Chapter 112: Two Enemies of the Same Soul
Three days have gone by since the ghost busting incident, and Velma has been staying with Drew and Berry in their apartment, for reassurance and comfort. Sleeping in the living room of their home, Velma is sleeping on the couch and begins to slowly wake up from her sleep. She lets out a yawn and feels exhausted.
Soon, Drew walks over to see Velma, "Morning Velma, how do you sleep?"
"Okay..." Velma answers, still a bit tired, "I guess..."
Drew then sits next to Velma, "Still a bit worried about what happened, huh?"
"Yes," Velma answers with a nod, "I remember when I woke up that the others, especially Barbie and Blitz want answers, but I still feel very uneasy about having to tell them everything, especially you."
Drew comforts her, "It's okay, sweetie. It's okay. I'm sure that whatever you have to say, the others will understand. However, after what happened at the hotel, it appears that this Ratburn has a strong grip on you, and it seems to really have an effect on you."
"Yes," Velma says, lowers her head in remorse, "And I worry that you all will hate me."
"It's okay, Velma. I'm sure things will work out," Drew says.
"Really?" Valma asks, still deeply concerned.
Soon, Berry walks over, "Really. After all, you've been our friend. However, we really hope you will be honest with us. We want the truth and nothing but the truth."
"Don't worry, I promise," Velma answers with a nod.
"Good, and it will be difficult for you to explain to everyone, mainly to Barbie, especially since this Ratburn guy seems to have her riled up," Berry says.
Velma sheepishly smiles, "Yes. She was pretty demanding when I got to work."
"Yeah. She really wanted answers," Drew says.
Then Berry says, "Well then, now that we're all up, let's have breakfast and head to the office. We've been given the day off, but we're going to have an important meeting in the company."
"That's right. I understand," Velma answers with a nod.
Sometime later, Drew, Velma, and Berry arrive in the I.M.P office, seeing that Sarge, Loona, and the rest of the I.M.P Group are here. There are some coffee cups, a couple of boxes of donuts and other breakfast items, and along with plates, forks, and spoons.
"Hey guys, we've got breakfast for everyone," Millie says.
"Hey guys, is that everyone?" Drew replies.
"Not everyone, Blitz and Barbie aren't here yet," Razor says.
Right on cue, they hear Barbie's voice, "We're here."
"Sorry we're late," Blitz says.
Drew, Berry, and Velma enter the room as they allow Blitz and Barbie to walk inside the lounge and see that everyone is here.
"Morning everyone," Blitz says.
"Morning guys, glad to see that everyone is here," Randall says.
"Yeah. And it looks like we've got something to eat," Barbie says.
Velma soon sits down, feeling a bit uneasy and lowers her head in response.
"Is Velma okay?" Blitz asks, worried.
"She still feels very uneasy about having to share her story," Drew whispers.
"I understand," Blitz says.
"Yeah. I get it, but I still want to know what the hell is going on," Barbie says, still kind of annoyed.
"Calm down, Barbie. I'm sure Velma will tell us. She agreed to explain everything to us, but she will need some time to explain everything about what happened," Blitz says.
"Alright," Barbie says.
Drew then sits down next to Velma as he brings her a plate of breakfast. It has eggs, bacon, and a donut.
"Here Velma, I figured you're hungry," Drew says.
Velma takes the plate, "Thanks Drew."
She then begins eating the donuts slowly, but is starting to feel a little better.
"The donut tastes good," Velma says.
Drew smiles, "I'm glad you like it."
Velma continues eating the donut along with the other food and drinks some coffee.
After having breakfast, everyone remains gathered in the lounge, relaxing a bit, and in a way, are ready to hear Velma's story. Velma is still sitting on the couch with Drew, and she is looking very nervous.
Velma takes a deep breath and says, "Okay, I understand that during the incident at the One Star Wonder Hotel, and about hearing about me and an Overlord Demon named Toxbane."
"That sounds about right," Berry says.
"And Rolando mentioned how Ratburn is targeting Blitz for some reason," Drew says.
