Chapter 108: Halloween Apology Party

Sometime later...

It's the day of Veorsika's Halloween Party on Earth, many humans are already wearing costumes from children to adults. In an alley, a portal opens allowing Blitz, Stolas, and the others walking through the portal, wearing costumes.

Randall dressed like a pirate. Jeanie decides to have herself dressed as an angel. Even though it's ironic that she is one. Millie is dressed as a witch, and Moxxie is dressed as a black cat. Razor is dressed as a Race car driver. Berry is dressed as a pop idol. Drew's costume is that of a baseball player. Sarge is dressed as a knight. Loona is dressed like the Grim Reaper, and is holding a fake scythe in her hand. Mimmy and Octavia are both dressed so they'll be like bats. Velma is dressed as a dominatrix. Barbie has herself dressed as a zombie, and makes herself painted green and her clothes are torn to make it look more realistic. Blitz is dressed as a werewolf and Stolas is dressed as a half-skeleton being. He's also wearing gloves and leggings that make his arms and legs look like bones.

"Well, it's Halloween, and we're all ready to party," Randall happily says.

"I'm actually kind of excited. It's been a long time since I've been to a Halloween party," Jeanie says.

"Really Jeanie?" Barbie asks.

"Yes. I used to go to Halloween parties until I've gotten sick, and haven't been to once since I've passed away," Jeanie says.

"I see," Berry says.

"Do angels celebrate Halloween, or do they think it's too bad and all that?" Randall asks.

"They kind of do, but we mainly dress up and have get-togethers," Jeanie says.

"Do Angels come to Earth just like demons do?" Velma asks.

"Not that I know of," Jeanie says, "I know a company in Heaven that the Cherubs are assigned to go to earth and give humans blessings, but not sure if they explore the living world for some fun."

"That's true. I'm not even sure if they're able to keep their wings hidden," Drew says.

"Just goes to show that Heaven, Hell, and Earth live in their own separate worlds showing that there's plenty of similarities and differences," Sarge says.

"You got a point dad," Loona says.

"So where is this party supposed to be?" Razor asks.

Blitz checks on the invitation, "According to the invitation, the address of the party isn't far from here."

The group walk down the sidewalk and soon find the large house where Verosika's party is taking place. There are many different demons outside talking, chatting, and even playing some game, along with lights coming out from the windows. Of course, there's a lot more demons inside having a great time. There are some selling halloween merchandise, and some of them are actually making out together.

"Why do I have a feeling this is going to be one of those adult parties?" Octavia asks, feeling a bit disturbed.

"Sure looks like it," Loona says.

"I think you're right," Sarge says.

"Hmm..." Loona thinks and says, "Maybe Octavia and I can take Mimmy out trick or treating while you guys have fun at the party."

"Alright. Have fun girls," Sarge says.

"Be good for Via and Loona, Mimmy," Blitz says.

Mimmy nods, "Okay, daddy. See you later."

"Bye," Loona and Octavia reply.

The group go their separate ways. The girls walk down the sidewalk for some trick or treating while the rest of the adults walk to the house where the party is.

Inside, there are many different party decorations like pumpkins, cauldrons, bats, spiders, witches, and other halloween decorations. There are a couple of disco balls and the light changes colors.

"I have to admit, this party looks very lively," Sarge says.

"Well, it's one of the parties Verosika throws so a lot of demons will be itching to go and have fun, especially when we're able to go as ourselves here," Berry says.

"That's true," Drew says.

"Hmm, I've never known a lot of demons can come to Earth and none of us have noticed," Jeanie says, looking around.

"Yes Jeanie, it is the one day when spirits will rise amongst the living to celebrate among them without worries of themselves being in their original forms," Stolas says.

"Make sense. According to stories, Halloween it's the time of year when spirits are allowed to return to Earth. Others say it is when monsters and ghouls come to terrorize the people so the humans wear costumes to ward off evil," Jeanie says.

"Yeah. I remember learning about it as well. Of course, now Halloween is the time where people can celebrate their harvest, dressed in costumes to have parties, get treats, and do fun things," Blitz says.

"I like Stolas' statement to be honest. It seems like something out of a movie or a theater show," Sarge says.

"Thank you, Sarge," Stolas says.

As the group look around, Verosika is among the crowd happily dancing with some of the guests until she spots Stolas, Blitz, and the others.

