Chapter 107: Romance on the Cruise
One day at the IMP Office, Randall is giving Jeanie the tour of the IMP Headquarters. It's not long since Jeanie starts living with Randall and Razor at their place, they decide to show her around.
Randall opens the door to the office, "Okay Jeanie, welcome to the IMP Headquarters."
Jeanie walks inside to see the lounge, "Huh, the place actually looks kind of nice."
"Thanks. We have the couch over there," Randall says and points to the couch, "Then turns to the receptionist desk where Loona is reading her magazine, "Here is the receptionist desk. Loona is our receptionist as well as Sarge's daughter, and she answers the phone to the clients."
Then points to the other area, "We have the fax machine, printer, and we sometimes use the wall to help with our target practice."
"Isn't it kind of dangerous to use an office for a shooting gallery?" Jeanie asks.
"Don't worry, we also do our target practice and training at an empty as well, and do some at the empty parking lot," Randall says..
"I see," Jeanie says.
Then opens the door to the other room, "And here, we have our meeting room. We use it to discuss some of our missions and assignments on how to kill our targets, especially some of the more dangerous assignments. It also counts as a break room when we have lunch and such."
"The only other room is Sarge's office, but he's in a meeting with our client right now," Randall says.
"Well, I have to admit, you all have quite an interesting business, but isn't it dangerous for you to simply kill every person in sight?" Jeanie asks.
"Well yeah. We mainly kill what the client wants, but we've also been doing research on our targets to see if they end up worth our time and money, and a good reason for death. And most of them are pretty much very evil and insane," Randall says.
"I see," Jeanie says, a bit uneasy, "I used to be human myself, but I never expected us humans to be so dangerous these days."
"Yeah. and I thought demons are considered dangerous, but in this modern world, they say that man is the most dangerous being," Randall says.
"I suppose, though I'm not sure if I want to do any more killing after my days as an Exterminator," Jeanie says.
"Don't worry about that life anymore. You're with us now," Randall says.
"Thanks," Jeanie says.
Soon, the door to Sarge's room opens, revealing a man who looks like a dark brown fish with fins for hair, a large fin on his back, and webbed hands and feet. He also has yellow scleras and black eyes.
"Thank you for your business," Sarge says.
"No problem, and thanks for taking on my case. However, I advise you to be careful. I have a feeling there's more to my death than a simple poisoning," The client says.
"Of course. We'll be sure to investigate this," Sarge says.
The client nods and takes his leave.
"How was the client, dad?" Loona asks
"It went okay," Sarge says.
"So what's our assignment today?" Randall asks.
"Well, we were hired to kill the captain of a ship for poisoning him. According to him, he used to be the ship's first mate until our client's death," Sarge says.
"Oh dear," Jeanie says, feeling sorry for what happened.
"Yes. However, has this feeling that there's more to his death than meets the eye. For example, the current captain must have a motive for his death," Sarge says.
"Well then, it looks like we're going to make sure the captain goes down with the ship," Randall says.
The others giggles with smiles on their faces. Even Jeanie begins giggling as she places her hand over her mouth.
"That was kind of funny," Jeanie says.
Randall blushes a bit with a soft smile, "Um thanks, Jeanie."
Jeanie giggles and smiles towards Randall.
Seeing this, Millie, Berry, and Barbie giggle as they cover their mouths with smiles on their faces.
"So Sarge, where are we going for this assignment today?" Razor asks.
Sarge looks at the file, "Well, according to the file, The target is named Thomas Indigo and currently, he is going to be working at the Cruise like that is heading to Alaska for two weeks. He's been on a luxury line called, 'Winter Snowdrop,'"
Hearing the name of the ship catches Blitz's attention, "Winter Snowdrop, I remember that name."
"You do?" Moxxie asks.
"Well, kind of. I heard that the Winter Snowdrop is this new luxury liner, and its grand opening will be happening tomorrow so there will be a lot of different celebrities, fancy, and rich people along with a lot of other people," Blitz explains.