"Yes. That too. It's a very... very long story..." Velma says.
Then Sarge says, "It will help understand what situation you're in, and everything you know about this Ratburn character."
"Well, I think the best I can do is start from the very beginning," Velma says.
Everyone remains silent as they wait for Velma to explain her story.
She then explains, "You see, I'm actually an orphan. I live in an orphanage just outside of Imp City. However, the place doesn't have a good reputation. I've always been treated poorly over there. And as I got older, I've been treated worse and worse. When I was twelve, some kids cut my hair and ended up cutting my back with a pair of scissors. That's when I reached my limits, and ran off to live on the streets. I've done all I can to survive, and my travels end up taking me to Pentagram City."
"What were you doing there?" Moxxie asks.
"Well, the usual. Finding food to take, scraps, and other shit," Topaz says.
"Still, how the ruck did you come across this rat, Ratburn?" Barbie asks.
"Well, it happened around less than ten years ago, one rainy night. I was looking around as usual, things to steal and all that. But then, I was assaulted by a group of Imps in an alley. I was afraid they were going to rape me, but then, he came..." Velma says.
"You mean, Ratburn, right?" Drew asks, showing concern.
"Yes," Velma answers with a nod, "At the time, Ratburn has been around Hell for sometime, and became an Overlord two short years after arriving."
"Yes. I've heard of Ratburn myself. I hear that the rat was shady as they came," Sarge says, "Ratburn started as a simple business demon upon arriving, but overtime, his empire grew and grew, and he actually had many souls of both sinners and hellborn under his employment, more like control."
"Yes, and I ended up being one of them. He started out as a nice demon who was willing to take in a simple orphan like me. However, as the time goes by, Ratburn sees me as a tool to increase his empire. He has me go around and be employed by different demons in order to destroy, threaten, or even scam small time businesses out of their livelihoods. I know how wrong it is, but he owns me, so I have no choice but to listen to his every command. Once you've got involved with Ratburn, you're with him for life. If you try to run or sell him out, he'll silence you, permanently, so I'm really risking everything by doing this."
"And you're being brave by doing it. You're risking your life to tell us everything about your boss," Berry says.
"I guess, but still... I feel very bad about what I had to do to so many demons, but I have to obey no matter what. Otherwise, he'll abuse me over and over again, or even kill me," Velma explains.
"But still, what all this got to do with Blitz?" Millie asks.
"Well, Ratburn has heard rumors going on about an Imp that's been raised in the living world all his life. And one day, the media finally revealed Blitz as the Earthling Imp, and the demon who has been raised on Earth is now in Hell now," Velma says.
Then takes a deep breath, "And with that, Ratburn gave me a mission. He told me to apply for a job at I.M.P, and get close to all of you, and most of all, get close to Blitz."
"But why?" Jeanie asks.
"Ratburn wants me to get any details about Blitz. Where he lives, where he works, where he goes, and who he's connected to. Anything that regards Blitz's strength and weaknesses, especially his weaknesses," Velma explains.
She then lowers her head in remorse, "But... as the time went by, I've become very close to you all..." Then turns to Drew, "Especially to you, Drew. I've started to develop feelings for you. I started developing feelings for you since the day we met."
Drew blushes with a smile, "Re-really?"
"Yes," Velma answers, "You've been so kind to me, I couldn't help but fall in love with you. And you all became good friends... I never know what it's like to have friends. And also, getting to know Blitz, I... I have to wonder why Ratburn wanted to hurt him."
"Did you ever ask Ratburn about it?" Randall asks.
"I wonder about that too," Barbie says, frustrated, "What does he have against my brother?"
"Well, it was during one of my meetings with him with the magic mirror he gave me. I asked him why he wanted me to know Blitz's strength and weakness, and asked if he had something against him," Velma says.
"And what did he say?" Loona asks, curious.
"He said that he has a score to settle with him. That's he's going to make Blitzo Abercrombie pay for ruining his plans and sending him into this hellhole," Velma answers.
This has everyone shocked by it, and Blitz ends up being the most shocked out of all of them.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Randall asks, shocked.