"Hey, glad to see that the newly engaged couple could make it," Verosika says, "Congrats on your official engagement."

"Um thank you, Verosika," Blitz says.

"Well, glad you both along with your group could make it," Verosika says.

"Well, this certainly beats the last Earth party I attended on Hallows' Eve," Stolas says.

"Really? What happened?" Blitz asks.

"Well..." Stolas says.


A group of worshippers torturing a blindfolded man, knife held over his chest. Stolas is standing to the side, looking bored while holding a drink in his hand.

"All hail the demon prince, Stolas,' The worshiper says.

That's when Stolas asks, "I was told there would be cake?" and blood splatters onto him which freaks him out.

Flashback Ends...

"Yikes," Blitz responds, feeling uneasy.

Barbie feels a bit sick, "Ugh, that sounds really gross."

Everyone notices the traumatized expression on Stolas' face, and begins drinking the beverage.

"Talk about a very bad experience," Drew says.

"Oh my," Jeanie replies, shocked.

"Talk about a shitty way to go to a party," Randall says.

"And it has to be a cultist's sacrificial party," Berry adds, feeling a bit sick to her stomach.

"I have to agree," Stolas says, and shudders just remembering it.

"Oh let's forget about sacrifices and blood and stuff, this is a party," Verosika says, and drinks a beverage in her hand.

"I suppose you're right," Stolas says.

"Of course, I am," Verosika says with a big smile.

Verosika then notices Jeanie, "Hmm, you're new."

"Um yeah, this is Jeanie. She's new and we decided to let her come with us to the party," Berry says.

"Nice to meetcha, bitch," Verosika says.

Jeanie smiles and says, "Hello, it's nice to meet you."

"Well then, you all have a good time. I'll see you later." and walks away.

Then turns to Drew and says, "See you later, Andrew," and soon leaves the scene.

Drew sighs, "I really hope I don't have to deal with anything."

"What do you mean?" Jeanie asks, curiously.

"Long story short, Drew and Verosika used to date each other," Berry says.

"Really? You both dated each other?" Jeanie asks, a little surprised.

"Yeah. It's kind of a long time ago, and it's difficult to explain," Drew says.

"Hey, don't worry about her, Drew. We're at a party so let's go have some fun," Randall says.

Everyone agrees to have a good time at the party. They play a few games, dance on the dance floor, have food and drinks, and do other activities at the party.

While the adults are partying, Loona and Octavia take Mimmy Trick or Treating.

Loona knocks on the door, the door opens.

Mimmy presents her bag and calls out, "Trick or Treat!"

The owner of the house, a woman giggles and gives her a small bag of candy including a candy apple. She also gives Loona and Octavia some treats as well.

The girls take their leave and walk down the sidewalk.

Mimmy presents her bag, "Take a look at all the candy we got."

"I have to admit, we sure got a lot. Some of the humans even give us some candy. And the way we look, they probably think we're all sisters or something," Loona says.

"That's true," Octavia says with a smile.

Then looks down to Mimmy, "You sure look very happy."

"Uh huh," Mimmy happily says, "I can't wait to eat them."

"That's good, but remember, you can't eat all that candy in one night, and too much will give you cavities and a stomachache," Octavia says.

"Okay," Mimmy answers with a nod.

"I wonder how long the party is?" Octavia says.

"Well, knowing the adults the party will end late into the night or until the next day," Loona says.

"Well, it looks like we'll be out for a while," Octavia says.

"Oh don't worry," Loona says and brings out the Grimoire, "Remember, your dad gave me his book in case we want to head back home after a few hours."

"Oh right," Octavia says, "Well, once we finish we can check to see how they're doing and head on home. But you're welcome to stay at the party if you like. I can watch over Mimmy."

"As long as you're sure," Loona says.

Mimmy happily says, "Come on, let's do some more trick or treating."

"Okay, wait for us," Octavia says.

Loona giggles, "I remember being like that when I was a kid."

"Yeah, but it's nice to have a sibling," Octavia says.

The girls continue trick or treating and have a good time together as friends and in a way, sisters.

Sometime later...

At Verosika's party, everyone continues having fun, eating, drinking, playing games, and for some making out as couples and all that. Some of the I.M.P group are also enjoying the party as well. In one of the rooms, Blitz and Stolas are together. Blitz is sitting on Stolas' lap as they snuggle together.

Randall walks over, "See you two love birds are having a good time."

"We certainly are, Randall," Stolas says.