"Sounds like a very fancy ship," Millie says.
"And it won't be easy to get the captain alone, especially since the client believes that there's more to his death than he believes," Sarge says, closing the file, "So we will need to go over the ship and employees, and maybe even the owners of the ship and passengers."
"Sounds like we're in for an interesting assignment on a cruise ship," Moxxie says.
"That's right. Moxxie, Millie, Randall, and Razor, you all will be in charge of this assignment. Blitz and I have some paperwork to finish. Drew, Berry, you both have another assignment at a NightClub in the living world," Sarge says.
"Um, do you think I can come?" Jeanie asks.
The group turns to see Jeanie looking a bit shy.
"You wanna come with us?" Moxxie asks.
Jeanie nods, "Yes. If that's okay. I mean, is that, I don't know if I have any access to Earth, but I do like to see how much it changed since I've lived there, and the only other time I've been to Earth was the incident."
"Hmm, I don't see why not, but you will need to have a human form in order to walk around without anyone noticing," Sarge says.
Then turns to Randall, Razor, Moxxie, and Millie, "And you all need to keep an eye on her."
"Don't worry, Boss. We'll take good care of Jeanie. I'm sure she'll be amazed to see how Earth changed over the years," Randall says.
Jeanie nods, "Groovy."
Sometime Later...
In the living world, there is a large cruise ship out at sea. The ship is white, blue, and gold color, and it's a large ship that has a pool around the deck. There is also large steam coming from the steam blowers. On the deck there is a pool where people are swimming, along with tables and chairs, and lounge chairs where people are sitting, relaxing, and having snacks and drinks, and having other kinds of fun.
In their human forms, Randall, Razor, Moxxie, and Millie walk out and are dressed like they're employees of the cruise ship, white button up shirt, dark blue pants with gold linings, and other essentials for employees of a cruise to wear.
"Hmm, I actually like this outfit," Moxxie says, fixing up his black bow tie.
"I think we all look mighty fine," Millie says.
Razor gently pulls the collar of his shirt, "I'm not sure. Thuis collar is kind of tight."
"I know what you mean, I look like a butler or something," Randall says.
"Well, we just need to find the captain of the ship and finish this job," Razor says.
Moxxie looks around, "Well, the captain could be at his cabin, the deck where the steering wheel is, and other places on the ship."
"By the way, where is Jeanie?" Millie asks.
Suddenly, Jeanie's voice calls out, "I'm here."
The group turns to see Jeanie walking over wearing the same uniform. Randall is shocked to see Jeanie in her human form. Jeanie's white hair remains the same, but it's tied in a bun. Her eyes remain the same, but her skin color makes a fair skin color. Even though she already looks like a human, her appearance changes to be more fitting of a human's appearance.
Blushing a bit, Jeanie asks, "So um, how do I look?"
"Uh... um... well uh..." Randall responds, blushing and can't seem to find the words.
"You look great, Jeanie," Millie says.
"You look very professional in the uniform," Moxxie says.
"Thank you," Jeanie says.
She then walks to Randall, "So what do you think, Randall?"
Randall quickly says, "You look really amazing!" and blushed to realize his mistake."
He then calmly says, "You look really nice and professional in the clothes."
"Thank you," Jeanie says with a smile.
The rest snicker and try their best not to giggle.
Shortly after, the group splits up in order to find the target. Moxxie walks around the inside of the shop and down the hall to see the guests walking towards a theater.
"Hmm..." Moxxie responds.
He walks down the halls and soon finds a restaurant where the humans are having food and chatting with one another. Millie is searching around the deck of the ship and looks around to find the captain. Razor is also somewhere inside the ship and is looking at some of the rooms which are play areas for children. Moxxie, Millie, and Razor are still searching around to find any more information about the captain and to kill their target.