"Yeah. There's no way that Blitz is the reason why he's here, he's too good," Millie says.
"No shit! Why would that conniving rat who caused my circus family's circus to burn down would say that bullshit?" Barbie demands.
"I don't know. That's all I know. Whatever happened, Ratburn has a serious grudge against him," Velam says.
"But what?" Millie asks, worried.
"I wish I knew," Velma says. Then looks towards Blitz, "Blitz, do you know Ratburn personally..." But notices something off, "Huh?"
Sarge, Barbie, and the others turn to see Blitz is silent and is staring with a stunned expression on his face.
"Blitz, are you okay?" Jeanie asks.
After a moment of silence, Blitz ends up murmuring, "No... no.... It... it can't be..." and raises his voice as he moves back towards the wall, "No no no no no no no no no no no!" and soon his back is pressed against the wall. He soon slides down and sits on the ground. He then wraps his arms around himself and coils his tail around to bring his knees close. Soon, tears begin streaming down his face.
Everyone is stunned to see Blitz getting into a frightened state.
Barbie is the first to react and kneel down to him, "Blitz, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
But Blitz isn't saying a word, instead, he is shaking like a leaf as tears fall down his face.
"Blitz, are you alright? What's going on?" Millie asks.
Sarge then asks, "Blitz, do you know Ratburn?"
"No... no no no no no no no no... It can't be... not... not HIM!" Blitz cries out and is shaking even harder.
"Please Blitz, tell us what you're talking about?" Barbie begs in deep concern, "Who is Ratburn...? Please tell us... how were you involved?"
"Rat... Rat... Ratburn, he's... he's..." Blitz says in fear, "But he can't be..."
"What do you mean?" Berry asks, deeply worried.
"Ratburn... he is... but it's impossible, but he has to be... Ratburn is... is Robert... Robert Wayne..." Blitz says, and soon begins to cry as he covers his face.
Hearing the name has everyone shocked.
"Robert Wayne? You mean the guy that was responsible for the circus being burned down all those years ago," Loona asks, shocked.
"Yes. I'm very certain that it's him," Blitz says in tears. He wipes his tears, "When Barbie and Fizzarolli explained to me about Ratburn, and what Barbie heard him say, that is something that Robert would say and do, because he did the same to my family. And when the fire happened, he ended up dying in the fire and one of the support beams fell on top of him. He... he must have ended up in Hell because of all the crimes he committed. He scammed, threatened, and hurt innocent people so he can take over their business and turn them into something more profitable. He didn't care who he stepped on to get what he wanted."
"Well that sounds about right. Robert Wayne would likely have ended up in Hell for all his crimes, and began starting anew in Hell, and overtime, he became the Overlord that demons know now," Millie says.
Hearing it makes Barbie upset, "Then he burned the circus down because my dad refused to sell it to him. And I bet he can't stand the fact that other people dared to turn him down. That fuckin bastered!"
"Uh Barbie, I think we have more things to worry about than your resentment towards Ratburn," Berry says.
"I'm afraid she's right. If Ratburn really is Rober Wayne, then the motive of why he sent Velma to spy on Blitz would explain everything, even what it is," Jeanie says.
Sarge nods and says, "Now it all makes sense, Ratburn wants revenge against Blitz and his family for what happened. However, because Charles, Lucy, Malcolm, and Marina are all in Heaven, and since he knows that Blitz is alive, he plans to take revenge on the entire Abercrombie family, through Blitz. Not only that, but it is most likely that he has a strong hatred for Blitz because in his eyes, Blitz is the reason why he ended up here."
"So that's it. Ratburn wants to get revenge on Blitz," Razor says, shocked.
Barbie then hugs Blitz, "Well, as long as I'm breathing, I refuse to let anything happens to him, not after what that fuckin rat put all of us through."
As Barbie hugs him, Blitz continues whimpering and shaking.
"It's okay, Blitz. It's okay. Your sister is here," Barbie says.
Suddenly, Blitz softly says in remorse, "This... this is my fault... isn't it...?"
"What?" Barbie questions.
