's my mom's favorite," Miki says.
"Yeah. Mom really loves seafood," Razor says.
"And it's really good too," Millie says.
"Thank you," Miki happily says, "It's the least I can do after helping our parents move to their new house while they're in the hospital."
"It's no problem, what is family for," Razor says.
Then says to Sarge and the others, "And thank you all for helping us. It went by a lot faster with you all helping."
"We don't mind as well. It's also nice to get to know you guys," Drew says.
"And we were getting bored of being stuck in the office all day," Loona says.
"Especially with some of our recent jobs," Velma says.
"Razor told me that you all recently ran into an Infestor Demon," Miki says.
"We did. It was really scary. I had no idea demons could even do something this mind damaging," Jeanie says. Then turns to Randall, "It even hurt Randall, Sarge, Blitz, and Velma."
"And it turns out he's working for an insane Overlord," Barbie adds.
"I see. That must have been very troublesome," Miki says.
"You have no idea," Berry says.
"Yeah. It was really insane," Randall says.
"That sounds crazy," Henry says.
"It was. We're just glad that we were able to get out of this mess without anything else happening," Sarge says.
Randall snickers, "Except when Blitz threw the vacuum at that creep and got electrocuted after falling into the pool. Drew told us about it, and I wish we could have seen it."
Blitz sighs, "I was mad at him for messing with us, and set us up for a trap in order to kidnap me. He hurt you guys, and I couldn't stand the fact that he tried to hurt us."
"We're just glad that all that disaster was over," Sarge says.
"Thank goodness," Barbie says, and is relieved the mess was over.
"Sounds to me that having a job as an assassin is not easy," Miki replies.
"Yeah. Many of the humans we were hired to kill are either normal, or fuckin insane," Randall says.
"Like that satanist cannibal cult chick, Martha," Razor says.
"Not to mention the cannibal chef," Velma says.
"And that creep Mortimer who was trying to sexually assault my brother," Barbie says.
"And that crazy chick who's a total Weeb. And for some weird reason, her amulet kept me from killing her at first," Randall says.
"I remember," Blitz says, "I thought it was weird that the pendant could do that, especially since it's an official merch for this anime. What was it called, "Akuma no Otto."
"No kidding. That chick wouldn't leave Randall alone and been following him for weeks," Loona says.
Miki giggles in response as Randall frowns and crosses his arms in response. Everyone giggles in response.
The next day...
After packing the boxes in their cars and helping the movers place the furniture and other large items in the moving truck, everyone drives through the road and makes their way to the apartment building where Miki and Henry live. Everyone gathers the items from the vehicles and brings them up to the second floor of the building, where the apartment is. They place the furniture, the beds, and other items in the different rooms. Then place all the smaller items where they belong, including clothes, accessories, small boxes, and other items. With not much time at all, The items have been placed inside the apartment and ready for the elderly couple to move in.
"There we go. Everyone is finished," Miki says.
"And it's right across from our apartment so we can help them out ever so often," Henry says, "And everyone is accommodated to their needs. Well, there is also the elevator to help them get down."
"Well then, now that all that is done," Drew says, and stretches his arms, "I'm pretty tired."
"A little, but I'm glad we're able to get out of that stuffy office," Millie says.
"Yeah," Moxxie says.
"True, but I plan on visiting my parents at the hospital to see how they're doing," Razor says.
And then Miki says, "Speaking of which, I got a call from the doctor. He said that our parents are doing fine, and they'll be able to move to their new home in a couple of days, but they'll need to take things easy for a little while."
"That's good to hear," Razor says.
"And since it's visiting hours right now and that we've got the move finished, Heny and I plan to head to the hospital to see them," Miki says.
Then Henry asks, "Maybe you all can come with us."
"Sure. We don't mind," Razor says.
"I would love to meet them," Berry says.
Sometime later, at the St. An's Hospital...
The gang arrives at the hospital and are soon in the hospital room both Jasmine and Izzy are staying in. And it's true that they haven't suffered from serious injuries, but do agree that they need a little time to rest after the car accident. Izzy looks a lot like Razor, who is like an orange tabby cat. As for Jasmine, she looks like a siamese cat. White fur, brown ears, brown, face, and green eyes. Both of them are wearing hospital gowns.
"Hello son, it's good to see you," Izzy says.
"Yes. You've certainly grown since we last saw you," Jasmine says, "And it's very nice to meet your boss and all your friends."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Sarge says.
Izzy then turns to Berry, "And it's very nice to meet your girlfriend. She seems very sweet."
"Yes. She's very nice," Jasmine says.
"Thank you, and it;s very nice to meet you," Berry says.
"I'm glad you all like Berry. She's very sweet, but she is also a tough cookie when she wants to be," Razor says.
"Hey," Berry replies, flustered.
"Sorry babe, but you can be a bit funny to tease," Razor says.
The two giggle and give each other kisses on the cheek. Izzy and Jasmine smile to see both Razor and Jasmine are happy and glad to see that their son, Razor, has found a very special someone who makes him happy.
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