Soon, Razor and Moxxie take their investigation as they find a computer and do research and search the file cabinet.
"Do you think you can find any information?" Moxxie asks.
"I can try," Razor says and types on the computer, "It's password protected, but I think I can crack it."
"Well, I hope we can find something about the captain and whatever activities he's been doing," Moxxie says.
Razor says, "I'm in..." and continues typing, "Now, to see what he had..."
Moxie watches and guards the door as Razor continues typing on the computer.
Seeing the information he has, Razor says, "Well, looks like the captain has quite a few skeletons in his closet. And it appears he wasn't involved," He continues on to continue the research.
At another part of the ship, Millie soon reaches what seems like the control area, and soon sees a man dressed in a white outfit with some pins and badges, and wears a captain's hat.
Millie smirks, "Gotcha," and brings out her knife.
While the investigation is going on, Randall and Jeanie are walking around the ship. Jeanie is amazed to see it.
"This ship is amazing. I've never been on one before," Jeanie says.
"Really?" Randall asks.
"Yes. I've never thought I would be able to come back to Earth after so long, not since the strange incident over 3 decades ago," Jeanie says.
"Well, you don't need to worry about it anymore. Now that you're with us, and we get to have a little fun while we're here," Randall says.
Jeanie giggles and says, "You're a bit weird, but you seem like a nice guy."
Randall blushes and says, "Thanks. You're very nice too."
He then asks, "Still, despite you killing demons as an Exorcist, what was your life like in Heaven and when you were alive on Earth?"
"Well, we can start from the beginning when I'm on Earth. To be honest, I actually lived my life as a normal girl. I had good friends, but sadly, my mother died when I was a child, so I lived with my father," Jeanie says.
"What was he like?" Randall asks.
Jeanie smiles, "He was a very nice man, he runs a diner and he really likes the 50s look, and also the 70s. I helped my dad run the cafe. That is, until I've gotten sick and passed away."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Randall says.
"It's okay. Of course, these things happen. Even with how much medicine and medical practice, we must face death someday. However, you can imagine how shocked I was when I was on my deathbed one minute and ended up waking in front of Heaven's gates the next," Jeanie says.
Randall chuckles, "I can imagine."
"Yes. When I found myself in Heaven, I was very surprised. However, I've met some nice angels, both born and those who were humans like me. I've also met a nice Seraphim named Emily. She's very sweet and kind," Jeanie says.
"Hey, Blitz told us he met an angel by that name and is a Seraphim. You must have met the same angel," Randall says.
"Groovy," Jeanie says.
Randall giggles, "Funny to hear you say, groovy."
"True, but I got it from my dad," Jeanie says.
"How did you become part of the Angel Army, and an Exorcist for that matter?" Randall asks.
"Well after discussing, they learned about me being an athlete in gymnastics and was able to do some combat. I've met Sera, who is the High Head Seraphim and head of Heaven's council. I've also met Adam and his lieutenant, Lute. They saw my potential and made me part of the angel army. Of course, it's shocking to learn that Angel Exorcists have to be sent down every year to kill demons, mainly sinners because they've had a large over population," Jeanie explains.
She then sighs, "Still, even though I've been killing demons for as long as I have, I've never enjoyed it. It's like you're killing people as well. Not just sinners, but Hellborns as well. We have to attack any demon in sight no matter what. Of course, I couldn't go against it at the time."
"But you ended letting Blitz live when his adopted mother found him as a baby and took him in at her son. Then the rest of her family accept and raise him as part of the family," Randall says.
"That's correct," Jeanie says, "Ever since, I've secretly watched over Blitz from time to time, and I can see how happy he was. And word of him, a demon being raised by humans began to circle around Heaven, even though many believed that he had an odd formation. I've even heard that Blitz's story has reached Hell. Any human who ascended to Heaven or fell into Hell, the humans who have seen Blitz tell to others. And soon, it has reached the higher ups of Heaven and Hell. I suspect that over time, Adam and Lute realized Blitz's real identity and how I was part of the reason he was living with human beings on Earth all these years.."