Blitz lifts his head up and looks at Barbie, "What happened to your home, to Fizz, and our dad... this... this was my fault, wasn't it..."
"WHAT?!" Barbie exclaims in shock.
Barbie tries to remain calm, "Blitz, why would you think that?"
"Be... because... I'm part of the reason why Robert even ended up here," Blitz says in tears, "And... and ended up running into Robert and his goons. And... and I couldn't stop the fire from happening. My family was killed, and Robert ended up getting sent here because he was killed in the fire... And... and he ended up doing the same thing to you and Fizz like what he did to me and my family."
"No Blitz, Robert didn't end up here because of you... I mean, sure, you ended up bumping into him that night, but Robert was going to end up here one way or another, fire or not," Barbie says, comforting her brother.
"Really?" Blitz asks, wiping the tears from his face
"Really," Barbie answers with a nod, "All that happened to you, your family, me, Fizz, Dad, the imp Circus, all of this was Robert's doing. Ratburn's doing. None of this is your fault! You didn't cause all of this! If anything, you and your family were trying to stop him."
"I guess you're right. With what I've learned, Robert would have ended up in Hell somehow," Blitz says and wipes the tears off his face, "And he would stop at nothing to get what he wants. No matter who he steps on."
"Yeah. With how rotten Ratburn, and uh, Robert Wayne are, someone would have hired us to off him one of these days," Randall says.
Blitz sheepishly smiles, "I suppose."
"Yeah. In fact, if it's okay with Sarge and Velma, and you and Barbie, we can find Ratburn, and off the guy, and we'll do it free of charge," Randall says.
"Randall, you can't take on Ratburn!" Velma panics.
"Yeah! Don't be stupid, Randall!" Barbie says, annoyed, "You really think it's a good idea to take on an Overlord! Especially someone like that overgrown rat!"
"Come on guys, we've dealt with Mafias, killers, cannibals, and all kinds of demons, and we just dealt with an infestor demon," Randall says, "I think we can take down an overlord like that overgrown rat."
"Randall, I think we need to think more logically. Fighting an Overlord is a rather dangerous business," Sarge says.
"I'm afraid Sarge is right. I have known Ratburn longer than you all have, and he's very powerful and dangerous. I don't want you all getting hurt," Velma says, worried.
"Alright, we'll do this the professional way," Randall says, annoyed.
Velma then says, "Still, I'm really sorry about all these guys. I didn't realize that Ratburn was this dangerous, or this conniving, but I couldn't do anything to get out of it. Even if I wanted to." then lowers her head in shame, "I am so... so sorry."
Blitz wipes the tears from his face, stands up and places his hand to Velma's shoulder, "I forgive you Velma, especially since you're willing to take the risk to tell us everything."
"I do too," Drew says, and gives Velma a kiss on the cheek.
The group then says that they're willing to let bygones be bygones.
Reluctant, Barbie sighs and says, "I guess I can at least accept your apology, but you need to do more to earn my forgiveness."
Velma smiles, "I figured as much. I wouldn't be so forgiving if I was in your position."
"You're right," Barbie says, "But you're off to a good start," and shrugging her shoulders.
"Fair enough," Velma replies with a sheepish smile.
"So what do we do in the meantime?" Berry asks.
"Well, the best approach we can do is act like none of this has happened," Sarge says. Then turns to Velma, "You just need to do what you always do and contact Ratburn when you need to. And then we can figure out what to do from there."
"Okay," Velma says, "I really hope we can stop this."
"And we will. Whatever, that guy has cookin', we'll do what we can to prevent it," Drew says. Then says, "And, we can find a way to free you from his employment."
Velma smiles and says, "Thank you guys. And thank you Drew."
Soon, Velma and Drew kiss each other on the lips.
Millie, Barbie, Jeanie, and Berry reply, "Awwwww."
Randall snickers, "Get a room, lovebirds."
"Aww, don't be like that, sweetie. You know you like romance too," Jeanie says, and gives Randall a big kiss on the cheek, making his blush.
"Touche," Randall says with a sheepish smile.
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