"Yeah. The party is actually great," Blitz says.

"Well, we might as well make this part of your engagement celebration," Randall says.

Soon, Berry walks over, "Hey guys."

"Hi Berry. How are you enjoying the party?" Blitz replies.

"I'm doing fine, but have you all seen Drew?" Berry says.

"No. I haven't seen him," Stolas answers.

"Me neither," Blitz says.

Velma walks over, "I think he went outside. He didn't seem too happy."

"I see," Berry replies and sighs, "I can see that him being here with Verosika is a bit of a problem."

"How come?" Velma asks.

"Well, Drew and Verosika used to date. In fact, we actually used to be friends when we were children. The two used to be closed and dated, but as Verosika start to become famous, it caused a strain in their relationship. And their relationship fell apart," Berry says.

"Oh," Velma replies, concerned.

She then says, "Maybe we should go check up on him, to see if he's okay."

"Maybe, but I do like to give Drew some space for a little while," Berry says.

"I hope Drew will feel better," Velma says.

Velma then turns to see Blitz and Stolas who are happy as they snuggle and cuddle with one another.

Velma smiles, "Those two must really love each other. Even though they live in two different worlds."

Then grows sadden, "Still, should I even go through with this. I mean, Blitz seems so nice. Why would my boss want me to spy on him and find his weaknesses?" Then sighs, "What am I going to do?"

Meanwhile, Drew is outside of the house while drinking your beverage. Soon, Verosika walks out with an alcohol bottle in her hand.

Seeing him, Verosika says in a mocking tone, "Hey Andrew..."

"What do you want, Verosika?" Drew questions, annoyed.

Verosika rolls her eyes, "I can see that you're still bitter towards me as usual."

"How can I not, especially the shit went down," Drew says.

"Oh, like you're one to talk," Verosika says, getting angry.

"What does that supposed to mean?" Drew questions, glaring at Verosika.

"You're the one who decided to break up with me!" Verosika says.

"You're the one who didn't want to be with me!" Drew angrily says.

"And you're the one who didn't want anything to do with me since you didn't believe in me," Verosika angrily says as she turns away with her arms crossed.

"That's a lie! I always believed in you!" Drew angrily says.

Verosika turns to Drew, and is looking shocked, "You... You did?"

"Yeah. Berry and I have always believed in your dream of being a singer. You've been wanting to be a singer since elementary school," Drew says.

"Actually, it's kindergarten,' Verosika clarifies.

"Yeah. You always dreamed of being a singer. You sing every day, and I did my best to support you. And when you start to get big, And well, uh,... And I was happy for you," Drew says, and drinks his beverage.

However, Verosika is saddened to notice tears begin streaming down his face. Once he finishes drinking, Drew sits down. Verosika sits down next to him, remaining silent.

Verosika then asks, "If... If you always believed in me, and were happy for me, then... why break up with me...?"

Drew sighs and explains, "I... I guess I felt that I'm unable to be a part of your life anymore."

"What?" Verosika asks, shocked.

"Time has gone by and you are starting to make a name for yourself, we weren't able to be together as much. And, I felt kind of left out. You've become more busy and I felt like I'm being left behind," Drew explains.

Verosika sighs, "Yeah. I remember. I've become more and more busy. I had to cancel our dates multiple times, I worry about being around you because the paparazzi were getting following me and such," and lowers her head, "I guess we just..."

"Drifted apart," Drew says.

Verosika nods, "Sounds about right."

"And we also got into that awful fight. Yelling, shouting, breaking stuff, and saying we never want to see each other again, and I ran out of your apartment, and haven't come out for weeks," Drew says.

"Yeah," Verosika says.

Drew wipes the tears, "The day that you left for your first Hell Tour, I... I felt really bad and wanted to apologize, but you were already gone. I didn't get to apologize, or even get a chance to say goodbye."

He then turns to Verosika, "I am so sorry for how I acted, and never told you how I really felt in a nice way."

"And I'm sorry for how I acted towards you. I was awful towards you and Berry," Verosika says.

"Yeah. I wasn't nice to you either," Drew says.

Drew looks up at the moon and stars, "Still, we just ended up taking different paths."

"Yeah," Veoriska says, and soon smiles, "Still, I'm... actually glad we have this talk."

Drew smiles, "Me too. And I know we may never go back to how things were, but... I hope that we can become friends again."

"I think I would like that," Verosika says with a smile.