Randall says, "I think I understand. You were punished because not only you disobeyed an order to kill a demon, but also allowed him to be raised on Earth by humans. An incident that was never supposed to happen, did out of mercy."
"Yes," Jeanie nods, "And even now, I don't regret letting Blitzo live. Despite everything, Blitz's heart is pure."
"Yeah. Blitz is a good person," Randall says and smiles, "And he really helped us in a lot of ways."
"Still, despite what happened, you were luckier than me," Randall says.
Confused, Jeanie asks, "How so?"
"Well, my mother died when I was still a baby and my dad was a shithead. I ran away when I was ten and lived in the circus for a long time. Then the fire occurred. Even though I've saved him, I was destroyed that day, and ended up losing my first love," Randall says, sadly.
"I'm... I'm sorry to hear it," Jeanie says, sadly.
"It's okay. I'm glad that he's still alive, but he was badly hurt and had to have his limbs cybernetic. And years later, he worked for Mammon as his main brand figure, also business partners with Asmodeus," Randall says.
"Really? That's surprising," Jeanie says.
"Yeah. However, Despite Asmodeus being the Sin of Lust, he and Fizz actually like each other and are in a relationship. And Mammon is an asswhole. Serious, he is. He fuckin sucks," Randall says.
"Sounds like Mammon really lives up to his Sin. They don't call him the King of Greed for nothing." Jeanie says, sweat drops.
"No kidding. I'm just glad that Fizz finally quit working for him and takes his relationship with Ozzie up a notch. Of course, their relationship got revealed in the process," Randall says.
"Is Fizzarolli the one you liked?" Jeanie asks.
"That's right, but I'm just glad he has Asmodeus. He's a really cool guy, and a lot of people like him. Besides being Hell's biggest sugar daddy," Randall says.
Jeanie giggles, "He sure sounds interesting."
"You ain't seen nothing. The gang and I will be happy to show you the Lust Ring, and even Gluttony. Queen Bee throws the best parties and serves great food," Randall says.
"Really?" Jeanie asks.
"Yeah. During one of her parties I ended up beating her in a drinking competition, but ended up being a mess, "Randall says, and sheepishly says, "And was very depressed at the time."
"I'm sorry to hear it," Jeanie says.
"It's okay. Things got complicated and crazy, but Fizz and I decided to be friends again, and I finally decided to move on from my romantic life," Randall says.
"I see. I didn't realize life was hard for you, and other demons, especially to hellborns," Jeanie says, sadly.
"It's alright. It happened a long time ago, and I was able to get over some of the scars of the past," Randall says. He then smiles, "And I've got good friends and well, I'm also happy to be able to meet you as well."
Jeanie smiles and says, "I'm very glad to hear you were able to get through it. I can imagine being born and raised in Hell was hard for you and the others."
"Yeah, but we've managed to deal with it. Despite the place being involved with crime, drugs, lust, and all that stuff, some of us do have morals," Randall says.
"At least I won't have trouble with all demons in Hell," Jeanie says.
Randall and Jeanie giggle and laugh with smiles on their faces.
Suddenly, they begin to hear music and look to find a large ballroom where people are dancing together in pairs. Look like romantic partners from the looks of it.
"Wow. It's a ballroom," Jeanie says, amazed.
"And from the looks of it, there appears to be a ball tonight," Randall says.
Jeanie looks in amazement to see couples dancing together and with love in their eyes. Some end up kissing each other and even have strong love for each other.
Randall turns to Jeanie, "Hey Jeanie, wanna dance?"
"Really? Are you sure?" Jeanie asks.
"I'm certain," Randall says.
He reaches his hand out and says, "May I have this dance?"
Jeanie smiles and takes Randall's hand.
Then the two walk to the ballroom and begin to dance to the music. Randall and Jeanie begin to dance the waltz together as the melody is playing. As the two dance, they both look at each other with smiles and something sparks between them.
Meanwhile, Millie walks over, and her clothes have been covered by a little blood.
She rubs her forehead, "Phew. Well, that was a bit tense. Then again, I didn't expect the captain to fight back. Well, work is work. I better go find Moxxie and the others."
Millie takes her leave and searches around for Moxxie and the others.
At the other part of the ship, Razor and Moxxie leave the computer room with some paper and other data saved.
"Talk about a can of worms they have," Razor says.
"Yes," Moxxie says, "Let's go see if we can find Millie and the others."
The two take their leave and walk along the halls of the ship. Soon, they meet up with Millie.
"Hi guys, how did things go?" Millie asks.
"Went good. We found information on our target and it turns out, there's more to the client's death," Moxxie says.
"That's good, but have you seen Razor and Jeanie?" Millie asks.
"Where can that be? Randall usually doesn't pass up his work," Razor says.
"Well, with Jeanie with him, he probably wants to stick around to her out," Moxxie says.
The three continue walking along the halls and soon reach to where the ballroom is.
Millie turns her head and is surprised to see what she's seeing.
Millie smiles, "Well, it looks like we won't have a hard time looking for them," and points to the room.
The others look to see Randall and Jeanie dancing together with smiles on their faces.
"Aww, they both look so cute together," Millie says.
"Huh. This is very unexpected. A Hellborn chameleon and a Fallen Exorcist Angel. I honestly didn't expect this," Moxxie says.
Razor smiles and says, "Well, it's Hell so a lot can be possible. A Sin having a relationship with an Imp, and one with a Hellhound. An Ars Goetia with an Imp. And now a Hellborn and an Angel. Yep. Anything is possible."
The group watches as Jeanie leans to Randall, and vice versa. The two dance slowly and the two look very happy.
After the assignment is completed, the client has been informed of what happened at the I.M.P HQ
"Insurance Fraud?" The client questions in shock.
Moxxie nods, "Correct. It appears the captain, who was your first mate, was cooperating with the original owners of the ship and the designers in an insurance fraud. They planned it so that it would sink into the ocean right on cue. They plan to collect the insurance money from the ship sinking."
"So then, why did they want to get rid of me?" The client asks.
"It's possible that they've seen you as an obstacle, or to score more sympathy for your death. Or even used as a scapegoat to make it look like you're responsible for the ship crashing, but knew that they can't risk exposing their plan," Sarge says.
"Well, I have to admit. I've never thought my first mate will take part in a fraud," The client says.
"With how much money the owner will get for the insurance, your former first mate was probably promised a cut and made captain of the newly developed ship," Razor says.
"I see. Anyway, thank you for taking my case, but it feels as though you have more targets to kill," The client says.
"That won't be necessary," Moxxie says.
"What do you mean?" The client asks.
"We may have leaked all of this to the press and onto the internet," Millie says.
Blitz looks at his phone, "Must have been quite the commotion you caused because the media and internet are going nuts over it."
Blitz shows his phone to see posts and news about a family that has committed insurance fraud and killed the previous captain.
"Yikes. From the looks of it. Those who committed the fraud will be in ruins by the time it happens," The client says.
"No kidding," Berry says.
Blitz looks at the details and says, "I think you're right. It appears they're going to be arrested."
"Works for me," The client says, shrugging his shoulders, "With how things are going, they probably wished they'd go down with the ship."
Everyone begins giggling at the comment. It just goes to show that karma can be quite the bitch.
Berry soon notices, "Hey where are Randall and Jeanie?"
"Oh they're still back on the ship, having some alone time," Millie answers.
Back on the cruise ship, Randall and Jeanie are sitting on the chairs as they romantically look at the starry night sky and the moon that is no longer full. The two lean together and it certainly shows that love begins to bloom for them.
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