The two soon look at the stars.

Verosika turns to Drew, "So Drew, that girl, Velma. What is she like?"

"Well, she's actually kind of sweet, but also strong and athletic." Drew says. Then blushes a bit, "And to be honest, she's actually kind of amazing."

Verosika chuckles with a smile, "Really? Do you like her?"

Drew becomes flustered, "Well uh, Velma is nice, resourceful, and is actually kind of pretty. I mean that uh, she's pretty great and all that."

Verosika chuckles with a grin, "I knew it. I can tell you like being around her from the party. You were practically talking, dancing, and having fun with her."

"Well, I guess I do, but..." Drew says and sighs, "After what happened with you, well. I don't know if I'm ready to date again."

"You never know. You might be able to work something out with her," Veorsika says.

"Maybe," Drew says, and chuckles, "Still, Velma is pretty cool. She managed to give a cannibal chef maniac a taste of her own medicine by shoving her into the oven. The place actually exploded soon after."

Verosika chuckles, "Wow. Talk about sweet ironic justice. There is a saying that karma's a bitch."

'Yeah. Velma even bit her," Drew says.

Verosika and Drew laugh at that detail.

Soon, Berry walks out of the house.

"Hey guys, glad to see you two are getting along again," Berry says.

"Yeah. Verosika and I talked, and well, we were able to become friends again," Drew says.

"Good to hear it," Berry says.

"Thanks," Verosika says.

Then Berry, "Hey Vee, I was curious about something."

"What's that?" Verosika asks, looking at Berry confused.

"It's about Blitz. I know it's not something for me to say, but I had this odd feeling you actually developed a small crush on him," Berry says with a smile.

Verosika blushes a bit, "Well uh, maybe a little..." and snickers with a grin, "But I mainly enjoy teasing him. I find his flusterness when I act lustfully towards him adorable."

Drew and Berry chuckle.

"That explains why you always like to mess with him," Drew says.

"Guilty as charged," Verosika says. Then sighs, "You know, glad to see Blitz is able to find Mr, Right. Didn't expect to be a Goetia Prince, of course."

"Yeah. It was a surprise for us as well, but the two really deserve each other," Berry says.

"I can tell," Verosika says, "Even here, they're acting all lovey dovey. It's so sweet, it's enough to give people cavities."

Drew and Berry laugh.

"That's mean, Vee," Berry says, still giggling.

"Sorry, but I have to admit, their relationship is actually quite cool. Despite all odds, they still want to be together," Verosika says.

She then stands up and says, "Well, I better get inside to see the other guests, and get to singing."

Then whispers to Drew, "And if you do plan to go out with your friend, Velma, hope you both are able to get along and get laid."

"Verosika," Drew cries out and gives her a playful punch on the elbow.

Verosika laughs, "I just had to."

Drew giggles, "Still thanks Vee."

Then the two perform a small fist bump, and Verosika walks inside.

Drew stands up, "So sis, how's the party going?"

"The party is great," Berry says.

"I'm glad to hear it," Drew says.

He then asks, "You all wanna head back inside."

"Sure," Berry says.

The two siblings then walk inside and join the party.

Inside the house...

Everyone inside is partying the night away with glee. Drew and Berry walk around and soon see Velma, talking to Jeanie, Randall, Sarge, and some other guests. Drew and Berry walk over to see them.

"Hey guys, how are you doing at the party?" Berry calls out.

"We're having a good time," Randall says.

"Yes. It's been a long time since I've had fun at a Halloween Party," Jeanie says.

Then whispers, "Of course, I was a bit uneasy because I worry about them knowing that I was a, you know..."

"Gotcha," Berry whispers back to Jeanie.

Drew then turns to Velma, "So um, Velma, do you wanna dance?"

"Sure," Velma answers.

Drew then takes Velma's hands and the two soon begin dancing together. Barbie and the others soon join in to see Drew and Velma dancing together.

"Well, it looks like those two are starting to hit things off," Randall says.

"Appears so," Jeanie says.

Everyone looks as they continue seeing Drew and Velma dancing together and look at each other with a special spark in their eyes. The two demons place their forehead against one another as they dance together and hug each other. Despite the hitches, the Halloween Party ends up turning out to be an exciting party, especially for Drew, for being able to clear the tension between him and Verosika, and might be thinking of starting anew with Velma. Well, they'll have to see what life will lead them.

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